#NAME:English (lower case, demo) [common] 042F4DCA75E1BE47=16 bit CC85D146650F3E66=24 bit 5188BC03D80E2D31=32 bit 87581AC5D2800078=buffers: D858BC186B3FE51D=hz DA38E298C189302F=input channels: 9324D41856E3D6C5=input device: C6FA709C7A5DB354=output channels: CD3ECB2096970F76=output device: E600874BD6CA4B2E=sample format: F97A12BF98D450CF=samplerate: E8589A5C2472187A=samples 08325007B4EB10C5=x 8FECF2FB07698C41=asio configuration... 3E83534995169108=request block size: 0FF98CDC4588805A=request sample rate: D9B12705AD844C62=list1 DCEF2B4D03DE723C=name 87DB547E0C57B4B8=run 5B664677E1A91155=start 772CECA01AD73CB4=value E9C70EA3B03F0A91=allow projects to override device sample rate 16464B290024A7A0=audio device settings 0314604C3913412E=audio system: BAC64C1B2E060EE5=close C01085DD37178417=file info: 3BF92ABFA8425D90=filename: 9BC67B482921A263=about reaper DA1E84CE6CE89AC1=(beat pattern help) 6D0FDC8D1C9C5504=+0.0 db C6AD52C994C055E0=- or - D7323C887B0A2951=apply A2D4EB52B7EE75E1=beat click length: FAFEDF2AD7647CED=beat pattern: F685FB3A91025549=browse... F09E4B5C35AA14B9=cancel 9779134B67DD9400=frequency of primary beat: D840E3186B2B9581=ok 41A6CA9D8495660D=primary beat sample: 0F26BD416D677121=primary beat volume: 80194C173B470AF3=save as default 6EB36A3171C83722=secondary beat gain: C02439CCED984101=secondary beat: 649ECB151A2B4705=slider1 B1CCE94B8ECDEB4A=ms, shape: 223F4865B99B73B0=output file FDE95463547E83EB=render status BDB7990C53BBB742=show in explorer... 511EAD28BA4AE493=format spec E1CA5A9A5CE93078=not rendering, eta infinity 309B13D6E0AC1A0F=length: 8D96C4FE778D9CA7=source properties... 08329907B4EB8CD0=/ F8E8A9C19CDE7A59=project settings 99FA828F906D3EE4=find F19F199E8BEFFBD6=tree1 003BD938FD8D368D=(not set) D3E64988F293BA3A=recording 5565002CCE1DFBC7=prompt to save/delete/rename new files: DDCECC683DEC9D6A=on punch-out/play 52BC569ACECFA886=on stop E99EBA7FF6970DBB=... 18E4377E5DDC2B7A=add F812C7145E261C23=remove 5AEDD7C14E3CAEC2=clear filter D43B88702E996ED9=filter: A27E076F9E7EA1E3=progress1 6D0BCBC7DDDC55E7=type: 49EB3CF2EE728EFF=stop playback at end of loop if repeat is disabled D8B3B3186B8C817F=ms 3BF0AA22A506F11A=wildcards 80BE1395BCF8C169=download language packs DD491F831B629F78=item E0B104299A7A8E2E=time 90803304EBE7C40E=track 62C49C467C0C15D3=load... 28450354F52CB7AE=reset 925B2CEB12D2D978=save... ABEC79059CAD0B0E=alias name: 4D5B21719C8D85CE=browse for file... 81F584F9FDAE6C4F=show in finder 08329D07B4EB939C=+ 0922F78BE865FE0C=param D66D409D600C2D04=mixer D82BED186B194A75=ui E9B5F27ED466AEF5=ins 3D9CBC3C216900AD=play F8E6A0B81A77C5E9=reset all midi devices 1EEF91D385882BBE=plug-ins 46B10D8B633443CD=include project filename in bwf data E65D106B2B1EE745=midi devices B90A279A7257C793=edit C7A89083E6E728EB=project directory cleanup 8C2AEE7E9FE91BE0=to: F9519A70026F7B52=position: 6D27CBDC5943D7B6=shape: 5892A20D9BBBE54A=value: 6AE6A7774B25EDEB=edit marker D405917E36F95CF8=id: 48D899DD92FBC032=name: E6B5A6A65044C93D=reset color 941DEA15C4817EEC=set color... E5566C4604653F75=undo history 18C90F7E5DC51FCA=all 67EF32DE1BAE7097=channels: 61B7599A40AF0062=end: 79DCBE1CDE37B4F3=entire project 2555373B75AA89B2=output 0629736B3FAE9E4C=process E19CAC48E2E6EA85=sample rate: 720CB39E31676E27=start: 97D6D411868C112C=time selection C32C641180B224AC=frame rate: CA2A325DBD0A1A47=custom1 895BB684C276CD93=preset name: EE28FE89D1A7A151=edit region 7CE6FE4C74542BB2=region manager... AE7E61A37889E975=free item positioning 61946358B1034B76=mute 96E5C67E1437194E=pan 61EB857EEC517894=record arm 89325B4900977A87=tracks 8FC86C263760ACB9=volume D8D27C186BA6D499=db C3EB4B7A6BCD5F3C=new name: 09939A2A8DB73EDE=performance meter BB1D7DBC1BA8233C=routing matrix 10D0E37E59744608=bpm D99EA6A0E05B0BEC=transport C644A2EBFF26E843=automation mode: 4E5F93B30C786CEB=track envelopes 9F89BC3C59A0401C=pan: 1008A7CF2A029751=width: B8EA9A061D794748=navigator 0832A307B4EB9DCE=% 59111F850FAE5C14=enable snapping 3470CDBB0C544765=media items 00F8AF1A6A14D288=snap settings 8ADF290B4AAF99F9=use the same grid division in arrange view and midi editor 10EC54E7BB0B3282=pixels 57CA523AA910C686=gain compensation (boost pans) 2B4E18A3D5201CFA=pan law A5AE0B33DF6191F1=pan mode: 8EA91D57270468E0=pan law: 2B38050561E7CD8C=display gain: 756B500741E261D4=import license key... AF3196AD6B727ABC=delete 598D95450BED5823=rewire C39132F1A8047E9F=edit... E9991E9C69A2E870=envelopes 698028640C29E8A9=enable locking D35AD13842A55DEA=markers 3896D8BF3E72ED2C=regions 7E11B9683132FA9E=keyboard CA95C3C55E05662B=reverse D91FCBB42B5B9077=docker 05F21CB15F5F944B=auto trim/split items C44624AFE5B908A4=fade pad D92F489AE81E13F2=hysteresis: 0D2DD411CE90EA28=leading pad: 46F1486DB9B6A7A6=mode: 927D36CE7B695660=threshold: 1E386FB5FE43C9CC=trailing pad: 8C66AD45F2B879B1=quantize to: 850C45978587FBF4=notes 2ACDE9B48ED97A15=static E217E1085C7ED06D=searching... 122368E92DE6E29F=reset to defaults 2A487F4A2E60E324=synchronous 1CF5D45574BE7FCD=item properties D26FE1B4C8988F96=muted 272E5D69D552CDA7=not muted C54C5E311372A994=notes 2B7EEDEAE2DA5D5C=enable metronome B420EF3AC9B07180=pre-roll 0B61CC7E6E2E017D=midi channel: 3D9702905AC5B44C=virtual midi keyboard 38F9B35CED04D04D=big clock DDD50B6B9C96D4AA=enable only when effect configuration is focused 542A194EAA789AB0=enable only when track or item is selected 41BAD65DE621E179=soft takeover (absolute mode only) 86C526176585552D=output format: 865773BF0F30AC16=screensets/layouts AE0E8F593F20484B=docker selected tab A620AF611680A051=items A61CBD25C6796002=layouts 5BD67845F0F0360D=main window position 99B8B53D72CFEE9F=mixer flags CE00C3235E535EAA=save EE914AABB985B447=tool window positions DDDAF906972AD14A=horizontal zoom 08A2AD9AC1632C1B=track cursor position 849FA7BAC58F3097=track scroll positions 6EB0F52C0633C017=(0.3x-3x) 0A6448A99C8A2834=advanced ui/system settings 106F53CB2F71186F=allow keyboard commands even when mouse-editing 679088CA658FD532=allow snap grid/track envelope/routing windows to stay open C4A83360D20BD06A=custom splash screen image: D847A2186B3145BC=mb D6701DC77AC3D85B=note: these options are generally considered experimental and should only be used with caution. in addition, some of these options require a restart of reaper to take effect. 0D7057D41011519B=scale ui elements of track/mixer panels, transport, etc, by: 2ED640682AB36744=windows 1E894CD06766E128=octaves 1EBC977984499408=format 576D3C1F8C34C670=strength: 3D05B40BFC6A1E40=external timecode synchronization 2ACB121355B0007A=playback 84225D657EA873E2=device name: 30EF57A27EDFC686=(none) 6B4795AB9EC37475=input: BA0F8B7E28468276=lfo 83A722EC04ED6560=phase: F67F48495D3866C3=consolidating... E705DACA1F54B88B=open with fx offline (recovery mode) 744B2F6CFBA0A242=actions 1EB556E18D613E28=add... F10F4B1B4D6DC250=clear 83CEDDAC8FB7324E=copy 5F8BE96FAB61772F=custom actions: F70C14BE35114F9B=new... 3A39C76003695360=section: D9B12605AD844AAF=list2 D7B51CFC5837E755=rename 15E7199686AA193D=split E53622684802B745=master 3390D94D34F06461=none 66D8B92631859FE9=rename... 5C973D1CB80B0D9F=render... C5531D0DEE1F0D0D=input B599690138EA264A=markers 386EB65EE2979317=load 6B921CBA018B2EE0=no additional resource loaded FA779BCA02DBA08E=reduce envelope points 4F32BF040299F0AA=enable input for control messages 6174C6969402A488=open project in new tab AF427D96E302B145=customized menu: 38EAAB594661F05F=default menu: AA0C81725300640C=import... E0A7E8E6C8588D64=directory: 7B21C9863AA04D13=dither C1F07AAFF4522636=file name: 1D5AC868CE7FE785=noise shaping 5493EE7052DCF71B=options 1B0AFEE5F92D9181=presets 928212AC32CC584E=resample mode (if needed): 04F8C491E59F6D16=reset to default BDB27E5D914EF9E2=video 7DA8EA3426CA11D3=description FAF92150674645B7=title C065E9FEE11B2862=(current project) 397E19C8F7486840=project bay B23C47F019452299=volume: 3C63123253BCD74E=usage D89CC7186B79C49A=to 821B3CD32107333D=track color 383F243464148105=transient detection settings EA7EDFD029F80877=nudge left 2E287BE9B3A7F568=nudge right 3CF04EFDC66C18B2=snap to unit 275DD07EF79CAC80=by: A1C5EC4ACA9C56C0=freeze 0226D05EC331BD27=list A2BF58A6DFD853DC=project D2714B0ED9D27FB1=track manager 2F799723962762C7=stop 7A1E9510735905CF=audio device: A7BA0064C3A88716=output device: 155268E8DDFB481C=curve: 1A8015E802ECC562=item mix behavior: 3868AB5EE29314B8=lock BEE3F1BDC2A992A1=media item properties 18D0284FCA66EF48=take fx... A1A721902449610D=take media source ADFC12BF930BBFC9=take properties 268986373F235EF0=beats 3BEB0AE437FA2F12=center 3A2761697FE8C69E=trim content behind media items when editing BD7850245F5A79EE=import AD510FC22D6EECAC=active midi item follows selection changes in arrange view 19E78BE8A7F79DE0=media item selection is linked to visibility 05E07D2942EFF739=only midi items on the same track as the active item are editable 6B715267FFEB9F05=selection is linked to editability B36DBB640BD652AA=notes: 200265593F330955=scale finder 87D8D79D63721460=open render queue... 6591A9846B673560=source: 2227C3C30D911E85=region/marker manager 043FBD1700F7067B=render warning 83C05BCE6E0BA462=semitones FA363E82A44BE9CC=help DF2472EC2AB0BAFB=download python 2C626DCBF2E2019A=reascript 1616D990C579771C=seconds C4683AE4B6D13F0E=pre-roll: 2715653EC997D088=automation 7B9DAB3CFFB093BC=automation items 20BAEAD47F4513A4=reduce envelope point data when recording or drawing automation CC14188D4AC6BB5D=project settings... DDFC41E99D604844=crossfade editor D8CD3036A319B54F=solo track D9A8B3186C5CECF7=%c F031DD957D5C1B56=continue BF7C871A52628C99=warning EA970E9D488A99CB=render queue delay 9261BE522DCF754F=some sampler plugins may require initialization time to ensure all samples are loaded before starting to render output. 01BF66E624968F18=reaper query 0832A807B4EBA64D= D990EA186C48B88B=, BE72ADED52927C3E=last active project F47146FFAED94D96=new project 5E103081C90DF414=new project (ignore default template) 26038CD1AEC84BF2=edit stretch marker rate FA904550054D55C7=bit depth: B7198C6865BD82A9=peaks 661759053D17D58C=peaks display settings AD872C409758C3B5=rectify peaks 3DAEC1FDB4648CFB=scale peaks by square root (half of range is 12db rather than 6db) A24AA748B77E55CA=start offset: 6BE8B83EA0A1A15E=&actions 386DCB7A24A75D67=&edit 3AF66241CE595B8C=&envelopes DB25337315BFD655=&file F5E3E68D409A3A52=&group AA9942DEC0F6DBEA=&insert 1686A8969AFE3B9F=&options 459EE41012553C16=&paste CE7E80ACF252CB16=&reverse items as new take BE1A8478FCC1F1FA=&track E194E0BBB250B47E=&trim items to selected area 87B550EB3F37F8CE=&view BE39148270D11909=(comp list) 350E0F395B7F1C85=(take list) 3A390528F4DCEC5D=(track template list) 08329707B4EB896A=1 D97FFC186C3A63EE=10 D97FFD186C3A65A1=11 D97FFA186C3A6088=12 D97FFB186C3A623B=13 D98000186C3A6ABA=14 D98001186C3A6C6D=15 D97FFE186C3A6754=16 08329607B4EB87B7=2 08329507B4EB8604=3 08329407B4EB8451=4 08329307B4EB829E=5 08329207B4EB80EB=6 08329107B4EB7F38=7 08329007B4EB7D85=8 08328F07B4EB7BD2=9 9DD55224C5C829FC=absolute frames 9FA78734EF11F68D=add edge points when moving envelope points with items 045E4E19D4C5E283=add edge points when moving multiple envelope points 561C816EA4AE16DF=add edge points when ripple editing or inserting time 80DB785B3C273E72=add spectral edit to item B8A638E10D801ABE=add stretch marker at cursor 1E2BFE3FE36F5A1C=add stretch markers at time selection CF7AF55DCCD92445=allow anticipative fx BEDDCB0B40FD59A2=allow media buffering B4177AFBBA909492=apply track/take fx to items as new take B9A64123FC8187D3=apply track/take fx to items as new take (midi output) 84630E171AD9A159=apply track/take fx to items as new take (mono output) 9AC2F2FE23308A02=apply track/take fx to items as new take (multichannel output) 3E1E032211F699E5=auto-crossfade media items when editing 9CF0A9142899CF43=auto-reposition items in free item positioning mode C09170FD3E752A38=automatically scroll view during playback E03A6CC2DC3D5F04=automation items attach to the underlying envelope on both sides FF9F4014B48BCB5F=automation items attach to the underlying envelope on the right side E8983D7ABDCA9C38=automation items do not attach to the underlying envelope BA7A79B4D3479176=beats (position only) A5D5B4E847F44008=beats (position, length, rate) 919D1A7A385C125C=bezier B4247305029ECD51=bypass underlying envelope outside of automation items FA775AC5C0D28AA4=calculate transient guides 2931EC09DAF12573=calculate transient guides for visible areas 676E901B91B41FD8=chase midi note-ons in project playback 40B42F5B4E7F894C=clear envelope 5440034E9A5FAF6B=clear transient guides 0C670376C4015406=click source 196CA70C1D9D93A4=close all projects A092E5D2A26EFA9C=close project 844E1C381BAED81D=comps 98178F3A662231C3=continuous scrolling 210B23F21E3171CA=convert active take midi to .mid file reference 00BF6D212D40163B=convert active take midi to in-project source data 691C4B8E09709260=copy loop of selected area of items 050AAAF896F25359=crop list to active comp CAAB5CC146E0FC0B=crop to active take AB2A3D4EF1C9D1A8=default 6D2EC5D738690CA9=delete active take 522F483C3BDD4C72=do not link track volume/pan to midi 9824DEB0C15FC0F5=duplicate active take 23590995D822F51C=duplicate tracks 0E71DF4467DEE5F6=dynamic split items... 694879AB065321DB=edit rate 5A3FF93A190E0F6B=empty item 02ABE37861D00256=enable track metering 22890C70F0007984=envelope point selection follows time selection 943A1A47FCEE5EEE=explode midi item by note row (pitch) 66F59CEEAE4451AB=explode all takes (in order) 0B76FEDD4B488DD6=explode all takes (in place) 32A8CD94B8E9F86E=explode all takes to new tracks D1E4A1A455A36989=explode multichannel audio or midi items to new one-channel items 420377F78A3E1841=fx browser DB6FC995D09C7078=fast end BC24D1B6349B5A89=fast start 9A01878F90736611=file 78957C8454DBB75F=freeze tracks to mono (render pre-fader, save/remove items and online fx) 79AA43061BD49154=freeze tracks to multichannel (render pre-fader, save/remove items and online fx) 54DADE4C7B95FC5C=freeze tracks to stereo (render pre-fader, save/remove items and online fx) FB90AE71C9284F3A=glue items B7169EEC02C8D8FC=glue items within time selection 6208D6BE485CCB06=group 7E2DF1630E77106E=group items AF8A1AC00E231ACB=grouping matrix FF07D0ECF3A0E53D=heal splits in items 9C51079A90B5736A=hours:minutes:seconds:frames F2E31CE8AE28842A=implode items across tracks into items on one track CA142F03B9CABB64=implode items across tracks into takes EFC8CD9D920B916F=implode items on same track into takes FBBD098069A14870=import media cues from items as project markers 4324C9C893B102F6=insert 6E9C1F47AE0AB01B=insert new track EB6AC1D6BBE0A433=insert new track at end of track list 14AB75DE2C24FEF3=insert track from template A6F3EA432AA410A4=insert virtual instrument on new track... 92665005797F0930=invert phase 595D1609A802357B=invert selected points A6E8B961172A2EDC=ite&m B2BB1E7719F22B98=item E1E348931CD6C233=item &properties... 0ED5B16414C9FBEC=item and take colors 9F5BC732DF031FE9=item notes... 18A490C172DBF9BB=item processing 68B57E0793CA5AE1=item properties... BA6CAA916A3AEE75=item settings CBED1547C6300197=latch C7F67A5666962B47=latch preview CA47517BDEFA4232=linear 66E5DC632BAFC67F=link track volume/pan to midi channel 5C6FB2DCFD68EEF7=link track volume/pan to all midi channels 8EAF0AA09346C8D7=lock item 7EA6B0652E5346C4=lock to active take F96490112D1B162F=lock track controls 7D4D6C4CD3A7206A=lock track height EC752CC2DB12686D=loop item source ADB9958ED73C94F7=loop section of item source C524AA04CA044305=midi track controls 90AF657379F9511D=marker DDDBC4B59922776E=master track 79D6347556189739=measures.beats F19FF1FD1885ACEF=measures.beats (minimal) E06B596FB29109DC=measures.beats (minimal) / minutes:seconds EC6669A655FB6232=measures.beats / minutes:seconds 09D15F38080A7701=media DAB01B50C7660150=metronome enabled 3E62FFC31E48DC5F=minutes:seconds 555922281DE5343B=move active comp to top lane 21F4EDEE5D02BA27=move envelope points with media items A3CADB91B9CAE84C=move items to new subproject 6C68672E04A0F906=move items to source preferred position (bwf) 475E591F3E135594=move tracks to new subproject 9D4AE82B2A6E582F=multichannel track metering 385A68019D9A9A61=new project tab F65CD38614815711=next take AF8FB722E2FC29EA=normalize items B622D171EE197539=normalize items (common gain) 423DD25A37AD7A79=nudge/set items... 65CA689C377C5655=offset template items by edit cursor F1032E62ED81A0C4=open associated project in new tab AAB1F0BA33F2CA9C=open copies in editor B49A3DAD17186E2A=open copies in secondary editor C00C9ED3E1843E69=open in built-in midi editor (set default behavior in preferences) 619AF06BCC66D00F=open in editor 2E3DECABF5FD3B44=open in inline editor 8991F36B7822B489=open in secondary editor 4C6F30285576EE3F=open items in editor C83C5309F0D5EEC0=open project... D9CD3B25D255019B=open template... 13A51C8BEEDFCE52=paste 8657A2F07751612A=paste to takes in items 88344341B9A154CA=play all takes 88FE80D1430C4312=preserve pitch when changing playrate B6616B85587122F2=prevent anticipative fx 8A09A75D01EDDA59=prevent media buffering 832F70C2FB781E83=prevent spectral peaks/spectrogram 5CCBCB0963EC10AD=previous take 26C7502E02B01288=project timebase D62932A5C72ACCBB=propagate item to all similarly-named items D475F7AB7314098E=propagate item to similarly-named items on track 3C4653C38684563B=propagate take to all similarly-named active takes C5C24397EF0DB674=propagate take to similarly-named active takes on track 1AAC225BC2D18F76=quantize item positions to grid... E84AEE35A92DF248=quit BB1FF02F46CC14C3=read CAC4592C4D4DD57A=record mode: auto-punch selected items 2A861A976C38C3D4=record mode: normal 71CB5040464F5BC3=record mode: time selection auto punch BB0EF92F46BDB0DB=redo ECD8A7FC74B3A45A=region render matrix 92C3E890C5EC8E5D=remove fx for active take F9E04376D3B7E6DE=remove active comp from list 186444C1EA089313=remove items 0A6A186FCB4E720A=remove items from group D2F88B0EF54D2211=remove track icon FDFA2E97CD8FDE19=remove tracks 586B2A0EC026812A=render items as new take 62060BAC51213CA3=render tracks to mono stem tracks (and mute originals) 6B80ADA8054A1976=render tracks to multichannel stem tracks (and mute originals) 9BF0024003286A6E=render tracks to stereo stem tracks (and mute originals) BB2ECD751C866045=render/freeze tracks 20EE79BDD1264889=reset selected points to zero/center 1598EBACCB0F49EA=reverse active take 3C80DA00A78511C2=reverse items as new take 581D6158029C2ADC=ripple edit all tracks 416573F8395B660E=ripple edit per-track BD80D7F68741D41A=samples D13A2D9F38411FDF=save project 931D2CD599D2FEC9=save tracks as track template... 27A8F35A732CC6E6=save/rename active comp... F0920ED4F28AEEBC=seconds 86891682F6F2D16C=select all 60EE028014F5398C=select all items in group 47B6B0240DC76A6B=select all points 6E708F217D28443C=select points in time selection 807AD2DC48AC8DC8=set active takes to custom color... 0704D964EA4B33E0=set active takes to default color EB6A3F98C6F7C92A=set active takes to one random color 628E594012CC7C5B=set all takes of selected items to default color 47C303DD6766CBE5=set envelope default point shape 11458E9C9EF4BE2E=set item timebase to beats (position only) EC375DCC4CE39240=set item timebase to beats (position, length, rate) 9D60E5E1B749E8D5=set item timebase to project/track default 0EB8F3CE4C772566=set item timebase to time 020D3467C33B79B0=set items to custom color... 31DD29D6185E7EC8=set items to default color 6C8CB6E8F2159B02=set items to one random color A68ABA1C0EA6CE27=set items to random colors BA7DD3138B41C153=set shape for selected points 648DC6218B71EAE3=set track icon... 2A155A1A970AC2FE=set tracks to custom color... 639DD13915D0BDD2=set tracks to default color 27450F3A019ACFE8=set tracks to one random color AB902561E815401D=set tracks to random colors 0A6FCB87E138A3AF=show fx chain for active take FC08989D53C1D223=show midi track control panel A0CB20A955DAF552=show action list... 257731EBCA5EBF0E=show grid 593D5AC384550ADA=show recent actions A869C80BC8A6891B=show spectrogram 6A05662E2A1E77AC=slow start/end FD06ABC366DA801A=smooth seeking (seeks at end of measure) 8BD3DE8B5B83C01C=snap to grid 0814EFA066F6B891=source &properties... 40C8007578BEB3CE=spectral edits 1F4C50B930F9D6C8=split items at cursor 90B859A4F328EBB9=split items at time selection AF908AD98D533548=square 67F86878615B8457=stretch marker at cursor F84E1DFB577DA637=stretch markers B836E9AED19FB093=stretch markers in selected items DD0D50B2EF690AC1=stretch markers in selected items within time selection 94D8EC714ED10E14=synchronization enabled 1589D28CD62A7BF0=synchronization settings... A726FC321D37D0F0=t&ake 71E0871D72ABD5CC=take 5601B9A57A757ADB=take channel mode: normal 417B1A7081B07295=take envelopes... 2BE60748A665DAFB=take mute envelope 1BF73E10831BC659=take pan envelope 4A2B58135C235086=take pitch envelope E871F70D1F455842=take volume envelope B98A031D9BEEF64E=time 6EEA4E6D1C299C1E=toggle &pan active E29A8B5D1C16061F=toggle &volume active 171CD8B223DA2025=toggle pan (pre-fx) active 5137806840344CAF=toggle pan (pre-fx) visible 8DF30F24527A956A=toggle pan active 124E3F58D9D38C02=toggle pan visible 13D77626487877AE=toggle volume (pre-fx) active EDAADDAE852D16DE=toggle volume (pre-fx) visible 6909129551C0263B=toggle volume active 22BB6337A73E9205=toggle volume visible 9A96C7D5CB612D76=toolbar docker 83EA05809A680356=touch D0C04B9E79D271AE=track BAB20E52AB03A898=track automation mode 6478144A3C4FB7D2=track grouping enabled 1002920B25015351=track grouping parameters... E8F72322AC27C447=track icon F923F7795042C1F4=track layout 08C4A189ED06CFFA=track performance options 12438EC5ABFDAC96=track timebase 53191BFB24C2F304=transient guides CDF129916A7161CA=trim items to selected area E80224910029CDEC=trim/read 0E28C6126A0CF889=undo EE5CF20F98160706=unfreeze tracks (restore previous items and fx) 58EB14692B28F25A=unselect all points C4930ADECE6F49DA=use tonal optimized mode C2EA750B659102CA=view D3B242D430A5DB6C=virtual midi keyboard C9D51236E5A04162=write 62473318FFD2829F=[recording settings] 29AC56D2B3AB95DD=© selected fx\tctrl+c 2F3C98801E1D176D=&fx 0EE7D967B88BFC63=&fx plug-ins settings... ED9D4CD707DD43C6=&paste fx\tctrl+v, ctrl+insert A7702CFDA3C1F8E6=&remove selected fx\tdelete 4BB3333A13123CE6=add fx... 5B982DEEA8952FF4=auto-float new fx windows C7317FFF2A84005C=build 16 channels of midi routing to this track 84FADFAA8CD497E1=build multichannel routing for output of selected fx... A564BFA603B3928B=c&ut selected fx\tctrl+x 82EE5475CB6FCE9F=close window BC328CB03B0D078E=copy &all fx\tctrl+shift+c F3F5886C1F6A6C85=copy all fx 932563A1D4D9236F=copy selected fx B7E90584A70A56CB=copy selected fx (include automation) 386E80D3AED15B5D=copy selected fx (include automation)\tctrl+alt+c 51B6457C06E865F4=cut selected fx CC1F02E05223C02F=dock fx window in docker D85ED6186B447CF9=fx 91C05340E1D72E6F=fx plug-ins settings... F07B8BF09056DBC7=freeze track B9450FA5B73E0242=freeze track to mono, up to last non-offline fx 4A24DE7EC5D70EE4=freeze track to mono, up to last selected fx 822C0ABE515442BB=freeze track to multichannel, up to last non-offline fx C8A3EF986B3A45BF=freeze track to multichannel, up to last selected fx E4EB1F77E012E753=freeze track to stereo, up to last non-offline fx 9CADE133F3BF88B7=freeze track to stereo, up to last selected fx 45D48DA7AFD8FF18=paste fx D15DD369C1DD169E=remove all fx C4E5E30C8A3E3BDF=remove all fx\tshift+delete 7B8D571E4E2F8276=remove selected fx 12D1E2F79FD7BDB8=rename fx instance E67F0BA2C154FA57=rename fx instance\tf2 2A7E68360937F521=replace fx... CD9DE212764F150E=save selected fx as chain... 10AA715E679A1188=send all keyboard input to plug-in 90788E770202C34E=toggle selected fx bypass 3821C0F763D1850D=toggle selected fx bypass\tctrl+b 64F4A9D95C4E316D=toggle selected fx offline 685BE17D4DA686FC=toggle selected fx offline\tctrl+alt+b 43EF57CE3ADA8A28=unfreeze track 024457DEEDAF4C2C=window float selected fx 907F0944C42611FB=window float selected fx\t(doubleclick) 3683BEB2CD7D7896=&edit js fx... D86FE1186B5302DD=au 191E307E5E0D97DC=aui 32C5A9224C3188A6=auto-clear folder view on close 6EFA7E4EF87CA485=auto-clear search field on close 4018D271D54282D1=auto-clear search field on folder change CAC6D9B556053C93=categories DFE075A0849636D1=clear cache and re-scan all plugins F1288C037F484D01=cockos D6DB6AF3F0039A90=create new &js fx... D1015785000960A4=create new js fx... D865D2186B4A94DB=dx FF98B17E4FBAAA76=dxi 2D4BDC5DCCE1B42E=default fx presets 83ACA278C2C00834=developers 146E11E319517217=dock fx browser in docker 2A31DB0B5883713A=edit js fx... C004CD40F2057E29=fx chains A9712384CADC45EE=fx shortcuts EFDD0AC32D858D23=instruments D851E3186B3A08B4=js 7A8F70DCF15158A9=jsfx descriptions A1957B451EAC9B78=jsfx filenames D2A68B678498F805=plug-ins that begin with '#' 44914FDF8A0DA00C=recent 240086858F17503C=remove all empty folders CC9253BC8BC18E8D=rename fx... A179E53BE5D2EC67=scan for new plugins E7D728BB6DC1259F=show in fx list DD4C8B57B6C4F338=show in left pane list 6388A67DF74AFA94=vst 40B8E8A7530FEAA1=vst folders 6C2D8F0B3467E9C5=vst3 3953BC0A0C920F44=vst3i 6C2DE50B34687BE7=vsti 4D0B7C1B0447364A=video processor F1707CB9030B35E0=automatic record-arm when track selected 914F5B81FECF32F5=copy selected area of items 349F55EF86232987=create measure from time selection (detect tempo) 4B37D6054E63E942=create measure from time selection (new time signature)... 5F08AD67C9135573=crop project to selection 48E3EE852F14F202=insert empty space in selection 5710F0FC06226D7D=remove contents of selection (moving later items) F2F9B74A2243D03F=set project tempo from time selection (detect tempo) EA21659EDE25DB0A=set project tempo from time selection (new time signature)... 7D82EC3419C2A0DA= 271F989089915585=arm envelope for recording 558EC42D6AC40A92=automation item options for this envelope 051CA74B46992E79=bypass envelope A6EF93273B597A8D=clear or remove envelope... 0D521319E895BADD=copy points E801B83593C3DB47=create pooled duplicate A2FAC659F6C6EC6C=create unpooled duplicate 32A5F32C7000598C=cut points 89B2C8E0158D7807=default point shape 974BF434A2393C3D=delete automation item, preserve points F1C5C2EC7C56CF0D=delete points in time selection E3DAA9F7F82CB67B=envelope defaults 4EFA5E888C26F6BA=glue CD674FEA536FDABD=hide envelope A221F0C79D56397A=insert new automation item 7A13F82CEDFD20A9=pitch envelope: range/snap... 176C5452D56FF52A=project default behavior outside of automation items 1A62BA3FE4EDC314=properties... 21E4A0FB10179834=reduce number of points... 0943685A571BB951=remove from pool 2504EFBB70A00BF0=reset points to zero/center C038339424CBD482=select envelope (env name) 727B7F2EB869FFD5=show envelope in lane E23E7C59E700D167=volume envelope: amplitude scaling 15441270F2148E26=volume envelope: fader scaling 7C92092A41B00EDC=latch (record fader movements after first movement) DEF52717C4E7101F=read (play faders with armed envelopes) 5A6DE0CA99B71E37=show all active track envelopes E73F4D99E9F274CB=touch (record fader movements to armed envelopes) A23B66B5439758A9=write (record fader positions to armed envelopes) 5121A85C07CE50F8=apply playrate to current bpm 006B733C62729272=decrease by ~0.6% (ten cents) 62A207FF54858A9C=decrease by ~6% (one semitone) 62DCD9FD78BC002A=increase by ~0.6% (ten cents) BC1BCCE6A4775AF4=increase by ~6% (one semitone) EDA2EFF8719B8390=playrate fader range: 0.25-4.0 (default) 5A097A1E8E23E204=playrate fader range: 0.5-2.0 460AFFF6D99D0DD1=playrate fader range: 0.75-1.5 BD6665EE0A2BDB92=playrate fader range: 0.9-1.1 D7121E5A0710CF4F=preserve pitch in audio items when changing master playrate 4EEB564BBD876EAB=set to 1.0 D471352EB3F51E49=add fx chain C319D1F3FBF68B94=copy fx 5FF66B2D1C5E4DA8=paste replace fx 476CA46F5CC9791B=remove send 5D5B152A913BF2D1=go to end of project E4053920A9B5A25A=go to start of project DD8F228BCFA37CFF=pause D4FDE496446E78EF=playrate F0EBC9DF5B847ED6=record 3E38EF62B047CD38=repeat 3E7CD7C393BEE92F=use ruler time unit A66F5FD1FF70F568=attach docker to main window CF4149897EC941E3=connect 0B76DAB9034D4C25=disconnect B814E3BFB72A607B=delete preset 37E1C985732EDDC1=save preset... 0A406B52D72D3189=toggle track mute 166EA90B165E1A9C=automation notifications 6C837121717D4EA3=avoid loading undo states when possible 7C52DE0969C08A82=buggy plug-in compatibility mode 674FB3DE1B272051=channel 1 B38F0368237C04D3=channel 10 B38F0268237C0320=channel 11 B38F0568237C0839=channel 12 B38F0468237C0686=channel 13 B38F0768237C0B9F=channel 14 B38F0668237C09EC=channel 15 B38F0968237C0F05=channel 16 674FB0DE1B271B38=channel 2 674FB1DE1B271CEB=channel 3 674FB6DE1B27256A=channel 4 674FB7DE1B27271D=channel 5 674FB4DE1B272204=channel 6 674FB5DE1B2723B7=channel 7 674FAADE1B271106=channel 8 674FABDE1B2712B9=channel 9 A2AD8A8A1376F812=compatibility settings F3BA3A8E6686C922=default notification settings (set in preferences/vst) 4D7E1F0F4DFA5B57=export vst patch/bank file (.fxp/.fxb)... B9ABDBF036490D44=export preset library (.rpl)... A20B1F2055BF5412=ignore all notifications 553098B8452B6F0C=ignore when not from ui thread C514867DEFC3A26A=ignore when plug-in window is not open A323B989757B042A=import vst patch/bank file (.fxp/.fxb)... 1E031E71B52167CD=import preset library (.rpl)... 18A8E487E05046F8=inform plug-in when track channel count changes 7F8BE88D07D058A1=link to midi program change E485FC63E796EFFA=move down A35385C769502F3F=move up DF45382BC646671C=no link 9590CA1D43A60188=plug-in state data size: 0 kb 4523D3871D7D7B77=process all notifications 888CF2A8F9990B9E=rename preset... C35B6227A5807B01=save minimal undo states 77D4606E1E255B38=save preset as default... 54BE0C4F3DB86B76=save state as vst bank (default) 5F00BE84E91B6C9B=go to previous marker 94D3B132B355DDD4=use transport home/end for markers 51B4B159DD69FD3B=go to next marker 3460E53D021E70FE=close all projects but current 213CDB1B65EA8A91=monitoring fx... 41BED5570D76889B=remove marker 591C4FE46C7B0E21=remove region C5B3CE5C6E29439A=edit time signature marker... D65885774203EA34=remove time signature marker 4C5A9B01CD346DD0=exclusive solo 51B57BB98FEF688B=ignore selection 76EE6BE79431DD36=ignore selection\tshift 0420AF237D97ECB8=solo BCB3C3B4A1794FDC=unsolo all B348AEAE3BC8702E=exclusive mute 2A10B822A0A5485E=unmute all 09CFC77E55F475C5=cut A354AA07A4DF9BBD=enable grouping 09A01E8714A0B688=comment FE0BBBB916484A16=new project bay window 9F31623C59553158=path 1A6E49AB086243F9=midi 1 1A6E46AB08623EE0=midi 2 1A6E47AB08624093=midi 3 1A6E4CAB08624912=midi 4 1A6E4DAB08624AC5=midi 5 1A6E4AAB086245AC=midi 6 1A6E4BAB0862475F=midi 7 1A6E50AB08624FDE=midi 8 8C591324B04C3AED=midi piano roll toolbar 7C3B88238C71DAA1=main toolbar 27C488257589FFA9=toolbar 1 1CF2F0A6B97D50FB=toolbar 10 1CF2EFA6B97D4F48=toolbar 11 1CF2F2A6B97D5461=toolbar 12 1CF2F1A6B97D52AE=toolbar 13 1CF2F4A6B97D57C7=toolbar 14 1CF2F3A6B97D5614=toolbar 15 1CF2F6A6B97D5B2D=toolbar 16 27C485257589FA90=toolbar 2 27C486257589FC43=toolbar 3 27C48B25758A04C2=toolbar 4 27C48C25758A0675=toolbar 5 27C48925758A015C=toolbar 6 27C48A25758A030F=toolbar 7 27C48F25758A0B8E=toolbar 8 27C49025758A0D41=toolbar 9 3E6F5B4FF4F5BC43=create new folder... D86C7175F627BC38=select all items 271D7187C80C7F43=midi editor 2D64A463B95C3074=media explorer E93215673B41CADD=arm envelope B4C516B1D2BA0AE4=display quantization C685A28B8DBF7F8B=folder D489C67E376967C8=i/o 2112CF591DBD3A60=mono FC55E4C505C541DE=parameter 0687FB850B209D99=parameter modulation/link/midi link FA08A03DC81EC720=plug-in name B8A56B8F77C88B77=swing DD0CE22D75D36ED1=track name 978AC938BDD65877=track number 8A3F14717826D8D1=width 514129849A113DA0=(unknown) 20AFB48FFE418F4F=select 6037A596D672320D=shortcut B762E77EB85D7B6C=off D8ADC6186B88361A=on 1A236FDD7E5FF32C=custom 02194DA19CF34ECD=edit: redo DBE0EEA73EA7A24B=edit: undo 6B9A1E235CAF7E24=export track lyrics... 43BC736F21CDCC77=grid: set to 1 D0F421758DD23E9D=grid: set to 1/10 (1/8 quintuplet) 30991748475EAF88=grid: set to 1/12 (1/8 triplet) 3029AAC716696009=grid: set to 1/128 A724F6AA892C6837=grid: set to 1/16 A724ECAA892C5739=grid: set to 1/18 3EDB8D617ED8170E=grid: set to 1/2 F7D2806AF1C8F6A8=grid: set to 1/24 (1/16 triplet) 37F77ED848275C2C=grid: set to 1/3 (1/2 triplet) A72BE2AA893264E9=grid: set to 1/32 3EDB8F617ED81A74=grid: set to 1/4 2CE4869C340ECB40=grid: set to 1/48 (1/32 triplet) CDE6D9431CA98F1B=grid: set to 1/5 (1/4 quintuplet) 5230DF98E1E9B921=grid: set to 1/6 (1/4 triplet) A735F6AA893ADB6A=grid: set to 1/64 D3850DEF9281CAD8=grid: set to 1/7 (1/4 septuplet) 3EDB83617ED80610=grid: set to 1/8 3EDB84617ED807C3=grid: set to 1/9 43BC746F21CDCE2A=grid: set to 2 6F0C98395DCB31E4=grid: set to 2/3 (whole note triplet) 43BC756F21CDCFDD=grid: set to 3 43BC6E6F21CDC3F8=grid: set to 4 322A7281794EFF1B=grid: use the same grid division in arrange view and midi editor 2730763EB716675B=import track lyrics... 02ED4538D2503B73=insert or extend midi items to fill time selection 01262900CB9ABE4B=loop points: remove loop points F8D05E3085FD2B41=loop points: set end point B0BD565E6246F228=loop points: set start point FDFF2C38C037D04E=no-op (no action) 887AC55D66DDCCA9=options: midi editor mouse modifier preferences... 4F54BFB1FE7FA7B1=send all notes off to all midi outputs/plug-ins DCFEAB8BD451EB5C=show action list E9D9A68C20EC04ED=time selection: remove time selection E3E61F01CACF8EAD=time selection: remove time selection and loop points 23CA90FBC72F010D=toggle show master track and tempo envelope 12C3FAD652693FD1=toolbar: open midi toolbar 1 at mouse cursor BBE9B04C60CAD394=toolbar: open midi toolbar 2 at mouse cursor BF0E1DB8639E5D8F=toolbar: open midi toolbar 3 at mouse cursor 4A717A29C667E83A=toolbar: open midi toolbar 4 at mouse cursor 38FDB8540DCC8CE5=toolbar: open midi toolbar 5 at mouse cursor E0C2BFFA3E68A1C8=toolbar: open midi toolbar 6 at mouse cursor 9DE34C2D25A9E7C3=toolbar: open midi toolbar 7 at mouse cursor C1284F3D2876ADCE=toolbar: open midi toolbar 8 at mouse cursor B12DCB764FB6F550=transport: pause EE7C68EF6C212F98=transport: play 46E68D57893F0D5D=transport: play/pause 82CD794FA2EDD475=transport: play/stop A4419DE98AC6632E=transport: stop 61DB5FFF400740A5=transport: toggle repeat 4C2711165B524E16=unselect all tracks/items/envelope points 16A0B50E20E429AB=view: move edit cursor to mouse cursor 7807E6A469856A94=view: move edit cursor to play cursor 60FDC47CC49E565A=view: scroll view down 00A326BE1D4B4B0F=view: scroll view left 3CAB5198F069B180=view: scroll view right EF2E4D6B32E12F9F=view: scroll view up 0832A507B4EBA134=# 73532F71FB46906C=(not connected) 0EC28D42C155A657=---- user presets (.rpl) ---- 11B3B66593F236CF=confirm preset delete 0A98866C997B323D=midi bus %d 93244D3BB94E6F33=no preset 17B3AE10A9CC3695=plug-in state data size: 274E7C84B3E58DB8=reset to factory default D8C1A6186B98A8C4=in B7290B7EB82C4051=out F420AC1723391ECE=master track 629548803B048F00= - 7110EEEF2B77963B=duration 922845265318591C=native cd burning 463D73C293F60F91=unknown error 9EC3E20500624AAF=error 2430BBE52E3FC625=comp %d 8CF4F0AFD0B7C40A=filename ADE62F1CFD2974B6=scanning... 2A6ED1B48E88BCC9=status BABD655B2A5AED87=select a directory: 21D9AFD3561EE5AB=stereo EE1268CA4B845A22=# fx 9747AB7E1489B5C8=pdc 43855E7B817F2992=reamote FE54809EE740B495=(leave at 9 unless you know what you're doing) 28B58959477A4C84=midi input: 8E37CA9F4D4DE00B=midi output: 18CD0ED91946CEB8=size tweak: 5800FB6F53EAD40E=surface offset (tracks): 686CBDF778971C6F=disabled D9220AE04A08F86B=error opening file 09A3E92731A691E1=length: %s AF63BD4C8601B7DF= 4B1F235812EEE9D6=mute AEF53FB432FD3810=tempo map 480A73B43C308366= (folder) 65971737BB8DFA2C=send envelopes 94FDEB80682CF963=fx parameters EC02F0F810FC7CDF=latch preview (allow adjusting parameters but do not apply to envelopes) A74298433E1F4B3D=track channel 5D4FC446DED74611=output channel AFCA4361EC2D09C2=show/hide columns: 361AF2206DE0E16A=bytes 0DBD7F7EE933458C=end 1B262DDE53BE63B5=start 322690F7CBF0FD23=pitch: ACF539B15A75BF74=(no path) E321075F38B5E684=+/- 12 semitones CEEC86A957312AA9=+/- 2 semitones CD9C9586B6C680BD=+/- 6 semitones AF4AD46D7AA10118=add current folder to shortcut list D23E76ECCBF7CD46=album E953387880EB6BCA=always show waveform peaks for selected media DB6AFFF8CBB64A68=artist 56908A585EF50FEA=auto-advance to next file after preview (requires repeat off) B9666ACA0AC7725D=auto-render proxy to preview reaper .rpp projects 7A61C83EDD568392=auto-stop preview after adding media 49F3858E533190F8=bwf description A50F76D2156ADF7C=continuous 369CCAF2839E0334=create new database... D388E3E89010C0A9=custom database tag 6C1E03322EDDC845=default action (double-click or enter key) 33B126F31D7ADF8D=display preview position in tenths of seconds AADC236C38D60A97=do nothing A646042E5765A52A=dock media explorer in docker 2A626E380F22C76E=enable looping when inserting selected portion of media 890755C7D7874711=folder searches: 4435244E8273302A=genre 6ECB1D1A87048B0D=include matching folders A990E39726BBA83A=insert media on new track F38FF5A9EE6E2C5B=insert media on selected track C5546E0DD81AFC44=insert media or open project 5B745260C3493F34=insert projects as media C22D827E2CB7D166=key 0CF72611CE62330E=leading path 193B82B9E649A7C5=make database from current folder 0B35824C72FB30DC=open projects in current tab 44F0FFC2E0D387C7=open projects in new tab F59487584435052D=pitch shift knob behavior (shift toggles) B2579E00120F065C=pitch shift knob range EB15808B1540C1AC=preserve pitch when tempo-matching 2F74CCDD701B9BA8=quarter tones 18B2EB557BCF81C7=reset pitch when changing media B9DE9D249705516F=search 53CB1AF0FBEA1A6A=search fields: A3DB1DD77DEC0A75=search in subfolders 383F7308FD0C095D=search metadata (slower) E3B4DC554BBF6002=semitones 1E0BA4E5C4151116=show all files F2765E84D66E47D0=show leading paths 9BCD78DA719A530E=show source properties for current media 6EC0EDC21D60E9B9=start preview C6599EACB5E203A5=unload current media 8CB90A437B9511AB=update search only when enter key pressed E1B082D02E99FD1E=use windows explorer for browsing 86A4F3F3E1A5932A=year 2D126F1D4BD6B8C7=type ACE17ED77A0CFB39=insert into project D204E3D46BB8DD12=open project A43D5AFECAA46489=preview 2C078B30A2995EDB=rearoute output B2C13E7E2485F09F=mtc 7D8F257E060B62E4=spp 4789C5332441688D=error finding an unused filename for output. source file:\r\n\t 6A8323D4A2DF56E0=explode multichannel media A1BB777BE5203666=open copy error FEAA833C7533B5D0=file not found 1091E0FE22106AFC=channels: %d CD2E4AA3231DEC4D=file not opened 71831478CADD789A=file offline 439CE51FC4707DDD=length: 9570937682166424=samplerate: %d D730907ADC00D444=unknown error/status B91CE6D46C187F45=17/24 bit C633BF1A291433D2=18/24 bit 69D538E55E513B5F=19/24 bit 9BB61F50BD162F5B=20/24 bit 5BE38557536BCB1E=21/24 bit 697FD952AC16BE0D=22/24 bit 080C24098D9DA498=23/24 bit 1C9976E435832BEB=bypass 17E7264672EB4EC9=fx comment for: 67D35DD28653A00A=bypassed 82E42D2FF8D25A8D=could not get channel info for effects (are they multichannel?) BA1A25DF2A11E99B=rename folder 2FD8CEB7661F1822=alias parameter 915C69C77F31F221=envelope: E763E06A994AAAFB=learn EDD67828D248E210=show in track controls A5B5D9B93340662C=auto D726E2A6E8466B26=create new midi file: 2ED22F7EFB7E2C2A=all 49EE42D3465CDA6E=selected C92094118C504736=rename group 08323B07B4EAED16=m 08323507B4EAE2E4=s 1EBBCAFED2D3BA25=master 11769ACBDEF004CC=edit tempo/time signature marker 37B990D4112E1A98=move marker 44BE2B196101CBBE=move region AB92A9DAC365A96B=a single loopable media item 5267FAD4364EECB7=adjust media to project tempo 356FEEC423F176E6=beat slices that dynamically adjust to tempo changes 15C4666BD022F937=import media at source tempo 91C5B6489FFA9947=%dch ED3B2E348AB4097C=empty 57F28E456CC0FEEB=pitch 140944783E61BE8D=rate: 2C5B8309D9FC8004=take 63ACD193C4316F68=normal 80E92B8E090EA373=render 64835E1E0CE30E3B=(empty lane) 7C21CDD2AEBBA4D6=enclosed items replace enclosing items 5BA4387FA574D390=items always mix DD2984E0D3995E66=items always replace earlier items 94DEF1C233373209=project default AD6ADC4BDE973BA3=select replacement file: 7C0BD7F6D6C1126C=code error BA2E51CA750060F6=input %d 3DC3C3589C65D706=midi B5431ED426EE5CA5=input device: 081F5207A6D5AA8E=sample format: D8C4BC186B9B03FD=hz C31D08554C93D81A=reajs 33C1474459264CBC=presetbutton 2AF10D61DA454203=triangle E1CA4E1B0C5C2DB6=can't open reamote udp port! E6A55E1F24BD208C=choose reaperconfigzip to import A4C0C852A5B25572=confirmation C93417DD40352E1B=error saving D52782E5368E8EA1=error writing to midi file A752FB9BC4EC6C8C=initializing... 33A5C54D35029E6F=note D790926420BA2EB7=notice BBA33ABA3D67B8AA=reaper error 05A130B04362C768=reaper note E83CE539DBB569A7=stop recording before rendering... 5945AF9182806811=you must stop recording before importing configuration (as configuration import will require a restart) D96196186C20B90D=: BA8A5EA843F33060=can't redo 99B80DC023AB26F6=can't undo 83BDD8AC8FA8B69C=comp BA0039FB59D95325=master F4944DF4957B0C53= (default) D722FAC57CDCD58A=%d media items 4EC7F7461DF2D993=¬e: 7026A011104B1446=&value: 742F5D29C7564242=&velocity: B817B56070E01709= 01DA63B41FEE389F= D3D2747652BD318E=all channels 50B1DD4586A4B192=change key signature F3238895531F739E=channel BC585B6FF340DD35=channel pressure E78FFFE5EA715BBB=create tuplet... 9936FD536FA95041=delete key signature 5FD74DE73CBAB0FA=display quantization... 6D6F3C9161BBF878=edit lyric E4DA54B8178F9F4F=edit sysex event 2545832814C62E1B=edit tuplet EBBFDA9189F52B3B=edit tuplet B686BA8838F18A6F=key signature changes affect all tracks 5EF7E5C1AEA8878B=load note names from file... E733F90D010E8468=notation: identify chords on editor grid DC1BFC2EC50777D8=notation: remove all chord notation 430304A419B0E574=note properties C54C973113730A6F=note: 56A71EF19F6D546B=octave C645D4DB5297312E=poly aftertouch 2ADD7A879D22FA5C=position B376015F8643AFD1=program: 05AE6808A1E816A9=rename midi take 63D8223008357593=select all notes in default voice B4806B0B80335AE6=select all notes in high voice A025E53729E41E20=select all notes in low voice EF9B6744B3A3252C=show project markers 8AECF7AB9A62250A=show project regions 9B29B2AE84FDC449=show project tempo changes 9ED6EEF5EE379522=song select C98EE5432BA46B65=transposing display affects key signatures C244DB21860623E6=unhide all notes 02E6C28F6CC5D246=velocity: 0EE3E56F69BB58C3=voice C499FEFB8CC28F79=filter 97D314BE6757F16B=grid: 4417D0C297FFFC34=key snap: 0897D550A9582F1B=voice: 2ACA9A5D3E5720F8=transpose: 366298521A7B6338=&channel: E2071FAD9CE62FAB=&length: CEEE8377C1EF8C86=&position: 12848776E53AAD00=use + -* / for relative changes in any field.\r\nuse +1o2 to add 1 octave and 2 semitones. B80BE35FC002073A=bank/program select B16F3BCB9C49D151=add to selection 62D61C82DFC06ED3=high 34256B9EEE178D2F=invert BA5E537E2889F79F=low 8B359EC8CE2EF66C=parameter: D21C990ADFD61587=show only events that pass filter BADA204837504C00=bottom 7622187E02308D3E=top 898659B24A7C6FB8=back C12027CB26D455FB=(note notation menu) 1D4EDA35A99AEFAE=insert note F15A7C7042D0D2C2=join notes 4CF56FEC1BD3817D=notation 1AA6DE3444DD65AC=note channel A3E22CDD7E92648A=note properties... 4AAE40A08510E47F=paste preserving position in measure 45E4A687094FD052=rename current note... 00AE9EFDE5806889=select all notes with same pitch 0A80E4A5D91679BC=select next note 37277D8125A38624=select next note with same pitch 06031C90037D1F1C=select previous note DBF66490E7BE7504=select previous note with same pitch C37C016F07A7F9E3=set note ends to start of next note (legato) 3AECB68ED5632B6C=split notes E2DC5AE969186DD5=&export to new midi file... 6BFE2688487DD768= 478CB748FDBE3CCC=add next note to selection 84D4D5DA0837EE21=add note nearest cursor to selection 71AFE5DB5650A1AC=add previous note to selection 7EDC3D0D26BF2D8C=all media items are editable in notation view 6B25D8449FD79DF4=allow midi note edit to extend the media item A958A4ED6B3FE77D=always snap notes/cc to the left 84DBA574F27F3A00=automatically correct overlapping notes 662197EEE0495B80=automatically detect triplets A2D6900BDE25A89B=automatically double dot notes 76CD8A8C7B0631AB=automatically save modified file on close B3A2924B68A32EC2=automatically triple dot notes F5C0144DB696F06C=automatically voice overlapping notes 8AEA4F30E06A7A87=behavior for \"open items in built-in midi editor\" A8B092DA55DB685C=bracket tracks by folder AE1C4652DA3C4CFB=cc events in multiple media items C29296DABF54ABEE=choose file... D6FAC22FB212CB64=clear color map (use default) D6CA8B3F64E91704=clear note names 5631674AC3232EB2=close editor 725B164EA8340BE9=close editor when the active media item is deleted in arrange view 4EE4CA7435A0D22D=color note heads AAD780F2936DFA0C=color notes by 5479D7FA9A2ADB81=contents CD47DFA0273657A2=continuous view always, regardless of zoom level 91E3DBF71C5D78E4=customize menus/toolbar... 458E371D81F5AF00=diamonds (drum mode) 3615D619BF30D578=display 14-bit msb/lsb cc data as a single entry in event list/properties 4301D6719DEA0900=display pedal events 75B1CEA2CFE0653C=dock window 7B070861BE3E039A=draw and edit on all tracks CBA3F4617B7ED4EB=drawing or selecting a note sets the new note length 615BB99EE4DB6A1D=edit on all tracks B98C4C5CF62E1612=edit only when mouse is over velocity bar FF74C5FAC8666B6D=edit previous note within current grid division 22F2CC2A38A97EDC=event properties... 951BA9E25A69B529=export to new midi file... 0B0113E292076F0C=filter events... EFEE658757CE9229=freeze quantization DBDB8690C26086AF=hide unused and unnamed note rows EC7AC3AA42C4D72E=hide unused note rows 97A35548BE7EAAB4=humanize... 0350C15B07A61D91=key signatures DFBC279E68B89582=load color map from file... F6715C668E6BE54F=load note names from file 8AE9AE7D7775A16B=lyrics 67D1CB88D6D1EB6C=midi editor mouse modifiers... 404B3253FA5D1109=measures.beats.100ths 54BEE420D92D3721=measures.beats.midi_ticks 652EF93F64A683F6=media item lane 0B3E0029A01A16F4=media item 37430F40BB8B352E=media item selection is linked to editability 2DF49C37B8D4B099=minimize ties for all notes by default 9FFBE5433EFE0406=mode: event list 2EDF82495F660F36=mode: musical notation 5BF8CF14CD14864A=mode: named notes FF666E7FCCA22D1A=mode: piano roll C49755DA0BFA8192=move cursor left by grid CAD1ABE1EFE17F39=move cursor right by grid E3F7820C74DA6C74=move edit cursor to start of selection 372B7A417CE84AB0=move pitch cursor down one semitone 549F9638FD443E6B=move pitch cursor up one semitone 331179D476F216EC=navigate BA55F2C7F7CC04C8=notation view options EEBCA8FA5CC3B5A6=notation: export (pdf, musicxml)... FBF491E7479B4779=note colors FDC0150F035A09D8=note name actions apply to the active channel only 63D15D644F4CF217=note names B86D86AEB9B256EF=note preview 3A84A1513B5B67C0=one midi editor per 71A76211A7CFDF12=open all midi in the project 7D87735CC6F0E8CF=open all midi items on the same track as the clicked item BBC1706D3B8635E2=open all selected midi items E964640878017639=open the clicked midi item only 9535442A6F8D5561=options when using one midi editor per project DFB842604B04659A=piano roll notes 87105FFEE70C5A43=piano roll ruler AC73D1BFD8821FC1=piano roll timebase CE20A3C4594B477A=position dynamics below the staff by default 50F94031ED758F24=preview all selected notes that overlap with the edited note 1CB344D7A3966A1C=preview notes when inserting or editing DCA1F9FA124A043F=preview on keyboard action 20E9ED3176CA103F=preview on velocity change 08A04EC237FB2661=project beats 8CFE0E2A8D9A34F6=project synced 2B9FBBB7B42D2295=project time 45CAFF28A65AECF2=proportional (musical) note spacing 094D37BBB2035D08=quantize 809D9AA3B4306FA0=quantize position to grid 3410CCD7F87501B1=quantize using last settings 596C077CE46E04EE=quantize... 9D3EBA1E7D7E3B42=raw midi data... 6F5879A58A373F2D=rectangles A38F6B757E6A088D=rename midi take... EF804F82ECC05838=revert to last saved midi file 3B68BA781FCC92D8=ruler in measures.beats only 05FB670725A5ED0D=save midi file to disk E97016D7BAEA01EB=save note names to file... 2E4824657E9919FB=select note nearest cursor F63AE8DA71068B90=show all note rows B3A278DCD3CFC6D2=show note names on notes C4C608138A054AEE=show tempo/time signature markers 9E9DB29C59430C85=show velocity and names only on the active media item 8D4D0B4B0B6A41EE=show velocity handles on notes F2C5D93EA511931D=show velocity numbers on notes 0349058E1C6FCD22=show/hide note rows CBB62A841502FD76=snap note ends to grid B97C90B7FAB41974=snap notes/cc relative to grid 986AFE7AA5793206=snap notes/cc to grid EB9FA0AD5BAE2D57=soft-snap notes to other notes 8881802479A8CAAF=source beats 1A360D9AC072403B=source, using color map 7311049CDCA4C175=sync editor transport to project transport 0B32ABB1DB8D2C46=time format for ruler, transport, event properties 62C6BA8296D6CBAC=timebase help... 6401143383A78B46=track list 7CFDC5E4E1F4B4C0=transpose... 22E2AB4758B4B1A6=triangles (drum mode) 5F02ABE17A3B29CB=unquantize 19A497F8ACEBBCD9=use f1-f12 for step recording 1EF9DD5F05BC8D89=use all midi inputs for step recording 073F0BD84FB2C598=velocity 1B9478CA8663CEAE=velocity editing lane 2568C8EFB386D909=delete notes 0E44CD2EEA4BA863=humanize notes... F1B40A37A3CA1D37=mute events F70F33492CF99E39=select all notes C0647C0C15A70DB9=dock editor 62FDF7F7A684A0AF=event list 4102183C117A7763=musical notation BC42705B7ADECF45=named notes A94AD4A428E77297=piano roll B9E01E945963FBE3=revert (.mid source only) C52E96757D127F12=save (.mid source only) 8AF60DF50912755E=select all events in lane C0ABC9951CF45E7F=unselect all events in lane F4D94A4971240B8C=chords 2BE3837BF3278C55=context menu 8DBCC7402CA5D3B2=hide notes 30B968FF1A533857=lyrics... 3E04EF2C595D4859=tuplet 4C121E685B2BF818=double length of midi (repeating contents) 5FCC35227BCB6C5D=invert selection 3595163B199DC483=select all cc events B1403E623CE3075B=split notes on grid 9EBC00F62F9F9F8C=unselect all cc events 894F61B24A4D3AE0=bass 46526B6C96E7851A=source 0A8BAF4C6945400F=length D869A3186B4E2DD5=cc 08324707B4EB017A=a D8700B186B534A3B=a# D86FCA186B52DBC8=ab 08324607B4EAFFC7=b D86CA4186B50655F=bb 08324507B4EAFE14=c D86983186B4DF775=c# 08324407B4EAFC61=d D865DB186B4AA426=d# D8659C186B4A3919=db 08324307B4EAFAAE=e D862B2186B4828A4=eb 08324207B4EAF8FB=f D85F0B186B44D708=f# 08324107B4EAF748=g D85BEB186B426AD1=g# D85BAA186B41FC5E=gb 0C364228BCD76FE0=(unknown action) F5EF50B6945EBD84=edit note velocity 4979490C7DD5AF71=erase note AEC62239D2186066=erase notes 54C71A581B912AA8=select all notes in measure 362F40DC93DD9F89=split items A99C97A73C807E49=stretch notes 619D4CDD3C442997=toggle item mute 114DD782C0C098CF=toggle track solo F1645A05AF505BE7=unknown B932D1923DE5FA34=add envelope point 2A4F1727CEE47B6E=delete envelope point F9AA9CDDCDB641C6=edit loop points DD07363AD61CB17B=hand scroll 689B1F98F86E6198=insert envelope point BF730BE07310272D=load automation item B3E3EB828D92742C=set time selection 6355A67DF71FA0FB=vbr 47721B0B3BD6F596=bitrate: 0121AF72166A79F7=kbps F664CFB0307502A6=can't open file 9517B47A9D453F1B=bitrate: %dkbps AEC2E4C118882FAF=streams: %d 9567E9AB777E07DA=cvbr D3F87301A0059CA6=hard-cbr 08323607B4EAE497=r 112BF17E59C1097F=bus 436541C52DD92FA4=1 cent 409F65C60F8CB038=1 semitone 114DBCE49FB5ED08=10 cent 6F4D3FBD428960E0=25 cent ECD95980EE3502F8=5 cent 77FCCED98127C864=50 cent A159C77E1AA46F0C=off D811D5325411DBAD=smooth 79DF6C21E88B8F28=show the last user action in reaper's menu bar. clicking the action will open the undo window. B726931672EE1B2F=above normal 76036DCB216B5D75=highest FC0E6CF88C55D677=time critical BE8A32189AE58F83=edit cursor A97DAA4FBD1778A5=(default) 37CA03251A2D7A8B=buffering 08A52B89A26D4975=device 6EE06EBD8BEB3E6D=seeking 24254706AC60DF9A=track control panels D9B22A6B63054364=enabled 1FF9566969CABE07=post-fader (post-pan) F378819F0E95F1B9=pre-fx ADA3EA2F08216BCF=pre-fader (post-fx) B568BA4FF2C021AD=i420/yv12 879D887E0C22ABF6=rgb 12D4B3F4318065D2=yuy2 7666307E026A82D2=tcp 39033A2427CEE207=mid/side F7555C0F482AB3C9=speech DE99D08FB71B46E9=fast 5017DF9DE95C6EEB=description: 99C2D7A58FC45822=full screen 464C095FE2D88604=size: 988C99144976855B=rearoute %d BA66149397E5F1AE=all channels B3D2C76823B56BAB=channel %d 081CECC31B65E0C4=set track automatic record-arm when selected 8F22DBF788C71CFA=all tracks 8BEB3C381FB2F1CE=color F7B45F7E4B7A392C=end 73235A4845CE69AF=master mix C7B7708D1F9B3C8C=regions 719B2E5CDAD2E067=tracks 65DF96C788943FB1=items D8D5C8186BA98B94=ch 1978358DE99DE2C5=receives 4A47B5FB012F8EBE=sends 43632077D6FCDE72= - not fully connected E105F71E035CFC28=blues FC57ED035694C1B9=global automation override DD8A091DA2BE9107=move envelope to media lane 4A3C8E6E015918A1=unfreeze tracks 24962B4247630C73=midi output 1D883542B837B976=multiple changes 0C24CB76A6860C27=error creating output file 0BCDBB9F888031BA=video window 035A657EE2D43886=fps 445049385C5D024A=max framerate: E8979E97B904E3D2=preserve aspect ratio (black bars if necessary) D8700C186B534BEE=a D86CE6186B50D585=b D86980186B4DF25C=c D865DA186B4AA273=d D86274186B47BF4A=e D85F0E186B44DC21=f D85BE8186B4265B8=g EEC6BB6E4FD26C7D=32 bit fp 1423A19AE6EB974B=bwf chunk: C97D468A7054B193=date: 4D523EF65716D7F6=originator reference: DB02529B96E86431=originator: 3479BF4FF70CC71C=time: [DLG_102] ; IDD_MAIN 246546A2AD3EB0B4=reaper (initializing) 360EA1C1D674566F=trackview 9320B43CE8F50284=timeline [DLG_103] ; IDD_CFG_WAVEOUT ;^9324D41856E3D6C5=input device: ;^CD3ECB2096970F76=output device: ;^E600874BD6CA4B2E=sample format: ;^042F4DCA75E1BE47=16 bit ;^CC85D146650F3E66=24 bit ;^5188BC03D80E2D31=32 bit ;^DA38E298C189302F=input channels: ;^C6FA709C7A5DB354=output channels: ;^F97A12BF98D450CF=samplerate: ;^D858BC186B3FE51D=hz ;^87581AC5D2800078=buffers: ;^08325007B4EB10C5=x ;^E8589A5C2472187A=samples [DLG_104] ; IDD_CFG_ASIO 079C56F9CD13F6B5=enable inputs: E03433B4BCCBB5D9=pre-zero output buffers, useful on some hardware (higher cpu use) C454DD4172CEBF46=ignore asio reset messages (needed for some buggy drivers) 1FA658ADC1732D9B=asio driver: FDB97B20FF12B77B=output range: 7B252F5391C4399B=first 7194096AEB85F79F=last ;^0FF98CDC4588805A=request sample rate: ;^3E83534995169108=request block size: ;^8FECF2FB07698C41=asio configuration... [DLG_114] ; IDD_REASCRIPT_EDITOR 6DB700CA3D9D5729=dock ide window in docker 3E0D0BAD1F8E064F=close ide window D3D720DE0DAAFD56=restart D2E6B7E7B657D1D1=the script %s has been modified externally.\r\ndo you want to reload it? 3B79C565F246167A=reload reascript? ADFBC2DF619CD08E=save changes to: 831EC47C169E3F00=before closing? 35947A0D61B1839D=save reascript modifications? 472F38ACA99C26FA=reascript development environment D9B78CC3D8EB7ABC=api help 91B11477A77007C4=run defer() code 2F579B23960A832D=step 6657ECBAB76A74D5=atexit() ;^DCEF2B4D03DE723C=name ;^772CECA01AD73CB4=value ;^87DB547E0C57B4B8=run ;^5B664677E1A91155=start ;^D9B12705AD844C62=list1 [DLG_118] ; IDD_PREFS_AUDIOCONFIG 6B9D8509FA801E27=audio thread priority: ;^0314604C3913412E=audio system: ;^E9C70EA3B03F0A91=allow projects to override device sample rate ;^16464B290024A7A0=audio device settings [DLG_120] ; IDD_MISCSRCINFO 7E57903FDA4E3E8E=media file properties ;^3BF92ABFA8425D90=filename: ;^C01085DD37178417=file info: ;^BAC64C1B2E060EE5=close [DLG_121] ; IDD_ABOUT 40E5162655507884=about pages 63E5725DEFE77F92=visit 829A8D6AA57A749C=for updates EDE83E5CD58FAC15=http://www.reaper.fm/ ;^9BC67B482921A263=about reaper ;^BAC64C1B2E060EE5=close [DLG_122] ; IDD_CLICKITEMINFO 3C8EB08515D3081F=click source properties E564E27CB50B6039=click follows project tempo, time signature, metronome pattern changes 0738C1B2009346F6=bpm: 936661ED243D9147=beats/measure: 8A1A92C30EF0D98B=(beat pattern help2) C1C55DE3A55E5DA1=hz secondary beat: ;^FAFEDF2AD7647CED=beat pattern: ;^DA1E84CE6CE89AC1=(beat pattern help) ;^0F26BD416D677121=primary beat volume: ;^649ECB151A2B4705=slider1 ;^6D0FDC8D1C9C5504=+0.0 db ;^6EB36A3171C83722=secondary beat gain: ;^41A6CA9D8495660D=primary beat sample: ;^F685FB3A91025549=browse... ;^C02439CCED984101=secondary beat: ;^C6AD52C994C055E0=- or - ;^9779134B67DD9400=frequency of primary beat: ;^D858BC186B3FE51D=hz ;^A2D4EB52B7EE75E1=beat click length: ;^B1CCE94B8ECDEB4A=ms, shape: ;^D840E3186B2B9581=ok ;^F09E4B5C35AA14B9=cancel ;^D7323C887B0A2951=apply ;^80194C173B470AF3=save as default [DLG_124] ; IDD_RENDERPROCDLG 89586449FDC7964E=rendering to file... 052BBD8D885E3DDA=automatically close when finished E6860B129FE101D6=launch file E24E56DF605D1E65=shup file ;^BAC64C1B2E060EE5=close ;^F09E4B5C35AA14B9=cancel ;^223F4865B99B73B0=output file ;^FDE95463547E83EB=render status ;^E1CA5A9A5CE93078=not rendering, eta infinity ;^511EAD28BA4AE493=format spec ;^BDB7990C53BBB742=show in explorer... [DLG_125] ; IDD_SECTIONITEMINFO 8769B7639BCAC7E0=source loopable section properties 407A0A698C0F3330=source information D754112382628869=start in source: 25E3AFE507E594FC=fade length (ms): ;^D840E3186B2B9581=ok ;^F09E4B5C35AA14B9=cancel ;^8D96C4FE778D9CA7=source properties... ;^309B13D6E0AC1A0F=length: ;^D7323C887B0A2951=apply [DLG_126] ; IDD_PROJECTSETTINGS_SETTINGS 2874B5A9A972DA56=project sample rate: 1B33637BF4614F23=hz (if unset, hardware default will be used) 8FEAABC006D1F98D=force project tempo/time signature changes to occur on whole samples 658C937BDBE2A0A1=project bpm: 16F11A004E847DE0=time signature B15FB188B25F34F8=timebase for items/envelopes/markers: 1B67AB5CB8E988ED=timebase for tempo/time signature envelope: EE8EC012349D1F21=project start time: BE77A7796C85AB2C=set 0:00 to edit cursor CDA814D5DDCE08E6=project start measure: 4F3FC38A404ADF1A=playback resample mode: 46BBE03B4E465FE9=render resample mode: 9BB2A6892BFE5A75=default pitch shift mode: A95E2E1907E61757=pitch shifter parameter: ;^08329907B4EB8CD0=/ [DLG_127] ; IDD_PROJECTSETTINGS 78EB1A8C277A3815=pages 87B0A08F71098ED3=save as default project settings ;^F8E8A9C19CDE7A59=project settings ;^D840E3186B2B9581=ok ;^F09E4B5C35AA14B9=cancel [DLG_128] ; IDD_PREFERENCES 25166B0AC0DBA0BE=reaper preferences ;^F19F199E8BEFFBD6=tree1 ;^99FA828F906D3EE4=find ;^D840E3186B2B9581=ok ;^F09E4B5C35AA14B9=cancel ;^D7323C887B0A2951=apply [DLG_129] ; IDD_PROJECTSETTINGS_RECORDING 9B2E24B6EBAAE282=custom... A7527277E2603C9C=custom: %s... F491EC85CC245A7C=automatic .wav (recommended) 5E1200E881830A1D=recording format DC49DC62BD4643CF=path to save media files (can be relative, leave blank for same path as project file): 6B91E28B685614B2=secondary recording path (blank for none, can be enabled per-track): E9AE30152DA09181=audio format for new recordings: E185A4164E1A47FD=format for apply fx, glue, freeze, etc: 2EA42769697FEA54=default format for project/region render: ;^003BD938FD8D368D=(not set) ;^F685FB3A91025549=browse... ;^D3E64988F293BA3A=recording [DLG_130] ; IDD_KEEPDELFILES 968FE9870E7392DA=select files to save or delete 640AD4A161129F8D=save all BC44E5DF05AB42DE=rename selected 4BA029FCB2FAFFFD=delete selected 31A39AE6F5DE72CF=delete all 4B25D75615EC1A16=files recorded ;^52BC569ACECFA886=on stop ;^DDCECC683DEC9D6A=on punch-out/play ;^5565002CCE1DFBC7=prompt to save/delete/rename new files: [DLG_131] ; IDD_FX 7D521B2E4D4F97E8=fx chain: track # ;^18E4377E5DDC2B7A=add ;^F812C7145E261C23=remove ;^D9B12705AD844C62=list1 ;^E99EBA7FF6970DBB=... [DLG_132] ; IDD_FXADD 80D9B10D4633D016=add new fx ;^5AEDD7C14E3CAEC2=clear filter ;^D840E3186B2B9581=ok ;^F09E4B5C35AA14B9=cancel ;^F19F199E8BEFFBD6=tree1 ;^D9B12705AD844C62=list1 ;^D43B88702E996ED9=filter: [DLG_133] ; IDD_FXSCAN 48AA81D531EF6413=scanning directx fx... ;^F09E4B5C35AA14B9=cancel ;^A27E076F9E7EA1E3=progress1 [DLG_134] ; IDD_PEAKSBUILD C4E167520C3410DB=building peaks... 2CF8A64971D43025=hide window 7FDD2317E9C75B6C=show this status when building peaks ;^F09E4B5C35AA14B9=cancel ;^A27E076F9E7EA1E3=progress1 ;^E99EBA7FF6970DBB=... [DLG_135] ; IDD_UNKNOWNITEMINFO 1475DDFE235E95F6=unknown source information 7299ABCFF393ABD5=config: ;^BAC64C1B2E060EE5=close ;^6D0BCBC7DDDC55E7=type: [DLG_136] ; IDD_PREFS_PLAY 7FF1AA9FBDB6B5BB=playback settings 0616B7FE6E108EE0=stop/repeat playback at end of project 700659C953388138=flush fx when looping (good for autotune etc, bad for vsti/etc) 55272D5AF8EE3E11=scroll view to edit cursor on stop 8543FFBBFB9AF821=don't autoscroll view (when enabled) when viewing other parts of project 1149F742BD0E8658=run fx when stopped (good for certain vsti) 926B9B67161D84D0=flush fx on stop 80EBAA875417D411=run fx for F0D4137C641EE9CC=ms after stopping (for reverb tails, etc) 874382685E65113B=send midi note-offs when un-record-arming a track 4BF7846D1AA249F3=reset midi cc/pitch on: 501A905002E5463E=playback start FFCA9C88B7989F46=playback stop CFC9442BD7D62C0E=playback loop/skip 09573F4841142ECB=cc reset overrides: AC26191C42FBEB16=scrub/jog settings 5705FAACAE6DC64F=only play selected tracks when scrubbing/jogging F17B5D457D4790AC=limit jog rate to 1.0x F7AB56EC6A4F9C68=limit jog rate when near cursor 10B157188C8B1599=faster responding jog B1D374C00E58CA81=limit scrub rate to 1.0x 87357E06E9DEB8FB=engage scrub when playing (stopping playback) 7F7CD7579ACF1427=looped-segment mode: E933DFD376FC73FC=ms to C949552870042115=scrub-mode controller sensitivity: 83598BE24A366D5C=(note: set mouse scrub/jog behavior in editing behavior/mouse modifiers) F002B1B68C613802=when moving edit cursor via action or control surface: ;^49EB3CF2EE728EFF=stop playback at end of loop if repeat is disabled ;^D8B3B3186B8C817F=ms [DLG_137] ; IDD_PREFS_REC 71A80CCF871123FB=recording settings C2CE3FF2933AAAF9=scroll track view while recording (if enabled for playback in options menu) 30CEF63161AD2E19=show preview of recording items while recording, update frequency: 281AEE36FEF3A6FE=hz (default 3) BF4A3BF6EB7C6155=build peaks for recorded files: 7E19925878CB813A=on the fly (recommended) 922E6A2883A2E7BC=after recording 9F420D062BE2C8BA=manually 6E8017A8EE98E94E=always show full track control panel on armed tracks 2EB70AE261D4626B=start new files every 9719B482F4C2B161=megabytes (approximate) CDDF7830EBD06132=when recording multiple tracks, offset file switches for better performance E947E7DF20257706=prevent recording from starting when no tracks armed FBC599724C60C609=filename format for recorded files: 08AD7E42D660B467=example: F2D5C17837573D29=check free disk space on record start, warn if less than: B370916AFE9C7028=megabytes 85B69F498013C4A0=show free disk space in menu bar B397655E827DB001=show primary recording path in menu bar C0D8D3CCD42803AC=record audio during pre-roll 5E12527AFCBE1647=use audio driver reported latency 13B9F46717A65033=output manual offset: E9CD14D3777EDAD6=ms + 1AB7E546958711C6=input manual offset: ;^5565002CCE1DFBC7=prompt to save/delete/rename new files: ;^52BC569ACECFA886=on stop ;^DDCECC683DEC9D6A=on punch-out/play ;^3BF0AA22A506F11A=wildcards ;^E8589A5C2472187A=samples [DLG_138] ; IDD_PREFS_MEDIA 8FFF66C9C9744E1E=media settings B8A37B079F8D2F12=when importing multiple media items: 1BECAFEE943F02F9=copy imported media to project media directory E64FC9552B0BA98B=automatically name unnamed tracks on media import 0BD68E01BE96B94B=remove trailing numbers 9A9E25AAEAC16851=set media items offline when application is not active 706BC8DD84E18043=prompt to confirm filename on \"open copy in editor\" 30D3316093DF2C40=tail length when using apply fx to items: B57B982B7939BE82=take fx tail length: 1671927D71A9F819=duplicate take fx when splitting items (including splits caused by recording new takes) 434D0D3D16C885EF=waveform media peak caching settings E1636FD50BD45974=generate peak caches: CBA4BF72B4C9D063=on import 7C2231FA80FA65A1=on project load C9C28BF8EE939E14=show status window 3DA361A2663B8779=desired cache resolution: 3FFD5C0C5B623D35=samples/sec (default is 300) BAC59F2C9E19E025=put new peak files in peaks/ subfolder relative to media 2755B2A0D5082B14=store peak caches in alternate path if unable to write to media file directory A08F2A18EFFE446E=alternate peak cache path can be set in preferences/general/path 9F75720C21818591=always generate spectral peak information (default is only when spectral peaks enabled) 682D26505F615AFB=automatically rebuild peaks EEB4F31383E821FB=automatically rebuild peaks if necessary when enabling spectral peaks ;^D8B3B3186B8C817F=ms [DLG_139] ; IDD_PREFS_GEN B572F578BF65C382=general settings CD5A23E321908AE1=language: 7C2B25C7E423B88D=(restart reaper after changing language) 2111B17C28EE081E=import configuration... 527E1615BF17D6C3=export configuration... 3FA6BE9183AD7516=undo settings 082C778D34CDEF1D=startup settings 4CC7316E3D3E1C3D=maximum undo memory use: DD50F7CC82200C55=megabytes (0 disables undo/prompt to save) 45EA335BA4DECD2B=include selection: 134D38AC942D1CD5=envelope point CEC70644299ECD14=cursor position D4CCB32B535550F6=when approaching full undo memory, keep newest undo states 6B02132585D23245=save undo history with project files (in .rpp-undo file) 27843DF0E31CB0D7=allow load of undo history 1DC49DE353C8BF2C=store multiple redo paths when possible (can use a lot of ram) 7F0AEC85D5651080=open project(s) on startup: D0B6A7F445E961F2=automatically check for new versions of reaper on startup FDC0E0D9342BD62F=create new project tab when opening media from explorer/finder 037E4A2639EA6A1D=show splash screen on startup A631DBBF7B137EAB=check for multiple instances when launching 5B30B36BF2DA4858=when launching with project/media FE1F26B1104E7C16=maximum projects in recent project list: 4BFB3C2491D12DFF=(maximum is 100) 0E5B0925AD431578=clear list 6D7AA73D3A28F079=warn when reaper's memory use reaches 7D1D922B32762880=megabytes (0 to never warn) 60167E72AEC44586=advanced ui/system tweaks... ;^DD491F831B629F78=item ;^90803304EBE7C40E=track ;^E0B104299A7A8E2E=time ;^80BE1395BCF8C169=download language packs [DLG_140] ; IDD_ALIASLIST ;^D9B12705AD844C62=list1 ;^18E4377E5DDC2B7A=add ;^F812C7145E261C23=remove ;^28450354F52CB7AE=reset ;^62C49C467C0C15D3=load... ;^925B2CEB12D2D978=save... ;^D840E3186B2B9581=ok ;^F09E4B5C35AA14B9=cancel [DLG_141] ; IDD_ALIASITEM 5E9EC9164DF038AD=edit alias/channel mapping 44D4B9BC3E717FAC=channel: ;^D840E3186B2B9581=ok ;^F09E4B5C35AA14B9=cancel ;^ABEC79059CAD0B0E=alias name: [DLG_142] ; IDD_MISSINGFILEPROMPT 12003D947B908539=replace missing file... C5F140FB45EE33FF=leave file offline 35D50776DD5FE769=ignore all missing files 75F64930226168E8=the following file could not be found: 4D25501B7AF0D92B=media search AFC11D55B1CB098D=when multiple matches are found, use: CA3D0F1A0CB8BE5D=on successful search, autosearch for other missing files 1902312630A17C31=on failed search, leave file offline and autosearch for other missing files 9FA639597C9378AB=search... C05DAD1BAAF106A6=abort project load B953726494A1AB01=in project: ;^4D5B21719C8D85CE=browse for file... [DLG_143] ; IDD_JUMPTOTIME D8609045F0F81B85=jump to time/marker/region: C4E03DF9A8333134=jump to time (mm:ss.xx, m|b|s, mm.bb.ss or any similar form): 1F2FB80F3CD929F9=note: jump to a marker with: m1 or m2 or m'name ... 7638F60D685E6A98=note: jump to a region with: r1 or r2 or r'name ... 78FB7CF922CB44BA=note: jump to a region or marker with: 'name or \"name ;^D840E3186B2B9581=ok ;^F09E4B5C35AA14B9=cancel [DLG_145] ; IDD_COLORTHEMEDEV 26A41802E656AB2D=theme development/tweaker 76CA49A564380AB8=theme color/font settings: 72E77C5A7CC1D2B0=load theme... C63F867B1B382AE3=save theme... A439058D27884637=image resource path: 80682754268B716C=show in explorer 3AAC7E082D07235C=reload images ;^81F584F9FDAE6C4F=show in finder ;^F685FB3A91025549=browse... [DLG_146] ; IDD_FX_UNKN 165C255907F1A60A=the following effect plug-in could not be loaded: 50983881D9DB7F09=bring effect online 5445E8C0189E9239=(effect configuration is preserved) [DLG_147] ; IDD_FXTAB B9ED12F64FA4F9F8=dx tab D95776186C182E28==> ;^08329D07B4EB939C=+ ;^0922F78BE865FE0C=param [DLG_148] ; IDD_KBHELP 1C90433BCDFE556F=keyboard shortcut help ;^D9B12705AD844C62=list1 [DLG_151] ; IDD_MIXER ;^D66D409D600C2D04=mixer [DLG_152] ; IDD_VSTHOST ;^08329D07B4EB939C=+ ;^0922F78BE865FE0C=param ;^E9B5F27ED466AEF5=ins ;^D82BED186B194A75=ui [DLG_153] ; IDD_PREFS_MIDI 138115F421695B0D=add joystick midi... A4F5378A569069D6=midi inputs to make available (selectable as track inputs and/or learnable or action-bindable): 2067FD051A93CC68=midi outputs to make available (selectable as track outputs): D5D0203E4FFCD927=midi hardware settings 751EA016639ED40A=all-notes-off E16CBE842A37B395=pitch/sustain B7CB4986C15E8D4B=reset by: AF3AC146DC0BBCFA=restrict midi hardware output to one thread 9EC74E86B379FB1B=reset on: 82AB49B39099AD8F=stop/stopped seek ;^D9B12705AD844C62=list1 ;^F8E6A0B81A77C5E9=reset all midi devices ;^3D9CBC3C216900AD=play [DLG_154] ; IDD_PREFS_PLUGINS 46B2F90EFC202F2F=automatically resize fx windows: D898C4186B75D6AA=up C195B1ACA8F965EB=down 5F4770DBE32AC217=set foreground to floating windows when selected 9907FEDD82A2071D=auto-float newly created fx windows 1550387FA6A569B5=auto-open fx windows after quick-add C79A6C3B62E20D60=auto-dock new fx chain windows DFFCF4A65D1E6FA1=auto-open fx add dialog when opening empty track fx chain 9595DB1667ACF7DF=auto-position new floating fx windows DF6D0B9803A8FDB4=auto-position new fx chain windows C7B479203D71CE7C=only allow one fx chain window open at a time 6DCB0D632CA6A596=open track fx window on track selection change 146BEFCAD3C82C9C=only if any fx window is open 20D2538F88926BA7=show current track fx in fx button right-click menu 0958FACBCAB8ED55=recently added list max: 8E5AEF0B57EBCA22=only show fx matching filter string: C7B549E0E6B82FD1=reset to recommended default ;^1EEF91D385882BBE=plug-ins [DLG_155] ; IDD_WAVESINK_CFG 35DF1AFCAFFB37CD=wav bit depth: 31A3228789E94216=write bwf ('bext') chunk 2CD0366D23A02F0F=embed project tempo (use with care) CF2E6C07C4C12F21=large files: ;^46B10D8B633443CD=include project filename in bwf data [DLG_156] ; IDD_PREFS_AUDIO 771BE661607B660C=audio settings A965CC5A8248EA92=close audio device when stopped and application is inactive A3E497C30F573907=close audio device when inactive and tracks are record armed 88D3DE337F7E5D78=close audio device when inactive and rewire devices are open 1B98A491F616C4FD=close audio device when stopped and active (less responsive) 8C97F85C4C9FE0F2=warn when unable to open audio devices AC7AE7A176147DD5=tiny fade out on playback stop 6AF1C766315DA216=tiny fade in on playback start 28DF1513ACC005F5=reduce cpu use of silent tracks during playback (experimental) C5A76E243C28A4AB=channel naming/mapping 4554DB9B26BD7F5D=input channel name aliasing/remapping BC4FB48156117258=edit names/map... FC22C6EF8E185AD2=output channel name aliasing/remapping 7744ECC4A8F97396=show non-standard stereo channel pairs (i.e. input 2/input 3 etc) F67D1FDC9D0ABC37=main outs 644113753F9A2FD9=default metronome output: ;^E65D106B2B1EE745=midi devices [DLG_157] ; IDD_PREFS_CSURF 2494101BD051C898=control surfaces/osc/web control 82A49039D1782EAE=control surface display update frequency: D5AD81A3A8A8050D=hz (default: 15) 9F6C638411280BB3=warn when errors opening surface midi devices 0E6F8D5A50F68297=close control surface devices when stopped and not active application 1BD0786A46F8FDAB=(changes will be applied immediately) ;^D9B12705AD844C62=list1 ;^18E4377E5DDC2B7A=add ;^B90A279A7257C793=edit ;^F812C7145E261C23=remove [DLG_158] ; IDD_SURFACEEDIT ED0AE3021E21F18C=control surface settings DFD3E9DC03AA3AAC=control surface mode: D595332891E352CE=apply settings ;^D840E3186B2B9581=ok ;^F09E4B5C35AA14B9=cancel [DLG_159] ; IDD_DIRCLEANUP 75501023A0653617=remove selected files BD65489FE41F2336=caution: files listed here are not used by the current project, but may be used in some other project. 1A0D36499DEB718F=send files to recycle bin (safer) A0B572EEEF748C02=explore ;^C7A89083E6E728EB=project directory cleanup ;^F09E4B5C35AA14B9=cancel [DLG_160] ; IDD_PREFS_EDITORS DFD1209B13D93BA2=external editors ;^D9B12705AD844C62=list1 ;^18E4377E5DDC2B7A=add ;^B90A279A7257C793=edit ;^F812C7145E261C23=remove [DLG_161] ; IDD_EDITORITEM 33A92C8FA5438A7C=editor configuration 64B7B388D17F971F=file type (extension): 15A9DE70DEE257AE=primary editor: 3367C07971B9528E=(leave blank to set the default editors) 8AD3CF43B42E168A=secondary editor: ;^F685FB3A91025549=browse... ;^D840E3186B2B9581=ok ;^F09E4B5C35AA14B9=cancel [DLG_163] ; IDD_AUXSENDVIEW 73194AEE0903A46F=track settings [DLG_164] ; IDD_FILECOPY 55ED87A57563F586=copying file... ;^F09E4B5C35AA14B9=cancel ;^8C2AEE7E9FE91BE0=to: ;^A27E076F9E7EA1E3=progress1 [DLG_165] ; IDD_SETENVPTVAL C12C9531DD475924=set envelope point value F5114A4E5C642964=bezier tension: ;^5892A20D9BBBE54A=value: ;^F9519A70026F7B52=position: ;^D840E3186B2B9581=ok ;^F09E4B5C35AA14B9=cancel ;^6D27CBDC5943D7B6=shape: ;^649ECB151A2B4705=slider1 [DLG_168] ; IDD_PROJECTSETTINGS_NOTES BB30EBB441D29823=show notes on project load [DLG_169] ; IDD_MARKEREDIT ;^6AE6A7774B25EDEB=edit marker ;^48D899DD92FBC032=name: ;^F9519A70026F7B52=position: ;^D405917E36F95CF8=id: ;^941DEA15C4817EEC=set color... ;^E6B5A6A65044C93D=reset color ;^D840E3186B2B9581=ok ;^F09E4B5C35AA14B9=cancel [DLG_170] ; IDD_UNDOHIST ;^E5566C4604653F75=undo history ;^D9B12705AD844C62=list1 [DLG_171] ; IDD_CONSOLDLG C92B788D0BB92260=consolidate tracks 7CDFF1D2B38BE006=consolidation settings CA2A2B5DBD0A0E62=custom: B80BDA0C01658F27=tracks: 3EE82E06F8C5EE8E=selected 94066D118035EEF6=ignore silence shorter than 0971916D9810DAA7=seconds (can cause multiple files per track) D1717A5C482193AF=resample mode: 7877FCEAC5B8AC76=(if required) 788A6BC029A47D7D=consolidate to: 6D599A80EBBBB9D4=export midi as: 3F4B0D372B3C8847=reference in .rpp file (for export to reaper only) 30E7E042FD04F183=.mid file A0138F029D3F9F6A=output consolidated files to directory: BF7FC25E072FBD3F=update project with consolidated files 9F7A79448A2AADDB=save new project as: 9745F60ABA894258=save current project before updating project ;^79DCBE1CDE37B4F3=entire project ;^97D6D411868C112C=time selection ;^720CB39E31676E27=start: ;^61B7599A40AF0062=end: ;^309B13D6E0AC1A0F=length: ;^18C90F7E5DC51FCA=all ;^E19CAC48E2E6EA85=sample rate: ;^D858BC186B3FE51D=hz ;^67EF32DE1BAE7097=channels: ;^2555373B75AA89B2=output ;^F685FB3A91025549=browse... ;^0629736B3FAE9E4C=process ;^F09E4B5C35AA14B9=cancel [DLG_172] ; IDD_PREFS_EDITCFG 4D8F7A5A9245F919=editing behavior 23C01768B8090D2F=move edit cursor to start of time selection on time selection change 4C88CB0B79BBCE00=move edit cursor when pasting/inserting media D4CCD39898DAEF23=move edit cursor to end of recorded items on record stop 5E6B52214FFB6F82=link loop points to time selection FCBF848D058095E1=clear loop points on click in ruler 46FE32F3924ECB82=clear time selection when edit cursor moves on click in arrange view 347BEF6E7C817645=vertical zoom center: 584AC3CE0E6BC82B=horizontal zoom center: AF239E1DB5AA0E08=transient detection 5FC0AC4569E4E2AF=adjust sensitivity... 5597FFD1F336E75D=tab through midi notes 8EB832E42FDC2501=treat media item edges as transients 2EB90B46315D20B6=locked item ripple editing behavior: E11DAEF2BBEB112C=allow dual trim (edit shared media item edges) only if both items are selected 32B5CB1F9A8B8705=crossfades stay together during fade edits when trim content behind media items is enabled AA5A7A99565E6043=automatically delete empty tracks created by dragging items below the last track and back 93565C719250C592=dragging the source start offset of the active take adjusts the offset for all takes 6F6DCD0B40734C2E=if no items are selected, some split/trim/delete actions affect all items at the edit cursor [DLG_173] ; IDD_LTCITEMINFO 84F43D3EDA83383C=smpte generator properties 12E19CE6C57BB067=send audio (ltc) 52804D5F8150D65B=send midi (mtc) B51CE642A76CBDCC=start time: D0E00ADDA6B5B520=(hh:mm:ss.ff) FA3F8C074E460084=user value 1 (0-255): 7C4361DB02F85877=user value 2 (0-255): 87C65BA87A344B7A=user value 3 (0-255): 89765A05AAF121ED=user value 4 (0-255): ;^D840E3186B2B9581=ok ;^F09E4B5C35AA14B9=cancel ;^D7323C887B0A2951=apply ;^C32C641180B224AC=frame rate: [DLG_174] ; IDD_DOCK ;^CA2A325DBD0A1A47=custom1 [DLG_175] ; IDD_FXSAVE EFFE206ECF958DFF=save fx preset ;^D840E3186B2B9581=ok ;^F09E4B5C35AA14B9=cancel ;^895BB684C276CD93=preset name: [DLG_176] ; IDD_REGIONEDIT 32E7301766154408=region render matrix... ;^EE28FE89D1A7A151=edit region ;^48D899DD92FBC032=name: ;^D405917E36F95CF8=id: ;^F9519A70026F7B52=position: ;^309B13D6E0AC1A0F=length: ;^7CE6FE4C74542BB2=region manager... ;^941DEA15C4817EEC=set color... ;^E6B5A6A65044C93D=reset color ;^D840E3186B2B9581=ok ;^F09E4B5C35AA14B9=cancel [DLG_178] ; IDD_PREFS_DEFS_TRACK E1F42879AE5000D8=defaults for tracks/sends/track hardware outputs BF552AF240D8670E=track volume fader default gain: 580A497A940808A8=show in mixer 91357BBC27D0ACD1=main (parent) send FB9BB78435AB99DF=default visible envelopes: 430C86B44E7308AE=volume (pre-fx) 6B8804B0AFE7CF33=pan (pre-fx) 76F64D47C2B668BB=default envelope point shape: 062FABF640E027BC=arm new envelopes A2A77FC9AADD4CE8=default automation mode: 3EB9822C6981339B=default track height in new projects: 4E462B362D2C3662=record config: CE6B20605FC62E9A=button1 D234EE899BA0FD67=send default gain: 60A5F7836A421CBA=hardware output default gain: EFBA29BAE66FE5BD=send/hardware output default mode: 0997CAABB7B35BF7=sends send midi by default 016A11D102C83486=sends send audio by default 11FAB17EEF44466E=sends / track hardware outputs B4940BDB9BBA9666=scaling for new volume envelopes: 70F01048EA75C03D=amplitude scaling F783860F79715118=volume fader scaling B9830B26CC085916=warn when changing volume envelope scaling will change envelope sound ;^89325B4900977A87=tracks ;^D8D27C186BA6D499=db ;^8FC86C263760ACB9=volume ;^96E5C67E1437194E=pan ;^61946358B1034B76=mute ;^AE7E61A37889E975=free item positioning ;^61EB857EEC517894=record arm [DLG_179] ; IDD_FXRENAME 3155512612C634C9=rename fx 117649134D9E71CF=categorize as instrument ;^D840E3186B2B9581=ok ;^F09E4B5C35AA14B9=cancel ;^C3EB4B7A6BCD5F3C=new name: [DLG_180] ; IDD_CPUMETER ;^09939A2A8DB73EDE=performance meter ;^D9B12705AD844C62=list1 ;^CA2A325DBD0A1A47=custom1 [DLG_181] ; IDD_NEWVER BBC37D685496225D=reaper new version notification 96C51F86AB14FEEF=proceed to download page 744C5C97C5A2BDE1=check for new versions ;^BAC64C1B2E060EE5=close [DLG_182] ; IDD_ROUTING ;^BB1D7DBC1BA8233C=routing matrix [DLG_183] ; IDD_FXCOMMENT EA615A5997239616=edit fx comment [DLG_184] ; IDD_TSMARKEREDIT FD46A57F2E4690CC=edit tempo/time signature marker 127C295DE82AD1B8=set tempo: 30CEDD945AFC126E=set time signature: 0F98D25AF911546B=set metronome pattern: 5AEA2A7B35EDF368=gradually transition tempo to next marker 706060D502C7C407=allow a partial measure before this marker 693EFD8361285A5D=time signature changes always start a new measure. if necessary, the marker will be moved to the start of the next measure. 