#NAME:English (UK) [common] E6B5A6A65044C93D=Reset colour 941DEA15C4817EEC=Set colour... 8C66AD45F2B879B1=Quantise to: AF427D96E302B145=Customised menu: 821B3CD32107333D=Track colour 3BEB0AE437FA2F12=centre 0ED5B16414C9FBEC=Item and take colours AF8FB722E2FC29EA=Normalise items B622D171EE197539=Normalise items (common gain) 1AAC225BC2D18F76=Quantise item positions to grid... 20EE79BDD1264889=Reset selected points to zero/centre 807AD2DC48AC8DC8=Set active takes to custom colour... 0704D964EA4B33E0=Set active takes to default colour EB6A3F98C6F7C92A=Set active takes to one random colour 628E594012CC7C5B=Set all takes of selected items to default colour 020D3467C33B79B0=Set items to custom colour... 31DD29D6185E7EC8=Set items to default colour 6C8CB6E8F2159B02=Set items to one random colour A68ABA1C0EA6CE27=Set items to random colours 2A155A1A970AC2FE=Set tracks to custom colour... 639DD13915D0BDD2=Set tracks to default colour 27450F3A019ACFE8=Set tracks to one random colour AB902561E815401D=Set tracks to random colours C4930ADECE6F49DA=Use tonal optimised mode 2504EFBB70A00BF0=Reset points to zero/centre A752FB9BC4EC6C8C=Initialising... D6FAC22FB212CB64=Clear colour map (use default) 4EE4CA7435A0D22D=Colour note heads AAD780F2936DFA0C=Colour notes by 91E3DBF71C5D78E4=Customise menus/toolbar... 97A35548BE7EAAB4=Humanise... DFBC279E68B89582=Load colour map from file... 2DF49C37B8D4B099=Minimise ties for all notes by default FBF491E7479B4779=Note colours 094D37BBB2035D08=Quantise 809D9AA3B4306FA0=Quantise position to grid 3410CCD7F87501B1=Quantise using last settings 596C077CE46E04EE=Quantise... 1A360D9AC072403B=Source, using colour map 5F02ABE17A3B29CB=Unquantise 0E44CD2EEA4BA863=Humanise notes... 8BEB3C381FB2F1CE=Colour [DLG_102] ; IDD_MAIN 246546A2AD3EB0B4=REAPER (initialising) [DLG_103] ; IDD_CFG_WAVEOUT [DLG_104] ; IDD_CFG_ASIO [DLG_114] ; IDD_REASCRIPT_EDITOR [DLG_118] ; IDD_PREFS_AUDIOCONFIG [DLG_120] ; IDD_MISCSRCINFO [DLG_121] ; IDD_ABOUT [DLG_122] ; IDD_CLICKITEMINFO [DLG_124] ; IDD_RENDERPROCDLG [DLG_125] ; IDD_SECTIONITEMINFO [DLG_126] ; IDD_PROJECTSETTINGS_SETTINGS [DLG_127] ; IDD_PROJECTSETTINGS [DLG_128] ; IDD_PREFERENCES [DLG_129] ; IDD_PROJECTSETTINGS_RECORDING [DLG_130] ; IDD_KEEPDELFILES [DLG_131] ; IDD_FX [DLG_132] ; IDD_FXADD [DLG_133] ; IDD_FXSCAN [DLG_134] ; IDD_PEAKSBUILD [DLG_135] ; IDD_UNKNOWNITEMINFO [DLG_136] ; IDD_PREFS_PLAY [DLG_137] ; IDD_PREFS_REC [DLG_138] ; IDD_PREFS_MEDIA [DLG_139] ; IDD_PREFS_GEN [DLG_140] ; IDD_ALIASLIST [DLG_141] ; IDD_ALIASITEM [DLG_142] ; IDD_MISSINGFILEPROMPT [DLG_143] ; IDD_JUMPTOTIME [DLG_145] ; IDD_COLORTHEMEDEV 76CA49A564380AB8=Theme colour/font settings: [DLG_146] ; IDD_FX_UNKN [DLG_147] ; IDD_FXTAB [DLG_148] ; IDD_KBHELP [DLG_151] ; IDD_MIXER [DLG_152] ; IDD_VSTHOST [DLG_153] ; IDD_PREFS_MIDI [DLG_154] ; IDD_PREFS_PLUGINS [DLG_155] ; IDD_WAVESINK_CFG [DLG_156] ; IDD_PREFS_AUDIO [DLG_157] ; IDD_PREFS_CSURF [DLG_158] ; IDD_SURFACEEDIT [DLG_159] ; IDD_DIRCLEANUP [DLG_160] ; IDD_PREFS_EDITORS [DLG_161] ; IDD_EDITORITEM [DLG_163] ; IDD_AUXSENDVIEW [DLG_164] ; IDD_FILECOPY [DLG_165] ; IDD_SETENVPTVAL [DLG_168] ; IDD_PROJECTSETTINGS_NOTES [DLG_169] ; IDD_MARKEREDIT [DLG_170] ; IDD_UNDOHIST [DLG_171] ; IDD_CONSOLDLG [DLG_172] ; IDD_PREFS_EDITCFG 347BEF6E7C817645=Vertical zoom centre: 584AC3CE0E6BC82B=Horizontal zoom centre: [DLG_173] ; IDD_LTCITEMINFO [DLG_174] ; IDD_DOCK [DLG_175] ; IDD_FXSAVE [DLG_176] ; IDD_REGIONEDIT [DLG_178] ; IDD_PREFS_DEFS_TRACK [DLG_179] ; IDD_FXRENAME 117649134D9E71CF=Categorise as Instrument [DLG_180] ; IDD_CPUMETER [DLG_181] ; IDD_NEWVER [DLG_182] ; IDD_ROUTING [DLG_183] ; IDD_FXCOMMENT [DLG_184] ; IDD_TSMARKEREDIT [DLG_185] ; IDD_SAVEOPTIONS [DLG_186] ; IDD_BROWSEMKDIR [DLG_187] ; IDD_MKDIR [DLG_188] ; IDD_TRANSPORT [DLG_189] ; IDD_FXFLOAT [DLG_190] ; IDD_FX_FLOAT [DLG_192] ; IDD_NEWJS [DLG_193] ; IDD_TRACKENVCTL [DLG_194] ; IDD_TRACKSENDCTL [DLG_196] ; IDD_TRACKVOLPANIOCHILD [DLG_197] ; IDD_NAVIGATOR [DLG_199] ; IDD_SNAPSETTINGS [DLG_200] ; IDD_PANLAWCTL [DLG_201] ; IDD_PANLAWCTL2 [DLG_202] ; IDD_MASTERVUSETTINGS [DLG_203] ; IDD_PREFS_AUDIOBUF 2F2715B3B43668D6=Use native events for synchronising (recommended) [DLG_204] ; IDD_ABOUT_LICENSE [DLG_206] ; IDD_AUXSENDCTL_CHILD3 [DLG_209] ; IDD_PREFS_PLUGINS_DX [DLG_210] ; IDD_PREFS_PLUGINS_VST [DLG_212] ; IDD_PREFS_PROJECT [DLG_213] ; IDD_PREFS_APPEAR [DLG_214] ; IDD_PREFS_AUDIOCONFIG2 [DLG_215] ; IDD_PREFS_EDIT_MOUSE [DLG_218] ; IDD_LOCKSETTINGS [DLG_219] ; IDD_PREFS_KBD [DLG_221] ; IDD_PREFS_KBDFIND [DLG_222] ; IDD_DOCKER [DLG_223] ; IDD_REMOVE_SILENCE [DLG_224] ; IDD_QUANTIZE_ITEMS E51495C599FCAA9B=Quantise Item Positions 447B4AAD0BD404E2=Shorten earlier items if quantised items overlap by more than 6F72BABC300F7828=Quantise item ends and stretch item to fit [DLG_226] ; IDD_SETSRCOPTS [DLG_227] ; IDD_PREFS_REAMOTE [DLG_228] ; IDD_REAMOTESEARCH [DLG_229] ; IDD_REWIREHOST [DLG_230] ; IDD_REWIRE_MIDI_INPUTS [DLG_233] ; IDD_PREFS_REWIREDISABLEDCONFIG [DLG_234] ; IDD_PREFS_AUDIODISK [DLG_235] ; IDD_PREFS_REAMOTENEW [DLG_236] ; IDD_PREFS_MEDIAVU [DLG_237] ; IDD_REAMOTE_PLUGINLIST [DLG_238] ; IDD_METRONOMECFG [DLG_239] ; IDD_VKEY C66260A5E9840B6E=Centre note (right click a key to set): [DLG_240] ; IDD_BIGCLOCK [DLG_241] ; IDD_MIDILEARN [DLG_242] ; IDD_BOUNCEDLG [DLG_243] ; IDD_SCREENSETS [DLG_247] ; IDD_SCREENSETS_SAVE [DLG_250] ; IDD_SCREENSETS_SAVE_VIEW [DLG_252] ; IDD_PREFS_GENADV [DLG_253] ; IDD_MIXER_MASTER [DLG_255] ; IDD_SCREENSETS_AUTOSAVE [DLG_256] ; IDD_MIDIMPORT [DLG_257] ; IDD_PREFS_MEDIA_MIDI [DLG_258] ; IDD_MIDIINQUANT 7EF01C0F00285F1F=Quantise track MIDI recording 55394499F9E9C331=Quantise note-offs 798585D3B4E00D0F=Quantise within: [DLG_259] ; IDD_SINKCONFIG [DLG_261] ; IDD_CFG_DUMMY [DLG_262] ; IDD_TCCONFIG 43091CDD5367E425=Synchronise by seeking ahead: 4702C127062CF8F4=Re-synchronise if drift exceeds: [DLG_263] ; IDD_MIDIOUT_CONFIG [DLG_264] ; IDD_PLUGIN_PIN [DLG_265] ; IDD_AUHOST [DLG_268] ; IDD_PROGRAMENV [DLG_269] ; IDD_BUTTONFINDER 6ABB4CD6D4ADA635=Highlight selected colours/images: DBC27AD0934AAF0B=Find colour: F39EB4BC3304012B=Note: Not all colours and images are visible at all times! [DLG_270] ; IDD_GLUEDLG [DLG_273] ; IDD_OPENPROJECT [DLG_274] ; IDD_ACTIONS [DLG_275] ; IDD_ACTION_USERACCEL [DLG_276] ; IDD_ACTIONS_CUSTOM [DLG_277] ; IDD_RENAME [DLG_280] ; IDD_DYNAMIC_SPLIT [DLG_281] ; IDD_TRACKGROUP [DLG_282] ; IDD_TIMESIG [DLG_283] ; IDD_ROUTING_HDR [DLG_284] ; IDD_SAVEOPTIONS_TEMPLATE [DLG_285] ; IDD_MIDICONSOL [DLG_286] ; IDD_ITEMNOTES [DLG_288] ; IDD_THEMEBLENDMODE [DLG_291] ; IDD_ENV_PRUNE [DLG_292] ; IDD_JOYSTICKDEF [DLG_376] ; IDD_PROJECTSETTINGS_VIDEO [DLG_421] ; IDD_FXPARMRENAME [DLG_422] ; IDD_CFG_WASAPI [DLG_423] ; IDD_UNKNOWN_PROJITEMS [DLG_424] ; IDD_MIDILEARN_DEFSELMODE [DLG_425] ; IDD_MIDIIN_CONFIG [DLG_426] ; IDD_WAITFORDEVICE [DLG_427] ; IDD_RENDERQ [DLG_428] ; IDD_RPPDROPDLG [DLG_435] ; IDD_VSTBRIDGECHILD [DLG_436] ; IDD_APIINPUT [DLG_437] ; IDD_APICONSOLE [DLG_438] ; IDD_CUSTOMIZE_MENU 222DCE917817ADCF=Customise menus/toolbars [DLG_440] ; IDD_INSERT_MULTIPLE_TRACKS [DLG_441] ; IDD_CUSTOMMENURENAME [DLG_443] ; IDD_CONSOLE [DLG_444] ; IDD_CONVERTER [DLG_446] ; IDD_ICONPICKER [DLG_447] ; IDD_PREFS_ENVELOPES [DLG_448] ; IDD_TOOLBAR_FLOATING [DLG_449] ; IDD_PREFS_MEDIA_VIDEO [DLG_452] ; IDD_EMPTYITEMINFO [DLG_455] ; IDD_PROMPTFORPREF [DLG_456] ; IDD_PROJBAY [DLG_457] ; IDD_PROJBAY_VIEW [DLG_458] ; IDD_PREFS_APPEAR_TCP 4DCB5D3E3620F765=Set track label background to custom track colours [DLG_459] ; IDD_PREFS_APPEAR_PEAKS 3DFD497C7C3587C8=Custom colours 58DD9C13D7CF119F=Item colour 0463F1E16451698B=Take colour E4DC0CDFF2939210=Automatically colour any recording pass that adds new takes to existing media items 10EEA01CE7AD98F1=Set custom track colours from the Track menu, custom item and take colours from the Item menu. 7467DBA1281E1C66=Automatically colour any media items that share pooled MIDI events [DLG_464] ; IDD_REWIRESLAVE [DLG_465] ; IDD_TABTOTRANS [DLG_466] ; IDD_PREFS_EDIT_MOUSEMAP [DLG_467] ; IDD_NUDGE [DLG_469] ; IDD_TRACKMGR [DLG_470] ; IDD_MAC_OKCANCEL [DLG_471] ; IDD_GET_LICECAP [DLG_472] ; IDD_WAITINGFORSYNC [DLG_473] ; IDD_PREFS_AUDIOCONFIG_MAC [DLG_474] ; IDD_PREFS_PATH [DLG_475] ; IDD_MEDIAITEMPROPS 4213D3F219BE80B6=&Normalise FB078B9E3E516C36=Optimise for tonal content [DLG_476] ; IDD_XFADE_ADJ [DLG_477] ; IDD_PREFS_DEFS_ITEM [DLG_478] ; IDD_PREFS_RENDER [DLG_486] ; IDD_CONFIG_EXPORT [DLG_487] ; IDD_CONFIG_IMPORT [DLG_488] ; IDD_SCREENSETS_CHILD [DLG_490] ; IDD_PREFS_MIDIEDITOR 35889979F7713B9D=Default note colour map: [DLG_504] ; IDD_SCALEFINDER [DLG_505] ; IDD_PREFS_PLUGINS_COMPAT [DLG_506] ; IDD_RENDERDLG1 [DLG_507] ; IDD_AUTOMUTE [DLG_508] ; IDD_REGIONMGR [DLG_509] ; IDD_RENDERWARN [DLG_510] ; IDD_PITCHENVCFG [DLG_511] ; IDD_GENERIC_HELP [DLG_512] ; IDD_PROJECTSETTINGS_ADV [DLG_513] ; IDD_FREEZE [DLG_515] ; IDD_PREFS_PLUGINS_REASCRIPT [DLG_516] ; IDD_LANG [DLG_517] ; IDD_PREFS_SEEK [DLG_518] ; IDD_PREFS_REC_LOOP [DLG_519] ; IDD_PREFS_AUTOMATION [DLG_520] ; IDD_TEMPOADJ [DLG_521] ; IDD_TIMEBASE_HELP [DLG_522] ; IDD_FADE_EDITOR EA553C7A8C603498=Centre: [DLG_523] ; IDD_GENERIC_MODALWAIT [DLG_524] ; IDD_PREFS_APPEAR_FADES 63EEAA4ED16C1D0B=When editing crossfades with the mouse, use crossfade editor theme colours [DLG_525] ; IDD_CHOOSEPROJVER [DLG_526] ; IDD_FADE_SAVE [DLG_536] ; IDD_INSERT_MULTI [DLG_552] ; IDD_REPLACE_ITEM [DLG_553] ; IDD_WARN_CONFIRM [DLG_554] ; IDD_MIDICONSOL_OK [DLG_555] ; IDD_REASCRIPT_OUTPUT [DLG_565] ; IDD_RENDER_QDELAY_SET [DLG_566] ; IDD_RENDER_QDELAY [DLG_567] ; IDD_SAVEALLPROJECTS [DLG_568] ; IDD_CHOOSE_PROJECT [DLG_569] ; IDD_DEFERRED_SCRIPT_PROMPT [DLG_570] ; IDD_SAVEOPTIONS_API_HEADER [DLG_571] ; IDD_FX_FOLDER_RENAME [DLG_575] ; IDD_WARPMARKER_EDIT [DLG_576] ; IDD_DEVICE_ERRORS [DLG_577] ; IDD_PREFS_GENADV_OSX F0F1E2B1EACF3FFF=Automatic (optimised drawing on macOS 10.5-10.9) 4D9AB3BE76B1DE2E=Disable optimised drawing E780B73F5FC62A99=Force optimised drawing [DLG_578] ; IDD_PREFS_AUDIOCONFIG_LINUX FFAE57EC0BA56FE1=Blocksise: [DLG_579] ; IDD_LYRICIMPORT [DLG_580] ; IDD_LYRICEXPORT [DLG_581] ; IDD_PEAKSCFG 0D4E3251815710A9=Fade non-tonal