8B7DD898CEBF416B=metronome pattern: ;^F9519A70026F7B52=position: ;^10D0E37E59744608=bpm ;^08329907B4EB8CD0=/ ;^DA1E84CE6CE89AC1=(beat pattern help) ;^D840E3186B2B9581=ok ;^F09E4B5C35AA14B9=cancel [DLG_185] ; IDD_SAVEOPTIONS F82D8812ADB6D26E=create subdirectory for project 909B744AC415071D=copy all media into project directory, using: C90E73117337026E=convert media 92CE2821A4E6C1EE=format... 17492618E3105F2C=trim media, tail size: 4AD4CAC4686A9DBF=move all media into project directory BF57174CCB290123=copy rather than move source media if not in old project media path ;^D8B3B3186B8C817F=ms [DLG_186] ; IDD_BROWSEMKDIR 2FA8385842A4DB6E=create directory... [DLG_187] ; IDD_MKDIR A7E15C5112B5E088=create directory ;^D840E3186B2B9581=ok ;^F09E4B5C35AA14B9=cancel [DLG_188] ; IDD_TRANSPORT 12D7A4C868C422A9=status ;^D99EA6A0E05B0BEC=transport [DLG_189] ; IDD_FXFLOAT 8E72EFBD3C10EF0F=fx float [DLG_190] ; IDD_FX_FLOAT 6AEB7CEB5B3CD769=this plug-in's configuration window is currently floating. [DLG_192] ; IDD_NEWJS 12DC76C4A3E6583B=new js effect 518A5045CB8BC7F5=effect name: ;^D840E3186B2B9581=ok ;^F09E4B5C35AA14B9=cancel [DLG_193] ; IDD_TRACKENVCTL 20B0625D4151B7F1=show all active EBBAC9C0D73504CC=hide all 8F631C2A81B0AF06=arm all visible 7917FF9EB96E14B6=disarm all 8F0898786C694565=highlight: ;^4E5F93B30C786CEB=track envelopes ;^C644A2EBFF26E843=automation mode: [DLG_194] ; IDD_TRACKSENDCTL 07B1B24908F08376=track send/receives/hardware outputs [DLG_196] ; IDD_TRACKVOLPANIOCHILD AE0CB89756946BF0=track channels: ;^D8D27C186BA6D499=db ;^9F89BC3C59A0401C=pan: ;^1008A7CF2A029751=width: [DLG_197] ; IDD_NAVIGATOR ;^B8EA9A061D794748=navigator [DLG_199] ; IDD_SNAPSETTINGS D20AEAB230E8A915=snap/grid settings FAB43CC8C74911B4=grid settings 80A302C4720204A1=show grid, line spacing: 909EA4BEDF903541=minimum: FAB803D939CA7101=swing grid: 09D57473EE1D1EF9=swing amount 5ECA3B6DF8877E70=adjust 6ED03F0307407314=items when changing swing 5A440BC2BE969608=snap distance: F34BB15DA08E0D6E=snap relative to grid 46CF8C43686D1A27=snap: 89B473D8A650A4CB=selection E96D65E8C4F421BD=cursor 0E6C9C7A0BA6B1CD= to selection/markers/cursor 9210A71F28FFEED4= to grid B0CF6CB38AA786EF=grid snap settings follow grid visibility 79BF2A7701C47BF6=snap to grid at any distance FB6C4377177082CE=grid snap spacing: 1593661A56EFAEDD=snap cursor to edges of media items on any track 52642B06790DC836=media items snap at: 3F4726E1BC2836A1=snap media items to nearby media items up to: 9F89DCC4637F103B=tracks away FDBA8D3410BD68C8=snap media items apart by: 9934781AD1C1A171=snap to project sample rate 974DE9D993F1F22B=force selections to be multiples of: ;^10EC54E7BB0B3282=pixels ;^0832A307B4EB9DCE=% ;^00F8AF1A6A14D288=snap settings ;^59111F850FAE5C14=enable snapping ;^3470CDBB0C544765=media items ;^8ADF290B4AAF99F9=use the same grid division in arrange view and midi editor [DLG_200] ; IDD_PANLAWCTL 25B661438F7A03AE=override default track pan law ;^2B4E18A3D5201CFA=pan law ;^57CA523AA910C686=gain compensation (boost pans) ;^D8D27C186BA6D499=db ;^A5AE0B33DF6191F1=pan mode: [DLG_201] ; IDD_PANLAWCTL2 ;^2B4E18A3D5201CFA=pan law ;^D8D27C186BA6D499=db ;^8EA91D57270468E0=pan law: ;^57CA523AA910C686=gain compensation (boost pans) [DLG_202] ; IDD_MASTERVUSETTINGS 22E1566E7D716DFB=master vu settings BA61A45431F9F2D8=show: EE7E328AE5754D9D=peak+rms 2ED3934DE5A105B2=peak only 63D6E48C1A4C24D7=rms only DC1270B0AFACF4EE=top label: 7B1FC13C44802440=peak 87BF917E0C3FA1A7=rms E2E6BC6DF438FDBD=multichannel peak metering DB2EDFA958D9695A=window size: 6B7E0357A34BD690=display offset: F0AAFAD65D65451F=rms metering settings 4355AA4DBCB77855=red threshold: ;^D8B3B3186B8C817F=ms ;^D8D27C186BA6D499=db ;^2B38050561E7CD8C=display gain: [DLG_203] ; IDD_PREFS_AUDIOBUF FD6CB597F81A51BE=audio buffering settings A209F590DEBF0FAE=auto-detect the number of needed audio processing threads 61BEF8CE252BFBF0=audio reading/processing threads: 164AAD0DE75983A4=(recommended: 1 per cpu core. can also be 0) CE81FD6CDFB4B2A1=thread priority: FC932B76ACB875B9=behavior: 2C527E4BC4E1E850=media buffer size: 9AA6529CA6A81E91=ms (default is 1200ms), prebuffer: 9AEE19DE54CC8120=% (default is 100%) C0B78103DE8BAEC1=disable media buffering for tracks with open midi editors (recommended) 80A76343A9E1E678=disable media buffering for tracks that are selected 017C01A23735EE41=media buffer size when per-take fx ui open: BEB8AEBD84C1A90D=ms (default is 200ms) 51AB61DBF5CB4A76=fx processing/multiprocessing settings A8D66160635DD938=anticipative fx processing - superior multiprocessing and lower interface latencies 9C72AF76953C2AA7=[may not be compatible with certain fx (uad), live monitoring is not multiprocessed] A0C79D72277D6F0F=render-ahead: 3DA7AD6DA60B893B=ms (default: 200) D3F56CEFCFB9B99E=allow on tracks without fx (may give higher multiprocessor utilization) 331BA087EACA0798=allow on tracks with open midi editors (will increase midi preview latency) 1E34C617E5353F03=allow live fx multiprocessing on: A6EE14AB8179B8D8=cpus 9FA7D4D9D543EEC3=use old v4.x worker thread scheduling 2F2715B3B43668D6=use native events for synchronizing (recommended) 281759C8AD758D95=advanced disk i/o options... 3CF333030AFB4087=[enables multiprocessing of live input, but may reduce performance at low latencies] [DLG_204] ; IDD_ABOUT_LICENSE F06854788A1D9107=licensed to: 52F0480E83915AA8=license type: 6F5769926BC1C226=purchase reaper license key online 1B1B5CF87FA36D80=hide registered name from main titlebar 1D3EDF9A66681F71=hide \"commercial license\" text D98D89186C45DDE1=-- ;^756B500741E261D4=import license key... [DLG_206] ; IDD_AUXSENDCTL_CHILD3 FCF3913D3BF1D3E1=send to track x ;^AF3196AD6B727ABC=delete [DLG_209] ; IDD_PREFS_PLUGINS_DX 99AA745451FB03DE=rewire/direct-x plug-ins settings 3D0D0CE24C134644=rewire mixer support (act as rewire mixer, show rewire devices in plug-in browser) 2F509ABA2BB63239=auto-open panels when opening rewire devices F1DA4A4F0E2A1E52=run fx on stop when rewire devices are active 3DBA1098DEF1A9A1=check for rewire mixer/device on startup (and automatically enter slave mode if present) 229F2B0E80269DE0=use alternate configuration file (reaper-rewire.ini) when in slave mode 46F9CB03AD3C8F8E=rewire slave project settings 253441B2FCA18BE2=direct-x (dx) D79B80390AF6D43D=enable dx plug-ins 45CAE2F00AB76386=scan dx plug-ins on startup (not required) 19F83078F1C040EB=disable dx plug-ins scanning 6CE8F9E7F0CB5F76=scan for new dx plug-ins 049365D34656A275=rescan all dx plug-ins ;^598D95450BED5823=rewire [DLG_210] ; IDD_PREFS_PLUGINS_VST 0B23FB04199CFD2A=vst plug-ins settings 12817484270109EC=vst plug-in paths (can be multiple paths separated by semicolons): 5331091DCCA131E4=auto-detect 5F7990F286F5220C=re-scan A858AA3DA9AB3CEC=clear cache/re-scan 2585479702B69241=do not scan vst names/types (deprecated) C14B8D54F4D0074D=if multiple vsts are scanned with the same dll name, only one will be available: either the plugin found later in the path list, or highest in the directory structure for a given path. B5A31DD6277997A5=default vst to generic ui (instead of plug-in ui) 401188713EF0876C=knob mode: BED87C6BBD50429C=vst compatibility 62A7D2B1D8ABD3B3=don't flush synthesizer plug-ins on stop/reset EF9F2D3E3EEF2505=don't send note-offs or pitch reset messages on stop/reset F27EE9EB697AD546=inform plug-ins of offline rendering state EB5AD63A75E962D6=bypass audio while opening plug-in config window (good for some non-threadsafe vsts) 9AFB50287E6BE13A=uad-1 synchronous mode (reduces cpu munch) - requires anticipative fx disabled D7D5E6EF54BF3AAB=allow complete unload of vst plug-ins (reduces memory use, but may not be compatible) 40D2555271B4D0B9=parameter automation notifications: ;^C39132F1A8047E9F=edit... [DLG_212] ; IDD_PREFS_PROJECT 4D218C9A346F7B79=project settings FEF6844CA6E20459=when creating new projects, use the following project file as a template: E128E6C758BBADD7=prompt to save on new project 1182D3164197978A=open properties on new project FD87B02FFB447670=project loading 2C88DA69457EE61F=look for project media items in project directory before qualified path C1CB39730620196F=prompt when files are not found on project load CD5317E280F27A31=show load status and splash while loading projects D05A2F9A08ACFC82=project saving EC403AA6A8B772FE=save project file references with relative pathnames 9594CC6401422D4C=when overwriting project file, rename old project to .rpp-bak EEFB5DE4DC59F257=keep multiple versions 7096563D9523FBAD=timestamp backup EFAD845FE18F5C54=keep undo histories 16EF1DE677B6A5F2=every 0A1D95E50872708A=minutes: 1BDA1BF4E19E27FD=save to timestamped file in project directory CC897BECE9A66F4B=save to timestamped file in additional directory: 241C380B8459DF0D=save to project file (not recommended) B0A7FAD536E0CFE0=save undo history (rpp-undo) (if enabled in general prefs) ;^F685FB3A91025549=browse... [DLG_213] ; IDD_PREFS_APPEAR D71FC359E353E6C2=appearance settings 93DD3658B143DD45=tooltip delay: 29F167A56D81C267=tooltips for ui elements 6630700BA3872D6E=tooltips for items/envelopes C9959CE9924AB7A0=envelope tooltips on hover 5103D7B3AF96E751=play cursor width: 750E37B6DDD93553=faster text rendering (reduces antialiasing) B697FD49D09D8899=show last undo point in menu bar 4A37C58202F1D1E7=show guide lines when editing 0A4D4FC73A4F510F=solid edge on time selection highlight C054DDF112689E1C=solid edge on loop selection D91BC117098D4EC4=don't scale toolbar buttons below 1:1 558142A2C931366C=don't scale toolbar buttons above 1:1 7398F3D28D395CB7=frameless floating toolbar windows 7C19AABD4450CE2B=draw vertical text bottom-up 9E095E7D2135CFA9=pixels between items on adjacent tracks: 604E986E24512244=maximum number of lanes, when showing overlapping items in lanes: 99F74F79442093EF=antialiased fades and envelopes 61E70BF70F6CD68F=filled automation envelopes 56E0E33E38C074B4=filled envelopes when drawn over media 89E372315C3B2BF3=horizontal grid lines in automation lanes 6B38B6D690F4D2B5=grid line z order: 2D6B74025CB78209=show dotted grid lines 7D6C52FCAEDCCFCF=marker line z order: 94E19FE26788F507=show project regions/markers in grid 29C14DC1FD71BF41=show time signature changes in grid CACBFD6F59FFEBD3=divide arrange view vertically every 83653A18A4EE3168=measures (0=zoom dependent) ;^649ECB151A2B4705=slider1 ;^E9991E9C69A2E870=envelopes [DLG_214] ; IDD_PREFS_AUDIOCONFIG2 B0347433BD1E62FD=please stop any playback or recording to view this page. ;^16464B290024A7A0=audio device settings [DLG_215] ; IDD_PREFS_EDIT_MOUSE ABE4285C346CE5EC=mouse editing behavior 15CA2C975F921ECF=mousewheel targets: 54135D1372B3964A=ignore mousewheel on all faders 62891900A9B5B1CC=ignore mousewheel on track panel faders B03CEBA30BD30262=ignore mousewheel on transport edit fields 0C08862AAF64196E=mousewheel moves transport time selection by beats (alt toggles) 7AE7E4302DB3029D=treat scroll messages from some laptop trackpads as mousewheel CA9C1310AB187A28=use pen/tablet-safe mode -- do not reposition mouse cursor while adjusting knobs/etc 7D6A1B1C34FD2DF7=mouse click on volume/pan faders and track buttons changes track selection C44BB15953492B98=edit track names on single click (otherwise doubleclick required) E8F0E5E4C7A0A2C2=mouse click/edit in track view changes track selection 64FE2B8ECAA52740=mouse click below the last track clears media item selection 786D3AC0B4425067=allow modifying edges of time selection over items in tracks 3B09283710A74EBA=allow resizing ruler by dragging bottom edge (otherwise drag below toolbar) 9F1222D13FC35BE2=control+left-click emulates right-click (control key will be unavailable as a modifier) [DLG_218] ; IDD_LOCKSETTINGS A9B99A6F8A73CD35=lock settings ADF734ADBE2B231C=loop points 31ED57742F126923=items (full) 55F189406332E197=items (prevent left/right movement) 1195125C951D8503=items (prevent up/down movement) 766BE9F3488BDF6A=item edges 8CF779BCB57A8CCE=item fade/volume handles A1E55E108B89AF6A=item stretch markers F778C14553BC7145=item envelopes 06EA0ABB8C68DB4B=track envelopes C38622521AF10C6B=time signature markers ;^698028640C29E8A9=enable locking ;^97D6D411868C112C=time selection ;^3896D8BF3E72ED2C=regions ;^D35AD13842A55DEA=markers [DLG_219] ; IDD_PREFS_KBD 1075019A504F73BB=commit changes to some edit fields after 1 second of no typing 4F3654C5B59115AD=use alternate keyboard section when recording 025B90FA447C6C83=prevent alt key from focusing main menu CB03E0C93574765E=allow space key to be used for navigation in various windows E6999CD562DABC49=assign keyboard shortcuts to actions or change existing shortcuts E6B1DF361BBAF9D5=view keyboard shortcuts as printable/searchable web page ABD51E23C802FC6F=multitouch 3C82B663A0BB09CA=enable multitouch swipe 46EB4D9A870E3786=suppress inertia B02E94B4388280CB=enable multitouch zoom 41A9B482FF9E040F=enable multitouch rotate 50047E0C3816086B=ignore scroll after multitouch gesture: DAD8BA85F7F9ED5C=reverse vertical scroll E809E6F14FF782A9=ignore new gesture after multitouch gesture: ADAB85F9EE55B656=reverse horizontal scroll 5C5BB11B55E65C1F=assign multitouch gestures to actions or change existing shortcuts 58C1978F7BD0EA46=gearing: ;^7E11B9683132FA9E=keyboard ;^CA95C3C55E05662B=reverse ;^D8B3B3186B8C817F=ms [DLG_221] ; IDD_PREFS_KBDFIND F433E22A84FF458F=find key or midi controller ;^F09E4B5C35AA14B9=cancel [DLG_222] ; IDD_DOCKER ;^D91FCBB42B5B9077=docker [DLG_223] ; IDD_REMOVE_SILENCE BCDA20BCDBA4C4A4=ignore silence shorter than: 3D21F2647611E0A0=make non-silent clips no shorter than: 87490F3457C05E9B=auto adjust snap offset to peak value in the first 2C1F40776FBF7AF5=preserve timing of non-silent areas 0703625BF4AB8440=split grouped items at times of selected item splits 03775A71153EBEF0=run signal through track fx for detection 8E4975199235ECB5=ms (0 to disable) ;^05F21CB15F5F944B=auto trim/split items ;^927D36CE7B695660=threshold: ;^D8D27C186BA6D499=db ;^D92F489AE81E13F2=hysteresis: ;^D8B3B3186B8C817F=ms ;^C44624AFE5B908A4=fade pad ;^0629736B3FAE9E4C=process ;^F09E4B5C35AA14B9=cancel ;^0D2DD411CE90EA28=leading pad: ;^1E386FB5FE43C9CC=trailing pad: ;^46F1486DB9B6A7A6=mode: [DLG_224] ; IDD_QUANTIZE_ITEMS E51495C599FCAA9B=quantize item positions 90DECF8A8061D5DD=move grouped items with selected items E79764031E9008D0=extend starts of items to overlap with earlier items by 447B4AAD0BD404E2=shorten earlier items if quantized items overlap by more than 6F72BABC300F7828=quantize item ends and stretch item to fit ;^0629736B3FAE9E4C=process ;^F09E4B5C35AA14B9=cancel ;^8C66AD45F2B879B1=quantize to: ;^850C45978587FBF4=notes ;^D8B3B3186B8C817F=ms [DLG_226] ; IDD_SETSRCOPTS 55F8E978D7A92025=update all similar items in project with new filename [DLG_227] ; IDD_PREFS_REAMOTE 907FC93E7A8516FC=reamote configuration 73069E78B46F2BAB=auto-search 4C8A8120C176D58A=plugin list... 895F380D64DC396A=enable reamote processing 6CF3FF59BD2E47AA=reamote slaves 73D5DF3814354ED9=network max. latency (playback): CF576583D3CF5A87=render send-ahead: B97FB0F5D484B20C=max. packet size: 4872DA22B1FDA606=(default: 32768 bytes, some networks may need 1400 or so) ;^D9B12705AD844C62=list1 ;^18E4377E5DDC2B7A=add ;^B90A279A7257C793=edit ;^F812C7145E261C23=remove ;^E600874BD6CA4B2E=sample format: ;^649ECB151A2B4705=slider1 ;^2ACDE9B48ED97A15=static ;^D8B3B3186B8C817F=ms [DLG_228] ; IDD_REAMOTESEARCH 16B45C63588FDEED=searching for new reamote slaves... ;^E217E1085C7ED06D=searching... ;^F09E4B5C35AA14B9=cancel [DLG_229] ; IDD_REWIREHOST 1B35AAA003D0943A=show panel... 836BDDCC9759C2E1=hide panel... C9543A0A63C71249=rewire tabs A8F66A94B6DC8396=allow slave to set loop region 2473E058A5F3F3AB=allow slave to set tempo 077D2C59054EE61C=name [DLG_230] ; IDD_REWIRE_MIDI_INPUTS ;^D9B12705AD844C62=list1 [DLG_233] ; IDD_PREFS_REWIREDISABLEDCONFIG 46D3254492016FA8=settings unavailable 851DD37A2D4D4F92=these settings are not available in rewire slave mode. [DLG_234] ; IDD_PREFS_AUDIODISK A6FB7369B03EE231=asynchronous unbuffered B91BC4CC390A85CE=asynchronous buffered (default) 48B4E8D650F31D9F=asynchronous (default) 3D2F5132D190815D=asynchronous (write-through) 877A64C5D29D649C=buffered 29172D418AB12E2F=unbuffered (default) 642114DB116A71B4=buffers (default is 8) 462289F87C38CF00=bytes (default is %u) B46890047C5E3414=advanced disk i/o settings 9B778A1478617CF8=preferred disk read mode: 707F91ED50D74CEA=read buffers: 643214DB1178E4E7=buffers (default is 3) CF805AC4A5E18D79=preferred disk write mode: 6DFB828065411C79=write buffers: FC88066315D4CE5F=bytes (default is 65536) 235A0D444D9A4C2A=you may need to close and reopen your project for these settings to take effect. ABE2215BC145ED60=disk reads (used when playing/etc) B193524BF9837051=disk writes (used when recording) 78CF4E2C69A655CA=read buffer size: 3E527CADCEEF90B2=write buffers (maximum): CA298C3EB94197D7=buffers (default is 16) A3F47C94B72E628B=buffers (default is 128) 8CBA424E9913C381=write buffer size: 0A248C019A718522=note: asynchronous modes are ignored on windows 95/98/me. 02F9E53BF6E2C2A9=allow memory mapping of peak-files (faster, but uses more address space) ;^2A487F4A2E60E324=synchronous ;^D840E3186B2B9581=ok ;^F09E4B5C35AA14B9=cancel ;^122368E92DE6E29F=reset to defaults [DLG_235] ; IDD_PREFS_REAMOTENEW F0A5DE33E5D676A4=add new reamote slave 863CEB42EC2E27C6=hostname or ip: ;^D840E3186B2B9581=ok ;^F09E4B5C35AA14B9=cancel [DLG_236] ; IDD_PREFS_MEDIAVU 08A15EE714106196=media item appearance 8BB91DF903D7DA9B=media item labels 2F1B96C7D0DD2984=display media item take name 34AA37802DFE1CD4=display media item pitch/playrate if set 16C5C5476F401F70=display media item gain if set B1709CF37669F469=draw labels above the item, rather than within the item A7A8E70F387E00BF=except when the media item height is less than the label height 935A2F245953B5FD=draw labels over solid background for easier reading F3A483F6782AC452=show labels for items when item edges are not visible 3FE0186BEF0ABB4C=hide labels when the media item take lane height is less than: 97D9C4A892786BD0=item take rate/pitch: 304B9DC9DED916AF=normal labels 7A853E8E494A5476=abbreviate E416B2CC538B1987=numbers only 200E54A9459CCCB1=media item buttons 085DC440DEC8EAB9=locked CC004A526C0642B6=not locked 8B59712A34D788F0=per-take fx 880ECB3212DB6452=no fx 732B0AF752956015=automation envelopes CE6DFBAB9235015B=no active envelopes 628343973D55DB91=no notes 205684BB571A01C1=item properties only if resampled media 8D7C69547281258D=pooled midi 01BBC7871C41930F=grouped items EFEC960F48869EA2=hide buttons when take lane height is less than: D0BBFE422D0C5C6B=item volume control: ;^10EC54E7BB0B3282=pixels ;^D26FE1B4C8988F96=muted ;^272E5D69D552CDA7=not muted ;^C54C5E311372A994=notes ;^1CF5D45574BE7FCD=item properties [DLG_237] ; IDD_REAMOTE_PLUGINLIST 36FB85446C0F449C=reamote slave plugin list ;^D840E3186B2B9581=ok [DLG_238] ; IDD_METRONOMECFG 15270C376EABA18C=metronome and pre-roll settings 9CA40E7955495B16=metronome settings E97ABAF631B4841C=aux sends 065623A269BA5A96=run metronome during playback 54FD136274D86426=count-in before playback 8C90F21213BE5D6E=run metronome during recording 603252CBF843839E=count-in before recording 591F45AD791051D3=count-in measures: E2746F9048F5A9B4=start count-in at start of measure 378FE972BB43C45F=(beat pattern help 2) 50F388003694BBDA=metronome sound 33BF6CFD2134ACAF=hz secondary beat: FBA75D9853D48260=pre-roll before playback 6B76CB3326F59EC8=pre-roll before recording 13FAD8C3A44DFF5A=start pre-roll at start of measure 706584E268AD81F9=pre-roll measures: ;^2B7EEDEAE2DA5D5C=enable metronome ;^0F26BD416D677121=primary beat volume: ;^649ECB151A2B4705=slider1 ;^6D0FDC8D1C9C5504=+0.0 db ;^6EB36A3171C83722=secondary beat gain: ;^FAFEDF2AD7647CED=beat pattern: ;^DA1E84CE6CE89AC1=(beat pattern help) ;^41A6CA9D8495660D=primary beat sample: ;^F685FB3A91025549=browse... ;^C02439CCED984101=secondary beat: ;^C6AD52C994C055E0=- or - ;^9779134B67DD9400=frequency of primary beat: ;^D858BC186B3FE51D=hz ;^A2D4EB52B7EE75E1=beat click length: ;^B1CCE94B8ECDEB4A=ms, shape: ;^B420EF3AC9B07180=pre-roll [DLG_239] ; IDD_VKEY C66260A5E9840B6E=center note (right click a key to set): D43F8897F4277454=arrow keys change octave/channel ;^3D9702905AC5B44C=virtual midi keyboard ;^0B61CC7E6E2E017D=midi channel: [DLG_240] ; IDD_BIGCLOCK ;^38F9B35CED04D04D=big clock [DLG_241] ; IDD_MIDILEARN 9C329F9649D79AD0=midi/osc learn 0C19B96552E821B2=command: DFD31304567AB676=cc mode: BECD011FF0FC55E8=arm envelope for selected parameter 7FC0770162E37102=move the midi or osc controller you wish to assign. BBA1029B1D147679=note: a midi device must be enabled and set to \"control\" in preferences/audio/midi devices. an osc device must be enabled for learn bindings in preferences/control surfaces. ;^542A194EAA789AB0=enable only when track or item is selected ;^DDD50B6B9C96D4AA=enable only when effect configuration is focused ;^41BAD65DE621E179=soft takeover (absolute mode only) ;^D840E3186B2B9581=ok ;^F09E4B5C35AA14B9=cancel ;^F812C7145E261C23=remove [DLG_242] ; IDD_BOUNCEDLG 617F42B9C4DC5662=save live output to disk (bounce) B3D229CC512D97AE=save output only while playing or recording 5259502ECA6BB18D=stop saving output on first stop 7554B3A3441F4F9D=don't save when below 5BF30DAB1B327ADE=db for ;^F685FB3A91025549=browse... ;^D8B3B3186B8C817F=ms ;^5B664677E1A91155=start ;^F09E4B5C35AA14B9=cancel ;^223F4865B99B73B0=output file ;^86C526176585552D=output format: ;^67EF32DE1BAE7097=channels: [DLG_243] ; IDD_SCREENSETS F62DF20B45D1562B=auto-save when switching screensets B7C8364C77417E76=edit fields... ;^865773BF0F30AC16=screensets/layouts ;^CA2A325DBD0A1A47=custom1 [DLG_247] ; IDD_SCREENSETS_SAVE EFA35F79FFA15A4B=save windows screenset 1BA4E55531ADD653=last focus: ;^5BD67845F0F0360D=main window position ;^EE914AABB985B447=tool window positions ;^AE0E8F593F20484B=docker selected tab ;^CE00C3235E535EAA=save ;^F09E4B5C35AA14B9=cancel ;^A620AF611680A051=items ;^48D899DD92FBC032=name: ;^99B8B53D72CFEE9F=mixer flags ;^A61CBD25C6796002=layouts [DLG_250] ; IDD_SCREENSETS_SAVE_VIEW 1063ED93742DF6A2=save screenset BDF4CA91E4FE2A09=track control panel status (visibility, height) A96F0B402E5AB68E=track mixer status (visibility, order, controls) ;^08A2AD9AC1632C1B=track cursor position ;^849FA7BAC58F3097=track scroll positions ;^DDDAF906972AD14A=horizontal zoom ;^CE00C3235E535EAA=save ;^F09E4B5C35AA14B9=cancel ;^A620AF611680A051=items ;^48D899DD92FBC032=name: [DLG_252] ; IDD_PREFS_GENADV 7D72ADACAECF0CBC=unaware (recommended) B00C4A67488BAFE8=aware (experimental) 5046EABC5FC388D1=multimonitor aware (experimental) F8F3F2FC39AA1C49=dpi ignorant (0.x-5.31 behavior) FB8A7C11A82FE654=use large (non-tool) window frames for windows BD6D77FA59EAB756=advanced system and multiprocessing tweaks 6F36969AAB1C2FD6=restrict reaper to specific cpus: FFE3EF160A909165=enter a list of cpu # delimited by ',' (i.e.: 0,1,3): C74D338BA30A325B=do not allow the os to relocate worker threads to different cpus 7371F8477EDFA706=set process working set size, minimum: A32B63A4739D86CC=mb, maximum: 264ECC6B098122C4=hidpi mode (windows 7+): ;^0A6448A99C8A2834=advanced ui/system settings ;^D6701DC77AC3D85B=note: these options are generally considered experimental and should only be used with caution. in addition, some of these options require a restart of reaper to take effect. ;^C4A83360D20BD06A=custom splash screen image: ;^F685FB3A91025549=browse... ;^0D7057D41011519B=scale ui elements of track/mixer panels, transport, etc, by: ;^6EB0F52C0633C017=(0.3x-3x) ;^679088CA658FD532=allow snap grid/track envelope/routing windows to stay open ;^106F53CB2F71186F=allow keyboard commands even when mouse-editing ;^D847A2186B3145BC=mb ;^D840E3186B2B9581=ok ;^F09E4B5C35AA14B9=cancel ;^122368E92DE6E29F=reset to defaults [DLG_253] ; IDD_MIXER_MASTER D828A1186B16937A=vu [DLG_255] ; IDD_SCREENSETS_AUTOSAVE E738ACD4B2B53409=screen sets auto save fields C5679B5D9567A05B=views 4D25456E03C901F5=track tcp status 47D206958F4244FB=track mixer status 72381E9CBD0648DB=last focus ;^2ED640682AB36744=windows ;^08A2AD9AC1632C1B=track cursor position ;^849FA7BAC58F3097=track scroll positions ;^DDDAF906972AD14A=horizontal zoom ;^5BD67845F0F0360D=main window position ;^EE914AABB985B447=tool window positions ;^AE0E8F593F20484B=docker selected tab ;^99B8B53D72CFEE9F=mixer flags ;^A61CBD25C6796002=layouts ;^D840E3186B2B9581=ok [DLG_256] ; IDD_MIDIMPORT 0C7A2C29FBC9E671=midi file import 662DE515661DD146=expand midi tracks to new reaper tracks 14890F07BB615314=merge midi tempo map to project tempo map DF0113FAA089B3D1=import midi markers/cues as project markers ;^D840E3186B2B9581=ok ;^F09E4B5C35AA14B9=cancel [DLG_257] ; IDD_PREFS_MEDIA_MIDI 98C4B9514D6A4C77=midi settings F9E67E1DE9668D5C=midi octave name display offset: 34BF8C108E177DA2=allow trim of midi items when splitting (does not apply to pooled midi) 705E58732CC7ACAA=pool midi source data when pasting or duplicating media items F3E309FD188EF789=note: set pooling behavior for mouse edits in editing behavior/mouse modifiers. 9D3BF13E53E1F580=create new midi items as: 96D30634D93AD1A2=midi items (in project, recommended) 1EF401D3EF671AD0=.mid files 1F798B700B94460D=prompt to confirm filename on \"insert new midi item\" CA37DF134593898D=import existing midi files as: 2A68FF63432DDAF6=.mid file reference 1C82D20BB28383B4=ticks per quarter note for new midi items: 0CE64E707111FFD0=(default: 960) 5DC7053F3C314EAE=import multichannel midi files: 8199F55C57F15C9E=handle type 0 midi files containing meta-events as if they were multichannel midi files B466B9F6A8F80E2B=always prompt to import tempo from midi files with simple tempo maps (holding ctrl toggles) 440F1C332D682150=snap time signature change events to whole bars when importing midi files 6DFAC1A8823DBDB3=snap tempo change events to whole beats when importing midi files 0F3D48F72EB91BCE=character set for exported .mid text events: ;^1E894CD06766E128=octaves [DLG_258] ; IDD_MIDIINQUANT 96A38836B4332910=track record settings 7EF01C0F00285F1F=quantize track midi recording 5887D926BA26ECF5=notes, positioning: 55394499F9E9C331=quantize note-offs 89A111C889C4B3D7=swing: 798585D3B4E00D0F=quantize within: F3520F17D18261E3=set recording audio format: 9B7BFF83AB737CD3== 0-10%, 90-100% 9B635FCEF6AC3812=record to audio path: 8C195CF31C3C64E8=apply settings to selected tracks ;^8C66AD45F2B879B1=quantize to: ;^576D3C1F8C34C670=strength: ;^649ECB151A2B4705=slider1 ;^0832A307B4EB9DCE=% ;^1EBC977984499408=format [DLG_259] ; IDD_SINKCONFIG B03F7DFA7BFD685F=output format configuration D6591F393903E9F6=set format: 1218E1F95E918185=format settings ;^F09E4B5C35AA14B9=cancel ;^D840E3186B2B9581=ok [DLG_261] ; IDD_CFG_DUMMY 50664F4D152E1976=default samplerate: 43AFA61E828F6214=buffer size: ;^E8589A5C2472187A=samples ;^D858BC186B3FE51D=hz [DLG_262] ; IDD_TCCONFIG 085F3DE8AB4DE5DB=enable synchronization to timecode 7B212007C824F9D4=use input: 763400CCB1720AD9=ltc framerate (leave blank to use project framerate config): 924B85587FB804D0=start playback on valid timecode when stopped 568F5AEBDAE3AC60=freewheel on missing time code for up to: B84DF0FD53A73A72=ms (0=forever) 43091CDD5367E425=synchronize by seeking ahead: 53CF5517B3119879=ms (1000=default) 4702C127062CF8F4=re-synchronize if drift exceeds: D8574533E947B5B9=ms (0=never) DE6FD63BDC6D8703=skip/drop frames if drift exceeds: DD9ACCEE651DE43D=offset incoming timecode by: 7F4501E72247AD5D=display flashing notification window when waiting for sync for recording C40B1F58216F01D7=stop recording on lack of time code after: E2434D05104753ED=stop recording if drift exceeds: FB4299296319B6E5=you can quickly view this panel by right clicking the play button. ;^3D05B40BFC6A1E40=external timecode synchronization ;^2ACB121355B0007A=playback ;^D3E64988F293BA3A=recording ;^D8B3B3186B8C817F=ms ;^BAC64C1B2E060EE5=close [DLG_263] ; IDD_MIDIOUT_CONFIG D945A0A776B76497=configure midi output 37D26ECF826CFE54=enable output to this device 6CEB9F46B831161A=send clock to this device CB06E9745C2B8A27=no spp/continue B41C537F50256512=open device in low latency/low precision mode EE0A946D9F3B72B5=offset output to this device by: ;^84225D657EA873E2=device name: ;^D840E3186B2B9581=ok ;^F09E4B5C35AA14B9=cancel ;^D8B3B3186B8C817F=ms ;^ABEC79059CAD0B0E=alias name: [DLG_264] ; IDD_PLUGIN_PIN 78109A39D4A407B9=plug-in pin connector [DLG_265] ; IDD_AUHOST ;^08329D07B4EB939C=+ ;^0922F78BE865FE0C=param ;^E9B5F27ED466AEF5=ins ;^D82BED186B194A75=ui [DLG_268] ; IDD_PROGRAMENV 92DFCE5BD557C1EC=parameter modulation F7BB87D08ABC2B48=audio control signal shaping 704359FDDAAFBE73=enable parameter modulation, baseline value (envelope overrides): 1A566208F0C7B218=output: 3EA9C98435E68B8F=track audio channel: 7AFBD49616B6F0D7=attack: EC08AB3B155819CA=release: 85CF841679BB23C6=direction: 5015EDB159696098=negative 9016B23C885D3AC3=centered 2A8F51879CE09360=positive 799DB7F059AD3B8D=min volume: C8E46F741BF73DDF=max volume: B7977D7AC51EB9B5=tempo sync F766880F483971C0=speed: DC6765A72D8315E1=phase reset: 89F7F9C601D28998=link from midi or fx parameter EF4E27E8CB56B355=audio control signal (sidechain) CD8E5674E18FBCBA=offset: 3AEE47F8880725BF=scale: 3CB717CC948901F4=learn phase ;^A27E076F9E7EA1E3=progress1 ;^649ECB151A2B4705=slider1 ;^D8B3B3186B8C817F=ms ;^6B4795AB9EC37475=input: ;^576D3C1F8C34C670=strength: ;^0832A307B4EB9DCE=% ;^D8D27C186BA6D499=db ;^6D27CBDC5943D7B6=shape: ;^D858BC186B3FE51D=hz ;^83A722EC04ED6560=phase: ;^30EF57A27EDFC686=(none) ;^BA0F8B7E28468276=lfo [DLG_269] ; IDD_BUTTONFINDER 89C0342F7627AB40=theme element finder 6ABB4CD6D4ADA635=highlight selected colors/images: DBC27AD0934AAF0B=find color: C412A266B462CD69=find image: F39EB4BC3304012B=note: not all colors and images are visible at all times! [DLG_270] ; IDD_GLUEDLG ;^F67F48495D3866C3=consolidating... ;^BAC64C1B2E060EE5=close ;^F09E4B5C35AA14B9=cancel ;^223F4865B99B73B0=output file ;^FDE95463547E83EB=render status ;^A27E076F9E7EA1E3=progress1 ;^E1CA5A9A5CE93078=not rendering, eta infinity ;^511EAD28BA4AE493=format spec [DLG_273] ; IDD_OPENPROJECT EE0709F54123ED0E=open in new project tab 0CECB84C67893C72=run script with restricted permissions ;^E705DACA1F54B88B=open with fx offline (recovery mode) [DLG_274] ; IDD_ACTIONS 8D383ACD6EFAFF8C=find shortcut... 5B1607D15C3F39A8=shortcuts for selected action 4D42318DB608C2E0=reascript: 4BF8DB60DE29BA6D=import/export... 4E4772D7297224CD=menu editor... ;^744B2F6CFBA0A242=actions ;^D43B88702E996ED9=filter: ;^F10F4B1B4D6DC250=clear ;^3A39C76003695360=section: ;^D9B12705AD844C62=list1 ;^1EB556E18D613E28=add... ;^AF3196AD6B727ABC=delete ;^5F8BE96FAB61772F=custom actions: ;^F70C14BE35114F9B=new... ;^C39132F1A8047E9F=edit... ;^83CEDDAC8FB7324E=copy ;^62C49C467C0C15D3=load... [DLG_275] ; IDD_ACTION_USERACCEL 31CC847F7D0C911E=keyboard/midi/osc input EFC86EC6E1B4F9D7=special key (enter, tab, etc...) F0C0964E640B5375=shortcut: 1C961D98E454872E=midi cc: 23321D4C9D230466=automatically close window on key/midi input ;^D840E3186B2B9581=ok ;^F09E4B5C35AA14B9=cancel ;^41BAD65DE621E179=soft takeover (absolute mode only) [DLG_276] ; IDD_ACTIONS_CUSTOM 78E86E7B79A3F103=custom action editor 0B3690D38AA97039=consolidate undo points 069160A9CB72E75B=remove action 78E918BD164F4BD9=custom action name: 221E6802EDD4E5BD=show in actions menu ;^D43B88702E996ED9=filter: ;^D840E3186B2B9581=ok ;^F09E4B5C35AA14B9=cancel ;^D9B12705AD844C62=list1 ;^D9B12605AD844AAF=list2 [DLG_277] ; IDD_RENAME ;^D7B51CFC5837E755=rename ;^D840E3186B2B9581=ok ;^F09E4B5C35AA14B9=cancel ;^C3EB4B7A6BCD5F3C=new name: [DLG_280] ; IDD_DYNAMIC_SPLIT FE116402CB3788B9=generate guides A43E9F62576B8288=write stretch markers 48867AD65E380310=dynamic split items 510C378B5623AFE4=split points 2C4C3A5A957AA431=at transients D56E84CC78F5A6D3=when gate opens 90DB984314AE8A1F=when gate closes 3C9E457152A390EC=reduce splits: ABC4A8F33CBAC511=min slice length: 8A4F022AED293868=min silence length: C10260CAB400E860=constrain slice length: 88E8162102A028F5=left to right 1BAE0A2B4119A549=best to worst 7A610788A4C23F18=gate 1980371DC145AC63=gate threshold: BEE7431BB471C779=set new items forced to beat timebase 966AB54DE9AC1DAF=auto-adjust snap offset to peak value within first: A79EFAA78FD76085=remove silent areas (requires splitting on gate close) 0905109F3F2CD4D2=create chromatic midi item from slices D92D281636166CEF=action to perform 208D6B0BE497C908=set transient sensitivity ;^15E7199686AA193D=split ;^649ECB151A2B4705=slider1 ;^D8B3B3186B8C817F=ms ;^D8D27C186BA6D499=db ;^D92F489AE81E13F2=hysteresis: ;^0D2DD411CE90EA28=leading pad: ;^1E386FB5FE43C9CC=trailing pad: ;^C44624AFE5B908A4=fade pad ;^F09E4B5C35AA14B9=cancel [DLG_281] ; IDD_TRACKGROUP DDD54BF5EDDB4EC3=track grouping F1D02154F5AD56F4=group: 0EA400A56E2B78DF=group enabled ADBA0F646E1153C9=volume master 98A95EFB1AF96512=volume slave E40BCA0B63AD1E98=pan master 96C7994AEB8A8CE1=pan slave 85645DB1B0A535C1=width master 54BA81BA673A9BDA=width slave E16575B2BFF22980=mute master A882BAEF5C63CAD9=mute slave D1DE6C4B216497BE=solo master 8EFCF6966DB2F29B=solo slave 4108C629BE960AB7=polarity/phase master 8B85BD347864588C=polarity/phase slave 9DBE513B192C737A=record arm master C6F0BA7855E84CCF=record arm slave AAD4E381751A2697=automation mode master 3542170B2D1561EC=automation mode slave 606E7FD79109B6A7=vca master 9B73A4F40602F6FC=vca slave CC1F45AD0966C3CF=select: 8669E5366A629ED6=slave F3469FCCC27C727B=reverse volume 25D21B9457AE5EE8=reverse pan 3AADE202920DAF3B=reverse width 8EE6318F206D7E95=do not master when slaving D5AB179301B74F6C=vca pre-fx slave F0B0635EC26A65A0=note: ganging will always take place if multiple tracks are selected.\r\n\r\nnote: hold shift when modifying most things to temporarily override grouping. E9C1E7A308009E30=save default flags A27C8B01FFF12305=load default flags ;^66D8B92631859FE9=rename... ;^18C90F7E5DC51FCA=all ;^3390D94D34F06461=none ;^E53622684802B745=master ;^BAC64C1B2E060EE5=close [DLG_282] ; IDD_TIMESIG EC907DB514FF438A=edit time signature 802D08856B21D96E=time signature: 97CF34F43D79D5A9=bars: 92AE98DDC402CEB8=tempo: ;^D840E3186B2B9581=ok ;^F09E4B5C35AA14B9=cancel ;^08329907B4EB8CD0=/ ;^10D0E37E59744608=bpm [DLG_283] ; IDD_ROUTING_HDR 67788DD4C13A51AB=show group details ;^7CE6FE4C74542BB2=region manager... ;^5C973D1CB80B0D9F=render... [DLG_284] ; IDD_SAVEOPTIONS_TEMPLATE D73777F7F0B7AF4D=include track items in template 38A90470C55B851B=include envelopes in template [DLG_285] ; IDD_MIDICONSOL 90BCDFA2B9943BF5=export project midi 0C96F2CD42B5A825=consolidate time: 071DF81C0DB715BE=time selection only 0DF4139BDED23B51=consolidate midi items: E79C80B55713865C=selected tracks only CCD390E92EBDFAA4=selected items only 54D1453859CED5AB=export to midi file: E120969317607B84=merge to single midi track (type 0 midi file) 52BE72F1278C86AF=multitrack midi file (type 1 midi file) 99FD45A4719DEF91=embed project tempo/time signature changes 1B698E697DAAE8EA=embed smpte offset 8FEE91F7E29AF324=export project markers as midi: 21CBAAB328011923=cues CAF4F4C320FA8AF8=only export project markers that begin with '#' ;^C5531D0DEE1F0D0D=input ;^79DCBE1CDE37B4F3=entire project ;^18C90F7E5DC51FCA=all ;^2555373B75AA89B2=output ;^F685FB3A91025549=browse... ;^B599690138EA264A=markers ;^D840E3186B2B9581=ok ;^F09E4B5C35AA14B9=cancel [DLG_286] ; IDD_ITEMNOTES 4FCBE096B4C5B9B5=item notes 6C8E4558335588CC=unload E5D0C4A642704E1F=use as item background F4C36821D01C71C1=stretch to fit item ;^386EB65EE2979317=load ;^D840E3186B2B9581=ok ;^F09E4B5C35AA14B9=cancel ;^6B921CBA018B2EE0=no additional resource loaded [DLG_288] ; IDD_THEMEBLENDMODE 5244434E108C0E50=theme blend/alpha 08D901F467AB84C1=alpha: ;^D840E3186B2B9581=ok ;^F09E4B5C35AA14B9=cancel ;^2ACDE9B48ED97A15=static [DLG_291] ; IDD_ENV_PRUNE D7379E762BFAEBD9=all points 54BF8A736F9F5306=points in time selection 9696FE3640DC919D=selected points ;^FA779BCA02DBA08E=reduce envelope points ;^649ECB151A2B4705=slider1 ;^D840E3186B2B9581=ok ;^F09E4B5C35AA14B9=cancel [DLG_292] ; IDD_JOYSTICKDEF 15BF51A9D3375273=joystick->midi 1DF249DEFFB3913D=device: 536808023DE964DF=processing script: C8F6C574FA7D30A3=script mode: 72B039D90036EDCF=send to virtual midi keyboard input 0813D961ADFD8E7C=send as midi control/learn A30B48CE325910E9=status: 1075398742D4D4E9=reload script C53C3D250F1BC426=edit script ;^BAC64C1B2E060EE5=close [DLG_376] ; IDD_PROJECTSETTINGS_VIDEO 3C96C8EC17623182=preferred video size: C8DA872ED5A7C0B3=video item visibility: 977357388CFC1639=video colorspace: D87FC269258563FB=always resize video sources to preferred video size 42DE701EFD494C17=always resize output to preferred video size F71879505EE5260E=use high quality filtering when resizing D037E80E157C9825=preserve aspect ratio (letterbox) when resizing ;^C32C641180B224AC=frame rate: ;^08325007B4EB10C5=x [DLG_421] ; IDD_FXPARMRENAME 608E64F93C5BFD52=rename fx parameter ;^C3EB4B7A6BCD5F3C=new name: ;^F10F4B1B4D6DC250=clear ;^D840E3186B2B9581=ok ;^F09E4B5C35AA14B9=cancel [DLG_422] ; IDD_CFG_WASAPI 6868A50C51A54229=shared mode E92B70AE5AD908C0=exclusive mode 2B295605BC0EE9AF=exclusive mode (polled) 6D538888102D7AA7=shared loopback (caution) 7BB1D358A8DE42CC=default input F191D828D9866975=default output 97D84E1C7EC34B5B=(0 to disable) 761D1B1A8EA033E1=block size: D1A2D9D8F3676541=preferred depth: 07E2D174A0635B50=hz (if available) ;^46F1486DB9B6A7A6=mode: ;^9324D41856E3D6C5=input device: ;^CD3ECB2096970F76=output device: ;^DA38E298C189302F=input channels: ;^C6FA709C7A5DB354=output channels: ;^E8589A5C2472187A=samples ;^042F4DCA75E1BE47=16 bit ;^CC85D146650F3E66=24 bit ;^5188BC03D80E2D31=32 bit ;^F97A12BF98D450CF=samplerate: [DLG_423] ; IDD_UNKNOWN_PROJITEMS 3C52E51274C6ADB4=project load warning A5A07A87161ECB6C=show details ;^D840E3186B2B9581=ok [DLG_424] ; IDD_MIDILEARN_DEFSELMODE 02A35AD7E967D78F=default midi learn A1DA648A31BBB60E=default fx learned mappings must be restricted to the active selection and/or the active focused fx window. ;^542A194EAA789AB0=enable only when track or item is selected ;^DDD50B6B9C96D4AA=enable only when effect configuration is focused ;^D840E3186B2B9581=ok ;^F09E4B5C35AA14B9=cancel [DLG_425] ; IDD_MIDIIN_CONFIG C0253B595D267AC2=configure midi input 271F89F0F16A09EA=enable input from this device 097D2F9B6F6EBFEC=advanced midi event timestamp options 441316D58AD8BC8C=let reaper timestamp events (default) 925A502D9C92733D=high precision system timestamp (qpc) F8A4D705CF6C9C1E=low precision system timestamp (tgt) D0B425DFCB932550=timestamp precision should be set to match this midi input device driver. if the driver precision is unknown, let reaper timestamp midi events. ;^84225D657EA873E2=device name: ;^4F32BF040299F0AA=enable input for control messages ;^D840E3186B2B9581=ok ;^F09E4B5C35AA14B9=cancel ;^ABEC79059CAD0B0E=alias name: [DLG_426] ; IDD_WAITFORDEVICE 1A03C3B8816A8581=waiting for device to settle D85BA7186B41F745=go 59D9265C4022D527=some devices may need a few seconds to switch samplerates. this box will automatically close. [DLG_427] ; IDD_RENDERQ 96E1D18E3E88C64F=queued renders 16780B33F0A62D18=remove selected 67EE7A5D0D4FCFA8=render selected 2FCF2D7A87432790=render all ;^D9B12705AD844C62=list1 ;^BAC64C1B2E060EE5=close [DLG_428] ; IDD_RPPDROPDLG 6D40D8F11B133E58=open rpp choice 0AB548C9DCD86472=open project 1BA2C759F32B1E78=insert project as media item 866FE917BA950796=the file: 083DD321703A8821=was dropped into reaper. choose how to proceed. ;^6174C6969402A488=open project in new tab [DLG_435] ; IDD_VSTBRIDGECHILD DA88DAC3C62A1C9C=bridged plug-in may be open in top level window. 7BD160C0B92E1670=show ui [DLG_436] ; IDD_APIINPUT ;^D840E3186B2B9581=ok ;^F09E4B5C35AA14B9=cancel [DLG_437] ; IDD_APICONSOLE 6C47A20E99E77954=reascript console output ;^F10F4B1B4D6DC250=clear ;^BAC64C1B2E060EE5=close [DLG_438] ; IDD_CUSTOMIZE_MENU 222DCE917817ADCF=customize menus/toolbars D7B385CE76784B6C=include default menu as submenu 80D3B831E21C3926=retitle... 21212E8B679876E1=export... ;^AF427D96E302B145=customized menu: ;^D9B12705AD844C62=list1 ;^CE00C3235E535EAA=save ;^38EAAB594661F05F=default menu: ;^1EB556E18D613E28=add... ;^F812C7145E261C23=remove ;^66D8B92631859FE9=rename... ;^28450354F52CB7AE=reset ;^AA0C81725300640C=import... ;^BAC64C1B2E060EE5=close [DLG_440] ; IDD_INSERT_MULTIPLE_TRACKS 053474C5901086C6=insert tracks 28F35F43F0521DF1=insert how many tracks: C4E47B80C2B49F76=named: 45E81FE5D87D7A40=after last touched track 8385AF879179A481=at end of project ;^D840E3186B2B9581=ok ;^F09E4B5C35AA14B9=cancel [DLG_441] ; IDD_CUSTOMMENURENAME 1C7C93F3D30ADA2A=rename custom menu item 62D0F774D07D5D6C=double-width toolbar button E6EA590267C70D81=use as tooltip ;^C3EB4B7A6BCD5F3C=new name: ;^28450354F52CB7AE=reset ;^D840E3186B2B9581=ok ;^F09E4B5C35AA14B9=cancel [DLG_443] ; IDD_CONSOLE 2F78A0EE7C16A283=debug console ;^87DB547E0C57B4B8=run [DLG_444] ; IDD_CONVERTER F33EC3BF0909E19D=batch file/item converter CF8CEC995AA54B2C=use source file directory E3A550B7DF8959EF=open... 6882EA606C9A4C9C=use fx 4694FB0DBF1BAE46=fx chain... 98CF73222A01C13D=tail size (ms): FB5C4B0FBCD8A03D=convert all ;^D9B12705AD844C62=list1 ;^1EB556E18D613E28=add... ;^F812C7145E261C23=remove ;^F10F4B1B4D6DC250=clear ;^1B0AFEE5F92D9181=presets ;^E0A7E8E6C8588D64=directory: ;^F685FB3A91025549=browse... ;^C1F07AAFF4522636=file name: ;^3BF0AA22A506F11A=wildcards ;^5493EE7052DCF71B=options ;^E19CAC48E2E6EA85=sample rate: ;^D858BC186B3FE51D=hz ;^67EF32DE1BAE7097=channels: ;^928212AC32CC584E=resample mode (if needed): ;^7B21C9863AA04D13=dither ;^1D5AC868CE7FE785=noise shaping ;^86C526176585552D=output format: ;^2555373B75AA89B2=output [DLG_446] ; IDD_ICONPICKER 04F6ECC6DDB460B1=select toolbar icon 0DE14B8469600FDE=current: 077319116CE9ACF3=keywords ;^D43B88702E996ED9=filter: ;^F10F4B1B4D6DC250=clear [DLG_447] ; IDD_PREFS_ENVELOPES A3CFC4EDE3BDAA1A=envelope display/editing F70B20FAE441D488=volume envelope range: CF526A693EC1F115=per-take pitch envelope range: 2DBB79A909F46E00=semitones, snap: 439E293F2F33DBD1=project tempo map envelope display min: AF2D9CD3861FD498=bpm, max: 2746237EF788A7A8=bpm A1FC4F4522BBAEC4=show new envelopes in separate envelope lanes A74C3D45F9D47CA9=when drawn over media, overlap envelopes if each is less than 38ECE60A1799A076=pixels high DD15146F76480C15=when adding envelopes or setting visible, set the focus to the envelope A5C24439F53E90FE=envelope point selection follows time selection for the active envelope CB6F1A1FA9E2367C=first click on unselected envelope can insert a point (depends on mouse modifier settings) 380C326E3C68071C=prevent mouse edits of single envelope points from moving past other envelope points CCA504D42501588F=automatically show affected envelopes when moving media items across tracks 35A6C3D61C6D0FBF=changing envelope in lane: 77542B112EC25D31=automatically add edge points when editing: 79D1AB082C4CFEEA=multiple points 86E13A2814E261D6=ripple editing or inserting time 628E8029B7D80755=transition time for automatically created envelope edge points: EC6E55BC826C501F=ms (minimum 0.1) 6454EA820B08ADA9=fader-scaled volume envelopes 226B6B5C768820AE=other envelopes 13327D5E18BF9D77=use relative mouse edits for: D2BB603857B464E4=automatically append envelope name to automation item label ;^3470CDBB0C544765=media items [DLG_448] ; IDD_TOOLBAR_FLOATING DAFC8FBBDCAFABD6=toolbar [DLG_449] ; IDD_PREFS_MEDIA_VIDEO BCDE457135D00394=video decoder information not available, is reaper_video installed? 7954E9122CA508AE=allow i420/yv12 colorspace output (recommended) 2E24F350046A4A41=allow yuy2 colorspace output 7F328777555E7298=use enhanced video renderer (evr) 46810F836EA5D01F=show available decoder information CEE3274FAE46E954=video decoder priority: 400B3E030D735B46=append :ext or :ext1,ext2 or :!ext3 to limit decoder to particular extensions CED21E2589F4296E=video output delay: 4022F90F6DC5E484=disable high-resolution peaks for video items F5ADF056B3709BDD=video window follows edits F4981427F70572B6=when moving audio items, seek video frame to: B5CF8BA44C2A22BC=auto-rotate videos and images with orientation tags on import 87A44A7E0C28614A=rex B811EB066DE6BA44=import rex files as: 1EF04D314BED369F=rex slice tails: CDD7AC65A6AE255A=media with embedded tempo information 92F6FF254897F352=when importing media: 5C4D4DC7B43CD041=note: when importing media from reaper's media explorer, the tempo match setting in the media explorer will override this preference. ;^BDB27E5D914EF9E2=video ;^04F8C491E59F6D16=reset to default ;^D8B3B3186B8C817F=ms [DLG_452] ; IDD_EMPTYITEMINFO 263CA781AB655851=empty source FCDCE094EAEECFA9=this empty take was probably created by splitting the end of an unlooped media item. ;^BAC64C1B2E060EE5=close [DLG_455] ; IDD_PROMPTFORPREF 3E0FD4291B37D3EF=caption ;^FAF92150674645B7=title ;^D840E3186B2B9581=ok ;^7DA8EA3426CA11D3=description [DLG_456] ; IDD_PROJBAY 8971AAB24A6A9D51=bay: ;^397E19C8F7486840=project bay ;^D43B88702E996ED9=filter: ;^F10F4B1B4D6DC250=clear ;^C065E9FEE11B2862=(current project) ;^925B2CEB12D2D978=save... ;^B23C47F019452299=volume: ;^6D0FDC8D1C9C5504=+0.0 db ;^744B2F6CFBA0A242=actions ;^5493EE7052DCF71B=options ;^CA2A325DBD0A1A47=custom1 [DLG_457] ; IDD_PROJBAY_VIEW 4ABB43DDBE84DD83=restore... F257E1E83F5C7699=replace ;^D9B12705AD844C62=list1 ;^F685FB3A91025549=browse... ;^3C63123253BCD74E=usage ;^61946358B1034B76=mute ;^D7B51CFC5837E755=rename ;^F812C7145E261C23=remove [DLG_458] ; IDD_PREFS_APPEAR_TCP F003B344D8811F0A=track control panel settings 4DCB5D3E3620F765=set track label background to custom track colors 58906FB073DFD12A=tint track panel backgrounds 289C8897E74FAD43=align tcp controls when track icons are used 920B32F6825E1B73=track grouping indicators: 6DBD9EE9F23607EC=ribbons F76303B43152DC0C=lines on edge 11B19D03958205CC=vu meters F85A9F1297539C1A=meter update frequency (hz): D4D1D412A087B301=meter decay (db/sec): D7A9F9033F7137B0=meter minimum value (db): 801C5FB370D559A3=max value (db): 0F208895AC3C45F3=show track input when rec-armed 6C2A054C7E2E52F2=make obvious that track input is clickable 387E3C0AFBA40D13=show db scales on track meters 727750F77F9EBAF3=show db scales on rec-armed track meters CDD3479034E38D51=show midi velocity on track vu 9148976BD4445036=show midi output activity on track vu 34416695795F6EBC=sticky clip indicators CA4BC16664C8CDA6=reset meter peak indicators on play/seek 822691B2F0E74705=track meters display pre-fader levels F9F9A38205D98B0A=volume/pan faders A11CFBD2BA0A861A=volume fader range: 99D25DB112CABA8C=db, shape: 7C17D7E484045F44=pan fader unit display: ;^3390D94D34F06461=none ;^D89CC7186B79C49A=to [DLG_459] ; IDD_PREFS_APPEAR_PEAKS EBD7E7474BD1718E=audio peak/waveform appearance 44FB128E49F8051C=display peaks for media items C36D0FFA78FD8359=display while recording 065BFFA5161CA18B=only display peaks for selected tracks 9EC621F00DC94ED1=only display peaks for tracks and items that are soloed or not muted 552BFEE8E37B480F=antialiased peak and waveform drawing D7E16783B70EACEC=draw edges on peaks 191F1D870A18723C=draw edges on waveforms 7877560046BCA21A=draw edges on midi events 29DDC7DE81B9698E=draw waveform zero-lines above peaks/waveforms 96E49324AD697433=fill waveforms to zero line 35783939770D74E1=scale peaks by pre-fx volume/pan envelopes 4729359BCAD7C0EE=draw faint peaks in folder tracks 45A42E267216B44C=draw faint peaks in automation envelope lanes 2B196D31216ACCC5=display midi cc lanes in arrange view: 5862AA63A1F39804=sample-level waveform view: 3DFD497C7C3587C8=custom colors AD99D0E49986F7ED=tint media item waveform peaks to: 58DD9C13D7CF119F=item color 0463F1E16451698B=take color C1B70764E122C1AA=tint media item background to: B297E889757E6112=tint strength (0-4) for selected media item background: D532B8985FB622F9=unselected: E4DC0CDFF2939210=automatically color any recording pass that adds new takes to existing media items 10EEA01CE7AD98F1=set custom track colors from the track menu, custom item and take colors from the item menu. 7467DBA1281E1C66=automatically color any media items that share pooled midi events ;^821B3CD32107333D=track color [DLG_464] ; IDD_REWIRESLAVE 68245ADE50AE13AE=rewire slave project settings 29FC7D73286C1C24=build tempo map automatically as master plays 97E3261A712ADC34=ignore tempo change notifications from master 39FFD7C25F51680C=send loop point/repeat change requests to master 7E50F501F506E9C4=play project B06A7EFC02E67650=audio blocks early (usually 0) ;^D840E3186B2B9581=ok ;^F09E4B5C35AA14B9=cancel [DLG_465] ; IDD_TABTOTRANS 797A749705D923F0=sensitivity: A365272127088DD7=use zero crossings (not as precise but prevents clicks) 590A5D6481E41A6A=display threshold in media items while this window is open 3C62AC8F3EE3535C=media item selection follows tab-to-transient 851859DA354311F2=move by at least 1 pixel when navigating by transients ;^383F243464148105=transient detection settings ;^649ECB151A2B4705=slider1 ;^0832A307B4EB9DCE=% ;^927D36CE7B695660=threshold: ;^D8D27C186BA6D499=db [DLG_466] ; IDD_PREFS_EDIT_MOUSEMAP FCF67B57094B9AE0=mouse modifiers CB9E54FADD0BFAD4=context: EFDF2A9533CCDDA9=import/export D9B12505AD8448FC=list3 C64D048E7E806999=when drawn above media items, treat item label area the same as empty track space 1E0ED16659199589=allow selecting a single event in a cc lane with a mouse click EF47D7DCDE3A3FA9=reverse horizontal zoom behavior when hand-scrolling 5ACE749F82E122A4=edits affect all pooled automation items at the same time position E02DEE53682EC25E=disable targeting bottom part of media item when take lane height is less than: ;^10EC54E7BB0B3282=pixels [DLG_467] ; IDD_NUDGE ACDC31485D6E3705=nudge/set items D624186FC5DBB6E4=copies: 25997869A9E0F14B=relative set ;^275DD07EF79CAC80=by: ;^3CF04EFDC66C18B2=snap to unit ;^EA7EDFD029F80877=nudge left ;^2E287BE9B3A7F568=nudge right [DLG_469] ; IDD_TRACKMGR 5356DD7BA6C6C095=show all 01113E85A2C3AD69=set selection from: ;^D2714B0ED9D27FB1=track manager ;^D9B12605AD844AAF=list2 ;^F10F4B1B4D6DC250=clear ;^A2BF58A6DFD853DC=project ;^0226D05EC331BD27=list ;^A1C5EC4ACA9C56C0=freeze ;^5493EE7052DCF71B=options [DLG_470] ; IDD_MAC_OKCANCEL ;^D840E3186B2B9581=ok ;^F09E4B5C35AA14B9=cancel [DLG_471] ; IDD_GET_LICECAP 4EB31544A2B544C9=licecap not found FCC133FA8BDC1797=download... 6BB02D3BA1E9ED3D=licecap is a simple, free animated screen capture utility created by cockos. 38E70F8C19CADB20=licecap is already installed on this computer: 23E9DE4E2A73B835=licecap is not installed on this computer: ;^F685FB3A91025549=browse... ;^F09E4B5C35AA14B9=cancel [DLG_472] ; IDD_WAITINGFORSYNC 88A6C30CC42F5123=waiting for timecode 99220096A5AEA1EE=force start ;^2F799723962762C7=stop [DLG_473] ; IDD_PREFS_AUDIOCONFIG_MAC 0AE9C7C56AF2D331=audio midi setup... CB5CD17AF6D1158C=ignore running change notifications (may be required for some devices) 5BE762CA30ABAF67=if you need to use multiple devices, open audio midi setup and create an aggregate device. E9564FD174148DB7=allow use of different input and output devices (legacy option, not recommended) 21A1FC512D832DC6=please use audio midi setup to create an aggregate device instead! ;^16464B290024A7A0=audio device settings ;^7A1E9510735905CF=audio device: ;^0FF98CDC4588805A=request sample rate: ;^3E83534995169108=request block size: ;^E9C70EA3B03F0A91=allow projects to override device sample rate ;^A7BA0064C3A88716=output device: [DLG_474] ; IDD_PREFS_PATH 81BBA2B36371EDB5=path settings 8F307CE5C88DF54B=default path to save new projects: 973B67107DB3B77C=default render path (if left empty the current project directory, if any, will be used): E19AF0FCD67934A5=default recording path, when project is unsaved and no recording path is configured: 55FF305FB05C16EA=store all peak caches (.reapeaks) in alternate path: 6934246FDA04EE9E=use alternate peak cache path for the following paths (multiple paths separated by semicolons): ;^F685FB3A91025549=browse... [DLG_475] ; IDD_MEDIAITEMPROPS 2BB176822FB6A485=hmsf 8A7A99B055B2BC0E=fade in: 406C7BB36CE42B0D=fade out: 40CFF38DB7E3BBF0=snap offset: 7FA9D4B370190166=item time&base: FDCE1D0DEA9BC26E=active take: D907C45B264978FE=&loop source CAD3D737C582F202=&mute 0052C9DFE875B0E2=no autofades CE75E13CF2D1632E=play all ta&kes AD062FAAAEBB9263=&take name: 641870E501C18C09=start in source: 6EFA34EAFE2CEBFA=pitch adjust (semitones): 6B4EFAB7FFA848E2=playback rate: 589C900AB90FD7E0=preserve pitc&h when changing rate 0F5B39D2DDAD1961=volume/pan: 68AADFA37421B261=channel mode: CE6B1D605FC62981=button4 A6AB67675248A9B4=&invert phase 4213D3F219BE80B6=&normalize E67D8F5D77BB443E=take pitch shift/time stretch mode 36303AA7437D3575=stretch marker fade size: FB078B9E3E516C36=optimize for tonal content B503AC33C53D7361=fade: E0A50F2BFF5F6CA0=&properties... 561D27A671817C98=&choose new file... 3708E7C07E6DB6F1=&rename file... 8D4C9323C701CB25=nudge/set... 8A54BAD9BEA0F497=take &envelopes ;^BEE3F1BDC2A992A1=media item properties ;^D840E3186B2B9581=ok ;^F9519A70026F7B52=position: ;^309B13D6E0AC1A0F=length: ;^E0B104299A7A8E2E=time ;^268986373F235EF0=beats ;^155268E8DDFB481C=curve: ;^1A8015E802ECC562=item mix behavior: ;^3868AB5EE29314B8=lock ;^ADFC12BF930BBFC9=take properties ;^649ECB151A2B4705=slider1 ;^6D0FDC8D1C9C5504=+0.0 db ;^3BEB0AE437FA2F12=center ;^D8B3B3186B8C817F=ms ;^A1A721902449610D=take media source ;^3A39C76003695360=section: ;^CA95C3C55E05662B=reverse ;^18D0284FCA66EF48=take fx... ;^F09E4B5C35AA14B9=cancel ;^D7323C887B0A2951=apply [DLG_476] ; IDD_XFADE_ADJ 7B0B201A05B78C88=crossfade time ;^649ECB151A2B4705=slider1 ;^D7323C887B0A2951=apply ;^D8B3B3186B8C817F=ms [DLG_477] ; IDD_PREFS_DEFS_ITEM 68E8DD45C8033662=defaults for media items 46824055403B991D=create automatic fade-in/fade-out for new items, length: A5A7A996DF2D17B7=overlap and crossfade items when splitting, length: E7DA02B3D72195E5=default fade-in/fade-out shape: 0ECD19FA2DD06E9F=default crossfade shape: 8C101F7FFA7127FD=right-click on crossfade sets fade shape for only one side of the crossfade (shift toggles) FEF3F95B755C2F5E=enable automatic fade-in/fade-out and autocrossfade for midi note velocity BEFCAA56940B8887=loop source for imported items 6C6E4A4439C0D4F8=loop source for new midi items 945688A19C91E2AF=loop source for recorded items 81AD58C769B1844A=loop source for glued items F86B38011657919B=time selection auto-punch audio recording creates loopable section ;^3A2761697FE8C69E=trim content behind media items when editing [DLG_478] ; IDD_PREFS_RENDER 4DD2B47DA4D97292=rendering settings BA67DC3729684BA7=block size to use when rendering: 2B9B793C0245346A=samples (leave blank for auto) EC400AB11F1ABACB=allow anticipative fx processing when rendering (better multiprocessing) 45BB0225F77E6549=limit apply fx/render stems to realtime (good for some plug-ins) 789CC946B6370D63=process all tracks during stem render (some hardware-based plugins may need this) 733EA0FFFFA8C4A0=default tail length: 4706AF598E8387DE=ms, render tails when: AF29E9BD16427376=rendering stems for full project via action 11D0193A7C70E42B=rendering stems for time selection via action 35A79557A5DF99E2=include tail when freezing entire tracks 363E7FC94526FBB0=when freezing, render the entire track length if there are track or per-take fx FF077D0854B674D7=these settings also affect the default tail options in the render window (projects can override the render tail options). [DLG_486] ; IDD_CONFIG_EXPORT C285AFAE00461627=export configuration 8A4295A6AD1AF901=include in saved configuration: 4831309FEBCBA0C0=files which will be included: ;^CE00C3235E535EAA=save ;^F09E4B5C35AA14B9=cancel ;^D9B12605AD844AAF=list2 ;^D9B12705AD844C62=list1 [DLG_487] ; IDD_CONFIG_IMPORT 3C03C9D8EE0F6058=import configuration 91D0B2E36FEA0496=use imported configuration: 63404EEF28EA7BF0=import will take the following actions: 5BED1A69B4F5740A=remove local data that is not in imported file (caution!) ;^BD7850245F5A79EE=import ;^F09E4B5C35AA14B9=cancel ;^D9B12605AD844AAF=list2 ;^D9B12705AD844C62=list1 [DLG_488] ; IDD_SCREENSETS_CHILD 069056AE7E5589A7=label 3A1E97F8AA111D1C=edit shortcuts ;^D9B12705AD844C62=list1 ;^386EB65EE2979317=load ;^CE00C3235E535EAA=save ;^F10F4B1B4D6DC250=clear [DLG_490] ; IDD_PREFS_MIDIEDITOR 4CEF25468B1C4064=midi editor settings 13ED09240C7A9D7B=flash midi editor keys on track input C76FC835AAA4C264=rbn-friendly midi editor settings 305DA11B2E2644FA=horizontal grid lines in cc lanes 6F011A2D15EEE603=events per quarter note when drawing in cc lanes: DDDFDA2C4B7C5C26=(default 32) 0F1B38F71F042A73=zoom dependent E044BDDEB9333E54=media item CD981B0C7D0A4B3C=project 769F4D0D54EE8F27=behavior for \"open items in built-in midi editor\": 464772AC160FF50F=when using one midi editor per project: 1D73C8ED879F8FD0=close editor when the active item is deleted in the arrange view E785DA0D49AF80A7=double-click outside the bounds of any media item to extend the nearest media item E5CADFDB40896B05=more information about displaying multiple media items in a single midi editor CD16A4A833CF3F6A=opacity (1-3) for notes/cc in secondary media items: 35889979F7713B9D=default note color map: CAC61707DC51ADCE=one midi editor per: ;^90803304EBE7C40E=track ;^AD510FC22D6EECAC=active midi item follows selection changes in arrange view ;^19E78BE8A7F79DE0=media item selection is linked to visibility ;^6B715267FFEB9F05=selection is linked to editability ;^05E07D2942EFF739=only midi items on the same track as the active item are editable ;^F685FB3A91025549=browse... [DLG_504] ; IDD_SCALEFINDER E120A18B5FF674FB=use all midi inputs 5A2307A4536F892C=use midi editor selected notes D925A00F0024C539=known scales: CE6B1F605FC62CE7=button2 ;^200265593F330955=scale finder ;^B36DBB640BD652AA=notes: ;^F10F4B1B4D6DC250=clear [DLG_505] ; IDD_PREFS_PLUGINS_COMPAT 323A73E4A444C161=plug-in compatibility EDA0C6E598F85DA1=pre-zero plug-in output buffers A8C678D44921F2AE=reduce denormalization from plug-ins (recommended) F311E750F641E369=vst bridging/firewalling: A0CB77A8EEC504D8=[feature not installed] 8F87D2EAD1659D21=disable saving full plug-in state (not recommended, set minimal undo for the plug-in instead) A8951FCFD25B68DF=note: some plug-ins (especially synths and samplers) store a lot of data with the project, which can cause interruptions when reaper saves undo points for plug-in parameter adjustments. D43728829B5F35B2=disabling full plug-in state saving can prevent these interruptions, but may also prevent plug-ins from loading exactly as they were saved, when reopening a project. 14E244B04A725B43=enabling minimal undo for a plug-in that stores a lot of data will prevent these interruptions without affecting project save/load, but means that undoing plug-in parameter adjustments may not work as expected. 2293DF1EA49D559D=set minimal undo, bridging/firewalling, and other compatibility settings per-plugin by pressing the + button on the fx ui, or by right-clicking the plug-in name in the fx browser. 79E5A635270D54C7=terminate reaper immediately if a plug-in corrupts the process heap 4A1AC9C73685E230=note: this security setting will cause reaper to crash immediately if a buggy or malicious plug-in is detected. [DLG_506] ; IDD_RENDERDLG1 0903AD556AF759BE=render to file E77A387AEFCAFEE6=render to: E557476A23EFCCC5=see all B3C01AB8DE8EF961=use project sample rate for mixing and fx/synth processing D22E6EA216EB557F=tracks with only mono media to mono files 64AC7DAB458B2FE1=multichannel tracks to multichannel files 737BFDCE9DBD682F=master mix: 22F397A203D21C30=silently increment filenames to avoid overwriting CD1596364EF5BF14=add rendered items to new tracks in project 866E992086EB4D6C=save copy of project to outfile.wav.rpp 2B4C9E294CADCAA2=add to render queue 18158972AEF6702A=save changes and close 662BFCCECA0BCA20=bounds: DB7A3E191C8F859B=time bounds 058E62675060DE32=region matrix... 1AF0BD09D018425D=tail: B96DC62C8DAD2307=delay queued render to allow samples to load ;^C1F07AAFF4522636=file name: ;^3BF0AA22A506F11A=wildcards ;^5493EE7052DCF71B=options ;^E19CAC48E2E6EA85=sample rate: ;^D858BC186B3FE51D=hz ;^67EF32DE1BAE7097=channels: ;^928212AC32CC584E=resample mode (if needed): ;^7B21C9863AA04D13=dither ;^1D5AC868CE7FE785=noise shaping ;^86C526176585552D=output format: ;^87D8D79D63721460=open render queue... ;^5C973D1CB80B0D9F=render... ;^F09E4B5C35AA14B9=cancel ;^6591A9846B673560=source: ;^1B0AFEE5F92D9181=presets ;^720CB39E31676E27=start: ;^61B7599A40AF0062=end: ;^309B13D6E0AC1A0F=length: ;^7CE6FE4C74542BB2=region manager... ;^D8B3B3186B8C817F=ms ;^2555373B75AA89B2=output ;^E0A7E8E6C8588D64=directory: ;^F685FB3A91025549=browse... [DLG_507] ; IDD_AUTOMUTE 1BBEAE3E3D785C95=automute ;^D840E3186B2B9581=ok [DLG_508] ; IDD_REGIONMGR DA643DE3AB8A1A76=render matrix... ;^2227C3C30D911E85=region/marker manager ;^F10F4B1B4D6DC250=clear ;^3896D8BF3E72ED2C=regions ;^D35AD13842A55DEA=markers ;^D9B12605AD844AAF=list2 [DLG_509] ; IDD_RENDERWARN ABD2F614EE0DE91B=always silently increment filenames to avoid overwriting 438408651E1E4D5C=overwrite ;^043FBD1700F7067B=render warning ;^F09E4B5C35AA14B9=cancel [DLG_510] ; IDD_PITCHENVCFG C88A5D93461CCAE6=pitch envelope settings 3EFA2E44C1A47045=custom envelope range: 940DE794B9D8FF93=snap values: ;^D840E3186B2B9581=ok ;^F09E4B5C35AA14B9=cancel ;^83C05BCE6E0BA462=semitones [DLG_511] ; IDD_GENERIC_HELP B4222E4EB0C7129E=render wildcard help ;^FA363E82A44BE9CC=help ;^D840E3186B2B9581=ok [DLG_512] ; IDD_PROJECTSETTINGS_ADV 778794538C68BD00=track mixing bit depth: 4D5435C303F9017B=allow feedback in routing (can result in lower performance, loud noises) 42735C19A9C49A00=external timecode synchronization ADA73270166EE9D1=configure 0F1D0988E126505F=limit project length, stop playback/recording at: 53C5E25B6C80F1C8=pan law/mode 54D4E0DA8C908CC1=note: override track pan laws and modes by right clicking on pan faders. DF9E4FEEAB2B9521=rewire slave settings ;^1A8015E802ECC562=item mix behavior: ;^8EA91D57270468E0=pan law: ;^D8D27C186BA6D499=db ;^57CA523AA910C686=gain compensation (boost pans) ;^A5AE0B33DF6191F1=pan mode: [DLG_513] ; IDD_FREEZE 0239235C001A2CD3=track freeze details [DLG_515] ; IDD_PREFS_PLUGINS_REASCRIPT F20359390E0CC35E=reascript can be used to create simple macros to perform frequently repeated tasks, or to create complex reaper extensions. E6D764D466D14077=view online reascript overview C5BD660AE06DB168=view local reascript documentation 3F944C5A8A234435=clear reascript console on showconsolemsg(\"\") 0A982E468D5F454F=clear reascript console before running any reascript 2613C40B070714CE=timeout limit for lua reascripts: BFF5EC3F089E6751=enable python for use with reascript 29F2655C1595AEC9=python: 1B226BA06F503D1D=python status 7C9DF7E52346FDB4=dll path D5FC3581D08FD781=custom path to python dll directory: 6E0781DE4B3837B3=force reascript to use specific python dll: ;^2C626DCBF2E2019A=reascript ;^1616D990C579771C=seconds ;^DF2472EC2AB0BAFB=download python ;^F685FB3A91025549=browse... [DLG_516] ; IDD_LANG 6C5B59EF704E3CB9=reaper choose language 60F1A9BC3DC0E3F4=load always 3B76403C5F6D3B14=load once [DLG_517] ; IDD_PREFS_SEEK F706A25E0B92F79C=seek settings DF253B12E6463891=seek playback when clicked: F005D9CF2CB27C1A=top ruler 486582A28BAF7C0D=empty areas of tracks C276E6DE1ADAA408=empty area below tracks CD8C25E6C3175388=seek on loop point change 640388590CFFBF2B=only when repeat is enabled 2D0AAABBE4C948E4=seek playback on item move/size/fade adjustment, pre-roll: C65F09ACEF24DD8C=playback position follows project timebase (time or beats) when changing tempo 2A8DD58E169B129C=do not change playback position immediately when seeking (smooth seek) DBF401A9BD4D596C=play to end of 65B6AB250B9129D2=more measures before seeking BD2850523C80580D=play to next project marker, end of current region, or start of next region, before seeking ;^C4683AE4B6D13F0E=pre-roll: ;^D8B3B3186B8C817F=ms [DLG_518] ; IDD_PREFS_REC_LOOP AF924A0E2CDF74CB=loop recording settings 4F2B31BBF3D2C295=in loop recording, discard incomplete first or last takes if at least one full loop was recorded 376DE05863AFD4A7=threshold for complete take: AEF2A1CEFBD11981=midi overdub/replace recording always creates selection-length media item 208EE71E50F7ABCB=when recording and looped, add recorded media to project: 86CDD3047B701541=on stop (default, recommended) C5B9E0F7E2858D5B=create new files on loop 04B1EA7C5BB5F4F8=at each loop (creates new files, good for recording multiple audio layers on the fly etc) ;^0832A307B4EB9DCE=% [DLG_519] ; IDD_PREFS_AUTOMATION 2774BF0E396FA6EA=automation recording return speed: 6A77E58CC1DB4B89=action transition time: F3407898EA587963=automatically add envelopes when tweaking parameters in automation write modes A034ABCC948D1990=hidden envelopes: 0C24BC2FF418AD7F=display read automation feedback 60ED6B2EB49A67AF=allow writing automation 53DCE930EA9EFA47=when recording automation and stopped: 28BEB3FF40AEB890=when adding volume/pan envelopes, apply trim to envelope and reset trim: D53F5AD8EB230214=after recording automation in write mode, on repeat/seek/stop: FAF6019D4C87F0AD=reset latch state when looping 7D419BFC78E5A168=insert new automation item when writing automation and underlying envelope enabled 553CF5385ED037A6=loop new automation items by default 5E51BC4C073B3DC8=editing baseline/amplitude in properties dialog affects pooled copies 4C7B56D3F86B561D=pool source data when pasting automation items C280359C3A752350=when copying with media items 885BAEFEC38FF1C7=trim content behind automation items when editing or writing automation ;^2715653EC997D088=automation ;^D8B3B3186B8C817F=ms ;^20BAEAD47F4513A4=reduce envelope point data when recording or drawing automation ;^7B9DAB3CFFB093BC=automation items [DLG_520] ; IDD_TEMPOADJ 78AE956D5D923E0E=adjust entire tempo envelope A6280B8D8BB7D590=current 77436EECD5972922=target 40139C200957DFB0=initial tempo: 0B174028161765DB=tempo at cursor: 6BC8779E84263374=adjust tempo envelope by: ;^10D0E37E59744608=bpm ;^0832A307B4EB9DCE=% ;^D7323C887B0A2951=apply [DLG_521] ; IDD_TIMEBASE_HELP DB4864FF3845A968=project timebase 94BFF02E912FC476=project timebase: 86250D5F9683A617=set as default for new projects ;^D840E3186B2B9581=ok ;^F09E4B5C35AA14B9=cancel ;^CC14188D4AC6BB5D=project settings... [DLG_522] ; IDD_FADE_EDITOR 1B0AB5E5F92D1576=preset: 8EE7B60239AC1752=[modified] 42BC00DE6468EDE4=equal gain/power: 575062737524D924=left side fade-out EA553C7A8C603498=center: F7DB2CB472489F9D=start: B5E5B9D3F6D35EC1=contents: 3E01EAEA1E369534=right side fade-in 8A64326DA4A40846=link mirror 13134E400E0D5210=units: 6D0C1449A649A0A5=edit grouped items BD905C6075B9BC76=audition: 7D931F4627B60907=post-roll: C5F1D4D927E83FE6=mute left side 37264A0AD6E15BEB=mute right side 671BE8539D02118B=preserve: B701095B99D9C8B1=ripple contents 82A19AF23629AFE2=previous 011BD24D18CA513E=next 9354CE4B6A8F54A0=editing 0 crossfades ;^DDFC41E99D604844=crossfade editor ;^08329D07B4EB939C=+ ;^6D27CBDC5943D7B6=shape: ;^155268E8DDFB481C=curve: ;^61B7599A40AF0062=end: ;^309B13D6E0AC1A0F=length: ;^B23C47F019452299=volume: ;^C4683AE4B6D13F0E=pre-roll: ;^D8CD3036A319B54F=solo track [DLG_523] ; IDD_GENERIC_MODALWAIT CEC359093345D3D8=reaper - wait for wasapi device 1A53DD0B6E0EE1B3=the wasapi device is taking a long time to finish, please wait! 7ED2110FD820226D=reaper - wait for audio device AE99D4B07B68E7DE=the %s device is taking a long time to finish, please wait! 492A50AFEB1A0E35=reaper - wait for midi output device EB961EBF9974196F=the following midi output device is not responding:\r\n\r\n\t%s\r\n\r\nreaper will wait for it to resume, but it may require a disconnect/reconnect. 3EB8CBD563198B13=reaper - wait for rewire application 9AE0BC2CC69B599E=an application which was rewired into reaper is still running -- please check to see if it requires you to save your project before proceeding. this window will automatically close once all rewired applications have closed. [DLG_524] ; IDD_PREFS_APPEAR_FADES 543781076A1C8193=media item fade/crossfade appearance 63881AD1B89057EB=prevent editing fade-in/out when item is less than: 3835FCCD4FE00102=pixels wide or AB160C292520C435=pixels tall C069535E9D8BB671=allow mouse to target: E85367ED12714CDB=fade-in/out curve 0024BF3FBE427677=fade start/end line 02506CF67F5A95F7=show fade-in/out handle: 55926D1FDB93890E=always 360B90677273925B=never 5945CCB0612B12BD=when fade is less than: 67A4D32224D1FE51=pixels wide 3DDA3762CA460144=show crossfade handle: E349443F1D989275=when media items are not aligned vertically 63EEAA4ED16C1D0B=when editing crossfades with the mouse, use crossfade editor theme colors [DLG_525] ; IDD_CHOOSEPROJVER 2689E4AA66038151=(unknown time) 315548436B84E4F6=choose version from backup file ;^D9A8B3186C5CECF7=%c ;^386EB65EE2979317=load ;^F09E4B5C35AA14B9=cancel [DLG_526] ; IDD_FADE_SAVE CC01B9D00235F0B2=crossfade preset C497BE3EB56B58D4=save crossfade length ;^D840E3186B2B9581=ok ;^F09E4B5C35AA14B9=cancel ;^48D899DD92FBC032=name: [DLG_536] ; IDD_INSERT_MULTI 2D881AB025B41602=insert media 5829C71677489C3A=separate tracks 51B9D32E1177B86C=single track 9B6EF7252D32268B=insert multiple media items on separate tracks, or sequentially on a single track? [DLG_552] ; IDD_REPLACE_ITEM 3D9E431594E24425=replace media item source 98A3E07B33F4659C=source media: F9A4D114D5AC67A4=target media: 311434D64034A8CA=insert a new media item that overlaps the target media item FF0889C3B2172A19=add source media as a new take in the target media item 00FA9448DF1245DB=replace the target media with the source media 55AFCE2FF61EA3A3=replace all occurrences of the target media with the source media 59D9FCBE24785653=adjust target media item length to fit source media 09DD5F13B5161AF9=stretch source media to fit target media item 5517202F47F30C14=loop source media to fit target media item ;^D840E3186B2B9581=ok ;^F09E4B5C35AA14B9=cancel [DLG_553] ; IDD_WARN_CONFIRM BB954F153A7461AE=record warning 97641F41CAE9E24B=no tracks are armed for recording. you can continue, but nothing will be recorded until you record-arm a track. 19C0740C49C364CB=envelope warning 3902FAECC27E843D=changing the volume envelope scaling will change the sound of this envelope, because changes on the volume fader are not linearly equivalent to changes in amplitude. E9AA42FF465F8210=don't show this warning again ;^BF7C871A52628C99=warning ;^F031DD957D5C1B56=continue ;^F09E4B5C35AA14B9=cancel [DLG_554] ; IDD_MIDICONSOL_OK 4374F107C66C4A30=midi export 96CB7690257FF844=wrote midi to: ;^BDB7990C53BBB742=show in explorer... ;^BAC64C1B2E060EE5=close [DLG_555] ; IDD_REASCRIPT_OUTPUT D17CE88116AFF378=reascript error 4E518EED4DA6E818=go to error DEA1B3932852719F=end script ;^F031DD957D5C1B56=continue ;^BAC64C1B2E060EE5=close [DLG_565] ; IDD_RENDER_QDELAY_SET DE5F38BC50FA1D52=delay before rendering project: ;^EA970E9D488A99CB=render queue delay ;^D840E3186B2B9581=ok ;^F09E4B5C35AA14B9=cancel ;^1616D990C579771C=seconds ;^9261BE522DCF754F=some sampler plugins may require initialization time to ensure all samples are loaded before starting to render output. [DLG_566] ; IDD_RENDER_QDELAY 281DFF7A832E4D0B=render now 6D1DB1A72C825D43=render will begin in: A27E086F9E7EA396=progress2 022B2F9649E18FC7=add time: ;^EA970E9D488A99CB=render queue delay ;^F09E4B5C35AA14B9=cancel ;^1616D990C579771C=seconds ;^9261BE522DCF754F=some sampler plugins may require initialization time to ensure all samples are loaded before starting to render output. [DLG_567] ; IDD_SAVEALLPROJECTS 4FA73EB4D62B05FD=[new project - project tab %d]\r\n D19014057B165DA0=the following projects are unsaved. save all projects before closing? 091DEC2CE071C1C2=prompt for each project 4AB7427DE9910F92=yes D843A7186B2D6564=no ;^01BF66E624968F18=reaper query ;^F09E4B5C35AA14B9=cancel [DLG_568] ; IDD_CHOOSE_PROJECT 73CA908C47AB99D9=empty project AE8ED52059292C44=1 project tab 4FA42CDCF616EFA1=%d project tabs: 981CC76E08DF7077=project templates: 06A7B5E2F65877B4=[default] A10EAC62161414BC=recent projects: C380533FFAF13E74=reaper choose project(s) ;^BE72ADED52927C3E=last active project ;^E99EBA7FF6970DBB=... ;^D990EA186C48B88B=, ;^0832A807B4EBA64D= ;^5E103081C90DF414=new project (ignore default template) ;^F47146FFAED94D96=new project ;^D840E3186B2B9581=ok ;^E705DACA1F54B88B=open with fx offline (recovery mode) [DLG_569] ; IDD_DEFERRED_SCRIPT_PROMPT BF10EFEB78836F82=reascript task control 660D9ED274439D14=remember my answer for this script D7C0AB47F1A65B7E=terminate instances C961AC2601ECA18A=new instance ;^F09E4B5C35AA14B9=cancel [DLG_570] ; IDD_SAVEOPTIONS_API_HEADER 31156AD71A7CB1DE=write functions exported by 3rd party extensions [DLG_571] ; IDD_FX_FOLDER_RENAME 4C2D7725EDBCDEC9=edit folder D4EC5A82932B5414=smart folder 8DBD59617BDD6D1F=filters contain a list of (optionally quoted) strings which must match. the keywords or and not are also available. ;^D43B88702E996ED9=filter: ;^D840E3186B2B9581=ok ;^F09E4B5C35AA14B9=cancel ;^48D899DD92FBC032=name: [DLG_575] ; IDD_WARPMARKER_EDIT 7F7D4B6A51C24C9D=start rate: 50A320AE96EC4284=end rate: 63ED6F574E6B7B99=link start/end rate ;^26038CD1AEC84BF2=edit stretch marker rate ;^D840E3186B2B9581=ok ;^F09E4B5C35AA14B9=cancel [DLG_576] ; IDD_DEVICE_ERRORS E5BE82CE7EF165E8=error opening devices 336560F6444C4D2F=audio device DC550AF3D8DE1D84=do not show this window again ;^BAC64C1B2E060EE5=close ;^E65D106B2B1EE745=midi devices [DLG_577] ; IDD_PREFS_GENADV_OSX F0F1E2B1EACF3FFF=automatic (optimized drawing on macos 10.5-10.9) 4D9AB3BE76B1DE2E=disable optimized drawing E780B73F5FC62A99=force optimized drawing AD9514E856019AD5=auto-hide dock when in fullscreen mode 05B80B5246B8F88D=display updates: ;^0A6448A99C8A2834=advanced ui/system settings ;^D6701DC77AC3D85B=note: these options are generally considered experimental and should only be used with caution. in addition, some of these options require a restart of reaper to take effect. ;^C4A83360D20BD06A=custom splash screen image: ;^F685FB3A91025549=browse... ;^0D7057D41011519B=scale ui elements of track/mixer panels, transport, etc, by: ;^6EB0F52C0633C017=(0.3x-3x) ;^679088CA658FD532=allow snap grid/track envelope/routing windows to stay open ;^106F53CB2F71186F=allow keyboard commands even when mouse-editing ;^D840E3186B2B9581=ok ;^F09E4B5C35AA14B9=cancel ;^122368E92DE6E29F=reset to defaults [DLG_578] ; IDD_PREFS_AUDIOCONFIG_LINUX FFAE57EC0BA56FE1=blocksize: F143541CC4FBB847=periods: 9AFDF664A489933B=rt priority: 8C576A763B47579A=auto-start jackd, launch command (blank=libjack): EC20FB93DB548DE3=auto-connect jack audio channels to hardware 33EECA0DB7DB4D32=auto-connect jack midi channels to hardware EBAA66188F58E2C6=auto-suspend pulseaudio 775661C1B339B845=disable power management if supported (requires permissions to /dev/cpu_dma_latency) ;^16464B290024A7A0=audio device settings ;^0314604C3913412E=audio system: ;^DA38E298C189302F=input channels: ;^9324D41856E3D6C5=input device: ;^C6FA709C7A5DB354=output channels: ;^CD3ECB2096970F76=output device: ;^F97A12BF98D450CF=samplerate: ;^FA904550054D55C7=bit depth: ;^E9C70EA3B03F0A91=allow projects to override device sample rate [DLG_579] ; IDD_LYRICIMPORT 9C4F9E297401BE7F=tabs 37BBEEDCE2DE6F68=any whitespace 4FDC1EFF5C6004A7=lyrics should be in a text file, one measure per line, separated by spaces or tabs. 94FB231FB797C408=lyrics will be imported to the last touched track, as midi lyric events. 67B478FBAAAE55DA=a new midi item will be created on that track if needed. 1196B16C194B9363=divide lyrics on: 2D34054801CD4D52=every ;^268986373F235EF0=beats [DLG_580] ; IDD_LYRICEXPORT 265F8C42D8F617CB=lyrics will be exported to a text file, one measure per line, separated by spaces or tabs. 8D7322DC72C4E917=lyrics will be exported from midi lyric events on the last touched track. B28A52B58A4A4E89=divide lyrics with tabs every ;^268986373F235EF0=beats [DLG_581] ; IDD_PEAKSCFG 245F676EE94EDBFB=spectral peaks 3F520E4A87056BC8=spectrogram 545F0C890FB61CE5=spectrogram + peaks E020851FB486189D=load spectrogram preset 292FAC2F3B27ACAA=save spectrogram preset 1FC2D021DBCEC639=preset %d E47DD4176BC22186=reverse spectrum 9B17BC88EDB7B52E=clamp hue at maximum brightness E04BDD1DD89B6BE1=freq log %.1f 59D35F34154BA6AA=curve %.1f EC3B924E27478E36=bright %.2f FE61562DC6E98614=contrast %.2f A150A0438B9C7D21=load spectral view preset BDD016587EC8B42E=save spectral view preset 179D9B324BCFF8A9=set range to full spectrum 387D7106D9A0D7A3=set range to full spectrum every 4 octaves CA04E5E13321FEEE=set range to full spectrum every 3 octaves E045CEBC4C1D3741=set range to full spectrum every 2 octaves 34DE9A11297DCE6E=set range to full spectrum every octave 0D4E3251815710A9=fade non-tonal content to theme peaks color 2A574F49C9F5D6FE=noise thresh: %.2f C2D38D8F77FDFFA5=variance: %.2f 2A7B1B368D16A9D8=display mode: B3B2CE99002FAC62=opacity: 788767C324778F32=coloredit ;^B7198C6865BD82A9=peaks ;^3DAEC1FDB4648CFB=scale peaks by square root (half of range is 12db rather than 6db) ;^AD872C409758C3B5=rectify peaks ;^122368E92DE6E29F=reset to defaults ;^661759053D17D58C=peaks display settings ;^2B38050561E7CD8C=display gain: ;^649ECB151A2B4705=slider1 ;^D8D27C186BA6D499=db ;^E99EBA7FF6970DBB=... [DLG_583] ; IDD_POOLEDENV_PROPS 746BF375580CA27C=automation item properties EC13362C7BC70625=play rate: 3890BE5EE2B48715=loop CB7776E9AD3CF57E=baseline: 379E70DAD2144AB6=amplitude: B14CC2A72CCF28DC=baseline/amplitude affects pooled copies 7C95FEA28590E856=all pooled copies BAD19081D5BF9C1F=lfo shape: 8DBFE9B9FD06189F=amp skew: 792CAF819392FC8A=pulse width: 9039F428A6F4506A=cycles: F581E6CACE20F851=freq skew: ;^F9519A70026F7B52=position: ;^309B13D6E0AC1A0F=length: ;^A24AA748B77E55CA=start offset: ;^E0B104299A7A8E2E=time ;^268986373F235EF0=beats ;^48D899DD92FBC032=name: ;^83A722EC04ED6560=phase: [DLG_584] ; IDD_PREFS_AUDIO_MUTESOLO 4BBBB20611C82A07=mute settings DB9672C1C2AE2D3E=do not process muted tracks (muted tracks take no cpu time, etc) 6721707C5C16AB36=when volume exceeds C0364B3FF6C30D24=reset on playback start 7F8E5925A86A3457=track mute fade: 5C326A50E71323BF=ms (100 ms max) 922571EF0BCD2115=solo settings D923B88E7CA24E87=solo in front dimming: C86146570199182B=solos default to in-place solo (alt+click for ignore-routing solo) 990D2BCE1856EBCE=parent and hardware sends unsoloed when a soloed-in-place track sends to another soloed track ;^D8D27C186BA6D499=db [DLG_585] ; IDD_UNDO_DIFF 4636EA8ED5745055=undo differences ;^D840E3186B2B9581=ok [MENU_102] ; IDR_MENU1 76AC8A0EF584639A=&new project 5CDF6E6E2108FF5C=&open project... 5A023884C6A47E43=&save project B8BB98CEA245679D=save project &as... 9C1D90CB0F92F209=save project as... 9A5CDB5603E31CA4=save new version of project 674445A824677F21=project &templates 30828A10BB2A4C17=project templates 4DB5FA4506AE4E81=save project as template... C0235533455B391F=(project template list) 86A76E9A54D819DA=&recent projects D530A756BC5F626E=recent projects 3426BEEBB70AE42C=(recent project list) 60DB6452AD610175=save all projects BBB3FBBEB5329C39=&project settings... 9180A3744F8583A3=r&ender... 