content to theme peaks colour [DLG_583] ; IDD_POOLEDENV_PROPS [DLG_584] ; IDD_PREFS_AUDIO_MUTESOLO [DLG_585] ; IDD_UNDO_DIFF [MENU_102] ; IDR_MENU1 C5195E985A673C97=Expand selected tracks, minimise others 754C0069B8672878=Minimise all tracks 2553C56820D6750B=Customise menus/toolbars... [MENU_136] ; IDR_MENU2 [MENU_144] ; IDR_FXMENU [MENU_175] ; IDR_FXADDMENU [MENU_300] ; IDR_CONTEXTS_0 [MENU_301] ; IDR_CONTEXTS_1 [MENU_302] ; IDR_CONTEXTS_2 [MENU_303] ; IDR_CONTEXTS_3 [MENU_304] ; IDR_CONTEXTS_4 [MENU_305] ; IDR_CONTEXTS_5 [MENU_306] ; IDR_CONTEXTS_6 [MENU_307] ; IDR_CONTEXTS_7 [MENU_308] ; IDR_CONTEXTS_8 [MENU_309] ; IDR_CONTEXTS_9 [MENU_310] ; IDR_CONTEXTS_10 [MENU_311] ; IDR_CONTEXTS_11 [MENU_312] ; IDR_CONTEXTS_12 [MENU_314] ; IDR_CONTEXTS_14 [MENU_315] ; IDR_CONTEXTS_15 [MENU_316] ; IDR_CONTEXTS_16 2F1A2D2EDC0F2083=Centre transport controls [MENU_317] ; IDR_CONTEXTS_17 [MENU_318] ; IDR_CONTEXTS_18 [MENU_319] ; IDR_CONTEXTS_19 [MENU_320] ; IDR_CONTEXTS_20 [MENU_321] ; IDR_CONTEXTS_21 [MENU_322] ; IDR_CONTEXTS_22 [MENU_323] ; IDR_CONTEXTS_23 [MENU_324] ; IDR_CONTEXTS_24 [MENU_325] ; IDR_CONTEXTS_25 73A9105DDD10C427=Colours 504AFC11FAD7BBE0=Customise text colour... 40D2A9E3AE8E07A0=Default text colour 3444D9A477306E85=Customise background colour... 925499563C7E27EB=Default background colour [MENU_326] ; IDR_CONTEXTS_26 [MENU_327] ; IDR_CONTEXTS_27 [MENU_328] ; IDR_CONTEXTS_28 [MENU_329] ; IDR_CONTEXTS_29 [MENU_330] ; IDR_CONTEXTS_30 [MENU_331] ; IDR_CONTEXTS_31 [MENU_332] ; IDR_CONTEXTS_32 13C9E795A3129541=Synchronise any parent projects on playback 19913BC408CBC6BF=Synchronise play start times w/ play background projects [MENU_333] ; IDR_CONTEXTS_33 [MENU_334] ; IDR_CONTEXTS_34 [MENU_335] ; IDR_CONTEXTS_35 [MENU_336] ; IDR_CONTEXTS_36 [MENU_337] ; IDR_CONTEXTS_37 [MENU_338] ; IDR_CONTEXTS_38 [MENU_339] ; IDR_CONTEXTS_39 [MENU_340] ; IDR_TOOLBAR_CONTEXT 0EDB78ECDD1F48E1=Customise this toolbar... [MENU_341] ; IDR_CONTEXTS_41 [MENU_342] ; IDR_CONTEXTS_42 [MENU_343] ; IDR_CONTEXTS_43 [MENU_344] ; IDR_CONTEXTS_44 [MENU_345] ; IDR_CONTEXTS_45 [MENU_346] ; IDR_CONTEXTS_46 [MENU_347] ; IDR_CONTEXTS_47 [MENU_348] ; IDR_CONTEXTS_48 [MENU_349] ; IDR_TOOLBARCTX 820BD2CADF2656A5=Customise toolbar... [MENU_350] ; IDR_CONTEXTS_50 [MENU_351] ; IDR_CONTEXTS_51 [MENU_352] ; IDR_CONTEXTS_52 [MENU_353] ; IDR_CONTEXTS_53 [MENU_354] ; IDR_CONTEXTS_54 [MENU_355] ; IDR_CONTEXTS_55 [MENU_356] ; IDR_CONTEXTS_56 [MENU_427] ; IDR_RECSETTINGS [MENU_428] ; IDR_TOOLBARS [MENU_497] ; IDR_PROJBAY [aaccess] [about] 8B9A76F494C70F92=Are you sure you wish to remove the current license key?\r\n\r\n(you must have a copy of the key file in order to re-authorise this installation) [accel_sec] [access] 1F2866F01C43A259=Quantise strength 9BA645D11046F68B=Quantise swing strength 960C43C5B8715A61=Quantise low end of range 3304B185AF8CF75F=Quantise high end of range CE5584178795CA39=Quantise Strength [actiondialog] [actionlist] [actions] 6F4056EFBF94BC1A=Project tabs: Synchronise play start times w/ play background projects 045A237F63E340AC=Project tabs: synchronise any parent projects when playing back subproject 532A77083BADBD31=Options: Switch to next colour theme 618F5275A4493071=Options: Switch to previous colour theme 0F28A798227CA8EA=Options: Switch to a random colour theme B357823E54B424BC=Item: Toggle tonal-optimised stretch markers 652579B18EBBAE00=Markers: Change colour for marker near cursor... 8DB362C467440C66=Markers: Change colour for region near cursor... BBBDCDD35B430B51=Markers: Set marker near cursor to default colour 5D1F9E0197764353=Markers: Set region near cursor to default colour A08C846847F7E384=View: Expand selected track height, minimise others 32CDC4DB624CFFB9=View: Minimise all tracks 89FBD71E94102D7A=Item properties: Normalise items 1844CE04FC0854E3=Item properties: Normalise multiple items to common gain 7A8B034C54632396=Item properties: Normalise items (reset to unity if already normalised) 6F225957A42BA87D=Item properties: Normalise multiple items to common gain (reset to unity if already normalised) 00B213EBE008A4B7=Item properties: Reset item take gain to +0dB (un-normalise) 4B4EB17883C70535=Colours: Reset random colour generator 8D502986B5317F92=Track: View track recording settings (MIDI quantise, file format/path) for last touched track 6B98C0877019F164=Track: Toggle MIDI input quantise for selected tracks C947867F1674CEEC=Track: Toggle MIDI input quantise for all tracks 327F560662ACD324=Track: Toggle MIDI input quantise for last touched track 17A40A5723056BF3=Track: Enable MIDI input quantise for selected tracks 8600DE5C03CCB234=Track: Disable MIDI input quantise for selected tracks 73D5E8132A205641=Track: Enable MIDI input quantise for all tracks BC206F1F5594E95C=Track: Disable MIDI input quantise for all tracks CF6FB82BA13858D9=Track: Enable MIDI input quantise for last touched track A690D8FB982F4B74=Track: Disable MIDI input quantise for last touched track F60EC6D8AE9BCB99=Track: Set MIDI input quantise to 1/64 for selected tracks 45F1188C38F0F42A=Track: Set MIDI input quantise