6229DDA959912932=open render queue B633F1942B15AC70=save live output to disk (bounce)... 7628366676B4E4DB=consolidate/e&xport tracks... 19B757EC3665DA01=consolidate/export tracks... 1D979EA89D498269=export project midi... 55AAEC801B4BFC2B=&clean current project directory... 67E174167A5BAA77=clean current project directory... 78BD808222DCC43D=batch file/item converter F01A61D2F652BEF4=&quit 0ADA19F5C8D23DB5=&undo 3904BCCC4603BBDF=&redo 6EEA7D98B568EDF6=select all items/tracks/envelope points, depending on focus 83F04DBC1DA2CC9A=© items/tracks/envelope points within time selection if any 4B05B8EC8B7085F6=copy items/tracks/envelope points within time selection if any F02F864B0828A617=© items/tracks/envelope points ignoring time selection 797D63BEAF5500CB=copy items/tracks/envelope points ignoring time selection 85CEE916BBA36C89=cu&t items/tracks/envelope points within time selection if any CC573BBE2F211E3D=cut items/tracks/envelope points within time selection if any 91744677B089B79A=cu&t items/tracks/envelope points ignoring time selection 9375899C7F37954E=cut items/tracks/envelope points ignoring time selection 17E43694AE696DE2=floating mixer master 79052F8D8A494DBD=monitoring fx 8ED4847E819508C4=dynamic split E8ECF3DD47F31305=nudge/set items 22D5A36C95ECD2FB=project media/fx bay FFA5A939A59051CE=tempo envelope 097CE3607BE6D2FB=show/hide all floating windows 780EC2EBF7CFEEFB=cascade all floating windows 1B68C612B02241DF=time unit for ruler E5BECCE8B6372D80=zoom A933AB5F6C56BBFD=zoom &in EEFB1CBD2084C65F=zoom in EBAA002521E0C7E6=zoom &out CC64F05E5E298084=zoom out 7483179C2D3D7C2E=zoom to time &selection AC561EA09B31CA40=zoom to time selection 7A4307CC69B856C6=zoom to selected media items 50E3B6D638A84397=all tracks the same height and size up E27BE95A11A4B752=all tracks the same height and size down 20C2381D71328397=toggle track zoom to minimum height 95D1A38E55D61F49=toggle track zoom to maximum height C5195E985A673C97=expand selected tracks, minimize others 754C0069B8672878=minimize all tracks CA45641EE984C65A=go to 3BEB1B19AEE00E16=jump to... 39AE8E57394B6EEC=go to cursor B2FFCA0056B74A82=go to play cursor 0E4E05E4869CD13D=move cursor forward one measure C4ADCDE525AE21A3=move cursor back one measure 47734348A0EF0F08=always on top BA9472192FEC84E6=fullscreen 1AC254BAE376D85D=&media file... E99E5A2415381CC1=media file... 848021DE96E981D5=virtual instrument on new track... B88B7283E289B0EB=new midi item 8EA67A9467CCBA56=new subproject 1B38830877A28E8F=smpte ltc/mtc timecode generator E4ED7DBFD1574FE2=&click source 035299D150C20C02=marker (prompt for name) D54A83F7A2BD8E7D=region (from time selection) A26238D0F1C0A72A=tempo/time signature change marker D74B3A583F768FCD=measure from time selection (detect tempo) FE52D1D8F9A43398=measure from time selection (new time signature)... 680CCFB26A0337F5=multiple tracks... 1C6019673FDCE12C=track from template D27EE7DC82211566=empty space at time selection C85901B72E094DA4=© loop of selected area of items 168903519701870A=take channel mode: reverse stereo 61C27997277BA016=take channel mode: mono (downmix) 599A27402687A04D=take channel mode: mono (left) 4CA3123877D52AE6=take channel mode: mono (right) 25AC3C63E81691A5=pea&ks EFA5B5880467AF59=build peaks 235AC9AE2F95277D=rebuild all peaks A08635B6D11AEFF2=rebuild peaks for selected items 9D12C44F54F3765B=remove all peaks (and do not rebuild) 6D39835A72D55975=me&dia 70A2B2F3CB898479=set all media online 73068136E81DFA55=set selected media online B273F6FD8CDD8005=set all media offline 4862205390B6C301=set selected media offline 035B6104C9505C5A=set all tracks to automatic record-arm when track selected 0FF6D47B1D880AE8=remove envelope points 98671010090BFF52=remove envelope points in time selection 53C694610CFB2708=new recording that overlaps existing media items 900553E9F4978551=splits existing items and creates new takes (default) 163CDA4B929B986C=trims existing items behind new recording (tape mode) FD77C1603E3C317A=creates new media items in separate lanes (layers) 538DAB3E7CEB873E=always add takes to new recorded items when looping CB81C350E8E07BF5=show all takes in lanes (when room) 7DC808E14A2CFADC=take lane behavior 9E8A76526EEBFDF6=display empty take lanes BD410B32CB22A98B=allow selecting empty take lanes DDF0C2B72FBC6917=select takes for all selected items when clicking take lane B5461C07CE3D1647=show overlapping media items in lanes 87EEAA36151D88CC=item grouping enabled 7BB0F4CD0B9D5525=loop points linked to time selection 90E0D8147D017FF8=snap/grid 30F57DE3466BFB3F=snap/&grid settings... FD225E85574D8269=snap/grid settings... 97A35C3A53F64810=locking 01ED4363CB6BA971=locking enabled 88FCEA18F589F1D1=locking settings... 53126EE5565D39B2=envelope points 23212B44E02FEDD8=metronome/pre-roll settings... BF5372BB458B3DB8=solo in front D5401433504A8FB1=pre-fader track metering E3E21002DC750BDE=peaks display mode 77B039D6FE5A2389=show normal peaks 249ABB04EB118B7A=show spectral peaks CAFAE40A81DD4DBA=show spectrogram and peaks 105336038E927375=show reaper resource path in explorer/finder... 2553C56820D6750B=customize menus/toolbars... F4FB47467BAD3875=&themes EB80C1268ED158B9=themes 3229575F82B53A68=default classic A41E4F58A44DC446=&layouts 714F281FDDBD3ECE=default layout A0D116C59ED92C43=&preferences... BBB17EF4311BA65F=preferences... 7B5C2A1FA647D258=&help 6405A26549C38BDB=documentation 1A02898D809B83A6=(documentation list) 8D3B976C312A99F8=key bindings and mouse modifiers 0C46C536B9985FAA=action list as html 0F85BA0AB1A0AA88=reascript documentation 35B2D191B7283C57=project timebase help... F518794A247CE541=purchasing information 3B75D890A2EE0726=license and user agreement 910805548FA4B6BD=changelog (whatsnew.txt) A0393F5E41ED85B9=check for new versions of reaper ;^DB25337315BFD655=&file ;^9A01878F90736611=file ;^F47146FFAED94D96=new project ;^C83C5309F0D5EEC0=open project... ;^D13A2D9F38411FDF=save project ;^385A68019D9A9A61=new project tab ;^A092E5D2A26EFA9C=close project ;^196CA70C1D9D93A4=close all projects ;^CC14188D4AC6BB5D=project settings... ;^5C973D1CB80B0D9F=render... ;^E84AEE35A92DF248=quit ;^386DCB7A24A75D67=&edit ;^B90A279A7257C793=edit ;^0E28C6126A0CF889=undo ;^BB0EF92F46BDB0DB=redo ;^459EE41012553C16=&paste ;^13A51C8BEEDFCE52=paste ;^87B550EB3F37F8CE=&view ;^C2EA750B659102CA=view ;^D91FCBB42B5B9077=docker ;^D66D409D600C2D04=mixer ;^DDDBC4B59922776E=master track ;^38F9B35CED04D04D=big clock ;^DDFC41E99D604844=crossfade editor ;^420377F78A3E1841=fx browser ;^AF8A1AC00E231ACB=grouping matrix ;^BEE3F1BDC2A992A1=media item properties ;^B8EA9A061D794748=navigator ;^661759053D17D58C=peaks display settings ;^09939A2A8DB73EDE=performance meter ;^2227C3C30D911E85=region/marker manager ;^ECD8A7FC74B3A45A=region render matrix ;^BB1D7DBC1BA8233C=routing matrix ;^200265593F330955=scale finder ;^865773BF0F30AC16=screensets/layouts ;^9A96C7D5CB612D76=toolbar docker ;^383F243464148105=transient detection settings ;^D2714B0ED9D27FB1=track manager ;^D99EA6A0E05B0BEC=transport ;^E5566C4604653F75=undo history ;^D3B242D430A5DB6C=virtual midi keyboard ;^3E62FFC31E48DC5F=minutes:seconds ;^EC6669A655FB6232=measures.beats / minutes:seconds ;^79D6347556189739=measures.beats ;^F19FF1FD1885ACEF=measures.beats (minimal) ;^E06B596FB29109DC=measures.beats (minimal) / minutes:seconds ;^F0920ED4F28AEEBC=seconds ;^BD80D7F68741D41A=samples ;^9C51079A90B5736A=hours:minutes:seconds:frames ;^9DD55224C5C829FC=absolute frames ;^AA9942DEC0F6DBEA=&insert ;^4324C9C893B102F6=insert ;^5A3FF93A190E0F6B=empty item ;^0C670376C4015406=click source ;^90AF657379F9511D=marker ;^D0C04B9E79D271AE=track ;^D9CD3B25D255019B=open template... ;^65CA689C377C5655=offset template items by edit cursor ;^3A390528F4DCEC5D=(track template list) ;^A6E8B961172A2EDC=ite&m ;^B2BB1E7719F22B98=item ;^186444C1EA089313=remove items ;^E194E0BBB250B47E=&trim items to selected area ;^CDF129916A7161CA=trim items to selected area ;^691C4B8E09709260=copy loop of selected area of items ;^86891682F6F2D16C=select all ;^423DD25A37AD7A79=nudge/set items... ;^1F4C50B930F9D6C8=split items at cursor ;^90B859A4F328EBB9=split items at time selection ;^FF07D0ECF3A0E53D=heal splits in items ;^BA6CAA916A3AEE75=item settings ;^61946358B1034B76=mute ;^EC752CC2DB12686D=loop item source ;^88344341B9A154CA=play all takes ;^8EAF0AA09346C8D7=lock item ;^9F5BC732DF031FE9=item notes... ;^92665005797F0930=invert phase ;^ADB9958ED73C94F7=loop section of item source ;^88FE80D1430C4312=preserve pitch when changing playrate ;^1598EBACCB0F49EA=reverse active take ;^5601B9A57A757ADB=take channel mode: normal ;^9D60E5E1B749E8D5=set item timebase to project/track default ;^0EB8F3CE4C772566=set item timebase to time ;^EC375DCC4CE39240=set item timebase to beats (position, length, rate) ;^11458E9C9EF4BE2E=set item timebase to beats (position only) ;^E1E348931CD6C233=item &properties... ;^68B57E0793CA5AE1=item properties... ;^0814EFA066F6B891=source &properties... ;^8D96C4FE778D9CA7=source properties... ;^F5E3E68D409A3A52=&group ;^6208D6BE485CCB06=group ;^7E2DF1630E77106E=group items ;^0A6A186FCB4E720A=remove items from group ;^60EE028014F5398C=select all items in group ;^A726FC321D37D0F0=t&ake ;^71E0871D72ABD5CC=take ;^F65CD38614815711=next take ;^5CCBCB0963EC10AD=previous take ;^6D2EC5D738690CA9=delete active take ;^CAAB5CC146E0FC0B=crop to active take ;^9824DEB0C15FC0F5=duplicate active take ;^7EA6B0652E5346C4=lock to active take ;^0A6FCB87E138A3AF=show fx chain for active take ;^92C3E890C5EC8E5D=remove fx for active take ;^417B1A7081B07295=take envelopes... ;^E871F70D1F455842=take volume envelope ;^1BF73E10831BC659=take pan envelope ;^2BE60748A665DAFB=take mute envelope ;^4A2B58135C235086=take pitch envelope ;^32A8CD94B8E9F86E=explode all takes to new tracks ;^0B76FEDD4B488DD6=explode all takes (in place) ;^66F59CEEAE4451AB=explode all takes (in order) ;^CA142F03B9CABB64=implode items across tracks into takes ;^EFC8CD9D920B916F=implode items on same track into takes ;^8657A2F07751612A=paste to takes in items ;^350E0F395B7F1C85=(take list) ;^844E1C381BAED81D=comps ;^27A8F35A732CC6E6=save/rename active comp... ;^F9E04376D3B7E6DE=remove active comp from list ;^050AAAF896F25359=crop list to active comp ;^555922281DE5343B=move active comp to top lane ;^BE39148270D11909=(comp list) ;^0ED5B16414C9FBEC=item and take colors ;^020D3467C33B79B0=set items to custom color... ;^A68ABA1C0EA6CE27=set items to random colors ;^6C8CB6E8F2159B02=set items to one random color ;^31DD29D6185E7EC8=set items to default color ;^807AD2DC48AC8DC8=set active takes to custom color... ;^EB6A3F98C6F7C92A=set active takes to one random color ;^0704D964EA4B33E0=set active takes to default color ;^628E594012CC7C5B=set all takes of selected items to default color ;^18A490C172DBF9BB=item processing ;^AF8FB722E2FC29EA=normalize items ;^B622D171EE197539=normalize items (common gain) ;^0E71DF4467DEE5F6=dynamic split items... ;^1AAC225BC2D18F76=quantize item positions to grid... ;^6C68672E04A0F906=move items to source preferred position (bwf) ;^F2E31CE8AE28842A=implode items across tracks into items on one track ;^9CF0A9142899CF43=auto-reposition items in free item positioning mode ;^D1E4A1A455A36989=explode multichannel audio or midi items to new one-channel items ;^943A1A47FCEE5EEE=explode midi item by note row (pitch) ;^00BF6D212D40163B=convert active take midi to in-project source data ;^210B23F21E3171CA=convert active take midi to .mid file reference ;^FBBD098069A14870=import media cues from items as project markers ;^C5C24397EF0DB674=propagate take to similarly-named active takes on track ;^D475F7AB7314098E=propagate item to similarly-named items on track ;^3C4653C38684563B=propagate take to all similarly-named active takes ;^D62932A5C72ACCBB=propagate item to all similarly-named items ;^F84E1DFB577DA637=stretch markers ;^B8A638E10D801ABE=add stretch marker at cursor ;^1E2BFE3FE36F5A1C=add stretch markers at time selection ;^67F86878615B8457=stretch marker at cursor ;^28450354F52CB7AE=reset ;^694879AB065321DB=edit rate ;^F812C7145E261C23=remove ;^B836E9AED19FB093=stretch markers in selected items ;^8BD3DE8B5B83C01C=snap to grid ;^DD0D50B2EF690AC1=stretch markers in selected items within time selection ;^53191BFB24C2F304=transient guides ;^FA775AC5C0D28AA4=calculate transient guides ;^2931EC09DAF12573=calculate transient guides for visible areas ;^5440034E9A5FAF6B=clear transient guides ;^C4930ADECE6F49DA=use tonal optimized mode ;^40C8007578BEB3CE=spectral edits ;^A869C80BC8A6891B=show spectrogram ;^80DB785B3C273E72=add spectral edit to item ;^4C6F30285576EE3F=open items in editor ;^619AF06BCC66D00F=open in editor ;^8991F36B7822B489=open in secondary editor ;^AAB1F0BA33F2CA9C=open copies in editor ;^B49A3DAD17186E2A=open copies in secondary editor ;^2E3DECABF5FD3B44=open in inline editor ;^F1032E62ED81A0C4=open associated project in new tab ;^C00C9ED3E1843E69=open in built-in midi editor (set default behavior in preferences) ;^B4177AFBBA909492=apply track/take fx to items as new take ;^84630E171AD9A159=apply track/take fx to items as new take (mono output) ;^9AC2F2FE23308A02=apply track/take fx to items as new take (multichannel output) ;^B9A64123FC8187D3=apply track/take fx to items as new take (midi output) ;^586B2A0EC026812A=render items as new take ;^CE7E80ACF252CB16=&reverse items as new take ;^3C80DA00A78511C2=reverse items as new take ;^FB90AE71C9284F3A=glue items ;^B7169EEC02C8D8FC=glue items within time selection ;^A3CADB91B9CAE84C=move items to new subproject ;^B7198C6865BD82A9=peaks ;^09D15F38080A7701=media ;^BE1A8478FCC1F1FA=&track ;^6E9C1F47AE0AB01B=insert new track ;^EB6AC1D6BBE0A433=insert new track at end of track list ;^A6F3EA432AA410A4=insert virtual instrument on new track... ;^14AB75DE2C24FEF3=insert track from template ;^931D2CD599D2FEC9=save tracks as track template... ;^FDFA2E97CD8FDE19=remove tracks ;^23590995D822F51C=duplicate tracks ;^475E591F3E135594=move tracks to new subproject ;^BB2ECD751C866045=render/freeze tracks ;^62060BAC51213CA3=render tracks to mono stem tracks (and mute originals) ;^9BF0024003286A6E=render tracks to stereo stem tracks (and mute originals) ;^6B80ADA8054A1976=render tracks to multichannel stem tracks (and mute originals) ;^78957C8454DBB75F=freeze tracks to mono (render pre-fader, save/remove items and online fx) ;^54DADE4C7B95FC5C=freeze tracks to stereo (render pre-fader, save/remove items and online fx) ;^79AA43061BD49154=freeze tracks to multichannel (render pre-fader, save/remove items and online fx) ;^EE5CF20F98160706=unfreeze tracks (restore previous items and fx) ;^C524AA04CA044305=midi track controls ;^FC08989D53C1D223=show midi track control panel ;^5C6FB2DCFD68EEF7=link track volume/pan to all midi channels ;^66E5DC632BAFC67F=link track volume/pan to midi channel ;^08329707B4EB896A=1 ;^08329607B4EB87B7=2 ;^08329507B4EB8604=3 ;^08329407B4EB8451=4 ;^08329307B4EB829E=5 ;^08329207B4EB80EB=6 ;^08329107B4EB7F38=7 ;^08329007B4EB7D85=8 ;^08328F07B4EB7BD2=9 ;^D97FFC186C3A63EE=10 ;^D97FFD186C3A65A1=11 ;^D97FFA186C3A6088=12 ;^D97FFB186C3A623B=13 ;^D98000186C3A6ABA=14 ;^D98001186C3A6C6D=15 ;^D97FFE186C3A6754=16 ;^522F483C3BDD4C72=do not link track volume/pan to midi ;^F96490112D1B162F=lock track controls ;^7D4D6C4CD3A7206A=lock track height ;^AE7E61A37889E975=free item positioning ;^9D4AE82B2A6E582F=multichannel track metering ;^821B3CD32107333D=track color ;^2A155A1A970AC2FE=set tracks to custom color... ;^AB902561E815401D=set tracks to random colors ;^27450F3A019ACFE8=set tracks to one random color ;^639DD13915D0BDD2=set tracks to default color ;^E8F72322AC27C447=track icon ;^648DC6218B71EAE3=set track icon... ;^D2F88B0EF54D2211=remove track icon ;^12438EC5ABFDAC96=track timebase ;^26C7502E02B01288=project timebase ;^B98A031D9BEEF64E=time ;^A5D5B4E847F44008=beats (position, length, rate) ;^BA7A79B4D3479176=beats (position only) ;^BAB20E52AB03A898=track automation mode ;^E80224910029CDEC=trim/read ;^BB1FF02F46CC14C3=read ;^83EA05809A680356=touch ;^CBED1547C6300197=latch ;^C7F67A5666962B47=latch preview ;^C9D51236E5A04162=write ;^08C4A189ED06CFFA=track performance options ;^BEDDCB0B40FD59A2=allow media buffering ;^8A09A75D01EDDA59=prevent media buffering ;^CF7AF55DCCD92445=allow anticipative fx ;^B6616B85587122F2=prevent anticipative fx ;^02ABE37861D00256=enable track metering ;^832F70C2FB781E83=prevent spectral peaks/spectrogram ;^F923F7795042C1F4=track layout ;^AB2A3D4EF1C9D1A8=default ;^3AF66241CE595B8C=&envelopes ;^E9991E9C69A2E870=envelopes ;^E29A8B5D1C16061F=toggle &volume active ;^6909129551C0263B=toggle volume active ;^6EEA4E6D1C299C1E=toggle &pan active ;^8DF30F24527A956A=toggle pan active ;^13D77626487877AE=toggle volume (pre-fx) active ;^171CD8B223DA2025=toggle pan (pre-fx) active ;^22BB6337A73E9205=toggle volume visible ;^124E3F58D9D38C02=toggle pan visible ;^EDAADDAE852D16DE=toggle volume (pre-fx) visible ;^5137806840344CAF=toggle pan (pre-fx) visible ;^47B6B0240DC76A6B=select all points ;^58EB14692B28F25A=unselect all points ;^6E708F217D28443C=select points in time selection ;^BA7DD3138B41C153=set shape for selected points ;^CA47517BDEFA4232=linear ;^AF908AD98D533548=square ;^6A05662E2A1E77AC=slow start/end ;^BC24D1B6349B5A89=fast start ;^DB6FC995D09C7078=fast end ;^919D1A7A385C125C=bezier ;^595D1609A802357B=invert selected points ;^20EE79BDD1264889=reset selected points to zero/center ;^47C303DD6766CBE5=set envelope default point shape ;^40B42F5B4E7F894C=clear envelope ;^1002920B25015351=track grouping parameters... ;^6478144A3C4FB7D2=track grouping enabled ;^1686A8969AFE3B9F=&options ;^5493EE7052DCF71B=options ;^2A861A976C38C3D4=record mode: normal ;^71CB5040464F5BC3=record mode: time selection auto punch ;^CAC4592C4D4DD57A=record mode: auto-punch selected items ;^3E1E032211F699E5=auto-crossfade media items when editing ;^3A2761697FE8C69E=trim content behind media items when editing ;^416573F8395B660E=ripple edit per-track ;^581D6158029C2ADC=ripple edit all tracks ;^59111F850FAE5C14=enable snapping ;^257731EBCA5EBF0E=show grid ;^21F4EDEE5D02BA27=move envelope points with media items ;^22890C70F0007984=envelope point selection follows time selection ;^9FA78734EF11F68D=add edge points when moving envelope points with items ;^561C816EA4AE16DF=add edge points when ripple editing or inserting time ;^045E4E19D4C5E283=add edge points when moving multiple envelope points ;^20BAEAD47F4513A4=reduce envelope point data when recording or drawing automation ;^7B9DAB3CFFB093BC=automation items ;^B4247305029ECD51=bypass underlying envelope outside of automation items ;^E8983D7ABDCA9C38=automation items do not attach to the underlying envelope ;^FF9F4014B48BCB5F=automation items attach to the underlying envelope on the right side ;^E03A6CC2DC3D5F04=automation items attach to the underlying envelope on both sides ;^DAB01B50C7660150=metronome enabled ;^3DAEC1FDB4648CFB=scale peaks by square root (half of range is 12db rather than 6db) ;^AD872C409758C3B5=rectify peaks ;^C09170FD3E752A38=automatically scroll view during playback ;^98178F3A662231C3=continuous scrolling ;^FD06ABC366DA801A=smooth seeking (seeks at end of measure) ;^676E901B91B41FD8=chase midi note-ons in project playback ;^3D05B40BFC6A1E40=external timecode synchronization ;^94D8EC714ED10E14=synchronization enabled ;^1589D28CD62A7BF0=synchronization settings... ;^A61CBD25C6796002=layouts ;^6BE8B83EA0A1A15E=&actions ;^744B2F6CFBA0A242=actions ;^A0CB20A955DAF552=show action list... ;^593D5AC384550ADA=show recent actions ;^FA363E82A44BE9CC=help ;^9BC67B482921A263=about reaper ;^0832A807B4EBA64D= ;^62473318FFD2829F=[recording settings] [MENU_136] ; IDR_MENU2 7603F4809C8E5192=m&ixer 9BB0621424D5DF48=show in mixer D342A139D4FE9114=show on right side of mixer 68732E0CB1C4A9E6=show in separate window 3B57CE2AB074678B=show in docker 722D7A2B645D90AF=show folders 8A23F34FB7A5FB94=show normal top level tracks 9032B6D2F8CCF061=show tracks that are in folders C1F1F9270510EE17=show tracks that have receives 91DBBF271685793C=scroll view when tracks activated 47BCD4D4C65CC0CF=auto-arrange tracks in mixer 2D012CC520C22751=group folders to left C1EB5BB70B3F6A09=group tracks that have receives to left 382C305B9A540BF7=clickable icon for folder tracks to show/hide children CDF148F44232EA69=show multiple rows of tracks when size permits 221F1A051812933A=show maximum rows even when tracks would fit in less rows F1032A8BE9BB2080=show sends when size permits 6857739668D3B9A3=show fx inserts when size permits 885CED319D4F31AD=show fx parameters when size permits 61CE1B0A09D0F2B3=show track icons in mixer 9A9CC96E950DDAAE=show icon for last track in folder BE29F73DED2A5B44=dock mixer in docker 0722451274F43B5D=close\tctrl+m ;^D66D409D600C2D04=mixer ;^DDDBC4B59922776E=master track ;^BAC64C1B2E060EE5=close [MENU_144] ; IDR_FXMENU 84CF3548E2370A3B=&add fx...\tinsert, a 1C0C55DE43216FF8=&replace fx...\tctrl+r 1FF7A80982958378=&add fx chain...\tshift+insert, shift+a E5B4B55353B2672D=add fx chain... 42ECD82A6859B357=&save fx chain...\tctrl+s F86053FC56B0757D=save fx chain... 39AA03BBCD01F7EF=save chain as default for new tracks 83E3514952AF6EC0=load default track chain 1E1B169BE8835407=&close window\tesc C8AC8D6876C63989=ignore fx chain keyboard shortcuts (send to main window) ;^2F3C98801E1D176D=&fx ;^D85ED6186B447CF9=fx ;^4BB3333A13123CE6=add fx... ;^2A7E68360937F521=replace fx... ;^CD9DE212764F150E=save selected fx as chain... ;^907F0944C42611FB=window float selected fx\t(doubleclick) ;^024457DEEDAF4C2C=window float selected fx ;^10AA715E679A1188=send all keyboard input to plug-in ;^CC1F02E05223C02F=dock fx window in docker ;^82EE5475CB6FCE9F=close window ;^386DCB7A24A75D67=&edit ;^B90A279A7257C793=edit ;^F07B8BF09056DBC7=freeze track ;^B9450FA5B73E0242=freeze track to mono, up to last non-offline fx ;^E4EB1F77E012E753=freeze track to stereo, up to last non-offline fx ;^822C0ABE515442BB=freeze track to multichannel, up to last non-offline fx ;^4A24DE7EC5D70EE4=freeze track to mono, up to last selected fx ;^9CADE133F3BF88B7=freeze track to stereo, up to last selected fx ;^C8A3EF986B3A45BF=freeze track to multichannel, up to last selected fx ;^43EF57CE3ADA8A28=unfreeze track ;^BC328CB03B0D078E=copy &all fx\tctrl+shift+c ;^F3F5886C1F6A6C85=copy all fx ;^29AC56D2B3AB95DD=© selected fx\tctrl+c ;^932563A1D4D9236F=copy selected fx ;^386E80D3AED15B5D=copy selected fx (include automation)\tctrl+alt+c ;^B7E90584A70A56CB=copy selected fx (include automation) ;^A564BFA603B3928B=c&ut selected fx\tctrl+x ;^51B6457C06E865F4=cut selected fx ;^ED9D4CD707DD43C6=&paste fx\tctrl+v, ctrl+insert ;^45D48DA7AFD8FF18=paste fx ;^C4E5E30C8A3E3BDF=remove all fx\tshift+delete ;^D15DD369C1DD169E=remove all fx ;^A7702CFDA3C1F8E6=&remove selected fx\tdelete ;^7B8D571E4E2F8276=remove selected fx ;^3821C0F763D1850D=toggle selected fx bypass\tctrl+b ;^90788E770202C34E=toggle selected fx bypass ;^685BE17D4DA686FC=toggle selected fx offline\tctrl+alt+b ;^64F4A9D95C4E316D=toggle selected fx offline ;^E67F0BA2C154FA57=rename fx instance\tf2 ;^12D1E2F79FD7BDB8=rename fx instance ;^1686A8969AFE3B9F=&options ;^5493EE7052DCF71B=options ;^5B982DEEA8952FF4=auto-float new fx windows ;^0EE7D967B88BFC63=&fx plug-ins settings... ;^91C05340E1D72E6F=fx plug-ins settings... ;^84FADFAA8CD497E1=build multichannel routing for output of selected fx... ;^C7317FFF2A84005C=build 16 channels of midi routing to this track [MENU_175] ; IDR_FXADDMENU 906942A53FAFB090=&rename fx...\tf2 E85949C4173AD547=&scan for new plugins\tf5 04D688D70D3C0F39=close\tesc ;^2F3C98801E1D176D=&fx ;^D85ED6186B447CF9=fx ;^CC9253BC8BC18E8D=rename fx... ;^3683BEB2CD7D7896=&edit js fx... ;^2A31DB0B5883713A=edit js fx... ;^D6DB6AF3F0039A90=create new &js fx... ;^D1015785000960A4=create new js fx... ;^A179E53BE5D2EC67=scan for new plugins ;^146E11E319517217=dock fx browser in docker ;^BAC64C1B2E060EE5=close ;^1686A8969AFE3B9F=&options ;^5493EE7052DCF71B=options ;^5B982DEEA8952FF4=auto-float new fx windows ;^0EE7D967B88BFC63=&fx plug-ins settings... ;^91C05340E1D72E6F=fx plug-ins settings... ;^DD4C8B57B6C4F338=show in left pane list ;^D865D2186B4A94DB=dx ;^FF98B17E4FBAAA76=dxi ;^6388A67DF74AFA94=vst ;^6C2DE50B34687BE7=vsti ;^6C2D8F0B3467E9C5=vst3 ;^3953BC0A0C920F44=vst3i ;^D86FE1186B5302DD=au ;^191E307E5E0D97DC=aui ;^D851E3186B3A08B4=js ;^598D95450BED5823=rewire ;^F1288C037F484D01=cockos ;^EFDD0AC32D858D23=instruments ;^44914FDF8A0DA00C=recent ;^40B8E8A7530FEAA1=vst folders ;^CAC6D9B556053C93=categories ;^83ACA278C2C00834=developers ;^C004CD40F2057E29=fx chains ;^DFE075A0849636D1=clear cache and re-scan all plugins ;^E7D728BB6DC1259F=show in fx list ;^2D4BDC5DCCE1B42E=default fx presets ;^A9712384CADC45EE=fx shortcuts ;^7A8F70DCF15158A9=jsfx descriptions ;^A1957B451EAC9B78=jsfx filenames ;^4D0B7C1B0447364A=video processor ;^D2A68B678498F805=plug-ins that begin with '#' ;^4018D271D54282D1=auto-clear search field on folder change ;^6EFA7E4EF87CA485=auto-clear search field on close ;^32C5A9224C3188A6=auto-clear folder view on close ;^240086858F17503C=remove all empty folders [MENU_300] ; IDR_CONTEXTS_0 5BD74D193D4FB34D=0trackctl EDF254CB548FDE10=track manager (show/hide tracks)... E8A2505871BCB648=copy selected envelope points 8FC4A136809D9C89=cut selected envelope points 30524B98C197234C=set shape for all selected points CB796832F14A03CA=delete selected envelope points 7E5922C933467DB9=delete envelope points in time selection ;^6E9C1F47AE0AB01B=insert new track ;^EB6AC1D6BBE0A433=insert new track at end of track list ;^A6F3EA432AA410A4=insert virtual instrument on new track... ;^14AB75DE2C24FEF3=insert track from template ;^D9CD3B25D255019B=open template... ;^65CA689C377C5655=offset template items by edit cursor ;^3A390528F4DCEC5D=(track template list) ;^931D2CD599D2FEC9=save tracks as track template... ;^FDFA2E97CD8FDE19=remove tracks ;^23590995D822F51C=duplicate tracks ;^475E591F3E135594=move tracks to new subproject ;^BB2ECD751C866045=render/freeze tracks ;^62060BAC51213CA3=render tracks to mono stem tracks (and mute originals) ;^9BF0024003286A6E=render tracks to stereo stem tracks (and mute originals) ;^6B80ADA8054A1976=render tracks to multichannel stem tracks (and mute originals) ;^78957C8454DBB75F=freeze tracks to mono (render pre-fader, save/remove items and online fx) ;^54DADE4C7B95FC5C=freeze tracks to stereo (render pre-fader, save/remove items and online fx) ;^79AA43061BD49154=freeze tracks to multichannel (render pre-fader, save/remove items and online fx) ;^EE5CF20F98160706=unfreeze tracks (restore previous items and fx) ;^C524AA04CA044305=midi track controls ;^FC08989D53C1D223=show midi track control panel ;^5C6FB2DCFD68EEF7=link track volume/pan to all midi channels ;^66E5DC632BAFC67F=link track volume/pan to midi channel ;^08329707B4EB896A=1 ;^08329607B4EB87B7=2 ;^08329507B4EB8604=3 ;^08329407B4EB8451=4 ;^08329307B4EB829E=5 ;^08329207B4EB80EB=6 ;^08329107B4EB7F38=7 ;^08329007B4EB7D85=8 ;^08328F07B4EB7BD2=9 ;^D97FFC186C3A63EE=10 ;^D97FFD186C3A65A1=11 ;^D97FFA186C3A6088=12 ;^D97FFB186C3A623B=13 ;^D98000186C3A6ABA=14 ;^D98001186C3A6C6D=15 ;^D97FFE186C3A6754=16 ;^522F483C3BDD4C72=do not link track volume/pan to midi ;^F96490112D1B162F=lock track controls ;^7D4D6C4CD3A7206A=lock track height ;^AE7E61A37889E975=free item positioning ;^F1707CB9030B35E0=automatic record-arm when track selected ;^9D4AE82B2A6E582F=multichannel track metering ;^821B3CD32107333D=track color ;^2A155A1A970AC2FE=set tracks to custom color... ;^AB902561E815401D=set tracks to random colors ;^27450F3A019ACFE8=set tracks to one random color ;^639DD13915D0BDD2=set tracks to default color ;^E8F72322AC27C447=track icon ;^648DC6218B71EAE3=set track icon... ;^D2F88B0EF54D2211=remove track icon ;^12438EC5ABFDAC96=track timebase ;^26C7502E02B01288=project timebase ;^B98A031D9BEEF64E=time ;^A5D5B4E847F44008=beats (position, length, rate) ;^BA7A79B4D3479176=beats (position only) ;^BAB20E52AB03A898=track automation mode ;^E80224910029CDEC=trim/read ;^BB1FF02F46CC14C3=read ;^83EA05809A680356=touch ;^CBED1547C6300197=latch ;^C7F67A5666962B47=latch preview ;^C9D51236E5A04162=write ;^08C4A189ED06CFFA=track performance options ;^BEDDCB0B40FD59A2=allow media buffering ;^8A09A75D01EDDA59=prevent media buffering ;^CF7AF55DCCD92445=allow anticipative fx ;^B6616B85587122F2=prevent anticipative fx ;^02ABE37861D00256=enable track metering ;^832F70C2FB781E83=prevent spectral peaks/spectrogram ;^F923F7795042C1F4=track layout ;^AB2A3D4EF1C9D1A8=default ;^3AF66241CE595B8C=&envelopes ;^E9991E9C69A2E870=envelopes ;^E29A8B5D1C16061F=toggle &volume active ;^6909129551C0263B=toggle volume active ;^6EEA4E6D1C299C1E=toggle &pan active ;^8DF30F24527A956A=toggle pan active ;^13D77626487877AE=toggle volume (pre-fx) active ;^171CD8B223DA2025=toggle pan (pre-fx) active ;^22BB6337A73E9205=toggle volume visible ;^124E3F58D9D38C02=toggle pan visible ;^EDAADDAE852D16DE=toggle volume (pre-fx) visible ;^5137806840344CAF=toggle pan (pre-fx) visible ;^47B6B0240DC76A6B=select all points ;^58EB14692B28F25A=unselect all points ;^6E708F217D28443C=select points in time selection ;^CA47517BDEFA4232=linear ;^AF908AD98D533548=square ;^6A05662E2A1E77AC=slow start/end ;^BC24D1B6349B5A89=fast start ;^DB6FC995D09C7078=fast end ;^919D1A7A385C125C=bezier ;^595D1609A802357B=invert selected points ;^20EE79BDD1264889=reset selected points to zero/center ;^47C303DD6766CBE5=set envelope default point shape ;^40B42F5B4E7F894C=clear envelope ;^1002920B25015351=track grouping parameters... ;^6478144A3C4FB7D2=track grouping enabled [MENU_301] ; IDR_CONTEXTS_1 B2B766E2DE1404E6=1mediaitems 0445CE0F3B805BEA=take channel mode: reverse stereo AD41E4C5F1E6E2B6=take channel mode: mono (downmix) 99DA3FD9B4724DED=take channel mode: mono (left) 0DC9F1F822C19286=take channel mode: mono (right) 845CB661E3AC5560=take channel mode: mono (3-64) AC87291F02756AE9=mono 3 AC872A1F02756C9C=mono 4 AC872B1F02756E4F=mono 5 AC872C1F02757002=mono 6 AC872D1F027571B5=mono 7 AC872E1F02757368=mono 8 AC872F1F0275751B=mono 9 9F0F2CB12D7F3529=mono 10 9F0F2BB12D7F3376=mono 11 9F0F2AB12D7F31C3=mono 12 9F0F29B12D7F3010=mono 13 9F0F30B12D7F3BF5=mono 14 9F0F2FB12D7F3A42=mono 15 9F0F2EB12D7F388F=mono 16 9F0F2DB12D7F36DC=mono 17 9F0F34B12D7F42C1=mono 18 9F0F33B12D7F410E=mono 19 9F1232B12D817532=mono 20 9F1233B12D8176E5=mono 21 9F1230B12D8171CC=mono 22 9F1231B12D81737F=mono 23 9F122EB12D816E66=mono 24 9F122FB12D817019=mono 25 9F122CB12D816B00=mono 26 9F122DB12D816CB3=mono 27 9F123AB12D8182CA=mono 28 9F123BB12D81847D=mono 29 9F15B8B12D848EBB=mono 30 9F15B7B12D848D08=mono 31 9F15BAB12D849221=mono 32 9F15B9B12D84906E=mono 33 9F15BCB12D849587=mono 34 9F15BBB12D8493D4=mono 35 9F15BEB12D8498ED=mono 36 9F15BDB12D84973A=mono 37 9F15B0B12D848123=mono 38 9F15AFB12D847F70=mono 39 9F193EB12D87A844=mono 40 9F193FB12D87A9F7=mono 41 9F1940B12D87ABAA=mono 42 9F1941B12D87AD5D=mono 43 9F193AB12D87A178=mono 44 9F193BB12D87A32B=mono 45 9F193CB12D87A4DE=mono 46 9F193DB12D87A691=mono 47 9F1936B12D879AAC=mono 48 9F1937B12D879C5F=mono 49 9F1CC4B12D8AC1CD=mono 50 9F1CC3B12D8AC01A=mono 51 9F1CC2B12D8ABE67=mono 52 9F1CC1B12D8ABCB4=mono 53 9F1CC0B12D8ABB01=mono 54 9F1CBFB12D8AB94E=mono 55 9F1CBEB12D8AB79B=mono 56 9F1CBDB12D8AB5E8=mono 57 9F1CBCB12D8AB435=mono 58 9F1CBBB12D8AB282=mono 59 9F202AB12D8DA4F6=mono 60 9F202BB12D8DA6A9=mono 61 9F2028B12D8DA190=mono 62 9F2029B12D8DA343=mono 63 9F202EB12D8DABC2=mono 64 D7FACABD2578F9B7=take channel mode: stereo (1-64) B938D0CBBFF92C1D=stereo 1/2 D2F832CBCE7D6083=stereo 2/3 C989A0CBC8EDF30D=stereo 3/4 E34886CBD77154BF=stereo 4/5 DB8CF0CBD35374FD=stereo 5/6 F4DF6ACBE17B004B=stereo 6/7 EC4AC0CBDCA50DCD=stereo 7/8 06E336CBEBE154EF=stereo 8/9 2911157996D2CCF4=stereo 9/10 148D4FD6EE44C23F=stereo 10/11 809642DF2710EB27=stereo 11/12 C0EBE1E624BB6DD7=stereo 12/13 2CF4BCEE5D876DF7=stereo 13/14 C3BB5BF7D0A3B427=stereo 14/15 2FC3AF00096ECD2F=stereo 15/16 B0812E08DED206FF=stereo 16/17 F297D90FDDFA6FEF=stereo 17/18 5E92B81816BA397F=stereo 18/19 F56A5B2189E4F9AE=stereo 19/20 525F9849F994F811=stereo 20/21 E5F12F41C0730675=stereo 21/22 6976B65C41B7A631=stereo 22/23 E8B2AD536C4F1635=stereo 23/24 17963C6B79AC0F41=stereo 24/25 D5861B647A88FC7D=stereo 25/26 18A4BA7D24168A81=stereo 26/27 82441973B150F41D=stereo 27/28 063A3008CF511A71=stereo 28/29 6FD696FF5C895BCE=stereo 29/30 E1C7FC150D72D847=stereo 30/31 789C0F1E809A6DEF=stereo 31/32 F50F9E03FF4FD4E7=stereo 32/33 6117F90C381AFB87=stereo 33/34 46F017F4C75B6BD7=stereo 34/35 B2F8EAFD00275E5F=stereo 35/36 442E99E31B7F5C17=stereo 36/37 B03774EB544B5C37=stereo 37/38 569914577044B0F7=stereo 38/39 C2976F5FA9078312=stereo 39/40 49EB6C8952B72C35=stereo 40/41 0848438253F0DDB9=stereo 41/42 9BF4EA7A1AE5CF05=stereo 42/43 05275970A7C381F1=stereo 43/44 9925F8686EFE6FCD=stereo 44/45 1861675F9994F8B9=stereo 45/46 D6A356589AB80B4D=stereo 46/47 6A346D5061954031=stereo 47/48 D3D3D446EECFB765=stereo 48/49 6914EB3EB71C4AF2=stereo 49/50 D6D25C7F81958E17=stereo 50/51 4347AF87BABD78FF=stereo 51/52 D9F35E912DC312A7=stereo 52/53 45FBB999668E3947=stereo 53/54 1180A85E016793FF=stereo 54/55 A854DB67748F6007=stereo 55/56 146B2A6FAD66AF9F=stereo 56/57 9536357882D561AF=stereo 57/58 76C4543DBB67E3F7=stereo 58/59 E2D02745F4360C56=stereo 59/60 408783E900E6DD29=stereo 60/61 D485BAE0C8211A4D=stereo 61/62 57F031FB494ED721=stereo 62/63 C12308F1D62D3AC5=stereo 63/64 429D4853A90825C2=© items CC58BDDA63312D76=copy items 04DF6D369D17A825=cu&t items 083F0BD7CB2E69F1=cut items 8909FEA44585A084=cut selected area of items 4E68549A5EFD26D8=split items at prior zero crossing ;^BA6CAA916A3AEE75=item settings ;^61946358B1034B76=mute ;^EC752CC2DB12686D=loop item source ;^88344341B9A154CA=play all takes ;^8EAF0AA09346C8D7=lock item ;^9F5BC732DF031FE9=item notes... ;^92665005797F0930=invert phase ;^ADB9958ED73C94F7=loop section of item source ;^88FE80D1430C4312=preserve pitch when changing playrate ;^1598EBACCB0F49EA=reverse active take ;^5601B9A57A757ADB=take channel mode: normal ;^9D60E5E1B749E8D5=set item timebase to project/track default ;^0EB8F3CE4C772566=set item timebase to time ;^EC375DCC4CE39240=set item timebase to beats (position, length, rate) ;^11458E9C9EF4BE2E=set item timebase to beats (position only) ;^E1E348931CD6C233=item &properties... ;^68B57E0793CA5AE1=item properties... ;^0814EFA066F6B891=source &properties... ;^8D96C4FE778D9CA7=source properties... ;^F5E3E68D409A3A52=&group ;^6208D6BE485CCB06=group ;^7E2DF1630E77106E=group items ;^0A6A186FCB4E720A=remove items from group ;^60EE028014F5398C=select all items in group ;^A726FC321D37D0F0=t&ake ;^71E0871D72ABD5CC=take ;^F65CD38614815711=next take ;^5CCBCB0963EC10AD=previous take ;^6D2EC5D738690CA9=delete active take ;^CAAB5CC146E0FC0B=crop to active take ;^9824DEB0C15FC0F5=duplicate active take ;^7EA6B0652E5346C4=lock to active take ;^0A6FCB87E138A3AF=show fx chain for active take ;^92C3E890C5EC8E5D=remove fx for active take ;^417B1A7081B07295=take envelopes... ;^E871F70D1F455842=take volume envelope ;^1BF73E10831BC659=take pan envelope ;^2BE60748A665DAFB=take mute envelope ;^4A2B58135C235086=take pitch envelope ;^32A8CD94B8E9F86E=explode all takes to new tracks ;^0B76FEDD4B488DD6=explode all takes (in place) ;^66F59CEEAE4451AB=explode all takes (in order) ;^CA142F03B9CABB64=implode items across tracks into takes ;^EFC8CD9D920B916F=implode items on same track into takes ;^8657A2F07751612A=paste to takes in items ;^350E0F395B7F1C85=(take list) ;^844E1C381BAED81D=comps ;^27A8F35A732CC6E6=save/rename active comp... ;^F9E04376D3B7E6DE=remove active comp from list ;^050AAAF896F25359=crop list to active comp ;^555922281DE5343B=move active comp to top lane ;^BE39148270D11909=(comp list) ;^0ED5B16414C9FBEC=item and take colors ;^020D3467C33B79B0=set items to custom color... ;^A68ABA1C0EA6CE27=set items to random colors ;^6C8CB6E8F2159B02=set items to one random color ;^31DD29D6185E7EC8=set items to default color ;^807AD2DC48AC8DC8=set active takes to custom color... ;^EB6A3F98C6F7C92A=set active takes to one random color ;^0704D964EA4B33E0=set active takes to default color ;^628E594012CC7C5B=set all takes of selected items to default color ;^18A490C172DBF9BB=item processing ;^AF8FB722E2FC29EA=normalize items ;^B622D171EE197539=normalize items (common gain) ;^0E71DF4467DEE5F6=dynamic split items... ;^1AAC225BC2D18F76=quantize item positions to grid... ;^6C68672E04A0F906=move items to source preferred position (bwf) ;^F2E31CE8AE28842A=implode items across tracks into items on one track ;^9CF0A9142899CF43=auto-reposition items in free item positioning mode ;^D1E4A1A455A36989=explode multichannel audio or midi items to new one-channel items ;^943A1A47FCEE5EEE=explode midi item by note row (pitch) ;^00BF6D212D40163B=convert active take midi to in-project source data ;^210B23F21E3171CA=convert active take midi to .mid file reference ;^FBBD098069A14870=import media cues from items as project markers ;^C5C24397EF0DB674=propagate take to similarly-named active takes on track ;^D475F7AB7314098E=propagate item to similarly-named items on track ;^3C4653C38684563B=propagate take to all similarly-named active takes ;^D62932A5C72ACCBB=propagate item to all similarly-named items ;^F84E1DFB577DA637=stretch markers ;^B8A638E10D801ABE=add stretch marker at cursor ;^1E2BFE3FE36F5A1C=add stretch markers at time selection ;^67F86878615B8457=stretch marker at cursor ;^28450354F52CB7AE=reset ;^694879AB065321DB=edit rate ;^F812C7145E261C23=remove ;^B836E9AED19FB093=stretch markers in selected items ;^8BD3DE8B5B83C01C=snap to grid ;^DD0D50B2EF690AC1=stretch markers in selected items within time selection ;^53191BFB24C2F304=transient guides ;^FA775AC5C0D28AA4=calculate transient guides ;^2931EC09DAF12573=calculate transient guides for visible areas ;^5440034E9A5FAF6B=clear transient guides ;^C4930ADECE6F49DA=use tonal optimized mode ;^40C8007578BEB3CE=spectral edits ;^A869C80BC8A6891B=show spectrogram ;^80DB785B3C273E72=add spectral edit to item ;^4C6F30285576EE3F=open items in editor ;^619AF06BCC66D00F=open in editor ;^8991F36B7822B489=open in secondary editor ;^AAB1F0BA33F2CA9C=open copies in editor ;^B49A3DAD17186E2A=open copies in secondary editor ;^2E3DECABF5FD3B44=open in inline editor ;^F1032E62ED81A0C4=open associated project in new tab ;^C00C9ED3E1843E69=open in built-in midi editor (set default behavior in preferences) ;^B4177AFBBA909492=apply track/take fx to items as new take ;^84630E171AD9A159=apply track/take fx to items as new take (mono output) ;^9AC2F2FE23308A02=apply track/take fx to items as new take (multichannel output) ;^B9A64123FC8187D3=apply track/take fx to items as new take (midi output) ;^586B2A0EC026812A=render items as new take ;^CE7E80ACF252CB16=&reverse items as new take ;^3C80DA00A78511C2=reverse items as new take ;^FB90AE71C9284F3A=glue items ;^B7169EEC02C8D8FC=glue items within time selection ;^A3CADB91B9CAE84C=move items to new subproject ;^914F5B81FECF32F5=copy selected area of items ;^691C4B8E09709260=copy loop of selected area of items ;^459EE41012553C16=&paste ;^13A51C8BEEDFCE52=paste ;^186444C1EA089313=remove items ;^E194E0BBB250B47E=&trim items to selected area ;^CDF129916A7161CA=trim items to selected area ;^423DD25A37AD7A79=nudge/set items... ;^1F4C50B930F9D6C8=split items at cursor ;^90B859A4F328EBB9=split items at time selection ;^FF07D0ECF3A0E53D=heal splits in items [MENU_302] ; IDR_CONTEXTS_2 4332D8BB1ED787A3=2loopsel 864F12EC431E3535=&remove selection F88B2541FF78AC41=remove selection 8E28144057BCB82E=zoom selection 4B1F747855E7E264=set selection to items A85D49E4688F76DC=extend selection to next transient in items 9FDED13C922E67FE=insert marker... 091F42494C4E9FF9=create region from selection 747E0AF54D82A089=insert tempo/time signature marker... F03411CF290C4060=remove all markers from time selection B2A2C84BFA3D0A81=ruler layout BC7D14E8A0C0A671=display project regions in lanes D56AA8D46235B35B=display project markers in lanes 1A559EBB3E114226=drag below the main toolbar to expand the ruler for more lanes 7AEB6371856548A9=display tempo changes C434EFFB957464DF=display time signature changes 7CB34621789AEA3E=display tempo and time signature changes in separate lanes E4AAD54D49F7DB30=set project tempo from time selection (detect tempo, align items) ;^F2F9B74A2243D03F=set project tempo from time selection (detect tempo) ;^EA21659EDE25DB0A=set project tempo from time selection (new time signature)... ;^349F55EF86232987=create measure from time selection (detect tempo) ;^4B37D6054E63E942=create measure from time selection (new time signature)... ;^5F08AD67C9135573=crop project to selection ;^48E3EE852F14F202=insert empty space in selection ;^5710F0FC06226D7D=remove contents of selection (moving later items) ;^459EE41012553C16=&paste ;^13A51C8BEEDFCE52=paste ;^1F4C50B930F9D6C8=split items at cursor ;^90B859A4F328EBB9=split items at time selection ;^86891682F6F2D16C=select all ;^914F5B81FECF32F5=copy selected area of items ;^691C4B8E09709260=copy loop of selected area of items ;^3E62FFC31E48DC5F=minutes:seconds ;^EC6669A655FB6232=measures.beats / minutes:seconds ;^79D6347556189739=measures.beats ;^F19FF1FD1885ACEF=measures.beats (minimal) ;^E06B596FB29109DC=measures.beats (minimal) / minutes:seconds ;^F0920ED4F28AEEBC=seconds ;^BD80D7F68741D41A=samples ;^9C51079A90B5736A=hours:minutes:seconds:frames ;^9DD55224C5C829FC=absolute frames [MENU_303] ; IDR_CONTEXTS_3 A3FA5A822CC7D898=3trackempty B0A42D963CEF845C=insert multiple tracks... BB1E22C4CE52BD4B=show master track ;^6E9C1F47AE0AB01B=insert new track ;^A6F3EA432AA410A4=insert virtual instrument on new track... ;^14AB75DE2C24FEF3=insert track from template ;^D9CD3B25D255019B=open template... ;^65CA689C377C5655=offset template items by edit cursor ;^3A390528F4DCEC5D=(track template list) [MENU_304] ; IDR_CONTEXTS_4 7E677F97CEBA3077=4envelopeitemctx 639D27DB1B0A2208=set point value... F0A2A2F707D939B6=set point shape A82A9554C79824AA=delete point AC4B7D06A00FB424=delete selected points ;^C038339424CBD482=select envelope (env name) ;^E3DAA9F7F82CB67B=envelope defaults ;^89B2C8E0158D7807=default point shape ;^CA47517BDEFA4232=linear ;^AF908AD98D533548=square ;^6A05662E2A1E77AC=slow start/end ;^BC24D1B6349B5A89=fast start ;^DB6FC995D09C7078=fast end ;^919D1A7A385C125C=bezier ;^E23E7C59E700D167=volume envelope: amplitude scaling ;^15441270F2148E26=volume envelope: fader scaling ;^7A13F82CEDFD20A9=pitch envelope: range/snap... ;^BA7DD3138B41C153=set shape for selected points ;^47B6B0240DC76A6B=select all points ;^58EB14692B28F25A=unselect all points ;^6E708F217D28443C=select points in time selection ;^0D521319E895BADD=copy points ;^32A5F32C7000598C=cut points ;^F1C5C2EC7C56CF0D=delete points in time selection ;^595D1609A802357B=invert selected points ;^2504EFBB70A00BF0=reset points to zero/center ;^21E4A0FB10179834=reduce number of points... ;^7B9DAB3CFFB093BC=automation items ;^A221F0C79D56397A=insert new automation item ;^386EB65EE2979317=load ;^62C49C467C0C15D3=load... ;^7D82EC3419C2A0DA= ;^E801B83593C3DB47=create pooled duplicate ;^A2FAC659F6C6EC6C=create unpooled duplicate ;^925B2CEB12D2D978=save... ;^AF3196AD6B727ABC=delete ;^974BF434A2393C3D=delete automation item, preserve points ;^61946358B1034B76=mute ;^15E7199686AA193D=split ;^4EFA5E888C26F6BA=glue ;^0943685A571BB951=remove from pool ;^1A62BA3FE4EDC314=properties... ;^558EC42D6AC40A92=automation item options for this envelope ;^176C5452D56FF52A=project default behavior outside of automation items ;^B4247305029ECD51=bypass underlying envelope outside of automation items ;^E8983D7ABDCA9C38=automation items do not attach to the underlying envelope ;^FF9F4014B48BCB5F=automation items attach to the underlying envelope on the right side ;^E03A6CC2DC3D5F04=automation items attach to the underlying envelope on both sides ;^271F989089915585=arm envelope for recording ;^727B7F2EB869FFD5=show envelope in lane ;^CD674FEA536FDABD=hide envelope ;^051CA74B46992E79=bypass envelope ;^A6EF93273B597A8D=clear or remove envelope... [MENU_305] ; IDR_CONTEXTS_5 8A354CEBCC0207C4=5envelopeitemctx2 7AE99F6B1F0C836B=create new point E9D34B3745E6649D=select all points in time selection 5880980F27869CBB=delete points 0ABF4CDD8331C92E=invert points ;^C038339424CBD482=select envelope (env name) ;^E3DAA9F7F82CB67B=envelope defaults ;^89B2C8E0158D7807=default point shape ;^CA47517BDEFA4232=linear ;^AF908AD98D533548=square ;^6A05662E2A1E77AC=slow start/end ;^BC24D1B6349B5A89=fast start ;^DB6FC995D09C7078=fast end ;^919D1A7A385C125C=bezier ;^E23E7C59E700D167=volume envelope: amplitude scaling ;^15441270F2148E26=volume envelope: fader scaling ;^7A13F82CEDFD20A9=pitch envelope: range/snap... ;^BA7DD3138B41C153=set shape for selected points ;^47B6B0240DC76A6B=select all points ;^58EB14692B28F25A=unselect all points ;^0D521319E895BADD=copy points ;^32A5F32C7000598C=cut points ;^F1C5C2EC7C56CF0D=delete points in time selection ;^2504EFBB70A00BF0=reset points to zero/center ;^21E4A0FB10179834=reduce number of points... ;^7B9DAB3CFFB093BC=automation items ;^A221F0C79D56397A=insert new automation item ;^386EB65EE2979317=load ;^62C49C467C0C15D3=load... ;^7D82EC3419C2A0DA= ;^E801B83593C3DB47=create pooled duplicate ;^A2FAC659F6C6EC6C=create unpooled duplicate ;^925B2CEB12D2D978=save... ;^AF3196AD6B727ABC=delete ;^974BF434A2393C3D=delete automation item, preserve points ;^61946358B1034B76=mute ;^15E7199686AA193D=split ;^4EFA5E888C26F6BA=glue ;^0943685A571BB951=remove from pool ;^1A62BA3FE4EDC314=properties... ;^558EC42D6AC40A92=automation item options for this envelope ;^176C5452D56FF52A=project default behavior outside of automation items ;^B4247305029ECD51=bypass underlying envelope outside of automation items ;^E8983D7ABDCA9C38=automation items do not attach to the underlying envelope ;^FF9F4014B48BCB5F=automation items attach to the underlying envelope on the right side ;^E03A6CC2DC3D5F04=automation items attach to the underlying envelope on both sides ;^271F989089915585=arm envelope for recording ;^727B7F2EB869FFD5=show envelope in lane ;^CD674FEA536FDABD=hide envelope ;^051CA74B46992E79=bypass envelope ;^A6EF93273B597A8D=clear or remove envelope... [MENU_306] ; IDR_CONTEXTS_6 D01D0F925E9AC2F4=6automationmodes 5E293FAC1EC4D199=global automation override: D0FA771D463FBE0D=no global override (set automation modes per track) 3A2E1BB307417335=bypass all envelopes 8532ABD7CF5DF918=trim/read (default, faders are active for trim but not recorded) 97C9225E101F0032=latch preview (allow temporary override of armed envelopes but do not write changes) ;^DEF52717C4E7101F=read (play faders with armed envelopes) ;^E73F4D99E9F274CB=touch (record fader movements to armed envelopes) ;^7C92092A41B00EDC=latch (record fader movements after first movement) ;^A23B66B5439758A9=write (record fader positions to armed envelopes) ;^5A6DE0CA99B71E37=show all active track envelopes [MENU_307] ; IDR_CONTEXTS_7 7D7546841B933986=7transportrecmenu ;^2A861A976C38C3D4=record mode: normal ;^71CB5040464F5BC3=record mode: time selection auto punch ;^CAC4592C4D4DD57A=record mode: auto-punch selected items [MENU_308] ; IDR_CONTEXTS_8 F05A50F8DEFF9FD1=8envctx ;^21F4EDEE5D02BA27=move envelope points with media items ;^22890C70F0007984=envelope point selection follows time selection ;^9FA78734EF11F68D=add edge points when moving envelope points with items ;^561C816EA4AE16DF=add edge points when ripple editing or inserting time ;^045E4E19D4C5E283=add edge points when moving multiple envelope points ;^20BAEAD47F4513A4=reduce envelope point data when recording or drawing automation ;^7B9DAB3CFFB093BC=automation items ;^B4247305029ECD51=bypass underlying envelope outside of automation items ;^E8983D7ABDCA9C38=automation items do not attach to the underlying envelope ;^FF9F4014B48BCB5F=automation items attach to the underlying envelope on the right side ;^E03A6CC2DC3D5F04=automation items attach to the underlying envelope on both sides [MENU_309] ; IDR_CONTEXTS_9 854F23643057608E=9monoctx 190FB54671D9F002=mono mode: l+r 43F6D751F81560E7=mono mode: l 43F6BD51F81534B9=mono mode: r 1908C54671D3EC84=mono mode: l-r [MENU_310] ; IDR_CONTEXTS_10 571D72F8566C1E8C=10was0fxctx 7D3F4578BF3A7F37=add fx...\tinsert, a AB4F7C7D3711EDB4=replace fx...\tctrl+r C8A928842C8BAF25=load fx chain...\tshift+insert, shift+a 3D120439B4C4D998=load fx chain... 89CEE45B29F6740C=load default track fx chain E1EBB4B48C8D4114=save all fx as chain...\tctrl+s 027716D44957CF9C=save all fx as chain... 3DB3B4FDE50A4526=save all fx as default chain for new tracks F5404D2DC6D9C463=close fx window ;^4BB3333A13123CE6=add fx... ;^2A7E68360937F521=replace fx... ;^C004CD40F2057E29=fx chains ;^CD9DE212764F150E=save selected fx as chain... ;^F07B8BF09056DBC7=freeze track ;^B9450FA5B73E0242=freeze track to mono, up to last non-offline fx ;^E4EB1F77E012E753=freeze track to stereo, up to last non-offline fx ;^822C0ABE515442BB=freeze track to multichannel, up to last non-offline fx ;^4A24DE7EC5D70EE4=freeze track to mono, up to last selected fx ;^9CADE133F3BF88B7=freeze track to stereo, up to last selected fx ;^C8A3EF986B3A45BF=freeze track to multichannel, up to last selected fx ;^43EF57CE3ADA8A28=unfreeze track ;^BC328CB03B0D078E=copy &all fx\tctrl+shift+c ;^F3F5886C1F6A6C85=copy all fx ;^29AC56D2B3AB95DD=© selected fx\tctrl+c ;^932563A1D4D9236F=copy selected fx ;^386E80D3AED15B5D=copy selected fx (include automation)\tctrl+alt+c ;^B7E90584A70A56CB=copy selected fx (include automation) ;^A564BFA603B3928B=c&ut selected fx\tctrl+x ;^51B6457C06E865F4=cut selected fx ;^ED9D4CD707DD43C6=&paste fx\tctrl+v, ctrl+insert ;^45D48DA7AFD8FF18=paste fx ;^A7702CFDA3C1F8E6=&remove selected fx\tdelete ;^7B8D571E4E2F8276=remove selected fx ;^C4E5E30C8A3E3BDF=remove all fx\tshift+delete ;^D15DD369C1DD169E=remove all fx ;^3821C0F763D1850D=toggle selected fx bypass\tctrl+b ;^90788E770202C34E=toggle selected fx bypass ;^685BE17D4DA686FC=toggle selected fx offline\tctrl+alt+b ;^64F4A9D95C4E316D=toggle selected fx offline ;^E67F0BA2C154FA57=rename fx instance\tf2 ;^12D1E2F79FD7BDB8=rename fx instance ;^907F0944C42611FB=window float selected fx\t(doubleclick) ;^024457DEEDAF4C2C=window float selected fx ;^10AA715E679A1188=send all keyboard input to plug-in ;^84FADFAA8CD497E1=build multichannel routing for output of selected fx... ;^C7317FFF2A84005C=build 16 channels of midi routing to this track ;^CC1F02E05223C02F=dock fx window in docker [MENU_311] ; IDR_CONTEXTS_11 2480B38FA0706196=11playratectx ;^4EEB564BBD876EAB=set to 1.0 ;^BC1BCCE6A4775AF4=increase by ~6% (one semitone) ;^62A207FF54858A9C=decrease by ~6% (one semitone) ;^62DCD9FD78BC002A=increase by ~0.6% (ten cents) ;^006B733C62729272=decrease by ~0.6% (ten cents) ;^5121A85C07CE50F8=apply playrate to current bpm ;^D7121E5A0710CF4F=preserve pitch in audio items when changing master playrate ;^EDA2EFF8719B8390=playrate fader range: 0.25-4.0 (default) ;^5A097A1E8E23E204=playrate fader range: 0.5-2.0 ;^460AFFF6D99D0DD1=playrate fader range: 0.75-1.5 ;^BD6665EE0A2BDB92=playrate fader range: 0.9-1.1 [MENU_312] ; IDR_CONTEXTS_12 90EE71234A070984=12perfctx 1E06E4405DEA8BB9=display cpu graph A92306A0DFCF9F5C=display realtime (rt) cpu on graph B262FAD75BA8BA4A=display cpu use 27A29CDA117BD72F=display realtime (rt) cpu 15F8208C8ADE370D=display rt longest-block processing time BDCA3CD61B25F6F5=display xrun counters 1D8E0673D38702E7=display disk use 7B7E834E49D135B0=display ram use EC37BCC6C18B2137=show free system ram rather than use 0B046CABAC6AEF1E=display fx cpu use 1A64FFC5FC821B62=reset graph EEB77FAA4A9ACCDA=dock performance meter in docker ;^BAC64C1B2E060EE5=close [MENU_314] ; IDR_CONTEXTS_14 4F1AB2C4B16A7E52=14was1fxmixerctx E5EC9FB6412B6909=quick add fx D3063B43F9DA5F98=quick replace fx EFBD83412FBE8A62=copy fx (include automation) 4EC38E1912B79FC9=float fx configuration 1E5DF462774BB611=show fx chain A2B1FD80E99BF9A2=bypass chain 7D8352939396B8F7=bypass fx A7C1D5504532C214=offline fx B880D4A96E9537CA=delete fx ;^4BB3333A13123CE6=add fx... ;^D471352EB3F51E49=add fx chain ;^2A7E68360937F521=replace fx... ;^45D48DA7AFD8FF18=paste fx ;^5FF66B2D1C5E4DA8=paste replace fx ;^C319D1F3FBF68B94=copy fx ;^12D1E2F79FD7BDB8=rename fx instance [MENU_315] ; IDR_CONTEXTS_15 4D20578AB111ACF0=15was2sendmixerctx B75CC57A4B1F89C5=show send parameters\tclick AB3A6BCE325A5628=show send parameters A3128BC4BBE6C116=mute send\tshift+click E42B7D098D9F7AD0=mute send 071444E5F7680782=remove send\talt+click 74BCDB48801CC2DA=show track routing window\tctrl+click B19A3615EADF772D=show track routing window F0411A69BCF40C1B=go to send destination track ;^476CA46F5CC9791B=remove send [MENU_316] ; IDR_CONTEXTS_16 8B40215284201C6A=16transportctx A627C7D429FA980A=jump to marker 87594DE32E64B6FF=no markers DBB3EF92ECE93AF0=play/pause 12DFB46E9950CE4E=play/stop 38C88265F743838C=play (skipping time selection) E671687846D33FB1=flash transport yellow on possible audio device underrun 64984A45816F4173=show playrate control 5AF0DE9888C681D5=show time signature A6D2738EF083EC6A=show play state as text 2F1A2D2EDC0F2083=center transport controls D2F16FE31EBE9798=dock transport in docker 9C57BB1A16C5B513=dock transport in main window C949E9950B9A780B=docked transport position 7CA25CDE4F77A180=below arrange (default) B113D59FC40723A0=above ruler 9F237110FCA4357A=bottom of main window C580F95ADDC7E1A0=top of main window A2D5D0CC8AC3255A=hide transport ;^D4FDE496446E78EF=playrate ;^4EEB564BBD876EAB=set to 1.0 ;^BC1BCCE6A4775AF4=increase by ~6% (one semitone) ;^62A207FF54858A9C=decrease by ~6% (one semitone) ;^62DCD9FD78BC002A=increase by ~0.6% (ten cents) ;^006B733C62729272=decrease by ~0.6% (ten cents) ;^5121A85C07CE50F8=apply playrate to current bpm ;^D7121E5A0710CF4F=preserve pitch in audio items when changing master playrate ;^EDA2EFF8719B8390=playrate fader range: 0.25-4.0 (default) ;^5A097A1E8E23E204=playrate fader range: 0.5-2.0 ;^460AFFF6D99D0DD1=playrate fader range: 0.75-1.5 ;^BD6665EE0A2BDB92=playrate fader range: 0.9-1.1 ;^D99EA6A0E05B0BEC=transport ;^3D9CBC3C216900AD=play ;^F0EBC9DF5B847ED6=record ;^DD8F228BCFA37CFF=pause ;^2F799723962762C7=stop ;^E4053920A9B5A25A=go to start of project ;^5D5B152A913BF2D1=go to end of project ;^3E38EF62B047CD38=repeat ;^3D05B40BFC6A1E40=external timecode synchronization ;^94D8EC714ED10E14=synchronization enabled ;^1589D28CD62A7BF0=synchronization settings... ;^C09170FD3E752A38=automatically scroll view during playback ;^98178F3A662231C3=continuous scrolling ;^FD06ABC366DA801A=smooth seeking (seeks at end of measure) ;^676E901B91B41FD8=chase midi note-ons in project playback ;^49EB3CF2EE728EFF=stop playback at end of loop if repeat is disabled ;^2A861A976C38C3D4=record mode: normal ;^71CB5040464F5BC3=record mode: time selection auto punch ;^CAC4592C4D4DD57A=record mode: auto-punch selected items ;^3E7CD7C393BEE92F=use ruler time unit ;^3E62FFC31E48DC5F=minutes:seconds ;^EC6669A655FB6232=measures.beats / minutes:seconds ;^79D6347556189739=measures.beats ;^F0920ED4F28AEEBC=seconds ;^BD80D7F68741D41A=samples ;^9C51079A90B5736A=hours:minutes:seconds:frames ;^9DD55224C5C829FC=absolute frames [MENU_317] ; IDR_CONTEXTS_17 D518DD15730D0992=17fxfloatctx 68FF5FCC175E2929=un-float window ;^10AA715E679A1188=send all keyboard input to plug-in [MENU_318] ; IDR_CONTEXTS_18 922768F1528B9C30=18navctx FD95107AE618F7DA=dock navigator window in docker 5BA532B79E210468=close navigator [MENU_319] ; IDR_CONTEXTS_19 08B4634CC77FCE14=19fxbrowsectx2 53DC5790656E0F99=&rename fx... 49DCAE59C5BD3783=&scan for new plugins ;^CC9253BC8BC18E8D=rename fx... ;^3683BEB2CD7D7896=&edit js fx... ;^2A31DB0B5883713A=edit js fx... ;^D6DB6AF3F0039A90=create new &js fx... ;^D1015785000960A4=create new js fx... ;^A179E53BE5D2EC67=scan for new plugins ;^5B982DEEA8952FF4=auto-float new fx windows ;^0EE7D967B88BFC63=&fx plug-ins settings... ;^91C05340E1D72E6F=fx plug-ins settings... ;^DD4C8B57B6C4F338=show in left pane list ;^D865D2186B4A94DB=dx ;^FF98B17E4FBAAA76=dxi ;^6388A67DF74AFA94=vst ;^6C2DE50B34687BE7=vsti ;^6C2D8F0B3467E9C5=vst3 ;^3953BC0A0C920F44=vst3i ;^D86FE1186B5302DD=au ;^191E307E5E0D97DC=aui ;^D851E3186B3A08B4=js ;^598D95450BED5823=rewire ;^F1288C037F484D01=cockos ;^EFDD0AC32D858D23=instruments ;^44914FDF8A0DA00C=recent ;^40B8E8A7530FEAA1=vst folders ;^CAC6D9B556053C93=categories ;^83ACA278C2C00834=developers ;^C004CD40F2057E29=fx chains ;^DFE075A0849636D1=clear cache and re-scan all plugins ;^E7D728BB6DC1259F=show in fx list ;^2D4BDC5DCCE1B42E=default fx presets ;^A9712384CADC45EE=fx shortcuts ;^7A8F70DCF15158A9=jsfx descriptions ;^A1957B451EAC9B78=jsfx filenames ;^4D0B7C1B0447364A=video processor ;^D2A68B678498F805=plug-ins that begin with '#' ;^4018D271D54282D1=auto-clear search field on folder change ;^6EFA7E4EF87CA485=auto-clear search field on close ;^32C5A9224C3188A6=auto-clear folder view on close ;^240086858F17503C=remove all empty folders ;^146E11E319517217=dock fx browser in docker ;^BAC64C1B2E060EE5=close [MENU_320] ; IDR_CONTEXTS_20 6146582A0F24752B=20kbdprefsctx B59556C0AD066CFA=find... ;^F70C14BE35114F9B=new... ;^C39132F1A8047E9F=edit... ;^AF3196AD6B727ABC=delete ;^04F8C491E59F6D16=reset to default ;^62C49C467C0C15D3=load... ;^925B2CEB12D2D978=save... [MENU_321] ; IDR_CONTEXTS_21 54F057E66DAB6A2E=21dockctx F44B3B65D54ABF39=attached docker position: bottom 2380E7FD8149F997=attached docker position: left D8FAB2121646193D=attached docker position: top 5E8D40F513E44208=attached docker position: right 0E9C63761FCBD7E9=compact docker when small and single tab 3BF8D5CBB30734D4=show tab close buttons AD1CD450EA65F62C=set opacity C5B5EF7FE1E4BE59=25% ACA4047FD3F409FD=50% 9A88C27FC97A0DF6=75% B99E3955E3A3AAAD=100% 358730B81FD48466=opaque when active 052CF490C8935FF2=hide dock 08FEB056C6CB9471=close all windows in dock ;^A66F5FD1FF70F568=attach docker to main window [MENU_322] ; IDR_CONTEXTS_22 7E02CFB8966DECE8=22midiprefs F09282AB2265717E=configure input...\t(doubleclick) 6786B0C60EFD69C5=configure input... 1D543734374ACE0C=enable input 0E5C993D86877C8B=configure output...\t(doubleclick) 1E683F71A896913C=configure output... A9344E96F9B31CB5=enable output 420833D46E8B25F9=send clock to output 77B5751763B344FC=do not send spp to output 477300E83FE78CB0=low latency output mode (low precision) EB5E8375C34F1C4B=joystickinput CCAAFAE3CB594CFC=edit joystick definition D9BD69B4051BEF73=remove joystick ;^C5531D0DEE1F0D0D=input ;^4F32BF040299F0AA=enable input for control messages ;^2555373B75AA89B2=output [MENU_323] ; IDR_CONTEXTS_23 04943A07B3D83380=23reamotectx 62B5C30DD2584D2B=show plugin list ;^C39132F1A8047E9F=edit... ;^18E4377E5DDC2B7A=add ;^F812C7145E261C23=remove ;^CF4149897EC941E3=connect ;^0B76DAB9034D4C25=disconnect [MENU_324] ; IDR_CONTEXTS_24 08F71B928F2055DD=24vkbctx 003BBBD75A6F3E50=dock virtual midi keyboard in docker C82A15933756388D=send all keyboard input to virtual midi keyboard (even when other windows active) 29ADE871FA5ECAEC=close virtual midi keyboard [MENU_325] ; IDR_CONTEXTS_25 E6CB9B19F8657AA3=25bigclockctx 11C2A8EF2D4D0B89=dock big clock in docker 99E596DF7A76F683=minutes : seconds 244F88679EDC8725=measures . beats C82943307FA13A9A=hours : minutes : seconds : frames 9E3C5DB76CB66F17=beats (visual click) 73A9105DDD10C427=colors 504AFC11FAD7BBE0=customize text color... 40D2A9E3AE8E07A0=default text color 3444D9A477306E85=customize background color... 925499563C7E27EB=default background color 4F706B2531FE9F10=visual click background image 118ECB568BF41A6F=choose image... 7A22D14753D445F1=unload image 14C3AE94DC5769E0=overlay beat count 644A835E95BD3BE7=image length: 1 beat B37B918B82DC778D=image length: 2 beats D05A4E9F82783D56=image length: 3 beats A46294255510A98F=image length: 4 beats 94A96D915516DDB8=image length: 5 beats C8C9C76EF1DD51F9=image length: 6 beats 872F280E758BAF62=image length: 7 beats 603031448C7BCC5B=image length: 8 beats 1E8FA036E9475DE4=image length: 9 beats 09177B03628C58BE=image length: 10 beats EF833369062E12B5=image length: 11 beats 5A22D38A38EB92A4=image length: 12 beats 453E649CC41EAC1B=image length: 13 beats 7609E80DAA1C406A=image length: 14 beats 04ADB1B6A6D420C1=image length: 15 beats C6DE2094804C0180=image length: 16 beats BBD1E9E9B1450DAD=close big clock ;^3E7CD7C393BEE92F=use ruler time unit ;^F0920ED4F28AEEBC=seconds ;^BD80D7F68741D41A=samples ;^9DD55224C5C829FC=absolute frames [MENU_326] ; IDR_CONTEXTS_26 54DE5FB3DCDBC4CE=26fxpreset 8E0F29FA518606A7=export preset library... 4286FE12A3641684=import preset library... ;^37E1C985732EDDC1=save preset... ;^B814E3BFB72A607B=delete preset [MENU_327] ; IDR_CONTEXTS_27 C9DCDC64EE0A50C6=27screensetsctx B80C8E5B6971AE30=dock screensets in docker ;^82EE5475CB6FCE9F=close window [MENU_328] ; IDR_CONTEXTS_28 BAA07801AA1C048F=28perflistctx F53ED82DF3FD2828=show fx dialog 3D90226E6ACF7B65=toggle fx bypass B2FBA7309089EE8E=show track fx when empty 199BE93776FF597F=show master fx when empty 4A93561F81016C9B=show monitoring fx when empty ;^0A406B52D72D3189=toggle track mute [MENU_329] ; IDR_CONTEXTS_29 1B3F61637690E60D=29vsthost ;^37E1C985732EDDC1=save preset... ;^77D4606E1E255B38=save preset as default... ;^B814E3BFB72A607B=delete preset ;^888CF2A8F9990B9E=rename preset... ;^A35385C769502F3F=move up ;^E485FC63E796EFFA=move down ;^1E031E71B52167CD=import preset library (.rpl)... ;^B9ABDBF036490D44=export preset library (.rpl)... ;^A323B989757B042A=import vst patch/bank file (.fxp/.fxb)... ;^4D7E1F0F4DFA5B57=export vst patch/bank file (.fxp/.fxb)... ;^7F8BE88D07D058A1=link to midi program change ;^DF45382BC646671C=no link ;^674FB3DE1B272051=channel 1 ;^674FB0DE1B271B38=channel 2 ;^674FB1DE1B271CEB=channel 3 ;^674FB6DE1B27256A=channel 4 ;^674FB7DE1B27271D=channel 5 ;^674FB4DE1B272204=channel 6 ;^674FB5DE1B2723B7=channel 7 ;^674FAADE1B271106=channel 8 ;^674FABDE1B2712B9=channel 9 ;^B38F0368237C04D3=channel 10 ;^B38F0268237C0320=channel 11 ;^B38F0568237C0839=channel 12 ;^B38F0468237C0686=channel 13 ;^B38F0768237C0B9F=channel 14 ;^B38F0668237C09EC=channel 15 ;^B38F0968237C0F05=channel 16 ;^A2AD8A8A1376F812=compatibility settings ;^9590CA1D43A60188=plug-in state data size: 0 kb ;^C35B6227A5807B01=save minimal undo states ;^6C837121717D4EA3=avoid loading undo states when possible ;^54BE0C4F3DB86B76=save state as vst bank (default) ;^18A8E487E05046F8=inform plug-in when track channel count changes ;^7C52DE0969C08A82=buggy plug-in compatibility mode ;^166EA90B165E1A9C=automation notifications ;^F3BA3A8E6686C922=default notification settings (set in preferences/vst) ;^C514867DEFC3A26A=ignore when plug-in window is not open ;^553098B8452B6F0C=ignore when not from ui thread ;^A20B1F2055BF5412=ignore all notifications ;^4523D3871D7D7B77=process all notifications [MENU_330] ; IDR_CONTEXTS_30 9EC3AAA915D3F3AF=30transporthomectx ;^E4053920A9B5A25A=go to start of project ;^5F00BE84E91B6C9B=go to previous marker ;^94D3B132B355DDD4=use transport home/end for markers [MENU_331] ; IDR_CONTEXTS_31 556582869CFDFD1A=31transportendctx ;^5D5B152A913BF2D1=go to end of project ;^51B4B159DD69FD3B=go to next marker ;^94D3B132B355DDD4=use transport home/end for markers [MENU_332] ; IDR_CONTEXTS_32 B2834EEA2AA93E9E=32multiprojopts 80E1706B6AD3A6D6=always show project tabs A41C7E22C204C9CD=show project tabs on left side of window DE78E244B23E9BF7=hide background project fx/midi windows 13C9E795A3129541=synchronize any parent projects on playback 6A701714DA8FFBDE=run background projects 47CF086A1167A6AF=run stopped background projects 430E13289C8F797D=play stopped background projects with active project 19913BC408CBC6BF=synchronize play start times w/ play background projects 9AE6E5D07F26251B=offline background project media 401ED0502DA30BA8=subproject rendering 23DF5E06DE62E9E2=do not automatically render subprojects (require manual render) 58B042C2931D8E7F=prompt before automatic rerender of background subprojects D06DCA77EC46B99D=defer rendering of subprojects (render on tab switch rather than save) C82CC5ADCA93D3A7=leave subproject open in tab after automatic open and render DE82404B7BA815CF=force project tabs visible when monitoring fx in use ;^385A68019D9A9A61=new project tab ;^A092E5D2A26EFA9C=close project ;^3460E53D021E70FE=close all projects but current ;^196CA70C1D9D93A4=close all projects ;^213CDB1B65EA8A91=monitoring fx... [MENU_333] ; IDR_CONTEXTS_33 882F568C84ED25FD=33_0markerctx E596C2C9B4F74069=edit marker...\tdoubleclick 93B9DD2F747D51D7=edit marker... 89596FF1ACD07302=remove marker\talt+click ;^41BED5570D76889B=remove marker [MENU_334] ; IDR_CONTEXTS_34 E2D5F7E4A9D9BD25=34_1regionctx 701DD219CAF4A724=edit region...\tshift+doubleclick B74B37DC130D2D95=edit region... 9DE3EFE448C02203=select region\tdoubleclick 22CB5ECBAD45A865=select region AD44E0ADD0C31560=remove region\talt+click ;^591C4FE46C7B0E21=remove region [MENU_335] ; IDR_CONTEXTS_35 F2DA99EC7E8315CD=35_2tlmarkerctx F3794F93A2DBC89C=edit time signature marker...\tdoubleclick C6EA5D6FC216DE25=remove time signature marker\talt+click ;^C5B3CE5C6E29439A=edit time signature marker... ;^D65885774203EA34=remove time signature marker [MENU_336] ; IDR_CONTEXTS_36 39579E420F84FC07=36_3actiownd C504AE6F8B758E50=&import... 30881DAA19328F74=&export all... 96AB3D586D3F1820=export all... 3F9128003254B6E0=&export selected items... 259D85AE4763771C=export selected items... 679AA9DAD6025F8B=restore all shortcut bindings to factory defaults ;^AA0C81725300640C=import... [MENU_337] ; IDR_CONTEXTS_37 3DE84120820B85CE=37_4soloctx D3DE6686B4D9602C=solo2\talt 9B76234E6926EE7E=solo2 C3D8EFE45F703F1E=unsolo all\tctrl 0A402909D6AF8FBE=exclusive solo\tctrl+alt FD1704F2BC83F2D8=solo defeat\tctrl+shift 80933A364CB8729B=solo defeat ;^0420AF237D97ECB8=solo ;^BCB3C3B4A1794FDC=unsolo all ;^4C5A9B01CD346DD0=exclusive solo ;^76EE6BE79431DD36=ignore selection\tshift ;^51B57BB98FEF688B=ignore selection [MENU_338] ; IDR_CONTEXTS_38 B0F397F2E3D4090E=38_5mutectx 23237C73B0B284D4=unmute all\tctrl A6C4062EE7DAE214=exclusive mute\tctrl+alt 2A8FBC3E8B12D0D2=mute all others\talt 028CB419E53B3F7C=mute all others ;^61946358B1034B76=mute ;^2A10B822A0A5485E=unmute all ;^B348AEAE3BC8702E=exclusive mute ;^76EE6BE79431DD36=ignore selection\tshift ;^51B57BB98FEF688B=ignore selection [MENU_339] ; IDR_CONTEXTS_39 224F214718A59CE4=39_helpctx 7C5F9CD63D02797C=selected track/item/envelope details 887622B09469C795=cpu/ram use, time since last save A8EC82994F5840E3=track/item count ED432963CB17CE8E=reaper tips D1D35C65C6B83D9C=no information display B8C33ECCB30AE714=show mouse editing help [MENU_340] ; IDR_TOOLBAR_CONTEXT A1A9B1D944B5CD55=context menu 5D115FD605AB32B9=action... B7F5A33C6B443EBA=separator 5C47011789302AE3=label... 115AC8A0007A019A=submenu... 391FAE28F4EC41AE=cut\tctrl+x 0D8429DC1D3A785A=copy\tctrl+c 6D87C1CA6B74FD85=paste\tctrl+v E62C127D8E57826D=reset menu 40C2B30220B6B29A=reset current menu/toolbar to default 5AB19C9C9F1E5320=reset all menus to defaults 4B511B83E1912702=reset all toolbars to defaults E25C01AE063BC448=export menu 6C71A82BB8F8529C=export all menus/toolbars to reapermenuset file... D9A206BCE996E764=export current menu/toolbar to reapermenu file... CE2F0C4F975A25BA=toolbar ctx menu 8873F6AC4C349AF6=insert action... 5B4A7F3DF7771A45=insert separator 9E75FDFABCE5A4DF=change action... 13268988F2D2D6A2=change icon... 4D8F9175C9D8DC8D=text icon... 98791BA57BAEDAF6=set icon to default 7D14FAF12A4FEFE8=toolbar empty space ctx CEE90C75972143D7=show floating toolbar 0EDB78ECDD1F48E1=customize this toolbar... 19AEDAA933A733CD=icon menu ;^4324C9C893B102F6=insert ;^F812C7145E261C23=remove ;^66D8B92631859FE9=rename... ;^09CFC77E55F475C5=cut ;^83CEDDAC8FB7324E=copy ;^13A51C8BEEDFCE52=paste [MENU_341] ; IDR_CONTEXTS_41 BA643005EA6CA5ED=41_convertctx F693834CABA4C9E3=add items...\ta, insert A542E524A5FE5828=add items... 6650ACE8FE9BB205=delete selected items\tdel 902415A38893F829=delete selected items 6B10E47BB5FD619A=select all\tctrl+a 707FF6825939C50C=select all [MENU_342] ; IDR_CONTEXTS_42 D459051830243DFE=42_groupctx EB446AE89713DE5E=selecting one item selects group ;^A354AA07A4DF9BBD=enable grouping [MENU_343] ; IDR_CONTEXTS_43 A5321DCC2F678529=43_projbayctx D9CBC40C0B67A0B5=mirror selection in bay and project 34BADD89C1F25031=zoom/scroll to selected media items when mirroring selection 8A3DB06688BF01E5=use last selected item as source for \"draw a copy\" mouse action 2601FB1C465D52B1=start audio preview on bar if project is playing 04F1CA3D19FB10FB=space bar previews media 97747ED8D967D535=loop media preview 775BD3A429699ABB=preview source media through selected track 59E7EFE70C3B20C2=preview media items through selected track 05FFC47CCDC762D6=filter on 09C7826FFD7FA297=clear bay when changing projects 3A2E7041ACAA88DC=automatically retain media items when removed from project 848DD5C419E4EDA4=dock project bay in docker ;^DCEF2B4D03DE723C=name ;^9F31623C59553158=path ;^09A01E8714A0B688=comment ;^FE0BBBB916484A16=new project bay window ;^82EE5475CB6FCE9F=close window [MENU_344] ; IDR_CONTEXTS_44 A1ECEA29C444236B=44_fxaddvstfolderctx 88F334DEA91EE003=include plugins found in subfolders 2CE99B208A9CC604=include cockos plugins in vst folder view A77977CDCE6B436E=show full paths to vsts [MENU_345] ; IDR_CONTEXTS_45 7FD83CFAFD120049=45_actiondlgctx EAA22874AC7EECF8=remember last action filter 06F6E4D36435E6E6=close after action on doubleclick/enter A04C4EA23D1F025E=show action ids F86DA01979DBF767=copy selected action command id 88671F5C9F600FB2=copy selected action text 9B042869A79FA02B=dock action window in docker ;^82EE5475CB6FCE9F=close window [MENU_346] ; IDR_CONTEXTS_46 AAEE4EDFF8BD6BEA=46_replacemodectx ;^3E1E032211F699E5=auto-crossfade media items when editing ;^3A2761697FE8C69E=trim content behind media items when editing [MENU_347] ; IDR_CONTEXTS_47 1F8AB71E475E4064=47_itempropsdlgctx 3D3F09D279B09D88=apply changes after 2 seconds of inactivity 955759B7BDB8B435=dock item properties window in docker ;^82EE5475CB6FCE9F=close window [MENU_348] ; IDR_CONTEXTS_48 3FC01DE4F18CE67D=48_trackmgrdlgctx AC72775A423346DF=delete selected tracks F2A09386DF1BC176=show master track in track manager B7CCCC2B737AFE13=indent tracks in folders 3FDF998A8BF65409=display child tracks if folder parent is displayed A9ED46BAAAEA368F=allow reordering tracks via track manager D0B04F6FFA867689=mirror track selection 0686B5216A3A1FA2=scroll to selected track when mirroring selection 86CBE5E14DB5E032=link tcp/mixer visibility B9AA043D9A67981F=hide filtered-out tracks in tcp A0C4F5072F8ED0D9=hide filtered-out tracks in mixer 108CE6CDF93FB571=close track manager on enter key in filter box 996C6D986C53776D=dock track manager window in docker ;^82EE5475CB6FCE9F=close window [MENU_349] ; IDR_TOOLBARCTX D4AA9FA4DD87DCBB=toolbarctx 8AC3F18DED018764=open toolbar 177808ACA4766FD7=position toolbar 0E304AE7AAD82688=at main toolbar A4E01EE011312CD9=at top of main window 7CA48A79F9CA04C2=in midi editor 202467FAD2786E8D=floating 01437BA20D04BEC5=in toolbar docker 8E33C7D293D09496=close toolbar 820BD2CADF2656A5=customize toolbar... ;^7C3B88238C71DAA1=main toolbar ;^27C488257589FFA9=toolbar 1 ;^27C485257589FA90=toolbar 2 ;^27C486257589FC43=toolbar 3 ;^27C48B25758A04C2=toolbar 4 ;^27C48C25758A0675=toolbar 5 ;^27C48925758A015C=toolbar 6 ;^27C48A25758A030F=toolbar 7 ;^27C48F25758A0B8E=toolbar 8 ;^27C49025758A0D41=toolbar 9 ;^1CF2F0A6B97D50FB=toolbar 10 ;^1CF2EFA6B97D4F48=toolbar 11 ;^1CF2F2A6B97D5461=toolbar 12 ;^1CF2F1A6B97D52AE=toolbar 13 ;^1CF2F4A6B97D57C7=toolbar 14 ;^1CF2F3A6B97D5614=toolbar 15 ;^1CF2F6A6B97D5B2D=toolbar 16 ;^8C591324B04C3AED=midi piano roll toolbar ;^1A6E49AB086243F9=midi 1 ;^1A6E46AB08623EE0=midi 2 ;^1A6E47AB08624093=midi 3 ;^1A6E4CAB08624912=midi 4 ;^1A6E4DAB08624AC5=midi 5 ;^1A6E4AAB086245AC=midi 6 ;^1A6E4BAB0862475F=midi 7 ;^1A6E50AB08624FDE=midi 8 [MENU_350] ; IDR_CONTEXTS_50 557D06FBB7CF1112=50jsctx ;^37E1C985732EDDC1=save preset... ;^77D4606E1E255B38=save preset as default... ;^B814E3BFB72A607B=delete preset ;^888CF2A8F9990B9E=rename preset... ;^A35385C769502F3F=move up ;^E485FC63E796EFFA=move down ;^1E031E71B52167CD=import preset library (.rpl)... ;^B9ABDBF036490D44=export preset library (.rpl)... [MENU_351] ; IDR_CONTEXTS_51 6CBA6D3187C4E27C=51auctx 6EC184D0BA9D086C=export au preset (.aupreset)... ;^37E1C985732EDDC1=save preset... ;^77D4606E1E255B38=save preset as default... ;^B814E3BFB72A607B=delete preset ;^888CF2A8F9990B9E=rename preset... ;^A35385C769502F3F=move up ;^E485FC63E796EFFA=move down ;^1E031E71B52167CD=import preset library (.rpl)... ;^B9ABDBF036490D44=export preset library (.rpl)... ;^7F8BE88D07D058A1=link to midi program change ;^DF45382BC646671C=no link ;^674FB3DE1B272051=channel 1 ;^674FB0DE1B271B38=channel 2 ;^674FB1DE1B271CEB=channel 3 ;^674FB6DE1B27256A=channel 4 ;^674FB7DE1B27271D=channel 5 ;^674FB4DE1B272204=channel 6 ;^674FB5DE1B2723B7=channel 7 ;^674FAADE1B271106=channel 8 ;^674FABDE1B2712B9=channel 9 ;^B38F0368237C04D3=channel 10 ;^B38F0268237C0320=channel 11 ;^B38F0568237C0839=channel 12 ;^B38F0468237C0686=channel 13 ;^B38F0768237C0B9F=channel 14 ;^B38F0668237C09EC=channel 15 ;^B38F0968237C0F05=channel 16 ;^A2AD8A8A1376F812=compatibility settings ;^9590CA1D43A60188=plug-in state data size: 0 kb ;^C35B6227A5807B01=save minimal undo states ;^6C837121717D4EA3=avoid loading undo states when possible ;^7C52DE0969C08A82=buggy plug-in compatibility mode [MENU_352] ; IDR_CONTEXTS_52 0FE28B53D7BDC953=52regionmgrctx A5702B77A90FF044=delete selected markers/regions 043AE1AC506F3B9D=renumber in timeline order (markers, then regions) 6FC3CC167E4D798D=import regions/markers (replace existing)... CC51D6C141A77257=import regions/markers (merge with existing)... 2F54A4D315A393A6=export regions/markers... D6CD9325C7049A07=show track render menu nested by folders ECFB52799234A524=seek playback when selecting a marker or region 6817FB4D43770126=play region through then repeat or stop when selecting a region 7EA6A49B50794E5A=dock region manager in docker ;^82EE5475CB6FCE9F=close window [MENU_353] ; IDR_CONTEXTS_53 8CB1DC85A67CC4C9=53fadeeditorctx 85F217D7911726E0=automatic behavior on playback start: 14973110A54729FC= solo tracks E07423F09C9BFDE9= set playback repeat 0BD26159A5225211= disable autoscroll 87D709358F3B4432=dock crossfade editor in docker ;^82EE5475CB6FCE9F=close window [MENU_354] ; IDR_CONTEXTS_54 DFDD2BFC0EC8C7D3=54ioctx 58463C0CA9EE47E1=close window on enter key [MENU_355] ; IDR_CONTEXTS_55 B337DFB5190F3DA3=ripctx 6CC47CED6D4E106B=ripple edit all affects tempo map ;^416573F8395B660E=ripple edit per-track ;^581D6158029C2ADC=ripple edit all tracks ;^561C816EA4AE16DF=add edge points when ripple editing or inserting time [MENU_356] ; IDR_CONTEXTS_56 982EF0AB42B0F06D=56automationitemctx ;^7B9DAB3CFFB093BC=automation items ;^A221F0C79D56397A=insert new automation item ;^386EB65EE2979317=load ;^62C49C467C0C15D3=load... ;^7D82EC3419C2A0DA= ;^E801B83593C3DB47=create pooled duplicate ;^A2FAC659F6C6EC6C=create unpooled duplicate ;^925B2CEB12D2D978=save... ;^AF3196AD6B727ABC=delete ;^974BF434A2393C3D=delete automation item, preserve points ;^61946358B1034B76=mute ;^15E7199686AA193D=split ;^4EFA5E888C26F6BA=glue ;^0943685A571BB951=remove from pool ;^1A62BA3FE4EDC314=properties... [MENU_427] ; IDR_RECSETTINGS BF1E0238E0279AA6=audio device settings... 7EADF5D64418D79C=media settings... 1FDCC175888411EF=show free disk space 969CFFE78478CD98=show recording path 9F08F648821A3560=show recording volume name 11F8FDC658365148=show recording format 299C2A7496ED95D0=show audio device information B7B48C93686F30EA=media path: FA183511BDBBC440=secondary path: ;^62473318FFD2829F=[recording settings] ;^213CDB1B65EA8A91=monitoring fx... [MENU_428] ; IDR_TOOLBARS FD994A8441A52701=main toolbar 31EA0D9166E92914=new project... 7CE64A834287F5A0=enable auto-crossfade AB9A2766519667D6=enable ripple editing CEC3D5DF2AA40AD1=show arrange view grid C6255BD28268CF21=floating toolbar 1 6DB45DF1779991EB=edit me C62558D28268CA08=floating toolbar 2 C62559D28268CBBB=floating toolbar 3 C6255ED28268D43A=floating toolbar 4 C6255FD28268D5ED=floating toolbar 5 C6255CD28268D0D4=floating toolbar 6 C6255DD28268D287=floating toolbar 7 C62552D28268BFD6=floating toolbar 8 C62553D28268C189=floating toolbar 9 1A4A17B39817D9E3=floating toolbar 10 1A4A16B39817D830=floating toolbar 11 1A4A19B39817DD49=floating toolbar 12 1A4A18B39817DB96=floating toolbar 13 1A4A1BB39817E0AF=floating toolbar 14 1A4A1AB39817DEFC=floating toolbar 15 1A4A1DB39817E415=floating toolbar 16 A93F886EA09D5DA6=floating midi toolbar 1 A93F876EA09D5BF3=floating midi toolbar 2 A93F866EA09D5A40=floating midi toolbar 3 A93F8D6EA09D6625=floating midi toolbar 4 A93F8C6EA09D6472=floating midi toolbar 5 A93F8B6EA09D62BF=floating midi toolbar 6 A93F8A6EA09D610C=floating midi toolbar 7 A93F916EA09D6CF1=floating midi toolbar 8 ;^C83C5309F0D5EEC0=open project... ;^D13A2D9F38411FDF=save project ;^CC14188D4AC6BB5D=project settings... ;^0E28C6126A0CF889=undo ;^BB0EF92F46BDB0DB=redo ;^2B7EEDEAE2DA5D5C=enable metronome ;^A354AA07A4DF9BBD=enable grouping ;^21F4EDEE5D02BA27=move envelope points with media items ;^59111F850FAE5C14=enable snapping ;^698028640C29E8A9=enable locking [MENU_497] ; IDR_PROJBAY CE1C2AA6F86B8D60=projbay 40E2276DF7BB69E5=force refresh B902D175745A2465=retain all items 2207107240DB51BB=remove all items that are not used in project 5732D271C73C1205=rename bay... 5234CEE79A159E40=delete bay ;^FE0BBBB916484A16=new project bay window ;^3E6F5B4FF4F5BC43=create new folder... ;^D86C7175F627BC38=select all items [aaccess] 898B2373A1F9B64E=navigate forwards [about] 26FC58CEF44C94A5=thank you for purchasing reaper! 11D589F8494A554B=thank you for purchasing a previous version of reaper!\r\n\r\nunfortunately the license key you have is not valid for reaper v5.x.\r\n\r\nplease evaluate this version for 60 days, then visit www.reaper.fm to purchase a new license, or download v4.x. 154224048230E8E2=reaper is not free.\r\n\r\nit is a paid software product just like one you buy in a box from a store.\r\nif you use it more than 60 days you are required to purchase a license. B447AAFC75584E81=you have been using reaper for approximately 11F529656E722695=you have been evaluating reaper for approximately 8814EC6D42D9DBCC=1 day D0E83932879B1FE1=%d days 91A3A621CEA91E58=you have run reaper 26693E25829DF457=1 time DEAD0DB0B630B538=%d times E1724295AF0E72B0=for a total of 41C57231FB923701=reaper licenses are very reasonably priced.\r\nwe offer discounts for personal non-commercial use, and for very small businesses. 0035F90FBE34516F=we are showing you this message, instead of crippling this evaluation version of reaper, because we do not feel that technological enforcement of licensing policy is in the best interest of our customers. 04FA9C99A7E3E33F=remove license key 8B9A76F494C70F92=are you sure you wish to remove the current license key?