to 1/32 for selected tracks A103FA89CE33F6F4=Track: Set MIDI input quantise to 1/16 triplet for selected tracks 53243FD68F1D70A0=Track: Set MIDI input quantise to 1/16 for selected tracks FA30AC50D7ED2609=Track: Set MIDI input quantise to 1/8 triplet for selected tracks 77BA5C308E58AF79=Track: Set MIDI input quantise to 1/8 for selected tracks 0D5D68CE726D3F15=Track: Set MIDI input quantise to 1/4 triplet for selected tracks 690C6E833135AA15=Track: Set MIDI input quantise to 1/4 for selected tracks E3571B626BF2AE23=Track: Set MIDI input quantise to 1/64 for all tracks F9B5BCACEB281C8E=Track: Set MIDI input quantise to 1/32 for all tracks FA9A91E2A227DB1C=Track: Set MIDI input quantise to 1/16 triplet for all tracks 75DB8B9C1936D130=Track: Set MIDI input quantise to 1/16 for all tracks C344613ADFF9BCB3=Track: Set MIDI input quantise to 1/8 triplet for all tracks 283F78F6342C5A83=Track: Set MIDI input quantise to 1/8 for all tracks D62FCACC63822727=Track: Set MIDI input quantise to 1/4 triplet for all tracks 330F0F9AA9468027=Track: Set MIDI input quantise to 1/4 for all tracks 4763FE47F2C43CB3=Track: Set MIDI input quantise to 1/64 for last touched track 9A19A28A33FE6DAE=Track: Set MIDI input quantise to 1/32 for last touched track E9E3EC4A9F4E52B4=Track: Set MIDI input quantise to 1/16 triplet for last touched track F50A9EED1409B630=Track: Set MIDI input quantise to 1/16 for last touched track 343970D943217F63=Track: Set MIDI input quantise to 1/8 triplet for last touched track BDB2AA50B7BD6D13=Track: Set MIDI input quantise to 1/8 for last touched track 960A691BF71800AF=Track: Set MIDI input quantise to 1/4 triplet for last touched track 6318D6A6CE2179AF=Track: Set MIDI input quantise to 1/4 for last touched track 0008081E9E87152B=Track: Set MIDI input quantise to grid for selected tracks 81C3570887A43F59=Track: Set MIDI input quantise to grid for all tracks 6E10492272F09E41=Track: Set MIDI input quantise to grid for last touched track E0AEA2924A52EE5B=Item: Quantise item positions to grid... F0754E165081CFBD=Markers: Quantise tempo markers to MIDI resolution 8BAC007AA6F7032F=Envelope: Reset selected points to zero/centre D3F7525A66DDBD2F=Track: Set to custom colour... E2F30C176963CA94=Track: Set to random colours 8734FF1F84F4FDC7=Track: Set to one random colour 27E2F99862BE7E47=Track: Set to default colour 9EE367320A535175=Item: Set to custom colour... 05FCD2100E82D87A=Item: Set to random colours 13CDBA268851481D=Item: Set to one random colour F180198B761D7939=Item: Set to default colour F0A8CD41F6C3191E=Take: Set active take to custom colour... A67C5A9F2FA2AC88=Take: Set active take to one random colour 3BAB80394D808F72=Take: Set active take to default colour ACC6B498BC94AD9E=Take: Set all takes of selected items to default colour 2FCD1E45E5E6B210=Take: Set all takes created in the same recording pass to custom colour... DE52F88531F8ADE2=Take: Set all takes created in the same recording pass to one random colour DD9F5EE6DF45D828=Take: Set all takes created in the same recording pass to default colour 8533008EAB2DF95A=Minimise REAPER FF1A1A19DD5ECAEC=Transport: Centre transport controls 4B59D9E65E7F89BD=Menu: Customise... 478126B35CB13756=Toolbars: Customise... [actions_fmt] [actions_sub] [aliasdlg] [au] [audiodev] ACB796CB312B30A0=Error initialising ASIO D38FBFB1DBD28EBE=Error initialising ASIO driver 5380C09EE63084AB=Error initialising ASIO buffers 62EFC0C7FEEB15CB=WASAPI error: could not initialise shared input device 9E75CD6A3319263A=WASAPI error: could not initialise shared output device 407CE148DFDD29EC=WASAPI error: could not initialise exclusive input device D6212BD819DEC5EF=WASAPI error: could not initialise exclusive output device [automute] [bigclock] [bounce] [caption] [cd] [cd_DLG_102] ; IDD_BURN [cd_DLG_103] ; IDD_DOBURN [cd_DLG_155] ; IDD_ISOSINK_CFG [cdburn] AADFD7D64910655A=Can't initialise IMAPI interface. Try cdrecord method? [comp] [configexport] D1E63BFD73436688=Colour themes [convert] DAE5814446B8B4CC=Error initialising one or more items in FX chain [cpumeter] [csurf] [csurf_DLG_102] ; IDD_OSC_LISTEN [csurf_DLG_264] ; IDD_SURFACEEDIT_MCU [csurf_DLG_265] ; IDD_SURFACEEDIT_MCU1 [csurf_DLG_266] ; IDD_SURFACEEDIT_OSC [csurf_DLG_267] ; IDD_SURFACEEDIT_HUI [csurf_DLG_268] ; IDD_SURFACEEDIT_WWW [csurf_osc] [csurf_type] [csurf_www] [customaction] [customizemenu] 60761F79AE7C6D51=Customised toolbar: 56CCAC0E8900FBFD=Reset all customised toolbars to default? Note: this cannot be undone! 601D766EE84F0CA9=Reset all customised menus to default? Note: this cannot be undone! [ddp] 2A24C23FA2E5F62C=Error initialising decoder [ddp_help] 10534E5F3F0575CC=@ markers recognise this keys: CE1142641FC3E067=# markers recognise this keys: [dirclean] [docker] [dsplit] [dx] [env] [envdlg] [envdlg_heading] [envmenu] [envname] [epin] [explorer] [explorer_DLG_101] ; IDD_MAIN [explorer_DLG_102] ; IDD_SEXPLORER [explorer_DLG_103] ; IDD_SEXPLORER_LIST [explorer_DLG_134] ; IDD_DBBUILD [explorer_MENU_103] ; IDR_CONTEXTMENU [explorer_MENU_104] ; IDR_MENU1 [explorer_actions] [explorer_col] [explorer_mbox] [explorer_menu] [exttc] [fadeedit] [faultyproject] [filecopy] [flac] 71E61151248199A1=Error synchronising decoder to stream [flac_DLG_120] ; IDD_FLACITEMINFO [flac_DLG_155] ; IDD_FLACSINK_CFG [freeze] [freezedesc] [fx] [fxadd] [fxmenu] [glue] [gridsnap] [group] [grouping] [help] [import] [item] [itemchan] [itemfn] [itemimport] [itemprop] [joystick] [jsfx] [jsfx_DLG_102] ; IDD_CONFIG [jsfx_DLG_103] ; IDD_CFG_WAVEOUT [jsfx_DLG_104] ; IDD_CFG_ASIO [jsfx_DLG_105] ; IDD_CFG_KS [jsfx_DLG_111] ; IDD_SLIDER [jsfx_DLG_112] ; IDD_SXUI [jsfx_DLG_113] ; IDD_VST_CFG [jsfx_DLG_114] ; IDD_JSDEBUG [jsfx_DLG_115] ; IDD_VST_CFG2 [jsfx_MENU_102] ; IDR_MENU1 [jsfx_MENU_104] ; IDR_MENU2 [jsfx_ide] [knob] [lfo] [lyrics] [marker] [mbox] C90AF6BF6253BD9E=No customised items selected F37426E7C5834E16=Note: %d items could not be normalised because they lack peak information 69D9CFD7AFB7A82B=Items could not be normalised to each other because one or more lack peak information B39DFED992FCB88A=Error sending packet to ReaMote host (is your blocksise too large?). ReaMote disabled for chain 948B5857800727B3=Import customised \"%s\"?\r\n\r\nIf you have previously customised \"%s\", your changes will be lost unless you export them first!\r\n\r\n(To export, choose \"Customise menus/toolbars\" from the Options menu.) 5055108D8EF82813=Import custom menu/toolbar set?\r\n\r\nIf you have previously customised menus or toolbars, your changes will be lost unless you export them first!\r\n\r\n (To export, choose \"Customise menus/toolbars\" from the Options menu.) FD2194EDB7789EAF=Initialising ReaRoute... E705401744D93ED5=Initialising Registration Info... [menu] [menus] [meter] [metronome] [midi] A18A57ED9326617F=Load MIDI colour map from file: [midi_DLG_102] ; IDD_EDIT 73A9475DDD11219C=Colour: [midi_DLG_109] ; IDD_RENAME_ITEM [midi_DLG_118] ; IDD_RAWMIDI [midi_DLG_120] ; IDD_MIDIITEMINFO [midi_DLG_121] ; IDD_QUANTIZE 0790B9C557D74789=Quantise Events D192E5EF7BB75BF6=Quantise: 9772AEFE96C582EE=Only quantise range (0% = on grid, 50%=between grid): [midi_DLG_122] ; IDD_SYXINFO [midi_DLG_123] ; IDD_NOTEPROP [midi_DLG_124] ; IDD_EVTPROP [midi_DLG_125] ; IDD_BANKPROGSELECT [midi_DLG_126] ; IDD_HUMANIZE B4D5B40BD78A0227=Humanise Notes [midi_DLG_127] ; IDD_TEXTEDIT [midi_DLG_128] ; IDD_FILTER_EVTS [midi_DLG_129] ; IDD_SYSEXEDIT [midi_DLG_133] ; IDD_LOADGROOVE [midi_DLG_134] ; IDD_GROOVEEDIT [midi_DLG_135] ; IDD_TRANSPOSE [midi_DLG_137] ; IDD_TUPLET [midi_DLG_138] ; IDD_LYRIC [midi_DLG_141] ; IDD_DISPQUANT 2056413EF6F383A5=Quantise notes/rests: [midi_DLG_226] ; IDD_MUSICXML_EXPORT [midi_DLG_227] ; IDD_CUSTOM_NOTATION [midi_MENU_103] ; IDR_CONTEXTMENU [midi_MENU_104] ; IDR_MENU [midi_MENU_105] ; IDR_MENU_ALLINONE [midi_MENU_106] ; IDR_CONTEXTMENU2 [midi_MENU_108] ; IDR_CONTEXTMENU_INLINE [midi_MENU_112] ; IDR_PIANO_TOOLBAR [midi_MENU_113] ; IDR_EVTLIST_TOOLBAR [midi_MENU_114] ; IDR_VIEWMODE_CTX [midi_MENU_119] ; IDR_VELLANE_CTX [midi_MENU_138] ; IDR_SNAP_CTX [midi_MENU_139] ; IDR_FILTER_CTX [midi_MENU_140] ; IDR_SCORENOTE_CTX 06DAF8098D6283EC=Minimise ties if possible [midi_MENU_142] ; IDR_SCORESTAFF_CTX [midi_actions] BA10609226525607=Quantise notes using last quantise dialog settings 79D9FAFDE3097BB3=Quantise note positions to grid 5E9062BCF001B106=Quantise note positions and ends to grid 9C429EAD1ED67B9B=Quantise events using last quantise dialog settings 4FE17A6F27A23BEA=Quantise events to grid 7F2CA69A31ED0C2C=Load colour map from file FC7A729301A5929F=Colour notes by velocity C469BE099CF02AB0=Colour notes/CC by channel 543885DA3E388EEA=Colour notes by pitch 4A557FF0605F84EB=Colour notes/CC by source, using colormap 43AF386E07B7A3B4=Colour notes/CC by track custom colour FABD1A5FFA01D96A=Colour notes/CC by media item custom colour BF5FB0A5508B4E8D=Notation: Colour note heads 46EFC5BEFF36595E=Colour notes by voice A8686B9B838AA8B9=Notation: Toggle minimise ties for selected notes E720F173ABA3321D=Notation: Minimise ties for selected notes if possible B32543F0B2590571=Notation: Do not minimise ties for selected notes FC0C58F63EF4EAF9=Notation: Minimise ties for all notes by default 7D8180737B905F03=Quantise note positions to last quantise dialog settings 47C895BE6816334D=Quantise note positions to 1/64 47D285BE681E6CA2=Quantise note positions to 1/32 47D991BE68249FB4=Quantise note positions to 1/16 9F5874A2DD847365=Quantise note positions to 1/8 9F5878A2DD847A31=Quantise note positions to 1/4 85712914E6BCC16B=Quantise notes position to grid 9F2237C4D6CADCAB=Quantise notes position and end to grid 5AC00BBE6D34367C=Options: Synchronise transport with main transport DF61F9F93739802F=Customise MIDI editor toolbar [midi_artic] [midi_clefnames] [midi_color] [midi_cols] [midi_et] [midi_filt] [midi_insts] [midi_keys] [midi_menu] [midi_tracklist] E2A0FB5884FB23CE=Set media items to custom colour D86D7685ACA598CB=Set media items to random colours C3DE596ABDC0FB16=Set media items to one random colour 6C3B776F12A4CEDA=Set media item to custom colour (ignore selection) DDE7DB085FDDBC9E=Set media item to random