\r\n\r\n(you must have a copy of the key file in order to re-authorize this installation) 63A8748786CE1342=confirm removal of license key 1233760996DC4604=import license key: 510C2D221F9562E4=error importing license key 9ED57C7769D0C7C0=could not write file 7F8EA1BD935B9BFF=could not read file 254ABC5AE33BD903=error writing file 28E12469A3271389=thank you! D03DC131AB7C4B2C=buy me [%d] 32EE0E776F726A01=still evaluating D38A26905AC66F97=credits 20BDED648E738AA0=purchase E347F43935F8D866=license and user agreement C6013D59706F3AEB=changelog ;^756B500741E261D4=import license key... [accel_sec] F112CE558C181981=main (alt recording) 0F129C59135A1F8E=main 7DAA9DD94200C2E3=midi event list editor 6A5D37D2C8B9C8B0=midi inline editor ;^271D7187C80C7F43=midi editor ;^2D64A463B95C3074=media explorer [access] B22FA7BBB4DD7E48=choose parameter value A0C164A6C7D027F7=parameter value fader 079B788289228703=parameter value 162FD84975BC4CE1=parameter name 867BE45A06BB40B5=volume fader 638F46E6F7B79ADA=pan fader D1316306EBB2E438=midi volume/pan D819B1DFEE12DD2C=envelopes and automation C31A803549906103=phase/polarity 079205866C162CD8=destination audio channel 64AB50E4099E33AC=source midi channel 1C093EB282A5A3A5=destination midi channel 5B4707EAEAE603E3=source audio channel 1D03CA1E4D643DE3=send type 8206D9A0D6D50680=track volume fader B8E26B0803116576=track pan fader left EA6E10ED462A56CB=track pan fader right 96B68DBE97436D05=track pan fader CAAA4A7E38A1A222=track width fader 0CF923E645379EDE=minimum slice length in milliseconds 74CEFC0C49E0F767=minimum silent time in milliseconds between slices 4EF3AC39BDF172AB=gate threshold E8B76ED341FC4617=gate hysteresis 1C2DBC366D4F7335=limit number of splits 7F1C5CF166138E7E=parameter modulation baseline value 0E565CDD74732983=lfo strength 940B1542A30DFFC9=lfo phase E02789C655DF8DC3=audio control signal strength ED5C5972E3E33EF5=lfo speed 23DE0EF034DBD46B=audio control signal attack time F48BA3608C2041F0=audio control signal release time 4719335513E17AF4=audio control signal minimum volume 0AE35C2D4B4A71EE=audio control signal maximum volume A15D38C6B92A489F=parameter link strength 8ED8012A66491531=parameter link offset 3394E0F3D24F1736=bezier tension ECF48DC3C654D972=envelope name 6FC963E746256797=envelope fader 3A9ADC9DA69E3D44=learn parameter 69C62C24273AD0D0=number of envelope points 7CB4F79A1C4F648A=media explorer volume fader 9FE75CFAAEEA191D=hardware outputs 937125681D148DE0=parent directory 2E1803974E3A251A=navigate backwards 29D0BC977088CE82=take volume fader 3BB755C29803FDFF=take pan fader A0A8EBD185C40319=swing amount 909B66F92EBD902B=go to end 0FB9B9AECC2E743E=go to start 425A837E28E11B38=timing humanization 5F66DAD3BCEC4E87=velocity humanization 5D8093B371E4A572=timing bias 1F2866F01C43A259=quantize strength 9BA645D11046F68B=quantize swing strength 960C43C5B8715A61=quantize low end of range 3304B185AF8CF75F=quantize high end of range F20FDBD936862FB1=minimum note length C541800DA99F5FC1=metronome primary beat volume fader FA8C7088F3DF0F8D=metronome secondary beat volume fader CE5584178795CA39=quantize strength 584FFF3D1CCFDCB2=low end of range EAC17254C0E6570E=high end of range BDBB78010BEB1808=transient sensitivity 944228561E280534=transient threshold C3449D100A418FE1=primary beat volume AE166C9E5312232D=secondary beat volume C8B367B5542B2A26=screensets B6E1FE53ECA156DA=effect list 2A19AFC7E3012A13=effect parameter list 439F0F145885FC7B=sends and hardware outputs 0F1074F2FAA2DE03=on master track 5F987D517BBE6A5D=on track 56F7F00B066C698D=width fader FED483E64DE023CB=effects 4CB4B88CCA7BB5C9=effects bypass 569C5EC811B0E082=track phase/polarity 2F7A3428D0D5D162=folder compact 805FA5E4D9F5B1C4=record monitor 7A478F10E2F26AA9=record mode 005EBAAE989E6886=record input 9539AC11B16E4AFC=track input effects 167931C280274720=master mono 8478D30844F5A2CE=effect parameters D6CFE702FAAA73E3=mixer menu B61E6643CE61DA4C=envelopes and automation A9B8AF9963724A14=record monitoring 466B63D9B05EE293=input effects 48DF0C4710156F27=reset track phase/polarity D7D7813A12316614=invert track phase/polarity 0FEAC492424571DA=unmute track 2412196B9E8B23D1=mute track C1759E82862913E4=unsolo track E865450444B46E8A=unmute master track F0E8BA5473B39A27=mute master track A450342E6EFE51C8=unsolo master track A30CB28F6A402BE9=solo master track 473D8296A5FDA495=set master track to stereo 7193715148CFC082=set master track to mono 75E0F85E2EE923A8=record arm disable E2C9C79F6B65C29B=record arm enable 20696925A8416535=tap tempo button 1C9701F6A4AD516D=current bpm 35407B791C3D007F=current time signature 35E640A4A2ACE91B=playrate fader ;^FA08A03DC81EC720=plug-in name ;^8FC86C263760ACB9=volume ;^96E5C67E1437194E=pan ;^61946358B1034B76=mute ;^2112CF591DBD3A60=mono ;^D91FCBB42B5B9077=docker ;^772CECA01AD73CB4=value ;^E93215673B41CADD=arm envelope ;^CD674FEA536FDABD=hide envelope ;^051CA74B46992E79=bypass envelope ;^0687FB850B209D99=parameter modulation/link/midi link ;^2F799723962762C7=stop ;^3D9CBC3C216900AD=play ;^DD8F228BCFA37CFF=pause ;^3E38EF62B047CD38=repeat ;^A2BF58A6DFD853DC=project ;^B4C516B1D2BA0AE4=display quantization ;^B8A56B8F77C88B77=swing ;^397E19C8F7486840=project bay ;^DD0CE22D75D36ED1=track name ;^978AC938BDD65877=track number ;^C685A28B8DBF7F8B=folder ;^D489C67E376967C8=i/o ;^0420AF237D97ECB8=solo ;^61EB857EEC517894=record arm ;^8A3F14717826D8D1=width ;^D8CD3036A319B54F=solo track ;^D4FDE496446E78EF=playrate ;^FC55E4C505C541DE=parameter [actiondialog] 38A196CB11DA0146=drag actions here... A561B455F5DE58BB=this key is already mapped to the action: 343573884A47DD66=override mapping? 5B7A5177E1B9CD10=state D459FF8ECD354AD9=command id 38BD9E8EBB25B104=select/close 3F0C4A774B49AF33=run/close EB0131ECDA17D24C=edit custom action E4850748DBD946C8=create custom action ;^514129849A113DA0=(unknown) ;^6037A596D672320D=shortcut ;^7DA8EA3426CA11D3=description ;^20AFB48FFE418F4F=select ;^F09E4B5C35AA14B9=cancel ;^87DB547E0C57B4B8=run ;^BAC64C1B2E060EE5=close ;^B762E77EB85D7B6C=off ;^D8ADC6186B88361A=on ;^744B2F6CFBA0A242=actions [actionlist] ;^B762E77EB85D7B6C=off ;^D8ADC6186B88361A=on [actions] 1546F599C0716CE8=script 897E8F78BC1E0DE7=media explorer: show/hide media explorer 13C5DEE2415BA3C7=insert fx chain: %s 1267790E82CCD90E=insert fx: %s 1AA754B58DA60919=action: prompt to continue (only valid within custom actions) 4A46D7685C3008EB=action: set action loop start (only valid within custom actions) A8C82398AD19C4B3=action: prompt to go to action loop start (only valid within custom actions) C42954685F2D835E=action: modify midi cc/mousewheel: negative F41A70612CE2A852=action: modify midi cc/mousewheel: 0.5x 2AE8C21454EEF0CB=action: modify midi cc/mousewheel: 2x 4672BAAC0908DDDE=action: modify midi cc/mousewheel: +10% 5B9C92BB7B184720=action: modify midi cc/mousewheel: -10% 0F53238DFA888E19=action: repeat the most recent action 446E5A2727582719=action: repeat the action prior to the most recent action 3493CF816CA136A0=action: wait 0.1 seconds before next action 190826E3A926ACB4=action: wait 0.5 seconds before next action 10DB7DD87957898B=action: wait 1 second before next action 107D399F076E4F12=action: wait 5 seconds before next action 5E2379656CA9B280=action: wait 10 seconds before next action 1496E8B2419A3A3A=action: skip next action if cc parameter <0/mid AA95131B78A76514=action: skip next action if cc parameter >0/mid 00A0C3A2DD176E45=action: skip next action if cc parameter <=0/mid 982F00C78CC47913=action: skip next action if cc parameter >=0/mid 9046E7EF37D2C372=action: skip next action if cc parameter ==0/mid 874E80026BAE804E=action: skip next action if cc parameter !=0/mid E24313E909A38922=file: new project D8EAEC8723B4BE66=file: open project 407FE553F54C242B=file: save project 8E55FE35A9D0C7FD=file: save project as... D2AB4A224117B0ED=file: save project as template... 541355726B969B96=file: save project and render rpp-prox 6426A1BCC25552FF=file: save new version of project (automatically increment project name) 7CDA8088D20ECBAF=show reaper resource path in finder 8AFA422C588E9DCF=show record path in finder 998CE1539E8B1985=show secondary record path in finder 8E98EAC8956D69CC=show reaper resource path in explorer 888BD0B9E357DEEC=show record path in explorer D1DFE7D38EC11692=show secondary record path in explorer F67829B350263257=new project tab (ignore default template) DD3635C170AC6306=close current project tab B5BB3A5FCD448008=file: close all projects 5190970076F07399=file: save all projects 149275CBEB546F48=next project tab F76DD04A785D875C=previous project tab 0605F2869312E808=project tabs: auto-offline background project media 6889F1C7F7691DD9=project tabs: run background projects 858517DDC0695BF8=project tabs: run stopped background projects 9B1CA50EB178C9F3=project tabs: always show project tabs CFF94220D0FC42A3=project tabs: hide all background project windows CE8481C6618EC000=project tabs: play stopped background projects with active project 6F4056EFBF94BC1A=project tabs: synchronize play start times w/ play background projects DAFD96FA9B91F57C=project tabs: show project tabs on left side of window 045A237F63E340AC=project tabs: synchronize any parent projects when playing back subproject 68C219C17C42BE54=project tabs: defer rendering of subprojects (render on tab switch rather than save) A60779D98E8FCB56=project tabs: leave subproject open in tab after automatic open and render 9A5DCE17B0BF60E1=project tabs: do not automatically render subprojects (reuqire manual render) 3D3AF369705B8E56=project tabs: prompt before automatic rerender of background subprojects B831D5D1617AC496=project tabs: force project tabs visible when monitoring fx in use 7EDD8A4C4201D89A=media explorer: preview media item source media 92DFF853EBD1E8C3=file: export configuration F515722983BBDBE4=file: import configuration D008FC1B5EBC6C22=file: render project to disk... D3871A3C13ED8BDE=file: render project, using the most recent render settings 8E1795444FEE47D9=file: render project, using the most recent render settings, with a new target file name... 42CC78B8FDB3DD61=file: add project to render queue, using the most recent render settings F822D81FECAFCB66=file: open render queue B24038C9D70D412C=render all queued renders 70306D5284F1DADA=file: consolidate tracks... DB16514AE004EB15=file: export project midi... 9C1AE6C136586F49=record: start new files during recording 14CD7C34000BB61F=record: remove recorded media not yet in project D986D79A9D8DD5F3=record: add recorded media to project 9190649ABDED94B4=file: save live output to disk (bounce)... E82139AC2B494143=file: quit reaper 1F6C05DD4FC3F55F=file: spawn new instance of reaper F8E16F797AA9F981=file: project settings... 33729D3C862FBBF0=project recording settings 3790A23C989F34FD=region render matrix: render master mix for all regions 59250E4CE92AEF38=region render matrix: render all tracks for all regions A3920193E27A5254=region render matrix: render only selected tracks for all regions 937A5F8081757E64=region render matrix: add selected tracks to render list for all regions 3F4FFAC6323D3F8D=options: preferences... 4363704931476B4C=options: toggle always on top 53C6C34A429D7B2A=ruler: set to default height 98FC70FAE43011A1=ruler: set to minimum height E90EA67D309EB62F=ruler: set to maximum height EA8FCCE6DC48F725=ruler: display project regions in lanes E17BC52789F35D9F=ruler: display project markers in lanes BEBB09255A651613=ruler: display tempo and time signature changes in separate lanes (when space permits) 716CB55546795075=ruler: display tempo changes 478CE94F66257413=ruler: display time signature changes C4711BA7D8D574B2=ruler: display project regions/markers as gridlines in arrange view 4341F817D21F0B3E=ruler: display time signature changes as gridlines in arrange view 107E01D3BB0EDF23=options: mouse modifier preferences... 22CF2B9845E74AB8=show external timecode synchronization settings 27562CC1EFDBBA3A=toggle external timecode synchronization 1D6966ABDC99CE76=convert active take midi to in-project midi source data CA388823ACC2DA0B=track: toggle automatic record-arm when track selected D60C65826C48E49F=track: set automatic record-arm when track selected F68468D6A7730EF0=track: clear automatic record-arm B62DA51289CEEDCA=track: set/clear all tracks automatic record-arm 5A9EFFCD406D772A=options: show snap/grid settings 8AB4515AF2D7E30F=options: toggle snapping 4D45D1F1036CBE7D=snapping: disable snap 16E14F0BB6EDC932=snapping: enable snap D4297CB151DB3645=snapping: save snap state 8FD600867E034DDE=snapping: restore snap state 0719451959248D18=options: show lock settings 580ECBD0F27D5F14=options: toggle locking D5A3F01E52083547=options: show metronome/pre-roll settings 4F4304F6242BC1AD=options: toggle metronome AFD9DFA062531B7E=options: enable metronome E3F8845BC7FB718B=options: disable metronome FB59ABA39C11BF1C=pre-roll: toggle pre-roll on play C7C7BCED88B61ED5=pre-roll: toggle pre-roll on record [deprecated duplicate] 16059EA9A2192A17=pre-roll: toggle pre-roll on record 478E3E7D0D50DED4=options: toggle grid lines 835A72540D13937B=options: toggle item grouping override DB28D820D336FAFA=options: selecting one grouped item selects group 9F2D62C28DA80120=options: cycle ripple editing mode 2046472D007119DC=set ripple editing off 6C3794C4573061E0=set ripple editing per-track 5AB3B62C69DA6B8A=set ripple editing all tracks B490CBB6F4CE8676=toggle ripple editing per-track 74BFB051CF39D084=toggle ripple editing all tracks F733B5B485EB8622=options: chase midi note-ons in project playback 31E5DAFF2A8FF007=options: cycle through editing modes: auto-crossfade off, auto-crossfade on, trim content behind items E21075BD98AF7AA6=options: toggle auto-crossfade on/off 1E4766DCED9DBA57=options: toggle trim behind items when editing 60F6691758285B83=options: enable auto-crossfades 5B59867D5C459C1E=options: disable auto-crossfades 932DB6ABB08F8B5E=options: enable trim behind items when editing 7E99C8B877E24479=options: disable trim behind items when editing 6137A4BCD2B46E84=options: toggle auto-crossfade on split 824C74C8CEBF519B=options: enable auto-crossfade on split FF7112FE99086902=options: disable auto-crossfade on split 354121A4FED95112=item: crossfade items within time selection 6E3CDC23E9D8EEDE=item: remove content (trim) behind items B11A5953B349F955=item: crossfade any overlapping items DC9EC22555B6727B=item: set fade-in shape to type 1 (linear) 2A12F549C2A3A20C=item: set fade-in shape to type 2 2A12F649C2A3A3BF=item: set fade-in shape to type 3 2A12F349C2A39EA6=item: set fade-in shape to type 4 2A12F449C2A3A059=item: set fade-in shape to type 5 2A12F149C2A39B40=item: set fade-in shape to type 6 2A12F249C2A39CF3=item: set fade-in shape to type 7 903EF5D17CEFC953=item: cycle through fade-in shapes 7C62C188C2738E94=item: set fade-out shape to type 1 (linear) B22685657454CBF5=item: set fade-out shape to type 2 B22684657454CA42=item: set fade-out shape to type 3 B2267F657454C1C3=item: set fade-out shape to type 4 B2267E657454C010=item: set fade-out shape to type 5 B22681657454C529=item: set fade-out shape to type 6 B22680657454C376=item: set fade-out shape to type 7 9701ED149F85A77A=item: cycle through fade-out shapes AAE0D8350746923E=item: set crossfade shape to type 1 (linear, equal gain) A025A289C5C84918=item: set crossfade shape to type 2 (equal power) C2321ADD8A378CAB=item: set crossfade shape to type 3 C2321FDD8A37952A=item: set crossfade shape to type 4 C23220DD8A3796DD=item: set crossfade shape to type 5 C2321DDD8A3791C4=item: set crossfade shape to type 6 C2321EDD8A379377=item: set crossfade shape to type 7 955BFB0835E65443=item: cycle through crossfade shapes 40831096470AA156=item: split items at end of fade-in (unless crossfaded) B2427560073FEA18=item: split items at start of fade-out (unless crossfaded) 532A77083BADBD31=options: switch to next color theme 618F5275A4493071=options: switch to previous color theme 0F28A798227CA8EA=options: switch to a random color theme B08D50D7395155A5=audio device configuration... 38E32CA73EA0F72A=help: about reaper 9A8F88E41A7E1EF0=help: check for new versions 50780694FB7DBB04=help: mouse modifier keys and action shortcuts 36DEDC3F2C88F762=help: all actions 6557F68646BF5037=help: show mouse editing help in the area beneath the track control panels 0C5D60E062F75F5B=view: show docker 6B13C8B8F1B6412B=view: show undo history window BB412E4A51CD5FAA=view: show performance meter window E92ACF94FEF6AA7B=performance meter: reset graph 7AB69AA58BA0B14C=view: show routing matrix window B32F4C755FEB3920=view: show track grouping matrix window D72B01B37A97D5CE=view: show region render matrix window 584FE693AF293240=view: show navigator window 6F3C80C4D8C07EB9=file: batch file converter 51484DCF6B97F403=view: show big clock window EB834E51BF922204=view: show screen/track/item sets window DD3B66C25DD05FE7=view: show track manager window DAED9F1CF1D4A29B=view: show region/marker manager window 0D2373C6B410263C=view: show crossfade editor window 29FBE165C15556A0=markers/regions: export markers/regions to file 9CDBE269F1440F6B=markers/regions: import markers/regions from file (replace all existing) DF752A90AD3E4898=markers/regions: import markers/regions from file (merge with existing) 8D057C3C83B906C6=layout: default layout AF71124FE9445410=layout: apply custom layout #01 AF71154FE9445929=layout: apply custom layout #02 AF71144FE9445776=layout: apply custom layout #03 AF71174FE9445C8F=layout: apply custom layout #04 AF71164FE9445ADC=layout: apply custom layout #05 AF71194FE9445FF5=layout: apply custom layout #06 AF71184FE9445E42=layout: apply custom layout #07 AF711B4FE944635B=layout: apply custom layout #08 AF711A4FE94461A8=layout: apply custom layout #09 AF6DAD4FE941729A=layout: apply custom layout #10 AF6DAE4FE941744D=layout: apply custom layout #11 AF6DAB4FE9416F34=layout: apply custom layout #12 AF6DAC4FE94170E7=layout: apply custom layout #13 AF6DA94FE9416BCE=layout: apply custom layout #14 AF6DAA4FE9416D81=layout: apply custom layout #15 AF6DA74FE9416868=layout: apply custom layout #16 AF6DA84FE9416A1B=layout: apply custom layout #17 AF6DA54FE9416502=layout: apply custom layout #18 AF6DA64FE94166B5=layout: apply custom layout #19 AF6A274FE93E5911=layout: apply custom layout #20 657686930C803008=view: show project bay window 0A1DCCA30B8AE03E=view: show project bay window 2 0A1DCDA30B8AE1F1=view: show project bay window 3 0A1DCEA30B8AE3A4=view: show project bay window 4 0A1DCFA30B8AE557=view: show project bay window 5 0A1DD0A30B8AE70A=view: show project bay window 6 0A1DD1A30B8AE8BD=view: show project bay window 7 0A1DC2A30B8ACF40=view: show project bay window 8 3F92F61E892220C6=project bay: force refresh 0D98E2C8FCC18BC6=project bay: insert items into project D4C9BF3B1662CEF3=project bay: remove items from project 5C74C7DD3EACEE93=project bay: add comment for items BC7AA5A7AA5D8DAA=track: lock track controls 25A5DF5320FAD9C7=track: unlock track controls 591FD0534E6084E3=track: toggle lock/unlock track controls 132F905CC961F134=track: select all tracks that have controls locked 983DC166AEFEBF8A=track: lock/unlock track height BE8E71E68F96D9B8=view: show virtual midi keyboard 503BD57793C8F423=virtual midi keyboard: send all input to vkb 2FC12DF4E5922DE7=view: show fx browser window CC389AE1ACD62478=view: show monitoring fx chain D9487E438EB6D831=monitoring fx: toggle bypass 11E489ABA1EA5E19=theme development: show theme element finder CFA3AF5A0185AA46=theme development: show theme tweak/configuration window CDCEC93073D9BE1F=view: move edit cursor to mouse cursor (no snapping) 9651E9DF18C79AF7=view: go to cursor BAD7575928C32386=view: go to play position CCF1BEACA07CEA68=item navigation: move cursor left to edge of item 033B76FBD1B28E85=item navigation: move cursor right to edge of item B1000D5ABF57152B=item navigation: select and move to previous item B68111AB2DEE4A43=item navigation: select and move to next item E07E106A20EAFFC9=item navigation: select and move to item in previous track E8CE83ABE2A14505=item navigation: select and move to item in next track 84CD9DBA09D74429=item navigation: select and move to item in previous track without changing track selection C867220CB986758D=item navigation: select and move to item in next track without changing track selection 85111644DEE83DF4=item navigation: move cursor to next transient in items 29486BC619CDBB54=item navigation: move cursor to previous transient in items 2FD7DEB5FE988FE9=item navigation: move cursor to nearest transient in items 1D282D90F3BE5CC9=item navigation: move cursor left to nearest item edge 4D05ECD42610F25A=item navigation: move cursor right to nearest item edge DCD54224DDAD8F5B=item navigation: move cursor to start of items FE0F298308FD3CE0=item navigation: move cursor to end of items 5A6F2FCB4A676914=time selection: extend time selection to next transient in items DEC8EFB0B839B232=time selection: swap left edge of time selection to next transient in items 0AFDDE2D8EE6FDAE=view: jump to time window B1F7459FE8FA8C2B=view: toggle mixer visible E55EAB757777FE73=view: toggle master track visible 555398EADC79FBF7=view: toggle transport visible EE33067948F133F0=transport: tap tempo 5FF945AD0BE17B42=transport: set playrate to 1.0 C2B7CB05F3E0BC2D=transport: increase playrate by ~6% (one semitone) 5AA7E9D6DDC3007D=transport: decrease playrate by ~6% (one semitone) 14EFCCA77BE363F7=transport: increase playrate by ~0.6% (10 cents) 9B8522D5B380CC27=transport: decrease playrate by ~0.6% (10 cents) 765D6DBC6F3FA990=transport: apply playrate to current bpm (no reset playrate) 81593262996CC7F3=transport: apply playrate to current bpm C6204E0E0C4E6EF3=tempo: increase current project tempo 01 bpm 908D5C04623E49B7=tempo: decrease current project tempo 01 bpm DA1566DF1E3260A9=tempo: increase current project tempo 10 bpm 4D115F96CC6DE36D=tempo: decrease current project tempo 10 bpm 852FC57D2C4F5C25=tempo: increase current project tempo 10 percent 73758534415CF7E1=tempo: decrease current project tempo 10 percent 3409033E8246E7DB=tempo: increase current project tempo 100 percent (double) 2D8C7F339FCAC787=tempo: decrease current project tempo 50 percent (half) 8275EA848878E2A7=tempo: increase current project tempo 0.1 bpm 6BC6B2CBC28D765B=tempo: decrease current project tempo 0.1 bpm 0B4F4223CED7BA3F=tempo envelope: increase all tempo markers 01 bpm 2EBEB4B16179D5A3=tempo envelope: decrease all tempo markers 01 bpm 96A2378921C5AAE3=tempo envelope: increase all tempo markers 0.1 bpm B62D3CD6E74022F7=tempo envelope: decrease all tempo markers 0.1 bpm 728ACAD24C5053E9=tempo envelope: increase all tempo markers 0.01 bpm DADA87F4ECEDEBA5=tempo envelope: decrease all tempo markers 0.01 bpm C6F7A5D73511515B=tempo envelope: increase all tempo markers 0.001 bpm 4D734DC139D6688F=tempo envelope: decrease all tempo markers 0.001 bpm 5E9EF6F2FC165C01=tempo envelope: increase all tempo markers 01% C6FD438345C8B48D=tempo envelope: decrease all tempo markers 01% 3DFF39E2902A7ECD=tempo envelope: increase all tempo markers 0.1% ED90AF0F05839DF9=tempo envelope: decrease all tempo markers 0.1% 8BF97CFAFD3A1923=tempo envelope: increase all tempo markers 0.01% 3817FB8662AC7527=tempo envelope: decrease all tempo markers 0.01% 1BEF0D7C4ED48025=tempo envelope: increase all tempo markers 0.001% 06012059B01020D1=tempo envelope: decrease all tempo markers 0.001% 6DB67B890334F14C=adjust entire tempo envelope... DB023531356CDCFA=tempo envelope: insert tempo marker at edit cursor, without opening tempo edit dialog 448CAF9331DAE0D3=transport: stop (save all recorded media) FB58D0E9AB3F2291=transport: stop (delete all recorded media) CFF00DA383F4C017=transport: go to start of project 2C7709CBAE96A9FC=transport: go to end of project C147D9649FB2F443=transport: record 87914E3353723321=transport: play (skip time selection) 9F85A0B77A176789=transport: rewind a little bit A18FD041F0D61A6D=transport: fast forward a little bit BF1497D3525CD5B6=transport: start/stop recording at next measure 9D61F6FD5CD651C2=transport: start/stop recording at next beat 79284C8F4038B079=transport: start/stop recording after 2 beats 98C2B1C03AFA1763=transport: start/stop recording at edit cursor 6BA6FF3B8B8A8693=transport: start/stop recording at next project marker C47656EDD417D8EC=transport: toggle transport home/end marker navigation 60E867A9175664F6=go to start of time selection E9BF8BA3D7DADFA3=go to end of time selection 83AFFAEF6D1F54BF=go to start of loop E018F6BE57CD9102=go to end of loop B864D3929969905E=transport: toggle stop playback at end of loop if repeat is disabled CE6E995929925F6F=move edit cursor to start of next measure (no seek) ECA9ABFD617270D3=move edit cursor to start of current measure (no seek) 6C1F3503FB6D0CED=move edit cursor forward one measure (no seek) B0997B838047B833=move edit cursor back one measure (no seek) A4BFEF326D2323F3=move edit cursor forward one beat (no seek) 4BFADFA2B8B1F731=move edit cursor back one beat (no seek) A4E0A2C29D13A0A7=move edit cursor to previous tempo or time signature change 80B17EE4D64D3273=move edit cursor to next tempo or time signature change 6275830F6ECF7647=move edit cursor to start of next measure 1D95F24663C4E24B=move edit cursor to start of current measure 801893AE83DCDC55=move edit cursor forward one measure EBBB269B0D9A682B=move edit cursor back one measure 8F9B01176B374DEB=move edit cursor forward one beat FDBF0A1E2B117A59=move edit cursor back one beat 473DB5685512BCC8=markers: go to previous marker/project start 7241F59503D3C8F9=markers: go to next marker/project end 48CF86FC54F9F272=markers: go to marker 01 48CF85FC54F9F0BF=markers: go to marker 02 48CF84FC54F9EF0C=markers: go to marker 03 48CF83FC54F9ED59=markers: go to marker 04 48CF82FC54F9EBA6=markers: go to marker 05 48CF81FC54F9E9F3=markers: go to marker 06 48CF80FC54F9E840=markers: go to marker 07 48CF8FFC54FA01BD=markers: go to marker 08 48CF8EFC54FA000A=markers: go to marker 09 48CC81FC54F7B41C=markers: go to marker 10 48CC82FC54F7B5CF=markers: go to marker 11 48CC83FC54F7B782=markers: go to marker 12 48CC84FC54F7B935=markers: go to marker 13 48CC7DFC54F7AD50=markers: go to marker 14 48CC7EFC54F7AF03=markers: go to marker 15 48CC7FFC54F7B0B6=markers: go to marker 16 48CC80FC54F7B269=markers: go to marker 17 48CC89FC54F7C1B4=markers: go to marker 18 48CC8AFC54F7C367=markers: go to marker 19 48D693FC55002737=markers: go to marker 20 48D692FC55002584=markers: go to marker 21 48D695FC55002A9D=markers: go to marker 22 48D694FC550028EA=markers: go to marker 23 48D68FFC5500206B=markers: go to marker 24 48D68EFC55001EB8=markers: go to marker 25 48D691FC550023D1=markers: go to marker 26 48D690FC5500221E=markers: go to marker 27 48D68BFC5500199F=markers: go to marker 28 48D68AFC550017EC=markers: go to marker 29 48D30DFC54FD0DAE=markers: go to marker 30 BFC7A53C2BE3A4CD=regions: go to region 01 after current region finishes playing (smooth seek) 214D3A9D393D7170=regions: go to region 02 after current region finishes playing (smooth seek) 888D3035332D1CEB=regions: go to region 03 after current region finishes playing (smooth seek) 1B4CBC88D5AEDE16=regions: go to region 04 after current region finishes playing (smooth seek) 34BB662FA64605A9=regions: go to region 05 after current region finishes playing (smooth seek) 59116523D9221C9C=regions: go to region 06 after current region finishes playing (smooth seek) 1067465C37294A67=regions: go to region 07 after current region finishes playing (smooth seek) 680197E5E279D8B2=regions: go to region 08 after current region finishes playing (smooth seek) 74828AE56376BB85=regions: go to region 09 after current region finishes playing (smooth seek) 546CD9FC0E96C3BB=regions: go to region 10 after current region finishes playing (smooth seek) 38935571B53F9E00=regions: go to region 11 after current region finishes playing (smooth seek) 28F4C1DA26507E1D=regions: go to region 12 after current region finishes playing (smooth seek) D0D1102EFA51ACEA=regions: go to region 13 after current region finishes playing (smooth seek) E4497DBC8D8A4B37=regions: go to region 14 after current region finishes playing (smooth seek) F87BB6D58A34C26C=regions: go to region 15 after current region finishes playing (smooth seek) E36B03B1EF8DED39=regions: go to region 16 after current region finishes playing (smooth seek) 18F8AD9A90253366=regions: go to region 17 after current region finishes playing (smooth seek) 9061E11CF28E33F3=regions: go to region 18 after current region finishes playing (smooth seek) 565881D49CF67478=regions: go to region 19 after current region finishes playing (smooth seek) BEAB125F5AD6E318=regions: go to region 20 after current region finishes playing (smooth seek) 64E8CB6F64912D13=regions: go to region 21 after current region finishes playing (smooth seek) 3BF7B278DBCD46A2=regions: go to region 22 after current region finishes playing (smooth seek) 3F1D9B772F0DD2B5=regions: go to region 23 after current region finishes playing (smooth seek) 84C63884B4360524=regions: go to region 24 after current region finishes playing (smooth seek) 514CC3519BFB910F=regions: go to region 25 after current region finishes playing (smooth seek) 3ECCAE1CB3647A3E=regions: go to region 26 after current region finishes playing (smooth seek) B3CBDA003DE917F1=regions: go to region 27 after current region finishes playing (smooth seek) 67F672041F3D9620=regions: go to region 28 after current region finishes playing (smooth seek) C1966286B4B2835B=regions: go to region 29 after current region finishes playing (smooth seek) 51345D67B6760701=regions: go to region 30 after current region finishes playing (smooth seek) E1CD42C800A8BB0E=regions: go to region 31 after current region finishes playing (smooth seek) 7790ED8ACDAB5D1F=regions: go to region 32 after current region finishes playing (smooth seek) 2E75DE64DD761FB4=regions: go to region 33 after current region finishes playing (smooth seek) FE7C07E64C927B45=regions: go to region 34 after current region finishes playing (smooth seek) 0C4CD54C097E9472=regions: go to region 35 after current region finishes playing (smooth seek) 76F776956FAC03A3=regions: go to region 36 after current region finishes playing (smooth seek) B314E01C1DB71FE8=regions: go to region 37 after current region finishes playing (smooth seek) 592317999F644569=regions: go to region 38 after current region finishes playing (smooth seek) 76E40FB2D50669D6=regions: go to region 39 after current region finishes playing (smooth seek) B7A274778275518E=regions: go to region 40 after current region finishes playing (smooth seek) F85639D43E8DC875=regions: go to previous region after current region finishes playing (smooth seek) E2486EA26A42EE61=regions: go to next region after current region finishes playing (smooth seek) 9117BF3BC0456BEE=markers: renumber all markers in timeline order AB89775C42E2C276=markers: add/move marker 10 to play/edit cursor C7447B1E67C18D52=markers: add/move marker 1 to play/edit cursor B1D1DC6070DD8CF3=markers: add/move marker 2 to play/edit cursor BB5D6740911A7F60=markers: add/move marker 3 to play/edit cursor 83AC351DCF3AC779=markers: add/move marker 4 to play/edit cursor B81A6D965F111346=markers: add/move marker 5 to play/edit cursor 3682EF53B8B092F7=markers: add/move marker 6 to play/edit cursor B500E3519DE018C4=markers: add/move marker 7 to play/edit cursor 17BD6211CBCCEFDD=markers: add/move marker 8 to play/edit cursor A6B859C8153987AA=markers: add/move marker 9 to play/edit cursor 1C376C71E3F0E5BA=time selection: copy time selection to loop points 6A9AA5EF008EC7DA=time selection: copy loop points to time selection D95D4A729E063D38=loop points: halve loop length 99525B396FFE09DD=loop points: double loop length 4B9AD64044983743=item: add stretch marker at cursor D85D4D345142D113=item: add stretch marker at mouse position F96C1257CAE87C63=item: remove all stretch markers 4D193222C2F6E715=item: remove all stretch markers in time selection A0F4C3F36468C493=item: add stretch markers at time selection 291811650E1128A3=item: snap stretch markers to grid 8B3A87AD33DA2059=item: snap stretch markers in time selection to grid B357823E54B424BC=item: toggle tonal-optimized stretch markers AA4581C1CC86810A=item: edit stretch marker at cursor C2C6D7F61813988A=calculate transient guides for visible areas in items 8DE9D35A0175AE2C=item: remove stretch marker at current position 3CF3999802C0540B=item: go to next stretch marker C524D92E34D06E17=item: go to previous stretch marker 3F0C76ACE40F9B4C=item: go to nearest stretch marker 5D782189E53B4321=item: reset stretch marker at current position EAE8E7035232C682=markers: insert marker at current position 39BE50DF2D35812D=markers: insert and/or edit marker at current position D4C01FF894A8021C=markers: insert region from time selection 157863E2E3B7906F=markers: insert region from time selection and edit... 47554FD3EC4BD0C6=markers: insert region from selected items 145E5C42E2EEA4C1=markers: insert region from selected items and edit... 1BCBB9FCCAC070D9=markers: insert separate regions for each selected item CCE996E5344A8C9F=markers: remove all markers from time selection 28380529F4E4E79D=tempo envelope: insert tempo/time signature change marker at edit cursor... 652579B18EBBAE00=markers: change color for marker near cursor... 8DB362C467440C66=markers: change color for region near cursor... BBBDCDD35B430B51=markers: set marker near cursor to default color 5D1F9E0197764353=markers: set region near cursor to default color FA08AF19CC837741=set project tempo from time selection (detect tempo, align items and loop points to measure start) BC972366C78DB463=markers: delete marker near cursor 98E30DEA116F2E86=markers: edit marker near cursor 7EA5A70380AFD1D5=markers: delete region near cursor E4A0398F6EABCCF4=markers: edit region near cursor 5139C48D2F4C0250=markers: delete time signature marker near cursor 9796174217622CD3=markers: edit time signature marker near cursor 18DA75096547B532=view: toggle track zoom to minimum height 664502B2A2D5E9FC=view: toggle track zoom to maximum height 53CA6536B74169D1=view: toggle zoom to selected items 5DB9500148B69769=view: scroll view horizontally one page (midi cc relative/mousewheel) 0737AE4D26551493=view: scroll view vertically one page (midi cc relative/mousewheel) 67A50CAD325DCF57=view: scroll view horizontally one page reversed (midi cc relative/mousewheel) 6644EF06DEBAC2DD=view: scroll view vertically one page reversed (midi cc relative/mousewheel) 6985F8570FCDC021=view: restore previous zoom/scroll position 0479C095F36B9981=view: restore next zoom/scroll position 9777795EEC7DE0E0=view: restore previous zoom level 672112C8C8695A40=view: restore next zoom level A08C846847F7E384=view: expand selected track height, minimize others 32CDC4DB624CFFB9=view: minimize all tracks 93BEEEE774384264=view: increase selected track heights a little bit F09AA37E5C83F3E0=view: decrease selected track heights a little bit 5F7600C71D108A8A=view: increase selected track heights 8BBDF99965BB40DE=view: decrease selected track heights 9DBE8BA2DA32B4E2=view: adjust selected track heights a little bit (midi cc relative/mousewheel) 48985F5360F86396=view: adjust selected track heights (midi cc relative/mousewheel) 38D2DA42C0D2D4BD=view: adjust selected track heights (midi cc/osc only) 4EB97DBC65DC18B6=view: zoom time selection 00F1FDE3B25E716A=view: zoom in horizontal 81053B620920241D=view: zoom out horizontal A7F68FFFF65BA47C=view: zoom in vertical EEC05018D5DC7C17=view: zoom out vertical E1171D7E045F440A=view: move cursor left one pixel 81664372CB74928B=view: move cursor right one pixel 4EB3F3E3DFD00807=view: move cursor left 8 pixels 949AAE03C35E0C18=view: move cursor right 8 pixels A30090673B8F0154=view: move cursor left to grid division DD2F2C375FCC1EDB=view: move cursor right to grid division 2CD40B0ABB3ADC40=transport: flash transport yellow on possible audio device underrun FEBD7AC956CF257B=peaks: increase peaks view gain 0B4D03AFF7BB1DEB=peaks: decrease peaks view gain C460A3648B1D1247=peaks: scale peaks by square root (half of range is 12db rather than 6db) 153E951600727479=peaks: rectify peaks 463B83733EE9051A=peaks: show normal (non-spectral/non-spectrogram) peaks 998291E12DF1875D=peaks: toggle spectral peaks 76AB58A153E11A52=peaks: toggle spectrogram A0687AF72620C61B=peaks: toggle spectrogram and peaks E849F6F9C4941B7A=spectrogram: toggle show spectrogram for selected items 8892DF6D898BA028=view: show peaks display settings 7BF0D9B942577F57=peaks: load spectral peaks preset 1 7BF0DAB94257810A=peaks: load spectral peaks preset 2 7BF0DBB9425782BD=peaks: load spectral peaks preset 3 7BF0D4B9425776D8=peaks: load spectral peaks preset 4 7BF0D5B94257788B=peaks: load spectral peaks preset 5 82D565E5617E73B5=spectrogram: add spectral edit to item FF8C3526F869DECE=peaks: load spectrogram preset 1 FF8C3426F869DD1B=peaks: load spectrogram preset 2 FF8C3326F869DB68=peaks: load spectrogram preset 3 FF8C3A26F869E74D=peaks: load spectrogram preset 4 FF8C3926F869E59A=peaks: load spectrogram preset 5 6036C02AB0C7E072=time selection: shift left (by time selection length) B5C7CA21168099E3=time selection: shift right (by time selection length) 8EB999DF36D3486E=time selection: nudge left D5D34E918E74D063=time selection: nudge right 26D4C1E7546F5654=time selection: nudge left edge left 066183D1181091E1=time selection: nudge left edge right C08F86B21077DFF1=time selection: nudge right edge left DEC8C6BBFA76CF52=time selection: nudge right edge right 9D185F7F6819CA3A=time selection: move cursor left, creating time selection 2FD676A76A06F731=time selection: move cursor right, creating time selection 3CE9525EFD0BEEB8=time selection: set start point 7C708D8F9677BF11=time selection: set end point 0B91FD5B888F00D8=loop points: remove loop point selection 5824AA47E2012B9F=time selection: remove contents of time selection (moving later items) 8A9FA0E31B203723=time selection: insert empty space at time selection (moving later items) 4D6D7B1266A0AACD=time selection: crop project to time selection 7ECB11C3AD97C334=track: toggle all track grouping enabled 250DD11752A06374=track: set track grouping parameters B2A9A62E9C705040=track: insert new track F0441C6322F59FB6=track: insert new track at end of track list 8CC6F7A117896427=track: insert multiple new tracks... DEAD9FFB0F6992D7=track: duplicate tracks 06D32E86A7057D10=track: remove tracks A695F2D05306D779=track: toggle track volume envelope active 2F281EF3A5775FC9=track: toggle track pre-fx volume envelope active FE8E0B0D0D625842=track: toggle track pan envelope active 54B294573C3C3192=track: toggle track pre-fx pan envelope active E14D4A22930A5381=track: toggle track trim envelope visible 61D6A08044D4FB0B=track: toggle track volume envelope visible 26E6566DED455B7B=track: toggle track pre-fx volume envelope visible EEFEEB2A8242A04A=track: toggle track pan envelope visible 8959E6480F41FCBA=track: toggle track pre-fx pan envelope visible A1036A4E1889B2CA=track: toggle track mute envelope active CCF5C769ED04F2E2=track: toggle track mute envelope visible 9DF565E40A14DD57=track: select previous envelope 02AD2259F8F7E9DB=track: select next envelope E0C7F257F8583DE8=track: select pre-fx volume envelope 602EF8BE1B0F4CE2=track: select volume envelope DB226B4BC5D28AE7=track: select pre-fx pan envelope 7BB27EE43843C4F9=track: select pan envelope 41720B52F6C755C2=track: select pre-fx width envelope 1B45E99F1BBEB59C=track: select width envelope 992362ED712BD41B=track: select mute envelope F9358DFD1983CEC5=track: select fx envelope 01 F9358AFD1983C9AC=track: select fx envelope 02 F9358BFD1983CB5F=track: select fx envelope 03 F93588FD1983C646=track: select fx envelope 04 F93589FD1983C7F9=track: select fx envelope 05 F93586FD1983C2E0=track: select fx envelope 06 F93587FD1983C493=track: select fx envelope 07 F93594FD1983DAAA=track: select fx envelope 08 F93595FD1983DC5D=track: select fx envelope 09 F93912FD1986E69B=track: select fx envelope 10 D453FE5B86562FD0=track: apply trim envelope to volume envelope, clear trim envelope F9F6351FA7ECBE02=track: apply volume envelope to trim envelope, clear volume envelope A854AB8A555558D0=track: swap volume envelope and trim envelope F4108EFAA323A81E=track: toggle show/hide in tcp AF22A722D326D288=track: toggle show/hide in mixer 077EC36AC473AB94=track: insert new track at end of mixer 25FC3EDFD2440EDA=track: nudge track volume down 65EA5064F6BCB41F=track: nudge track volume up D434A764C0C80D8E=track: nudge master track volume down E8B3E61859BD57BB=track: nudge master track volume up 2DADFDC0D69D88DF=item properties: reset item pitch 41B21FD0DDECAA43=item properties: pitch item up one semitone 3D62CDB59538C8C8=item properties: pitch item down one semitone D3E899E4A691596B=item properties: pitch item up one cent E9E59B4D27B53794=item properties: pitch item down one cent 90720AC275DCF661=item properties: pitch item up one octave 57D8D62D8EAD0B02=item properties: pitch item down one octave 338EFE2CBC0853C6=item properties: set item rate to 1.0 D17FEEAB5F78CDF7=item properties: increase item rate by ~6% (one semitone) A74DF474FED3631F=item properties: decrease item rate by ~6% (one semitone) 9F8E02CFDDE48615=item properties: increase item rate by ~0.6% (10 cents) 9CCAD81FF8381ADD=item properties: decrease item rate by ~0.6% (10 cents) 3D46E9DA0E43758C=item properties: increase item rate by ~6% (one semitone), clear 'preserve pitch' E8C8EFD9B6CCFD14=item properties: decrease item rate by ~6% (one semitone), clear 'preserve pitch' 17B58FFE25E05D16=item properties: increase item rate by ~0.6% (10 cents), clear 'preserve pitch' 1E395E1F8D62027E=item properties: decrease item rate by ~0.6% (10 cents), clear 'preserve pitch' C277FB657FABD290=view: toggle show/hide item labels 6573A2C151BB9B43=view: show item labels 62063DA42B0C4F92=view: hide item labels 8DF76EBDD27DCD2E=view: toggle show media cues in items 28711426B3A57FB6=view: toggle displaying labels above/within media items 23C293CF5DF5D829=options: toggle loop points linked to time selection C1193EB8F45C482B=options: set loop points linked to time selection 09D4D0A022690918=options: unset loop points linked to time selection 5BB56AE9D2689E8E=options: solo in front A7CF5CAB4AC55365=item: set item end to cursor C12B08964B0A4295=item: set items length to source media lengths 1ECD4843DBE0E400=item: heal splits in items 02F354285BA0B687=item: split items at play cursor BB3B934D43F8B413=item: split items at edit or play cursor (ignoring grouping) 548C3464DD99645E=item: split items at edit or play cursor 39E1CD46D8D6FE6E=item: split items at time selection 4156588963373513=item: split items at edit cursor (no change selection) 8BDE5509553119C5=item: split items at edit cursor (select left) ACBAFCDBD5254A5E=item: split items at edit cursor (select right) E61AC4A06953B1BA=item: split item under mouse cursor C05A22E4B8A62706=item: split item under mouse cursor (select left) 6263726A1E193C67=item: split item under mouse cursor (select right) BF1C8F1ED2DB0EAB=item: show fx chain for item take 83FB6C8F56713AF5=item: remove fx for item take 890986C082B073EE=item: mute active take of multitake item within time selection C9F5027F4B9F0718=item: solo active take of multitake item within time selection 36B08F4124D4075C=item: set item mix behavior to project default FBE56727B15F487D=item: set item mix behavior to enclosed items replace enclosing items 587FAA756CE718ED=item: set item mix behavior to always replace D79795F60C44BB63=item: set item mix behavior to always mix 8A16AEEFE60E17DE=item grouping: group items D1BD74858F9E911A=item grouping: remove items from group 1811D8EDED0868FD=item grouping: select all items in groups B27D3643A4661A49=select all items/tracks/envelope points (depending on focus) 18342D4F2663CD19=item: select all items 3FA02B3B5D47869F=item: select all items in track 39DFBB9C32C023F8=item: invert selection 5E04ADE8BEE913ED=item: select next adjacent non-overlapping item 7BC0B5FAA5E9E52D=item: select previous adjacent non-overlapping item B4F33B7F56809512=item: select item under mouse cursor 1AC3528FD1AB54E0=item: select item under mouse cursor (leaving other items selected) A1929D6196E1E6F5=item: toggle selection of item under mouse cursor DEE850C6C25BBF2B=item: set focus to item under mouse cursor 19550D9F73C7E1C9=edit: copy items/tracks/envelope points (depending on focus) ignoring time selection B249ABBDE9EB6F2A=edit: cut items/tracks/envelope points (depending on focus) ignoring time selection EF44F7BEA6B1348C=edit: copy items 1AF677B1CA2F7ABF=edit: cut items 4E097DE9026F63B2=item: copy selected area of items 16E39ACEA95315D5=item: copy loop of selected area of audio items 13FE796ADBA3340B=edit: copy items/tracks/envelope points (depending on focus) within time selection, if any (smart copy) 0EDF75400A7CDD39=edit: cut items/tracks/envelope points (depending on focus) within time selection, if any (smart cut) B9653045D932DC48=envelope: copy selected points 9A3758943493F6D3=envelope: cut selected points DB1D41A90E5E1865=envelope: copy points within time selection 8C77AA1E490E5608=envelope: cut points within time selection DAD51DF1BDC6217E=envelope: reduce number of points by half 1EEA71B11E89AA00=envelope: reduce number of points by half within time selection EB28AE9D6D308BAB=envelope: reduce number of selected points by half 6E0BC53C306E7379=envelope: edit envelope point value at cursor BBCF3AC20E543600=envelope: reverse points EB0CFCEBDA7A462A=options: prevent mouse edits of single envelope points from moving past other envelope points FAC124E1CBDE4108=envelope: apply all vcas to selected tracks and remove from vca groups A62D2C69CB56E5CF=envelope: apply all vcas from selected tracks to grouped tracks and reset volume/pan/mute 35FD8F5747234F13=item: duplicate items 745D508DFF1620BE=item: duplicate selected area of items 885DF52EC7C21ECB=track: copy tracks 60DDAB80A2467528=track: cut tracks 6F68C9820BA3354E=track: save tracks as track template... 6C5DC970ED416222=track: render tracks to stereo post-fader stem tracks (and mute originals) 3F41F57317A9989A=track: render tracks to multichannel post-fader stem tracks (and mute originals) 6910279F654E373D=track: render tracks to mono post-fader stem tracks (and mute originals) 472B06C4BA491F2D=track: render tracks to stereo stem tracks (and mute originals) 286E9054B5D8C3F5=track: render tracks to multichannel stem tracks (and mute originals) 8ABFF6B27E5AF648=track: render tracks to mono stem tracks (and mute originals) BF7FACC61266AA43=track: render selected area of tracks to stereo post-fader stem tracks (and mute originals) 957D18563B9D2E7B=track: render selected area of tracks to multichannel post-fader stem tracks (and mute originals) CBFC9242C1B65438=track: render selected area of tracks to mono post-fader stem tracks (and mute originals) B769F407C1FD6F3A=track: render selected area of tracks to stereo stem tracks (and mute originals) 47346827A75C81E2=track: render selected area of tracks to multichannel stem tracks (and mute originals) 1C16F71E93AABF3F=track: render selected area of tracks to mono stem tracks (and mute originals) A8C02827E20DA027=track: freeze to stereo (render pre-fader, save/remove items and online fx) 34410DF671F8FE6F=track: freeze to multichannel (render pre-fader, save/remove items and online fx) 4E75DBC22F647F34=track: freeze to mono (render pre-fader, save/remove items and online fx) 8382600FEE3A434A=offset track template items by edit cursor 1451F04705E44AB3=track: unfreeze tracks (restore previously saved items and fx) 597B352DEAEF0087=view: show track freeze details 4FC056F1B924F9DE=track: insert track from template... C4C8ED02D3C0A4AE=item: paste items/tracks 53DB3B6E9498BAA6=item: paste items/tracks, creating pooled (ghost) midi items and automation items regardless of preferences/media/midi and preferences/media/automation settings 1DA47B8091378315=item: insert time on tracks and paste items D3A2C493BFE8ECE7=item: select all other media items that share pooled (ghost) midi source data with selected items 94C211422BB413DD=item: remove active take from midi source data pool (aka un-pool, un-ghost, make unique) 6A51BA44E813142E=edit: delete trailing notes of less than 1/8 note in length in selected midi items 3587244A7E124C45=edit: delete trailing notes of less than 1/16 note in length in selected midi items 33AB6686161598E3=edit: delete trailing notes of less than 1/32 note in length in selected midi items A4589DB4834191A4=edit: delete trailing notes of less than 1/64 note in length in selected midi items B12D6EC943F8665B=edit: delete trailing notes of less than 1/128 note in length in selected midi items 63A21D6156B82797=edit: delete trailing notes of less than 1/256 note in length in selected midi items B4B69E7B4E612F1A=edit: delete notes of less than 1/8 note in length in selected midi items 2F635101BB2C5621=edit: delete notes of less than 1/16 note in length in selected midi items 408CBB791E038037=edit: delete notes of less than 1/32 note in length in selected midi items 4D308EC375A35DC8=edit: delete notes of less than 1/64 note in length in selected midi items 4A60F722EBC6A397=edit: delete notes of less than 1/128 note in length in selected midi items DC643C181CDF2283=edit: delete notes of less than 1/256 note in length in selected midi items C9E4047B10AA4D00=track: mute/unmute tracks 1DD1007C3B0A2B34=track: solo/unsolo tracks 18F06037DF82EBD0=track: invert track phase 6FCECF1EF64A1C89=track: set track solo defeat C74911E1B810ECCC=track: unset track solo defeat 6A03D699DA0F4ED5=track: toggle track solo defeat 2238E4113C6D76F4=track: unset track solo defeat (all tracks) E95C3B07F7C1E12A=master track: toggle stereo/mono (l+r) B50172357747F3AF=track: arm all tracks for recording 92954AB9D0027FC4=track: unarm all tracks for recording 162F1CDD459EB63A=remove items/tracks/envelope points (depending on focus) 8C9C0DE6B0ACA3FA=remove items/tracks/envelope points (depending on focus) - no prompting 6B3658D5645024DE=item: remove items 373CD315D1C40B0B=insert click source BD7C8C372F0C4286=insert empty item 76E2B5E30FD63733=insert timecode generator 45E1449181A53B86=insert new midi item... AD8E5E88862267AD=insert media files... 83F12552DF42F393=insert dedicated video processor item 976740AC4676F473=insert new subproject... 2167892D8CBEBB3F=item: move items to subproject (non-destructive glue) 351B633727151C8B=track: move tracks to subproject 0CFC17567BEFCE26=item: set item name from active take filename D48305570D8E5B2A=item: reverse items to new take 72BD208A5B3B8B5B=item: glue items, ignoring time selection (auto-increase channel count with take fx) DB3854B7E3274569=item: glue items (auto-increase channel count with take fx) 33ABA04411892EA1=item: glue items, ignoring time selection D4F4B8439F50CAC3=item: glue items 6CBDA6069562E102=item: glue items, ignoring time selection, including leading fade-in and trailing fade-out 3E2FE68B1FAB3F60=item: glue items, including leading fade-in and trailing fade-out 7D69048482B21693=item: open items in primary external editor B2F10036AE18CAD7=item: open item copies in primary external editor 2CA2B26F6EA3B13F=item: open items in secondary external editor AA4FC00BE597322B=item: open item copies in secondary external editor AFF8E46D6E1FB48D=item: open associated project in new tab 2BF407DCEE530AC8=item: open item inline editors AF46193181FB1C14=item: close item inline editors B7924FF8FE7F2C48=item: open in built-in midi editor (set default behavior in preferences) 1B42D5CA86DD9D54=item: select all items in current time selection 096AFFC7C6009B8C=item: select all items on selected tracks in current time selection C2B11A5AD0D0A926=item properties: mute FB148AA269CA03E9=item properties: unmute 6DB9D56599EF4878=item properties: toggle mute 4EE1C737242F5D88=item properties: solo AB9BF6D73B5A632F=item properties: unsolo 60F38912587661D6=item properties: toggle solo 09C16EC31DB2AD2F=track: mute tracks 51D29C4178930ADE=track: unmute tracks 06489C2B31747E91=track: solo tracks 7E64CCD49D7B340C=track: unsolo tracks 90EC24D6CA2D9F55=item properties: toggle items/tracks mute (depending on focus) 38E67A7B90B5ACBD=item properties: toggle item phase 38ACE22CAB84BA80=item properties: toggle take reverse EC6DE6F4B6EC3240=item properties: toggle take preserve pitch C114F44EF1E5134A=item properties: set take preserve pitch 1739F1B5F511A8C3=item properties: clear take preserve pitch 79C529DE87B7DF83=item properties: toggle item play all takes 05B879FC73B2D409=item properties: loop section of audio item source 60CB261ADE5F0DFD=item properties: loop item source DB63656B8F94FDD6=item properties: toggle lock 589BC26687BA11A8=item properties: lock 7A68FA9BD8FE0D07=item properties: unlock 454F9A9841E5FCD4=item properties: lock to active take (mouse click will not change active take) B04AE083D2892BA6=item properties: unlock takes (mouse click will change active take) 62B0C9687B514E74=item properties: toggle lock to active take (toggle mouse click changes active take) C9ED572935F2A1E5=item properties: set item timebase to project/track default ED415083E66CF2D6=item properties: set item timebase to time E8124C72C53D3490=item properties: set item timebase to beats (position, length, rate) 70838D9BD1F6785E=item properties: set item timebase to beats (position only) CC0B9BEC667C8269=track properties: set track timebase to project default FBECE4010CFB26AE=track properties: set track timebase to time 00BA15BE62CF1F68=track properties: set track timebase to beats (position, length, rate) 65CD50D4A21C04D6=track properties: set track timebase to beats (position only) 54160E197FFB87C5=track properties: toggle free item positioning 6B9CC87A7E0E7163=track properties: set free item positioning 0B2E97A4EA7B98BA=track properties: unset free item positioning D84995D39E2FEDF2=track: toggle full multichannel metering 0D2809FB5B1108FE=track: toggle track metering 89FBD71E94102D7A=item properties: normalize items 1844CE04FC0854E3=item properties: normalize multiple items to common gain 7A8B034C54632396=item properties: normalize items (reset to unity if already normalized) 6F225957A42BA87D=item properties: normalize multiple items to common gain (reset to unity if already normalized) 00B213EBE008A4B7=item properties: reset item take gain to +0db (un-normalize) FA3BB1A7D36E6AC9=take: nudge active takes volume +1db A363F596889180FB=take: nudge active takes volume -1db C0225102DCD5B773=item: reset items volume to +0db 14D8CBA3A2EF6BFD=item: nudge items volume +1db 929EAFD3CF08CB37=item: nudge items volume -1db EA00365AEB8AB860=take: delete active take from items 16C7F35459BFF55A=take: delete active take from items (prompt to confirm) E6ECBDAED9CC2D23=take: crop to active take in items B1A13FE92481D39E=take: duplicate active take E0CE5F52E767EFEB=take: switch items to next take 9CC71500BCAE82AB=take: switch items to previous take 8DEA8677BBFBC465=take: set 1st take active 10006B53B3224A19=take: set 2nd take active 04C4833A1D9C674E=take: set 3rd take active F17165DDC0416B85=take: set 4th take active C9050D048FA90FE2=take: set 5th take active 83C4C564F8839913=take: set 6th take active 099EB0662F453658=take: set 7th take active FEF93B07E05534C1=take: set 8th take active 6370395591436DAE=take: set 9th take active 2DEA1829E31C3B0F=take: activate take under mouse 471AF70B2198CE86=take: paste as takes in items C3B555A50FD9CF1B=take: explode takes of items across tracks 053F866E52904D8C=take: explode takes of items in place 36E8C39831406567=take: explode takes of items in order 829DCD543A038765=take: implode items across tracks into takes 9D132CAC26D3D1BE=take: implode items on same track into takes B35D0EB9B5AC3D81=item: implode items across tracks into items on one track 36DD72D1B94E11F0=item: auto-reposition items in free item positioning mode D98AB66D02781048=take: propagate to similarly-named active takes on track 2A222F9553A1CECE=item: propagate to similarly-named items on track DF2E95CB74B33A7F=take: propagate to all similarly-named active takes 9076554EB084867B=item: propagate to all similarly-named items C0759E3FEF06071E=item: explode multichannel audio or midi to new one-channel items 1CFF9BEFD56A01AB=item: explode midi note rows (pitch) to new items F32941C8176844C7=item properties: show media item source properties DC0CAD842A56F9C2=item properties: show media item/take properties 227D0726DCB5819C=item properties: toggle show media item/take properties E6B129F13DC8E605=item: show notes for items... B9BAFF6B76154A9B=item edit: enable relative grid snap EC97CED760A4EF26=item edit: disable relative grid snap 59EFF3F60193B426=item edit: toggle relative grid snap 66DD85C67FB06E85=item edit: move contents of items left 5F4900D7639B3B1E=item edit: move contents of items right 85E706C943EBBBD0=item edit: move items/envelope points left 8AA49B4770C4A5A5=item edit: move items/envelope points right 1CC88C8CFF7BBD80=item edit: move items/envelope points left by grid size A9CCD74837BDDD6B=item edit: move items/envelope points right by grid size B7D5AFD3585CEABC=item edit: nudge/set... 991F8758A6AD402A=item edit: close nudge/set dialog 712A263BD626C2E7=item edit: toggle open/close nudge/set dialog 3A044EB6C9E41B22=item edit: nudge right by last nudge dialog settings 9051BBA66D4D3F23=item edit: nudge left by last nudge dialog settings 31051A6008AA49E6=item edit: save nudge dialog settings 1 3105196008AA4833=item edit: save nudge dialog settings 2 3105186008AA4680=item edit: save nudge dialog settings 3 31051F6008AA5265=item edit: save nudge dialog settings 4 31051E6008AA50B2=item edit: save nudge dialog settings 5 31051D6008AA4EFF=item edit: save nudge dialog settings 6 31051C6008AA4D4C=item edit: save nudge dialog settings 7 3105236008AA5931=item edit: save nudge dialog settings 8 96A1A1102D96A786=item edit: nudge right by saved nudge dialog settings 1 96A1A0102D96A5D3=item edit: nudge right by saved nudge dialog settings 2 96A19F102D96A420=item edit: nudge right by saved nudge dialog settings 3 96A1A6102D96B005=item edit: nudge right by saved nudge dialog settings 4 96A1A5102D96AE52=item edit: nudge right by saved nudge dialog settings 5 96A1A4102D96AC9F=item edit: nudge right by saved nudge dialog settings 6 96A1A3102D96AAEC=item edit: nudge right by saved nudge dialog settings 7 96A1AA102D96B6D1=item edit: nudge right by saved nudge dialog settings 8 DFEF2D8FAC8930C5=item edit: nudge left by saved nudge dialog settings 1 DFEF2A8FAC892BAC=item edit: nudge left by saved nudge dialog settings 2 DFEF2B8FAC892D5F=item edit: nudge left by saved nudge dialog settings 3 DFEF288FAC892846=item edit: nudge left by saved nudge dialog settings 4 DFEF298FAC8929F9=item edit: nudge left by saved nudge dialog settings 5 DFEF268FAC8924E0=item edit: nudge left by saved nudge dialog settings 6 DFEF278FAC892693=item edit: nudge left by saved nudge dialog settings 7 DFEF348FAC893CAA=item edit: nudge left by saved nudge dialog settings 8 7B29B42478E44E26=item edit: move position of item under mouse to edit cursor 7C5665CED16B35C0=item edit: trim left edge of item under mouse to edit cursor 345EF096C306C94B=item edit: move left edge of item under mouse to edit cursor 7E2A0BFEACB110C7=item edit: trim right edge of item under mouse to edit cursor F4065BA0753ECEF6=item edit: move right edge of item under mouse to edit cursor 97774266884310BD=item edit: move contents of item under mouse to edit cursor 4D12E260B0E09A3A=item edit: move duplicate of item under mouse to edit cursor BA67DC02378871E5=item edit: move position of item to edit cursor E1F55EEE9C62B46F=item edit: trim left edge of item to edit cursor 5B29ABBD2B4EB438=item edit: move left edge of item to edit cursor 9C5B4D6BEC2DF304=item edit: trim right edge of item to edit cursor 8FF1755C264ECDF5=item edit: move right edge of item to edit cursor 8BA1C5410EDD134A=item edit: move contents of item to edit cursor EC4404E2595D22F9=item edit: move duplicate of item to edit cursor E93F2BB2C8128CF6=item edit: move items left, preserving timing of contents 3075D159BBDB1095=item edit: move items right, preserving timing of contents 3A63B46DFCAF4118=item edit: move items/envelope points up one track/a bit DF8C3D25689659B5=item edit: move items/envelope points down one track/a bit EA337E80A562C884=item edit: grow left edge of items 20E5045537F509DA=item edit: shrink left edge of items 909DACFF2F533C6F=item edit: shrink right edge of items BEC5CD8468AC28B9=item edit: grow right edge of items D167A678F257114A=options: toggle editing active take source start offset (slip editing) adjusts all takes 3EDE60697A63A1A6=options: toggle running fx when playback is stopped E6589CAB7C425B2F=options: toggle pooled (ghost) midi source data when copying media items 0FB8C0A80EA2286A=item: set all media offline 6CAA7C206F530064=item: set all media online E231FAECE0EC0E8C=item: set selected media offline BCC08B2D49E7ED2E=item: set selected media online 94D7CE5B9AFFBCB6=item: apply track/take fx to items 0ACE45AC861D5AC5=item: apply track/take fx to items (mono output) 1C36DF6B264EE2DE=item: apply track/take fx to items (multichannel output) 41BA6FE721F2640F=item: apply track/take fx to items (midi output) 1EA64CF6EA4A9682=item: render items to new take (preserve source type) 5C7274B8EFD1EF78=item: render items to new take EAF1F6BAEDF9D7FE=item properties: set take channel mode to normal BFA5B2463465B8F7=item properties: set take channel mode to reverse stereo 9445A2EC297DB57B=item properties: set take channel mode to mono (downmix) 16D2B5AE6B537586=item properties: set take channel mode to mono (left) FE935F24BA959FE7=item properties: set take channel mode to mono (right) AB2F4818BFB83238=record: set record mode to normal C00ECA4AC8FDD2B1=record: set record mode to selected item auto-punch 0DF992FD33F376A6=record: set record mode to time selection auto-punch D6520F8CBA2DE172=view: continuous scrolling during playback EF228190270CBAAD=view: toggle auto-view-scroll during playback 426A667B6BD406E5=view: toggle auto-view-scroll while recording FECFC54C22F26969=options: toggle smooth seek (see preferences/audio/seeking) 9C6E671FCF8BDB8F=options: pre-fader track metering 8E482A9EA718721F=options: show all takes in lanes (when room) 04B64AC1D0C2C275=options: show overlapping media items in lanes 1FC660EA1FDFF571=item lanes: move item up one lane (when showing overlapping items in lanes) 6B9EA6B2482C566E=item lanes: move item down one lane (when showing overlapping items in lanes) C93791DDF1A43CF1=options: select takes for all selected items when clicking take lane 93AD51D19E1365D2=options: show empty take lanes (align takes by recording pass) 605E65BB985D7989=options: allow selecting empty take lanes EB336B4CAA56A830=item: remove all empty take lanes F5B5F37498ECB100=item: remove the empty take lane before the active take 96F2BB7DDA4536FB=item: remove the empty take lane after the active take D1AC9D76D0C8087F=item: add an empty take lane before the active take E4F73475D04CF7BE=item: add an empty take lane after the active take 6FFE4E5F655A3BF4=item: collapse empty take lanes FA86770265C6B3D6=item: rotate take lanes forward 9C74DBE945D5D2A8=item: rotate take lanes backward C65D2D3DA3F8374F=item: move active takes to top lane A0DCF912500360D1=item: choose active take for item under mouse 8A413082A9409E76=options: new recording splits existing items and creates new takes (default) 003B0FCDD88E479B=options: new recording trims existing items behind new recording (tape mode) 559C081408519FB3=options: new recording creates new media items in separate lanes (layers) B71E51EE4C4E6C24=options: loop recording always adds takes to newly recorded items (except in track free item positioning mode) 9F3A1E19ED7D5039=options: show tooltips on media items and envelopes 72AEB5F0E00F3087=file: clean current project directory 67E48904783A7A26=peaks: remove all peak cache files 16372643773C53EF=peaks: build any missing peaks 7A9997E339F1C2C9=peaks: rebuild all peaks 3FB86960703BC04E=peaks: rebuild peaks for selected items 4B4EB17883C70535=colors: reset random color generator CEF44ED33AF96902=mixer: toggle docking in docker 53152EFC422D85FF=mixer: toggle tracks with receives grouping to left CB0EAE78326E2FD5=mixer: toggle folder tracks grouping to left 80A19F8DF644C859=mixer: toggle show normal top level tracks in mixer 066F65D4AB16AAD6=mixer: toggle tracks with receives in mixer 5B6B829DBD7FC619=mixer: toggle show tracks in folders in mixer 3DAB77B24C4D8230=mixer: toggle show multiple rows when space F057FF4E2F984AAF=mixer: toggle show multiple rows even when space to fit tracks in less rows 488D41C65CB8FD46=mixer: toggle show master track on right side F7B060925FD0252A=mixer: toggle show sends if space available 8D085663D9865545=mixer: toggle show fx inserts if space available 4DF4A54754E8D3AD=mixer: toggle show fx parameters if space available 4B01E8ADB5FCABA1=mixer: toggle master track visible 79870FC0C7183B7B=mixer: toggle show folder tracks in mixer F4D70B5D5C26183F=mixer: toggle scroll view when tracks activated 71B39482CE707B95=mixer: toggle master track in separate window 442E4187739F5E50=view: toggle master track in separate/docked window 83822FA54859AF90=mixer: toggle master track in docked window 96A8436BBC73896F=mixer: toggle autoarrange 2870EA8FB4C932B0=mixer: toggle show icons for the last track in a folder 74D1568B6E2D273A=mixer: clickable icon for folder tracks to show/hide children F20D264C7A6D9467=mixer: show/hide children of selected tracks 1AB88304AE1DFF03=track: toggle tracks visible (hide) in tcp 0BE24FC6842AE6C5=track: toggle tracks visible (hide) in mixer 9869A915C2015110=track: hide tracks in tcp and mixer 88B41E9ECE814577=track: make all tracks visible in tcp and mixer 293D4AED6CD88FF6=view: toggle show midi editor windows 6DDCFFD0DED744A7=automation: set all tracks automation mode to trim/read 7E740F592E677C16=automation: set all tracks automation mode to read F21B61E45971C141=automation: set all tracks automation mode to touch 56F5CC5613EADD39=automation: set all tracks automation mode to write 7206D8943A115828=automation: set all tracks automation mode to latch 9929E02E31E7137C=automation: set all tracks automation mode to latch preview 794D7634C604B399=automation: set track automation mode to trim/read 11CCA06C3F967FC4=automation: set track automation mode to read EFC69A298EA35677=automation: set track automation mode to touch 7ADC5573BA1D22BF=automation: set track automation mode to write 665F514F46AB5F0A=automation: set track automation mode to latch 31639F21A5A350B2=automation: set track automation mode to latch preview 408274D53C8DC51A=automation: toggle track between touch and trim/read modes 245781D7BC5A8DA7=automation: clear all track envelope latches EEA7BF781654FAE6=automation: clear track envelope latches 5D739DFD3A755BC2=global automation override: no override (set automation modes per track) 0F6B7CBEEFDF9A63=global automation override: bypass all automation 3D7619ECFA796EF8=global automation override: all automation in trim/read mode A41663EBCF955EC3=global automation override: all automation in read mode EF0D85A6D5AA6976=global automation override: all automation in touch mode 895285E602E1502E=global automation override: all automation in write mode 65D34D3E0327E9E1=global automation override: all automation in latch mode 30E2F12C6521FE49=global automation override: all automation in latch preview mode 2C66FD606994E0F1=global automation override: toggle bypass all automation 40107A91C37DB5DC=track: nudge track pan left 0324FE12407B8F89=track: nudge track pan right 03C3F8CFF9BFE4EB=track: go to next track FA55125A3F580CD3=track: go to previous track A61B93DF433AFFCD=track: go to next track (leaving other tracks selected) DE45BFFB37E254A5=track: go to previous track (leaving other tracks selected) FA0D98E90E8F71F6=item: unselect all items BD220212E8DDF73E=time selection: set time selection to items 1254D313260B9A60=loop points: set loop points to items BF291DD1BD1143E2=track: view fx chain for current/last touched track 73A10E53BA2B6A7A=track: view input fx chain for current/last touched track DE82A81FB7525C90=track: view fx chain for master track 855A5D11EEA75B04=track: toggle fx bypass for current/last touched track 5EF24D06545386B2=track: view envelopes for current/last touched track E816CED6DBB7AE77=track: view routing and i/o for current/last touched track 66F29A42FB5D52ED=track: toggle record arming for current/last touched track 76D96788E33FB4F5=track: select all tracks 84DE33123DBAF2F0=track: unselect all tracks 60DD3A58B5AEF7BA=track: cycle track folder state CE18E4F4EB544EF2=track: cycle folder collapsed state 565D4F5F0262CFE6=track: select track under mouse 6D37006298D1B5C0=track: allow track media buffering 10C7C47BC8978BFB=track: prevent track media buffering A0E1CE7A8A8175A3=track: allow track anticipative fx DC14306C18A861DC=track: prevent track anticipative fx CB612DEE189F9EC4=track: prevent spectral peaks/spectrogram C662D1D2CF772B7A=view: zoom out project 1927FF092D525B7A=i/o dialog: close window on enter key 5AA18708BA3E5B1E=track: toggle preserve pdc delayed monitoring in recorded items BC81A3754E17C94A=track: set preserve pdc delayed monitoring in recorded items 283C02EBFE409943=track: unset preserve pdc delayed monitoring in recorded items 1AF0E6A7CCD48A4A=track: set track record monitor to off 1D10B2C297B77650=track: set track record monitor to on 1C647368491C2DAB=track: set track record monitor to auto/tape 17F8E0842D2C4B3C=track: cycle track record monitor DFE01F885FE7B24C=track: set track record mode to input 891D1D4921C960EC=track: set track record mode to output (stereo) 216580D52152A07D=track: set track record mode to none (monitoring only) 1C3028C1ECCC5FD9=track: set track record mode to output (stereo latency compensated) FBB91C71DBB2113E=track: set track record mode to midi output E8FA28CF960D7539=track: set track record mode to output (mono) 9D64C4DB4BE36DF0=track: set track record mode to output (mono latency compensated) FEEE143BB50D4733=track: set track record mode to output (full multichannel) 85F5932CB424D744=track: set track record mode to output (full multichannel compensated) 3C7BDA6D5D782AB4=track: set track record mode to midi overdub A08C4F86B80D25FD=track: set track record mode to midi replace EFAC62541238E2A3=track: set track record mode to midi touch-replace 5AEEBF2999B7C7C6=track: set track record mode to midi latch-replace 8D502986B5317F92=track: view track recording settings (midi quantize, file format/path) for last touched track DB8B2F93E46F4F0F=track: set record path to primary 943DDFD9F914058B=track: set record path to secondary A6AA2C5B723F54F6=track: set record path to primary+secondary 6B98C0877019F164=track: toggle midi input quantize for selected tracks C947867F1674CEEC=track: toggle midi input quantize for all tracks 327F560662ACD324=track: toggle midi input quantize for last touched track 17A40A5723056BF3=track: enable midi input quantize for selected tracks 8600DE5C03CCB234=track: disable midi input quantize for selected tracks 73D5E8132A205641=track: enable midi input quantize for all tracks BC206F1F5594E95C=track: disable midi input quantize for all tracks CF6FB82BA13858D9=track: enable midi input quantize for last touched track A690D8FB982F4B74=track: disable midi input quantize for last touched track F60EC6D8AE9BCB99=track: set midi input quantize to 1/64 for selected tracks 45F1188C38F0F42A=track: set midi input quantize to 1/32 for selected tracks A103FA89CE33F6F4=track: set midi input quantize to 1/16 triplet for selected tracks 53243FD68F1D70A0=track: set midi input quantize to 1/16 for selected tracks FA30AC50D7ED2609=track: set midi input quantize to 1/8 triplet for selected tracks 77BA5C308E58AF79=track: set midi input quantize to 1/8 for selected tracks 0D5D68CE726D3F15=track: set midi input quantize to 1/4 triplet for selected tracks 690C6E833135AA15=track: set midi input quantize to 1/4 for selected tracks E3571B626BF2AE23=track: set midi input quantize to 1/64 for all tracks F9B5BCACEB281C8E=track: set midi input quantize to 1/32 for all tracks FA9A91E2A227DB1C=track: set midi input quantize to 1/16 triplet for all tracks 75DB8B9C1936D130=track: set midi input quantize to 1/16 for all tracks C344613ADFF9BCB3=track: set midi input quantize to 1/8 triplet for all tracks 283F78F6342C5A83=track: set midi input quantize to 1/8 for all tracks D62FCACC63822727=track: set midi input quantize to 1/4 triplet for all tracks 330F0F9AA9468027=track: set midi input quantize to 1/4 for all tracks 4763FE47F2C43CB3=track: set midi input quantize to 1/64 for last touched track 9A19A28A33FE6DAE=track: set midi input quantize to 1/32 for last touched track E9E3EC4A9F4E52B4=track: set midi input quantize to 1/16 triplet for last touched track F50A9EED1409B630=track: set midi input quantize to 1/16 for last touched track 343970D943217F63=track: set midi input quantize to 1/8 triplet for last touched track BDB2AA50B7BD6D13=track: set midi input quantize to 1/8 for last touched track 960A691BF71800AF=track: set midi input quantize to 1/4 triplet for last touched track 6318D6A6CE2179AF=track: set midi input quantize to 1/4 for last touched track 0008081E9E87152B=track: set midi input quantize to grid for selected tracks 81C3570887A43F59=track: set midi input quantize to grid for all tracks 6E10492272F09E41=track: set midi input quantize to grid for last touched track DEB120B19658FA3D=fx: show/hide track control for last touched fx parameter 1B3C75984C0CBA8C=fx: show/hide track envelope for last touched fx parameter D968B0858A8BC388=fx: activate/bypass track envelope for last touched fx parameter 75D8D1FC3DD49354=fx: arm track envelope for last touched fx parameter 7109C6A3CC89E006=fx: show parameter modulation/link for last touched fx parameter 33DF05F0646C1BC8=fx: set midi learn for last touched fx parameter DFC0C42EE13ECFBD=fx: set alias for last touched fx parameter 416DCDE726D30CC1=options: ripple edit all affects tempo map BD4CD61A1154CEE3=options: envelope points move with media items 49B495C0FDCD71C7=options: automation items do not connect to the underlying envelope 4F437EAC8834AB1C=options: automation items connect to the underlying envelope on the right side 832B5845F89FAA1B=options: automation items connect to the underlying envelope on both sides 4FC42622215C655B=options: bypass underlying envelope outside of automation items 64EF7B6D847355C7=envelope: obey project default setting to bypass underlying envelope outside of automation items 641B707AC790F0AF=envelope: automation items do not connect to the underlying envelope 5690EAD065AAD964=envelope: automation items connect to the underlying envelope on the right side 0C829ADBD5AE4533=envelope: automation items connect to the underlying envelope on both sides 532437560B08CD63=envelope: bypass underlying envelope outside of automation items 0C4E89E3863B6942=options: envelope point selection follows time selection 4B60FC1ADB1056E5=options: add edge points when ripple editing or inserting time D374D24CF5C1EAFF=options: add edge points when moving envelope points with items F7EFDB5839C1B465=options: add edge points when moving multiple envelope points 89E0D584DDB3A1C4=options: reduce envelope data when recording or drawing automation E876576E796CE0FB=item: move to source preferred position (used by bwf) CAAAA89B958966E1=item: cut selected area of items 962F53DD23107B0D=item: remove selected area of items 6F04D72B27CD4AF9=item: trim items to selected area 9097AAF409692786=item: fade items in to cursor BAA3AFEB0790F9FE=item: fade items out from cursor B49D9E3687FA1886=item: trim items left of cursor CB5C13CA281F809D=item: trim items right of cursor 79BE6AB5A657ADA3=item: remove fade in 2413D1A99C760590=item: remove fade out 3A51EFF168455AF4=item: remove fade in and fade out 3EE7D64F7652567D=item: toggle enable/disable default fadein/fadeout 550F3D4A6779B2FC=item: enable default fadein/fadeout DDC3CF5C36AE1229=item: disable default fadein/fadeout 8BFF16FEBF8FE2DE=item: set snap offset to nearest grid line 46A71810AD291ED8=item: set snap offset to cursor E99FFEA6817458C1=view: attach/unattach docker to/from main window 48EF1F056FD34FBE=dockers: compact when small and single tab E6F55259EE18AB70=docker: show in bottom of main window E833908572C512EA=docker: show in top of main window 7EA8A549D482DA89=docker: show in right of main window 50D235D29E645FD6=docker: show in left of main window A63324C1ECBAE9C8=item: auto trim/split items (remove silence)... 820495786B9861A7=item: dynamic split items... E0AEA2924A52EE5B=item: quantize item positions to grid... C74054B9D4C98557=item: create chromatic midi from items CD9881B23DADDA8F=item: reorder adjacent items randomly 885E612C133B6593=item: set item ends to start of next item F0754E165081CFBD=markers: quantize tempo markers to midi resolution B1C5EAE0ADEC1B91=track: insert/show reacontrolmidi (midi track control) B8FE6D85B9322DA1=track: insert/show reaeq (track eq) B8B795556DA37C29=track: do not link track volume/pan controls to midi volume/pan B9380E31EF06FA86=track: link track volume/pan controls to midi volume/pan on channel 1 B9380D31EF06F8D3=track: link track volume/pan controls to midi volume/pan on channel 2 B9380C31EF06F720=track: link track volume/pan controls to midi volume/pan on channel 3 B9381331EF070305=track: link track volume/pan controls to midi volume/pan on channel 4 B9381231EF070152=track: link track volume/pan controls to midi volume/pan on channel 5 B9381131EF06FF9F=track: link track volume/pan controls to midi volume/pan on channel 6 B9381031EF06FDEC=track: link track volume/pan controls to midi volume/pan on channel 7 B9381731EF0709D1=track: link track volume/pan controls to midi volume/pan on channel 8 B9381631EF07081E=track: link track volume/pan controls to midi volume/pan on channel 9 C13AD4D928DC0342=track: link track volume/pan controls to midi volume/pan on channel 10 C13AD5D928DC04F5=track: link track volume/pan controls to midi volume/pan on channel 11 C13AD2D928DBFFDC=track: link track volume/pan controls to midi volume/pan on channel 12 C13AD3D928DC018F=track: link track volume/pan controls to midi volume/pan on channel 13 C13AD0D928DBFC76=track: link track volume/pan controls to midi volume/pan on channel 14 C13AD1D928DBFE29=track: link track volume/pan controls to midi volume/pan on channel 15 C13ACED928DBF910=track: link track volume/pan controls to midi volume/pan on channel 16 ABE3B640A20C2777=track: link track volume/pan controls to midi volume/pan on all channels EB190F8E77A8CC29=track: toggle link/unlink track volume/pan controls to midi volume/pan on all channels 5ECA98EF9217D71C=track: send track volume as 2-byte midi message EE183A9AF2AA47C1=track: send track pan as 2-byte midi message 305764DF38F2261C=options: when importing, copy imported media to project media directory FF42DA4D3FD57B43=options: move edit cursor to start of time selection, when time selection changes 7646D8B840298CAF=options: move edit cursor to end of recording, when recording ends 503620F64F6434A8=item: import item media cues as project markers 68C28FCDBE325F89=item: split at media cues F08493C9A39C3761=item: shrink to first media cue 1FDA0BD1218A464F=item: shrink to last media cue 50076BCA9EE13D6F=item: shrink to first and last media cues F15E72E023E3C0AC=move edit cursor to next cue in items 5EBC129425E00060=move edit cursor to previous cue in items 9AB05919202B2C2D=item: split items at project markers 03370216BD206616=item: split items at timeline grid 4C822229D64E0B57=move edit cursor to previous zero crossing in items FD2B20C777CFEB0B=move edit cursor to next zero crossing in items E33D2488F30C3C6C=move edit cursor to nearest zero crossing in items 9E59F690F6FB542E=item: split at previous zero crossing 5917A1E01962BA85=envelope: invert selected points 8BAC007AA6F7032F=envelope: reset selected points to zero/center 1E2180554A7BAC28=envelope: unselect all points 167C4AED34EA392D=envelope: select all points E43E89DA39FC5053=envelope: toggle select/unselect all points 25C008C30F193849=envelope: delete all selected points B05A7887EC82E0FA=envelope: select points in time selection 3992BEE719450E5D=envelope: set shape of selected points to linear EC748BC355EFE80B=envelope: set shape of selected points to square 7E28AC12340F33AF=envelope: set shape of selected points to slow start/end 52B9D998B5B23A8E=envelope: set shape of selected points to fast start 19E958C295CC3593=envelope: set shape of selected points to bezier 4E2B743CAFFE7E7B=envelope: set shape of selected points to fast end 26CA0BBF709DEF63=envelope: set default point shape to linear B2A290388F186431=envelope: set default point shape to square D698411D820DF9E1=envelope: set default point shape to slow start/end AC9143102524F584=envelope: set default point shape to fast start 66371A0FFFB8CD7D=envelope: set default point shape to fast end FEBC064165FD1575=envelope: set default point shape to bezier 71CEBA77294F2562=envelope: clear envelope 79056C36E903B8DA=envelope: delete all points in time selection 647A2414E85528BC=envelope: increase bezier tension for selected points by 5% 8DEB2AA4EFF7EE00=envelope: decrease bezier tension for selected points by 5% 197F6586CDB8E472=envelope: increase bezier tension for selected points by 25% E3171043A0F57D9E=envelope: decrease bezier tension for selected points by 25% 20AE81102CA3289B=envelope: insert new point at current position B09CD709AAA9205B=envelope: insert 4 envelope points at time selection 4FCF9D7426C8AEBB=envelope: insert new point at current position to all visible track envelopes 8DC68E4CB580811B=envelope: toggle display in separate lane for selected envelope BA875024203505A0=envelope: toggle record arm for selected envelope 4AEF7636A3F30595=envelope: toggle hide/display selected envelope ED93A30C550B43FF=envelope: toggle bypass for selected envelope 40D32B8B1ECD25E3=envelope: show all active envelopes for tracks 1D64B42D29B0A62B=envelope: show all envelopes for tracks 84B297D6092B7E90=envelope: hide all envelopes for tracks 8CDD48552B3E53D5=envelope: toggle show all active envelopes for tracks C4A7DD358A6F5708=envelope: toggle show all active envelopes for all tracks 85D6BFDCE3E19CEE=envelope: show all envelopes for all tracks 5A00809B138F37CD=envelope: hide all envelopes for all tracks B33CAE2153CFF681=envelope: toggle show all envelopes for tracks 7F96ABA97559C944=envelope: toggle show all envelopes for all tracks F72F768C3C5227FE=envelope: toggle display all visible envelopes in lanes for tracks B58A6839D738D098=automation lane: increase active fader a little bit B971FC5762BD3794=automation lane: decrease active fader a little bit AF1A625EA057291A=envelope: reduce number of points... BC43B8D35E43130A=envelope: insert automation item 6F9E62BC698F3A19=envelope: delete automation items 344E51AE0E96FBD8=envelope: delete automation items, preserve points 1E1293506CEC8C39=envelope: rename automation item... 2407D22265628387=envelope: mute automation items B766FCE37BED58CA=envelope: split automation items 022F1402496EB29F=envelope: glue automation items 2CB7E11FEA85645D=envelope: remove automation items from pool (un-pool) B3A524643042D696=envelope: duplicate and pool automation items 47BA9AF01273EF3D=envelope: duplicate automation items 88EC72B1523CCBD8=envelope: automation item properties... 4E3BD4293DB204CB=envelope: load automation item... B9BEB135C64067E0=envelope: save automation item... 76CACE19A279A441=envelope: set time selection to automation item CD3073B376F83AE9=envelope: set loop points to automation item 37FE16D24ED495F7=envelope: toggle automation item loop 415E1AB8E17D5A67=envelope: add edge points to automation item 0DC954569C0D2C28=options: automation item baseline/amplitude edits affect pooled copies D5E5CF248ABA68C0=options: loop new automation items by default BC39FD4DC822D165=options: trim content behind automation items when editing or writing automation 2DEB9996077C95B6=options: always create new automation items when writing automation 50301FE38C5A3860=options: automatically insert automation item when activating envelope that is bypassed outside of automation items and not displayed in envelope lane 6A7E194F34630035=envelope: convert all project automation to automation items D4B61581B4BE1943=track: unmute all tracks C7BCEF6349658B22=track: mute all tracks B7F82C02DBAC7C99=track: unsolo all tracks A8E7B46CBB798088=track: bypass fx on all tracks 94527CD6CCA44A71=track: unbypass fx on all tracks 69B5D1EB447F6E04=track: toggle fx bypass on all tracks 5F06E30CAD3C4F8C=track: set all fx offline for selected tracks AB2C32131B31564A=track: set all fx online for selected tracks A48C263A5749E598=track: open/close ui for fx #1 on last touched track A4EF3F5AE0FF1F89=track: open/close ui for fx #2 on last touched track 8B47AE412038D56A=track: open/close ui for fx #3 on last touched track D24D3F87F08390DB=track: open/close ui for fx #4 on last touched track BD8FCFD8663749DC=track: open/close ui for fx #5 on last touched track 48CA1E284D688E6D=track: open/close ui for fx #6 on last touched track 1B106FB01D04C1EE=track: open/close ui for fx #7 on last touched track BB93B9871442E4FF=track: open/close ui for fx #8 on last touched track D3F7525A66DDBD2F=track: set to custom color... E2F30C176963CA94=track: set to random colors 8734FF1F84F4FDC7=track: set to one random color 27E2F99862BE7E47=track: set to default color 9EE367320A535175=item: set to custom color... 05FCD2100E82D87A=item: set to random colors 13CDBA268851481D=item: set to one random color F180198B761D7939=item: set to default color F0A8CD41F6C3191E=take: set active take to custom color... A67C5A9F2FA2AC88=take: set active take to one random color 3BAB80394D808F72=take: set active take to default color ACC6B498BC94AD9E=take: set all takes of selected items to default color 2FCD1E45E5E6B210=take: set all takes created in the same recording pass to custom color... DE52F88531F8ADE2=take: set all takes created in the same recording pass to one random color DD9F5EE6DF45D828=take: set all takes created in the same recording pass to default color 4FCDBB4902F609F0=item: explode rex item into beat slices 56BBE075C5B75F80=fx: auto-float new fx windows 665B1CA1ECF3A5D2=track: set track icon... 8BEBD0C7D33DDA34=track: remove track icon 9EE999C1280EFFB8=mixer: toggle show track icons in mixer 2558616332EF90D4=toggle fullscreen 8533008EAB2DF95A=minimize reaper 7E5F3749473BBBFA=dock/undock currently focused window 60AD1F76C6C8AD26=view: time unit for ruler: minutes:seconds CDCBA879B3193E85=view: time unit for ruler: measures.beats / minutes:seconds C1066B3840DB5CAA=view: time unit for ruler: measures.beats BE6063D5FCDEDFCC=view: time unit for ruler: measures.beats (minimal) B9DCA0A194577BF3=view: time unit for ruler: measures.beats (minimal) / minutes:seconds 07FA95EE5831DC0B=view: time unit for ruler: samples B3C8FEDBD388DCE5=view: time unit for ruler: seconds CDB255C57BE637FD=view: time unit for ruler: hours:minutes:seconds:frames 535C28A7373E1B1D=view: time unit for ruler: absolute frames 931CE7D901FD5BAF=transport: show transport in docker A99EF3B1EE506EE1=transport: show transport docked below arrange 149686DCFF697311=transport: show transport docked above ruler 2E3B6ED56DE54982=transport: show transport docked to bottom of main window C5E40958BD857AD8=transport: show transport docked to top of main window 578F72AE827F8E7F=transport: toggle transport docked to main window 73E18EC256C94798=transport: show playrate control A9A1B5358AFDB0F3=transport: show play position tempo and time signature FCC16FF3E192D4B1=transport: show play state as text FF1A1A19DD5ECAEC=transport: center transport controls 64C3D165DE411150=transport: toggle preserve pitch in audio items when changing master playrate 3237F4DD3FFFD0B8=transport: time unit to ruler D9A0B11A692F3F09=transport: time unit: minutes:seconds 354E85536B9EB4F4=transport: time unit: measures.beats / minutes:seconds C12C28BCD2397177=transport: time unit: measures.beats 789C3536BC546704=transport: time unit: samples 927C85DE530A0212=transport: time unit: seconds F455CC547B58F9E0=transport: time unit: hours:minutes:seconds:frames EB7FB596EF728CDE=transport: time unit: absolute frames F3EC09D9630A210B=send: mute track send #1 F3EC0AD9630A22BE=send: mute track send #2 F3EC0BD9630A2471=send: mute track send #3 F3EC0CD9630A2624=send: mute track send #4 F3EC0DD9630A27D7=send: mute track send #5 F3EC0ED9630A298A=send: mute track send #6 F3EC0FD9630A2B3D=send: mute track send #7 F3EC00D9630A11C0=send: mute track send #8 CBD142416A998164=send: mute track receive #1 CBD145416A99867D=send: mute track receive #2 CBD144416A9984CA=send: mute track receive #3 CBD13F416A997C4B=send: mute track receive #4 CBD13E416A997A98=send: mute track receive #5 CBD141416A997FB1=send: mute track receive #6 CBD140416A997DFE=send: mute track receive #7 CBD13B416A99757F=send: mute track receive #8 EBAA4675A574A583=screenset: load track view #01 EBAA4775A574A736=screenset: load track view #02 EBAA4875A574A8E9=screenset: load track view #03 EBAA4975A574AA9C=screenset: load track view #04 EBAA4A75A574AC4F=screenset: load track view #05 EBAA4B75A574AE02=screenset: load track view #06 EBAA4C75A574AFB5=screenset: load track view #07 EBAA4D75A574B168=screenset: load track view #08 EBAA4E75A574B31B=screenset: load track view #09 EBAD4B75A576E3D9=screenset: load track view #10 97FEFAFD784B9860=screenset: save track view #01 97FEFDFD784B9D79=screenset: save track view #02 97FEFCFD784B9BC6=screenset: save track view #03 97FEFFFD784BA0DF=screenset: save track view #04 97FEFEFD784B9F2C=screenset: save track view #05 97FF01FD784BA445=screenset: save track view #06 97FF00FD784BA292=screenset: save track view #07 97FF03FD784BA7AB=screenset: save track view #08 97FF02FD784BA5F8=screenset: save track view #09 97FB95FD7848B6EA=screenset: save track view #10 70709F80CCA71D7B=screenset: load window set #01 7070A080CCA71F2E=screenset: load window set #02 7070A180CCA720E1=screenset: load window set #03 7070A280CCA72294=screenset: load window set #04 7070A380CCA72447=screenset: load window set #05 7070A480CCA725FA=screenset: load window set #06 7070A580CCA727AD=screenset: load window set #07 70709680CCA70E30=screenset: load window set #08 70709780CCA70FE3=screenset: load window set #09 70742480CCAA3551=screenset: load window set #10 4A33A8757E33B7B4=screenset: save window set #01 4A33AB757E33BCCD=screenset: save window set #02 4A33AA757E33BB1A=screenset: save window set #03 4A33A5757E33B29B=screenset: save window set #04 4A33A4757E33B0E8=screenset: save window set #05 4A33A7757E33B601=screenset: save window set #06 4A33A6757E33B44E=screenset: save window set #07 4A33A1757E33ABCF=screenset: save window set #08 4A33A0757E33AA1C=screenset: save window set #09 4A3023757E309FDE=screenset: save window set #10 EFABF4A0C2F0EA96=selection set: save set #01 EFABF3A0C2F0E8E3=selection set: save set #02 EFABF2A0C2F0E730=selection set: save set #03 EFABF9A0C2F0F315=selection set: save set #04 EFABF8A0C2F0F162=selection set: save set #05 EFABF7A0C2F0EFAF=selection set: save set #06 EFABF6A0C2F0EDFC=selection set: save set #07 EFABFDA0C2F0F9E1=selection set: save set #08 EFABFCA0C2F0F82E=selection set: save set #09 EFA86FA0C2EDD2C0=selection set: save set #10 463B563807F6518B=selection set: load set #01 463B573807F6533E=selection set: load set #02 463B583807F654F1=selection set: load set #03 463B593807F656A4=selection set: load set #04 463B5A3807F65857=selection set: load set #05 463B5B3807F65A0A=selection set: load set #06 463B5C3807F65BBD=selection set: load set #07 463B4D3807F64240=selection set: load set #08 463B4E3807F643F3=selection set: load set #09 463EDB3807F96961=selection set: load set #10 F1EC0E446ADA1A25=track: select last touched track 6BBB9A8368968A3D=track: set first selected track as last touched track 794BF3161847DB63=track: vertical scroll selected tracks into view A9568E4763628ED1=options: set metronome volume (midi cc/osc only) 0ACFC58E47B20F1C=view: adjust horizontal zoom (midi cc/osc only) F8BDB17104DB76DA=view: adjust horizontal scroll (midi cc/osc only - relative recommended) E3AF6377B6C2E09B=view: move edit cursor (midi cc/osc only - relative recommended) 9D5EC00CCDD5F452=view: adjust vertical zoom (midi cc/osc only) 88D0449A5DE44A18=view: adjust vertical scroll (midi cc/osc only) E1F089ADB8F51AD4=view: go to track (midi cc/osc only) FB072F01B7878C5A=transport: scrub/jog (midi cc relative/absolute only) C69D737F34C8F9E1=transport: scrub/jog fine control (midi cc relative only) 9F506D4FB59C460E=adjust solo in front dim (midi cc/mousewheel only) EB846B13EA57CF79=view: scroll horizontally (midi cc relative/mousewheel) 69FB71A51192B693=view: scroll vertically (midi cc relative/mousewheel) EA0430F3C0C049FB=view: zoom horizontally (midi cc relative/mousewheel) F3B95FD1160B12AD=view: zoom vertically (midi cc relative/mousewheel) 64BA515DF83457C7=view: scroll horizontally reversed (midi cc relative/mousewheel) 2F93E95601F9C8DD=view: scroll vertically reversed (midi cc relative/mousewheel) D5E75574667D05F5=view: zoom horizontally reversed (midi cc relative/mousewheel) B1C99CA3C01DAE5B=view: zoom vertically reversed (midi cc relative/mousewheel) 3952A5C632B94772=automation lane: set active fader (midi cc/osc only) 7618D2AC34B1B095=adjust track fx parameter 01 (midi cc/osc only) AB817C43680AC67E=adjust track fx parameter 02 (midi cc/osc only) 70DADF0DD3492CC7=adjust track fx parameter 03 (midi cc/osc only) AE8C0F90AFA4C368=adjust track fx parameter 04 (midi cc/osc only) E96547BC7CF31E59=adjust track fx parameter 05 (midi cc/osc only) 88B27D465648EA92=adjust track fx parameter 06 (midi cc/osc only) C441B45005C7282B=adjust track fx parameter 07 (midi cc/osc only) 54862A61D3D4CDFC=adjust track fx parameter 08 (midi cc/osc only) D22DF4C5AEB6B9FD=adjust track fx parameter 09 (midi cc/osc only) 46625CDA3B287357=adjust track fx parameter 10 (midi cc/osc only) F341289A2683A6CE=adjust track fx parameter 11 (midi cc/osc only) 8C9C8D8B409BD5E5=adjust track fx parameter 12 (midi cc/osc only) 71D67D29B7A08F84=adjust track fx parameter 13 (midi cc/osc only) D1104A862B22967B=adjust track fx parameter 14 (midi cc/osc only) C7CDD4840D26B1A2=adjust track fx parameter 15 (midi cc/osc only) 3BFA6114B5DFF7E9=adjust track fx parameter 16 (midi cc/osc only) F71CFAE9BD215F29=adjust last touched fx parameter (midi cc/osc only) 6BE319C845306462=adjust track send 1 volume (midi cc/osc only) 2BE2B5FE32B5474B=adjust track send 2 volume (midi cc/osc only) C2964ADEC0E1EBF0=adjust track send 3 volume (midi cc/osc only) 7ACC929C333EFB89=adjust track send 4 volume (midi cc/osc only) 95D7B2B2099A3EBE=adjust track send 5 volume (midi cc/osc only) E18F57E959B39487=adjust track send 6 volume (midi cc/osc only) 870DAB681C5102FC=adjust track send 7 volume (midi cc/osc only) 5EF0CBA7F9C7C3A5=adjust track send 8 volume (midi cc/osc only) C92486D3ACAAD2C1=adjust track send 1 pan (midi cc/osc only) C57166C37238A36A=adjust track send 2 pan (midi cc/osc only) 8BC7F1BC90F4D157=adjust track send 3 pan (midi cc/osc only) 065B141FEE29B0F8=adjust track send 4 pan (midi cc/osc only) A2BBA8E3484184FD=adjust track send 5 pan (midi cc/osc only) 13D864AADEB9D236=adjust track send 6 pan (midi cc/osc only) 4D1B15C4AC47BBB3=adjust track send 7 pan (midi cc/osc only) 426E76C5CE419A64=adjust track send 8 pan (midi cc/osc only) 954CB76BAEB17874=set tempo, coarse, latch for fine (midi cc/osc only) A65E838BE420A4D5=set tempo, coarse (midi cc/osc only) B264ECCFD0F4E1DA=set tempo, fine (midi cc/osc only) 07EC254F5219C484=transient detection sensitivity/threshold: adjust... BD89CA6E30BFD339=transient detection sensitivity: increase D9AC6A8208ADDBF5=transient detection sensitivity: decrease CFFA9608F6FD9469=transient detection threshold: increase F5B9B45EC3694265=transient detection threshold: decrease A69F98DE61C9EB3B=transient detection sensitivity: adjust (midi cc/mousewheel only) 4C85777B482BAACB=transient detection threshold: adjust (midi cc/mousewheel only) AFDB90D127AA2862=view: scale finder window 2EFFD03C670D14AD=view: clear all peak indicators 951D31C6841F66F3=locking: clear all lock modes D8EB590E3AC80670=locking: set all lock modes 2E872E76632A9CB4=locking: enable locking AB51EFB25E08614F=locking: disable locking 82BEF2D634887413=locking: set time selection locking mode CF407A76BDAFB0EE=locking: clear time selection locking mode 4058329A44A7091B=locking: toggle time selection locking mode C97C1F40971A0FC5=locking: set loop points locking mode F18FF1A5C134AA86=locking: clear loop points locking mode B11F0A1A9A63511D=locking: toggle loop points locking mode E254751FF62A6126=locking: set full item locking mode E7926CDBFCE4B049=locking: clear full item locking mode CB3118BF63272CBE=locking: toggle full item locking mode 1907B504730B9B7F=locking: set left/right item locking mode FD1E74323B20E760=locking: clear left/right item locking mode 7746F74072345FF7=locking: toggle left/right item locking mode C7704E6992CE0CB9=locking: set up/down item locking mode 2271B84D36371BA0=locking: clear up/down item locking mode E7839330D0812271=locking: toggle up/down item locking mode 8F5BA64B20A5FDED=locking: set track envelope locking mode 5FA7171180D797D0=locking: clear track envelope locking mode 84E5023E3DEDB1B5=locking: toggle track envelope locking mode EEFDDF1EB809B9A2=locking: set region locking mode AF95B73281E0A497=locking: clear region locking mode 0953A0239ADB3FFA=locking: toggle region locking mode 5346AFC8A0C57C18=locking: set marker locking mode A19966646C7C840D=locking: clear marker locking mode 47A9E74B537B7F60=locking: toggle marker locking mode F81142D73B50AEF3=locking: set time signature marker locking mode 6571E6A6D06F5218=locking: clear time signature marker locking mode 2FEF9BA2105FD0AB=locking: toggle time signature marker locking mode 7421D4B39020A6E5=locking: set item edges locking mode 540A08127A2F7B38=locking: clear item edges locking mode 658E97EB373D66AD=locking: toggle item edges locking mode FFFB2AD1BEFDD675=locking: set item fade/volume handles locking mode E62A167FEB7A3B9C=locking: clear item fade/volume handles locking mode 2E2347ECAD7B62ED=locking: toggle item fade/volume handles locking mode 8DB54C8939112DBD=locking: set item envelope locking mode DFC37A305D4C8EBE=locking: clear item envelope locking mode 8EE39152AEFA6525=locking: toggle item envelope locking mode A4B3EA87DD6C6C56=locking: set item stretch marker locking mode 03069A84BDCDE8CD=locking: clear item stretch marker locking mode 2EABAF42723657FE=locking: toggle item stretch marker locking mode DA57E317F64E564E=take: toggle take pan envelope D7D226C1E4D02C8B=take: toggle take volume envelope 475F084BAF6A0106=take: toggle take mute envelope D26590021A803F7D=take: toggle take pitch envelope 07B5D591457F7039=take: show take envelopes dialog 916AB1974F7D1A7D=track: show track envelopes dialog 01B5FB4931F40B0B=track: rename last touched track 31A535EE018DF953=toggle show master tempo envelope 514041B4CC8B35DC=track: insert new surround track 20DAD40CFAF00BD0=track: insert new surround track, using selected tracks as source audio 2856B68047AE29DD=grid: toggle swing grid 9F210B550A88B9C1=grid: adjust swing grid (midi cc/mousewheel only) F7B096452E9255A6=grid: toggle framerate grid CB7970295138913D=grid: adjust by 1/1.5 8C52576D2A7F54C9=grid: adjust by 1/2 8C52566D2A7F5316=grid: adjust by 1/3 8C4EEC6D2A7C6921=grid: adjust by 1.5 357DFA94C7BDEA8D=grid: adjust by 2 357DF994C7BDE8DA=grid: adjust by 3 D0095D14943F435C=grid: divide arrange view vertically by measures 622CFEBF70025560=reascript: run reascript (eel, lua, or python)... 5F51DF485FE6CCD3=reascript: edit reascript (eel, lua, or python)... 56760EA9791EB831=reascript: edit new reascript (eel, lua, or python)... C17EF2ADEA22C3CF=reascript: edit last reascript (eel, lua, or python) E428FCF1432C3564=reascript: run last reascript (eel, lua, or python) 606FD145B1863A9F=reascript: open reascript documentation (html)... 05C6BB7DBABC09BC=reascript: close all running reascripts EB3BD235BDDE22A0=project settings: timebase help... 4B59D9E65E7F89BD=menu: customize... 478126B35CB13756=toolbars: customize... 88B889E7410DB393=toolbar: show/hide toolbar docker 12F422F4195CC605=toolbar: show/hide toolbar at top of main window 227B8E4677CC055C=toolbars: switch to main toolbar 5876C14F72F3EE5E=toolbars: switch to toolbar 1 5876C04F72F3ECAB=toolbars: switch to toolbar 2 5876BF4F72F3EAF8=toolbars: switch to toolbar 3 5876C64F72F3F6DD=toolbars: switch to toolbar 4 5876C54F72F3F52A=toolbars: switch to toolbar 5 5876C44F72F3F377=toolbars: switch to toolbar 6 5876C34F72F3F1C4=toolbars: switch to toolbar 7 5876BA4F72F3E279=toolbars: switch to toolbar 8 5876B94F72F3E0C6=toolbars: switch to toolbar 9 45B8E800547E24EA=toolbars: switch to toolbar 10 45B8E900547E269D=toolbars: switch to toolbar 11 45B8E600547E2184=toolbars: switch to toolbar 12 45B8E700547E2337=toolbars: switch to toolbar 13 45B8E400547E1E1E=toolbars: switch to toolbar 14 45B8E500547E1FD1=toolbars: switch to toolbar 15 45B8E200547E1AB8=toolbars: switch to toolbar 16 15BE9A4D068EE857=toolbars: switch to midi toolbar 1 15BE9B4D068EEA0A=toolbars: switch to midi toolbar 2 15BE9C4D068EEBBD=toolbars: switch to midi toolbar 3 15BE954D068EDFD8=toolbars: switch to midi toolbar 4 15BE964D068EE18B=toolbars: switch to midi toolbar 5 15BE974D068EE33E=toolbars: switch to midi toolbar 6 15BE984D068EE4F1=toolbars: switch to midi toolbar 7 15BE914D068ED90C=toolbars: switch to midi toolbar 8 406B68852E517672=toolbars: switch to midi piano roll toolbar E0CCDBF08C21B72B=toolbar: open/close toolbar 1 E0CCDCF08C21B8DE=toolbar: open/close toolbar 2 E0CCDDF08C21BA91=toolbar: open/close toolbar 3 E0CCDEF08C21BC44=toolbar: open/close toolbar 4 E0CCDFF08C21BDF7=toolbar: open/close toolbar 5 E0CCE0F08C21BFAA=toolbar: open/close toolbar 6 E0CCE1F08C21C15D=toolbar: open/close toolbar 7 E0CCD2F08C21A7E0=toolbar: open/close toolbar 8 E0CCD3F08C21A993=toolbar: open/close toolbar 9 1DD0D4BE1D4A22E1=toolbar: open/close toolbar 10 1DD0D3BE1D4A212E=toolbar: open/close toolbar 11 1DD0D2BE1D4A1F7B=toolbar: open/close toolbar 12 1DD0D1BE1D4A1DC8=toolbar: open/close toolbar 13 1DD0D8BE1D4A29AD=toolbar: open/close toolbar 14 1DD0D7BE1D4A27FA=toolbar: open/close toolbar 15 1DD0D6BE1D4A2647=toolbar: open/close toolbar 16 99E5CC3B4FA54DB4=toolbar: open/close midi toolbar 1 99E5CF3B4FA552CD=toolbar: open/close midi toolbar 2 99E5CE3B4FA5511A=toolbar: open/close midi toolbar 3 99E5C93B4FA5489B=toolbar: open/close midi toolbar 4 99E5C83B4FA546E8=toolbar: open/close midi toolbar 5 99E5CB3B4FA54C01=toolbar: open/close midi toolbar 6 99E5CA3B4FA54A4E=toolbar: open/close midi toolbar 7 99E5C53B4FA541CF=toolbar: open/close midi toolbar 8 130129BF730709A3=toolbar: open/close main toolbar 9892B804E0DCD699=toolbar: open midi/close piano roll toolbar 5656C4B15BF71970=toolbar: open toolbar 1 at mouse cursor 2B267371FA0C6FAD=toolbar: open toolbar 2 at mouse cursor A45D67860F962C02=toolbar: open toolbar 3 at mouse cursor 072E3E1CC37135B7=toolbar: open toolbar 4 at mouse cursor D2E42993C90E05BC=toolbar: open toolbar 5 at mouse cursor A70CF1891A6B0AB9=toolbar: open toolbar 6 at mouse cursor 284FD7DDD62577DE=toolbar: open toolbar 7 at mouse cursor 5A9F5D5230748C93=toolbar: open toolbar 8 at mouse cursor B77EFAE71B5BF898=toolbar: open toolbar 9 at mouse cursor EC2A5E3725A05EC8=toolbar: open toolbar 10 at mouse cursor A94AEA6A0CE1A4C3=toolbar: open toolbar 11 at mouse cursor 55D91866AD9FA53A=toolbar: open toolbar 12 at mouse cursor 44655690F50449E5=toolbar: open toolbar 13 at mouse cursor C7514E8948029094=toolbar: open toolbar 14 at mouse cursor CA75BBF54AD61A8F=toolbar: open toolbar 15 at mouse cursor 74CF4C1B998B7796=toolbar: open toolbar 16 at mouse cursor 6DB6C7A0A185C4E3=toolbar: press active toolbar button 01 6DB6C8A0A185C696=toolbar: press active toolbar button 02 6DB6C9A0A185C849=toolbar: press active toolbar button 03 6DB6CAA0A185C9FC=toolbar: press active toolbar button 04 6DB6CBA0A185CBAF=toolbar: press active toolbar button 05 6DB6CCA0A185CD62=toolbar: press active toolbar button 06 6DB6CDA0A185CF15=toolbar: press active toolbar button 07 6DB6CEA0A185D0C8=toolbar: press active toolbar button 08 6DB6CFA0A185D27B=toolbar: press active toolbar button 09 6DBA4CA0A188DCB9=toolbar: press active toolbar button 10 6DBA4BA0A188DB06=toolbar: press active toolbar button 11 6DBA4AA0A188D953=toolbar: press active toolbar button 12 6DBA49A0A188D7A0=toolbar: press active toolbar button 13 6DBA50A0A188E385=toolbar: press active toolbar button 14 6DBA4FA0A188E1D2=toolbar: press active toolbar button 15 6DBA4EA0A188E01F=toolbar: press active toolbar button 16 0917EF76798983D2=toggle show all floating windows D044D8BE6D789A99=toggle show all floating windows (except mixer) 038A1B9FA589C1A1=toggle show all floating windows (except unattached docker) 7201E076EFB8EAF1=toggle show all floating windows (except mixer and unattached docker) 633D242A6FD1975A=docker: activate next tab A0FFDFB16517C916=docker: activate previous tab 9B872DA723483C96=reset position (cascade) all floating windows CE625A0B39E86867=item: snap items left C1BB239435C79118=item: snap items right 6E9EECBC6533A175=item: snap items to nearest snap point 8BEB7CC4F4B1A83E=envelopes: move selected points left a little bit F54F23B96E13EAA5=envelopes: move selected points right a little bit 92815858A10806DF=envelopes: move selected points left by grid D19DB5E0910F5B32=envelopes: move selected points right by grid E345F802BCA2DD96=envelopes: move selected points up a little bit ED99EE2332B9F7FD=envelopes: move selected points down a little bit DD4DEC1D4C54684F=automation: write current values for all writing envelopes to time selection E1F26AAD1A6752D6=automation: write current values for all writing envelopes from cursor to start of project B9F731FD3CC26A65=automation: write current values for all writing envelopes from cursor to end of project 4D5279B398E91072=automation: write current values for actively-writing envelopes to time selection 9F462AEBA247F7DB=automation: write current values for actively-writing envelopes from cursor to start of project E6F1CB8FB7847C18=automation: write current values for actively-writing envelopes from cursor to end of project 131D83E61D440E43=automation: write current values for actively-writing envelopes from cursor to first touch position B03CECEAF7124F68=automation: write current values for actively-writing envelopes to entire envelope 40FE833340A41073=automation: unarm all envelopes 4AAD45EA140D8B6C=fully unload unloaded vsts F65C8D9D1D01E8E6=item: move and stretch items to fit time selection 2D8030A02196C050=item: move, stretch, and loop items to fit time selection 441D498324021BC4=item: copy items to time selection, trim/loop to fit 0D08E0EAD939D7D4=item: move items to time selection, trim/loop to fit DE99FF9864896A65=item: fit items to time selection, padding with silence if needed 6CEA5BB1F394FFD5=item: fit items to time selection, looping if needed 3A823056D6DC5872=reset soft takeover for all midi controller assignments D21D38FC7AE9B03F=comp takes: save/rename active comp... F6E7EF28221F1637=comp takes: remove active comp from list D0010DBA3B07400F=comp takes: activate previous comp ACB116C3515459EF=comp takes: activate next comp A824E219084AC230=comp takes: toggle select last comp (a/b) 0EEDBAB51AD23CFC=comp takes: crop list to active comp B5D916EE9F64247E=comp takes: move active comp to top lane CE8FE53EFC0A3F17=comp takes: choose active comp for item under mouse (and all other items in the comp) 4DA6D8511D33D252=show startup splash screen 42015E59BD575441=control surface: refresh all surfaces CE0148822A9AB16D=run licecap (animated screen capture utility) C21AEA5F98E6A3E5=[developer] write c++ api functions header FB93B9F21C7AD24F=[developer] debug console 625A73EF879BBCB4=item properties: set take channel mode to mono channel %02d 032C2DE718718CF4=item properties: set take channel mode to stereo channels %02d/%02d E9172955A53627F4=reascript: run reascript (eel or lua)... 0EF687145E8D5B6C=reascript: run last reascript (eel or lua) 1667ADB14B51612F=reascript: edit new reascript (eel or lua)... 1622D52AA19D93D9=reascript: run/edit reascript (eel, lua, or python)... F13D90DFA16AE5E7=reascript: run/edit reascript (eel or lua)... 1096DB15F7D5884D=reascript: run/edit last reascript (eel, lua, or python) 92F7AD4975DF3DB3=reascript: run/edit last reascript (eel or lua) 108C6B5D2F6D3897=video: show/hide video window ;^1A236FDD7E5FF32C=custom ;^FDFF2C38C037D04E=no-op (no action) ;^385A68019D9A9A61=new project tab ;^3460E53D021E70FE=close all projects but current ;^887AC55D66DDCCA9=options: midi editor mouse modifier preferences... ;^210B23F21E3171CA=convert active take midi to .mid file reference ;^DBE0EEA73EA7A24B=edit: undo ;^02194DA19CF34ECD=edit: redo ;^DCFEAB8BD451EB5C=show action list ;^7807E6A469856A94=view: move edit cursor to play cursor ;^16A0B50E20E429AB=view: move edit cursor to mouse cursor ;^EE7C68EF6C212F98=transport: play ;^B12DCB764FB6F550=transport: pause ;^A4419DE98AC6632E=transport: stop ;^46E68D57893F0D5D=transport: play/pause ;^82CD794FA2EDD475=transport: play/stop ;^61DB5FFF400740A5=transport: toggle repeat ;^01262900CB9ABE4B=loop points: remove loop points ;^5440034E9A5FAF6B=clear transient guides ;^FA775AC5C0D28AA4=calculate transient guides ;^349F55EF86232987=create measure from time selection (detect tempo) ;^4B37D6054E63E942=create measure from time selection (new time signature)... ;^EA21659EDE25DB0A=set project tempo from time selection (new time signature)... ;^F2F9B74A2243D03F=set project tempo from time selection (detect tempo) ;^60FDC47CC49E565A=view: scroll view down ;^EF2E4D6B32E12F9F=view: scroll view up ;^00A326BE1D4B4B0F=view: scroll view left ;^3CAB5198F069B180=view: scroll view right ;^B0BD565E6246F228=loop points: set start point ;^F8D05E3085FD2B41=loop points: set end point ;^E9D9A68C20EC04ED=time selection: remove time selection ;^E3E61F01CACF8EAD=time selection: remove time selection and loop points ;^A6F3EA432AA410A4=insert virtual instrument on new track... ;^02ED4538D2503B73=insert or extend midi items to fill time selection ;^2730763EB716675B=import track lyrics... ;^6B9A1E235CAF7E24=export track lyrics... ;^4C2711165B524E16=unselect all tracks/items/envelope points ;^4F54BFB1FE7FA7B1=send all notes off to all midi outputs/plug-ins ;^23CA90FBC72F010D=toggle show master track and tempo envelope ;^3029AAC716696009=grid: set to 1/128 ;^A735F6AA893ADB6A=grid: set to 1/64 ;^2CE4869C340ECB40=grid: set to 1/48 (1/32 triplet) ;^A72BE2AA893264E9=grid: set to 1/32 ;^F7D2806AF1C8F6A8=grid: set to 1/24 (1/16 triplet) ;^A724ECAA892C5739=grid: set to 1/18 ;^A724F6AA892C6837=grid: set to 1/16 ;^30991748475EAF88=grid: set to 1/12 (1/8 triplet) ;^D0F421758DD23E9D=grid: set to 1/10 (1/8 quintuplet) ;^3EDB84617ED807C3=grid: set to 1/9 ;^3EDB83617ED80610=grid: set to 1/8 ;^D3850DEF9281CAD8=grid: set to 1/7 (1/4 septuplet) ;^5230DF98E1E9B921=grid: set to 1/6 (1/4 triplet) ;^CDE6D9431CA98F1B=grid: set to 1/5 (1/4 quintuplet) ;^3EDB8F617ED81A74=grid: set to 1/4 ;^37F77ED848275C2C=grid: set to 1/3 (1/2 triplet) ;^3EDB8D617ED8170E=grid: set to 1/2 ;^6F0C98395DCB31E4=grid: set to 2/3 (whole note triplet) ;^43BC736F21CDCC77=grid: set to 1 ;^43BC746F21CDCE2A=grid: set to 2 ;^43BC756F21CDCFDD=grid: set to 3 ;^43BC6E6F21CDC3F8=grid: set to 4 ;^322A7281794EFF1B=grid: use the same grid division in arrange view and midi editor ;^12C3FAD652693FD1=toolbar: open midi toolbar 1 at mouse cursor ;^BBE9B04C60CAD394=toolbar: open midi toolbar 2 at mouse cursor ;^BF0E1DB8639E5D8F=toolbar: open midi toolbar 3 at mouse cursor ;^4A717A29C667E83A=toolbar: open midi toolbar 4 at mouse cursor ;^38FDB8540DCC8CE5=toolbar: open midi toolbar 5 at mouse cursor ;^E0C2BFFA3E68A1C8=toolbar: open midi toolbar 6 at mouse cursor ;^9DE34C2D25A9E7C3=toolbar: open midi toolbar 7 at mouse cursor ;^C1284F3D2876ADCE=toolbar: open midi toolbar 8 at mouse cursor ;^F8E6A0B81A77C5E9=reset all midi devices [actions_fmt] 6A859719FE602A01=track: set volume for %s (midi cc/osc only) 6E9CF20A4F330948=track: set pan for %s (midi cc/osc only) 05E9EE5CE51F06EA=track: toggle mute for %s 541C7F192DC0BB9C=track: toggle solo for %s 7F19FA4BCA027163=track: toggle fx bypass for %s 7FC4D9C30FC7775C=track: toggle record arm for %s C90533848AB09F02=track: set mute for %s (midi cc/osc only) C5C651E3D854A228=track: set solo for %s (midi cc/osc only) FB915DA2AD4D6331=track: set stereo width (or right channel pan) for %s (midi cc/osc only) A37CAA2E2F4B46E2=track: select track %02d 834B6983041D4E06=group: select all tracks in group %02d BF0CAFC24857E546=set default mouse modifier action for \"%s %s\" to \"%s\" 8C9BD4F57CFD1931= (factory default) [actions_sub] 53A0708F2F0C4F01=track %02d BD12C3E49CCB7E02=last touched track A9D4F8A41900FD2E=master track 8A1F0F35A4C8FD3E=selected tracks [aliasdlg] C2C9675C6F6C0768=output channel alias/mapping 12622FC57125BBC7=input channel alias/mapping 04BC1D63A93DB113=aliased name DE13AB7E3D1029FF=hw# B5043558DA4E6D19=hw name E5EE58A37A698AA8=load channel map from: 654702982910C3C9=save channel map as: 3B4D783DE04FE3DC=reset all names/mappings to default? 725278CFF3575289=confirm ;^73532F71FB46906C=(not connected) ;^0832A507B4EBA134=# [au] 4311DCC4B14F6C05=au input CD932145DA3C560A=au output A04C0CA272A78C95=---- au factory presets (.aupreset) ---- F2E22710BBB6C3B6=---- au user presets (.aupreset) ---- 0BE297C8D70E44F6=midi input CD28B16B1EC54420=export preset E646C8D381A49972=the file already exists: F7044D8C4B3150D4=can't create the path: 7867D1BDD657C87B=could not create file: F4285503718048FD=exported to: E3A2CED4A1F8407E=preset export CC617F46EED7875C=preset export error 39E43E277073A460=a preset named 4763AE16FF8B6DA3=already exists. you must delete it first. 830814774F5BEE0E=rename preset error ;^B762E77EB85D7B6C=off ;^D8ADC6186B88361A=on ;^D8C1A6186B98A8C4=in ;^B7290B7EB82C4051=out ;^274E7C84B3E58DB8=reset to factory default ;^0EC28D42C155A657=---- user presets (.rpl) ---- ;^93244D3BB94E6F33=no preset ;^0A98866C997B323D=midi bus %d ;^17B3AE10A9CC3695=plug-in state data size: ;^B814E3BFB72A607B=delete preset ;^11B3B66593F236CF=confirm preset delete [audiodev] 33B269E297E20712=there was an error opening the audio hardware ACB796CB312B30A0=error initializing asio 31C2ECA2825D4707=no asio drivers 4B9CD2A99562AE66=asio driver not found 72B530CFB1259D21=error loading asio driver D38FBFB1DBD28EBE=error initializing asio driver 5EA53B1CFF7B4EDB=error getting asio channels 2A7EC12851401A3A=error getting asio buffer size 76726B8CFD17C26B=error getting asio samplerate 03302C2A49590A2B=warning: could not set requested asio sample rate 6872352C07D51959=different asio sample types per stream, not compatible 5380C09EE63084AB=error initializing asio buffers F3BBBA22791028DB=unknown asio sample type (%d), currently 16/24/32bps lsb and 32/64bps float lsb are supported (report this type number and we will try to support it) D356C978B6D1EBA7=error starting asio B8FAC0A1523ABF3F=no coreaudio devices found! 7CD620C712782D85=coreaudio device lacks input buffers 5325077F4397A5DC=coreaudio device lacks output buffers 841E661992C688FA=error opening coreaudio device 7175FEF940041394=wasapi error: could not open device enumerator 5683CCAD1C8D68AD=wasapi error: could not enumerate input devices DAB8C6743040FE94=wasapi error: could not enumerate output devices D36E8246E4C01A2F=wasapi error: could not find input device F5049B9E4419D7C6=wasapi error: could not find output device 12FBBB88BE73B1DD=wasapi error: could not activate input device FFB549F57F0708C8=wasapi error: could not activate output device 02CE701A46A0740A=wasapi error: could not find input device format D2287BB5E39110F1=wasapi error: could not find output device format 62EFC0C7FEEB15CB=wasapi error: could not initialize shared input device 9E75CD6A3319263A=wasapi error: could not initialize shared output device 407CE148DFDD29EC=wasapi error: could not initialize exclusive input device D6212BD819DEC5EF=wasapi error: could not initialize exclusive output device 750D92D32F762E23=wasapi error: could not set event for input device 25BCD076D22E6272=wasapi error: could not set event for output device A094F8E33FE8F3D3=wasapi error: could not get render service 092E68FE8DA8C54D=wasapi error: could not get capture service 640EECA9F113778E=wasapi error: no input or output channels defined CD2C890CFFD16B0A=wasapi exclusive mode device error: input device samplerate does not match output device samplerate! CE46775951D346E3=wasapi shared mode device error: input device samplerate does not match output device samplerate!\r\n\r\nyou should change the device samplerates in the control panel to match, or use exclusive mode A0F6586BD617A0C9=wasapi error allocating buffers ;^73532F71FB46906C=(not connected) [automute] B2AE811100D0DBB6=automute: track output exceeds A565C29A3016483F=(no tracks automuted) ;^F420AC1723391ECE=master track ;^D0C04B9E79D271AE=track [bigclock] 77887337E30EA143=choose image ;^38F9B35CED04D04D=big clock [bounce] 22DC9809A08117E3=must have a filename to bounce to! BCF24F6C993EDD8E=audio device not open, can't save live output! 5218F96155F6D327=write to file: [caption] 8F03A4DEE959DBBC= [modified] F7DE204A45AD8C16=[unsaved project] F8303AAF9CF749A6=[subproject] B6B08A59EE4FD987=[proj %d/%d] EAFB81B53B649538=registered to 0E1FBBE2C5CA3DA5=[unsaved] ;^629548803B048F00= - [cd] 92898DA95631C3C6=cd audio - track #%d 20CAA0535662188D=cd audio track B613A8B6F6972A5C=audio cd image %dhz %dch FA1D8BAB473747AA=audio cd image (cue/bin format) [cd_DLG_102] ; IDD_BURN 1685E5222BEE83D0=cdrecord/cdrtools 5E092E2F6D9C21F7=cdrecord/cdrtools w/ cd-text B6FF490C00814E6B=track # D2F280CCCDB83E9E=cdrecord.exe not found FB48C3384323758B=burn completed. 07050665F2F80C64=reaper cd burning EB7081E9B30AC8F2=select a recorder 927A9EDF9CB84167=cd burn error FC648471F500743D=invalid recorder selected A979C84E3D1B2960=error opening .bin file DC23501C01F95D1E=burn audio cd image E07EC21234BE0CC5=burn cd 386439B1DF833044=method: E0F6E244196ABEED=drive: 552036EF27C67C94=track list: D985EE4B154CF773=eject cd when done C3EECB88DE7D823B=delete cd image files on close of this window ;^922845265318591C=native cd burning ;^DCEF2B4D03DE723C=name ;^7110EEEF2B77963B=duration ;^BAC64C1B2E060EE5=close ;^D9B12705AD844C62=list1 [cd_DLG_103] ; IDD_DOBURN EB2FFC0A3A4618FF=cdrecord error 4AD7F12509F27DF7=audio cd image 55407DEED5F4F942=burning in progress... ;^463D73C293F60F91=unknown error ;^F09E4B5C35AA14B9=cancel [cd_DLG_155] ; IDD_ISOSINK_CFG 3869B6A6418DFFA9=markers define new tracks C7CEFD62CDBD7AE8=regions define tracks (other areas ignored) 293F67F5695B7046=one track BCC79AEE1796D10D=lead-in silence for tracks: 3781368BE164BEC8=extra lead-in silence for disc: DAFD38CA57438FD1=track mode: 2503C8FCE385ED16=burn cd image after render 23623C7A68D6335C=only use markers starting with # ;^D8B3B3186B8C817F=ms [cdburn] ABACAA5CAC4D0AE1=error creating pipe for cdrecord B40A4350ABCC1151=error creating cdrecord process AADFD7D64910655A=can't initialize imapi interface. try cdrecord method? E632D3ADB17E4AE5=can't open imapi interface. B2BBF85B9EB4E0D2=no cd recorders found. 21F12B8D9D7048F2=can't set active cd recorder format. 34C36FBB7B6C1291=can't set active cd recorder. 97640A3667441EA0=can't open image file for reading. 5DC87DF4006D7122=error adding new audio track to cd, disc full or no cd present? 4E0173EA3DA2D2F9=error adding audio data to cd track 84BE0C5DA266D09A=track %d is not long enough! redbook audio cds require track lengths >= 4 seconds. 01D9A0213815494D=error closing audio data track 9B86B76D29C3F7E6=error during cd recording. A2999F33F58B204F=error during cd recording: buffer underrun 47D21084909A8184=error during cd recording: insufficient temporary space 71C9F10A01258ACC=error during cd recording: error closing disc 6424BC50639E8D90=error during cd recording: bad image 43AAF71E08B4506C=can't find the selected recorder device! ;^9EC3E20500624AAF=error ;^922845265318591C=native cd burning [comp] E63708A9651FBB9A=take comp name 1B58887EEE306022=a comp named \"%s\" already exists in the project. delete it? 1E9A4E9E37C4797B=confirm comp name ;^2430BBE52E3FC625=comp %d [configexport] BD8C7C224FCA555F=configuration D1E63BFD73436688=color themes 060F35F31C67729D=plug-in presets 35ADAD3341147CA2=js fx 9B27930C3D90899D=project and track templates 14442C439CE0C9B1=misc data F0E43EC2313B4D1B=cursors and key maps FF6F5719B797F6DC=menus and toolbars B37E05D4D8491322=actions and key bindings D970C4613F64FEE9=menu sets 1D1B4141C1E62FFD=channel mappings 4D427A8DB6093EEB=reascripts 07193DE037235567=language packs 978572D4E373AE26=media explorer databases 801D0047969AE1F0=web interface pages 91E2929E89C73B1C=automation items 785145A81F141AF6=midi note names 3FEC959E1863B272=calculating file list... A85AB8F8377C9DBB=%d files failed to write! 9356F5EE700B510F=wrote %d files to reaperconfigzip 9BBB2F0CFF74EA58=errors writing reaperconfigzip D3B913526EEA2CB9=success! 30C7CFDF48505E4A=failed 35254CF60259EE43=error reading 39089AA4C420975A=error writing to file C3A56347779F5142=error adding file 0203F26F433C990A=will include %d files (%.1f%cb) A6A76B5D47F2A52F=must select items to save! 8B7B3E92B80C2DAE=can't export 69553034C8B537F5=no files to export! AB062E6F28E88252=choose reaperconfigzip file to save 8305AB83EF070382=error opening output file 65E7CCA129135553=error writing reaperconfigzip 9B5BE3D1C7E4005B=error opening reaperconfigzip 9A6E97866E0A5FC5=action A8F6AA0563DE93A1=can't import: no items selected E2F1A99B4FD3F755=bad zip A989F32F5D776039=failed write DA30AC6EBAFDCD77=can't write 865D5A89502A8ED8=1 item failed to install (look in the item list to see what failed) A8F157E62CA6299E=%d items failed to install (you can look in the list to see which items failed) F3628AE4F3013392=configuration import error 28EC884AE01B2922=error opening reaperconfigzip (missing information) 39A56CD89DE018F5=*** remove D71428A988ED3FE8=import will install 1 file 7174B8DE6652C08D=import will install %d files 5A21EFEDAB4F44FF= and modify 1 file BD7CFFF2A0861E1A= and modify %d files 3BC962712055D904= and remove 1 file! BC15D33B8E7A1967= and remove %d files! 18347C10C98CD94D=importing configuration will require reaper to restart. you will be prompted to save any open projects, and will get to review the configuration before installing. proceed? 5ED4338681DE1E25=import configuration? ;^C004CD40F2057E29=fx chains ;^8CF4F0AFD0B7C40A=filename ;^2A6ED1B48E88BCC9=status ;^D840E3186B2B9581=ok ;^ADE62F1CFD2974B6=scanning... [convert] DF3828969B41772D=converter B3F5BF1B16548D16=queued A038D55811405CA7=converting: %d%% 96B2B5A0A740BA8B=done CEAEE7A333DCADF2=aborted ACD3FB6DDC3170C6=add files to file converter list: 5A9484C5B05BD001=can't open source file E646D5239C857F26=can't open destination file D07889E3AEED7783=init: reaper %s: batch converter loading job file %s\n 6DFE63E45D8A02BD=error loading batch converter list A59B14E5D337B43E=reaper -batchconvert error A82BE434A42C0E9B=error loading fx chain state 6A8F37299DE4C5C0=error loading fx chain file DAE5814446B8B4CC=error initializing one or more items in fx chain 666808265EA4A933=(source) 05ED68EDE7875DDC=file converter fx chain 83AF965762B83885=add files... 784BBA608AB475FA=add selected media item(s) 580B8CA7D89F7839=file conversion list is empty! 6F13FF51863927AD=file conversion error 8505C3F245AA0D03=you need to specify the output folder! 7D90B15ECF32752A=start convert 00C29E7A0D653CCE=conversion queue done (%d items processed). 23366F155A653024=one or more errors occurred, check the list for errors. BD3C73534E9B6153=file conversion ;^C5531D0DEE1F0D0D=input ;^2A6ED1B48E88BCC9=status ;^2555373B75AA89B2=output ;^2112CF591DBD3A60=mono ;^21D9AFD3561EE5AB=stereo ;^BABD655B2A5AED87=select a directory: ;^9EC3E20500624AAF=error ;^2F799723962762C7=stop [cpumeter] AC9CE5BD66CC273B=monitor fx 1B23661F1BBB9A19=%scpu: %.1lf%%\n 93279AF94ECAFA8D=rt cpu: %.1lf%%\n 18791B7F420857E5=total 868A798CE5F667E2=rt longest-block: %.2fms/%.2fms%s\n D3B5EF10274FAA3D= (hold) 52FF096F9E845E90=rt xruns: %u - media xruns: %u\n B9A9937766A29768=disk read: A87379FE917563C7=disk write: 770B69EEFA83809E=ram use: %umb\r\n FC19414CC54B044B=system %s: %umb/%umb\r\n\r\n 74E4179B6447E89D=free 8168147E99383416=use 23DFDEDC9CF04735=%d fx: %.2f%% cpu 36A965ABAC0E2CF3=performance 953C6D46CA27A548=cpu use 0F2A70052EBB526C=latency: %.0fms 4CF6043E6041E61E=cur/avg: 01FDED75265EB99E=range: ;^E53622684802B745=master ;^D0C04B9E79D271AE=track ;^EE1268CA4B845A22=# fx ;^9747AB7E1489B5C8=pdc ;^43855E7B817F2992=reamote [csurf] 19F3DA19EB7796C9=yamaha 01x (dev %d,%d) E2D68C95698E9C75=frontier alphatrack (dev %d,%d) 76A38BCB9CC73BB1=hui(partial) (dev %d,%d) 83379772EF578BD8=bcf 2000 (dev %d,%d) DA6DC7FC8493B59F=presonus faderport (dev %d,%d) 81E863DA635540B1=mackie control extended (dev %d,%d) D9276AAE1F2BAAFC=mackie control (dev %d,%d) 1C872E3891E474E8=frontier tranzport (dev %d,%d) ;^3390D94D34F06461=none [csurf_DLG_102] ; IDD_OSC_LISTEN CD157481BA03EF15=osc listen [csurf_DLG_264] ; IDD_SURFACEEDIT_MCU ;^28B58959477A4C84=midi input: ;^8E37CA9F4D4DE00B=midi output: ;^5800FB6F53EAD40E=surface offset (tracks): ;^18CD0ED91946CEB8=size tweak: ;^FE54809EE740B495=(leave at 9 unless you know what you're doing) [csurf_DLG_265] ; IDD_SURFACEEDIT_MCU1 CD63BA887FD856AF=ignore fader moves when fader is not being touched 129DE252B83355A6=map f1-f8 to go to markers D59C93FE2FB9057B=ignore global bank offsets (always map to tracks specified) ;^28B58959477A4C84=midi input: ;^8E37CA9F4D4DE00B=midi output: ;^5800FB6F53EAD40E=surface offset (tracks): ;^18CD0ED91946CEB8=size tweak: ;^FE54809EE740B495=(leave at 9 unless you know what you're doing) [csurf_DLG_266] ; IDD_SURFACEEDIT_OSC 7F974C0CA8DBF93F=pattern config: 39B5CD0E367BC486=device port: E2967D2698BCDD14=device ip: EF328D628E583896=local listen port: 0B6547A48B6D12F3=local ip: 99640F2ABCC3ED1E=listen... 71957DB82912F75F=allow binding messages to reaper actions and fx learn BDB8AE1BF642600A=if outgoing packets are dropped by the network, try increasing these values: 4C18F82C0F40CA0C=outgoing max packet size: BA82955B864FAE7F=wait between packets: ;^84225D657EA873E2=device name: ;^46F1486DB9B6A7A6=mode: ;^D8B3B3186B8C817F=ms [csurf_DLG_267] ; IDD_SURFACEEDIT_HUI 07055D4A0E6802C0=fader count: CB0F305E6CBFC5F3=(usually 8, but can be more for multichannel hui) 34E7711FDF0D7704=(0: first fader=master. 1: first fader=first track) ;^28B58959477A4C84=midi input: ;^8E37CA9F4D4DE00B=midi output: ;^5800FB6F53EAD40E=surface offset (tracks): [csurf_DLG_268] ; IDD_SURFACEEDIT_WWW DEDDEFB0D4AC4971=run web server on port: DDBFA7339AE9FDBC=username:password: 45829D2DE675DF73=(blank for none) 78F3062A0BFFA603=default interface: 62453F0E0CFBA85A=user pages... B25F244509A7442B=built-in pages... B35E79081B2BCC11=use rc.reaper.fm 4606CA318D4A8CDE=access url: ;^D405917E36F95CF8=id: [csurf_osc] ED18E10A5F8ADCD1=unknown action \"%s\" on line %d D9D6B42A61F1F4C5=pattern \"%s\" starts with unknown flag '%c' on line %d (allowed: [nfbtrsi]) BFED4B3ABB427F4C=pattern \"%s\" does not start with '/' on line %d 6A1E3BA4E67042FB=pattern is too long on line %d 956B2EDD33997D2B=recv-from-destination 2258412401973058=recv %d 5CD5767121BD815A=send-to-last-source 432C78D3148F0F22=send %s:%d 36FD34C499AA2E46=osc: listening to port %d B6EAC3AFD3B9AD9F=error: can't create osc listener 22CDAF58A584E9B4=device ip/port 75A4714E8993BB36=device ip/port [send only] 44357958B85689F5=local port 700E6B264FEFA8A0=local port [receive only] 9C43007B6260B849=configure device ip+local port 5EAE5AF234DB82BE=warning: possible error parsing config file \"%s\" 7D5CC7BEDCA8C062=osc config file warning D0F681DA8CBE07E7=(refresh list) 1C8C0CA509E44299=(open config directory) ;^686CBDF778971C6F=disabled ;^AB2A3D4EF1C9D1A8=default [csurf_type] D72D35942B75A505=yamaha 01x 10881BCDD88796D1=frontier alphatrack 803BFEAF23F20DC3=hui (partial) E399564E58F138A9=behringer bcf2000 (using preset 1) DF249D69F709EDAF=presonus faderport 570E4608A519946D=mackie control universal EAD02982B9759BDB=mackie control extender 56DC84781C5106BF=osc (open sound control) 3B480EA7AA22E148=frontier tranzport 0A2E68C3B74ED940=web browser interface [csurf_www] 0941B224A9884835=web browser interface: %s%shttp://%s:%d 656CF7ADC46F60EE=requesting... 7558B91CD0E1C9A1=error getting local ip 5548ECDC84C64F5B=error getting local port CF25D5DFEE4E37CC=click 'apply settings' for url CAA5C11BF6E0A13D=error listening on port, maybe the port is in use? E46C1A3E15D3BE4F=reaper web interface error FC6DA4BFF67CBF5D=updating... 86899FDABC667A4F=disabled [customaction] BFC3306F54935DAB=continue custom action 60604BB42DF6B781=action paused 86330CD225C99482=loop custom action 78759B7EBE0076EF= from step [customizemenu] 60761F79AE7C6D51=customized toolbar: 743D5DE682B2520B=default toolbar: 3381436A5275FC2C=icon... BB8DEF4452154BCD=switching menus 3AD566171AC38A07=retitle menu 75E33EAFA782FD04=add label DB43122089698013=add submenu 8AE6DD57CA93AB8F=rename menu item 5BF2418D54B41EC9=text icon 56CCAC0E8900FBFD=reset all customized toolbars to default? note: this cannot be undone! 601D766EE84F0CA9=reset all customized menus to default? note: this cannot be undone! E3EA8486EB10C973=confirm menu reset 462C331AD48CE1D6=load menu [set]: D33FECDC0798C273=reapermenu file does not have menu for '%s' 32F9F5B3AA189E84=error importing reapermenu 4B387F5A8FE58150=replace current custom menu set?\r\n(you must export the current set for it to be saved.) F147FBB440094BD8=confirm menu set load EEB3E113002BEEAD=save single menu: AA3B0E0744248C81=save menu set: A0755903D143E4DE=closing ;^38EAAB594661F05F=default menu: ;^AF427D96E302B145=customized menu: ;^66D8B92631859FE9=rename... ;^83CEDDAC8FB7324E=copy [ddp] E630ED8F5861AA5A=ddp %d bit %dhz %dch FF54927E4F80A8FD=ddp E69E0CFE1A644911=cannot read ddpid file 3AA2F91707F491CC=invalid ddpid file size 4174C12DE9AA0C43=invalid version of ddp ACC88F7C65DEAA7D=not cd type ACBCE054B83FBA4A=cannot read ddpms file 637514809AB8DAC5=invalid ddpms file size 1511817203208179=corrupted ddpms file 028031FB65510B8C=not cd-da image 131F3DDC24134F8D=stream size does not match 34DB1CB1428B5E04=stream file names do not match 35A14C332994E388=stream descriptor missing F7433E2A59AE0A4A=corrupted cd-text file 34000B37E13946B9=cannot read cd-text file 1D1A33CF23087726=corrupted c-text file BED60D96A51AFD91=multilanguage cd-text is not supported! 621A4CFEEF708363=double-character cd-text is not supported! 829FF353E414B7EA=cannot read pqdescr file A98DD060AFC9A87D=corrupted pqdescr file 996BB8B1F68C9472=ddp file properties 0E98F33959C6AD9F=invalid ddp file! 90299796413F7EBA=ddp is a registered trademark of dca, inc. 1989-2008. FB0841D8D8C574F0=see ddp help in render dialog for more information. 4706E10B92F27F4A=media offline 2A24C23FA2E5F62C=error initializing decoder ;^09A3E92731A691E1=length: %s ;^D9220AE04A08F86B=error opening file [ddp_help] 15AA65451FBB7AB4=ddp is a registered trademark of dca inc., 1989-2008 8289D94FDB76144D=ddp format is used to make exchangable files for cd audio manufacturing. 0CAF30396057EDBC=the cd audio format is 44100hz, 16-bit, stereo. please set this format, otherwise the export will be cancelled. E17F7F8449C401F5=ddp format consists of many files, which must all be sent to the cd manufacturing plant. 3D33D9F4D70D2359=in order to create standard cd\'s, red book specification limitations are included: F46651C2F20A5AEC=- at least one track is automaticaly created 3001E81F417325E9=- index0 is required only for the first track, and set to 0 seconds 49C78F8A1AC92D15=- first track\'s index1 position is limited to at least 2 seconds, C68576AA76FCCF93= please consider this, to make at least 2 seconds of silence in the beginning, CD8970415D9DC7B8= otherwise the audio content will be ignored 0279EDA5D0196020=- minimum track length (distance of the next track\'s index0/index1 AA502A266D789E09= to the previous index1) is set to 4 seconds, please consider this, F651F6FD2BBDCB3E= otherwise the index0 and 1 are automatically moved in the next track\'s audio. FB1ED348C6500FD3=- index1 is set to be at least 1 frame after index0, if index0 is defined ADF8FA44F480A815=- the audio length is padded with silence to be frame aligned (1 frame = 1/75 second) E7B4C01D859D878F=------------------------------------------------ 112895DFC7E712BF=album and track metadata is set by the format of marker names: 98D777A7F6A4FA3A=- markers starting with \"@\" character represent album metadata F40265BB80830887=- markers starting with \"!\" character represent index0 position for the following \"#\" track 1CE3D62176A296B8=- markers starting with \"#\" character represent track metadata and index1 position 829C22BD4EB2F4BC=if there is more than one @ marker, each one overwrites the previous one\'s defined values. 4BC414C233A03FC1=if there are more ! markers in one track, only the last one before # is used 291D125977438E08=the number of # markers represent the number of cd tracks. BF1A3D9283ECB9BF=the position of @ marker(s) can be anywhere, the most readable position is at the end of the album. 0BE2F8B8A5B4A683=if the audio data is too short, only the (! and #) markers before the end of audio + 10 seconds are used. 2C4DF5BC30F9A8EE=the audio is padded with silence until the last used marker (and aligned to 1/75 second). 8954DDEF73351605=the metadata is in \"key1=value1|key2=value2|key3=value3\" format. there can be any number of 49DA32D88A786D82=key=value pairs. keys are case insensitive. 10534E5F3F0575CC=@ markers recognize this keys: D4EAFC825258A91E=- \"catalog\", \"ean\" or \"upc\" for the same ean/upc number, which is included in the cd 8C4360DA672DBBB0=- \"album\", \"title\" or without a key for album\'s title B8CBCB0D19586BF4=- \"performer\" 73D07F210A97238C=- \"songwriter\" FD85991FCE07E0A8=- \"composer\" 01F5B8F511351264=- \"arranger\" EA62DF879DB6E8AF=- \"message\" 1D6FE7BF92062624=- \"identification\" 947F1A1DBCCEC32F=- \"genre\" - write any text or use one of the predefined genres in the list at the bottom of this text. E16D2128D3FF3B52=- \"language\" - use one of the names from the list at the bottom of this text. CE1142641FC3E067=# markers recognize this keys: 7E2053B530210A4A=- \"isrc\" number for audio track 17EACD9FA3785CE9=- \"title\" or without a key for track\'s title 5AFC6264E68ADD81=! markers ignore any metadata, only the position is used. 082C3C3645B48392=cd-text will be exported only, if any of the cd-text keys is specified. 40F17336F8611D09=every key except the \"catalog\", \"ean\", \"upc\" and \"isrc\" is a cd-text key. 826DA9B42A127D2E=markers example: 96956B1C50589459=1. \"#intro|isrc=012345678901\" 92D53927B190EBCC=2. \"#second track|isrc=012345678902\" 8FEC9804BF26616B=3. \"!\" 4C1D08AE9FE8CA6D=4. \"#title=third track|isrc=012345678903\" FBBC004D2CAE86B5=5. \"!\" C34067D1D4BE3691=6. \"#last track\" 6C7D0110549E4802=7. \"@my first album|performer=a good band|ean=0123456789012|genre=pop|language=english\" 0D0A488B415FD493=genres: 50E7839A4C514644=languages: ;^AF63BD4C8601B7DF= [dirclean] 8526440B07707361=send files to trash (safer) 02137CBE81838764=scanning project directory... 0D74709687427C94=%d of %d files are not used in E1B7D88D39E1EB01=no unused files found 2B0D285A38123897=remove %d selected files? 7DD3D3B3AF7CDCD0=delete files confirmation 8D1A56E0463971F7=%d files could not be deleted. F2F4267894F0AB1D=delete files error F3B9104AAEBB1249=project media path not found! ;^C7A89083E6E728EB=project directory cleanup [docker] D15BC93ABD1F68D8= (docked) 0BFC771F1F9FBEDB=attach toolbar docker to main window ;^9A96C7D5CB612D76=toolbar docker ;^D91FCBB42B5B9077=docker ;^A66F5FD1FF70F568=attach docker to main window [dsplit] 20F90FF8D46C94CE=split selected items 1A900F68165FDC25=split selected and grouped items BCDD01C8B53448D2=write stretch markers to selected items CA75087D62903387=write stretch markers to selected items and add to grouped items 9FBCED0BAAF0FE14=add transient guide markers to items BE0AAD79340CB0B6=gate closes at 5AA85530749D1CB0=reopens at [dx] B2752BD2D1A63C8E=scanning dx plug-in: A6373A10EB021B50=scanning ;^274E7C84B3E58DB8=reset to factory default ;^0EC28D42C155A657=---- user presets (.rpl) ---- ;^93244D3BB94E6F33=no preset ;^B814E3BFB72A607B=delete preset ;^11B3B66593F236CF=confirm preset delete [env] DF91E9E358286DAE= bpm 0341AABCE43C87F9=unmute 6221B0803AA24F2A= st B0252D72546573F7=(bypassed) D01169758313DDFB=move to media lane 2A392CE051D488A2=reduce points: EB289C99B437F75A=need at least 3 envelope points to reduce 14221D53FF2650B1=can't reduce envelope points ;^4B1F235812EEE9D6=mute ;^83C05BCE6E0BA462=semitones ;^CA47517BDEFA4232=linear ;^AF908AD98D533548=square ;^6A05662E2A1E77AC=slow start/end ;^BC24D1B6349B5A89=fast start ;^DB6FC995D09C7078=fast end ;^919D1A7A385C125C=bezier ;^D0C04B9E79D271AE=track ;^CD674FEA536FDABD=hide envelope ;^40B42F5B4E7F894C=clear envelope ;^AEF53FB432FD3810=tempo map ;^D4FDE496446E78EF=playrate [envdlg] B37C4D7E2524FD4D=mod 41F92F73B3109041=mod... 6C7C9B94E39DDDA3=visible 189A2C7E5D9DE04F=arm 210B1557F40D7B87=learn... 76909180E734EF7F=global override mode 009DEEBBB8E32B8E=envelopes for take 4ED592C8593F12E8=envelopes for master track 6A03DF6C5D045BC4=envelopes for track 3E1E2DC180BD3EB0=show last touched fx parameters only ;^D43B88702E996ED9=filter: ;^D82BED186B194A75=ui ;^E80224910029CDEC=trim/read ;^BB1FF02F46CC14C3=read ;^83EA05809A680356=touch ;^C9D51236E5A04162=write ;^CBED1547C6300197=latch ;^C7F67A5666962B47=latch preview ;^C644A2EBFF26E843=automation mode: ;^480A73B43C308366= (folder) [envdlg_heading] DFCA919D6A234509=receive envelopes ;^E9991E9C69A2E870=envelopes ;^4E5F93B30C786CEB=track envelopes ;^65971737BB8DFA2C=send envelopes [envmenu] 4F0FF8C68174EB99=display track automation envelope 38EB36F18A7A3BB5=master automation envelopes 0DE47D3FF7101E90=track automation envelopes 969E4985EEB5BF6E=active but hidden 965043EEE03A7C8E=hide all track envelopes 7986CE4511509744=arm all visible track envelopes 07C600992DB11454=disarm all track envelopes B863D5552AF8F04B=show all visible track envelopes in envelope lanes 9ECE9A18328F556A=show all visible track envelopes in media lane 567F0D273842FAC4=global override automation mode: 4036F87897378B46=track automation mode: E81A578EDE83B19C=trim/read (envelopes are active but faders are all for trim) ;^65971737BB8DFA2C=send envelopes ;^94FDEB80682CF963=fx parameters ;^5A6DE0CA99B71E37=show all active track envelopes ;^DEF52717C4E7101F=read (play faders with armed envelopes) ;^E73F4D99E9F274CB=touch (record fader movements to armed envelopes) ;^A23B66B5439758A9=write (record fader positions to armed envelopes) ;^7C92092A41B00EDC=latch (record fader movements after first movement) ;^EC02F0F810FC7CDF=latch preview (allow adjusting parameters but do not apply to envelopes) [envname] C3E0C0E766B4F425=send volume 984D1E61B8205D5A=send pan 33B387658A238D22=send mute 81F998BCFD9C03E2=audio hardware output: volume 134434E547A5B227=audio hardware output: pan 829EFC883EA4A099=audio hardware output: mute F956A6770719C64E=volume (pre-fx) 67878F6B498F7713=pan (pre-fx) C4BD3F12A35FA956=width (pre-fx) 11AA619ABC3FD5D1=pan (right, pre-fx) 45948CCBB91E3CDF=pan (right) 6572A9BA5BFF9C58=pan (left, pre-fx) B5D7418FA42756DE=pan (left) 810D0CC659DABD2F=trim volume 1492DE21DC65EF91=folder E471A461788E4141=track %d 4A4784FB012F3B7B=send ;^8FC86C263760ACB9=volume ;^96E5C67E1437194E=pan ;^61946358B1034B76=mute ;^8A3F14717826D8D1=width [epin] E015C3A2845BEBCA=routing help ECEE0BB2D21E3E42=sidechain receive from: ;^D489C67E376967C8=i/o ;^A74298433E1F4B3D=track channel [explorer] 89440B8014C901E6=my computer 11456A4D80ECCB83=my documents 99CB34B0BFFC0115=desktop D02BC1733A43B26F= 6A79BA6885631B99= 745A74D36E72E2E7=edit custom database tag A6870E80CF1779C2=custom tag: D84DF2186B36395A=kb D85B8A186B41C5FE=gb 50E0883209C08CF2= B82238E409966185= F929ED9B10754F1E= 26B12A72BC0A5A18= 1D9874EB3955C87F= 514C25332E7B97CA= 04FAB9D236D4A102= E53A7C519014147D=template C377BCFEC3EDA84B=no media file loaded FE94E276B467DA8E=icon B0D022B6F9B30237=details 3DA0340399C98272=tempo match off B2E09ACA744A1438=tempo match on 8CB225376D2E67EC=tempo match half 4CAA1B5C557308B0=tempo match double 0C8E93FF052051A5=add path 8E44092098A00B7A=rename database 992250297ADA04BD=rename shortcut 1F0F609618A0931A=unnamed database BB4AB6B66771B736=create new database 0591394C9673FBDB=note: command+opt+drag selection to render a new file 91CE1F3E0F9E1B35=note: control+alt+drag selection to render a new file 290F19666031F9BC=checking file %d/%d ;^361AF2206DE0E16A=bytes ;^D847A2186B3145BC=mb ;^D9A8B3186C5CECF7=%c ;^09D15F38080A7701=media ;^A2BF58A6DFD853DC=project ;^6037A596D672320D=shortcut ;^0226D05EC331BD27=list ;^AFCA4361EC2D09C2=show/hide columns: ;^48D899DD92FBC032=name: ;^5D4FC446DED74611=output channel ;^1B262DDE53BE63B5=start ;^0DBD7F7EE933458C=end ;^2D64A463B95C3074=media explorer [explorer_DLG_101] ; IDD_MAIN 79BACE7E952719A0=vol C9773CE5D391B6EE=auto play 38E212B2E5D542C7=start on bar D7F1122F4DDE0EEB=seek ;^2D64A463B95C3074=media explorer ;^6D0FDC8D1C9C5504=+0.0 db ;^322690F7CBF0FD23=pitch: [explorer_DLG_102] ; IDD_SEXPLORER ;^D9B12705AD844C62=list1 [explorer_DLG_103] ; IDD_SEXPLORER_LIST ;^D9B12705AD844C62=list1 [explorer_DLG_134] ; IDD_DBBUILD F337D108662369F8=searching in 9FFD446C2869A48C=subfolders E80616CECB6D3125=metadata (consider making a database) B21641943ECEAEFD=creating database ;^ADE62F1CFD2974B6=scanning... ;^F09E4B5C35AA14B9=cancel [explorer_MENU_103] ; IDR_CONTEXTMENU 4E3EAB65D8D91ECF=ctxmenu FAC51C984FC55BD7=remove shortcut AE71B165CD26C791=rename shortcut... 37C2C9958F388F67=sort shortcuts (toggle order) CD9C3B0F78EFA7E7=ctxmenu2 CD9C3A0F78EFA634=ctxmenu3 13A3DB7CD55E4869=delete database 46A36ACC4677DE28=rename database... 40558C2FBA898FFF=add path to database... 51C0DE9FCEEFAE6B=remove path from database 093D2A4F4811B565=scan database for new files A63638018887C3C4=scan database for new files and re-read all metadata 231C15D6AF7233E9=remove missing files from database CD9C390F78EFA481=ctxmenu4 ;^369CCAF2839E0334=create new database... ;^193B82B9E649A7C5=make database from current folder ;^AF4AD46D7AA10118=add current folder to shortcut list ;^6C1E03322EDDC845=default action (double-click or enter key) ;^C5546E0DD81AFC44=insert media or open project ;^6EC0EDC21D60E9B9=start preview ;^AADC236C38D60A97=do nothing ;^F38FF5A9EE6E2C5B=insert media on selected track ;^A990E39726BBA83A=insert media on new track ;^0B35824C72FB30DC=open projects in current tab ;^44F0FFC2E0D387C7=open projects in new tab ;^5B745260C3493F34=insert projects as media ;^EB15808B1540C1AC=preserve pitch when tempo-matching ;^18B2EB557BCF81C7=reset pitch when changing media ;^F59487584435052D=pitch shift knob behavior (shift toggles) ;^A50F76D2156ADF7C=continuous ;^2F74CCDD701B9BA8=quarter tones ;^E3B4DC554BBF6002=semitones ;^B2579E00120F065C=pitch shift knob range ;^CEEC86A957312AA9=+/- 2 semitones ;^CD9C9586B6C680BD=+/- 6 semitones ;^E321075F38B5E684=+/- 12 semitones ;^E953387880EB6BCA=always show waveform peaks for selected media ;^33B126F31D7ADF8D=display preview position in tenths of seconds ;^56908A585EF50FEA=auto-advance to next file after preview (requires repeat off) ;^B9666ACA0AC7725D=auto-render proxy to preview reaper .rpp projects ;^E1B082D02E99FD1E=use windows explorer for browsing ;^7A61C83EDD568392=auto-stop preview after adding media ;^2A626E380F22C76E=enable looping when inserting selected portion of media ;^1E0BA4E5C4151116=show all files ;^F2765E84D66E47D0=show leading paths ;^B9DE9D249705516F=search ;^53CB1AF0FBEA1A6A=search fields: ;^8CF4F0AFD0B7C40A=filename ;^0CF72611CE62330E=leading path ;^FAF92150674645B7=title ;^DB6AFFF8CBB64A68=artist ;^D23E76ECCBF7CD46=album ;^86A4F3F3E1A5932A=year ;^4435244E8273302A=genre ;^09A01E8714A0B688=comment ;^49F3858E533190F8=bwf description ;^10D0E37E59744608=bpm ;^C22D827E2CB7D166=key ;^D388E3E89010C0A9=custom database tag ;^890755C7D7874711=folder searches: ;^383F7308FD0C095D=search metadata (slower) ;^A3DB1DD77DEC0A75=search in subfolders ;^6ECB1D1A87048B0D=include matching folders ;^8CB90A437B9511AB=update search only when enter key pressed ;^9BCD78DA719A530E=show source properties for current media ;^C6599EACB5E203A5=unload current media ;^DCFEAB8BD451EB5C=show action list ;^A646042E5765A52A=dock media explorer in docker ;^82EE5475CB6FCE9F=close window ;^ACF539B15A75BF74=(no path) [explorer_MENU_104] ; IDR_MENU1 8B5A889ADCE5D728=&media explorer BA9960D09EFE41CD=&close\tesc ;^2D64A463B95C3074=media explorer ;^369CCAF2839E0334=create new database... ;^193B82B9E649A7C5=make database from current folder ;^AF4AD46D7AA10118=add current folder to shortcut list ;^9BCD78DA719A530E=show source properties for current media ;^C6599EACB5E203A5=unload current media ;^DCFEAB8BD451EB5C=show action list ;^A646042E5765A52A=dock media explorer in docker ;^BAC64C1B2E060EE5=close ;^1686A8969AFE3B9F=&options ;^5493EE7052DCF71B=options ;^6C1E03322EDDC845=default action (double-click or enter key) ;^C5546E0DD81AFC44=insert media or open project ;^6EC0EDC21D60E9B9=start preview ;^AADC236C38D60A97=do nothing ;^F38FF5A9EE6E2C5B=insert media on selected track ;^A990E39726BBA83A=insert media on new track ;^0B35824C72FB30DC=open projects in current tab ;^44F0FFC2E0D387C7=open projects in new tab ;^5B745260C3493F34=insert projects as media ;^EB15808B1540C1AC=preserve pitch when tempo-matching ;^18B2EB557BCF81C7=reset pitch when changing media ;^F59487584435052D=pitch shift knob behavior (shift toggles) ;^A50F76D2156ADF7C=continuous ;^2F74CCDD701B9BA8=quarter tones ;^E3B4DC554BBF6002=semitones ;^B2579E00120F065C=pitch shift knob range ;^CEEC86A957312AA9=+/- 2 semitones ;^CD9C9586B6C680BD=+/- 6 semitones ;^E321075F38B5E684=+/- 12 semitones ;^E953387880EB6BCA=always show waveform peaks for selected media ;^33B126F31D7ADF8D=display preview position in tenths of seconds ;^56908A585EF50FEA=auto-advance to next file after preview (requires repeat off) ;^B9666ACA0AC7725D=auto-render proxy to preview reaper .rpp projects ;^E1B082D02E99FD1E=use windows explorer for browsing ;^7A61C83EDD568392=auto-stop preview after adding media ;^2A626E380F22C76E=enable looping when inserting selected portion of media ;^1E0BA4E5C4151116=show all files ;^F2765E84D66E47D0=show leading paths ;^B9DE9D249705516F=search ;^53CB1AF0FBEA1A6A=search fields: ;^8CF4F0AFD0B7C40A=filename ;^0CF72611CE62330E=leading path ;^FAF92150674645B7=title ;^DB6AFFF8CBB64A68=artist ;^D23E76ECCBF7CD46=album ;^86A4F3F3E1A5932A=year ;^4435244E8273302A=genre ;^09A01E8714A0B688=comment ;^49F3858E533190F8=bwf description ;^10D0E37E59744608=bpm ;^C22D827E2CB7D166=key ;^D388E3E89010C0A9=custom database tag ;^890755C7D7874711=folder searches: ;^383F7308FD0C095D=search metadata (slower) ;^A3DB1DD77DEC0A75=search in subfolders ;^6ECB1D1A87048B0D=include matching folders ;^8CB90A437B9511AB=update search only when enter key pressed [explorer_actions] C69F308758F2C001=preview: play 53E7AB6FB57C8F63=preview: stop 103921902E1CAE63=preview: pause 93824FF068492355=browser: browse selected folder, or insert selected media file C01D53BAE4521EBA=browser: go to parent folder 61D91DFE02972AD8=browser: go to previous folder in history 811C9BFF24D5AA98=browser: go to next folder in history 99FFF0A1973205BA=browser: refresh E3BFB2365BCB9521=unload current preview media 51C47435D113C016=show source properties for current preview media 043EB13CFFE296FA=browser: toggle display all files/supported media only 1F479CF2657E461A=browser: toggle show leading paths 99D6D5351E1CF919=search: restore default settings 78CFD7AEE28F1717=search: search subfolders in folder searches DE5384F573839000=search: scan metadata in folder searches 58B24FB74DAB12B6=search: include matching folders in folder searches 15E19C9C5DA1B4AC=search: toggle search in leading paths 9FF12DC712BB54C3=search: toggle update search only when enter key pressed 5DC8B382BF215A77=search: toggle search in filename ED64D13E5A4548AD=search: toggle search in metadata: 'title' 3B1AC46924641602=search: toggle search in metadata: 'artist' 7155802A621E536E=search: toggle search in metadata: 'album' 5DE3491E6702B8DC=search: toggle search in metadata: 'year' 0F97E61584490FCE=search: toggle search in metadata: 'genre' 6398BCC8A991CA7C=search: toggle search in metadata: 'comment' 22590C791B2B3134=search: toggle search in metadata: 'bwf description' CF9D7E02083FA43C=search: toggle search in metadata: 'bpm' B94626C745408666=search: toggle search in metadata: 'key' C5028B4208D3138B=search: toggle search in metadata: 'custom database tag' 83307F99641CA2AA=dock media explorer in docker EC4C9D8A875DB6FB=stop preview when inserting media: toggle on/off 80FA7B10931D1E52=tempo match: off 30E30229D26F5898=tempo match: on 3229CE29D38575DC=tempo match: /2 3190E029D30387A7=tempo match: x2 1D9A114EDC107DD4=tempo match: toggle on/off D1CCD83A49F79F9C=start on bar: toggle on/off 823E5F49867EA597=autoplay: toggle on/off 75E57AFFE3DF3292=preview: play/stop B996F53953D967DC=preview: play/pause D1E15F9A1C45CD81=play previously previewed media (a/b) 47976D9F4B5D2222=preview: play from last seek position EF02242AB4A9B29F=preview: play/pause from last seek position BDA17A8F275428F6=browser: select previous file in directory 03CC5BE15A6EE136=browser: select next file in directory B0161D94158A29D1=preview: rewind to start 0E69A23B441B4B9A=preview: rewind a little bit BA43A202253C3A56=preview: fast forward a little bit FEF5C7A726C6C1F1=toggle preview position display between full seconds and tenths of seconds A91B1034C388E3F5=autoplay: on E1FC0CA841B31251=autoplay: off 2780B5AC0B25AD50=start on bar: on 457CD956F11BFF4A=start on bar: off A63779ECA4E49D55=preview: toggle repeat on/off 9559FB04A642BDFD=preview: repeat on 0A87F3E683511519=preview: repeat off 895ACA6592E7D563=preview: advance to next file at end of preview (repeat must be off) C458CC1A5AACF5EF=browser: select all media files D617BC6E9735BE3A=options: default action inserts media 300A7364B521F3BD=options: default action starts preview 1BD28442B00C25DC=options: default action does nothing 70338F07C42907ED=options: insert media on selected track 8CD9C88E699748D8=options: insert media on new track 888DD25AC4AD8A3A=options: open projects in current tab FEC0D1D0F4CCD805=options: open projects in new tab F68BBE3B80B8FBCA=options: preserve pitch when tempo-matching preview 1A0DB1325DA4E7A5=options: reset pitch when changing media 443D2A822C7923C8=options: enable looping when inserting selected portion of media C85877D94D3C9FA0=close media explorer window 602606A1EA20A08A=toggle embedding windows explorer ;^DCFEAB8BD451EB5C=show action list [explorer_col] 16021B2387E0B7D6=size 1F7997A0644DE09B=date C65FFE24C8916A0C=custom tag ;^9A01878F90736611=file ;^2D126F1D4BD6B8C7=type ;^FAF92150674645B7=title ;^DB6AFFF8CBB64A68=artist ;^D23E76ECCBF7CD46=album ;^86A4F3F3E1A5932A=year ;^4435244E8273302A=genre ;^09A01E8714A0B688=comment ;^49F3858E533190F8=bwf description ;^10D0E37E59744608=bpm ;^C22D827E2CB7D166=key ;^6037A596D672320D=shortcut [explorer_mbox] B4CB6FB664C37C8C=error launching action BB88822962CDD54A=media explorer error [explorer_menu] C467388DF98DD7C1=add to shortcut list 16AA7C1BBAE0CC56=make database from folder 5FD58758BD852343=insert selected portion into project (loop enabled) D1BB7731700F7FAE=insert selected portion into project (loop disabled) 7258A5870C2BAC8F=insert at time selection (stretch/loop to fit) F5BA2FF181967308=insert into project on a new track F944D7A88AD60F1D=insert as take in selected items 32534D3E0EC189B4=replace selected automation item 79D4771364B784D9=use as media source for selected items CB41E5945EB5F8B9=replace selected automation item (stretch/loop to fit) DD8024E8914DF810=use as media source for selected items (stretch/loop to fit) 37D06E4CB6DE03D1=show in explorer/finder 5BDB2EE1CA1306A6=remove items from database AE690FDC25FBB3B4=edit custom tag... 3950F032E7716A66=play through selected track 72077083EF1BFBD4=show media source properties 3713B4F167FD747C=unload media preview ;^2D64A463B95C3074=media explorer ;^20AFB48FFE418F4F=select ;^D204E3D46BB8DD12=open project ;^6174C6969402A488=open project in new tab ;^ACE17ED77A0CFB39=insert into project ;^A43D5AFECAA46489=preview ;^ACF539B15A75BF74=(no path) ;^2112CF591DBD3A60=mono ;^21D9AFD3561EE5AB=stereo ;^2C078B30A2995EDB=rearoute output [exttc] B7DE0525AC36F51F=24/30 fps mtc is 23.976nd/29.97nd if project is nd 45B7D3E2535A7D4D=24/30 fps mtc is 23.976nd/29.97nd 7FE7B633DF4EB0E3=24/30 fps mtc is 24/30 fps 38959CDFB5D09D66=asio positioning protocol D45F993CE12C1B43=all inputs BA3F277E286EFC4C=ltc ;^7D8F257E060B62E4=spp ;^B2C13E7E2485F09F=mtc [fadeedit] 3D6569BCF7C9E4A0=editor... 4DA0F1F99B9F1258=equal gain 5893442C6DF72810=equal power A037BD54A635ACF8=editing 1 crossfade C1BDF555F6EEBD1D=editing %d crossfades 0A985472ECA941F6=default crossfade 79FCD625803A6AD8=rename preset B46A8CE3DC715692=crossfade preset ;^DDFC41E99D604844=crossfade editor ;^1616D990C579771C=seconds ;^268986373F235EF0=beats ;^3BEB0AE437FA2F12=center ;^1B262DDE53BE63B5=start ;^0DBD7F7EE933458C=end ;^37E1C985732EDDC1=save preset... ;^B814E3BFB72A607B=delete preset [faultyproject] F63F949547590DE6=this project failed the last time a load was attempted:\r\n\r\n\t%s CA7D51565D092570=would you like to load it anyway? F65CE241E2EF8530=reaper - previously failed while loading project [filecopy] 4B452B2D15B5585A=reversing file to new take... F2B87F169A58A695=rendering file... AD4BE6D55F178607=applying fx... E965D262E7D4296E=midi event 29E9879A0FEEFCE4=explode midi note rows 43ABD02FA6444E41=one item per pitch A4FC598B314586F4=one item per channel F7D8461DCF28DB58=single-pitch items 303CD8585B80219D=single-channel items 3532BA8754A2063C=meta-events 0C7DFAB3AD2B5B13=chan 0C198C594F14CE8A=error creating new single-channel media items 5A07B7E6ABE54AFA=multichannel explode 1ACD08E5EF42F8CA=error exploding multichannel media item ;^6A8323D4A2DF56E0=explode multichannel media ;^4789C5332441688D=error finding an unused filename for output. source file:\r\n\t ;^A1BB777BE5203666=open copy error [flac] 2592AA17A3AD044D=flac %d/24 bit %dhz %dch D396B383CAF3056A=flac %d bit %dhz %dch D84F7690441E9F2D=flac 382F018EE0FF1939=%dbit flac 9CB777E10B83940A=error creating decoder 71E61151248199A1=error synchronizing decoder to stream 29411238FD99390E=invalid stream parameters 195608B7F810C8CE=flac files ;^FEAA833C7533B5D0=file not found [flac_DLG_120] ; IDD_FLACITEMINFO 51DA1D9AD7B7E21D=bits/sample: %d A50DD9D73031FD98=bitrate: %.1fkbps, %.1f%% B2506BC9733E0CE2=flac file properties ;^71831478CADD789A=file offline ;^CD2E4AA3231DEC4D=file not opened ;^D730907ADC00D444=unknown error/status ;^439CE51FC4707DDD=length: ;^9570937682166424=samplerate: %d ;^1091E0FE22106AFC=channels: %d ;^3BF92ABFA8425D90=filename: ;^C01085DD37178417=file info: ;^BAC64C1B2E060EE5=close [flac_DLG_155] ; IDD_FLACSINK_CFG D346B4FED7EAB370=0 - fastest 0FC8AC981AE4F1D8=5 - default F0B3D37632E8B655=8 - slowest 0BB5176FA4F1F383=flac encoding depth: FC1925B7046B723D=data compression: ;^CC85D146650F3E66=24 bit ;^080C24098D9DA498=23/24 bit ;^697FD952AC16BE0D=22/24 bit ;^5BE38557536BCB1E=21/24 bit ;^9BB61F50BD162F5B=20/24 bit ;^69D538E55E513B5F=19/24 bit ;^C633BF1A291433D2=18/24 bit ;^B91CE6D46C187F45=17/24 bit ;^042F4DCA75E1BE47=16 bit [freeze] 66F5EBD54D296600=freeze %d contains: B98116534002E359=freeze contains: ;^D0C04B9E79D271AE=track [freezedesc] CE9229C691739C56=receive: track %d 617E95F30033D513=fx: %s\n 71258FD7D1871C54=media items: %d\n [fx] C1FA445408219BF5=fx parameter unlearn 5D98345178A68868=fx parameter learn 59A1D2B72129D344=recently used 5CE3937DF4199849=wet 4C14A4A79E6B2248=normal B1BC9261E098D7B6=the following effect is set to offline: 4EBA2376DB13772D=load preset library for '%s' into '%s'? 8A0CEC6B3975A79A=load preset library into '%s'? EB884BF27F4DAAF9=overwrite existing presets with imported presets of the same name? 2004736DFEBC4B42=presets exist 998B26CA233E0C38=error loading preset library, header not found! D8EBBC7D134E537B=error loading preset library, cannot open file! 657524CBE83DF294=import preset library: 30FA90CAEA2BB126=import preset library BB0CC701A7907D13=export preset library: 586CD01FC87A271B=export preset library DAF16654F60CC4B8=error writing to preset library file! disk full? A812A7FC8E6BC23F=offline - F5BFBD4D49BA078B=bypassed - F025E1B89F09259C=rename parameter: 4A10D846929E1CBE=[unnamed parameter] D9A9B8F7F03C1A59=save fx chain: DBBC46B2994004C6=remove all existing fx before loading track default chain?\r\n(if you select no, the track default chain will be added to your fx list) 4A3E3CE6B990FCAA=reaper fx query F17BD15BC982BD69=add fx chain: 315D2C8D511050B7=the following effects were in the loaded chain but are not available. 