colour (ignore selection) E0CEE07AE6DA0AA5=Set track to custom colour D69DE6866C6D22A1=Set track to random colour 0FAC30F2D587E652=Set track media items to random colours [midi_undo] 673EB26772274843=Change media track colour E300113DFF9EDDED=Change media item colour F515CCA56574AFC7=Humanise notes C8A2E6B6659A8CA9=Quantise events 3850F9614495900F=Restore quantise settings [midi_voice] [midiedit] [midilearn] [misc] [missfile] [mixer] [mousemap] [mousemaps] [mp3] 5C1F1DB983A1A10B=Error synchronising to MPEG bitstream [mp3dec_DLG_120] ; IDD_MP3ITEMINFO [mp3dec_DLG_155] ; IDD_MP3SINK_CFG [musicxml] [navigator] [notes] [nudge] [ogg_DLG_120] ; IDD_OGGITEMINFO [ogg_DLG_155] ; IDD_OGGSINK_CFG [opus] [pan] [pandlg] [panlaw] [parmmod] [peaksbuild] [pinmgr] [pitchenvcfg] [pitchshift] [pooledenv] [prefs] [prefs_appear_help] A7B566458D7B1070=Fill automation envelopes with colour, for easier reading but a slight performance penalty. (Media item fade area curve fills use a theme setting.) 4633445F44D0C872=Fill automation envelopes with colour when drawing envelopes over media, for easier reading but a slight performance penalty. 3B03225E1BAA52AC=Use colour theme odd/even track colours to divide the arrange view vertically, by measures if the grid is set to beats, or by seconds if the grid is set to frames. [prefs_audio] [prefs_audio_help] [prefs_audio_mutesolo_help] [prefs_audiodev] [prefs_audiodev_asio_help] [prefs_audiodev_help] [prefs_auto_help] [prefs_buf] 68C279740B738335=Use native events for synchronising (not recommended) [prefs_buf_help] E565AD880D79DFEF=When per-take FX are showing, use a lower media buffer size to minimise lag between audio playback and the visual response of the plugin. 0723BB206D032E82=Use system events for timing and synchronising. Recommended for Windows, but not for WINE. 1BB8F433F91FA736=Use system events for timing and synchronising. Recommended for newer Intel machines. E6A5539CBB66A335=Use system events for timing and synchronising. [prefs_dx_help] [prefs_edit] 68A4FA0E1BCE8F2A=Track at centre of view C94DCA651A8805D8=Centre of view [prefs_edit_help] 6CB151FAA58C5678=Where to centre when zooming vertically. 1A6CDD77351C8E84=Where to centre when zooming horizontally [prefs_env] [prefs_env_help] 99590307CA2801DD=Relative mouse edits provide more Y-axis resolution at the expense of envelope points not following the mouse pointre. [prefs_env_pitch] [prefs_extedit] [prefs_fader] [prefs_gen_help] [prefs_itemdefs_help] [prefs_kbd_help] [prefs_list] [prefs_media] 67D407FF8C89F00B=Handle: +0dB is centre of item F69875F73CA2B854=Choose MIDI colour map: [prefs_media_help] [prefs_mediafades_help] 49CE054364B5D458=Crossfades are drawn with custom theme colours when using the crossfade editor. These colours can be used when editing crossfades with the mouse. [prefs_mediapeaks_help] CBC6063FBCA3E4F5=Draw a colored edge (defined in the colour theme) around media item peaks. Colour theme may override this preference. 3C548054A1EEE90D=Draw a colored edge (defined in the colour theme) around media item waveforms. Colour theme may override this preference. 6B5AB7081B65AB32=Draw smooth audio peaks and waveforms. Colour theme may override this preference. EC1D5A533AA78E29=Draw a colored edge (defined in the colour theme) around MIDI notes in media items. Colour theme may override this preference. 67C8378720291149=Choose whether media item waveform peaks are tinted by custom track, item, or take colours. C58E75B0A0A49547=Choose whether media item backgrounds are tinted by custom track, item, or take colours. CA38A8384880B5B4=Tint media item waveform peaks by the custom track colour, if any. Colour theme may override this preference. 38857D1D794761AF=Tint media item waveform peaks by the custom item colour, if any. This overrides a custom track colour. Colour theme may override this preference. EED1F497ED3E476B=Tint media item waveform peaks by the custom take colour, if any. This overrides a custom track or item colour. Colour theme may override this preference. 5B0FE53A17FA6F4C=Tint media item backgrounds by the custom track colour, if any. Colour theme may override this preference. 263D195AB1E611C7=Tint media item backgrounds by the custom item colour, if any. This overrides a custom track colour. Colour theme may override this preference. 2204AF90A2FC2963=Tint media item backgrounds by the custom take colour, if any. This overrides a custom track or item colour. Colour theme may override this preference. 71162EFAC509EB79=How much custom colour to blend into the selected media item background. Zero means do not use the custom colour. Colour theme may override this preference. 