46D03EC1B9E16763= (input fx chain) E561B4BD0979C906= [bypassed] 340461BC0069FBA9=monitoring 2B37998FE21F1A9B=fx: ;^1C9976E435832BEB=bypass ;^67D35DD28653A00A=bypassed ;^12D1E2F79FD7BDB8=rename fx instance ;^17E7264672EB4EC9=fx comment for: ;^DDDBC4B59922776E=master track ;^D0C04B9E79D271AE=track ;^480A73B43C308366= (folder) ;^B2BB1E7719F22B98=item [fxadd] 99A0C5AAB4639AA7=create new folder AEFE438601D636B4=you must enter a name! FE5E9B6E50ED8C3C=[no developer] 2DC1911CC68E6A50=[no category] AAE28D38F6A00A4B=add fx to 517BED36B8C7A8B7=click a track or media item take fx button to enable adding fx B14AFA7C53603382=factory default 27340805DCB9AF08=default 60BE4F1F06E30407=set default preset DC212FC6D7C69DBF=create shortcut... 3E5DF6C1335FDB23=edit shortcut... 8E47A873B88A8B54=delete shortcut... 521F6DE1AA57D7F3=add to 7EE9C5468B1893E7=remove from category 694D93F013CA2703=remove from developer 01F502F307F563C7=remove from folder 35E3D51B66AA2577=changes will be reverted if the plugin cache is cleared A43F758CDC5F197E=default (set in prefs/vst) 72C4EBEA9DDD2213=separate process F981E3B335D7F379=dedicated process F77EE03882B3E2BE=native only E10B632AE7A16400=embed bridged ui (may not work with all plugins, less crash-resilient) AEF8DD6798933C08=run as 6E2A89AB8DA62509=buggy plugin compatibility mode 525EB0DC94B30D6E=all plugins A846017E1E12163F=new F98A75D77CD68109=fx chains 14932B21DC667268=folders B5C75A7C3228E714=replace fx #%d in FC8F326485F29D24=insert virtual instrument on new track... C38F533A746DB5A9=browse fx 5C48649A25A13B27=default preset 48FE2F416A38EC0A=categories (may require plugin re-scan) FEE60E9C1641C7FB=developers (may require plugin re-scan) 631E74984BB8ADF2=categories (requires plugin re-scan) 21AB2237D0744E01=developers (requires plugin re-scan) 4BB7F075C3B19094=error renaming:\r\n\t 7C5CDD7665745C0D=\r\nto:\r\n\t D078732262F0D9DF=all fx shortcuts are in use. please delete a shortcut in order to add a new one. E41BE418ED0DD209=fx shortcut 25C0DF3AC2495257=desc:new effect AE59FA2FAFF05064=include \"no developer\" 17DDC80B83E43242=include \"no category\" 56E402CA4CD6753C=are you sure you want to remove this folder? 8925B5328D23FB71=do you want to add the following tracks for this effect?\r\n 13BFC6DC2333E980=if not, only the D936E33A722937BB=stereo 1/2 outputs 170D79326EF91348=mono 1+2 outputs 2B562A0344F10199= will be audible without further routing.\r\n 74DD7AE924E641B5=stereo %d/%d->new track %d E0DD6D63857DA1A4=mono %d->new track %d 00D201BA34D79035=\t... [+ %d tracks] ...\r\n ABEF5E3363495194=build routing confirmation FF225ECB120E936B=add fx to: ;^83ACA278C2C00834=developers ;^CAC6D9B556053C93=categories ;^1B0AFEE5F92D9181=presets ;^CC9253BC8BC18E8D=rename fx... ;^2A31DB0B5883713A=edit js fx... ;^C35B6227A5807B01=save minimal undo states ;^6C837121717D4EA3=avoid loading undo states when possible ;^54BE0C4F3DB86B76=save state as vst bank (default) ;^18A8E487E05046F8=inform plug-in when track channel count changes ;^166EA90B165E1A9C=automation notifications ;^F3BA3A8E6686C922=default notification settings (set in preferences/vst) ;^C514867DEFC3A26A=ignore when plug-in window is not open ;^553098B8452B6F0C=ignore when not from ui thread ;^A20B1F2055BF5412=ignore all notifications ;^4523D3871D7D7B77=process all notifications ;^A179E53BE5D2EC67=scan for new plugins ;^40B8E8A7530FEAA1=vst folders ;^EFDD0AC32D858D23=instruments ;^420377F78A3E1841=fx browser ;^D85ED6186B447CF9=fx ;^6037A596D672320D=shortcut ;^48D899DD92FBC032=name: ;^BA1A25DF2A11E99B=rename folder ;^C3EB4B7A6BCD5F3C=new name: ;^82E42D2FF8D25A8D=could not get channel info for effects (are they multichannel?) [fxmenu] 3D781F4D51AC0219=remove from list: 201E6F9517E04589=learn: BDEEA53C88DD085E=modulate: C3FB94BE32BA2A3B=alias: BFB99C70CB51B59E=all parameters C66D8C4857F36AED=parm 7E680E30DB01BDC0=no recently touched fx parameters 47E34E9BF22EC4A3=last touched: 33621D309922B1D8= show in track controls 04EC844EDCA961AB= show track envelope 01EC15ADB3A34EEC= show media item take envelope 1752375A4204A3D0= parameter modulation/midi link 620E3B5BAAAE19C2= midi link EC6D8F5AEF77CB03= learn 64AF36D1C56A8A9A= alias parameter 0AD292FBFCD786F2=fx parameter list 21BC2EB9C45FFE83=show track envelope F33AE4F80A099F04=show media item take envelope A43AAABF3635CD48=parameter modulation/midi link 6B9F0525BEF49CB7=default controller mappings FFF230108C9B32AF=use default 3FCAEED5D3E37C0D=clear default ;^915C69C77F31F221=envelope: ;^EDD67828D248E210=show in track controls ;^E763E06A994AAAFB=learn ;^2FD8CEB7661F1822=alias parameter ;^80194C173B470AF3=save as default [glue] 1A25676C984ACD9A=glued 3BDB96B4A2627744=auto (source media) D4569B041B40C599=set project output: 7A5ACBCAD50D298F=select output directory: 4CA879291386F2A7=no unmuted selected tracks containing selected midi items within the time selection were found D19953E452A76CD6=no unmuted selected tracks containing selected midi items were found 5CFF37E24DDB79B8=no unmuted selected tracks containing midi items within the time selection were found E75AA1E5463CBC31=no unmuted selected tracks containing midi items were found E45EDADC8C346144=no unmuted tracks containing selected midi items within the time selection were found 4B39DF4DFEC13DAD=no unmuted tracks containing selected midi items were found 335C18445040AE71=no unmuted tracks containing midi items within the time selection were found 9753D0563CF74D98=no unmuted tracks containing midi items were found BAEABCA4F395D82D=\r\nwrite midi file header anyway? 582D1D4106C95CFC=midi export warning 2C34398BD06C3417=could not open file \"%s\" for midi export 05D094E8523073F7=file exists. overwrite? E5F7947E565D33CB=wrote midi header to: D10D68D1D02ED04B=wrote 1 track of midi to: A71FCFF10C01DAB8=wrote %d tracks of midi to: E905C4762023137B=midi export failed!\r\n 27D986F005C91736=midi export error 0F9C923B9FA431BC=processing track %d/%d 9D2C9A909EC17B79=current output file 78AB0BF3A75982CD=consolidation status ;^A5B5D9B93340662C=auto ;^BABD655B2A5AED87=select a directory: ;^D726E2A6E8466B26=create new midi file: ;^F67F48495D3866C3=consolidating... [gridsnap] 59FC81FA7C61DF25=mouse-position dependent 4613D6FB04BC9724=only snap at start/snap offset 408BFC486690D718=snap both start/end 2AC1E513B32963B1=over items C20AD104E43AE860=through items ED8122B2A4C9CA7B=under items ;^2ED22F7EFB7E2C2A=all ;^49EE42D3465CDA6E=selected [group] 23CF2A50D27482B5=grouping for master 9DAA2FD532CF179E=grouping for track C5BB3E261FC3ACB9=grouping for %d selected tracks ;^C92094118C504736=rename group ;^6208D6BE485CCB06=group [grouping] 08323207B4EADDCB=v 14BF2A39B46E495D=%s - %s - %s 92EB577EA331D805=set 3388257EA7711160=not set 6566B6D56B7FB426=all set 9948CC97F1961D36=slave 558DAB99A9407F4B= master 0290B261F50F69E8= slave 8B5F802149A4C98B=%s %s %s%s 45BA669EFB95947A=is in 7E33A5817A3394B5=is not in B1619136BF5FD59C=%s %s %s %d%s ;^08323507B4EAE2E4=s ;^08323B07B4EAED16=m ;^1EBBCAFED2D3BA25=master ;^6208D6BE485CCB06=group [help] 7B0B1B9BE0E0454E=cpu: %.1f%% ram: %umb 6561DE4499D14662= last save: 858AD7CDB1332348=[tracks] %d [media items] %d [fx] %d E32DD9995A334A64=[resampled] D4A4A4DE48220B63=[chan] 193CB7EA03D24488=[recvs] C8B3618651680E6A=[sends] 964FE5E11E4487F4=[hw] 15AF2EDE56E13897=[items] C9C49FE13B448B3D=[fx] 5E1EDA593660D841=none 5B87DE1DE3F988A7=[input] B8EE889E524209C1= [io] none 464FDD80C56381B9=[fx] none 6B2C23757E5AD807=[start] 580AB8BC54EB28B4=[end] C0EFF96F0D70D5DA=[len] 110F39756C9E75B5=[src] 50A920FF129B013B=[type] 0A35EEC182AFBD4D=[pitch] 966DDDA49CE35BD9=[rate] C129BE25975176D4=[shape] 20F2B5F5BCB5783A=[points] F4A5B7402829DE55=edit grid ;^D0C04B9E79D271AE=track ;^5A3FF93A190E0F6B=empty item ;^44BE2B196101CBBE=move region ;^37B990D4112E1A98=move marker ;^11769ACBDEF004CC=edit tempo/time signature marker [import] F2DB7183BF18E607=expand %d midi tracks to new reaper tracks A63D743372B8C12C=import midi tempo map to project tempo map at 184B87392D910376=import %d midi markers/cues as project markers F187223410760A53=rex import 7213EA6103634BFB=import rex loop as: 726B9919DFB7B7FA=always prompt (can also be set in media/rex preferences) 92AFE6E609C2522F=midi import 7CFBC9A1B0BAA3AC=import multi-channel midi as: 7C1E59694EFA9D8F=multichannel item on a single track 52EF7F93351DF2F2=single-channel items on multiple tracks 1652DD9E25786FDC=always prompt (can also be set in media/midi preferences) F26A716BDE6F6E3D=media contains embedded tempo information: 987CF13DCDA29E3B=always prompt (can also be set in media/misc preferences) 12E33FA9E65BF2FA=replace all %d occurrences of the target media with the source media 4B7568B10FF00A07=processing ninjam ogg files... D960639ECC3AA6CF=error opening logfile BA12C7DB9E7AAEF8=error parsing log line! 02D633F2229E73F0=one or more channels were in session mode at some point. import project as session (other tracks will be ignored)? 75C55F7F18E25742=ninjam import option 5D26AF532759F375=ninjam session has %d items. merge into larger .wav files (recommended)?\r\n\r\n(if you do not merge, loading this project may take a large amount of memory)! ;^356FEEC423F176E6=beat slices that dynamically adjust to tempo changes ;^AB92A9DAC365A96B=a single loopable media item ;^BD7850245F5A79EE=import ;^5267FAD4364EECB7=adjust media to project tempo ;^15C4666BD022F937=import media at source tempo [item] E57128C4770463B2=untitled midi item 4679C54A999917AE=timecode generator BB0933C8B47C4405= render 67315EB1A6721691= - stem 9AB728E60A3C72BB= - freeze 2FB1F82E179D9B8B=empty item FA81D7955F3A1414=recorded midi FC1D2B14BA99CD8E=offline A051435016F9BA30=rebuild peaks for spectrogram at this zoom level 7614507E0224AF0A=tk D8367C186B2291F7=r: D83CFC186B27D725=p: D828EE186B171651=v 2BB29E0BA1275956=vel B065B304327EEDEE=empty lane ;^DD491F831B629F78=item ;^ED3B2E348AB4097C=empty ;^0C670376C4015406=click source ;^8FC86C263760ACB9=volume ;^96E5C67E1437194E=pan ;^61946358B1034B76=mute ;^57F28E456CC0FEEB=pitch ;^91C5B6489FFA9947=%dch ;^2C5B8309D9FC8004=take ;^140944783E61BE8D=rate: ;^322690F7CBF0FD23=pitch: [itemchan] F3582F42CFAF0F19=reverse stereo 80900C475DFCDF96=mono (mix l+r) 8BDA1E7AAB2FD8A0=mono (left) EB23908B8ABFD719=mono (right) 9EE690B12D5CDA01=mono %d 0A6FC55692AE17CC=stereo %d/%d ;^63ACD193C4316F68=normal ;^514129849A113DA0=(unknown) [itemfn] 9E938A345AAC251D=reversed 017ADEB3A6441F2E=copy 7CB3FDDD05E6B5A3= loop ;^80E92B8E090EA373=render [itemimport] 2A4E859EDE54DBFC=import %d-channel midi as: 3423153C6B5BCC44=import %d-channel midi and meta-events as: 8760B8EAFB5FC6F6=%s import: %s CBE458B8A675A6A8=import %d-channel %s as %d mono tracks? ;^629548803B048F00= - [itemprop] 943504C358764A1E=%d media items selected.\r\nedit multiple item properties all at once, or one by one? 6130D9898B5B94EB=track/project default timebase 734385B8B6365178=project default item mix behavior 439EBDA5ABDB058E=media item properties (no items selected) DEB8A732FC3B1C09=media item properties: B93F61D167C6E146=1 item selected 6E0A562ED063A71B=%d items selected D62D4155F621D73E=lane %d 7AF60F79A9462F81=take properties: %d takes selected 74A9BCD4EFE4E68A=take media source: resampled 9B1A119781BEB338=*take fx... 1E7EBE60ACB63AE5=*take envelopes... AD60EE0EF8A5C6B9=take envelopes.. 4494CC554700F3AD=mono (3-64) ED03DA2874D5AF76=stereo (1-64) 716BB1FED7EEC970=view media source properties for %d selected takes?\r\n(you will need to view them one at a time.) 19B7496B341D6888=change media source file for %d selected takes? B1A936F97892FB24=confirm multiple selected takes 8F5BBCC49737D266=select new filename ;^B98A031D9BEEF64E=time ;^A5D5B4E847F44008=beats (position, length, rate) ;^BA7A79B4D3479176=beats (position only) ;^7C21CDD2AEBBA4D6=enclosed items replace enclosing items ;^5BA4387FA574D390=items always mix ;^DD2984E0D3995E66=items always replace earlier items ;^94DEF1C233373209=project default ;^64835E1E0CE30E3B=(empty lane) ;^ADFC12BF930BBFC9=take properties ;^A1A721902449610D=take media source ;^18D0284FCA66EF48=take fx... ;^AD6ADC4BDE973BA3=select replacement file: ;^1CF5D45574BE7FCD=item properties [joystick] 133B50C3D3FC7CF5=no converter loaded C6E94E5DE48F0F51=error compiling: 1B80ADD7903187FC= 5EC879DC705C29B1=error finding/opening joystick 9ECB7C2A172AA01F=device error ;^D9220AE04A08F86B=error opening file ;^7C0BD7F6D6C1126C=code error [jsfx] 66B2811991733E2E=%d in %d out 7969C5F13279D66A=%d in %d/%d out A70E342FE478C802=%d/%d in %d out A9EBF9640ECFAD8E=%d/%d in %d/%d out C5743549DF6F4D65=%d in 18BCDE93DE8B6429=%d/%d in 061D0186B4CF8ACE=%d out 61959E430A77E18A=%d/%d out CB2043EB86670805=no effect loaded! 1A6FCE719BCD5287=error editing 63B46015FBBB6CE3=jsfx pin toggle 31AFC3BFE6D98AA3=jsfx inputs 2AA9636DFDEF22CC=jsfx outputs 9314927F387AB957=output %d ;^3DC3C3589C65D706=midi ;^274E7C84B3E58DB8=reset to factory default ;^0EC28D42C155A657=---- user presets (.rpl) ---- ;^93244D3BB94E6F33=no preset ;^BA2E51CA750060F6=input %d [jsfx_DLG_102] ; IDD_CONFIG 5E144531CC1D4567=jesusonic audio i/o configuration 7140D145E12FF38A=input/output system: ;^D840E3186B2B9581=ok ;^F09E4B5C35AA14B9=cancel [jsfx_DLG_103] ; IDD_CFG_WAVEOUT 9FE0358A949CC738=sleep setting: 3D167312D9D9D952=(0=none, x=ms) ;^2112CF591DBD3A60=mono ;^21D9AFD3561EE5AB=stereo ;^042F4DCA75E1BE47=16 bit ;^CC85D146650F3E66=24 bit ;^5188BC03D80E2D31=32 bit ;^B5431ED426EE5CA5=input device: ;^67EF32DE1BAE7097=channels: ;^081F5207A6D5AA8E=sample format: ;^F97A12BF98D450CF=samplerate: ;^D8C4BC186B9B03FD=hz ;^87581AC5D2800078=buffers: ;^08325007B4EB10C5=x ;^361AF2206DE0E16A=bytes ;^A7BA0064C3A88716=output device: [jsfx_DLG_104] ; IDD_CFG_ASIO 33F64D9BC3D42043=asio driver CB3E346FE22043C9=input ----====| B981FADE26418596=output ----====| 9538AF6AFFFE3B56=left 99B35CC5EEDEF32B=right ;^8FECF2FB07698C41=asio configuration... [jsfx_DLG_105] ; IDD_CFG_KS C151F103852A750D=high priority ;^2112CF591DBD3A60=mono ;^21D9AFD3561EE5AB=stereo ;^042F4DCA75E1BE47=16 bit ;^CC85D146650F3E66=24 bit ;^5188BC03D80E2D31=32 bit ;^B5431ED426EE5CA5=input device: ;^67EF32DE1BAE7097=channels: ;^081F5207A6D5AA8E=sample format: ;^F97A12BF98D450CF=samplerate: ;^D8C4BC186B9B03FD=hz ;^87581AC5D2800078=buffers: ;^08325007B4EB10C5=x ;^361AF2206DE0E16A=bytes ;^A7BA0064C3A88716=output device: [jsfx_DLG_111] ; IDD_SLIDER 44E707E75637860F=label 0 ;^649ECB151A2B4705=slider1 [jsfx_DLG_112] ; IDD_SXUI B1EEDB46C7F8AB8D=effect name A12863BE22CF0684=triggers: D9A57E186C5A5D11=&0 D9A57D186C5A5B5E=&1 D9A57C186C5A59AB=&2 D9A57B186C5A57F8=&3 D9A582186C5A63DD=&4 D9A581186C5A622A=&5 D9A580186C5A6077=&6 D9A57F186C5A5EC4=&7 D9A576186C5A4F79=&8 D9A575186C5A4DC6=&9 ;^08329D07B4EB939C=+ ;^0922F78BE865FE0C=param ;^D489C67E376967C8=i/o ;^C39132F1A8047E9F=edit... [jsfx_DLG_113] ; IDD_VST_CFG FED4BAE64DE08140=effect: ;^C31D08554C93D81A=reajs ;^386EB65EE2979317=load [jsfx_DLG_114] ; IDD_JSDEBUG 41489135006FED08=js development environment 0650ABC07DC1D288=full recompile/reset F7C1F3827A407A86=refresh now 5C6441D5492E93B6=auto-refresh 124D08E0043A0E1A=open in external editor ;^D9B12705AD844C62=list1 [jsfx_DLG_115] ; IDD_VST_CFG2 ;^C31D08554C93D81A=reajs [jsfx_MENU_102] ; IDR_MENU1 07C1783AE0DA72D2=&quit\tctrl+q 61D6E8EFB27F8B6F=&audio configuration...\tctrl+o 5E8ACFE12EF78CB1=audio configuration... ;^DB25337315BFD655=&file ;^9A01878F90736611=file ;^E84AEE35A92DF248=quit ;^1686A8969AFE3B9F=&options ;^5493EE7052DCF71B=options [jsfx_MENU_104] ; IDR_MENU2 ;^33C1474459264CBC=presetbutton ;^37E1C985732EDDC1=save preset... ;^77D4606E1E255B38=save preset as default... ;^B814E3BFB72A607B=delete preset ;^888CF2A8F9990B9E=rename preset... ;^A35385C769502F3F=move up ;^E485FC63E796EFFA=move down ;^1E031E71B52167CD=import preset library (.rpl)... ;^B9ABDBF036490D44=export preset library (.rpl)... ;^7F8BE88D07D058A1=link to midi program change ;^DF45382BC646671C=no link ;^674FB3DE1B272051=channel 1 ;^674FB0DE1B271B38=channel 2 ;^674FB1DE1B271CEB=channel 3 ;^674FB6DE1B27256A=channel 4 ;^674FB7DE1B27271D=channel 5 ;^674FB4DE1B272204=channel 6 ;^674FB5DE1B2723B7=channel 7 ;^674FAADE1B271106=channel 8 ;^674FABDE1B2712B9=channel 9 ;^B38F0368237C04D3=channel 10 ;^B38F0268237C0320=channel 11 ;^B38F0568237C0839=channel 12 ;^B38F0468237C0686=channel 13 ;^B38F0768237C0B9F=channel 14 ;^B38F0668237C09EC=channel 15 ;^B38F0968237C0F05=channel 16 [jsfx_ide] BB07DD2F46B76299=refs 848866D16FDA3957=the effect %s has been modified externally.\r\ndo you want to reload it? FA5AC83F63EC2A5B=reload js effect? D5B3CEB34955D699=save unsaved changes to:\r\n\r\n%s\r\n\r\nbefore closing? 2681A9306FB38F95=save js modifications? ;^DCEF2B4D03DE723C=name ;^772CECA01AD73CB4=value [knob] 6F86B37E8EEF7BA9=wet [lfo] 51A706C93E5C41DD=parametric 7CEF447E05836C18=saw ;^3390D94D34F06461=none ;^2AF10D61DA454203=triangle ;^AF908AD98D533548=square [lyrics] E6F0110D73CCC5BD=no lyric destination track selected 726E625C9D2BE6B4=lyric export 37C5DEEAFE8EA22E=import lyrics 8957A6738B233017=file contains no tabs 408B7E96AA844B83=lyric import 9EEEFDC9EDB68B6E=file contains only one measure of lyrics. import anyway? 036514EF5EFE5124=no lyric source track selected 35BDFED15FBE8E93=export lyrics C70154D17552CC8A=no lyrics found on track [marker] 84B7EB53E01864F4=add marker 5681A0BC2DF9EB72=tempo/time signature marker 0F39829489A7CAC9=set rhythm pattern: 86170C822DFBE9E0=this time signature marker will force the previous measure to end at %s,\r\nbut the marker itself will be positioned at %s. 9800ADB742F5B175=move time signature change to %s? 71DEB1BBF89CA7A9=time signature marker position [mbox] F6BCB3EDA55C49B6=shortcut not found. 28999C3530134073=shortcut defined, but command not found. F7740CA7E5C9EA57=restore shortcut assignments in all sections to factory defaults? 96227292DE8DAA1D=error writing to keymap file! disk full? C90AF6BF6253BD9E=no customized items selected 339112863A5B6F2D=error: you must name the new action. A24329A17EB717E4=error saving custom action 4ADE7A7C6A4C2AF1=error: the action name specified already exists. F9142C3ECB93702C=error: no actions in list 6089BB17944E81F6=error: action creates infinite loop. 266C4F23297BB66F=can't write to recording files, does the directory exist? 0F1C26E07C88F9D1=reaper recording error 388B21358B3B4E4E=warning: the recording path has only %u %cb free!\r\n\r\nyou can configure whether you are notified of this in preferences/recording. 4F638CDD049E9642=low disk space warning B581897B00F73FF0=loop/time selections locked, unlock now and remove? FD091B9C4C802FC1=select output file to copy to: C0B83AE69DBC62A5=reverse item not supported for midi, will open copy in the midi editor to reverse there. 0C9B20EEE5B759CB=user aborted rendering of files C832A3EC3C12F2B5=open copy failed 83EF0F44F0F3A42A=error reading source file:\r\n\t 557546FF0DDAB18A=error writing output file:\r\n\t B2AA069799475B2D=no external editor set for this media (see preferences) 20966A90E55A13AF=external editor note ED23D07A666800BD=one or more external editors could not be launched 39B1A08C71328799=could not locate the specified project F1AD3F102C760D76=error opening project A26C142476E29342=error creating subproject filename 1F106CAAB4A740E4=error loading subproject template 5C59D51511796529=error creating subproject file 15CA39CFF34E89FB=error creating track in subproject 94D8889DAA28CEB2=error activating subproject B1825168A226F907=error adding subproject 0236FDAE2600DAF5=this action cannot be run if there are\r\nexisting tempo/time signature markers. 3E3E28AD77BE7936=no time selected EEB74D39BC3CDC46=clear envelope: 1C7FC759B4950FA9=all envelope points will be deleted! would you also like to remove the envelope completely? 304B2A4F4B3C175B=error opening media 8D43AD6C0EFC7AD6=please stop recording first C6B36FC0DDF0C6F8=reaper notice D66F6C53EA3FF1B4=save project %s before closing? FA9D3F0929313CDC=save unsaved project before closing? 9F15AECB0C063A61=edl txt import error 0D33805A318B8785=samplitude edl import error 2AAA7821CD62CADD=ninjam clipsort.log import error 725C8001FED65EAE=unable to open project: unknown extension! E79D4C24173E9DCA=project open error 4CD6F1DD5E48252D=note: control+shift is being held while loading a project.\r\nwould you like to load this project with all fx offline? (useful for problematic plug-ins)\r\n D68545750197E7AC=cmd+shift is being held while loading a project.\r\nwould you like to load this project with all fx offline? (useful for problematic plug-ins)\r\n A96E13DF189FF9D6=project load options 21E69FEF5E22BF8B=error reading template file 64753EEC162ED98B=error exporting project to edl - error writing file 88FD5B51957ED670=reaper warning FF1C8042785EFDE2=note: %d items in the project could not be added to edl, since they are not simple files 3ECCF64BA181B7BB=can't add envelope points - no envelope selected 1EF1E10C4C9C28EB=error pasting F37426E7C5834E16=note: %d items could not be normalized because they lack peak information B2081DC099EE6D13=item normalization note 1DA3E4A62D165FCC=delete %d selected (and %d child) tracks? E858213EBEA8B86C=delete 1 selected track? 3437D64033450F73=delete %d selected tracks? C4F5461713BEEFD8=can't write to %s 7B632220AF7D0B0A=reaper error DC2AD749DE4531B5=save track template 350150B035A230AD=error writing to output file 4DAF17C7450C1A62=error writing to template file! disk full? 679EC781DB620BD9=no tracks selected C84FDEC95BD3B8EB=no time selection active 44B269FF8905B9D4=loop section failed:\r\n 7BC73E4D5F475CBC=loop section failed for %d of %d media items:\r\n CEA0C14DAA3BB124=this action can only be used on audio items that do not loop within the time selection. 19217311566E0492=loop section warning 3544A05E8A0985F1=could not make loops of any items 6721EBC033F0731C=loop copy error 4EB6EF0C8FB681B4=create new subproject B321383DA66F9FF6=error creating video effect processor 46557BC0D529EE1B=import file into project: 09FE00E7270ABDF4=select output file to render to: 2AA6FA87C6117527=render item failed 30ADC74C13F8C42D=apply track fx failed 19BC8EA394A09BD0=render item error E15BEEF602EC337E=apply track fx error B7B87EA07036FB51=error finding an unused filename to render to. source file:\r\n\t 6CFBE6010F005CD1=stop recording before rendering to new take 85AF1E98BF2F4CFE=stop recording before apply track fx CD17057F9F13E590=view source properties for %d items?\r\n(you will have to view them all sequentially!) FA76193619885B9B=multiple item properties CD466664BAC48512=note: some media item sources do not have properties available 97E46AF050BD945E=item source properties FC888C84D641E274=delete active take of selected items? AC0BE4D1E4964245=no items had any (usable) position information, can't move them 3BD56312855E9245=some items had no (usable) position information 69D9CFD7AFB7A82B=items could not be normalized to each other because one or more lack peak information 7FB0C17561F491FB=item normalization error 059597B3333FE8D2=loop points locked, unlock now and remove? 15150E9E3A687122=time selection locked, unlock now and remove? C3707F61E24A961C=live output saving completed! B5AEE049B9F8FED1=stop recording before consolidating... 87D8D35B878FD1A0=open track template: 4360AC71777DF5F2=warning: the following track has active pre-fx sends:\r\n AB7AD220CE732B1D=warning: the following tracks have active pre-fx sends:\r\n 357C9F47C8CE82FD=if this track is frozen, the pre-fx sends may send different audio, changing the sound of the project.\r\n\r\ncontinue? 959C4901D33B29D2=if this track is rendered, the pre-fx sends may send different audio, changing the sound of the project.\r\n\r\ncontinue? 020ABE0A118F38A3=if these tracks are frozen, the pre-fx sends may send different audio, changing the sound of the project.\r\n\r\ncontinue? 344937F4641C8F50=if these tracks are rendered, the pre-fx sends may send different audio, changing the sound of the project.\r\n\r\ncontinue? BE596784ED8BAE4C=freeze warning CEA654F3C60E323B=warning: some selected tracks may send from channels other than 1/2 (or pre-fx/post-fx sends) which may make this not function as desired. continue?\r\n 5A9A6AA7D3CFBD27=render/freeze warning C29E68A5815908E0=no selected tracks have been previously frozen -- nothing to unfreeze! 6E30C0D1324E59B5=unfreeze error 9208F9E3B41AD8F7=media items on %d tracks have been edited after freezing! 71792D1D6A0A99B6=media items on 1 track have been edited after freezing! 712B3B8E9EA5C857=\r\n(media items added to track) 10EF276FA1A05152=\r\n(media items moved) B4ECCA8DEBD070B5=\r\n(fade-in/fade-out added) 9DC594239D4A8A97=\r\n(new takes added) 3271B4732C4578E9=\r\n(take deleted) E9A42BD5B728D9EF=\r\n(take envelopes added) 950D0AF81A62AAF1=\r\n(playrate/pitch edited) 616DCEC25AB77BA1=\r\n(media item length edited) AD98A586E0162A15=\r\nunfreezing tracks will discard these edits. continue? E95C063F2AB2D603=unfreeze warning C371960248C56BA6=reamote host timed out receiving data. reamote disabled for chain 75DEE63F3B33DF60=reamote error B39DFED992FCB88A=error sending packet to reamote host (is your blocksize too large?). reamote disabled for chain 1013F95E5E56BDAB=the following midi inputs could not be opened: E469C2406A17223C=the following midi outputs could not be opened: 5C004DD5C0CFA863=you have not yet selected an audio device.\r\n\r\nwould you like to select your audio device driver now (recommended)? 4EF943653BC1F32A=file exists - overwrite? 0850FB29DC6ABA64=error writing output DE4EC48FB6DB470B=fail 2D12ED89184508AE=save custom menu changes to '%s' before %s? 477A053235E7F30C=save changes? DF65194974DB1E99=can't import reaper menu file \"%s\" EAE6AD15A17728CD=reaper custom menu import error 948B5857800727B3=import customized \"%s\"?\r\n\r\nif you have previously customized \"%s\", your changes will be lost unless you export them first!\r\n\r\n(to export, choose \"customize menus/toolbars\" from the options menu.) 5055108D8EF82813=import custom menu/toolbar set?\r\n\r\nif you have previously customized menus or toolbars, your changes will be lost unless you export them first!\r\n\r\n (to export, choose \"customize menus/toolbars\" from the options menu.) AEC7B57E080C9CD3=confirm reaper custom menu/toolbar import 7AB8D5CF4033FF0E=error opening edl file 4F3347E9B43E522F=error reading samplitude's edl header 6E6E3E168E151A55=%d items in edl could not be resolved 417DE38E0D04D1B6=error opening edl txt file F297F5746CCC2564=error parsing first edl line 04E9531E8C5F887C=%d edl header items are missing 404609C49D85E43C=edl txt line %d is malformed (%d of %d items) 42646BF11847021D=%d items in edl txt could not be resolved 86BC21DDB74C9292=invalid line in radar project 56BA3EFEB3117EC3=radar project: invalid end= after begin= 6BA6779205E5EF3E=radar project: got begin= after begin= 6C026686D12FCA0D=error renaming chain B12211154333F366=build routing errors 879F28CFF6218F52=confirm import 32F1038CAB88FC27=error writing to chain file! disk full? 24DA702994050981=there was an error reading the chain file 12A6E974D16235FE=track already has receives. add midi source tracks? E68C155F0832BFED=no item in clipboard to paste! F2DC751A3EB2AE43=fx error D52E061B97B299EF=error creating output media D20656C698743FAD=error creating temporary file 26558A661150FD3D=error saving keyboard binding table! could not create file! E2BD0FB07872C0E9=error saving keyboard binding 0A81CFCDC89B95F3=error saving keyboard binding table! disk full? 243505B9226E49BA=error creating dialog DE6C8576FC7B7DE7=reaper rewire slave initialization error FD2194EDB7789EAF=initializing rearoute... AC749AD42A9340B7=loading configuration... E705401744D93ED5=initializing registration info... D716AE0DDC01B1D4=last load of monitoring fx may have caused hang, load monitoring fx offline? 681AFC49B9A18AF0=batch file converter active, please stop before shutting down. 75743B2C6A1AEB18=batch file converter has unconverted files. shutting down will discard the file list. 3414B470D2211017=batch file converter active, please stop before quitting. 2F98DD56FE419813=batch file converter has unconverted files. quitting will discard the file list. 97A80BF5035AB3F8=can't rename file, destination file already exists. 05AAB2872567CC5D=error renaming file, project not updated. 7ED983D72A577065=bitmap load failed 80B08A2E37407C36=image load error EF0A1B6EB936D5C4=override existing notes for multiple selected items? 900BF93042B06755=item notes 315BFEF486D49FEB=error moving file 57490B7E317D9DB1=error opening recorded media F2B14987E3520000=control surface: error opening midi inputs and outputs C3F9B1D0BACAA467=control surface: error opening midi inputs D46957DF3C4591E8=control surface: error opening midi outputs FEC9867B01DEF0E8=control surface: error opening port(s) 934BB133F7A2251C=reaper control surface error 90B4F64A776D4FE3=project load aborted by user C99BD3783CAF0A0A=select a track before previewing midi source media. FEF6F10D89DDAADA=project bay preview error 87238C233335D09E=error finding filename for: 1C46189B86914DD2=copy file error DE64131E0CEA10DA=move file error 62D3F04B79600A6D=error opening media to add to project 4312CC86299C3369=discard current learned mappings for this instance of 3F5CB9D9400FF9C4=load default midi mappings: confirm 20978A43D05F2581=discard default learned mappings for all instances of 975726A3BED51D19=clear default midi mappings: confirm 6A489E452777FE9B=the destination track is hidden, do you want to show it? 197C41978E6506D8=could not import %d of %d items! A5DD886F0B75CC0D=overwrite \"%s\"? ;^BF7C871A52628C99=warning ;^9EC3E20500624AAF=error ;^A4C0C852A5B25572=confirmation ;^C93417DD40352E1B=error saving ;^33A5C54D35029E6F=note ;^A1BB777BE5203666=open copy error ;^463D73C293F60F91=unknown error ;^4789C5332441688D=error finding an unused filename for output. source file:\r\n\t ;^BBA33ABA3D67B8AA=reaper error ;^01BF66E624968F18=reaper query ;^D204E3D46BB8DD12=open project ;^E6A55E1F24BD208C=choose reaperconfigzip to import ;^D726E2A6E8466B26=create new midi file: ;^05A130B04362C768=reaper note ;^E83CE539DBB569A7=stop recording before rendering... ;^5945AF9182806811=you must stop recording before importing configuration (as configuration import will require a restart) ;^D790926420BA2EB7=notice ;^D52782E5368E8EA1=error writing to midi file ;^043FBD1700F7067B=render warning ;^82E42D2FF8D25A8D=could not get channel info for effects (are they multichannel?) ;^A752FB9BC4EC6C8C=initializing... ;^E1CA4E1B0C5C2DB6=can't open reamote udp port! [menu] 615DF6D7CF507235=take %d D79CCB520A002865=: (empty lane) C33C4F62F5E027C0=add developer 536F4D8E56461366=add category 46ABB6729D45AA9E=add folder 1D20DA0FB2D7A5D7=clear cache and re-scan plugins to populate 6839A0F29B443C1F=rename developer 059BBBA5F1FA4FC3=rename category 10A6A416FE64FFE9=edit folder BBC562956F479B01=remove developer ED76108F34498D75=remove category 8B70BDC97B975079=remove folder 2F3D8798C655F34C=move to top 8AAC8771924CD9BA=move to bottom 28C1BBD71518EEF1=(no recent actions) 432C5EF5933827D3=running script: %s 58A0047E55A1B8AE= 00140BA82D478C08=ripple editing: per-track 09C95A0DD605D1F2=ripple editing: all tracks FB61DF1A5967FDB4=ripple editing: off 3126E30CFA18AADB=save as new comp... A5720ABF016C9AE6=rename active comp... 6B09693F49F5C7CC=open associated project in tab: 77737B73A0C7AB4B=open midi item in editor A726D7DD65DE8ADF=open video processor item in editor 56FF174E07D714CA=open items in 3FD1B97D9477C0F2=open item copies in E2804B9BFBF48369= (recording) 60A4456384726C15=load automation item: BE57C7BDBF518666=(no automation items on disk) 1CE3691FE9CFD1BC=(no recent projects) A78692BAD3D1D4CB=(no project templates) 645A76739154419C=load track template: DDD8097069E82E24=(no saved track templates) C67CF3952F9EA6B2=(no selected items) 7140A75D79E31461=(no takes) 56401E540E0B557E=take lane 0C0B166D7381AE24=(no saved comps) 159B2F9F2531C90F=download user guide and other documentation (online) 3B6CD88BE036D884=reaper documentation wiki (online) 57DC25160CC84703=e&xtensions 883C781B11CDF661=click 6936F4B2ED5C783C=solo in place 924A9191988B5A83=solo (ignore routing) ;^D96196186C20B90D=: ;^2430BBE52E3FC625=comp %d ;^62C49C467C0C15D3=load... ;^A35385C769502F3F=move up ;^E485FC63E796EFFA=move down ;^5F8BE96FAB61772F=custom actions: ;^0E28C6126A0CF889=undo ;^99B80DC023AB26F6=can't undo ;^BB0EF92F46BDB0DB=redo ;^BA8A5EA843F33060=can't redo ;^2C5B8309D9FC8004=take ;^64835E1E0CE30E3B=(empty lane) ;^83BDD8AC8FA8B69C=comp ;^915C69C77F31F221=envelope: [menus] E34999F78E33C76C=media path: %.800s 75F2A8BC151839C1=secondary path: 584AD831F4B69D0E=secondary path: %.800s 1AED147FBA596E89=midi event list toolbar ;^DB25337315BFD655=&file ;^386DCB7A24A75D67=&edit ;^87B550EB3F37F8CE=&view ;^AA9942DEC0F6DBEA=&insert ;^A6E8B961172A2EDC=ite&m ;^BE1A8478FCC1F1FA=&track ;^1686A8969AFE3B9F=&options ;^6BE8B83EA0A1A15E=&actions ;^7C3B88238C71DAA1=main toolbar ;^27C488257589FFA9=toolbar 1 ;^27C485257589FA90=toolbar 2 ;^27C486257589FC43=toolbar 3 ;^27C48B25758A04C2=toolbar 4 ;^27C48C25758A0675=toolbar 5 ;^27C48925758A015C=toolbar 6 ;^27C48A25758A030F=toolbar 7 ;^27C48F25758A0B8E=toolbar 8 ;^27C49025758A0D41=toolbar 9 ;^1CF2F0A6B97D50FB=toolbar 10 ;^1CF2EFA6B97D4F48=toolbar 11 ;^1CF2F2A6B97D5461=toolbar 12 ;^1CF2F1A6B97D52AE=toolbar 13 ;^1CF2F4A6B97D57C7=toolbar 14 ;^1CF2F3A6B97D5614=toolbar 15 ;^1CF2F6A6B97D5B2D=toolbar 16 ;^1A6E49AB086243F9=midi 1 ;^1A6E46AB08623EE0=midi 2 ;^1A6E47AB08624093=midi 3 ;^1A6E4CAB08624912=midi 4 ;^1A6E4DAB08624AC5=midi 5 ;^1A6E4AAB086245AC=midi 6 ;^1A6E4BAB0862475F=midi 7 ;^1A6E50AB08624FDE=midi 8 ;^8C591324B04C3AED=midi piano roll toolbar [meter] 91E2A6155C4CFE83=automuted 4E0409D030C7A863=master automuted FE65E264C657EEF6=master muted 94D2A0A82BF6E316=muted 1B02484E9DFABC7E=not soloed E62E06A1AEF61525=sif dim 4870DAEB84E76C6C=folder muted 7D0B257E059BB223=sif FF5ED17E4F89688F=dim A8C6DE7E1E7F55B0=not 19BCAF241AF3F0D8=solo BE2E24903547BB9C=fold ;^BA0039FB59D95325=master ;^4B1F235812EEE9D6=mute [metronome] BF21C68D229566B5= 069C235C454CF6E9=. (period) 2F90E3509B93D0B6=primary:%c secondary:%c triplet:%c skip:%s 22CEC5829FA4492D=pattern should be %d beats 4948EC977FF2CFD0= more will be discarded, fewer will be padded with %c 90C3CF77963D43DF=sine - soft start 06F40FE0CBACEBB2=sine - hard start 758BE04F40035B56=(old deprecated) 7B006B7A29CD157C=play metronome through monitor fx E42502E3E92311E6=hardware outputs (select none to use default metronome output): F14D9A44B2F1F156=hardware outputs (select none to use all master outs): ACDF321F02BFF00A=mono: D296E073FBA420D9=stereo: 2F26993C883FB22B=open media file: ;^2AF10D61DA454203=triangle ;^5D4FC446DED74611=output channel ;^2C078B30A2995EDB=rearoute output [midi] A18A57ED9326617F=load midi color map from file: 394D5C4E34531167=hide lane C98CC625866DAF62=clear lane 8CF43A159717583C=add lane 94CCCCF3DF57D4E5=set lane 20E9D9591D9A464A=more FDB578659538E420=select touched notes 010F8FEEC3B0CA7E=remove time selection 79D4BBF32121AE96=remove loop points 3547B294F721DD33=grid 0E20B188F8964553=grid CDE08800BC2608FE=rename track 845D09F2FB14692F=edit notation CC3A754F05D6B4F9=enter chord 42F5EDCA46E48579=edit ornament 13BD7B6CBDDF067E=midi file: EAACD8794B0458D9=midi take 5B1F0064C6DCBDD5=straight 0AF9E3975E109E45=triplet AEEA4E75D9D1139B=dotted 786552F5E9DDDDD7=swing 94BBDD6E63E47F18= muted A650E3CB840C930A=the piano roll timebase only affects how midi notes and cc events are displayed, not how they are played back. 5BFBA28BDD0CA8A4=source beats:\r\n B267457E3AD2B27E=beats are counted from the start of the media item; the project ruler is ignored.\r\n 7E70D705203C8BC2=only one loop iteration is displayed.\r\n 0AAAD083ED687363=beats are displayed evenly spaced, regardless of project tempo changes.\r\n C0FFE47F9D0DBC8A=project beats:\r\n C79DE25B128B7FC3=the project ruler is used.\r\n EC8985719DF1B441=the entire media item is displayed, with all loop iterations.\r\n EE8BE2BF2A5354CE=project time:\r\n 9BE9978007CDA893=beats are spaced according to changes in the project tempo.\r\n D8BD614D4AF0E42C=project sync:\r\n 9DEC775324252C1C=display is identical to project time.\r\n 1CE54065B8467E42=the midi editor ruler is kept vertically aligned with the project ruler.\r\n 267F1B0391A5697C=midi editor timebase help 31B1F4CED4C68632=load/edit... 54DFB256F726077E=save midi note names to file: F71E8E8B44005EAC=load midi note names from file: 479539512FD8054C=file modified, save before closing? EE43467925ADD10F=midi editor query 7A67E3B0334D4328= DA2A77C440A46CFF=load midi instrument bank/program definition file: D7DFBC1671BB609F=load lyrics from file: DBFC480F845291B3=multichannel 113E15FEE38E75E5=current view timebase: 24AF7DBF3B7D6241=project beats 4554CB8B05E4C70F=source beats D3055186D9DAF9F5=project time 927FA4024A0BC886=project time (synced) DE7E6A3663E36BAA=(unnamed midi take) A8E873FE758BFAED=export notation: 418978CBFA446838=can't open file for export! 7E6CE5B40F854DB6=midi export error B6962ADBCB48EEF9=%d bytes 93295A23026D5D33=first %d bytes 3AAF9497B87AD456=invalid 6D8C20E128873475=built-in midi editor 76E466233D8060D8=file is offline 2352FDE8A8C128C2=midi item properties 15A9C253226734CA=item info: 8C43FCC94CBB4F8D=events in file 4A1C665B72205A6A=events 412CFB9C8E234604=quarter notes 3848926C77A245A1=ticks per beat (legacy mode) 7FF5483BD6B55F1C=ticks per quarter note DCA17DEA2CC1E589=ticks per frame: 339C0C74D555993B=pooled midi events are shared by %d media items: F4F64CE6099F5457=midi events are not pooled 1FD14F546803D585=midi files AF97CB93CC0FC73B=midi system exclusive message files 82515C007F6B6CBA=midi-karaoke files 472A6D9C25A111D8=musicxml files 936F5174ADCA6ACF=track settings: 16488DC78BBB6890=default clef AB4DAC91E6C5E4C8=octaves C72F2AD1C4867233=transposing instruments 72EDA9B70B7F7687=transpose display (disabled) C864D0FE26156484=transpose display 55F1C960BEFE38B0=measure settings: A27BFBB4510C4CE5=change clef BACA00D21CA8FF95=change tempo / time signature / rhythm pattern ED5ED62F62C46063=root 7F7D2D07196E72D9=project settings: D6F10D42ACFD3DCD=display accidentals as flats in c major 945549DCCD77ED13=options: 4273BD4C40BA9D47=when transposing display, show transposed semitones below key signatures 9F575D3BFBD55BDB=disable transposing display 6A0CE31D1687BE3D=edit clef 13DFE688FE9AAAA7=transpose track display 266B8669933B3612=move note up one semitone (%s) F726E800965F72B3=move note down one semitone (%s) F3AF234CE4E4BD70=notate as %s%s 377263FE9AF0A647=edit tuplet... 65500F33F18457FB=select pedal event 146D0EB6F3C6032C=select lyric D90A74112735ED83=select notation 6E7A90B0CBC9B047=select tuplet E1CB8C927247C06E=delete notation 1D225A6AE490DEBF=create tuplet A30211799ECFF867=create 98775877DE227BF0=insert tuplet 1CEF818E288F9497=(can't identify chord) 4EF710BBEEA79D67=other... E081D9096F4E9EE5=hide octave B115552AF289CF18=edit lyric DFFDB3192841E422=default voice 29F964EFB466ADED=high voice 0C7CEFCA5EE64411=low voice 415B793643570F20=slide 6536DEB235724214=bend 5465D46D8381C085=hammer/pull 0A4FE0310932D43F=make phrase/slur D01171626FDBC967=technique DDDD68F420918CC9=remove phrase/slur 74352B884A020FEA=select all notes in phrase/slur 6292FFA9FE61FE87=phrase/slur C41F7BB84344D370=enter text... 56D33DDD0B484EBC=custom notation... FCB6A065AA82EC7F=selected notes 0BAD2B04C6555F73=all notes at selected pitch EE982930FF9BE280=remove articulation DC3B007FAEF2E349=remove ornament C48DD153F9F5DBEE=articulation 94D8D1F7EDD780E6=ornament/technique 0C897A20FA6D6A2E=text/custom 1862C9A62761060B=note head 78FE326D05A35B65=dynamics 64898F5C88971A23=note notation 0C4DA967C2BD043C=track notation 6667957C8C41726D= C94C8D8478AEC5F5=control change (cc) 578EE637D614EE41=program change (pc) D66E58BFB6F2E64F=sysex/meta BA4F35537A20EC32=multiple note properties 43EF1FB6CB72A1F0=note properties (no selection) DE8EBF663A88E11A=add event 15786A9A5AFB7A73=(mixed) CC04A8F1288AF417=co&ntroller: 3DF73709E0113DE5=&program: 096E2BEDB38E729B=controller: 259D4515D8B2EC55=add text event 3A777C50796DB082=load text file: D8959FFAD14FB0E5=can't load any text strings from 33768227F231955E=add sysex event 7FB08F73DAE49C45=sysex data contains %d bytes with value >= 128 (0x80), which is technically illegal. 7627286B54FDB1E0=save anyway? D9B1474DCB7840DD=sysex warning CEC9948C81B9746B=all notes 840BF6B1FB41ABDB=all events D9053923DC189BCF=selected events 41A56518CB296CB2=position and note end 769244F91783998D=position and note length 1557292A9277FA10=note end only AF2CF148F1D855C9=note length only 5EC645ECCFF5CA9A=use grid 65FC9E1A6677C6D1=manual 4462E9AF43EA764B=octave 333906C9E345F0E9=display quantization affects notation editor display only. 086995CDAC3F085A=underlying midi note positions and lengths are not affected. 4E204253DCED957C=notes shorter than the minimum note length will be rounded up to the minimum note length. ADBD5837DE3EE9CB=notes longer than the minimum note length, but shorter than the display quantization, will be rounded to the nearest length that does not require a dot or tie. 55C1A8ED0C6240F9=notes and rests longer than the display quantization will be rounded to the nearest multiple of the display quantization. 15C0A2C717318977=about display quantization AEF753AB8D13173D=rewire bus ;^D0C04B9E79D271AE=track ;^D722FAC57CDCD58A=%d media items ;^B817B56070E01709= ;^D52782E5368E8EA1=error writing to midi file ;^6D6F3C9161BBF878=edit lyric ;^05AE6808A1E816A9=rename midi take ;^D726E2A6E8466B26=create new midi file: ;^5EF7E5C1AEA8878B=load note names from file... ;^01DA63B41FEE389F= ;^D3D2747652BD318E=all channels ;^F3238895531F739E=channel ;^90803304EBE7C40E=track ;^DD491F831B629F78=item ;^FEAA833C7533B5D0=file not found ;^439CE51FC4707DDD=length: ;^D8B3B3186B8C817F=ms ;^9B29B2AE84FDC449=show project tempo changes ;^EF9B6744B3A3252C=show project markers ;^8AECF7AB9A62250A=show project regions ;^AF3196AD6B727ABC=delete ;^E3B4DC554BBF6002=semitones ;^F10F4B1B4D6DC250=clear ;^5FD74DE73CBAB0FA=display quantization... ;^2D126F1D4BD6B8C7=type ;^9936FD536FA95041=delete key signature ;^50B1DD4586A4B192=change key signature ;^B686BA8838F18A6F=key signature changes affect all tracks ;^C98EE5432BA46B65=transposing display affects key signatures ;^F4944DF4957B0C53= (default) ;^E78FFFE5EA715BBB=create tuplet... ;^2545832814C62E1B=edit tuplet ;^D7323C887B0A2951=apply ;^EBBFDA9189F52B3B=edit tuplet ;^E733F90D010E8468=notation: identify chords on editor grid ;^DC1BFC2EC50777D8=notation: remove all chord notation ;^C244DB21860623E6=unhide all notes ;^56A71EF19F6D546B=octave ;^63D8223008357593=select all notes in default voice ;^B4806B0B80335AE6=select all notes in high voice ;^A025E53729E41E20=select all notes in low voice ;^0EE3E56F69BB58C3=voice ;^63ACD193C4316F68=normal ;^F812C7145E261C23=remove ;^33A5C54D35029E6F=note ;^C645D4DB5297312E=poly aftertouch ;^BC585B6FF340DD35=channel pressure ;^57F28E456CC0FEEB=pitch ;^430304A419B0E574=note properties ;^18E4377E5DDC2B7A=add ;^9ED6EEF5EE379522=song select ;^4EC7F7461DF2D993=¬e: ;^742F5D29C7564242=&velocity: ;^7026A011104B1446=&value: ;^B376015F8643AFD1=program: ;^C54C973113730A6F=note: ;^02E6C28F6CC5D246=velocity: ;^5892A20D9BBBE54A=value: ;^E4DA54B8178F9F4F=edit sysex event ;^361AF2206DE0E16A=bytes ;^2ADD7A879D22FA5C=position ;^1E894CD06766E128=octaves ;^A2BF58A6DFD853DC=project ;^3D9702905AC5B44C=virtual midi keyboard [midi_DLG_102] ; IDD_EDIT 94D31DF419257478=edit midi 8582834279EBE65A=midipianoview 4AF82617470679F7=midiview 6225557EF464C56D=midiscoreview 73A9475DDD11219C=color: C2B14D37FD3D328A=stopped: 0.00.000 9AB47D7EA75B36D3=rew 682ABD4822D9748D=play F3D409ED59BA245F=pause 5A07982F9797D6A7=stop 2235569BC677D8FC=ffwd 745797F93833F418=repeat ;^D9B12705AD844C62=list1 ;^97D314BE6757F16B=grid: ;^576D3C1F8C34C670=strength: ;^649ECB151A2B4705=slider1 ;^0832A307B4EB9DCE=% ;^B36DBB640BD652AA=notes: ;^0897D550A9582F1B=voice: ;^4417D0C297FFFC34=key snap: ;^C499FEFB8CC28F79=filter [midi_DLG_109] ; IDD_RENAME_ITEM ;^05AE6808A1E816A9=rename midi take ;^D840E3186B2B9581=ok ;^F09E4B5C35AA14B9=cancel [midi_DLG_118] ; IDD_RAWMIDI 280C81E3E202FD6C=raw midi data [midi_DLG_120] ; IDD_MIDIITEMINFO 01D4CC44D0EFDC81=midi file properties 4399BA4BD6E544BB=only play channels: A9759EED1FED1E1A=send as channel: 716435436E335538=ignore project tempo, use: F7E0035AE601F663=pooled midi events are shared by %d media items C9FF1554CD9D5FEB=select all pooled 8EC420BAFBE62496=un-pool this item ;^3BF92ABFA8425D90=filename: ;^C01085DD37178417=file info: ;^2ACA9A5D3E5720F8=transpose: ;^83C05BCE6E0BA462=semitones ;^10D0E37E59744608=bpm ;^08329907B4EB8CD0=/ ;^D840E3186B2B9581=ok ;^F09E4B5C35AA14B9=cancel ;^D7323C887B0A2951=apply [midi_DLG_121] ; IDD_QUANTIZE 0790B9C557D74789=quantize events 24158E92756CFAB8=settings: D192E5EF7BB75BF6=quantize: 87133F2060B6E2CE=swing strength: 21EDE924FF68D810=allow notes to: 842B5EA54043E4AF=move left B5BCAF595CD802A0=move right E74D3C6A8F24B632=shrink 0E0BC288F884062C=grow 9772AEFE96C582EE=only quantize range (0% = on grid, 50%=between grid): D0E7BAA4C2DCF08B=from: 7621CE7E02300F80=to: 70434732832EDB46=fix overlaps 1DCA8B56D201E716=commit ;^1C9976E435832BEB=bypass ;^576D3C1F8C34C670=strength: ;^649ECB151A2B4705=slider1 ;^0832A307B4EB9DCE=% ;^97D314BE6757F16B=grid: ;^309B13D6E0AC1A0F=length: ;^D840E3186B2B9581=ok ;^F09E4B5C35AA14B9=cancel [midi_DLG_122] ; IDD_SYXINFO 1D69E020FF4E7782=syx file properties ;^3BF92ABFA8425D90=filename: ;^C01085DD37178417=file info: ;^D840E3186B2B9581=ok [midi_DLG_123] ; IDD_NOTEPROP F6B884BE6F5BDBB3=&off velocity: ;^430304A419B0E574=note properties ;^4EC7F7461DF2D993=¬e: ;^366298521A7B6338=&channel: ;^742F5D29C7564242=&velocity: ;^CEEE8377C1EF8C86=&position: ;^E2071FAD9CE62FAB=&length: ;^D840E3186B2B9581=ok ;^F09E4B5C35AA14B9=cancel ;^12848776E53AAD00=use + -* / for relative changes in any field.\r\nuse +1o2 to add 1 octave and 2 semitones. ;^D7323C887B0A2951=apply [midi_DLG_124] ; IDD_EVTPROP 130CE035AD1318FE=event properties 9CBA741ED68265FB=&type: 029DFA9FB2B6AF07=&pitch: 3AA68023268A3059=&off value: 7F93CC1ADBCE5F9B=(pitchval) ;^CEEE8377C1EF8C86=&position: ;^E2071FAD9CE62FAB=&length: ;^366298521A7B6338=&channel: ;^7026A011104B1446=&value: ;^12848776E53AAD00=use + -* / for relative changes in any field.\r\nuse +1o2 to add 1 octave and 2 semitones. ;^D840E3186B2B9581=ok ;^F09E4B5C35AA14B9=cancel ;^D7323C887B0A2951=apply [midi_DLG_125] ; IDD_BANKPROGSELECT 6E7D80CBDFE8298D=bank msb/lsb: 8A3D38F4C6C22A55=bank: BE8A4BB0AF67A2E8=program number: 065F440CE34EFD93=load file EEBCA161E9085FD5=send now ;^B80BE35FC002073A=bank/program select ;^D840E3186B2B9581=ok ;^F09E4B5C35AA14B9=cancel ;^B376015F8643AFD1=program: ;^01DA63B41FEE389F= ;^0B61CC7E6E2E017D=midi channel: [midi_DLG_126] ; IDD_HUMANIZE B4D5B40BD78A0227=humanize notes 0F09AD260FA4220B=all notes C1CA7F75E6DBADDF=selected notes 15C941D869AC5B19=timing: C62041EA8784D958=timing bias: E6DEB89611D0E9C7=new random seed ;^D840E3186B2B9581=ok ;^F09E4B5C35AA14B9=cancel ;^649ECB151A2B4705=slider1 ;^0832A307B4EB9DCE=% ;^02E6C28F6CC5D246=velocity: [midi_DLG_127] ; IDD_TEXTEDIT F200413F534F5A6A=edit text event D482C22CFD5EF5D6=text: ;^D840E3186B2B9581=ok ;^F09E4B5C35AA14B9=cancel ;^386EB65EE2979317=load ;^F9519A70026F7B52=position: ;^6D0BCBC7DDDC55E7=type: [midi_DLG_128] ; IDD_FILTER_EVTS 327FFA51A32F00CE=filter events 1479DC66F8E588F2=draw events on channel: F426DB0DA6B0805F=event type: 3CD9D220020D3E19=use piano keys DD64852039178DFB=position in measure: 77034C3A25369783=repeat every: 76055D773504A5CB=set selection 66E6846A693D7807=remove from selection 097A041ADD3A1BA5=set filter from selection ;^D21C990ADFD61587=show only events that pass filter ;^34256B9EEE178D2F=invert ;^0420AF237D97ECB8=solo ;^F3238895531F739E=channel ;^08329707B4EB896A=1 ;^08329607B4EB87B7=2 ;^08329507B4EB8604=3 ;^08329407B4EB8451=4 ;^08329307B4EB829E=5 ;^08329207B4EB80EB=6 ;^08329107B4EB7F38=7 ;^08329007B4EB7D85=8 ;^08328F07B4EB7BD2=9 ;^D97FFC186C3A63EE=10 ;^D97FFD186C3A65A1=11 ;^D97FFA186C3A6088=12 ;^D97FFB186C3A623B=13 ;^D98000186C3A6ABA=14 ;^D98001186C3A6C6D=15 ;^D97FFE186C3A6754=16 ;^18C90F7E5DC51FCA=all ;^8B359EC8CE2EF66C=parameter: ;^5892A20D9BBBE54A=value: ;^BA5E537E2889F79F=low ;^62D61C82DFC06ED3=high ;^309B13D6E0AC1A0F=length: ;^B16F3BCB9C49D151=add to selection ;^5AEDD7C14E3CAEC2=clear filter [midi_DLG_129] ; IDD_SYSEXEDIT D85EFE186B44C0F1=f0 D85EFF186B44C2A4=f7 ;^E4DA54B8178F9F4F=edit sysex event ;^F9519A70026F7B52=position: ;^D840E3186B2B9581=ok ;^F09E4B5C35AA14B9=cancel [midi_DLG_133] ; IDD_LOADGROOVE 5873F04E2E21FAFB=select midi item 056D334B03BD6AB5=select a midi item in the project. ;^D840E3186B2B9581=ok ;^F09E4B5C35AA14B9=cancel [midi_DLG_134] ; IDD_GROOVEEDIT 83DD77FD6B2A55C7=edit groove 581D14330F95ACC0=measures: ;^D840E3186B2B9581=ok ;^6591A9846B673560=source: ;^F09E4B5C35AA14B9=cancel [midi_DLG_135] ; IDD_TRANSPOSE B8A675315EBBC447=transpose midi ABB29CEFB6307F28=semitones: 23E1AF9DFBEEC6A6=snap to scale B921C37933102E85=from scale: F3580D1732BD1CA2=to scale: ;^2ACA9A5D3E5720F8=transpose: ;^D840E3186B2B9581=ok ;^F09E4B5C35AA14B9=cancel [midi_DLG_137] ; IDD_TUPLET 08328E07B4EB7A1F=: A77F2843D5933805=note length: 8F90B8B4371D0EB3=staff: A6BEBD80AC902C6A=edits modify note positions ;^2545832814C62E1B=edit tuplet ;^0897D550A9582F1B=voice: ;^F812C7145E261C23=remove ;^D7323C887B0A2951=apply ;^AB2A3D4EF1C9D1A8=default ;^62D61C82DFC06ED3=high ;^BA5E537E2889F79F=low ;^7622187E02308D3E=top ;^BADA204837504C00=bottom [midi_DLG_138] ; IDD_LYRIC 6BDA643469DCDF6C=forward ;^6D6F3C9161BBF878=edit lyric ;^898659B24A7C6FB8=back ;^D840E3186B2B9581=ok ;^F09E4B5C35AA14B9=cancel [midi_DLG_141] ; IDD_DISPQUANT C51D8835A6D16CFC=notation display quantization 2056413EF6F383A5=quantize notes/rests: D8C2F344D60F082A=use project default 91C0802F16BBA7E3=minimum note length: AC1439E2AB694673=about display quantization... ;^649ECB151A2B4705=slider1 [midi_DLG_226] ; IDD_MUSICXML_EXPORT 9747B07E1489BE47=pdf 082E867AA6D15046=page width: 0B9AD51E230AAA5A=measures 42EF8539C63DAAFE=author: 1854F0A14CF4A44F=musicxml FA3782E0D57C792B=score-partwise C5393BBF364C9A2B=score-timewise [midi_DLG_227] ; IDD_CUSTOM_NOTATION 4F0D60D8E0830C9E=custom notation 54798EFA9A2A5F76=content: 09A7D23A670CFA42=symbols... ;^48D899DD92FBC032=name: ;^D840E3186B2B9581=ok ;^F09E4B5C35AA14B9=cancel ;^AF3196AD6B727ABC=delete [midi_MENU_103] ; IDR_CONTEXTMENU 681121079591ADD9=contextmenu 145A25EE1B0EFEEA=note velocity FB75F6C2363EFCB4=[velocity list] ;^83CEDDAC8FB7324E=copy ;^09CFC77E55F475C5=cut ;^13A51C8BEEDFCE52=paste ;^4AAE40A08510E47F=paste preserving position in measure ;^86891682F6F2D16C=select all ;^AF3196AD6B727ABC=delete ;^61946358B1034B76=mute ;^1D4EDA35A99AEFAE=insert note ;^3AECB68ED5632B6C=split notes ;^F15A7C7042D0D2C2=join notes ;^C37C016F07A7F9E3=set note ends to start of next note (legato) ;^06031C90037D1F1C=select previous note ;^0A80E4A5D91679BC=select next note ;^DBF66490E7BE7504=select previous note with same pitch ;^37277D8125A38624=select next note with same pitch ;^00AE9EFDE5806889=select all notes with same pitch ;^45E4A687094FD052=rename current note... ;^A3E22CDD7E92648A=note properties... ;^1AA6DE3444DD65AC=note channel ;^08329707B4EB896A=1 ;^08329607B4EB87B7=2 ;^08329507B4EB8604=3 ;^08329407B4EB8451=4 ;^08329307B4EB829E=5 ;^08329207B4EB80EB=6 ;^08329107B4EB7F38=7 ;^08329007B4EB7D85=8 ;^08328F07B4EB7BD2=9 ;^D97FFC186C3A63EE=10 ;^D97FFD186C3A65A1=11 ;^D97FFA186C3A6088=12 ;^D97FFB186C3A623B=13 ;^D98000186C3A6ABA=14 ;^D98001186C3A6C6D=15 ;^D97FFE186C3A6754=16 ;^4CF56FEC1BD3817D=notation ;^C12027CB26D455FB=(note notation menu) [midi_MENU_104] ; IDR_MENU 84AF6BF27B779619=&save midi file to disk 553CE52272560B64=&revert to last saved midi file 109608EBA667B4D6=&close editor 1BF6FB25AB0DCD48=&dock window ;^DB25337315BFD655=&file ;^9A01878F90736611=file ;^05FB670725A5ED0D=save midi file to disk ;^EF804F82ECC05838=revert to last saved midi file ;^A38F6B757E6A088D=rename midi take... ;^E2DC5AE969186DD5=&export to new midi file... ;^951BA9E25A69B529=export to new midi file... ;^EEBCA8FA5CC3B5A6=notation: export (pdf, musicxml)... ;^8AE9AE7D7775A16B=lyrics ;^2730763EB716675B=import track lyrics... ;^6B9A1E235CAF7E24=export track lyrics... ;^63D15D644F4CF217=note names ;^45E4A687094FD052=rename current note... ;^F6715C668E6BE54F=load note names from file ;^C29296DABF54ABEE=choose file... ;^6BFE2688487DD768= ;^E97016D7BAEA01EB=save note names to file... ;^D6CA8B3F64E91704=clear note names ;^FDC0150F035A09D8=note name actions apply to the active channel only ;^FBF491E7479B4779=note colors ;^DFBC279E68B89582=load color map from file... ;^D6FAC22FB212CB64=clear color map (use default) ;^76CD8A8C7B0631AB=automatically save modified file on close ;^5631674AC3232EB2=close editor ;^386DCB7A24A75D67=&edit ;^B90A279A7257C793=edit ;^0E28C6126A0CF889=undo ;^BB0EF92F46BDB0DB=redo ;^83CEDDAC8FB7324E=copy ;^09CFC77E55F475C5=cut ;^13A51C8BEEDFCE52=paste ;^4AAE40A08510E47F=paste preserving position in measure ;^86891682F6F2D16C=select all ;^AF3196AD6B727ABC=delete ;^61946358B1034B76=mute ;^1D4EDA35A99AEFAE=insert note ;^3AECB68ED5632B6C=split notes ;^F15A7C7042D0D2C2=join notes ;^C37C016F07A7F9E3=set note ends to start of next note (legato) ;^596C077CE46E04EE=quantize... ;^094D37BBB2035D08=quantize ;^3410CCD7F87501B1=quantize using last settings ;^809D9AA3B4306FA0=quantize position to grid ;^5F02ABE17A3B29CB=unquantize ;^EFEE658757CE9229=freeze quantization ;^97A35548BE7EAAB4=humanize... ;^7CFDC5E4E1F4B4C0=transpose... ;^331179D476F216EC=navigate ;^C49755DA0BFA8192=move cursor left by grid ;^CAD1ABE1EFE17F39=move cursor right by grid ;^549F9638FD443E6B=move pitch cursor up one semitone ;^372B7A417CE84AB0=move pitch cursor down one semitone ;^2E4824657E9919FB=select note nearest cursor ;^84D4D5DA0837EE21=add note nearest cursor to selection ;^06031C90037D1F1C=select previous note ;^0A80E4A5D91679BC=select next note ;^DBF66490E7BE7504=select previous note with same pitch ;^37277D8125A38624=select next note with same pitch ;^00AE9EFDE5806889=select all notes with same pitch ;^71AFE5DB5650A1AC=add previous note to selection ;^478CB748FDBE3CCC=add next note to selection ;^E3F7820C74DA6C74=move edit cursor to start of selection ;^1686A8969AFE3B9F=&options ;^5493EE7052DCF71B=options ;^75B1CEA2CFE0653C=dock window ;^7311049CDCA4C175=sync editor transport to project transport ;^8ADF290B4AAF99F9=use the same grid division in arrange view and midi editor ;^676E901B91B41FD8=chase midi note-ons in project playback ;^0B32ABB1DB8D2C46=time format for ruler, transport, event properties ;^404B3253FA5D1109=measures.beats.100ths ;^54BEE420D92D3721=measures.beats.midi_ticks ;^3B68BA781FCC92D8=ruler in measures.beats only ;^00F8AF1A6A14D288=snap settings ;^986AFE7AA5793206=snap notes/cc to grid ;^EB9FA0AD5BAE2D57=soft-snap notes to other notes ;^A958A4ED6B3FE77D=always snap notes/cc to the left ;^CBB62A841502FD76=snap note ends to grid ;^B97C90B7FAB41974=snap notes/cc relative to grid ;^B86D86AEB9B256EF=note preview ;^1CB344D7A3966A1C=preview notes when inserting or editing ;^20E9ED3176CA103F=preview on velocity change ;^DCA1F9FA124A043F=preview on keyboard action ;^50F94031ED758F24=preview all selected notes that overlap with the edited note ;^AE1C4652DA3C4CFB=cc events in multiple media items ;^7B070861BE3E039A=draw and edit on all tracks ;^615BB99EE4DB6A1D=edit on all tracks ;^1B9478CA8663CEAE=velocity editing lane ;^B98C4C5CF62E1612=edit only when mouse is over velocity bar ;^FF74C5FAC8666B6D=edit previous note within current grid division ;^CBA3F4617B7ED4EB=drawing or selecting a note sets the new note length ;^6B25D8449FD79DF4=allow midi note edit to extend the media item ;^3615D619BF30D578=display 14-bit msb/lsb cc data as a single entry in event list/properties ;^84DBA574F27F3A00=automatically correct overlapping notes ;^19A497F8ACEBBCD9=use f1-f12 for step recording ;^1EF9DD5F05BC8D89=use all midi inputs for step recording ;^67D1CB88D6D1EB6C=midi editor mouse modifiers... ;^91E3DBF71C5D78E4=customize menus/toolbar... ;^87B550EB3F37F8CE=&view ;^C2EA750B659102CA=view ;^0B0113E292076F0C=filter events... ;^22F2CC2A38A97EDC=event properties... ;^9D3EBA1E7D7E3B42=raw midi data... ;^FF666E7FCCA22D1A=mode: piano roll ;^5BF8CF14CD14864A=mode: named notes ;^9FFBE5433EFE0406=mode: event list ;^2EDF82495F660F36=mode: musical notation ;^DFB842604B04659A=piano roll notes ;^6F5879A58A373F2D=rectangles ;^22E2AB4758B4B1A6=triangles (drum mode) ;^458E371D81F5AF00=diamonds (drum mode) ;^8D4D0B4B0B6A41EE=show velocity handles on notes ;^F2C5D93EA511931D=show velocity numbers on notes ;^B3A278DCD3CFC6D2=show note names on notes ;^9E9DB29C59430C85=show velocity and names only on the active media item ;^AAD780F2936DFA0C=color notes by ;^073F0BD84FB2C598=velocity ;^F3238895531F739E=channel ;^57F28E456CC0FEEB=pitch ;^1A360D9AC072403B=source, using color map ;^D0C04B9E79D271AE=track ;^0B3E0029A01A16F4=media item ;^0349058E1C6FCD22=show/hide note rows ;^F63AE8DA71068B90=show all note rows ;^EC7AC3AA42C4D72E=hide unused note rows ;^DBDB8690C26086AF=hide unused and unnamed note rows ;^87105FFEE70C5A43=piano roll ruler ;^EF9B6744B3A3252C=show project markers ;^8AECF7AB9A62250A=show project regions ;^C4C608138A054AEE=show tempo/time signature markers ;^AC73D1BFD8821FC1=piano roll timebase ;^8881802479A8CAAF=source beats ;^08A04EC237FB2661=project beats ;^2B9FBBB7B42D2295=project time ;^8CFE0E2A8D9A34F6=project synced ;^62C6BA8296D6CBAC=timebase help... ;^BA55F2C7F7CC04C8=notation view options ;^45CAFF28A65AECF2=proportional (musical) note spacing ;^CD47DFA0273657A2=continuous view always, regardless of zoom level ;^2DF49C37B8D4B099=minimize ties for all notes by default ;^A2D6900BDE25A89B=automatically double dot notes ;^B3A2924B68A32EC2=automatically triple dot notes ;^4301D6719DEA0900=display pedal events ;^A8B092DA55DB685C=bracket tracks by folder ;^4EE4CA7435A0D22D=color note heads ;^CE20A3C4594B477A=position dynamics below the staff by default ;^662197EEE0495B80=automatically detect triplets ;^F5C0144DB696F06C=automatically voice overlapping notes ;^9B29B2AE84FDC449=show project tempo changes ;^0350C15B07A61D91=key signatures ;^B686BA8838F18A6F=key signature changes affect all tracks ;^C98EE5432BA46B65=transposing display affects key signatures ;^5FD74DE73CBAB0FA=display quantization... ;^5479D7FA9A2ADB81=contents ;^6401143383A78B46=track list ;^652EF93F64A683F6=media item lane ;^3A84A1513B5B67C0=one midi editor per ;^A2BF58A6DFD853DC=project ;^8AEA4F30E06A7A87=behavior for \"open items in built-in midi editor\" ;^E964640878017639=open the clicked midi item only ;^BBC1706D3B8635E2=open all selected midi items ;^7D87735CC6F0E8CF=open all midi items on the same track as the clicked item ;^71A76211A7CFDF12=open all midi in the project ;^9535442A6F8D5561=options when using one midi editor per project ;^AD510FC22D6EECAC=active midi item follows selection changes in arrange view ;^19E78BE8A7F79DE0=media item selection is linked to visibility ;^37430F40BB8B352E=media item selection is linked to editability ;^05E07D2942EFF739=only midi items on the same track as the active item are editable ;^725B164EA8340BE9=close editor when the active media item is deleted in arrange view ;^7EDC3D0D26BF2D8C=all media items are editable in notation view ;^B817B56070E01709= ;^744B2F6CFBA0A242=actions ;^A0CB20A955DAF552=show action list... ;^593D5AC384550ADA=show recent actions [midi_MENU_105] ; IDR_MENU_ALLINONE ;^9A01878F90736611=file ;^05FB670725A5ED0D=save midi file to disk ;^EF804F82ECC05838=revert to last saved midi file ;^A38F6B757E6A088D=rename midi take... ;^E2DC5AE969186DD5=&export to new midi file... ;^951BA9E25A69B529=export to new midi file... ;^EEBCA8FA5CC3B5A6=notation: export (pdf, musicxml)... ;^8AE9AE7D7775A16B=lyrics ;^2730763EB716675B=import track lyrics... ;^6B9A1E235CAF7E24=export track lyrics... ;^63D15D644F4CF217=note names ;^45E4A687094FD052=rename current note... ;^F6715C668E6BE54F=load note names from file ;^C29296DABF54ABEE=choose file... ;^6BFE2688487DD768= ;^E97016D7BAEA01EB=save note names to file... ;^D6CA8B3F64E91704=clear note names ;^FDC0150F035A09D8=note name actions apply to the active channel only ;^FBF491E7479B4779=note colors ;^DFBC279E68B89582=load color map from file... ;^D6FAC22FB212CB64=clear color map (use default) ;^386DCB7A24A75D67=&edit ;^B90A279A7257C793=edit ;^0E28C6126A0CF889=undo ;^BB0EF92F46BDB0DB=redo ;^83CEDDAC8FB7324E=copy ;^09CFC77E55F475C5=cut ;^13A51C8BEEDFCE52=paste ;^4AAE40A08510E47F=paste preserving position in measure ;^86891682F6F2D16C=select all ;^AF3196AD6B727ABC=delete ;^61946358B1034B76=mute ;^1D4EDA35A99AEFAE=insert note ;^3AECB68ED5632B6C=split notes ;^F15A7C7042D0D2C2=join notes ;^C37C016F07A7F9E3=set note ends to start of next note (legato) ;^596C077CE46E04EE=quantize... ;^094D37BBB2035D08=quantize ;^3410CCD7F87501B1=quantize using last settings ;^809D9AA3B4306FA0=quantize position to grid ;^5F02ABE17A3B29CB=unquantize ;^EFEE658757CE9229=freeze quantization ;^97A35548BE7EAAB4=humanize... ;^7CFDC5E4E1F4B4C0=transpose... ;^331179D476F216EC=navigate ;^C49755DA0BFA8192=move cursor left by grid ;^CAD1ABE1EFE17F39=move cursor right by grid ;^549F9638FD443E6B=move pitch cursor up one semitone ;^372B7A417CE84AB0=move pitch cursor down one semitone ;^2E4824657E9919FB=select note nearest cursor ;^84D4D5DA0837EE21=add note nearest cursor to selection ;^06031C90037D1F1C=select previous note ;^0A80E4A5D91679BC=select next note ;^DBF66490E7BE7504=select previous note with same pitch ;^37277D8125A38624=select next note with same pitch ;^00AE9EFDE5806889=select all notes with same pitch ;^71AFE5DB5650A1AC=add previous note to selection ;^478CB748FDBE3CCC=add next note to selection ;^E3F7820C74DA6C74=move edit cursor to start of selection ;^5493EE7052DCF71B=options ;^7311049CDCA4C175=sync editor transport to project transport ;^8ADF290B4AAF99F9=use the same grid division in arrange view and midi editor ;^676E901B91B41FD8=chase midi note-ons in project playback ;^0B32ABB1DB8D2C46=time format for ruler, transport, event properties ;^404B3253FA5D1109=measures.beats.100ths ;^54BEE420D92D3721=measures.beats.midi_ticks ;^3B68BA781FCC92D8=ruler in measures.beats only ;^00F8AF1A6A14D288=snap settings ;^986AFE7AA5793206=snap notes/cc to grid ;^EB9FA0AD5BAE2D57=soft-snap notes to other notes ;^A958A4ED6B3FE77D=always snap notes/cc to the left ;^CBB62A841502FD76=snap note ends to grid ;^B97C90B7FAB41974=snap notes/cc relative to grid ;^B86D86AEB9B256EF=note preview ;^1CB344D7A3966A1C=preview notes when inserting or editing ;^20E9ED3176CA103F=preview on velocity change ;^DCA1F9FA124A043F=preview on keyboard action ;^50F94031ED758F24=preview all selected notes that overlap with the edited note ;^AE1C4652DA3C4CFB=cc events in multiple media items ;^7B070861BE3E039A=draw and edit on all tracks ;^615BB99EE4DB6A1D=edit on all tracks ;^1B9478CA8663CEAE=velocity editing lane ;^B98C4C5CF62E1612=edit only when mouse is over velocity bar ;^FF74C5FAC8666B6D=edit previous note within current grid division ;^CBA3F4617B7ED4EB=drawing or selecting a note sets the new note length ;^6B25D8449FD79DF4=allow midi note edit to extend the media item ;^3615D619BF30D578=display 14-bit msb/lsb cc data as a single entry in event list/properties ;^84DBA574F27F3A00=automatically correct overlapping notes ;^19A497F8ACEBBCD9=use f1-f12 for step recording ;^1EF9DD5F05BC8D89=use all midi inputs for step recording ;^67D1CB88D6D1EB6C=midi editor mouse modifiers... ;^91E3DBF71C5D78E4=customize menus/toolbar... ;^C2EA750B659102CA=view ;^0B0113E292076F0C=filter events... ;^22F2CC2A38A97EDC=event properties... ;^9D3EBA1E7D7E3B42=raw midi data... ;^FF666E7FCCA22D1A=mode: piano roll ;^5BF8CF14CD14864A=mode: named notes ;^9FFBE5433EFE0406=mode: event list ;^2EDF82495F660F36=mode: musical notation ;^DFB842604B04659A=piano roll notes ;^6F5879A58A373F2D=rectangles ;^22E2AB4758B4B1A6=triangles (drum mode) ;^458E371D81F5AF00=diamonds (drum mode) ;^8D4D0B4B0B6A41EE=show velocity handles on notes ;^F2C5D93EA511931D=show velocity numbers on notes ;^B3A278DCD3CFC6D2=show note names on notes ;^9E9DB29C59430C85=show velocity and names only on the active media item ;^AAD780F2936DFA0C=color notes by ;^073F0BD84FB2C598=velocity ;^F3238895531F739E=channel ;^57F28E456CC0FEEB=pitch ;^1A360D9AC072403B=source, using color map ;^D0C04B9E79D271AE=track ;^0B3E0029A01A16F4=media item ;^0349058E1C6FCD22=show/hide note rows ;^F63AE8DA71068B90=show all note rows ;^EC7AC3AA42C4D72E=hide unused note rows ;^DBDB8690C26086AF=hide unused and unnamed note rows ;^87105FFEE70C5A43=piano roll ruler ;^EF9B6744B3A3252C=show project markers ;^8AECF7AB9A62250A=show project regions ;^C4C608138A054AEE=show tempo/time signature markers ;^AC73D1BFD8821FC1=piano roll timebase ;^8881802479A8CAAF=source beats ;^08A04EC237FB2661=project beats ;^2B9FBBB7B42D2295=project time ;^8CFE0E2A8D9A34F6=project synced ;^62C6BA8296D6CBAC=timebase help... ;^BA55F2C7F7CC04C8=notation view options ;^45CAFF28A65AECF2=proportional (musical) note spacing ;^CD47DFA0273657A2=continuous view always, regardless of zoom level ;^2DF49C37B8D4B099=minimize ties for all notes by default ;^A2D6900BDE25A89B=automatically double dot notes ;^B3A2924B68A32EC2=automatically triple dot notes ;^4301D6719DEA0900=display pedal events ;^A8B092DA55DB685C=bracket tracks by folder ;^4EE4CA7435A0D22D=color note heads ;^CE20A3C4594B477A=position dynamics below the staff by default ;^662197EEE0495B80=automatically detect triplets ;^F5C0144DB696F06C=automatically voice overlapping notes ;^9B29B2AE84FDC449=show project tempo changes ;^0350C15B07A61D91=key signatures ;^B686BA8838F18A6F=key signature changes affect all tracks ;^C98EE5432BA46B65=transposing display affects key signatures ;^B4C516B1D2BA0AE4=display quantization ;^5479D7FA9A2ADB81=contents ;^6401143383A78B46=track list ;^652EF93F64A683F6=media item lane ;^3A84A1513B5B67C0=one midi editor per ;^A2BF58A6DFD853DC=project ;^8AEA4F30E06A7A87=behavior for \"open items in built-in midi editor\" ;^E964640878017639=open the clicked midi item only ;^BBC1706D3B8635E2=open all selected midi items ;^7D87735CC6F0E8CF=open all midi items on the same track as the clicked item ;^71A76211A7CFDF12=open all midi in the project ;^9535442A6F8D5561=options when using one midi editor per project ;^AD510FC22D6EECAC=active midi item follows selection changes in arrange view ;^19E78BE8A7F79DE0=media item selection is linked to visibility ;^37430F40BB8B352E=media item selection is linked to editability ;^05E07D2942EFF739=only midi items on the same track as the active item are editable ;^725B164EA8340BE9=close editor when the active media item is deleted in arrange view ;^7EDC3D0D26BF2D8C=all media items are editable in notation view ;^B817B56070E01709= ;^744B2F6CFBA0A242=actions ;^A0CB20A955DAF552=show action list... ;^593D5AC384550ADA=show recent actions ;^76CD8A8C7B0631AB=automatically save modified file on close ;^75B1CEA2CFE0653C=dock window ;^5631674AC3232EB2=close editor [midi_MENU_106] ; IDR_CONTEXTMENU2 E9D447A18B35AD36=contextmenuevt 7DE3C0CA3A396ABC=insert new event 0BB66BFFD0B47496=set event channel 010E64FA78C1EC4F=insert new bank/program select event... 94CA442B7051C82F=insert new text event... F9D5D58EFC61F4D6=insert new sysex event... ;^83CEDDAC8FB7324E=copy ;^09CFC77E55F475C5=cut ;^13A51C8BEEDFCE52=paste ;^86891682F6F2D16C=select all ;^AF3196AD6B727ABC=delete ;^61946358B1034B76=mute ;^22F2CC2A38A97EDC=event properties... ;^08329707B4EB896A=1 ;^08329607B4EB87B7=2 ;^08329507B4EB8604=3 ;^08329407B4EB8451=4 ;^08329307B4EB829E=5 ;^08329207B4EB80EB=6 ;^08329107B4EB7F38=7 ;^08329007B4EB7D85=8 ;^08328F07B4EB7BD2=9 ;^D97FFC186C3A63EE=10 ;^D97FFD186C3A65A1=11 ;^D97FFA186C3A6088=12 ;^D97FFB186C3A623B=13 ;^D98000186C3A6ABA=14 ;^D98001186C3A6C6D=15 ;^D97FFE186C3A6754=16 [midi_MENU_108] ; IDR_CONTEXTMENU_INLINE 427DCEDE689DF6D8=contextmenuinline 694685A90529A559=insert note at edit cursor ;^83CEDDAC8FB7324E=copy ;^09CFC77E55F475C5=cut ;^13A51C8BEEDFCE52=paste ;^4AAE40A08510E47F=paste preserving position in measure ;^F70F33492CF99E39=select all notes ;^2568C8EFB386D909=delete notes ;^3AECB68ED5632B6C=split notes ;^F15A7C7042D0D2C2=join notes ;^F1B40A37A3CA1D37=mute events ;^CA95C3C55E05662B=reverse ;^A3E22CDD7E92648A=note properties... ;^1AA6DE3444DD65AC=note channel ;^08329707B4EB896A=1 ;^08329607B4EB87B7=2 ;^08329507B4EB8604=3 ;^08329407B4EB8451=4 ;^08329307B4EB829E=5 ;^08329207B4EB80EB=6 ;^08329107B4EB7F38=7 ;^08329007B4EB7D85=8 ;^08328F07B4EB7BD2=9 ;^D97FFC186C3A63EE=10 ;^D97FFD186C3A65A1=11 ;^D97FFA186C3A6088=12 ;^D97FFB186C3A623B=13 ;^D98000186C3A6ABA=14 ;^D98001186C3A6C6D=15 ;^D97FFE186C3A6754=16 ;^596C077CE46E04EE=quantize... ;^3410CCD7F87501B1=quantize using last settings ;^809D9AA3B4306FA0=quantize position to grid ;^5F02ABE17A3B29CB=unquantize ;^EFEE658757CE9229=freeze quantization ;^0E44CD2EEA4BA863=humanize notes... ;^00AE9EFDE5806889=select all notes with same pitch ;^C37C016F07A7F9E3=set note ends to start of next note (legato) ;^C2EA750B659102CA=view ;^6F5879A58A373F2D=rectangles ;^22E2AB4758B4B1A6=triangles (drum mode) ;^458E371D81F5AF00=diamonds (drum mode) ;^8D4D0B4B0B6A41EE=show velocity handles on notes ;^F2C5D93EA511931D=show velocity numbers on notes ;^B3A278DCD3CFC6D2=show note names on notes ;^F63AE8DA71068B90=show all note rows ;^EC7AC3AA42C4D72E=hide unused note rows ;^DBDB8690C26086AF=hide unused and unnamed note rows ;^B86D86AEB9B256EF=note preview ;^1CB344D7A3966A1C=preview notes when inserting or editing ;^20E9ED3176CA103F=preview on velocity change ;^DCA1F9FA124A043F=preview on keyboard action ;^50F94031ED758F24=preview all selected notes that overlap with the edited note ;^CBA3F4617B7ED4EB=drawing or selecting a note sets the new note length ;^DFBC279E68B89582=load color map from file... ;^D6FAC22FB212CB64=clear color map (use default) [midi_MENU_112] ; IDR_PIANO_TOOLBAR 139284A69A2B83E8=piano roll toolbar 4D852D31543F53D5=cc selection follows note selection 10FCA5501B28E1C5=step sequencing: use all midi inputs for step recording ;^C52E96757D127F12=save (.mid source only) ;^B9E01E945963FBE3=revert (.mid source only) ;^A94AD4A428E77297=piano roll ;^BC42705B7ADECF45=named notes ;^62FDF7F7A684A0AF=event list ;^4102183C117A7763=musical notation ;^C499FEFB8CC28F79=filter ;^6401143383A78B46=track list ;^094D37BBB2035D08=quantize ;^257731EBCA5EBF0E=show grid ;^8BD3DE8B5B83C01C=snap to grid ;^C0647C0C15A70DB9=dock editor [midi_MENU_113] ; IDR_EVTLIST_TOOLBAR A910AA64E54FA7F0=event list toolbar ;^C52E96757D127F12=save (.mid source only) ;^B9E01E945963FBE3=revert (.mid source only) ;^A94AD4A428E77297=piano roll ;^BC42705B7ADECF45=named notes ;^62FDF7F7A684A0AF=event list ;^4102183C117A7763=musical notation ;^C499FEFB8CC28F79=filter ;^18E4377E5DDC2B7A=add ;^AF3196AD6B727ABC=delete ;^C0647C0C15A70DB9=dock editor [midi_MENU_114] ; IDR_VIEWMODE_CTX D18B18554512BA66=view mode context F74AE4D89CAA2EA0=view: project beats B9F2361ABD9B05A0=view: source beats 8AEBA47BC5261D5E=view: project time 2CB78A202470C1AF=view: project time (synced) [midi_MENU_119] ; IDR_VELLANE_CTX A6B62F9DD6DC6EC5=vellanectx 17AF9ADA061979E8=nudge events left 643E22102BDE08DD=nudge events right F0FAB3E07308D3FB=move events left by grid 252E6133513E4C46=move events right by grid 4829DEEF25C8EEA2=draw cc events into all editable midi media items ;^8AF60DF50912755E=select all events in lane ;^C0ABC9951CF45E7F=unselect all events in lane ;^22F2CC2A38A97EDC=event properties... [midi_MENU_138] ; IDR_SNAP_CTX ;^00F8AF1A6A14D288=snap settings ;^A958A4ED6B3FE77D=always snap notes/cc to the left ;^CBB62A841502FD76=snap note ends to grid ;^B97C90B7FAB41974=snap notes/cc relative to grid [midi_MENU_139] ; IDR_FILTER_CTX 1A838426FF4E6066=filter settings E56A8E21CBAA0A4F=invert filter ;^D21C990ADFD61587=show only events that pass filter ;^0420AF237D97ECB8=solo [midi_MENU_140] ; IDR_SCORENOTE_CTX 3BBF74A3261D5667=accidental E0954F5ACD9EE917=move note up one semitone A9266953EC170BE4=move note down one semitone 9867368F96BC39D9=notate as natural 8D3BD13FA986A9FF=notate as flat AE5AB546FBC71864=notate as sharp 25F2F233A71B2EDF=notate as double-flat C20CD3DEDF254DC4=notate as double-sharp 0935AFCF4FD32C6B=clear any custom accidental notation 8B4ACC3BEC125B0F=default notation for accidentals in c major 849E72541304FF85=sharp C5405F8FA8EDAC38=flat 2F577E23960A51E6=stem EEA14D3A567B992F=stem up 19B3717B9A6F5D8A=stem down 11EDB7B9B7936C74=default stem direction 6533B7B2356FC9F8=beam 84F41A7D48AD453D=beam notes together 8631F51F5D1CE157=do not beam notes 126BC497156C7031=default beaming 3DBF1CD37E44D167=dot/tie 06DAF8098D6283EC=minimize ties if possible 357CE59934336A13=double dot if possible 44CB214782BC05CE=triple dot if possible 32F6B083EC43DC4C=do not double or triple dot note F3A13AB58D8007F2=create/edit tuplet E93EC9A64FE34A6B=remove tuplet 5B3D6477E1863F3B=staff D99483186C4BF25D=+3 D99482186C4BF0AA=+2 D99481186C4BEEF7=+1 9585110906C8232E=no octave notation D98D75186C45BBE5=-1 D98D72186C45B6CC=-2 D98D73186C45B87F=-3 E6884AA337B1E70A=display offset 9FD83BEF7E96BDEF=edit displayed note position 714C37BC36547D00=edit displayed note length E5243D4E96E9206D=clear display offset 58FAA78C2B1320AF= FD34C29CCBF2F9C9=hide selected notes ;^2BE3837BF3278C55=context menu ;^2DF49C37B8D4B099=minimize ties for all notes by default ;^A2D6900BDE25A89B=automatically double dot notes ;^B3A2924B68A32EC2=automatically triple dot notes ;^30B968FF1A533857=lyrics... ;^3E04EF2C595D4859=tuplet ;^662197EEE0495B80=automatically detect triplets ;^AB2A3D4EF1C9D1A8=default ;^7622187E02308D3E=top ;^BADA204837504C00=bottom ;^56A71EF19F6D546B=octave ;^C12027CB26D455FB=(note notation menu) ;^EA7EDFD029F80877=nudge left ;^2E287BE9B3A7F568=nudge right ;^F4D94A4971240B8C=chords ;^8DBCC7402CA5D3B2=hide notes ;^C244DB21860623E6=unhide all notes ;^83CEDDAC8FB7324E=copy ;^09CFC77E55F475C5=cut ;^13A51C8BEEDFCE52=paste ;^4AAE40A08510E47F=paste preserving position in measure ;^86891682F6F2D16C=select all ;^AF3196AD6B727ABC=delete ;^1D4EDA35A99AEFAE=insert note ;^C37C016F07A7F9E3=set note ends to start of next note (legato) ;^06031C90037D1F1C=select previous note ;^0A80E4A5D91679BC=select next note ;^A3E22CDD7E92648A=note properties... [midi_MENU_142] ; IDR_SCORESTAFF_CTX 5268877E4543F2DC=(track notation menu) D065266873DF25A9=pedal 2A63668657241DFC=engage D38D48BF6672F634=release 2228437C3D34F9B6=(pitch list) 479C1CD79D6CA108=identify chords on editor grid B24120B38D08F178=remove all chord notation ;^2BE3837BF3278C55=context menu ;^30B968FF1A533857=lyrics... ;^3E04EF2C595D4859=tuplet ;^E78FFFE5EA715BBB=create tuplet... ;^662197EEE0495B80=automatically detect triplets ;^4301D6719DEA0900=display pedal events ;^0EE3E56F69BB58C3=voice ;^63D8223008357593=select all notes in default voice ;^B4806B0B80335AE6=select all notes in high voice ;^A025E53729E41E20=select all notes in low voice ;^8DBCC7402CA5D3B2=hide notes ;^F4D94A4971240B8C=chords ;^83CEDDAC8FB7324E=copy ;^09CFC77E55F475C5=cut ;^13A51C8BEEDFCE52=paste ;^4AAE40A08510E47F=paste preserving position in measure ;^86891682F6F2D16C=select all ;^AF3196AD6B727ABC=delete ;^1D4EDA35A99AEFAE=insert note [midi_actions] A97D415B0FD742FD=set note position to edit cursor C8B27C49243534E1=options: soft-snap notes to other notes 8F51F1D4C5CEF7B0=options: snap note ends to grid (when snap is enabled) 48E07F2FDC11259E=options: always snap notes to the left (when snap is enabled) B08FF8347A5C4237=edit: delete notes 9488AB63F6246BE7=edit: delete events DA0FB691DC3BC86F=edit: select all events 945441FD8B425C9F=edit: select all notes AD849E93FEFF0B81=edit: unselect all 6279421EAAAE1098=edit: copy D2FFC2572B1A85F7=edit: cut 5D2A21CF6A721853=edit: insert note at edit cursor 2D8816921375C75C=edit: insert note at mouse cursor 4C8650CF170718F8=edit: mute events (toggle) DEB20CC364DD2A61=edit: mute events 144198FE4808C241=edit: un-mute events 1774E59BC497370E=remove selected duplicate events 875D83C3170731C9=edit: set note ends to start of next note (legato) 3027ADA4C3BA233A=edit: split notes 3AD19012E3D078AA=edit: split notes at mouse cursor 03C3860A4C1D2F24=edit: join notes 4E5CF01054332FBC=edit: paste 71D54D62BE5753C1=edit: paste preserving position in measure 78E8E47EFC057C65=view: show events as rectangles (normal mode) 36C6B6181E8710F9=view: show events as triangles (drum mode) 107E9DE56308FE11=view: show events as diamonds (drum mode) 7FBCA2DDF9B8F09C=view: cycle events view rectangles/triangles/diamonds 5976362B153CF14D=options: drawing or selecting a note sets the new note length E11DAA39BF0069B0=edit: set note lengths to grid size 4AF33A7EB339EF9E=view: toggle show velocity numbers on notes 4614793365FE0635=view: toggle show velocity handles on notes 7E449102A54B4C6F=view: toggle show note names 4775288DA180D627=view: show all note rows 3709FC566E7FB26B=view: hide unused note rows 934775CC2CFDA102=view: hide unused and unnamed note rows D24F1EEFFA7F1E9E=options: preview notes when inserting or editing 65A61577C9A2A491=options: preview on velocity change (when preview is enabled) 49B5F026B3F11D35=options: preview on keyboard action (when preview is enabled) FEA1BEC4A8C5172A=options: preview all selected notes that overlap with the edited note (when preview is enabled) 7A114733F8F233C9=options: toggle cc selection follows note selection 8F2233D3A637774D=edit: set events to channel 01 8F2230D3A6377234=edit: set events to channel 02 8F2231D3A63773E7=edit: set events to channel 03 8F222ED3A6376ECE=edit: set events to channel 04 8F222FD3A6377081=edit: set events to channel 05 8F222CD3A6376B68=edit: set events to channel 06 8F222DD3A6376D1B=edit: set events to channel 07 8F222AD3A6376802=edit: set events to channel 08 8F222BD3A63769B5=edit: set events to channel 09 8F2598D3A63A58C3=edit: set events to channel 10 8F2597D3A63A5710=edit: set events to channel 11 8F259AD3A63A5C29=edit: set events to channel 12 8F2599D3A63A5A76=edit: set events to channel 13 8F259CD3A63A5F8F=edit: set events to channel 14 8F259BD3A63A5DDC=edit: set events to channel 15 8F259ED3A63A62F5=edit: set events to channel 16 802F9AD62C11DB9D=select note nearest to the edit cursor 2A5666D0908CFEC7=add note nearest to the edit cursor to selection 7E40B0EA7E402781=navigate: move edit cursor to start of selected events 0829093DF745FF3A=navigate: move edit cursor to end of selected events B3F14610D6559E5F=edit: reverse all events C77EE2FA5A91D12B=edit: reverse selected events 4A278D5802700DD9=edit: reverse selected events within time selection 326FC806B993E1E7=edit: invert (reverse vertically) all notes D3134C3F5F652153=edit: invert (reverse vertically) selected notes A83A09A1C4ACEB04=edit: invert (reverse vertically) all note intervals 3DD6735DE0F81F70=edit: invert (reverse vertically) selected note intervals E801468AEF4057BD=edit: invert voicing upwards for selected notes 61797AE1212D39F4=edit: invert voicing downwards for selected notes E7849E3DB66C6DFF=edit: invert voicing upwards for each selected chord 0C9530B3BAB365B4=edit: invert voicing downwards for each selected chord ED7BF684EE335C84=edit: move notes up one semitone B06FAA9F583E6B63=edit: move notes down one semitone 24FC42552B788B63=edit: move notes up one semitone ignoring scale/key 0276FB69090520AE=edit: move notes down one semitone ignoring scale/key 8C32CCBDD5B7F18E=edit: move notes up one octave 94DC68F8BA162581=edit: move notes down one octave AE537E89B0FA85F2=edit: move notes left one pixel 5EEB323FB89E4FF3=edit: move notes right one pixel 906D621947C149BC=edit: move notes left one grid unit 74C805441BBF70BD=edit: move notes right one grid unit 0AC22130F1876A07=edit: lengthen notes one pixel AB2CF561D0A03157=edit: shorten notes one pixel C88F18A7AA98D449=edit: lengthen notes one grid unit 264801354DF6B039=edit: shorten notes one grid unit F776E51A281DB656=edit: move pitch cursor down one semitone 05FF705340D0D965=edit: move pitch cursor up one semitone 7FE31B22C17F5968=edit: move pitch cursor down one octave B2BB7B7D413A2A4B=edit: move pitch cursor up one octave B30EFE55BBA7CAE8=view: zoom out vertically 17BB6D28FF47A10B=view: zoom in vertically E984EE3624B5E0C2=edit: note velocity +01 E981693624B2C8EC=edit: note velocity +10 B51EEC3606E8E080=edit: note velocity -01 B51B873606E5FF0A=edit: note velocity -10 BA10609226525607=quantize notes using last quantize dialog settings 79D9FAFDE3097BB3=quantize note positions to grid 5E9062BCF001B106=quantize note positions and ends to grid 9C429EAD1ED67B9B=quantize events using last quantize dialog settings 4FE17A6F27A23BEA=quantize events to grid C0DD052715E2EA62=edit: note properties 3CBC0EEB940BE393=close inline editor 7F2CA69A31ED0C2C=load color map from file FC7A729301A5929F=color notes by velocity C469BE099CF02AB0=color notes/cc by channel 543885DA3E388EEA=color notes by pitch 4A557FF0605F84EB=color notes/cc by source, using colormap 43AF386E07B7A3B4=color notes/cc by track custom color FABD1A5FFA01D96A=color notes/cc by media item custom color 7B51B977AE631DA9=file/notation: export (pdf, musicxml)... 