060906D618DE3D74=How much custom colour to blend into the unselected media item background. Zero means do not use the custom colour. Colour theme may override this preference. ACFD88EDCFBD71EA=When recording, automatically apply the same colour to all takes that are created in the same recording pass. A8F1D583CFA16BC8=Automatically apply the same colour to all MIDI media items that share the same pooled (ghosted) MIDI source data. F36541511CD33299=Custom take colours override custom item colours, which override custom track colours. You can also set colours from the track and item context menus. [prefs_mediavu_help] 1AEF4022C838CEF6=Media items can have a volume handle with with +0dB being the top or the centre of the item, or a volume knob. [prefs_meter_help] C13265BE35DAEB85=If a track has a custom colour set, set the background colour of the track label field to be the track colour. Colour theme may override this preference. 18081BA4EB998B85=If a track has a custom colour set, tint the track's panel backgrounds to the custom colour. Colour theme may override this preference. [prefs_midi_help] [prefs_mididev] [prefs_mididev_help] [prefs_midiedit_help] B903973979C81B00=Show a brief colour flash on the MIDI editor keyboard when the track receives MIDI note-on input. 1A7A22B9337D0931=CC event drawing density will be greatre when the view is zoomed in, and lower when zoomed out. C486CCEB98553CDB=Colormap image to use for drawing notes in the MIDI editor. If no colormap is specified here, the colormap in the current colour theme will be used. [prefs_mouse] 1B0B6E9C6E901429=Stretch notes (arpeggiate/chordise)\0Just stretch [prefs_mouse_help] [prefs_path_help] [prefs_playback_help] [prefs_plugin] [prefs_plugin_help] [prefs_plugin_knob] [prefs_plugin_vst] [prefs_plugincompat_help] 811F90A56BF55F69=Test all plug-in input and output for denormalised sample values (meaninglessly small values that can cause very high CPU use). 749C7A00C3C0114E=Clear plug-in output buffers before passing them to the plug-in. Some plug-ins can output occasional uninitialised buffers, which makes bad loud noises. [prefs_project_help] [prefs_reamote] [prefs_reascript] [prefs_reascript_help] [prefs_record_help] 6470DCD830DD71D7=Customise the filename that is automatically created for new recordings. [prefs_record_loop_help] [prefs_render_help] 91CB7FE93510C1F4=Sets the audio block size used when rendering. It is recommended that you leave this blank, which will automatically use the last audio blocksise used. [prefs_seek_help] [prefs_track] [prefs_trackdefs_help] [prefs_video] [prefs_video_help] [prefs_vst_help] [projbay] [projload] 66188504FD7D25AD=Project tokens not recognised: [projsave] [projsettings] [ps_dle] [ps_e] C2867E3D0158B7C9=Synchronised E71804A85237B88B=Synchronised: [ps_rbl] [ps_st] [radar] [reamote] 786B77ED1C68BA55=Can't initalise DSP \"%s\" on the Reamote slave!\r\n\r\nPossible causes might be out of date version or plugin not installed on the Reamote slave computer.\r\n\r\nAborting operation! [reaper_ddp_DLG_155] ; IDD_RAWSINK_CFG [reaper_ddp_DLG_156] ; IDD_HELPDIALOG [reaper_opus_DLG_120] ; IDD_OPUSITEMINFO [reaper_opus_DLG_155] ; IDD_OPUSSINK_CFG [reaper_rex_DLG_120] ; IDD_REXITEMINFO [reaper_rex_DLG_121] ; IDD_REXLOAD [reaper_shoutcast_DLG_101] ; IDD_CFG [reaper_shoutcast_DLG_155] ; IDD_SCAST_CFG [rearoute_in] [rearoute_out] [reascript] 7F3AAACFF40D93F2=Can't initialise Lua interpreter 6FEA417D3179FC3C=Can't initialise Python 4F95C23132050112=Can't initialise Python interpreter [reccfg] [recmenu] ECAF11E2B0ADF073=Track recording settings (Input Quantise, Format, etc)... [recordmode] [reg] [region] [regmgr] [regmgr_help] [render] [render_month] [render_wildcard] EE38F39D428A5FF8=Capitalising the first character of the wildcard will capitalise the first letter of the substitution. 5D40C262AFC1C1F7=Capitalising the first two characters of the wildcard will capitalise all letters. [renderq] [resample] [rescript] [rewire] [rex] [routdlg] [routdlg_heading] [routehelp] 82F995F7720559E9=Detailed routing for tracks and hardware can be visualised and edited using the project routing matrix (View/Routing Matrix). 591EDC24B6EB457A=Detailed routing for individual tracks can be visualised and edited using the track routing dialog (click the track I/O routing button). A50C284AAE0C571D=Detailed routing for any FX can also be visualised and edited using the plug-in pin connector dialog (click the FX in/out button). [routing] [rppsrc] [ruler] [save] [saveas] [scale] [screenset] [sendmenu] [sendwnd] [shoutcast] [silence] [specedit] [splash] 2549BF449F59124E=Initialising UI Classes... C3ED77175FF7A80D=Initialising Main Window... AA015E3EE6811B88=Initialising ReWire Slave Mode 84B0AC419AB12F3D=Initialising ReaMote... 