55BA7AE91DFF8E10=edit: select all notes at pitch cursor 47B14273C9680D6D=notation: notate as default DA305AC899E15E39=notation: notate as natural B0AB0DEAAAECA4DF=notation: notate as flat 4A59EBDA5C10CFC4=notation: notate as sharp 1AF4A3D8324A473F=notation: notate as double-flat EC814E7C482AD0A4=notation: notate as double-sharp 2844A2624C5A1C3F=notation: transposing display also affects key signatures on the track 334E88AB0ADE4BA7=notation: when transposing display, show transposed semitones below key signatures DE85B6F6FA16743B=notation: disable transposing display 42AC86BBE7EFD5CF=notation: key signature changes affect all tracks E369B9E8F5C01BCC=notation: automatically voice overlapping notes BF5FB0A5508B4E8D=notation: color note heads 123C0BD079A5D2D2=notation: proportional (musical) note spacing E4C9B06EF6835102=notation: continuous view always, regardless of zoom level 7C21D8C640B2123C=notation: bracket tracks by folder 1BCDBE207245ACCB=notation: remove tuplet 2339B28384C6A700=notation: create/edit tuplet... C8CC4399501AD20F=notation: set tuplet note length to half F05FA3688D8D6C8F=notation: set tuplet note length to double D61CE76F2C189C4C=notation: engage/re-engage pedal 0A3206A84BAAB770=notation: release pedal 5726C4A6B61222E0=notation: display pedal events DEFBBCF809513B1F=notation: make phrase/slur 1F07F50BFA5A5A29=notation: remove phrase/slur 88BCB7F8F37876CA=notation: select all notes in phrase/slur 539191BD0EFDFB1F=notation: slur 1EB98E408B462B80=notation: slide D17F2F4BD7FDA0F4=notation: bend F02978C040C2FDC5=notation: hammer/pull 343A0879A8522682=notation: set default voice 44986FADAEF1A74D=notation: set high voice 285E282419166BF1=notation: set low voice 0F3BBFF4FEFAA9F3=notation: select all notes in default voice 89C48319E0EFECC6=notation: select all notes in high voice D76F6B151D77C200=notation: select all notes in low voice 46EFC5BEFF36595E=color notes by voice BED0EF29D8A64606=notation: note stem direction up 9AD6FDA621DB466F=notation: note stem direction down BE122BAAFDBAE4B8=notation: default note stem direction 340EC7CD73CC1712=notation: beam selected notes together A9767DB1CFC43D3E=notation: do not beam selected notes 940F6FD6BD1A909E=notation: default beaming for selected notes A8686B9B838AA8B9=notation: toggle minimize ties for selected notes E720F173ABA3321D=notation: minimize ties for selected notes if possible B32543F0B2590571=notation: do not minimize ties for selected notes FC0C58F63EF4EAF9=notation: minimize ties for all notes by default EDF3D8F65EAF2949=notation: double dot note if possible D1E82DFF1832BEE2=notation: triple dot note if possible 6823E631303255AC=notation: do not double or triple dot note BBC6A721CEF6FC7B=notation: automatically double dot notes 118EB93220C948A2=notation: automatically triple dot notes 980C9A311123E91D=notation: set staff to default BD57D29CC1DD909D=notation: set staff to first of pair 3BFDF323E22D0A0F=notation: set staff to second of pair 2EF40F83F2C88436=notation: select all notes in staff 97E4C190DAFBCE41=notation: delete note articulation C679D21283807C59=notation: add accent articulation 0E05D15B6020FC8D=notation: add staccato articulation 7A2F41BDD3D60D32=notation: add tenuto articulation 66F2571E292734D8=notation: add staccatissimo articulation 98A06EC5B4FA24CC=notation: add marcato articulation 0F9846274311F202=notation: add portato articulation 718B1570C54F643B=notation: add fermata articulation C1FCC31597E7104C=notation: delete note ornament 270C70CC228E9385=notation: delete note text or custom ornament EE02DAEFC2F98DAE=notation: add grace note ornament 7599A2838494E9B1=notation: add vibrato ornament 7DE04DCC5EEDDEAA=notation: add tremolo ornament 1DD936BC6529CDF5=notation: add trill ornament 9AD7D3B55FD3E86E=notation: add whole note trill ornament 2EF0AC31432DE8DF=notation: add turn ornament 9D27E596AE6E9A90=notation: add lower mordent ornament 20DAEDE49487721B=notation: add upper mordent ornament 31229FB3A6A41993=notation: add text ornament... 21CCA42FFACB5754=notation: add open technique 5F8F6C79F787E738=notation: add snap technique E14F39FCA3E99DF5=notation: add pluck technique 4C96D1E949DCADA9=notation: add up bow technique 2A8D66558A82DD04=notation: add down bow technique 9D30D8DC9BD0D4DD=notation: insert text notation... 267F6A6F7E5BB407=notation: insert crescendo dynamic 27441AB06F0C22C9=notation: insert diminuendo dynamic 6E817CDAA0F02A33=notation: insert pppp dynamic 9B812F7B7DFD90EF=notation: insert ppp dynamic 2F541CE302A937E3=notation: insert pp dynamic 5EF57E8CE1DEB01F=notation: insert p dynamic BBF4168417593F9E=notation: insert mp dynamic D8EBB33979A0D16C=notation: insert m dynamic FFCB6F3797AD2998=notation: insert mf dynamic CB5C0F47D8500165=notation: insert f dynamic 7DAD4A124D033A47=notation: insert ff dynamic 65DCB1CAFC575669=notation: insert fff dynamic 752C363BF46FCE1B=notation: insert ffff dynamic 6CB8FF80C75E839C=notation: delete 39142EC8ACB2D18D=notation: create custom track notation... FE413985831CECE1=notation: insert lyric CC65EEC051A49C6F=notation: adjust display quantization... 65B6AB8A54CF61C5=notation: display all media item edges 1BBE3749C5CEE5AA=notation: display media item loop marks A1F0C204D2076C60=notation: automatically detect triplets 040F9DB857486D5A=notation: position dynamics below the staff by default DF53404E85C4C8C6=notation: unhide all notes 39E723C2C7C24929=notation: hide selected notes 1545F62788A56432=notation: display accidentals as sharps in c major C0EEEF5DE1F5CFED=notation: display accidentals as flats in c major 924575DA284875F0=notation: display project tempo changes CACFBC0ED3BF7D0D=notation: set display quantization to 1/64 CAD9AC0ED3C7B662=notation: set display quantization to 1/32 5BEAD23F97DFECA8=notation: set display quantization to 1/16 (default) BC08EA473E47A2A5=notation: set display quantization to 1/8 A13DD148B4F574FC=notation: set minimum display quantization note length to 1/256 AA430448BA2B57FC=notation: set minimum display quantization note length to 1/128 32752A2F95E7AF21=notation: set minimum display quantization note length to 1/64 (default) CAB288BC7D2AC5E6=notation: set minimum display quantization note length to 1/32 CAB98CBC7D30EB60=notation: set minimum display quantization note length to 1/16 7C3317F66DC00661=notation: set minimum display quantization note length to 1/8 92CB151439ECDF1F=notation: notate as +3 octaves C304F08863D104FC=notation: notate as +2 octaves E9B2DCBF1E4DA619=notation: notate as +1 octaves BE7EC755D3B73661=notation: remove octave notation 9A4528FE3676611B=notation: notate as -1 octaves 378DB8D86C6D4F02=notation: notate as -2 octaves A96FD6B571DA1465=notation: notate as -3 octaves 34599C055B1458CD=notation: clear display offset A255350E213D1A2B=notation: nudge position display offset left AC742E7BAA2DC234=notation: nudge position display offset right D04EFDF19ECCF874=notation: nudge length display offset left 5EB8694D752C5481=notation: nudge length display offset right 637280838C49A796=edit: insert note at nearest c D9CA6DC76614CF0A=edit: insert note at nearest c#/db 637283838C49ACAF=edit: insert note at nearest d 5564E91FD61558DA=edit: insert note at nearest d#/eb 637282838C49AAFC=edit: insert note at nearest e 637285838C49B015=edit: insert note at nearest f 3BEE11AD05EE9E76=edit: insert note at nearest f#/gb 637284838C49AE62=edit: insert note at nearest g B3558A5B099AD957=edit: insert note at nearest g#/ab 63727E838C49A430=edit: insert note at nearest a A989B57E71AC6556=edit: insert note at nearest a#/bb 637281838C49A949=edit: insert note at nearest b AADEEE8374C0F46A=edit: move pitch cursor to nearest c 13A95B7E69224F6E=edit: move pitch cursor to nearest c#/db AADEE98374C0EBEB=edit: move pitch cursor to nearest d C83ECF9967966A76=edit: move pitch cursor to nearest d#/eb AADEE88374C0EA38=edit: move pitch cursor to nearest e AADEEB8374C0EF51=edit: move pitch cursor to nearest f 56DA982420BAF762=edit: move pitch cursor to nearest f#/gb AADEEA8374C0ED9E=edit: move pitch cursor to nearest g FA96E2E8EEA27DBB=edit: move pitch cursor to nearest g#/ab AADEEC8374C0F104=edit: move pitch cursor to nearest a E0D997608FAEDAC2=edit: move pitch cursor to nearest a#/bb AADEEF8374C0F61D=edit: move pitch cursor to nearest b F5723564ACAEB6FB=show menu of midi note name files at mouse cursor BB391CE045020C28=edit: paste events into the active midi media item regardless of source midi media item 670DC9CD22CE7229=edit: paste events preserving position in measure, into the active midi media item regardless of source midi media item 210CB656F59E84C5=options: show tooltips in midi track list FA6C92F02CDC3C65=options: midi track list/media item lane selection is linked to editability 162EBB9C08863A55=options: midi track list/media item lane selection is linked to visibility 6AA5061B6E53203F=options: only midi items on the same track as the active item are editable E9B49CE816504702=options: all media items are editable in notation view EC99064D457BE92B=options: draw and edit cc events on all tracks 40D60E90E04EA418=options: edit cc events on all tracks 7DEE3EEE1CBC5E5D=options: allow selecting a single cc event with a mouse click E1A9EDBF9028F86E=options: edit velocity in lane only when mouse is over velocity bar E6A12A5B608B9224=options: edit velocity in lane within current grid division 6E83C70F57A70950=contents: show/hide track list 5A1EC7DD564AE6D0=contents: show/hide media item lane CAE9C7D719C42445=options: track list/media item lane follows selection changes in arrange view 9AA50A191AA9D4BB=options: close midi editor when the active media item is deleted in the arrange view A4767523092FE120=options: choose which tracks appear in track list 7F132D3055C7BDE5=edit: delete trailing notes of less than 1/8 note in length 9AE0A1D9BA951B64=edit: delete trailing notes of less than 1/16 note in length EBDAE662F31B48F6=edit: delete trailing notes of less than 1/32 note in length D16B5528E72DA2AF=edit: delete trailing notes of less than 1/64 note in length D403CA3153A5D57E=edit: delete trailing notes of less than 1/128 note in length 6EEA01E9E34157B2=edit: delete trailing notes of less than 1/256 note in length 027278DE9A3DFD62=edit: delete all notes of less than 1/8 note in length 0805C7EAE2166651=edit: delete all notes of less than 1/16 note in length 661A82576AAFA5D7=edit: delete all notes of less than 1/32 note in length 19F4255A69E2D602=edit: delete all notes of less than 1/64 note in length EE7C31764BDD7375=edit: delete all notes of less than 1/128 note in length 6F9299AD0D015505=edit: delete all notes of less than 1/256 note in length ED05F1492D856E8C=edit: select all muted notes E316D591135360EC=contents: display editor contents menu at mouse position 432142BABA4508F2=contents: activate previous midi media item on this track, clearing the editor first 29039D9A64684B6A=contents: activate next midi media item on this track, clearing the editor first 83DFCF5852873345=contents: display all midi media items on this track 23F06A2946CBC4D0=contents: activate previous midi media item on this track, preserving existing editor contents AADDE6D4F2D27B08=contents: activate next midi media item on this track, preserving existing editor contents 962848F025ECFD51=toolbar: open midi toolbar 1 962845F025ECF838=toolbar: open midi toolbar 2 962846F025ECF9EB=toolbar: open midi toolbar 3 96284BF025ED026A=toolbar: open midi toolbar 4 96284CF025ED041D=toolbar: open midi toolbar 5 962849F025ECFF04=toolbar: open midi toolbar 6 96284AF025ED00B7=toolbar: open midi toolbar 7 96283FF025ECEE06=toolbar: open midi toolbar 8 3F64431803D34C32=toolbar: switch to midi toolbar 1 3F64421803D34A7F=toolbar: switch to midi toolbar 2 3F64411803D348CC=toolbar: switch to midi toolbar 3 3F64401803D34719=toolbar: switch to midi toolbar 4 3F643F1803D34566=toolbar: switch to midi toolbar 5 3F643E1803D343B3=toolbar: switch to midi toolbar 6 3F643D1803D34200=toolbar: switch to midi toolbar 7 3F644C1803D35B7D=toolbar: switch to midi toolbar 8 3F1DFB1C709350C1=toolbar: switch to midi piano roll toolbar 1CC9EE8D33B2887F=edit: set event channel higher A4D498E1663634B1=edit: set event channel lower FAD8C12868FE8631=edit: set note length to double 61A8F4B2CB123335=edit: set note length to half 75223C52AD46DAEF=edit: set channel higher for new events B1ECFE307FABE995=edit: set channel lower for new events B3004A1738B77138=edit: move left edge of note to edit cursor 60C0270699F106AB=edit: move right edge of note to edit cursor 5B1BE3AD77CEBE47=edit: trim left edge of note to edit cursor 6636DC2E31AA560E=edit: trim right edge of note to edit cursor 4670159CB4F85EA3=edit: make notes legato, preserving note start times 99AB86DEA4CFA8DA=edit: make notes legato, preserving relative note spacing EDB3C79E17A5FA05=select previous key signature 8280369B32F871A5=select next key signature 81685FB978384E43=select previous key signature root 4717FF560500DD63=select next key signature root 08827717C109F025=force selected notes into key signature 14BE93AD8D9922DF=transpose notes... 32F90CEF300BD525=view: toggle auto-view-scroll on playback AAC4725E31649671=view: zoom in horizontally 001B000B3F58D34E=view: zoom out horizontally 446A9B48E31B4C14=view: toggle grid 9A035BDEA392BBEF=view: toggle snap to grid B1B82B56179891B7=view: toggle relative snap to grid 39A604B6CAE48823=edit: decrease pitch cursor one semitone B999AE2E62325D17=edit: increase pitch cursor one semitone 2DA63430718CDC41=edit: decrease pitch cursor one octave F0BF7B5535B45C45=edit: increase pitch cursor one octave BC28E44B58070ABF=edit: move edit cursor left one pixel A8143169848E0614=edit: move edit cursor right one pixel 64A5BCD495E34AED=groove: edit groove grid 807EF2DDFFF04D1B=grid: multiply grid size by 2 807EF1DDFFF04B68=grid: multiply grid size by 3 BA5F9C60B1303CD3=grid: multiply grid size by 1/2 BA5F9B60B1303B20=grid: multiply grid size by 1/3 6E288265E5E5D830=grid: set to 1/128 preserving grid type E513C0F0BD4DED0D=grid: set to 1/64 preserving grid type 6B59592EAC500610=grid: set to 1/32 preserving grid type A28D63D5DEBBFEC2=grid: set to 1/16 preserving grid type A9EEE35742C93F07=grid: set to 1/8 preserving grid type EA304B5BDCDEDA3B=grid: set to 1/4 preserving grid type D4747CD4D3FF8CF1=grid: set to 1/2 preserving grid type ED1DD91EEB151F82=grid: set to 1 preserving grid type 0700088D07CCD84D=grid: set to 2 preserving grid type 67C29A92BEF6543F=grid: set to 4 preserving grid type 6E0ACAE294F315B6=grid: set grid type to straight 2E339FA463E1E08C=grid: set grid type to triplet 7CC986B297E518C0=grid: set grid type to dotted 7C6D2292F8F10176=grid: set grid type to swing 896DB185FCE9652F=set length for next inserted note: grid 737904FFC445B14A=set length for next inserted note: 1/128 preserving division type 717293B40A1F8D49=set length for next inserted note: 1/64 preserving division type 11A08672FEC26290=set length for next inserted note: 1/32 preserving division type 54A3F962FE94803E=set length for next inserted note: 1/16 preserving division type C3F59FDFA5A35609=set length for next inserted note: 1/8 preserving division type B751C8875FCB92BD=set length for next inserted note: 1/4 preserving division type 8DF89F16148673CF=set length for next inserted note: 1/2 preserving division type B8393FEB8AC4CF78=set length for next inserted note: 1 preserving division type 567A3D20B373BDD1=set length for next inserted note: straight preserving division length 3F86410D66C2DEE3=set length for next inserted note: dotted preserving division length A44EC3A8F429A871=set length for next inserted note: triplet preserving division length FD2B899D51A3DCA9=edit: set note length to 1/128 using current note length division type CC922B75178FC732=edit: set note length to 1/64 using current note length division type DECB2969C44DF489=edit: set note length to 1/32 using current note length division type 885EF22884EBE4D3=edit: set note length to 1/16 using current note length division type 5C7EB43ABADFC8DC=edit: set note length to 1/8 using current note length division type B935B58703128320=edit: set note length to 1/4 using current note length division type 4556CEA5B5219276=edit: set note length to 1/2 using current note length division type 8F375E99C8DA1893=edit: set note length to 1 using current note length division type 6FA4CB9305756CD1=insert note: 1/128 using current note length division type 04DBA44642AD6E3A=insert note: 1/64 using current note length division type FA0867B352F1ADB1=insert note: 1/32 using current note length division type B81F05A1CC4D86FB=insert note: 1/16 using current note length division type 3356554D00A680E4=insert note: 1/8 using current note length division type 74CBB68D6DD49618=insert note: 1/4 using current note length division type 8E728A46020955CE=insert note: 1/2 using current note length division type F6FB614A2A5DC4BB=insert note: 1 using current note length division type F36D6C5C7C02E7E2=cursor: advance 1/128 using current note length division type DA0934008132FF9F=cursor: advance 1/64 using current note length division type C7E924B128DAFE38=cursor: advance 1/32 using current note length division type 46E134E921A2397A=cursor: advance 1/16 using current note length division type 3A8E1E3777D53D07=cursor: advance 1/8 using current note length division type 903E6C2BFB627E8B=cursor: advance 1/4 using current note length division type 059A12B816AD2E29=cursor: advance 1/2 using current note length division type D1F7364F91CF3560=cursor: advance 1 using current note length division type 3B2B6D50B83F04B2=cc: next cc lane D52614F985A9A75E=cc: previous cc lane 8CF312B277743705=view: zoom vertically (midi relative/mousewheel) D8B950C8AFB5EC57=view: zoom horizontally (midi relative/mousewheel) BBFE0C681A41EFFF=view: scroll vertically (midi relative/mousewheel) F78E17920B4B47E9=view: scroll horizontally (midi relative/mousewheel) DD7AAF86980E0FB7=view: zoom vertically reversed (midi relative/mousewheel) 153D6F7BB1CFAC9D=view: zoom horizontally reversed (midi relative/mousewheel) D10FCBDCC0246995=view: scroll vertically reversed (midi relative/mousewheel) F5A720C8150F1F3B=view: scroll horizontally reversed (midi relative/mousewheel) 3D1726B814E59FC4=grid: adjust swing strength (midi cc/mousewheel) 368F438FCECAA5FF=select all cc events in last clicked lane CA518615C734C1CA=unselect all cc events in last clicked lane CE40E975CE701B8B=edit: move cc events left 1 pixel 478E8311D6B05DF2=edit: move cc events right 1 pixel AD9A344F4583115D=navigate: move edit cursor left by grid 4C0BD67DFC033DA0=navigate: move edit cursor right by grid 6C5275143C9F43E2=navigate: move edit cursor left one measure 947852AB31A48BB3=navigate: move edit cursor right one measure 2AF562E4224382A3=navigate: move edit cursor to start of measure 6FB303A90515FA5C=navigate: move edit cursor to start of next measure 9F9A07182658CEFA=navigate: move edit cursor to start of selected events in active midi media item A4937C8EFAFA04CD=navigate: move edit cursor to end of selected events in active midi media item 79BAE013AA7E4B51=edit: set or insert cc event at mouse cursor 199EFD592E7BE892=timebase: beats (project) 5B420CACEF163E3E=timebase: beats (source) BC47512B47A7E0D4=timebase: time (project) C5BBF1CBAE9C60D0=timebase: sync to arrange view AB52D041B3F3966E=timebase: display help... 0B5AC776E78DDDE2=timebase: toggle sync to arrange view 92713AA85C40C515=view: zoom to content 3CF8D965E8AF2C75=view: zoom to one loop iteration D27046044A0F5B53=view: zoom to selected notes/cc F1CE8021917D898B=view: zoom to project loop selection 45D7EC54448251F1=options: display 14-bit msb/lsb cc data as a single entry in event list view and event properties dialog 29CA1910A3FA5207=options: double-click extends the bounds of the nearest media item B3E2DEA3C4B15F91=options: enable extending parent media item when editing midi notes (if parent item is exactly the length of the midi content) 8BA76FC76F403196=view: toggle show midi editor windows 8244FE56B988DD3D=edit: set time selection to selected notes A3556FCE7897E635=edit: set loop points to selected notes 954729AB8E2AB13D=edit: fit notes to time selection F0ED847FB4715E47=loop: halve loop length 30EF3CF9FFFEC470=loop: double loop length 34BCC7A7648CC268=move cursor to start of loop C692AB8700BEA979=move cursor to end of loop 04EEA1AC562213F9=move cursor to start of time selection 83621E4B868729F0=move cursor to end of time selection ABA862129F9AA5D1=edit: select all notes in time selection FC6B66E6ABF27DAF=edit: select all notes starting in time selection F61283F478E3BA74=edit: select all cc events in time selection (in last clicked cc lane) 31E92F00ADDAD889=edit: select all cc events in time selection (even if cc lane is hidden) C9F93869572801BD=edit: select all cc events in time selection (in all visible cc lanes) B785F96D1F0D0153=edit: select all events in time selection (even if cc lane is hidden) 5593B0D5411845F7=edit: select all events in time selection (in all visible cc lanes) 60B9DBD2D01247C9=edit: select all cc events under selected notes EFDAB9365C114732=edit: toggle selection of all cc events under selected notes 399592B2D3AC30CE=edit: select all notes in measure 2662400A3424CD30=edit: select all notes starting in measure 7D8180737B905F03=quantize note positions to last quantize dialog settings 47C895BE6816334D=quantize note positions to 1/64 47D285BE681E6CA2=quantize note positions to 1/32 47D991BE68249FB4=quantize note positions to 1/16 9F5874A2DD847365=quantize note positions to 1/8 9F5878A2DD847A31=quantize note positions to 1/4 E78D9CDC4EDF8449=view: go to edit cursor E5089212F2FF814B=view: go to play cursor 64C21B658BB3889A=mode: piano roll E64C13C95249ED8C=mode: drum map 49403AC51C02BD86=mode: event list C07E878C3D113A94=mode: notation 82CAAB53A8A40F5F=edit: copy events within time selection 41299E7AB0354A16=edit: cut events within time selection 205CF4EE42078517=edit: copy events within time selection, if any (smart copy) 477261822D58CA23=edit: cut events within time selection, if any (smart cut) B95BB1766DD36453=edit: duplicate events D9833E8E8B0FC364=edit: duplicate events one octave higher 93DE8D5E91073930=edit: duplicate events one octave lower FCA9247B5F784401=edit: duplicate events within time selection C2080C4A5EC4ACAB=edit: duplicate events within time selection, if any (smart duplicate) 2795FD472712D7F5=edit: duplicate events within time selection (do not trim notes) BAE5BBE281FEAC4B=edit: duplicate events within time selection, if any (smart duplicate) (do not trim notes) 652378F394ED7074=edit: unmute events 85712914E6BCC16B=quantize notes position to grid 9F2237C4D6CADCAB=quantize notes position and end to grid B9DC9D56C2403D6D=file: save file (midi file mode only) D2445C53ED158E0C=file: revert file (midi file mode only) 0FE56FA767BC8173=view: go to end of file 497100F1540AE4AE=view: go to start of file D837AD064D1D2DF8=edit: event properties 382FD4F0FD467B41=clear all note names F73A16DCAE8E3DFE=options: note name actions apply to the active channel only 88DAFB6BAB447CA4=options: display note names and velocity only on the active media item DA994370056C61B5=options: f1-f12 as step input mode 244A08D0AC0D234A=options: midi inputs as step input mode 5AC00BBE6D34367C=options: synchronize transport with main transport DF2CCA99D8E205B4=time format: ruler in measures.beats only D40754FEC4CE7065=time format: measures.beats.100ths 4BE4F796AB189235=time format: measures.beats.midi_ticks 3FE6509370E49302=options: toggle window docking B90155A0DF862638=set channel for new events to 01 B90158A0DF862B51=set channel for new events to 02 B90157A0DF86299E=set channel for new events to 03 B9015AA0DF862EB7=set channel for new events to 04 B90159A0DF862D04=set channel for new events to 05 B9015CA0DF86321D=set channel for new events to 06 B9015BA0DF86306A=set channel for new events to 07 B9014EA0DF861A53=set channel for new events to 08 B9014DA0DF8618A0=set channel for new events to 09 B8FDD0A0DF830E62=set channel for new events to 10 B8FDD1A0DF831015=set channel for new events to 11 B8FDCEA0DF830AFC=set channel for new events to 12 B8FDCFA0DF830CAF=set channel for new events to 13 B8FDCCA0DF830796=set channel for new events to 14 B8FDCDA0DF830949=set channel for new events to 15 B8FDCAA0DF830430=set channel for new events to 16 D321986FA347603D=insert text event... 142EE0EAE26DFBC8=insert sysex event... 568E3830F83E3239=insert bank/program select event... 234F793AA2FC2835=navigate: select previous note 3A635910AA08D78D=navigate: select next note 5A8C7E3C997750E4=navigate: select previous note with the same pitch AED6D1F98FBE5D1C=navigate: select next note with the same pitch E31222AACF140CA0=select all notes with the same pitch DCC57A9B0AE7F903=navigate: select previous note with the same channel 610D3372D2A4054B=navigate: select next note with the same channel A52A4069B4A8F589=navigate: select previous note on the same staff (notation view) 29BBA688BED02CE1=navigate: select next note on the same staff (notation view) E602FAD7B6C17052=navigate: select previous note with the same voice (notation view) E073187DF1C55FEA=navigate: select next note with the same voice (notation view) 2EDE2029F168F158=navigate: select previous note on the same staff with the same voice (notation view) B8AE60A81E6FE250=navigate: select next note on the same staff with the same voice (notation view) 012EBC9D2B6B5669=select next note with higher pitch 3AF0882978D1BA9F=select next note with lower pitch 4D83FFF631A17563=add next note with higher pitch to selection 7669C2F82F8BE257=add next note with lower pitch to selection D9D985372FC8AEC6=options: correct overlapping notes while editing CA74485943126045=file: export contents as .mid EB50922EEFF2D303=file: close window 4E700A3BED3CFBE5=step input: insert note at current -12 semitones 87DE373052DB2C68=step input: insert note at current -11 semitones 8D69469E311C85EF=step input: insert note at current -10 semitones 20251C3B92BD115D=step input: insert note at current -09 semitones D0A0D45ED855D656=step input: insert note at current -08 semitones DAE68A8A1027C32B=step input: insert note at current -07 semitones 74A5C7169D4FE424=step input: insert note at current -06 semitones 02A70AD14AFD7DE1=step input: insert note at current -05 semitones F7D54A50F034C6AA=step input: insert note at current -04 semitones A307477A3E2AB6BF=step input: insert note at current -03 semitones FEE34C32EB2FD178=step input: insert note at current -02 semitones 05A8F77F1C57C9B5=step input: insert note at current -01 semitones F082BA23A7BF4E0A=step input: insert note at current note E7CECE5AD25D8ADB=step input: insert note at current +01 semitones 345731537C6C945A=step input: insert note at current +02 semitones 597F0D52B2154CD1=step input: insert note at current +03 semitones D95825527A5055A8=step input: insert note at current +04 semitones 9BCF1D5B80E82D2F=step input: insert note at current +05 semitones F508D3547F29B4DE=step input: insert note at current +06 semitones B00F347B6A6E2725=step input: insert note at current +07 semitones 58255C0216D5E77C=step input: insert note at current +08 semitones 28953ADACC086323=step input: insert note at current +09 semitones 1E928CCE843D1715=step input: insert note at current +10 semitones F6F450D71F20D18E=step input: insert note at current +11 semitones 184485854D6AF59F=step input: insert note at current +12 semitones 07433EF51130115D=channel: show only previous channel 0B5AEA3F7017BEC1=channel: show only next channel EF99602CFC703476=channel: show all channels 2B096B334299EE29=channel: show only channel 01 2B0968334299E910=channel: show only channel 02 2B0969334299EAC3=channel: show only channel 03 2B096E334299F342=channel: show only channel 04 2B096F334299F4F5=channel: show only channel 05 2B096C334299EFDC=channel: show only channel 06 2B096D334299F18F=channel: show only channel 07 2B0972334299FA0E=channel: show only channel 08 2B0973334299FBC1=channel: show only channel 09 2B0C7033429C2C7F=channel: show only channel 10 2B0C6F33429C2ACC=channel: show only channel 11 2B0C7233429C2FE5=channel: show only channel 12 2B0C7133429C2E32=channel: show only channel 13 2B0C6C33429C25B3=channel: show only channel 14 2B0C6B33429C2400=channel: show only channel 15 2B0C6E33429C2919=channel: show only channel 16 D98F1702D33B3B96=channel: toggle channel 01 D98F1602D33B39E3=channel: toggle channel 02 D98F1502D33B3830=channel: toggle channel 03 D98F1C02D33B4415=channel: toggle channel 04 D98F1B02D33B4262=channel: toggle channel 05 D98F1A02D33B40AF=channel: toggle channel 06 D98F1902D33B3EFC=channel: toggle channel 07 D98F2002D33B4AE1=channel: toggle channel 08 D98F1F02D33B492E=channel: toggle channel 09 D98B9202D33823C0=channel: toggle channel 10 D98B9302D3382573=channel: toggle channel 11 D98B9402D3382726=channel: toggle channel 12 D98B9502D33828D9=channel: toggle channel 13 D98B9602D3382A8C=channel: toggle channel 14 D98B9702D3382C3F=channel: toggle channel 15 D98B9802D3382DF2=channel: toggle channel 16 E21B35DFE97BE566=insert or edit text (lyric) event at first selected note 09ADCC9635557FD9=align lyric events with notes 5768604A88596C12=shift lyric events forward one note 4530F723A46185C8=shift lyric events backward one note E45DC42594801773=select next lyric event 38E49B70767BC253=select previous lyric event 94AFE209FFF8E1C0=filter: enable/disable event filter and show/hide filter window... F19733067789C415=filter: show/hide filter window... 1545A15B2CDF1627=filter: enable/disable event filter E6685581AD625222=filter: toggle filter solo 50D943F3747A9093=filter: invert filter B31E9F280E9B67C0=misc: close window if not docked, otherwise pass to main window E50D09F85FCF0F74=misc: pass through key to main window 76875EC2685CC6C9=activate next visible midi item 491DAA4AF510B629=activate previous visible midi item 02C71FD84BF6A127=activate next midi item 15436645F28E9B07=activate previous midi item E6032CA065DAE8DF=activate next midi track 8D3DF8F75F346F3F=activate previous midi track 2250EE14EF38BF55=import lyrics for selected notes from file DF61F9F93739802F=customize midi editor toolbar 369A8EC2FD148361=correct overlapping notes E6103AA4FC9BFB33=show raw midi data 4AA26398A8C76723=edit: move cc events left by grid 5091B7695533410E=edit: move cc events right by grid E2B741EFE36922C2=edit: increase value a little bit for cc events C83A79FC5097997E=edit: decrease value a little bit for cc events 7217658C298CEB90=edit: move events left/right (mousewheel/midi relative only) A5D34A5237534CE2=edit: adjust value for events (mousewheel/midi controller only) 8CA3F2F588D18073=toggle locking midi to project tempo at media item start time 7CF5F2A40C38AFD5=cc: set cc lane to velocity 31DCEF6B43DC07D4=cc: set cc lane to pitch 222C965F1127B576=cc: set cc lane to program 7881A46BB50E7A98=cc: set cc lane to channel pressure 1487C0FC772CECC1=cc: set cc lane to bank/program select 2BE2637E7274DB7A=cc: set cc lane to text events CC82C55BB98813DE=cc: set cc lane to sysex 25F36FFC394C5AA8=cc: set cc lane to %03d %s 6196754B3BE72C84=cc: set cc lane to %03d 9F7B5C942E0C2D22=cc: set cc lane to E989B2218DAB0250=insert note: %s B564354B5448EFD1=cursor: advance %s DF23C72B8BC96ADB=set length for next inserted note: %s D83669B634EC1FD8=edit: set note length to %s ;^887AC55D66DDCCA9=options: midi editor mouse modifier preferences... ;^71AFE5DB5650A1AC=add previous note to selection ;^478CB748FDBE3CCC=add next note to selection ;^60FDC47CC49E565A=view: scroll view down ;^EF2E4D6B32E12F9F=view: scroll view up ;^596C077CE46E04EE=quantize... ;^5F02ABE17A3B29CB=unquantize ;^EFEE658757CE9229=freeze quantization ;^4C121E685B2BF818=double length of midi (repeating contents) ;^D6FAC22FB212CB64=clear color map (use default) ;^E733F90D010E8468=notation: identify chords on editor grid ;^DC1BFC2EC50777D8=notation: remove all chord notation ;^EF9B6744B3A3252C=show project markers ;^8AECF7AB9A62250A=show project regions ;^C4C608138A054AEE=show tempo/time signature markers ;^12C3FAD652693FD1=toolbar: open midi toolbar 1 at mouse cursor ;^BBE9B04C60CAD394=toolbar: open midi toolbar 2 at mouse cursor ;^BF0E1DB8639E5D8F=toolbar: open midi toolbar 3 at mouse cursor ;^4A717A29C667E83A=toolbar: open midi toolbar 4 at mouse cursor ;^38FDB8540DCC8CE5=toolbar: open midi toolbar 5 at mouse cursor ;^E0C2BFFA3E68A1C8=toolbar: open midi toolbar 6 at mouse cursor ;^9DE34C2D25A9E7C3=toolbar: open midi toolbar 7 at mouse cursor ;^C1284F3D2876ADCE=toolbar: open midi toolbar 8 at mouse cursor ;^00A326BE1D4B4B0F=view: scroll view left ;^3CAB5198F069B180=view: scroll view right ;^B1403E623CE3075B=split notes on grid ;^3029AAC716696009=grid: set to 1/128 ;^A735F6AA893ADB6A=grid: set to 1/64 ;^2CE4869C340ECB40=grid: set to 1/48 (1/32 triplet) ;^A72BE2AA893264E9=grid: set to 1/32 ;^F7D2806AF1C8F6A8=grid: set to 1/24 (1/16 triplet) ;^A724ECAA892C5739=grid: set to 1/18 ;^A724F6AA892C6837=grid: set to 1/16 ;^30991748475EAF88=grid: set to 1/12 (1/8 triplet) ;^D0F421758DD23E9D=grid: set to 1/10 (1/8 quintuplet) ;^3EDB84617ED807C3=grid: set to 1/9 ;^3EDB83617ED80610=grid: set to 1/8 ;^D3850DEF9281CAD8=grid: set to 1/7 (1/4 septuplet) ;^5230DF98E1E9B921=grid: set to 1/6 (1/4 triplet) ;^CDE6D9431CA98F1B=grid: set to 1/5 (1/4 quintuplet) ;^3EDB8F617ED81A74=grid: set to 1/4 ;^37F77ED848275C2C=grid: set to 1/3 (1/2 triplet) ;^3EDB8D617ED8170E=grid: set to 1/2 ;^6F0C98395DCB31E4=grid: set to 2/3 (whole note triplet) ;^43BC736F21CDCC77=grid: set to 1 ;^43BC746F21CDCE2A=grid: set to 2 ;^43BC756F21CDCFDD=grid: set to 3 ;^43BC6E6F21CDC3F8=grid: set to 4 ;^322A7281794EFF1B=grid: use the same grid division in arrange view and midi editor ;^FDFF2C38C037D04E=no-op (no action) ;^676E901B91B41FD8=chase midi note-ons in project playback ;^16A0B50E20E429AB=view: move edit cursor to mouse cursor ;^B0BD565E6246F228=loop points: set start point ;^F8D05E3085FD2B41=loop points: set end point ;^4F54BFB1FE7FA7B1=send all notes off to all midi outputs/plug-ins ;^E3E61F01CACF8EAD=time selection: remove time selection and loop points ;^01262900CB9ABE4B=loop points: remove loop points ;^E9D9A68C20EC04ED=time selection: remove time selection ;^DCFEAB8BD451EB5C=show action list ;^0E44CD2EEA4BA863=humanize notes... ;^C37C016F07A7F9E3=set note ends to start of next note (legato) ;^61DB5FFF400740A5=transport: toggle repeat ;^82CD794FA2EDD475=transport: play/stop ;^46E68D57893F0D5D=transport: play/pause ;^DBE0EEA73EA7A24B=edit: undo ;^02194DA19CF34ECD=edit: redo ;^A38F6B757E6A088D=rename midi take... ;^5EF7E5C1AEA8878B=load note names from file... ;^E97016D7BAEA01EB=save note names to file... ;^45E4A687094FD052=rename current note... ;^EE7C68EF6C212F98=transport: play ;^A4419DE98AC6632E=transport: stop ;^B12DCB764FB6F550=transport: pause ;^5FCC35227BCB6C5D=invert selection ;^7807E6A469856A94=view: move edit cursor to play cursor ;^2730763EB716675B=import track lyrics... ;^6B9A1E235CAF7E24=export track lyrics... ;^3595163B199DC483=select all cc events ;^9EBC00F62F9F9F8C=unselect all cc events ;^F8E6A0B81A77C5E9=reset all midi devices [midi_artic] 9311DE55FD827361=staccato 60593781A31031C4=staccatissimo D673E8E4323D3368=tenuto DE0735D2F4BCDDFD=accent 3083A0F1CE48C3D8=marcato 1F58A7E46EE89DE6=portato EC9F1DFA3A303821=fermata 962D7171DFB62565=gracenote B940FD8F63A89400=vibrato A0C0419B37F0E8ED=tremolo 8C6D049E53661408=trill DFC2B260C7C875BF=whole note trill 0C93C41D3A0BB19C=turn 066B328E2B72704F=lower mordent E9DEA68FE20454D6=upper mordent 109CF946D8C85FC3=open F99EA123771E4387=snap C739EC2D27413808=pluck DB2DDCA176DA18A2=up bow 7C26E315EB01833F=down bow [midi_clefnames] 1493D83730821EE9=treble+bass ABBFF867E08F445D=treble E2DFF8B9560B8D17=alto 4BF5CA2D408322AB=tenor 8E675DE089816EB8=treble-8 8E7BE1E08992F80E=treble+8 AF610789C4A73394=treble+15 9A91180AD71C5A9D=bass-8 C0C7F66B85142005=bass-15 F069F6F867922302=percussion 061C930043407A05=percussion-oneline A0B7873F04A42329=chart ;^894F61B24A4D3AE0=bass [midi_color] ;^073F0BD84FB2C598=velocity ;^F3238895531F739E=channel ;^57F28E456CC0FEEB=pitch ;^46526B6C96E7851A=source ;^D0C04B9E79D271AE=track ;^0B3E0029A01A16F4=media item ;^0EE3E56F69BB58C3=voice [midi_cols] 1AF3E50D8E6F6105=index A8E63DDC62B5CC1D=off value AACF547AD36BAFE6=reaper notation ;^2ADD7A879D22FA5C=position ;^0A8BAF4C6945400F=length ;^F3238895531F739E=channel ;^2D126F1D4BD6B8C7=type ;^FC55E4C505C541DE=parameter ;^772CECA01AD73CB4=value [midi_et] F7C99BD39EBB01D9=bank select msb A3C0BB89027A73F0=mod wheel msb 4C67565556591963=breath msb 4D2CACF78C35EE4D=foot pedal msb 628FDAD672DCB70A=portamento msb 63065B6D1BF473DD=data entry msb C78685162B198F93=volume msb 27AB31E049B8D57F=balance msb AACFC497A56C8F77=pan position msb ADD94030D40C940B=expression msb A65A65D2603CCC1D=control 1 msb 50A01EFD3747E5E8=control 2 msb 58B56E741984EAC2=gp slider 1 58B56D741984E90F=gp slider 2 58B56C741984E75C=gp slider 3 58B56B741984E5A9=gp slider 4 FE3EF2D3A1C3B3EE=bank select lsb 9B7CB488FDE83A93=mod wheel lsb 53D15D555A31AF00=breath lsb 547B83F78FF76AA2=foot pedal lsb 58B403D66CF00275=portamento lsb 6B2F326D206F93F2=data entry lsb CFCA8C162FABC8F0=volume lsb 320E78E050182EFC=balance lsb B313CB97A9FEC8D4=pan position lsb B542C730D7E45028=expression lsb AE823CD264B63932=control 1 lsb 45CF97FD308B4DCB=control 2 lsb CD8A9A71ED2EFAC8=hold pedal (on/off) F67946232215316A=portamento (on/off) 05B806E8EBA2C99D=sostenuto (on/off) B9E99696CDAF4957=soft pedal (on/off) A3C83D6383407D19=legato pedal (on/off) D3DFCEC4F010F4D6=hold 2 pedal (on/off) F8366040BC26AB73=sound variation DBBB32C806BD6A01=timbre/resonance 5D36671C77C730F3=sound release 51C1220D839082FE=sound attack 60547997C95283C6=brightness/cutoff freq CD64DE5B16B49E29=sound control 6 CD64DD5B16B49C76=sound control 7 CD64E85B16B4AF27=sound control 8 CD64E75B16B4AD74=sound control 9 B70773C794EBBE04=sound control 10 BC2F0DB1ECA5067F=gp button 1 (on/off) 6CCA035239584780=gp button 2 (on/off) 034CE5EA90292701=gp button 3 (on/off) 1DA4E3CF5A6DBF3A=gp button 4 (on/off) D0C39DD4BD3855F9=effects level DDD57D31B3496FA7=tremolo level 49788BC2D494723F=chorus level 2657383ADB2B5F58=celeste level EF2D11902DE4759E=phaser level EB28D33E01F3EFC9=data button inc D14B383DF3565CF9=data button dec 50C975A06D5374A0=non-reg parm lsb 45F96EA06697B603=non-reg parm msb E9B25564F267103A=reg parm lsb DEFCFE64EBC19165=reg parm msb 3E4839F0DFE003E0=14-bit 946C90A8F54CA9A0=text event 347038834650C188=copyright notice 5565A1F8603B7D05=instrument name 09CFD67E55F48F42=cue 7315DDC3986F9688=program name 0FDDD160BF8E37AC=device name 8B6A08130ECF80F4=all sound off 6CDBEA3AFFDB8B9E=local B446C4DA641F7976=all notes off B202804EB9FFBF8B=omni on 79E402C60D7AC02F=omni off 9DC186B12C6339C9=mono on 4AB49787B8279ECA=poly on 84758372119D9FBF=off velocity 817A9C4CB9B01E51=program 4235CF09DF07D6A9=text events 67DF38F272729CE2=notation events B7A054E342595279=sysex FF3E43F18A035932=(end) all notes off D83CF3186B27C7DA=pc 5BC5C52282E9A46E=pitch bend BE8D83106D4A1747=meta-event 23B2264DE45B99D8=key signature FC7C5BB198567CED=measure ;^DD0CE22D75D36ED1=track name ;^8AE9AE7D7775A16B=lyrics ;^90AF657379F9511D=marker ;^28450354F52CB7AE=reset ;^D869A3186B4E2DD5=cc ;^073F0BD84FB2C598=velocity ;^57F28E456CC0FEEB=pitch ;^BC585B6FF340DD35=channel pressure ;^B80BE35FC002073A=bank/program select ;^4CF56FEC1BD3817D=notation ;^33A5C54D35029E6F=note ;^C645D4DB5297312E=poly aftertouch ;^B2C13E7E2485F09F=mtc ;^7D8F257E060B62E4=spp ;^9ED6EEF5EE379522=song select ;^D0C04B9E79D271AE=track ;^3E04EF2C595D4859=tuplet [midi_filt] 25B54B48200FE552=pressure: FF31D8550DDA67FE=control: 8574C8A8518509DA= 90F0EB2943C23B4D=measure ;^8B359EC8CE2EF66C=parameter: ;^5892A20D9BBBE54A=value: ;^C54C973113730A6F=note: ;^02E6C28F6CC5D246=velocity: ;^B376015F8643AFD1=program: ;^322690F7CBF0FD23=pitch: [midi_insts] 0D21D166ABD93F75=+24 c glockenspiel 1445AE563B25A58D=+12 c piccolo, xylophone 526E9883C5D12FBF=+10 bb 52AE3E8864184BE4=+9 a D96381EF2D8CD280=+8 ab piccolo clarinet 082A481E71DFD46C=+7 g treble flute CD9C897193694328=+5 f trumpet 8F128CDAB18C7DD3=+3 eb soprano clarinet, trumpet 9FCA0E888F87708E=+2 d 5663173FE686CC32=+0 c flute, oboe 7A091567CA8F61DC=-2 bb cornet, flugelhorn, trumpet, soprano sax, clarinet 1B7988769A6455C4=-3 a 33EF8F6F55E28671=-4 ab 47C4C6ADFC253E3A=-5 g alto flute 2458C0DF4F46215F=-7 f horn, mellophone 8191223BA282B781=-9 eb alto sax, alto clarinet, tenor horn DED60F9953C8CE1B=-10 d 409DD937C64D144F=-12 c bass AEF4CF5F68560894=-14 bb tenor sax, bass clarinet AA9321A2AF9C10B4=-21 eb baritone sax, contra-alto clarinet 069E668177867AE1=-24 c 4F1520E9C9910E27=-26 bb bass sax, contrabass clarinet [midi_keys] D869C2186B4E6282=cb C1EE9CFF6C08672D=c natural 78DBE7517DD07030=d natural 9DCE5C4A933E6B4F=e natural 842F7907D1E758DA=f natural E28F99A1074BB191=g natural 61F9A3C9FEA6406B=a natural E66FE094181C02F6=b natural 0A17AF7E563202A0=cbb FEE1B87E4F1FAC01=dbb F7DD657E4B9D4872=ebb ED80667E4542D4FB=fbb E5BE437E411F99F4=gbb 18D0117E5DCB41DE=abb 1100127E599C06A7=bbb D85ECC186B446BFB=fb D86273186B47BD97=e# D86CE3186B50D06C=b# 0941187E557B4722=c## FFB74F7E4FD4B47F=d## F707467E4AE758DC=e## EE57057E45F99E11=f## E69B6C7E41DBB936=g## 19ACF27E5E86E6C8=a## 11D6317E5A51F63D=b## 7A9DDAFEA1F0F474=c#/db 1E1371ADE10B2578=d#/eb 8C6F2B38B3E34ECC=f#/gb B95128560F7362D9=g#/ab AD888F1C7B7B15A8=a#/bb ;^08324507B4EAFE14=c ;^D86983186B4DF775=c# ;^D8659C186B4A3919=db ;^08324407B4EAFC61=d ;^D865DB186B4AA426=d# ;^D862B2186B4828A4=eb ;^08324307B4EAFAAE=e ;^08324207B4EAF8FB=f ;^D85F0B186B44D708=f# ;^D85BAA186B41FC5E=gb ;^08324107B4EAF748=g ;^D85BEB186B426AD1=g# ;^D86FCA186B52DBC8=ab ;^08324707B4EB017A=a ;^D8700B186B534A3B=a# ;^D86CA4186B50655F=bb ;^08324607B4EAFFC7=b [midi_menu] ADB68670246486C0=&navigate 5B992D9393241EBD=&contents ;^DB25337315BFD655=&file ;^386DCB7A24A75D67=&edit ;^1686A8969AFE3B9F=&options ;^87B550EB3F37F8CE=&view ;^6BE8B83EA0A1A15E=&actions [midi_tracklist] 5D6F0931E2229C10=[hide track list] FAAE8AEB910F3241=[show track list] 321684ACEE9D0E75=selection is linked to visibility 6F1D7B4C33CAD148=options when using one editor per project 0401E53E3247AB95=draw and edit cc events on all tracks FAD0C5524B25342A=edit cc events on all tracks 60062D8DC89E054E=choose which tracks appear in track list F7CC997B64898F23=show all tracks in track list A3757FC97FE1025F=show tooltips in midi track list E2A0FB5884FB23CE=set media items to custom color D86D7685ACA598CB=set media items to random colors C3DE596ABDC0FB16=set media items to one random color 6C3B776F12A4CEDA=set media item to custom color (ignore selection) DDE7DB085FDDBC9E=set media item to random color (ignore selection) E0CEE07AE6DA0AA5=set track to custom color D69DE6866C6D22A1=set track to random color 0FAC30F2D587E652=set track media items to random colors 8365E382F571AEAD=folder is compacted B4F7E1C4D3F3DBBA=folder is expanded BE73DF3E8D196974=media items on this track are listed 90BFA7D5B0E3B9EF=media items on this track are not listed BA991503A9508563=an item on this track is target for inserting events E40EB6292160114B=no item on this track is target for inserting events 2BCF2B0BE5F26B1A=item is target for inserting events E971B43367BD520F=item is target for inserting events in another editor EECF992488E04EBF=item is not target for inserting events 17D20EEF621FB650=all items are editable in notation view 14861AFC7EEFC938=track items are editable 67174A9D7726414F=track items are not editable 7BCA94CB2EE8CBEA=some track items are editable 60F2A33A225707E3=active item is always editable DBD48BC59D461EBC=item is editable 674ACB2373472F6B=item is not editable 941E16E47D32CDC3=track items are not visible F64661E4FDB0C216=track items are visible BDD211941AD4EECC=some track items are visible 5D1C2BCCDEEFE31F=active item is always visible 7716F30E57FF2AC7=item is not visible EC81A1BA22118FA2=item is visible 21DC8F783FCA16E9=track is record-armed BDD9BE0E8E301432=track is not record-armed F62AA104AA8455AD=track is muted B0E2E2C73C6C7570=track is not muted 3859595C104DF0B7=item is muted 20F1F2083B94DBFA=item is not muted E5ACC1AF7F58DCE4=track is soloed 5121B67627D5BCBB=track is not soloed FE20A2EB8C3ADA7F=record arm (ignore selection) 08F2B2BA488B173C=exclusive record arm 2334FF36B5503B4F=un-record arm all C55101846D5E25B5=mute (ignore selection) 682E504E6E01E39B=solo (ignore selection) ;^0B3E0029A01A16F4=media item ;^D0C04B9E79D271AE=track ;^A2BF58A6DFD853DC=project ;^3A84A1513B5B67C0=one midi editor per ;^E964640878017639=open the clicked midi item only ;^BBC1706D3B8635E2=open all selected midi items ;^7D87735CC6F0E8CF=open all midi items on the same track as the clicked item ;^71A76211A7CFDF12=open all midi in the project ;^8AEA4F30E06A7A87=behavior for \"open items in built-in midi editor\" ;^AD510FC22D6EECAC=active midi item follows selection changes in arrange view ;^6B715267FFEB9F05=selection is linked to editability ;^05E07D2942EFF739=only midi items on the same track as the active item are editable ;^725B164EA8340BE9=close editor when the active media item is deleted in arrange view ;^7EDC3D0D26BF2D8C=all media items are editable in notation view ;^61EB857EEC517894=record arm ;^61946358B1034B76=mute ;^B348AEAE3BC8702E=exclusive mute ;^2A10B822A0A5485E=unmute all ;^0420AF237D97ECB8=solo ;^4C5A9B01CD346DD0=exclusive solo ;^BCB3C3B4A1794FDC=unsolo all [midi_undo] C08169C3011791D0=move midi events 0AA6FA099558EBB0=edit midi event BBA77B3B1DFAEBC1=midi editor: 99767B0A8A53E563=paste events 502E5347BD5E995B=edit note length 13A76B72816BE11B=item colormap set E96ED5100668BBEA=item colormap clear 926486027756B049=invert midi voicing 7CFBA8160C44C425=select muted notes DE5D284424E4B625=select midi notes near cursor 00457741378FCB5E=delete small notes FF18B3DE4567D6DA=move notes to edit cursor 88E7050568DC9033=change midi event channel 743532F49A29B09B=set note length to double D4B210C8E6E66D03=set note length to half FF090CA386FB7CBC=set edge of note to cursor 0CE71EFAE470CA8A=move notes left one grid unit A7E8F33815B4AB1B=move notes right one grid unit A4674AF4153308D3=lengthen notes one grid unit 61885EE9B49CD83B=shorten notes one grid unit 408E3678F787AFCC=move notes left one pixel AECD69A9A19F005D=move notes right one pixel 3445A7E6F1723195=lengthen notes one pixel 38402D84D822D2FD=shorten notes one pixel F2782FC97842342A=move notes up one semitone F220CD78FB1F13AD=move notes down one semitone 7485831657DE03DC=move notes up one octave D11D92FABFE7D743=move notes down one octave B6E4442A880B6590=select midi note C7A698B789FA1E8C=navigate midi notes 0096AF9B14DA67FE=joined midi notes 6FD71EE351ECA195=set selected note lengths to grid size B57E7EC62A5A9C6F=make notes sequential E075349CF7FE45D8=remove selected duplicate notes F77DBFF425C7412D=delete events 9BE5B6FB2153FA28=unselect all events E15DF529704AB25D=select all events 1ACC06E5D52589CB=within time selection 870E68D64C1E34B8=toggle event mute 11602570C9DA194E=unmute events 71D0D1A2E76EB89B=edit project loop points 9598191ED1068B4D=edit project time selection 744B62B9512C06A3=fit notes to time selection 778650BB5978101A=select all notes at pitch cursor 4A2C9B3DEA76EED8=set cc selection from notes 5E1FCEE1531F0066=select events in time selection 70B5E67A63C914AA=cut events BFD65E0CF645B4A4=nudge selected cc events 48E3CDC4784A5967=resize cc/velocity lane 67ECA62F32459487=insert notes 438ED1E7002F3863=delete ccs B767D09064C412F4=set event velocities 1A0A7AED56016E32=set ccs EF1612013D2448E7=move event end 9B892BE06A23F30F=copy events AA9D831C92CFFC17=move events E485631C93E21274=adjust events velocity 29B1414DDC8C8F3E=edit note edge E479FCF4B863B281=loop selection change F2F104EA69010D7E=marker move 23640AA6B5BC709F=adjust midi parent item edge C1B3727E5443DC13=hide cc lane 73DC4903F369BAB0=clear cc lane 5E17D85BF4E2E2D7=change cc lane C719F5DE521C51AE=add cc lane 0525EEDDC38E844C=select events DBED69F2406BF332=delete cc event 3647263611D42F8C=delete event 1082BA5AB51471DD=select midi events 72A6A148C6189C59=edit midi events 9326C4DC8F85E52E=add midi events via step input C05C1B04E47B596C=force notes into key 197628D7ED2AA096=set notes legato DB2066FCA077A2C9=rename midi take 6C79D330ECB667EB=clear midi note names 674991169E3FB535=midi note name map load 11409FF68852602B=show/hide media item selector lane E40E42A3CECC67CB=move to next lyric event 27A63720AFFF680B=move to previous lyric event 5095305C4A25916B=change active midi media item 5BCEF52354BF8FEA=set note velocity 6921186287DAA5A1=midi editor: C5E32DD8E9709BCA=insert text/sysex event 9DCAEB31ABCD8865=insert bank/program select marker F5C3B9D0B55CC18D=modify cc event BE2BA41449E3678C=add cc event 9EF745FA9C43B2FE=insert event 0431BF38F8355036=move midi notes 2734667A79554488=adjust midi event value 856A7DA4214D85FA=bank/program select 25BFDC6303D3029C=align lyric events 18A50CB90A395E16=can't undo 8FFC5D9C4282BC80=can't redo 1CC8B1FED5E6DF0E=import lyrics 996CED950F6BF13F=remove cc lane 11423AF87C2E6B17=midi note name change FD67F33F45A9A52C=edit tempo / time signature 4DCD2DDBB18662EA=edit key signature 784852A973C28420=delete note 487753D95EF81E4F=change note selection 9F840105E57DB810=select phrase 2E2A7292A029F9B4=erase midi note 024EEABD2A4EC202=erase midi notation DD3388744E7C5BFA=change midi note selection 5909F31F730A11FF=copy phrase AB0C4A33A1D23384=edit phrase 2BD2E5F0334120BF=copy notes CC3C1A7C70C9A056=edit notes D896ECCB92A71D4F=edit notation 334A59AF59990EFC=stretch midi notes A9D4D93DC8025548=copy tuplet 6C7DBBC440F1F2F9=edit phrase/slur 5874D90465EC470F=edit pedal event CEB18E972D50FA9F=paint midi notes 23F90E46416B3D6A=adjust midi parent item loop point 24941D1C11586FB2=edit text ornament FED8C8BA225D6E13=edit note accidental 0E3361985EB0A099=hide midi notes A4701CC5CAE3162D=edit voice 1456CFA0055941C1=edit slur E094AE70F2142156=select all notes in staff D5A618B3655319A5=edit staff 18417DA37649A7F1=edit octave notation A388871138C661CE=edit custom stem direction 260061402D21D08C=edit beam notation E59BABD0DF7DCF00=edit note ties AAA19254FFEEB027=edit note dots 6F663E19D8A7FE50=edit articulation 2A2D0390CD589699=edit ornament 30542481BC83AFCC=edit notation display offset 02EBF89875783FD6=insert chord notation A6B0C4ED74E9D6A3=edit note head glyph C930ECAB479BB47E=edit custom note head glyph 118DD27371152FD7=change midi track list selection 8F5BF9C021CB5813=change midi track list editability 1EBC34A96194B417=change midi track list visibility 673EB26772274843=change media track color E300113DFF9EDDED=change media item color 05B9E353216C3F8F=toggle track record arm 7DC6DBD08752A9E0=toggle show track in midi track list 4F6727C226115364=toggle folder compact 9B11E692472A31F5=toggle show/hide media items in track list 8E9DD0C1F5405C3A=edit midi filter F515CCA56574AFC7=humanize notes D3DDD471768B1B8A=edit note properties F55320DCEEDBD200=edit event properties B2CFCFD4E9AE2155=add text event EB98A378C97A81EA=edit text event 4610B70335845FB3=delete text event 9C221E4D4ECFFE5E=add sysex event B091DD9734345CCF=edit sysex event 274B036135D2FEE0=delete sysex event C8A2E6B6659A8CA9=quantize events 3850F9614495900F=restore quantize settings 894D6CD3AF46D75B=reset event quantization 642A94576A5BD303=commit event quantization D9A19BA0E05D2F12=transpose ;^5FCC35227BCB6C5D=invert selection ;^F1645A05AF505BE7=unknown ;^F5EF50B6945EBD84=edit note velocity ;^4C121E685B2BF818=double length of midi (repeating contents) ;^362F40DC93DD9F89=split items ;^B1403E623CE3075B=split notes on grid ;^2568C8EFB386D909=delete notes ;^F70F33492CF99E39=select all notes ;^CA95C3C55E05662B=reverse ;^34256B9EEE178D2F=invert ;^49EE42D3465CDA6E=selected ;^3DC3C3589C65D706=midi ;^F1B40A37A3CA1D37=mute events ;^54C71A581B912AA8=select all notes in measure ;^8AF60DF50912755E=select all events in lane ;^C0ABC9951CF45E7F=unselect all events in lane ;^3595163B199DC483=select all cc events ;^9EBC00F62F9F9F8C=unselect all cc events ;^1D4EDA35A99AEFAE=insert note ;^4979490C7DD5AF71=erase note ;^AEC62239D2186066=erase notes ;^A99C97A73C807E49=stretch notes ;^50B1DD4586A4B192=change key signature ;^0C364228BCD76FE0=(unknown action) ;^0E28C6126A0CF889=undo ;^BB0EF92F46BDB0DB=redo ;^9936FD536FA95041=delete key signature ;^EBBFDA9189F52B3B=edit tuplet ;^0A406B52D72D3189=toggle track mute ;^619D4CDD3C442997=toggle item mute ;^114DD782C0C098CF=toggle track solo [midi_voice] ;^AB2A3D4EF1C9D1A8=default ;^62D61C82DFC06ED3=high ;^BA5E537E2889F79F=low [midiedit] 7A1F9306EBC070C6=key snap ;^4417D0C297FFFC34=key snap: [midilearn] 7BF775FBE4FA0CE7=edit shortcut 220494B772EA2052=<> 399D4E250881B032=absolute 2C6F314216E8F3A2=relative 1 (127=-1, 1=+1) 5A4DEA4FF8BA4DBC=relative 2 (63=-1, 65=+1) F4F55ECA5653BFF5=relative 3 (65=-1, 1=+1) 8B68CE232E7B4357=<> 2FE8D5FE04238B47=toggle (>0=toggle) D0B15FBBE808081B=you must enter a shortcut! ;^9EC3E20500624AAF=error [misc] FE1A9C4B05BD3094=load image resource: D7DE3AAB536FF9E7=project is open but modified:\r\n%s\r\n\r\nsave changes when copying project and/or its media? choose ok to save, or cancel to abort the save/copy process. 6E1BF9B33FF01DCE=save/export - project modified F603F596CF3E2D36=rename recorded take 9132443EA40315DD=choose new filename 69792EBEB63B91D3=no files selected! BB26FEA9C72D0E73=can't delete 1EF69AD1CE2EBA7C=delete 1 file? 0630D27A518EADFB=delete %d files? 42EBBFA19050A879=delete confirmation 96D23F928AD60BA0=(default scales) 0FAF68E2DD654349=(filename only) 9F7121AACDD9DF79=background subprojects may need re-rendering. re-render now? 37F4835A4733D832=render subproject proxy 51696CF655EA7CC5=project is open and has been modified:\r\n%s\r\n\r\nsave changes and render? choose yes to save, no to render unsaved changes, or cancel to skip (re)rendering the subproject proxy. E07F66A84324A50F=all supported media files 4904771239E652D1=all files EF1A80E34CD24366=all supported projects CDCF83CB2A8BD8C2=24bit wav ;^6B921CBA018B2EE0=no additional resource loaded ;^D7B51CFC5837E755=rename ;^C3EB4B7A6BCD5F3C=new name: [missfile] D51445559949A7D5=any matching file (fastest) 74DD21A0C8F7B104=newest modification time 75300ED8F9CF7EA5=oldest modification time B4C719294185B3EB=biggest file size E705BD92ED886BC5=smallest file size 07805369C6FBD5D5=longest path name 9BEBDBDCBBF5C7A7=shortest path name 1D941EFF01A21FC1=found 16F6A2109895730C=search for file... 33EA714995A3D146=choose replacement file: A2EDE5C0ECB0FF92=search aborted. 67DF2452B19F5D3E=select a directory to search: 3A5C61456088CD65=[abort search] 56FACD728EE136BC=error searching specified path BABB523832F9AE4F=error searching ;^E217E1085C7ED06D=searching... [mixer] 63F6D385957D048A=mixer master ;^D66D409D600C2D04=mixer [mousemap] 167FBDFE83A381FB=(factory default) [mousemaps] 20F7E9591DA69ED6=move C21294A0BFD63FFD=draw 1C88DE5DABA77084=move crossfade A48947A6213B9C1E=ignoring snap BC9D3C7F3FEE5D19=ignoring time selection D48089BE77330508=ignoring selection/grouping D2F0819147C55A7C=stretch B69409F2049946EE=fine adjustment 4DCC7D655356B57D=in one direction only 283C10C07AD5BEE8=relative edge edit 7A5C74127C7302E0=horizontally BDACAEE2AB93678A=vertically 8191901722F8D990=also move time selection 7A9E2F011BD66258=source on same track FE20C5875F614E27=marquee select 41A20EEA09BC2251=toggle selection 37449AD88148F258=move edit cursor 34A41C5E8152D0BA=extend time selection 143A16CF2E459BDE=pool source data DB7029E1C9D53116=conditionally CF86C38C5887B60D=paint A364B610E7C979E1=legato BD09E508B0D05CB7=in a line 86CE1C206CD4E470=without changing fade-in end (fade-out start) time 039838A4D4AB6A89=scrub/jog 63E1203507DEF588=marquee zoom 55C0FA738F76D0A7=disable ripple edit 0EAB686A3E41A446=ripple edit this track 38AA14C758EA7FE2=select notes touched while dragging B23943B05EFD207D=move item contents E8D8A42506E5CDD3=ripple edit adjacent items 0D7008F5191DEFEB=adjust curve A537488337CD92DC=ignoring crossfaded items 859D59565F5B0FEF=ripple edit earlier adjacent items 4137BCD7EB7DB639=ripple edit later adjacent items 5E7C809496F191B9=act on pair of stretch markers 998288AB0BA6159C=preserving all rates D7927A35C2147564=ignoring scale/key 49F9E089BC093CBD=create automation item F7B8155F47BE97E2=left click BAC41E79F1F5B1BC=left drag AFAF00EB5DC36486=double click 1336AB922B1AC994=media item bottom half 95982050BA8E4761=media item edge 7C54F9CFA46FAAF2=media item fade/autocrossfade A923F6D917A9DF73=media item fade intersection B200CF83CE321DB9=media item stretch marker C3E321A74E6D9FC1=media item stretch marker rate 80D3B6F8E06B52F5=envelope point 7B279359D9609E22=envelope segment 82B1ADB1DFF887EB=envelope lane 542824B01A7B6727=automation item DC5E4E5272DEFC3C=automation item edge 88510F5C00AAABCD=track control panel 37A146DA06F4F3CB=mixer control panel EE6141056EDE4584=envelope control panel 09C12BD133985E69=ruler B12441D951A3F063=project marker/region lane FCA8839B30E56798=project region CEA2908D0272D668=project marker/region edge EF4B4F2B2AEF26D7=project tempo/time signature marker 726EFC563F8F5412=arrange view 4B9611E59D1FDCCF=right drag 20EF808202A85426=middle click 0F20CE1C2FB10D90=middle drag E6DAECCAE68B9AB7=edit cursor handle 08EA83320B5F487E=midi note 28510B6B9F9CF113=midi note edge 2516FA4CE275BA88=midi cc event E4F1AFF470ED26C5=left click/drag EBCE02D6591C0252=midi cc lane 7DDAC54639901A60=midi source loop end marker 7B14DDD5466B46F2=midi ruler 851D50A244F3CD3A=midi marker/region lanes 59D29C4C4F34DE7A=midi piano roll 0F86449BA247E523=midi editor 3C28DE8D24EBA2B9=move item 92F71448119943B2=move item ignoring snap 75C8FD2EA5B8070D=move item ignoring time selection 8E64451B655413F4=move item ignoring selection/grouping FA4A93BA13ACA14A=move item ignoring snap and time selection FD5DF9E7976745C7=move item ignoring snap and selection/grouping E12653AE65C0B956=move item ignoring time selection and selection/grouping A5C481A35D6F4CEC=move item ignoring snap, time selection, and selection/grouping 4A15F03F1BAE9F2E=move item vertically A9DEF14B183A9687=move item vertically ignoring selection/grouping E8788FBABCCF6D0A=move item vertically ignoring time selection 167C6587924A9CBF=move item vertically ignoring time selection and selection/grouping 9B0E7C3B77C531CB=move item and time selection 394B33F3F9D17E1C=move item and time selection ignoring snap 9337994C23A2B732=move item ignoring time selection, disabling ripple edit D5FF6BA201AEF807=move item ignoring time selection, enabling ripple edit for this track 0739AF83B7C86E55=move item ignoring time selection, enabling ripple edit for all tracks D9ACE3280D058E2F=move item ignoring snap and time selection, disabling ripple edit 04B990FB5B9AB006=move item ignoring snap and time selection, enabling ripple edit for this track 1BB157561F7F309C=move item ignoring snap and time selection, enabling ripple edit for all tracks 39DC9618A17A85C1=copy item DDAAEF00EA00421A=copy item ignoring snap BDE6D2E02409B5E5=copy item ignoring time selection 440DA05B4B103872=copy item ignoring snap and time selection CC858D74A3BFED66=copy item vertically D800FA29679C2A32=copy item vertically ignoring time selection 3260736C2B4A0970=copy item and move time selection A941F876EB49D387=copy item and move time selection ignoring snap 4D6CF3D6B287615D=copy item, pooling midi source data CF5959693EFB82D6=copy item ignoring snap, pooling midi source data ECBC45F816855AA9=copy item ignoring time selection, pooling midi source data 1FDD12856CFA52AE=copy item ignoring snap and time selection, pooling midi source data 61B18C7B04A59B8A=copy item vertically, pooling midi source data 1B8C82D9D73718EE=copy item vertically ignoring time selection, pooling midi source data 42F50817B43E16FC=copy item and move time selection, pooling midi source data B073914CF1582EDB=copy item and move time selection ignoring snap, pooling midi source data D0D828DB8D673A70=move item contents ignoring selection/grouping FA207AC9E1F28A87=move item contents, ripple earlier adjacent items 0274666858A87657=move item contents and right edge, ripple later adjacent items F3601027404D4452=move item contents, ripple all adjacent items 7A41785A27537FB0=move item edges but not content C42986BCD213AB69=render item to new file 23596D652DCA900C=open source file in editor or external application 4825D255051D8EE7=adjust item volume C1083D43454ED692=adjust item volume (fine) A546B760EDB63210=adjust take pan D3E4E051B99DFA07=adjust take pitch (semitones) 50E44ED374EB5AFC=adjust take pitch (fine) ED65239D48A97A2F=marquee select items BBC0F7CC200EF618=marquee toggle item selection BA67E2E584D09DC8=marquee add to item selection 717C7D0653DE989B=marquee select items and time 0B4637746E1E7C8C=marquee select items and time ignoring snap E66161E882C570BC=select time 256887F40C43AF93=select time ignoring snap 565B726E6764825B=move edge 14E0B314C547754C=move edge ignoring snap 44BFDC5F6022449E=move edge ignoring selection/grouping EC6C102D5CAC9277=move edge (relative edge edit) A48ED9C83244B7F9=move edge ignoring snap and selection/grouping 9E4E77EFF4C08E92=move edge ignoring snap (relative edge edit) CB06E13E43D97165=move edge without changing fade time 9C9AC886A51B51DC=move edge ignoring snap without changing fade time 091A53D187C433D2=move edge ignoring selection/grouping without changing fade time E0BCB3128B2C559F=move edge ignoring snap and selection/grouping without changing fade time CF5B75D34DE15E99=move edge without changing fade time (relative edge edit) 71FB36C9DD192FC2=move edge ignoring snap without changing fade time (relative edge edit) B37DB345614A626B=stretch item F1C2D5C968FBDF3C=stretch item ignoring snap BCF1B151D9D6896E=stretch item ignoring selection/grouping 90FED0EBCD9780A7=stretch item (relative edge edit) 0B63CB8B63835CE9=stretch item ignoring snap and selection/grouping BACB53BED963EBA2=stretch item ignoring snap (relative edge edit) C0537701E6AEA73B=move fade ignoring snap CDF639F61990E1A9=move fade and stretch crossfaded items ignoring snap 5A9AF691621CCAD7=move fade ignoring snap (relative edge edit) 9E6F31DBF3D7D835=move fade and stretch crossfaded items ignoring snap (relative edge edit) BD225712FB64E76C=move fade ignoring snap and selection/grouping 13EC54AFE84A705A=move fade and stretch crossfaded items ignoring snap and selection/grouping 24405D51D0AF07E4=move fade E2475AA5A283C0E2=move fade and stretch crossfaded items B3C6EB945B323EAA=move fade (relative edge edit) 620BABF0384AF348=move fade and stretch crossfaded items (relative edge edit) D6EAA6D21CCA40C5=move fade ignoring selection/grouping 6893D369C37AEC63=move fade and stretch crossfaded items ignoring selection/grouping 28A594C579265FC0=move fade ignoring snap and crossfaded items BD8812FA80CF23DE=move fade ignoring snap and crossfaded items (relative edge edit) D8BF647660EEABAC=move fade ignoring snap, selection/grouping, and crossfaded items 82AF326C5D239765=move fade ignoring crossfaded items 93A37A6B48269099=move fade ignoring crossfaded items (relative edge edit) 17DA72D697B8772E=move fade ignoring crossfaded items and selection/grouping DD7B3E7267B5E55B=move crossfade ignoring snap CBA281EE37E67D57=move crossfade and stretch items ignoring snap 6C2A2B0EC5CE1B77=move crossfade ignoring snap (relative edge edit) 80C327FAEC0D904B=move crossfade and stretch items ignoring snap (relative edge edit) 9B32F516E708190C=move crossfade ignoring snap and selection/grouping 3778B08AC17A0710=move crossfade and stretch items ignoring snap and selection/grouping C9EFB0169A557A20=move crossfade and stretch items 352DE3731638224A=move crossfade (relative edge edit) 287720449AA8DDBE=move crossfade and stretch items (relative edge edit) DF63CCB452075EE5=move crossfade ignoring selection/grouping B1E6D180F7A8F589=move crossfade and stretch items ignoring selection/grouping 217836D49931FD15=adjust fade curve EB4A52FF3B99DCB8=adjust fade curve ignoring selection/grouping 5E2B1DE25C3CBC4C=adjust fade curve ignoring crossfaded items 5665A8CA7E7DB4F9=adjust fade curve ignoring crossfaded items and selection/grouping 0408BB168E179B33=delete fade/crossfade 5E4B68C562E5B59E=delete fade/crossfade ignoring selection BF03BA645A3D0E8B=set fade/crossfade to previous shape 4143166355517F9F=set fade/crossfade to next shape 8ED972E2329FA076=set fade/crossfade to previous shape ignoring selection 62C6B4C475BE3E9A=set fade/crossfade to next shape ignoring selection 22483926D0A1A4B6=open crossfade editor 5C071ECC10773549=move both fades ignoring snap 4F2ED38E3D26ED09=move both fades and stretch items ignoring snap B28A7370B1FE7E55=move both fades ignoring snap (relative edge edit) CA949296A0FAE595=move both fades and stretch items ignoring snap (relative edge edit) C86135CD75ADA07A=move both fades ignoring snap and selection/grouping 2A2649527A8219BA=move both fades and stretch items ignoring snap and selection/grouping E427C20536DCAD82=move both fades 7C3808F7B115EE42=move both fades and stretch items 2BD526A3F74A59E8=move both fades (relative edge edit) 41F6DB2922FE5D28=move both fades and stretch items (relative edge edit) 3C973ADCA3ABFA03=move both fades ignoring selection/grouping 6F9BDEEE9FB1E743=move both fades and stretch items ignoring selection/grouping 64D20AD768B00DD8=adjust length of both fades preserving intersection ignoring snap C68D057089017C8D=adjust length of both fades preserving intersection ignoring snap and selection/grouping E1005B2139FC2A16=adjust length of both fades preserving intersection ignoring snap (relative edge edit) B970EB596D4A90D7=adjust length of both fades preserving intersection 0633EECB4FD40B62=adjust length of both fades preserving intersection ignoring selection/grouping 18BDFFA19172BACB=adjust length of both fades preserving intersection (relative edge edit) 55301732A19F0B2C=adjust both fade curves horizontally A6D0CF262175BDFD=adjust both fade curves horizontally ignoring selection/grouping BDC965BD28A78DCA=adjust both fade curves horizontally and vertically 8C529A744B87019B=adjust both fade curves horizontally and vertically ignoring selection/grouping F5893778A4E81308=set both fades to previous shape 216AE7C5FB3062CC=set both fades to next shape 6C89A5174A70DB43=set both fades to previous shape ignoring selection 718647894C06D847=set both fades to next shape ignoring selection 5048C3D800570044=reset to default crossfade AB709BADCBAC39BF=move stretch marker 5C293A000364BE00=move stretch marker ignoring snap A7CCC0AD1E07905A=move stretch marker ignoring selection/grouping D9DD7B42662BEC75=move stretch marker ignoring snap and selection/grouping C9193C7B7A6F7AA9=move stretch marker pair 2F19C8FD06173342=move stretch marker pair ignoring snap 91DC55277124D664=move stretch marker pair ignoring selection/grouping 9A9F2C67ED437697=move stretch marker pair ignoring snap and selection/grouping 3E2FDED82742FDB7=move contents under stretch marker BCBFC2162F2EB3C2=move contents under stretch marker ignoring selection/grouping AD8D90BAAC647AE1=move contents under stretch marker pair DC4B41914E413BAC=move contents under stretch marker pair ignoring selection/grouping 933C8A5307259F5F=move stretch marker preserving left-hand rate 5C405DC481A9D520=move stretch marker preserving left-hand rate ignoring snap 7275ABAE0EAF76FA=move stretch marker preserving left-hand rate ignoring selection/grouping AB096DD195622D95=move stretch marker preserving left-hand rate ignoring snap and selection/grouping 838FDB2FA4EADF42=move stretch marker preserving all rates (rate envelope mode) 5DE8B5C0A2C5B609=move stretch marker preserving all rates (rate envelope mode) ignoring snap 304E75BFE964C843=move stretch marker preserving all rates (rate envelope mode) ignoring selection/grouping 2187145C30FECCBA=move stretch marker preserving all rates (rate envelope mode) ignoring snap and selection/grouping A1F455668C9DB0B4=ripple move stretch markers 56F3030B55D5D56B=ripple move stretch markers ignoring snap 56730D5B1E3A8DD5=ripple move stretch markers ignoring selection/grouping 4D3B92A726FD651C=ripple move stretch markers ignoring snap and selection/grouping F659B930B7F3B5A5=ripple contents under stretch markers 0D1750C1B59AB808=ripple contents under stretch markers ignoring selection/grouping 629594A6E97ABF31=reset stretch marker rate to 1.0 3C11F6CAEBCE48EB=edit stretch marker rates on both sides 568BBB65F2F28A5F=edit stretch marker rate, ripple markers 268683B671A193FA=edit stretch marker rates on both sides, ripple markers 103B1781256022C0=edit stretch marker rate, move contents under marker, ripple markers DF7C2FAB3CEAD2A1=edit stretch marker rates on both sides, move contents under marker, ripple markers 84BAA13933197E73=edit stretch marker rate ignoring selection/grouping 26774626B56887EE=edit stretch marker rates on both sides ignoring selection/grouping 9289D5B074FF50A4=edit stretch marker rate, ripple markers, ignoring selection/grouping 43FABFD91EA418A3=edit stretch marker rates on both sides, ripple markers, ignoring selection/grouping EBFE169F26C95D65=edit stretch marker rate, move contents under marker, ripple markers, ignoring selection/grouping 6BB02771414C97F8=edit stretch marker rates on both sides, move contents under marker, ignoring selection/grouping, ripple markers A5EFD882D5C5F47F=edit stretch marker rate preserving marker positions (rate envelope mode) 2512F97B366E8F60=edit stretch marker rates on both sides preserving marker positions (rate envelope mode) A5ED2C5406A16BC4=edit stretch marker rate preserving marker positions (rate envelope mode), ignoring selection/grouping 336220F61DE8FD85=edit stretch marker rates on both sides preserving marker positions (rate envelope mode), ignoring selection/grouping E6D5DB20D3916254=insert envelope point, drag to move 879A0FAA4D5F95FF=insert envelope point ignoring snap, drag to move 55354E3D12FFAF46=freehand draw envelope 4F64FD9BD1A20A6D=freehand draw envelope ignoring snap E414E3E758DDADF3=draw a pooled copy of the selected automation item 9706BF5B764FB9A4=draw a pooled copy of the selected automation item ignoring snap 25E839EBC53D38EA=draw a copy of the selected automation item 550B886A385E7A91=draw a copy of the selected automation item ignoring snap DD22D6E6DAF3AB3E=draw a new automation item 31EADD7ADAFD02E5=draw a new automation item ignoring snap 30FF10F8EAD1C278=move envelope point 5E0AF0EE21E559AF=move envelope point ignoring snap DB96B1E214C8953C=move envelope point on one axis only 083F9124B45AE013=move envelope point on one axis only ignoring snap A0D19865944E751F=move envelope point horizontally 44F85BEB54CBA2E0=move envelope point horizontally ignoring snap 61EF9BA429EC2139=move envelope point vertically 511D37357325C260=move envelope point vertically (fine) F30779CA0E53FDC0=copy envelope point 5505B394D536D277=copy envelope point ignoring snap B231F1DDCAFCB6BF=move envelope segment D9D070AD42FC9E3B=move envelope segment ignoring time selection CEBE34BC305EF45A=move envelope segment (fine) A801AAB788B9251E=move envelope segment preserving edge points 124813311BB27CD9=edit envelope segment curvature 1BFF01BA3923A2D1=edit envelope segment curvature (gang selected points) 9F0B10B38B52EF90=move automation item 8B15C6F5461A32A7=move automation item ignoring snap 97430DCA92DE856D=copy and pool automation item DFA18DBA22FF38A6=copy and pool automation item ignoring snap BB80A869283CFC58=copy automation item E329F90C29277D8F=copy automation item ignoring snap 88F5D416A726BDB1=copy and pool automation item ignoring time selection 09A820A0C544076E=copy and pool automation item ignoring snap and time selection 9E95B0A2BDD3B6C4=copy automation item ignoring time selection D99ECBA909D1DCD9=copy automation item ignoring snap and time selection 6F4E905D62DE97D2=move automation item contents D8C385E16EE8E999=show automation item properties A783BC454DE11B70=set time selection to item 6D28620D407251E0=set loop points to item 5FCDE3E973597105=move automation item edge 5F85BA41371EFD7E=move automation item edge ignoring snap BC600D9BA850230B=move automation item edge relative to other selected items 9C8BA96430AF3F5C=move automation item edge relative to other selected items ignoring snap 5DEEF13523AB446A=stretch automation item 6E2A9780DFF0FA11=stretch automation item ignoring snap 5A9B1A1642E76995=stretch automation items relative to other selected items 64CB3EDF17E9369D=stretch automation item relative to other selected items ignoring snap 03C780A8889ADF8E=collect points into automation item F9A1FAFD40F1ADD5=collect points into automation item ignoring snap 231D875B2E912BF7=draw a copy of the selected media item 7A42798497B7D478=draw a copy of the selected media item ignoring snap A11E30791A6F48AC=draw a copy of the selected media item on the same track AA2A99F5973277E3=draw a copy of the selected media item on the same track ignoring snap ED1541EFEA38AD6B=draw a copy of the selected media item, pooling midi source data A16734C265C6B9E4=draw a copy of the selected media item ignoring snap, pooling midi source data DE0D24DFEE02D070=draw a copy of the selected media item on the same track, pooling midi source data 0E2A5BD1E26F090F=draw a copy of the selected media item on the same track ignoring snap, pooling midi source data FD232F7032C5AE21=draw an empty midi item E5840833DDAEDAFA=draw an empty midi item ignoring snap 2D7D21CB4C1C78ED=edit loop points ignoring snap 11C47D5FC9E7E701=move time selection 47B184B1CD15285A=move time selection ignoring snap ED22C4CBFDC10031=deselect all items and move edit cursor AF8CD982AFF69BEA=deselect all items and move edit cursor ignoring snap C8E798E8030276EF=deselect all items 1C774307231BEB81=extend time selection ignoring snap A303C4A44EF200FF=clear time selection 0CDAB950F1AF107D=restore previous zoom/scroll DE3058A48E8C3F81=restore previous zoom level 5A8BF5B0791DD851=edit loop point 868DBE2FA3CCB28A=edit loop point ignoring snap 1B24743F5F9247BF=move loop points F05D73D53CC19C00=move loop points ignoring snap B82322BBC0B6AF23=edit loop point and time selection together 5AB8D5ADC2DBFCB4=edit loop point and time selection together ignoring snap EA54AE91BDA42649=move loop points and time selection together 0ABF2503C17C2BE2=move loop points and time selection together ignoring snap F7AD5C7FFE5B0CC5=hand scroll and horizontal zoom DE2674D7128AFA41=hand scroll and reverse horizontal zoom (deprecated) ABDA610CD9319500=set edit cursor and hand scroll FAD72053D6EC3DCD=set edit cursor, hand scroll and horizontal zoom B6D8A1C1CC19F519=set edit cursor, hand scroll and reverse horizontal zoom (deprecated) 0494C1B806C65FD0=reverse horizontal zoom (deprecated) 4E92265C6E82AACD=set edit cursor and horizontal zoom 967818BDB199DC19=set edit cursor and reverse horizontal zoom (deprecated) 9266D4E2A60A038F=move edit cursor ignoring snap 9072B4DDD1684002=extend loop points 0AF3BC4D2EFEA3C9=extend loop points ignoring snap DC83C9FDCAFF731D=clear loop points A94A66220BE81AAC=seek playback without moving edit cursor 966D9CF4724BF1CF=set loop points to region 7978C5DA49BAE75F=set time selection to region BEDE6B8448DA4B4F=set loop points and time selection to region 57191EDA3944118C=move contents of project region 5CCBDE1647F2E2C3=move contents of project region ignoring snap 4D575512AFF09C24=copy contents of project region BF0D327C1DC2B27B=copy contents of project region ignoring snap 325D47F7E8A9DA87=move project region but not contents 64470B4785C484E8=move project region but not contents ignoring snap ECD817FAC611A1E5=move project marker/region edge 2C49B47C3AAD0A5E=move project marker/region edge ignoring snap 9866801A4138A4DC=move project tempo/time signature marker 0841C9C4DE9B2F33=move project tempo/time signature marker ignoring snap 0C65EA40ED7BB5DD=move project tempo/time signature marker, adjusting previous tempo 1801EF4F2915F11D=move project tempo/time signature marker, adjusting previous and current tempo B5904108D17B78FA=scroll browser-style D112117E1ED1E2FC=scrub audio 1AAD74BF8B43F4BB=jog audio E8F382875BBC22FD=scrub audio (looped-segment mode) 4591EDB4AF8F5966=jog audio (looped-segment mode) F8BD8282B56C4BB9=set edit cursor and orizontal zoom 7425B5F70EEEC4BC=move edit cursor without scrub/jog E7ADFD47B08D9B1E=select item 396DA88A09211414=select item ignoring grouping CAED1B1E948249EE=select item and move edit cursor D70617120F0CA435=select item and move edit cursor ignoring snap 6E12DB06D5E46CA0=toggle item selection F6BE06E21354E5CA=toggle item selection and set time selection to selected items 1D8BBFDC549D1ACC=add a range of items to selection 4647C090F14A3BFE=add a range of items to selection and set time selection to selected items BC83D17FED4C2073=add a range of items to selection, if already selected extend time selection 62172EA3E8D70824=add a range of items to selection, if already selected extend time selection ignoring snap D069BFC1F3B9131A=add a range of items to selection and extend time selection 5A554D13D9EF24E1=add