95C14C31E2DBB229=Initialising Control Surfaces... [status] [subproject] [tag_genre] [tag_note] [theme] 823C90884A4B7B4A=Theme overrides normal Windows colours for main background/text/edit: 543E86147B64D972=Main window text shadow (ignored if too close to text colour) E7915E3E6A099632=Toolbar button armed colour B6E3CE32B4EAB6D8=Theme overrides normal Windows colours for non-selected track control panels 206A0AE4AD7D14DA=Locked track control panel overlay colour 00234E8B36F6536B=Time selection colour 51E359BFAEE7B3EA=Media item fade quiet zone fill colour DC3C68B2E219902E=Media item fade full area fill colour 86120892792FBFAF=Selected media item bar colour 2C49E16D76F3812D=Active media item take bar colour 08EC1AB0075E7F9E=Editing guide line colour DB58195D4530C671=VU meter interlace/edge colour 636F261F8F1D7D1F=MIDI editor background colour (naturals) F7E75A9EC7477A83=MIDI editor background colour (sharps/flats) E4E3CDEF7AA6459D=MIDI editor background colour, out of bounds (naturals) 559F88B5E31BC69D=MIDI editor background colour, out of bounds (sharps/flats) B09B0490730DB44E=MIDI editor background colour, selected pitch (naturals) B2F395A7E71E170E=MIDI editor background colour, selected pitch (sharps/flats) 8E6F804DD8F4E46D=MIDI editor time selection colour 2EE9A7EA04A0B02A=MIDI editor octave line colour CC1C67F2A73FEECB=MIDI inline background colour (naturals) B3E317CA0AD0438F=MIDI inline background colour (sharps/flats) 80794FA6DF523A96=MIDI inline octave line colour FB09009EF1D7956C=MIDI piano key colour (naturals) 7102190FC6AA20F8=MIDI piano key colour (sharps/flats) 9314A33FA166497D=MIDI piano key colour (selected) 97AB94C1C2CF161F=MIDI editor note/CC text colour (light) EA0648A2D0CB48F7=MIDI editor note/CC text colour (dark) [themeblend] 442703CBF9806FF4=The blend colour is drawn over the base colour. Alpha closer to zero allows more of the base colour to show through. DBD31747391089F2=The blend colour is added to the underlying colour. Dark colours become lighter, light colours are less affected. A black blend colour has no effect, a white blend colour always results in white. 369F5B8F8989777D=The blend colour is overlaid onto the base colour. Dark base colours become lighter, and light colours become darker. Alpha closer to zero reduces the amount of overlay. 1833A600140DC7CB=The blend colour is multiplied with the base colour. A black blend colour always results in black, a white blend colour has no effect. 67943E106FB37E22=The blend colour is colour-dodged with the base colour. Dark areas in the base colour will be tinted lighter, toward the blend colour, light areas in the base colour will be less affected. A black blend colour has no effect. F1B2827498E4206A=Each RGB element in the blend colour is interpreted as an offset from 128. R rotates hue , G adjusts saturation, B adjusts colour value. A blend colour of gray (128,128,128) has no effect. (192,96,255) will rotate the base hue +1/4 way around the colour wheel, subtract 1/2 from the base saturation, and increase the base colour value to full. [themelblend] [title] [toolbar] [tooltip] DA192334A9AAB304=Pan(L): %s (double click to set to centre) CD150E479821A143=Pan: %s (double click to set to centre) B202F17E64D390EA=Pan(R): %s (double click to set to centre) [track] [trackmgr] [trackmgr_help] [trackrecstatus] [transient] [transport] DE52D01EAD59A275=Record: Synchronising 7E0A33A911327680=Synchronising [undo] C61BA44B533B893D=Toggle Item Normalise 57AC74F098545863=Item Normalise 052C8BFB5DD84F03=Toggle Multiple Item Normalise 96AEDE790758E855=Multiple Item Normalise A2C2DB833CE4839C=Quantise Items 7896DCE9C1589895=Quantise tempo map A8DB5D299ABE5C3D=Set track colour 9A5B948053ACC49F=Set item colour 45E1EA4DE02F1C8B=Set take colour C96348B8910C32FF=Set colour for all takes with the same recording pass 6FC5EC55AB10F7DC=Change marker colour 91ADEE4CF2002EFA=Change region colour 43FF7B8018FA441E=Set track colour via manager C0CB49BAD7ED8544=Change Track Colour (via VST3) [undohist] [undoinfo] [verchk] [video] 6CA91BEB1223D17F=Error initialising video encoder, check parameters 3AC3F4277606702E=Error initialising audio encoder [video2_DLG_102] ; IDD_MAIN [video2_DLG_104] ; IDD_ITEMINFO [video2_DLG_155] ; IDD_FFMPEG_SINK_CFG [video2_DLG_156] ; IDD_GIF_SINK_CFG C134703B1C276C93=Ignore changes in low bits of colour (0-7, 0 = full quality): [video2_DLG_157] ; IDD_ITEMINFO2 [video2_DLG_158] ; IDD_GENERIC_HELP [video2_DLG_159] ; IDD_ITEMINFO2_CHILD [video2_DLG_160] ; IDD_LCF_SINK_CFG [video2_MENU_103] ; IDR_MENU1 [video2_MENU_104] ; IDR_MENU3 [video2_MENU_105] ; IDR_MENU2 [video_menu] [video_processing] [video_processing_help] 91F35DA3DAE4A7E8=&gfx_r: current drawing colour (red 0..1) F6C3A165119329D7=&gfx_g: current drawing colour (green 0..1) 1EF9118B2B4C94ED=&gfx_b: current drawing colour (blue 0..1) DC55E2859702DAED=gfx_img_resise(handle,w,h[,clear]) sets an image size (handle can be -1 for main framebuffer). contents of image undefined after resize, unless clear set. clear=-1 will only clear if resize occurred. 1B39344B6381477A=gfx_keyedblit(input[,x,y,w,h,srcx,srcy,kv1,kv2,kv3,kv4]) chroma-key blits, using the source colour as key. kv1-kv4 meaning depends on colorspace: D0D5F2C8C849EB54=gfx_destkeyedblit(input[,x,y,w,h,srcx,srcy,kv1,kv2,kv3,kv4]) chroma-key blits, using destination colour as key. ignores gfx_a and gfx_mode. [video_processing_preset] 224358625572EFB9=Invert colours [vkb] [vkb_notes] [vol] [vorbis] [vst] [warn] 5AB5CB0EC24B9CDE=WARNING: REAPER is configured to warn you when memory use is %uMB or greatre, and memory use is currently %uMB. [wavcfg] [wave] [wave_DLG_120] ; IDD_WAVEITEMINFO [wave_notes] [wavpack] [wavpack_DLG_101] ; IDD_WPSINK_CFG [wavpack_DLG_120] ; IDD_WPITEMINFO