a range of items to selection and extend time selection ignoring snap CE0A180B4B034823=add stretch marker 10E6EE810F19FC1D=open media item in external editor BD44233F641A61AF=show take list 89D765C7D791E517=show take comps list 0444EF2161321E02=show media item properties D1B3039A8F817537=show media item source properties 76F4EAD79D0D2A4C=midi: open in editor, subprojects: open project, audio: show media item properties 2B65B918859F3A06=delete item fade/crossfade 1D914CD908209341=reset point to default value 0612247136A3F244=open envelope point editor D40C4BBAE6F9E2EB=add envelope point ignoring snap D20F9AE631B6EFD2=reset envelope segment curvature 7E40A32B0740C536=select all media items on track A1A5D53DE57A23B1=toggle selection for all media items on track 9E3C2317A0915468=add all media items on track to selection 7435698B7A888CD9=zoom view to track 9F8DDD83297AB6FB=select/unselect all envelope points AAD4B13A27359D15=edit loop point (ruler) or time selection (piano roll) 41F92EF62BD3126E=edit loop point (ruler) or time selection (piano roll) ignoring snap A08209557C2FB1AF=move loop points (ruler) or time selection (piano roll) B12006B519E71B90=move loop points (ruler) or time selection (piano roll) ignoring snap 2A79930B4B9AF741=select notes or cc in time selection 026AC8E973F25232=clear loop or time selection 20B07666B4E768B5=marquee select notes/cc 96C27CC607BF703E=marquee toggle note/cc selection 8E957BC5CE9B373F=marquee add to notes/cc selection 465D4C16BAB39621=marquee select notes/cc and time 32C0434450BC82FA=marquee select notes/cc and time ignoring snap AD0654938C5F77E1=erase notes/cc 7CD70AAB3C1968DE=erase notes/cc immediately (suppresses right-click context menu) BCCB4371418C8B25=toggle selection for notes touched while dragging 09D0AF43A7F0EFF5=insert note ignoring snap D6C83FA540CC55BA=insert note, drag to extend or change pitch 047689A230ED7D99=insert note ignoring snap, drag to extend or change pitch BE51834F4CF51385=insert note ignoring scale/key, drag to extend or change pitch 49F341EF4C5BF4E2=insert note ignoring snap and scale/key, drag to extend or change pitch E5E9D47B0F900F67=insert note, drag to extend C5CF69E97891CB7C=insert note ignoring snap, drag to extend 15E0C2C67608606E=insert note, drag to move AA737652FBC7F2E1=insert note ignoring snap, drag to move 58FE5975A70B9B9D=insert note ignoring scale/key, drag to move 9CE1008666B08FE6=insert note ignoring snap and scale/key, drag to move 278C3B4591183CF6=insert note, drag to edit velocity C63441D7CD046F03=insert note ignoring snap, drag to edit velocity 3BD6C8F5EBB71BFC=paint notes 3C24D12AD1F1B23C=paint notes and chords DEBE4005FA66E83A=paint a straight line of notes 53037C8BC0BC9701=paint a straight line of notes ignoring snap C9A8AA9A74901994=paint a row of notes of the same pitch C03BD9F3032CF9FE=paint a stack of notes of the same time position 8382CF2C311424D3=paint notes ignoring snap ED9013A5EB65966A=marquee select notes 8E53F01128A084AF=marquee toggle note selection 24716024DAC58CDF=marquee add to note selection 7A29B54EA7F22484=marquee select notes and time 0B589DC6809A795B=marquee select notes and time ignoring snap 8E989EACDF30AE2B=scrub preview midi 798C291321F5DAC6=copy selected notes 8DFDF8F55167A9ED=copy selected notes ignoring snap 693592300BD7FC8E=move selected notes FA21FEB242FBC2D5=move selected notes ignoring snap 83997CB258C1844A=deselect all notes and move edit cursor DAD048858F10ACF1=deselect all notes and move edit cursor ignoring snap CAFF809A6D1D262A=deselect all notes AEC29523E3A8251A=insert note, leaving other notes selected C704560C84806DE5=insert note ignoring snap, leaving other notes selected E1689E82E2EFB3AF=set draw channel lower 2ED1D1F458E168CD=set draw channel higher D55CE7984C43960E=move note CF9C3AD9EE96A055=move note ignoring snap 19A30FAE6BA1C46A=move note on one axis only 9816E62DA2237A11=move note on one axis only ignoring snap 992C64A22CA57265=move note horizontally 1E4AF660A5C406DE=move note horizontally ignoring snap E22EAEB98D394837=move note vertically 300C6141637B620D=move note ignoring selection 1C2D24FE0B8AB9C6=move note ignoring snap and selection 2097A88D3DC53A82=move note vertically ignoring scale/key 4D03DEAF23EA9336=stretch note positions (arpeggiate) 75F9C849B9553757=stretch note positions ignoring snap (arpeggiate) 2D4C14F79C9B2B67=stretch note lengths (arpeggiate legato) 89B509899A6BE130=stretch note lengths ignoring snap (arpeggiate legato) 2B75A678F9167947=stretch note selection vertically (arpeggiate) 9D4BDF1E90E3E6B6=copy note 68E0D5ABBA3BCE7D=copy note ignoring snap 3A3B4D4603EE9F6D=copy note horizontally 91FD749D8E4E42A6=copy note horizontally ignoring snap E584CB0B8D77F00F=copy note vertically DF5AE08527AA0B9F=edit note velocity (fine) 5B9DB83BFF8E6F15=select note A1F9880A4AC66233=select note and move edit cursor F314104A7FC37CE4=select note and move edit cursor ignoring snap 562DC24343E2E237=toggle note selection 15C37AD093089A12=toggle note selection and set time selection to selected notes 92A6F268ECF0347B=add a range of notes to selection 550F7B25E1335B06=add a range of notes to selection and set time selection to selected notes 8027FA8FCB0910A6=add all notes in measure to selection B9D39502E3F5DC34=select note and all later notes 47FF5CBA9E871B22=add note and all later notes to selection CEFEF0F524CAF2CF=select note and all later notes of same pitch ED0E63140796BCAF=add note and all later notes of same pitch to selection 934F0BC1076495CA=toggle note mute 152F044326761191=set note channel lower 97685B2990CCE2DF=set note channel higher FD8081C6BC25CFE2=double note length DB5A7DCA941C6FED=halve note length 8EC8EA6A48074843=move note edge 425585D35A89ECD4=move note edge ignoring snap 15470B0FBA20B32E=move note edge ignoring selection BCE7EACF11C66C63=move note edge ignoring snap and selection A9F00FF8B27EC3E2=stretch notes ignoring snap E0EED2F8ADFB7514=draw/edit cc events ignoring selection 37E16FFF63F3AA41=draw/edit cc events ignoring snap and selection EE62729BEFDDAB24=edit cc events C2F8F5B47ED0B11F=edit cc events ignoring selection EE755115CC9403F1=edit selected cc events if any, otherwise draw/edit 4DF95E12EBCA12AA=edit selected cc events if any, otherwise draw/edit ignoring snap 748A96F88E0D092D=linear ramp cc events 0B084628ADAB30A4=linear ramp cc events ignoring selection 729DAF3AD18B2154=erase cc events 18CB5A14C50594A3=marquee select cc 78C1717C2BA37B8D=marquee toggle cc selection 0B73561F02141C1D=marquee add to cc selection 0A11D1334FB9517F=marquee select cc and time 2C9C66C2763480C0=marquee select cc and time ignoring snap 913B480AA5C6E0F8=move cc event 8E3B200B8FF2742F=move cc event ignoring snap 9E075FF8815448BC=move cc event on one axis only 4F387ED043D4C793=move cc event on one axis only ignoring snap 8BD7CD7126743337=move cc horizontally 4F87F95EF72A84B8=move cc horizontally ignoring snap FD25DC644E0C2381=move cc vertically 7306533455C55470=copy cc event C421CA4C0933E687=copy cc event ignoring snap 406E783F1AF6E72F=erase cc event F1347C3703807229=activate midi item (when clicking a note that is not in the active item) 82005EAA60D15D98=insert cc event E3C5DD575303E8CF=insert cc event ignoring snap 2E53B031D127EB57=edit midi source loop length 7A1D371CB11E0458=edit midi source loop length ignoring snap ED989A89B24D47B8=stretch midi source loop length C416657ADF9FACEF=stretch midi source loop length ignoring snap 9D516CB7624FAEFB=zoom to selected notes/cc, or to project loop selection 2197CECC8AC337BC=pass through to item drag context AB7933CA6DA05B30=pass through to item click context A5193527E6752A2E=pass through to item double-click context 804FB26B8D7907DE=no action ;^83CEDDAC8FB7324E=copy ;^B3E3EB828D92742C=set time selection ;^B16F3BCB9C49D151=add to selection ;^4324C9C893B102F6=insert ;^581D6158029C2ADC=ripple edit all tracks ;^DD07363AD61CB17B=hand scroll ;^34256B9EEE178D2F=invert ;^ED3B2E348AB4097C=empty ;^0B3E0029A01A16F4=media item ;^D0C04B9E79D271AE=track ;^26038CD1AEC84BF2=edit stretch marker rate ;^689B1F98F86E6198=insert envelope point ;^2A4F1727CEE47B6E=delete envelope point ;^BF730BE07310272D=load automation item ;^F9AA9CDDCDB641C6=edit loop points ;^DDDAF906972AD14A=horizontal zoom ;^B932D1923DE5FA34=add envelope point ;^1D4EDA35A99AEFAE=insert note ;^AEC62239D2186066=erase notes ;^F5EF50B6945EBD84=edit note velocity ;^54C71A581B912AA8=select all notes in measure ;^4979490C7DD5AF71=erase note ;^A99C97A73C807E49=stretch notes [mp3] C042633C475B9971=mp3 (encoder by lame project) 012B21417154B333=mp3 (lame_enc) %dhz %dch 28BD47AE17A83C2F=%dkbps cbr 3A1DD9AE2183CCF5=%dkbps abr 5E3994AE36615AC0=%dkbps mp3 91857F4383403C7D=vbr mp3 5C1F1DB983A1A10B=error synchronizing to mpeg bitstream 12C93180AD958353=mpeg audio files ;^6355A67DF71FA0FB=vbr ;^D9220AE04A08F86B=error opening file [mp3dec_DLG_120] ; IDD_MP3ITEMINFO A1EA2237DC44579E=mpeg layer %d, @ %d hz %d channels 509B5904A84D5FAB=cbr (no header) 193D417E5E28654E=abr 09AADF7E55D58250=cbr 38426147A87AA690=encoding: %s 062B8ACAC3CAB90F=bitrate (average): %.0f kbps E9984E62B197E122=%d frames in file [indexed] 6A8EEFBFEA972037=no index found [error]! C3BC0FC97E99D0DC=tags %s: 36D32A6A6BD200B4=mp3 file properties 40001297AEC27A39=correct compressor latency/length (recommended) ;^71831478CADD789A=file offline ;^CD2E4AA3231DEC4D=file not opened ;^D730907ADC00D444=unknown error/status ;^309B13D6E0AC1A0F=length: ;^6355A67DF71FA0FB=vbr ;^FAF92150674645B7=title ;^DB6AFFF8CBB64A68=artist ;^D23E76ECCBF7CD46=album ;^86A4F3F3E1A5932A=year ;^4435244E8273302A=genre ;^D0C04B9E79D271AE=track ;^09A01E8714A0B688=comment ;^3BF92ABFA8425D90=filename: ;^C01085DD37178417=file info: ;^BAC64C1B2E060EE5=close [mp3dec_DLG_155] ; IDD_MP3SINK_CFG A40D618D5AEB5CBC=maximum bitrate/quality 318CDAE81DB7539C=target quality (vbr) 34C577E33837B567=target bitrate (abr) F17B168459C12F7E=constant bitrate (cbr) C35095E6C50358A5=maximum (slow) 00A6AC3878391B26=better (slower) 56DEF4871CBFA226=normal (recommended) CE71333273BE7369=fast encode 22C0D4CA8A905783=fastest encode 71037E259030D297=(worst) 84DACD4CCB6B731A=(best) 3588727EA4170214=lame unavailable CF9CD1BCD466E99A=quality: 957104933D1BEA37=approximate 7E079B0B698E0E42=lame info ;^0121AF72166A79F7=kbps ;^46F1486DB9B6A7A6=mode: ;^47721B0B3BD6F596=bitrate: [musicxml] 1D706EAF139B5DE1=file is neither score-timewise nor score-partwise 2B68F5097551BA8E=can't read midi-instrument id F81C3931B68B0DE1=can't read musicxml part 4512FF4C5B515AEE=can't read part id 6A912866A8EA3D25=can't read measure number 87840801028F6CA4=can't read measure divisions B1CC581617E19413=can't read time signature BAB69D989C38B4E2=musicxml import error ;^F664CFB0307502A6=can't open file [navigator] ;^B8EA9A061D794748=navigator [notes] 81C3CE95DAFC5AD1=notes for multiple items D818B7732CF5CD93=notes for [nudge] F09C31E8A9894A3C=position 2550290267201242=left trim 299A4085019307DB=left edge 9BA3574F44267C17=end position 8B941B6210D9C975=right trim 6BE30D64F077D961=contents 4B8CCC5C6888D4E0=duplicate 11FA427DAF625F63=edit cursor BFC460844A462CFE=nudge 7CE2377E0578CBA5=set B62AFB771D1922A2=whole 82B1712DBB5C5CAB=[no selected items] 7734AB47D63BB4A9=edit cursor: 428700C0757D64D1=snap point 2DC99689A4F8D97B=left edge A50AED9F3C1A5988=right edge C3E1E53330D8927E=source start 25D39857D4C9F5C8= of first selected item: B8E8B76B307EEA46= of last selected item: 96C8409F4854E949=get cursor 723F191CD88F41AA=apply move 26FB8C1FCCF92091=milliseconds 55A2AD3BC3C98CB5=frames DCB71AA5E36E49E5=item lengths 0BDDFCEF44A7FCCF=item selections AA58487ABCA46F70=grid units 4B7D8FDD41E2C4B9=measures.beats 145979AA7430EB39=snap to bar ;^2ADD7A879D22FA5C=position ;^EA7EDFD029F80877=nudge left ;^2E287BE9B3A7F568=nudge right ;^1616D990C579771C=seconds ;^E8589A5C2472187A=samples ;^10EC54E7BB0B3282=pixels ;^850C45978587FBF4=notes ;^275DD07EF79CAC80=by: ;^8C2AEE7E9FE91BE0=to: ;^8BD3DE8B5B83C01C=snap to grid ;^3CF04EFDC66C18B2=snap to unit [ogg_DLG_120] ; IDD_OGGITEMINFO A6A1BB158C423B26=ogg vorbis file properties ;^71831478CADD789A=file offline ;^CD2E4AA3231DEC4D=file not opened ;^D730907ADC00D444=unknown error/status ;^309B13D6E0AC1A0F=length: ;^9570937682166424=samplerate: %d ;^1091E0FE22106AFC=channels: %d ;^9517B47A9D453F1B=bitrate: %dkbps ;^AEC2E4C118882FAF=streams: %d ;^3BF92ABFA8425D90=filename: ;^C01085DD37178417=file info: ;^BAC64C1B2E060EE5=close [ogg_DLG_155] ; IDD_OGGSINK_CFG 246E456AFF21F160=vbr quality: 42DC2DABD9CC9A1E=cbr: 0B7BBDB9FEA4641C=abr: 331CFD6838B20891=(0.0 = lowest, 1.0 = highest): CD1C84A71AF08E0D=kbps, min: 11E6C4A741C20633=kbps, max: ;^0121AF72166A79F7=kbps [opus] 36F9D069AF7D17F2=ogg opus 48khz 46F16028170F52E3=(input: %.1fkhz) 6300C85E446A5725=%dch, %s AF2ED54EB5D6EF96=%.0fkbps 204E9BE37F91F259=ogg opus 68B89884DBA9A0FF=cvbr %.0fkbps ogg opus 8734E4F76200DBEB=hard-cbr %.0fkbps ogg opus A89B5FE9A3E0FB7F=vbr ogg opus A6F5715C7DFDA0E9=error parsing opus: file contains more than 8 channels 76872764C42BD97A=error parsing opus 5EC5AA30E22DAA72=ogg opus files ;^6355A67DF71FA0FB=vbr ;^9567E9AB777E07DA=cvbr ;^D3F87301A0059CA6=hard-cbr ;^D9220AE04A08F86B=error opening file [pan] 08323C07B4EAEEC9=l ;^3BEB0AE437FA2F12=center ;^08323607B4EAE497=r [pandlg] 6117CC4FE43AF7F2=+0.0 (default) 7006FC40958447F8=project default (stereo balance) 82F7D1EB412DAF11=project default (stereo pan) 65A4F91A332E37E3=project default (dual pan) A4A2B926D6457694=project default (reaper 3.x balance) 4511943B57827F5E=stereo balance / mono pan (default) EA57FBCCFD419668=stereo pan 87CF7CB71772CAC2=dual pan CC85814B7AF4CCED=reaper 3.x balance (deprecated) 82578278D5231120=pan law: ;^94DEF1C233373209=project default ;^F4944DF4957B0C53= (default) [panlaw] ;^DDDBC4B59922776E=master track [parmmod] 3D522C2F868F6FFA=sine 97F95DED678E9B28=square 14DCF57FB415B40C=saw l 14DD0B7FB415D96E=saw r 308DF7B5C06EC2E3=triangle 74F72B39E2CB9C50=random 0EA9CF700D8CA502= bus %d 0B948F5EE0E33CC2= chan %d 6D13B5B72BD78E27=program change 3351D834F771EE9E=aftertouch 2C5641A7269CB8F3=remove midi fx parameter link 0986E47C35912C30=cc 14-bit 0D787B476878BFE6=omni 2762372D6D14F1E5=on seek/loop (deterministic output) EB06AC7EBF68A535=free-running (non-deterministic output) D83986186B24D8CC=qn 5C6CD2CA6CEDBA99=(not found) 43DDA011529770E8= (self) 9CE9D1319F320AA2=parameter modulation/link for 5E51D88A6E39AA30= - (master track) ;^57F28E456CC0FEEB=pitch ;^BC585B6FF340DD35=channel pressure ;^33A5C54D35029E6F=note ;^D869A3186B4E2DD5=cc ;^112BF17E59C1097F=bus ;^F3238895531F739E=channel ;^D858BC186B3FE51D=hz ;^30EF57A27EDFC686=(none) ;^3DC3C3589C65D706=midi [peaksbuild] DD0AD37DE6B2A3C3=removing old peak caches... D6AB167DACDD93C3=item %d/%d ;^A752FB9BC4EC6C8C=initializing... [pinmgr] 14C0FC555A26C850=js input A1A1AB5C5B218311=js output [pitchenvcfg] 9A8091FE0AFEA024=follow global default ;^A159C77E1AA46F0C=off ;^409F65C60F8CB038=1 semitone ;^77FCCED98127C864=50 cent ;^6F4D3FBD428960E0=25 cent ;^114DBCE49FB5ED08=10 cent ;^ECD95980EE3502F8=5 cent ;^436541C52DD92FA4=1 cent [pitchshift] 2C9FDF4101D8E2FF=simple windowed (fast) 09D126B8FC03970F=%dms window, %dms fade 63360D1F1C91E9E6=%dms window 11A3228492FDF5A2=%d%% fade 958A4BB76D4E7937=dirac le (slow) ;^AB2A3D4EF1C9D1A8=default [pooledenv] D4A529A0DD35A4AD=load automation item B41F2FB851FBE597=rename automation item 096516B609B04A04=save automation item [prefs] 2B7D40F6D1DC609B=choose image: D9618E186C20AB75=:( D2DE5E701E5C239D=save key map as: 2564D884E323133A=choose key map to open: D6815CCB49065863=the settings below will be applied to new tracks 4C33B83EACCD6BD6= E40679D8AB3E3516=last project tabs A3FAE16E6B2F9235=prompt 6A4004041F988DAF=clear recent project list? BA17125F561726C9=when not recording 27B5DC0DF980814A=when stopped EB0F9F3E9AE022CC=any time B967FB615627BFEF=choose project: B2FCC2F5B1F8F8AB=no automatic muting 7B28AE2C817AC0F2=automatically mute master track 4F5BCFD07BF12DA0=automatically mute any track BA4D083E0E7D5FCB=do not display cc data EE428BCEF74F31D2=only the first lane visible in the midi editor 403C67907C76BCD2=one lane combining all cc data 095E4F4EA92332BE=multiple lanes when space permits (default) 5C93D72D90574575=dots and lines F0B5784486B886BC=filled samples 6E9205BD6F506B72=outlined samples 14FAA560A0940241=stepped samples 0BB21B7C7907D7B7=sinc smoothed 98E275E42822039D=dots and sinc CDD69E77F19A943C=do not scrub FA7C612AB981A126=scrub 73D3C9335C868336=open all midi on the same track 1813F02D3CB4A561=by default, selecting multiple media items in the arrange view and double-clicking will open all selected items in the midi editor. 55CA347DC74A0932=this behavior depends on the setting for \"open items in built-in midi editor\", which can be changed on this page. B614425040C5BE9C=many users prefer to enable \"one midi editor per project\", and use the midi editor track list (contents menu/track list) to choose which tracks or items to display or edit. 4CE40209DB74EA3D=within a single midi editor, only one media item can be active, meaning that it can receive drawn or copy/pasted notes and cc data. 42ED43C15F0598C8=midi from other media items may be faintly visible, and optionally editable. use the midi editor track list or media item lane to control which items are visible and editable. 92FE1CC195B210C9=you can switch the active midi media item by double-clicking within the bounds of a secondary media item, or by using the midi editor contents menu, the midi editor track list, or the midi editor media item lane. A9A7271977DC8D6E=with the same track as the active media item, double-click within the bounds of another media item will always switch the active media item. double-click outside the bounds of any media item can optionally extend the nearest media item. 9248E0C9C4694835=displaying multiple media items in a single midi editor 2D06A497BD64F464=video decoder information AE04609BFAC1BE7B=remove: ;^99FA828F906D3EE4=find ;^BE72ADED52927C3E=last active project ;^5E103081C90DF414=new project (ignore default template) ;^F47146FFAED94D96=new project ;^E6A55E1F24BD208C=choose reaperconfigzip to import ;^5945AF9182806811=you must stop recording before importing configuration (as configuration import will require a restart) ;^D790926420BA2EB7=notice ;^A4C0C852A5B25572=confirmation ;^80BE1395BCF8C169=download language packs ;^BABD655B2A5AED87=select a directory: ;^D811D5325411DBAD=smooth ;^E964640878017639=open the clicked midi item only ;^BBC1706D3B8635E2=open all selected midi items ;^71A76211A7CFDF12=open all midi in the project ;^1EB556E18D613E28=add... [prefs_appear_help] D8B66E2BE463D32E=show horizontal grid lines in automation lanes. 8617651BDE7B4F18=the position at which the gradient fade begins (top to bottom). 64E5EF997F28A648=how dark the gradient goes (very subtle on the left, very large at the right). F36CA746B3CC4594=preview of the background gradient settings. D42E66A319AC11AE=the length of the mouse hover delay before tooltips appear. 44E0D11CF67D6F39=enable tooltips on the ui elements. A774979370C2945A=enable tooltips when editing items or envelopes. FC697457A24188CD=if tooltips are enabled for envelopes, show the tooltip when hovering the mouse over an envelope. 45D3D936D90D0EAD=allow reaper to prerender text, for a slight performance improvement overall, but less smooth text at the smallest font sizes. 77B9B339AD44076D=draw smooth item fadein/fadeout curves and automation envelopes. no meaningful performance penalty. A7B566458D7B1070=fill automation envelopes with color, for easier reading but a slight performance penalty. (media item fade area curve fills use a theme setting.) 4633445F44D0C872=fill automation envelopes with color when drawing envelopes over media, for easier reading but a slight performance penalty. FEF64939D5DC280B=show horizontal grid lines in envelope lanes, height permitting. 4C88837476F4697C=width of play cursor in pixels. E9CDE41FE0762A29=draw solid lines at the edges of the time selection. in the theme, set the time selection fill mode alpha to zero for a minor performance improvement. AF1AF4B7EC29EB88=draw solid lines through the arrange view at the edges of the loop selection, for a slight performance penalty. 41DD08B12824E2EF=draw guide lines at the edges of media items and envelope points while moving them, for easier positioning but a slight performance penalty. 41FE1796A29337F6=draw timeline display as bars for whole measures, bars.beats for whole beats, and bars.beats.hundredths (default) otherwise. F02F80C9904C3AC3=when changing the size of the toolbar or floating toolbar, don't allow buttons to be drawn smaller than the size of their underlying theme images. BFE2B737382EA986=when changing the size of the toolbar or floating toolbar, don't allow buttons to be drawn larger than the size of their underlying theme images. DC0B1486D831FBC4=floating toolbars, and the toolbar docker, can be displayed without a window frame, for a smaller appearance. C509B1130581F3C4=vertical pixel spacing between adjacent tracks. E6F015EDC904D895=when \"options/show overlapping media items in lanes\" is enabled, the maximum number of lanes shown can be configured. 88BC85543BA04109=project region edges and project markers appear as special gridlines in the arrange view by default. 5B08A81144D33F81=time signature changes appear as special gridlines in the arrange view by default. 3B03225E1BAA52AC=use color theme odd/even track colors to divide the arrange view vertically, by measures if the grid is set to beats, or by seconds if the grid is set to frames. ;^79DF6C21E88B8F28=show the last user action in reaper's menu bar. clicking the action will open the undo window. [prefs_audio] 85222607B31F6CB7=use all project master outs [prefs_audio_help] 9864B7B74DAD01DC=when enabled, reaper will share audio devices with other applications by closing the audio hardware not active. 7BCD0ED018A7F991=when unchecked and any tracks are record armed, then reaper will not share audio devices. 56EF83DBB9B533D8=when unchecked and any rewire devices are in use, then reaper will not share audio devices. 2C9DA92A74FFB037=when checked, reaper will close the audio devices whenever not playing back audio. F4C34E3A62159EDB=when checked, reaper will warn about audio or midi devices that were unable to be opened. 6000B5F82791C32E=avoid extra processing on silent tracks during playback, which can save cpu use for those tracks (but potentially increase cpu for other tracks) CDA1B340C7057066=enables audio input name aliasing, letting you rename your inputs for easier selection. A28FB91F31A627A6=enables audio output name aliasing, letting you rename your outputs for easier selection. 1BCA4F5650495E9C=when checked, allows you to treat odd pairs of inputs/outputs as stereo pairs, i.e. not just channels 1/2, but 2/3 as well. 8266E618390457F0=sets default output for metronome when project does not override -- default is project master outputs [prefs_audio_mutesolo_help] EAD933B5C67C808F=do not process tracks that are muted, allowing less cpu/disk usage for these tracks. unmuting may not be instant with this checked. 4797CE7638526D69=makes soloing a track also solo the routing of that track, toggle which behavior is used by holding alt while clicking a solo button. 5E0E23A55E611073=the master track, or any track, can be automatically muted (like a circuit breaker) when the volume exceeds a certain level, to protect speakers and ears. 7E353D6CD354F8A2=reset auto-muted tracks when starting playback 5D15FFF28571BE0B=if solo in front is enabled (via options menu or action), dim unsoloed tracks by this amount. CC27879338523C6C=apply a small fade to mutes to avoid clicks, this controls how long that fade is. must be no more than 100ms. CAA81ECAF25104C8=if a soloed-in-place track sends to a soloed track, this option makes the parent/hardware sends effectively unsoloed. [prefs_audiodev] 2DF91730D72FFD6E=(error getting info) 3EF994B7D37DC445=(latency: %d ms) 34D436BFAA4E8EDA=no asio drivers found! B7C2AD767B61F5A6=wdm kernel streaming (windows xp) 9BF5F65011E69DC5=directsound 0C5C12F89052285A=waveout 8931E3B9B4BEB40B=asio E60104721C668F07=dummy audio 5A361F136F60C54E=wasapi (windows 7/8/10/vista) F62BB8ADCA1ACFB4=asio default / mmcss pro audio / time critical 99BC561DFE103323=mmcss / time critical B8ECBD868F6E6AFE=not found: C71F29716DFFC020=jack 892179F42F48DAF5=jack [not installed on system] 07B7BD1A9CF2127C=jack [not supported in this build] F86B2EB9F35979C6=alsa 32B6A866216B55D2=pulseaudio 8507A7EA023AF513=pulseaudio [not installed on system] 61605C281C172E72= (non-rt) DC524F263483B189= (suggested setting for rt use) 07531569388B6383= (default hardware priority) BB9D155CE82F9870= (maximum priority) ;^63ACD193C4316F68=normal ;^B726931672EE1B2F=above normal ;^76036DCB216B5D75=highest ;^FC0E6CF88C55D677=time critical ;^B5431ED426EE5CA5=input device: ;^7A1E9510735905CF=audio device: [prefs_audiodev_asio_help] F723649F4D3E0D6E=select your desired asio driver here. B2D72D05025E924C=asio inputs are enabled by default. clearing this check box will disable the inputs on your asio device, which can lower the load on your cpu. B38FC80A6F50E7D6=select which input to use as the first of the input range. 5C77ACCCB4144AE6=select which input to use as the last of the input range. 67529A1EFFA68A87=the output range section operates in the same way as the input range section, allowing you to choose which asio outputs are accessible within reaper. D5ED4592D5E98A4C=select which output to use as the first of the output range. 2E0FB1BC821E09A2=select which output to use as the last of the output range. 0C7EAC6A09C9C0F0=click this button to open the control panel for your asio driver. BC73016B9A446708=select this check box to request a specific sample rate for your audio device. if this option is not checked, then the soundcards current or default sample rate will be used. B052BA4DBB7F2AAC=this option will zero the output buffers of the hardware before rendering to them, which on some hardware can reduce \"stuck buffer sounds\" in certain instances. 903E6B2546019666=some buggy asio drivers might need this option for proper asio operation. 4A88F01965AA54EB=setting a higher thread priority will force reaper to process audio ahead of other tasks (e.g. drawing graphics). [prefs_audiodev_help] 40B4F9BE88EA7D62=select your desired input device here. 56AAF45D1DCD21D9=select your desired output device here. 74AAF51B9980FD6C=select the desired bit depth that will be used for recordings. 5F33CC4B6AACDD3B=enter a value into this field to set the number of input channels. C473A0F8D76E0A80=enter a value into this field to set the number of output channels. 9008BDA500A4D1F3=enter a value into this field to set the sample rate that will be used for recordings. 368335EF82EE1C29=this section allows you to alter the buffer settings for reaper. a larger buffer will give more stable performance on some systems, at the expense of latency. 926200AF2A68E63C=choose your desired audio system here. by default, reaper uses waveout for compatibility, but asio is recommended for best performance. ECA43EEB5860A20C=if checked, the audio device system will use the project sample rate. 902C17B6A11D60F8=choose the priority for the main audio thread. [prefs_auto_help] 540A61168A6B08AF=when the track automation mode is touch, latch, or write, moving any track control or fx knob will create an automation envelope for it. 24A7B4635A17AF3A=after recording an automation write pass, automation can automatically switch to a different mode (to avoid overwriting just-written automation). 6A4D25A321A15123=the time it takes for the envelope to return to its previous or default value after the end of recording an automation pass. 6776B9975D1EC19A=the transition time applied when writing envelope ranges via actions. F53D738206169462=if a track fader is at -x db, the track volume envelopes can be created at -x db or +0 db. in both cases the track output will be automatically adjusted. 441FBC5ED51CF71F=automatically reduce (prune) redundant points when recording or drawing automation. to reduce points afterwards, use the envelope right-click menu. 7B05B46C0FCCED48=when recording automation while playback is stopped, choose whether to add points before/after edit position. 9C3914B6F3A67C90=like media items, automation items can be looped or unlooped by default. 8A324097713011D9=by default, each instance of a pooled automation item has a separate baseline and amplitude setting. DFC1BE2EA2856F00=by default, automation will be written into existing automation items if any, and the underlying envelope if not. 176CF83941C8803F=by default, copy/pasting automation items will not create pooled copies. 8F3B80CEA19A6F2D=editing automation item position or edges to overlap existing automation items can either play both items together, or trim content from the existing items. 6EC99BA864D739E4=automation items can lie on top of the underlying envelope, or connect the the underlying envelope on the right side (chase/latch behavior), or both sides. [prefs_buf] 68C279740B738335=use native events for synchronizing (not recommended) 29EEBA76CCF8E86D=idle 92B186572F2D2E77=below normal CA546BCECBD86E89=above normal (recommended) 5BD5352A8AD4FB5F=highest (recommended) 15A91142A64B031B=automatic (experimental) 251727CC1D320262=automatic (default) 02BB391D11C4BF27= - relaxed 26FEA9DB7D84BB3D= - default 0CB154CE14C9703F= - medium BE86650F54F7AC10= - aggressive CAF2BD75C8084664= - very aggressive ;^63ACD193C4316F68=normal ;^76036DCB216B5D75=highest ;^B726931672EE1B2F=above normal ;^FC0E6CF88C55D677=time critical [prefs_buf_help] 429342ABE696E608=auto-detect the number of cpu cores in your system and use all of them. DB46AD1EC81087FA=the number of audio processing threads to create. this is usually set to the number of cpus in your system. 88ED4AE8DA0B9791=the relative thread priority to use for audio processing. this is an advanced performance tweak and should probably be left on the default. CBDC58413A534831=how aggressive audio processing threads are. a more relaxed setting will use less cpu but will be less stable at low latencies. CD7C691E80E72934=media buffering uses ram and cpu to avoid having to wait for disk io. for systems with slower disks this should be set higher. zero disables buffering. 41E5ED5B864C805A=disable buffering on tracks with midi editors open, which allows faster playback response to midi edits (recommended). 3F29804EB743FBAD=how full source media buffers should be before starting playback. lower numbers will give faster response time. E565AD880D79DFEF=when per-take fx are showing, use a lower media buffer size to minimize lag between audio playback and the visual response of the plugin. F2A0039FE6DFC2E5=live fx multiprocessing allows live monitoring to be multiprocessed in addition to media/fx, but isn't ideal for low latency performance. 7A0294314A050740=how many threads to use for live fx multiprocessing. 8675235AE1C1D1F9=use spare cpu to render fx ahead of time. this is beneficial regardless of cpu count, but may need to be disabled for use with some plug-ins (uad). 008F35D03C09AE19=higher render-ahead times will use multiple processors more efficiently. lower render-ahead times will lower response time for fx tweaks. 85CC0E1AA9B38417=use anticipative (render-ahead) processing on all tracks (even tracks without fx). this can help performance at the lowest latencies but uses more cpu. 61655478AEFF607A=use anticipative (render-ahead) fx processing on tracks with open midi editors. disable this for lower preview latency while editing. 5114EF335E5EBA3D=use old reaper 4.x logic for scheduling worker threads, which generally will waste more cpu but could be advantageous in certain instances. 8079420B13150577=advanced disk buffering options, only recommended for expert use. 0723BB206D032E82=use system events for timing and synchronizing. recommended for windows, but not for wine. 1BB8F433F91FA736=use system events for timing and synchronizing. recommended for newer intel machines. E6A5539CBB66A335=use system events for timing and synchronizing. 5522B2898DF46E8F=disable buffering on selected tracks, which allows faster audio playback response to edits. [prefs_dx_help] D305F8049C9BA679=show any already-opened rewire-aware applications/devices as available fx in the add-fx window. EE70845A964B23C2=when adding rewired applications/devices, automatically open the device control panel. 1A45569F48452198=process all track fx even when playback is stopped, when any rewire device is active. 1CECF7CDE17F142B=if an application/device is already open that can act as rewire master, automatically place reaper in rewire slave mode. F1B05EF1B553E3EE=when running in rewire slave mode, use a separate preferences configuration file so separate preferences and settings can be preserved for this mode only. 5BA7E753ADD1DED6=change rewire slave settings for the current project. to save this project's settings as default, go to file/project settings. [prefs_edit] 68A4FA0E1BCE8F2A=track at center of view A12006DF4EF831AB=top visible track 7E040028AA0C843B=last selected track D2F5A848BF54967F=track under mouse cursor 35F00B6FDBA01CF8=edit cursor or play cursor (default) C94DCA651A8805D8=center of view AC7DA40A71A28A0C=mouse cursor 385CF76CE687AD9C=locked items interrupt ripple 36D2B335DF906511=locked items interrupt ripple per-track 080E32BDDCA4B887=locked items are unaffected by ripple 895C922ED3E9E77C=locked items are affected by ripple (lock ignored) ;^BE8A32189AE58F83=edit cursor [prefs_edit_help] 70010620ED4BF7CE=the edit cursor (where playback will begin) moves to the mouse when clicking on media items. D19164481E456464=the edit cursor (where playback will begin) does not move to the mouse when clicking on media items if shift or control are pressed. 77A15B21FD40224C=the edit cursor (where playback will begin) moves to the start of the time selection when you change the time selection. 5B198AA7AD34F2ED=the edit cursor (where playback will begin) moves to the mouse when pasting or inserting media items. 30EE84DA88B23845=the edit cursor (where playback will begin) moves to the end of newly recorded items when recording stops. 6E59EB77685A4FFE=set the sensitivity of tab-to-transient and dynamic split. lower sensitivity causes only the sharpest transients to be detected. E5BCA3801A3DA8DD=tab-to-transient can ignore midi items, or consider midi notes as transients. 93AB148AC6B4D9B1=tab-to-transient can tab past media item edges, or consider media item edges as transients. 6CB151FAA58C5678=where to center when zooming vertically. 1A6CDD77351C8E84=where to center when zooming horizontally 4EBA36F5A4F9E89C=how locked items behave in \"ripple edit all tracks\" and \"ripple edit per-track\" modes. 9C5B31435FB60A12=media item edges between adjacent items can trim both items at once. this behavior can be restricted so both items are edited only if both are selected. C8F1EB5EE3ECC3FE=when using ripple editing, moving items left will attach to earlier items during the edit, if this option is set. 8F9F748B3E3AFB8D=when auto-crossfades (toolbar button) are disabled, normally editing a crossfade will cause the fade-in and fade-out to separate. A517977E3C29D1AD=time selection and loop points can be linked, or unlinked so that they can be set or cleared independently. 0742C3EFC8EC2536=loop points are cleared using the escape key, or optionally by single-clicking in the ruler/timeline area. 6D66B24C4A76886C=the time selection is cleared using the escape key, or optionally whenever a mouse click in the arrange view moves the edit cursor. [prefs_env] F31053058A33AE5F=hides old envelope E56230103213A82F=moves old envelope to media lane 747DCF8B8F0D8AE4=-inf..+0db 85D1498B98DE6886=-inf..+6db 1FAA8E2B00500C3F=-inf..+12db 24E09410CBF68226=-inf..+24db 708F9A0C043B4C2E=always 8BE3512CC8C47B94=in read/write 79B1A901034168FB=never 6C824C17E0DF5DC7=add additional point before edit position 0AA767720898062C=do not add additional points B652F6590D0C3658=add points before and after edit position 6B9C50AFBD667D40=remain in write mode E470382943A40F0E=switch to touch mode A7D392D5884608D9=switch to latch mode E986AA118171E760=switch to trim/read mode 5B586B43D71C3E4B=switch to read mode ;^CA47517BDEFA4232=linear ;^AF908AD98D533548=square ;^6A05662E2A1E77AC=slow start/end ;^BC24D1B6349B5A89=fast start ;^DB6FC995D09C7078=fast end ;^919D1A7A385C125C=bezier ;^E80224910029CDEC=trim/read ;^BB1FF02F46CC14C3=read ;^83EA05809A680356=touch ;^C9D51236E5A04162=write ;^CBED1547C6300197=latch ;^C7F67A5666962B47=latch preview [prefs_env_help] 60E75E1C06143DD2=display newly created automation envelopes in separate lanes, as opposed to drawing the envelope over the media lane. 8BE1457A66ECF551=envelopes are not normally drawn overlaid over one another. when drawing envelopes over media, overlay them if they would otherwise be too small. 7EACC9195B6EAA97=when activating an envelope in the track envelopes dialog or via menu selection, select the envelope after activation. CD28D7EE423403C2=selecting a different envelope via the envelope lane control panel menu will either hide the old envelope or move it to the media lane. F8C8FB0CC40DE7CB=decibel range of volume envelopes, from the bottom to the top of the envelope. C90D6FAF98654767=semitone range of per-take pitch envelopes. a value of 3 means the envelope range is -3 to +3 semitones. C981C912EB56CE08=per-take pitch envelope points can be snapped to semitones, or fractional semitones. B3FAF44B3E38F204=transition time between envelope points that are automatically added when moving the lane slider with a time selection, moving media items, etc. 6115B93DB8CE3A5A=when mouse modifier preferences are set to insert an envelope point, clicking an inactive envelope can just select the envelope, or insert a point. 957EBDEA38928EDF=when clicking without modifiers on an envelope to select it, allow creation of new points on the same click. FE8EE594477C7178=when editing a single envelope point with the mouse, the edit can be constrained to the the space between adjacent envelope points. 0F8D0ED7C3445C45=when moving media items across tracks, make sure all envelopes that are modified are made visible so that you are aware of the changes being made. 86A807A735044B6D=envelope point selection can follow time selection for the currently active envelope. CE6D0EE9AF534919=moving or copying items can automatically create edge points for envelopes, preserving the existing envelope shape around the edits. 6110AA5E7762FC3E=moving or copying multiple envelope points can automatically create edge points, to preserve the existing envelope shape around the edits. 2FEA27A4E351D863=ripple editing or inserting time can automatically create edge points, to preserve the existing envelope shape. 4528DEE372A35468=the bpm display range for the project tempo map envelope can be changed. you can still enter an out-of-range bpm value manually. 99590307CA2801DD=relative mouse edits provide more y-axis resolution at the expense of envelope points not following the mouse pointer. 58F5A7A879125045=when editing fader-scaled volume envelopes, one vertical pixel of mouse movement translates to 0.2db of gain (or 1db when below -60db). 1CFA79E2A57A99DA=when editing envelopes that are not fader-scaled volume envelopes, one vertical pixel of mouse movement translates to 0.5% of value adjustment. DD36120EC558DEC1=automation items will be automatically assigned a user-editable label. the envelope name can be automatically appended to this label. [prefs_env_pitch] ;^A159C77E1AA46F0C=off ;^409F65C60F8CB038=1 semitone ;^77FCCED98127C864=50 cent ;^6F4D3FBD428960E0=25 cent ;^114DBCE49FB5ED08=10 cent ;^ECD95980EE3502F8=5 cent ;^436541C52DD92FA4=1 cent [prefs_extedit] DC64AADB760F7E81=choose program to open: 0D17C62157FFDC68=extension DB927D2B0D27A97F=primary D4C05341A170A81B=secondary ;^A97DAA4FBD1778A5=(default) [prefs_fader] 8206966DFF6275C0=linear db (1.0) 8B52513B62BC658A=reaper v3 (scale=2.3) 44E3B3B006908362=max precision at +0 db (4.0) 34DD6BBBA1712F11=100%L .. 100%R A1AC1FA1513DB9E9=-90db .. +90db ;^AB2A3D4EF1C9D1A8=default [prefs_gen_help] E9C54E0B935698EF=maximum undo memory (default: 256 mb). enter 0 to disable the undo function as well as the prompt to save modified projects on close. 3720BCE6F3CC7015=this option, enabled by default, will create a new undo point each time you select an item. EF06DEC4ECD10D1F=this option, enabled by default, will create a new undo point each time you select a track. 16DB6E34FA5B0DA2=this option, enabled by default, will create a new undo point each time you select an envelope point. 0B8AC344D19D6CE7=this option, enabled by default, will create a new undo point each time you create a time selection. BC15CE833396F703=this option, enabled by default, will create a new undo point each time you move the edit cursor. 58EB16F60F2B6ED8=if this box is enabled, reaper will discard the oldest undo points first. if this option is disabled, undo points from in between are removed. 6F1EBE23459989FC=saves undo history in a file with your projects, so you can preserve the history across sessions. slows down project saves and uses more disk space. BC368814B9358E4E=loads the undo history from disk when opening a project. F3577A29917E97B0=gives you more options when working your way back through updates; useful but does use a lot of memory. 6F51B4C38C99D819=here you can limit the number of projects displayed in the \"recent project list\" menu of the file menu. DE61763D39395C02=click to clear the projects displayed in the \"recent project list\" menu. ABD1788F4424FE8A=select the project(s) to open on startup. you can override this option by holding shift (new project, default template) or cmd+shift (empty project) while starting up. 7C90E40AFDA00349=select the project(s) to open on startup. you can override this option by holding shift (new project, default template) or ctrl+shift (empty project) while starting up. D3EC3DE74B41ED98=deselect this option to prevent reaper checking for new program updates once per day via the internet. 4EB8D40B61FE7203=shows the reaper logo along with loading status when the application starts or loads a project. ED4A58E5B093F67C=more advanced user interface and system settings. these should be used with caution. DE2D329EDB565919=warn when reaper's memory use exceeds the amount listed. recommended values are 1800 for 32-bit, 0 (disabled) for 64-bit. 36858EBF40C25500=choose language from installed languages (you must quit and restart reaper for language changes to take effect. [prefs_itemdefs_help] 201653C575C17CF5=enable creating automatic fade-ins and fade-outs for new media items. auto-crossfades are enabled with the toolbar button. 55E3BC595167CB72=the default fade-in and fade-out length for new media items. 3BE2D6877BD0EEE1=when splitting media items, automatically overlap and crossfade the items at the split point. 13D639387FA97E62=the default overlap/crossfade length used when splitting media items. AE3E452C1BDD0283=the default fade-in and fade-out shape for new media items. DF1D42CA346FF5BC=the default shape used for new crossfades, used for both auto-crossfades and manually created crossfades. 9025AEE36EE9441B=right-click a fade-in, fade-out, or crossfade to change the fade shape. for a crossfade, this can change the shape of both sides, or just one. D8DADBDCF727EC0B=apply the above fade-in and fade-out settings, and the project auto-crossfade setting, to note velocity in midi items. 93AA6182EC7E79F1=enable the \"loop source\" attribute for imported media items. dragging the right edge of the item will automatically loop the media. 59E8ABDFE0F36FAA=enable the \"loop source\" attribute for new midi items. dragging the right edge of the item will automatically loop the media. 8BC802EEEFEBEB1F=enable the \"loop source\" attribute for recorded audio items. dragging the right edge of the item will automatically loop the media. 2150029D694E5000=enable the \"loop source\" attribute for glued items. dragging the right edge of the item will automatically loop the media. 7ACF605ABB92505B=when auto-punch recording into a time selection, extending the edges of the item can either reveal more recorded content, or loop the visible content. CA312E99CAD52995=editing media item position or edges to overlap existing media items can either play both items together, or trim content from the existing items. [prefs_kbd_help] F22AA82C438102B7=you can maintain a separate set of keyboard shortcuts for use only when recording. 09FBC55225607971=prevent pressing/holding the alt key in the main view from focusing the main menu (suppress the default windows behavior). 6F4B9E67C8A5B45C=allows the space key to be used for checkboxes/etc in various windows including the media item properties. 299E361BD0DD5ECA=when typing new values in some edit fields, the new value can be committed after 1 second, or only after pressing enter. AE8C4322F1210768=assign any keyboard shortcut to a reaper action, using the actions dialog. E6DF7FAFBD4D5EF7=view a list of all existing keyboard shortcuts as a web page in an external browser. A644F5A7E023DF4F=enable the multitouch swipe action: two fingers moved together horizontally or vertically. 683B9D0EF44270F1=enable the multitouch zoom action: two fingers moved closer together (pinch) or farther apart. 9AC5CDA7F3DEE099=enable the multitouch rotate action: rotate one finger around another stationary finger. 15404EE74C8C7AC5=reverse the direction of this gesture. 9AEECDA0C63BAD39=suppress inertia, so that each gesture triggers only one action, rather than a series of actions. 9019EA02A23CB19C=scale the magnitude of this gesture. 8C7C943B86A10E08=reverse the direction of the vertical scroll (standard mousewheel). DE335332D548C6CD=reverse the direction of the horizontal scroll (horizontal mousewheel). 23A6362D948C5CA1=ignore mousewheel messages for a short time after a multitouch gesture is seen. C41402DEBD47E168=ignore multitouch gestures of a different type for a short time after a multitouch gesture is seen. 8462F0CD2F2F64D9=assign any enabled multitouch gesture to a reaper action, using the actions dialog. [prefs_list] 0A9476D2DAF58CB5=general D61B178BCBC28C11=paths 1A898A131B917D7B=keyboard/multitouch 0F28C70F6D5B8981=track/send defaults F6CF18DD8FBE4F06=media item defaults 5E1EE8B2642F9F1B=audio BB844E058DECEFE5=midi devices A8617B784628DEDC=mute/solo D5332FC0BB3C598A=loop recording 6CC2B91DE323C665=rendering 96F551BDA5577675=appearance 3DE55555674DF9F6=peaks/waveforms AA16F711CE3B92D4=fades/crossfades 13DCDA4237FF0CF9=editing behavior 5B302E13AF38D591=envelope display B31A6E6D65CF70FA=mouse A81E91F59FE5A440=mouse modifiers 243E59CF21CC1F33=video/rex/misc FB993B4366B6DAE5=compatibility 997D337F16F51D28=rewire/dx A8FEC034E02A2E55=control/osc/web FA3FBBA0B7D7E042=external editors ;^A2BF58A6DFD853DC=project ;^08A52B89A26D4975=device ;^37CA03251A2D7A8B=buffering ;^2ACB121355B0007A=playback ;^6EE06EBD8BEB3E6D=seeking ;^D3E64988F293BA3A=recording ;^09D15F38080A7701=media ;^24254706AC60DF9A=track control panels ;^2715653EC997D088=automation ;^271D7187C80C7F43=midi editor ;^3DC3C3589C65D706=midi ;^1EEF91D385882BBE=plug-ins ;^6388A67DF74AFA94=vst ;^598D95450BED5823=rewire ;^2C626DCBF2E2019A=reascript ;^43855E7B817F2992=reamote ;^7E11B9683132FA9E=keyboard [prefs_media] 8C4EA6CF43FCD2D1=handle: +0db is top of item 67D407FF8C89F00B=handle: +0db is center of item 716FCB65DC7CB09B=knob B8B0F97BDEB4F05B=insert in one track (advancing time) F6FC6C3856D98FB5=insert across tracks 52ED394E44E8AE09=decide automatically (by looking at lengths) F25FF4EE689154DC=prompt user 3E2D1CD0E866E269=latin-1 C59E1120ED816545=utf-8 8C75E789FFF3EB64=ascii (7-bit) 47C3D01DDCC7919A=as a multichannel item on a single track 09D7482D741938AC=as single-channel items on multiple tracks 6DB3EB64106C7F62=always prompt when importing multichannel midi F69875F73CA2B854=choose midi color map: 0CFEEBCE853B9197=mouse cursor position A116495A42DD0EDF=start of audio item 7443052D5996D5A4=snap offset of audio item 5ECD6D010F2B0538=always prompt when importing rex items 4EAE232E66391D91=preserve all slice tails B1E6855EF0EF358C=chop all but the final slice tail 316242E10A374B88=chop only the final slice tail FC0E08250AD06B61=chop all slice tails 987BD62594500526=always prompt when importing media with embedded tempo ;^356FEEC423F176E6=beat slices that dynamically adjust to tempo changes ;^AB92A9DAC365A96B=a single loopable media item ;^5267FAD4364EECB7=adjust media to project tempo ;^15C4666BD022F937=import media at source tempo [prefs_media_help] 6D5D90510FB69C2A=choose how to place imported media items on import/drag and drop/etc 69070241C7B1090D=if checked, copy imported media items to the project media path (if they are not already in the project path) 703EE29F62AAD911=if checked, name unnamed tracks after the media on media import AB4066F22744D3A5=if auto-naming tracks on import, remove trailing numbers from track names B170F8FE480761BC=sets project media inactive when reaper is inactive, so that other programs can access/modify the media 837ADBF34235C0DC=if project media is set inactive when reaper is inactive, having this checked will cause peaks to be rebuilt on demand if necessary. AA2E20F87ABF9B32=allow choosing the filename used when using \"open copy\" action. if unchecked, the default filename will be used. 9E9982D536949C1E=when using apply fx action, allow this much extra time at the end for reverb tails/etc A18271E55C7E58C7=when using per-item/take fx, render fx tails for this much time past the item end 821F929BB8BB41ED=generate item peak cache files on file import (recommended) EC7FFDE5CC65615D=generate item peak cache files on project load (recommended) 36ADEFB9BD4953A4=display a status window when generating peaks. FA14F6695C42A6BE=the highest resolution peaks generated in peak cache files. 300 is recommended. higher or lower can result in diminished performance in different scenarios. 0AFC077605BAFB72=if unable to write to the media directory, use the alternate path (set in preferences/general/path) to store peak cache files. 22D88B25908D6899=prefers to store newly created peak cache files in a directory named \"peaks\" relative to the media file. 3E30281017B53D27=when using take fx, duplicate take fx when splitting (so that new split items get copies of the fx). caution, this can use a lot of ram if you aren't careful. 78DE8A31904C1141=calculate spectral information for peaks files even when spectral peaks are not enabled (larger peak files, higher ram use) 5EF284FB2B799EF0=automatically re-generate peaks files with spectral information when enabling spectral peaks. [prefs_mediafades_help] 80EBC8369EB04EC0=edit the media item fade-in/out by grabbing a triangle in the corner of the media item. 7248C9668CE010CF=edit overlapping media item fades (crossfades) by grabbing a diamond at the intersection of the fade curves. 7499317A45AD899D=prevent accidentally editing media item fade-in/out when the media item is small. 028F1F8A53001AC3=allow the mouse to target the fade curve itself. the top edge of the fade start/end line (where the fade handle is drawn) can always be targeted. D15E84F1951DF3C9=allow the mouse to target the fade start/end line. the top edge of the fade start/end line (where the fade handle is drawn) can always be targeted. 49CE054364B5D458=crossfades are drawn with custom theme colors when using the crossfade editor. these colors can be used when editing crossfades with the mouse. [prefs_mediapeaks_help] CF3D149F4194FD91=draw peaks ( 9C7FB4BA90544B49=) for media items. B70526D162EC1270=draw approximate peaks for media items that are currently being recorded. A94567A489A953BF=only draw peaks for selected media items. 3D701AAA1834E027=only draw peaks for tracks and items that are soloed or not muted (only for audio and midi that will be heard during playback). 99A0D663C126477E=draw faint audio peaks/waveforms and midi notes in folder tracks, to represent the contents of the child tracks. 34D742359017D89C=draw faint audio peaks/waveforms and midi notes in envelope lanes, for easier timing adjustment. CBC6063FBCA3E4F5=draw a colored edge (defined in the color theme) around media item peaks. color theme may override this preference. 3C548054A1EEE90D=draw a colored edge (defined in the color theme) around media item waveforms. color theme may override this preference. 6B5AB7081B65AB32=draw smooth audio peaks and waveforms. color theme may override this preference. 0C6865DF13D366CA=the method used to draw the most zoomed-in audio view (when the exact location of each sample is drawn). 1B84D6F64C4459BF=draw the zero line overlaid on the audio peaks (otherwise the zero line is hidden behind the audio). 8AA061DCB9A66B8A=adjust audio peak drawing to reflect any track envelope that will affect the audio item before fx are applied. EC1D5A533AA78E29=draw a colored edge (defined in the color theme) around midi notes in media items. color theme may override this preference. 6C4196A4EDB46151=choose how many of the cc/channel pressure/pitch lanes that are visible in the midi editor to display in the arrange view. 67C8378720291149=choose whether media item waveform peaks are tinted by custom track, item, or take colors. C58E75B0A0A49547=choose whether media item backgrounds are tinted by custom track, item, or take colors. CA38A8384880B5B4=tint media item waveform peaks by the custom track color, if any. color theme may override this preference. 38857D1D794761AF=tint media item waveform peaks by the custom item color, if any. this overrides a custom track color. color theme may override this preference. EED1F497ED3E476B=tint media item waveform peaks by the custom take color, if any. this overrides a custom track or item color. color theme may override this preference. 5B0FE53A17FA6F4C=tint media item backgrounds by the custom track color, if any. color theme may override this preference. 263D195AB1E611C7=tint media item backgrounds by the custom item color, if any. this overrides a custom track color. color theme may override this preference. 2204AF90A2FC2963=tint media item backgrounds by the custom take color, if any. this overrides a custom track or item color. color theme may override this preference. 71162EFAC509EB79=how much custom color to blend into the selected media item background. zero means do not use the custom color. color theme may override this preference. 060906D618DE3D74=how much custom color to blend into the unselected media item background. zero means do not use the custom color. color theme may override this preference. ACFD88EDCFBD71EA=when recording, automatically apply the same color to all takes that are created in the same recording pass. A8F1D583CFA16BC8=automatically apply the same color to all midi media items that share the same pooled (ghosted) midi source data. F36541511CD33299=custom take colors override custom item colors, which override custom track colors. you can also set colors from the track and item context menus. [prefs_mediavu_help] 36DB054027DB0B9B=write the name of each media item at the top of the item. 1ACE8714E21A5374=if a media item has any pitch or playrate adjustment, write the adjustment on the item. 5AC6AAC0E338C731=if a media item has per-item or per-take gain adjustment, write the adjustment on the item. 16CC5DF83FC0DCDB=draw media item labels above the top of media items (for an info-strip appearance) rather than within the item. 9FC7BE1544ADC5F6=draw media item labels within the item if the label would be larger than the media item. 9E826CCF427BC5EE=make sure media item labels are visible even if the start of the item (where the label would normally be shown) is offscreen. 30D93A391308F9FD=draw a solid colored background behind the media item label text, so it can be easily read. B22C1F02ED73D5E1=do not draw media item text labels when the height of the media item, or the specific take lane, is too small. 4AC506B0D49DB849=display a lock button when items are locked. 6E7AA7132E2E5F5E=display an unlit lock button when items are not locked. 593901630EC11553=display an fx button when items have per-take fx. C7A0771EAD80FCC6=display an unlit fx button when items have no per-take fx. 04DDF51C71648494=display an envelopes button when items have per-take automation envelopes. 4E4341B38668BFED=display an unlit envelopes button when items have no active per-take automation envelopes. 5A1CD57A70D9E572=display a mute button when items are muted. 6A1055D91ED35ECB=display an unlit mute button when items are not muted. 1AEF4022C838CEF6=media items can have a volume handle with with +0db being the top or the center of the item, or a volume knob. 27EA865A784AF76D=display a notes button when an item has text or image notes attached. 13FB275D06AE557A=display an unlit notes button when an item has no text or image notes attached. B92E810D41B634FC=display a properties button (which opens the item properties dialog) for all media items. the button will light if the item is resampled. 0E66C9C0B4D18DBB=display a properties button (which opens the item properties dialog) for resampled media items only. 43FC2841C450D1C7=display a group button when an item is grouped with other items (the button will light when an item in the group is selected). C4374BAFE6B178BE=display a pool button when an item's active take shares pooled midi source data with other media items. DDC7D8ED91A4A91D=draw full text labels for item pitch and playrate adjustments (when enabled). 56B8C2C2928D30F1=draw abbreviated text labels for item pitch and playrate adjustments (when enabled). B929A0E4AA3BB893=draw no text labels, just numbers, for item pitch and playrate adjustments (when enabled). E879E4423A00A0AF=do not draw media item buttons (except for the lock button) when the height of the media item, or the specific take lane, is too small. [prefs_meter_help] C13265BE35DAEB85=if a track has a custom color set, set the background color of the track label field to be the track color. color theme may override this preference. 18081BA4EB998B85=if a track has a custom color set, tint the track's panel backgrounds to the custom color. color theme may override this preference. 01483F33727534CB=when using track icons, vertically align track controls on all tracks, which uses extra space but provides a cleaner appearance and easier vu reading. 31B75936A0903B71=when track controls are grouped (view -> track grouping matrix), draw a matching colored ribbon across the corner of all grouped controls. F41112A329719F94=when track controls are grouped (view -> track grouping matrix), draw a matching colored line at the bottom edge of all grouped controls. 451D8AF86150F67E=when track controls are grouped (view -> track grouping matrix), don't draw any indication of which controls are grouped. C497A4E2AD4CC7CA=the refresh rate of the meters. the higher the rate, the faster the meters will redraw. 80F496666F2204B3=the decay rate of the meters. the higher the value, the faster the meters will decay and fall back to -inf. 8D213B5D950CD2E2=the minimum value of the meters in db. 436A47D2045D4D74=the maximum value of the meters in db. 46A7CAB2C3A9A6BE=make the clip indicator stay on when clipping occurs (enabled by default). click the red clipping indicator to clear it. D406D007DC38F050=display the vu meters in the track control panels (enabled by default). 3BDEC61BE55E575C=automatically clear the vu meter peak indicators each time the transport is put into play, or playback is seeked to a new location. E124DEFBFE6BE9CB=show the name of the active recording source on the track vu meters when the track is record-armed. 6D5D3EB7EE5D52D5=draw a dropdown box graphic around the recording source name (when shown on track vu meters) to make it clear that the source can be changed there. E9F5F64ABF018659=draw db scale numbers on vu meters for all tracks. 5A28549A35AF5819=draw db scale numbers on vu meters for record-armed tracks. 79CC0AB1ACB6C98D=display pre-fader levels on track vu meters (normally post-fader levels are displayed on track meters) D28BB6C1222998B7=when a track has midi input, show the midi note velocity as a thin line at the bottom of the track vu meters. 3953D4D2C3B786F0=when a track has midi output, show the activity on the track vu meters, as a thin line for note velocity and a small square for other activity. 65A1B85237A2606E=decibels of attenuation applied when the volume fader is at the left/bottom. E739160C3E3C37E3=decibels of gain (attenuation if negative) applied when the volume fader is at the right/top. 38EE60F635F42949=sensitivity of volume faders at the bottom and top. 1 is linear, lower gives more sensitivity at the bottom, higher gives more sensitivity at the top. 75C52AD4CFC58227=display pan values in percentage or decibels. ;^79DF6C21E88B8F28=show the last user action in reaper's menu bar. clicking the action will open the undo window. [prefs_midi_help] 0AC04A1CB92456D8=by default, middle c (midi note 60) is labeled c4, a=440hz (midi note 69) is a4. a display offset of -1 causes these notes to be labeled c3/a3, etc. 82AF1C34E7B0ADBB=pooled (ghosted) midi source data can be converted to a separate editable media item (un-pooled) by gluing the media item. 5BBF579F8E4BF588=the default format for storing new midi items. in-project items allow more flexible editing, and can be exported as .mid files at any time. 295E0DAF4479EFCF=new midi items will be stored as native reaper data inside the project file (.rpp), which allows more flexible editing and preserves note selections. 31B5B66F8646D354=new midi items will be stored as .mid files on disk, which is less flexible for editing but more portable. 43EFCC9F983AEC6C=prompt for a filename when creating new items as .mid files (otherwise a unique but not very meaningful name will be used). AAEF9CB36FAF4F81=imported midi files can be automatically converted to in-project items. 84F3452F4178760F=automatically convert imported midi files to in-project items, so that edits will not affect the source .mid file. 88189D7414CB8B51=import midi files as references to the source .mid file, so that edits will alter the source file on disk. 215AD4578BB1650E=multichannel midi files can be imported to a single track, or to separate tracks per channel. 1337B5AA5353A527=data resolution for new midi items. 960ppq is two ticks per millisecond at 120bpm, which is suitable for almost all purposes. 310C2E90734D1CC9=when splitting a midi item, add a note-off message for any notes that span the split point. 42FC32E49ABBB4BB=when importing a midi file, time signature change events can be snapped to whole measures (recommended). B01789C70C7FD7D9=when importing a midi file, tempo change events can be snapped to whole beats. 7AEE7B4EFEC34AB8=export midi text events as latin-1 (some international characters, maximum compatibility), utf-8 (full character support), or 7-bit ascii. 15E55A91FD5A7038=right mouse drag in the midi editor can sweep-delete cc events, or marquee select cc events. use the alt key to toggle behavior. 59D5C1D4A8F24931=prompt to import tempo map when importing midi files with simple tempo information (hold control when importing to temporarily toggle). B06D01F81E40F4EF=when importing a single-channel midi file that contains lyrics or other meta-events, obey the user preference for importing multichannel midi. [prefs_mididev] 6B1D65CC9AFF4105= 4B1F49AD75A98455= [low latency] C6A800DD714D71FA=+clock 9A2FCC4EA3C46B0D=+clock/nospp 8232A51E86B3CA66=enabled+control 3C6DAE00D3EADC22=control only 2134D5591DDA2AF8=mode DA015F02DEB19798= [use cautiously] ;^D9B22A6B63054364=enabled ;^08A52B89A26D4975=device [prefs_mididev_help] C8EC4F41AE4CE266=enable the midi input devices you wish to use by right-clicking on the device name and selecting enable input. 6B8B2E2D5D43889C=enable the midi output devices you wish to use by right-clicking on the device name and selecting enable output. F18BBB94E07C7D77=this will send midi all-notes-off messages during stop/play. 8C3BC63E5CE56671=this will send midi pitch and sustain (cc#64) reset messages during stop/play. 744D44D8300A6F70=enable this to drive all midi hardware from a single thread, which isn't ideal for performance but may be more compatible with some hardware. F334C433C938F542=closes and reopens all midi devices, and rescans for new devices if possible. BD4F1A720BC228D9=creates a new joystick-midi device. [prefs_midiedit_help] B903973979C81B00=show a brief color flash on the midi editor keyboard when the track receives midi note-on input. C0B9362E91BD0449=show horizontal grid lines in cc lanes in the midi editor, height permitting. A14BF0025A865D5D=set the midi event density when drawing in cc lanes with the mouse. 1A7A22B9337D0931=cc event drawing density will be greater when the view is zoomed in, and lower when zoomed out. 762391302F04E128=set the default behavior when double-clicking a midi media item. BE45AA5CE407ABC8=the midi item active in the midi editor can follow the media item selection in the arrange view. 8A0CCA6F04960F40=media item selection in the arrange view can determine whether a midi item is visible in the midi editor. BD77360516B83B36=media item selection in the arrange view can determine whether a midi item is editable in the midi editor. 38748BD61880FF8A=by default all displayed midi items can be editable, or only those on the same track. 0BC0E872C17D4C55=when displaying multiple midi media items in a single editor, the editor can be set to remain open if the active media item is deleted. 8BC16DD5EBF937E4=more information about displaying multiple midi media items within a single midi editor. DE1875B6CABFB266=when displaying multiple midi media items at once, choose how to switch the active media item within the midi editor. 9B2ACE664429DF8D=midi notes/cc in inactive media items can be drawn more or less faintly. C486CCEB98553CDB=colormap image to use for drawing notes in the midi editor. if no colormap is specified here, the colormap in the current color theme will be used. 644B168704079A8D=browse for a colormap image to use as the default for drawing notes in the midi editor. 78E87B9ABF742494=enable various editing behaviors to aid in rbn song authoring, such as only attaching lyric events to valid playable notes. [prefs_mouse] 7CC4C84BCADF424D=window under cursor 51F49A1308AC1A45=window with focus 9DA8ED10F4C47B06=modifier 16FDD825EFEB3CD9=behavior E861071839375D82=default action 2B7BB58DFAF56D3E=emulates right-click 35621EC3B82801D7=(change this in editing behavior/mouse) FABEBC53FF603266=by default, edge edits affect all selected /grouped items with edges that occur at the same timeline position. DED5D3F1743B41E8=by default, fade/crossfade edits affect all selected/grouped items with edges that occur at the same timeline position. 16F1BFB32D77743D=this context handles mouse actions in the lower half of each take lane of a media item. 31B16734A39D8277=this context affects loop points when the mouse is in the midi ruler, or the time selection when the mouse is in the midi cc lane divider. 11B2AC79CAC168E5=envelope point move/copy behaviors are also affected by settings in the options/envelope points menu. 55EA3797133C7146=move item\0just move 3A6A0598E3A6A856=copy item\0just copy 59C91AD87E36E4FA=move item contents\0just move D856350C8F672B0D=marquee select items\0just select 1A1A57A949EF7944=move stretch marker\0just move 04B08C3885AF404C=move contents under stretch marker\0just move 633F22EAD0CFEE3A=ripple stretch marker\0just ripple 924B0A3ED4BAECA1=ripple contents under stretch markers\0just ripple 55C84F0050C01EE4=move stretch marker preserving left-hand rate\0just move 74F7C1E226B9B435=move stretch marker preserving all rates (rate envelope mode) \0just move EA876F5DD1844530=edit stretch marker rate\0just edit 19AB124DE90454CE=edit stretch marker rate preserving all marker positions (rate envelope mode) \0just edit 70B653CAF440C400=move edge\0just move B1EFE71FD02F3B46=stretch item\0just stretch D18B13707D4EF953=move fade\0just move 1B1CD9A8B4CEA2F3=move crossfade\0just move 57C6596DDD5EA2D7=adjust fade curve\0just adjust curve 54462584B7E8CDF1=move both fades\0just move 1FB95423C7D8C5C2=adjust length of both fades\0just adjust length A31CF90BA6BA6B4B=adjust both fade curves\0just adjust curve E7A36423BDCFA86E=collect points\0just collect 327B858A80005E7E=draw a copy of the selected automation item\0just draw 323E1B90467A5B52=draw a new automation item\0just draw 398581C16C9BB5EB=draw a copy of the selected media item\0just draw 934B1B2B404E7AC5=draw an empty midi item\0just draw BE6F51B9EFB46577=hand scroll and horizontal zoom\0just hand scroll 50D542B02ADE7647=move envelope point\0just move 77A3396811DA950F=copy envelope point\0just copy 107559FB7F71512D=move note\0just move 1B0B6E9C6E901429=stretch notes (arpeggiate/chordize)\0just stretch C149CF6C85E89C15=copy note\0just copy 9FF93EE177E79C84=marquee select notes\0just select 9D0201D665F536DA=select touched notes\0just select EB15247F856E514E=select note and all later notes\0just select 98C3E192DA66C070=select note and all later notes of the same pitch\0just select 0025D6F8B03BB6E2=select all notes in measure\0just select 4F48E9BD5C528A98=move note edge\0just move 8553E4CC5B50833C=stretch notes\0just stretch D513C33842371A65=insert note\0just insert 6021C7DDA507A528=draw notes\0just draw 339FE240484C4982=paint notes\0just paint 100A9F80C31B2605=copy selected notes\0just copy 66CEA9065E5F8BAD=move selected notes\0just move 7BD5084810D128C7=move cc event\0just move 487BBCB76144B85F=copy cc event\0just copy 8A5A6A28E8C69CFA=marquee select cc events\0just select AE28E730067571F3=(default action) 364D57FDF4A2F63D=and right edge, ripple edit later items 54669D6CC28619C1=edit rates on both sides of marker 7DBE8D9EF43A8C47=ripple stretch markers A97907F16E01312B=relative to other selected items 68743C5C1292CC25=or chords 4C2C13BBB8D07034=then drag to move E7B6559CDFC8262C=then drag to extend or change pitch B24D82FB09E728D4=then drag to edit velocity EDC53CFF0AED0232=ignoring vertical drag 73DF4B6ACBA8359C=ignoring selection 2375195D303D91CA=leave other notes selected A0ED57BB424B0CE3=action list... DEEBF67EF93F14BF=swap cmd/opt in current context BFCC81D509FBB3A0=save modifiers for this context... AD8AC583FD04975D=load modifiers for this context... 8A50E612D4BBB618=reset modifiers to factory default in this context 3DA24D613ABD51E2=save modifiers for all contexts... 37B9137F96BA7827=load modifiers for all contexts... 02DFD40B36B7B8EA=reset modifiers to factory default in all contexts 28F420D69FE03929=load mousemap to 4B588004C598AE72=save mousemap for 851566D4D0ACB6EE=all contexts ;^DD07363AD61CB17B=hand scroll ;^DDDAF906972AD14A=horizontal zoom [prefs_mouse_help] F67975F4767A253F=mousewheel messages are passed to the window under the mouse cursor (default), or the currently focused/active window. 59FD2A0A725F45F2=when the mouse cursor is over any fader, the mousewheel can move the fader, or not. F7E9AF5F31BC16FE=allow mousewheel edit of all mixer, plugin, and send faders, but not volume/pan faders in the track and mixer control panels. 0C8C2D8F2CF852F7=disable mousewheel editing of project playrate, project tempo, and time selection start/end/length fields in the transport area. 51DD672ACD88C4D7=mousewheel editing of the time selection fields in the transport can change the time selection by a small amount, or by the project beat grid. 3D42B29B6D5A6AC7=some trackpads can send scroll messages. reaper can try to convert these to mousewheel messages. 9C702B2F8DCB268D=clicking faders and buttons on track control panels can select the track, otherwise only clicking empty track control space will select. 133E0703BF6E5D18=enable editing track names with a single mouse click (default requires double click). D380976C635C7C74=clicking in the arrange view can select that track, otherwise tracks can only be selected by clicking the track control panel. 2E1CA4DF36D530D4=clicking in the arrange view below the last track can deselect all media items, just as a click on empty track space does. 52C8EEFEFCA4A0F5=allow editing the time selection where the selection edge passes through a media item, otherwise dragging will move the media item. 14313D92982F828A=allow resizing the ruler height by dragging the bottom of the ruler. otherwise the ruler can be resized by dragging below the toolbar. 0EA7AD786346117F=control+click can be used for one-button mice to emulate right-click behavior, but then the control key will not be available as a mouse modifier. 9536EFBC51B5B368=if you use a pen or tablet or other absolute pointing device as a mouse, this will improve behavior when adjusting reaper's knobs [prefs_path_help] 213084A633ECA694=set the default directory for rendered files. if blank, the current project directory will be used. DC2462818769728A=fallback recording path for all new files, if the project has not previously been saved, and no path is set in file/project settings. 96F6407D44067B64=alternate path for reaper peak cache files (.reapeaks). the alternate path may also be used even if not enabled here, see preferences/media. 02DF1D8AB8130F68=list of paths that will always have their peak cache files placed in the alternate path rather than with the media. useful for sample libraries etc. 50A0CCCDC8CC3250=set the default directory to browse when no project is loaded and you wish to load or save a project file. [prefs_playback_help] 3CCEB93DC24D10C2=makes playback stop and/or loop at the end of the project. 76BA36072A8D76E8=stop the playback at the end of the time selection if loop is disabled. B154D26ACBF00387=clears the fx buffers at the end of a loop. this is not recommended for vsti plug-ins, but may provide better performance for plug-ins like autotune. 50184C276F7C5861=select this option to make the view scroll to the edit cursor on stop. 3693FCA0A02B371B=clearing this check box will force playback to scroll the view when in play, even if you are viewing other sections of the project at that time. CD5267F3C2429B0D=allows you to preview sounds from your instrument plug-ins when stopped. EF96DA6B35BD12C3=clears the fx buffers when stopping playback, preventing reverb tails etc. E5C1DA8A8404A955=if \"run fx when stopped\" is unchecked, you can define the amount of time a fx will run after playback is stopped. 6E46C113F18F30AC=this option will let you hear the source media when stopped and moving the edit cursor around. C6CEC38A2A4BE6CD=either the master mix, or only the selected tracks, may be scrubbed/jogged. 88B1C77A43F5B114=when scrubbing, the playback rate can be limited to 1.0 or slower. 32DBFA42A94B74CE=when jogging, the playback rate can be limited to 1.0 or slower. 2DEF886977AFB2B4=jog can respond more immediately to mouse/edit cursor moves. EDE7F5117FE5F615=the jog rate can be limited to 1.0 or slower only when jogging near the playback cursor. D6DD3DBDD1510B7D=scrub/jog can be disabled while playing back, or enabled, in which case normal playback will stop when scrub/jog is engaged. 7205DD67A21ED82B=set the bounds of the looped section, when scrubbing or jogging in looped-segment mode. 120BE0621EFD6E26=adjust the sensitivity and responsiveness when scrubbing via a controller. 37B0268B9BEAD687=moving the edit cursor via an action or when using a control surface can scrub audio, or simply move the cursor. 38F660F8084D144A=the settings on this page control how jog/scrub works. see editing behavior/mouse modifiers to control when jog/scrub happens. 43024C3CA6CCED10=send note-offs to all track destinations when disabling record-arm (to prevent hanging notes). 75762F781D42A0EB=reset midi cc/pitch to neutral on playback start and/or stop. 3CAF75B331A4FB37=reset midi cc/pitch to neutral when looping playback. CB9610EB68F3035B=override cc resets for various ccs here. syntax is 'cc7=127 cc39=127' to set maximum volume, for example. -1 prevents reset, cc0-120= sets all [prefs_plugin] B0BE24AD06F75CA2=vst/au bridging/firewalling: BAEF587C3AA07700=automatic bridging (when required) 831BE53E4A04D874=in separate plug-in process 816D9333A010CBFD=in dedicated process per-plugin 2230D079B09366B9=only native (disable bridging) CB26A3CA44D04B68=you must restart reaper to disable heap corruption protection. 031550A99A3DBA44=note: you have selected to use the synchronous uad-1 compatible mode!\r\n\r\nit is highly recommended to disable \"anticipative fx processing\", reducing native plug-in performance and multiprocessor utilization.\r\nto re-enable \"anticipative fx processing\" later, go to preferences/audio/buffering. \r\n\r\ndisable \"anticipative fx processing now\"? ;^D790926420BA2EB7=notice [prefs_plugin_help] 0BEDB2BC64864B6F=when showing a plugin in the fx chain window, the window can be automatically resized to fit the plugin gui. 152A4B9C7166DDB6=when showing a plugin that is too big to fit in the fx chain window, automatically make the window bigger. 61792825377BB1E6=when showing a plugin that is smaller than the fx chain window, automatically make the window smaller. 64076C6245986B53=when selecting floating fx windows, automatically move them to the front. 4D909FBED95C0278=automatically float newly created fx windows. otherwise the fx will be shown in the fx chain window. A53C83EEAE2E9D27=try to find a good position on the screen for newly created fx chain windows 6ACD439A2A756B50=try to find a good position on the screen for newly created floating fx windows (rather than cascade) 480EEEE097642F73=keep floating fx windows above other reaper windows, such as the unattached docker or mixer. E8BD374EFE0941AB=automatically open the fx gui when adding an fx using the quick-add menu (right-click the track fx button). DA5FF5DF9BD66D8A=automatically dock newly created fx chain windows. 7E54F7CB9D6762E5=list the current track fx in the fx button right-click menu. clicking an fx name in the list will float/unfloat that fx window. AE8901411E35BA58=maximum number of plugins to keep in the \"recently used\" list in the add-fx window. 0CBD90874DE5C55B=when opening an empty fx chain, automatically show the add-fx window. 717273B44C5887FD=when opening an fx chain window for a track or media item, close any other open fx chain window. 278B91B6483322C7=when changing track selection, automatically open the newly selected track's fx chain window. 11E4CCF10DE5ADCC=when changing track selection, if there is already an fx chain window open, automatically open the newly selected track's fx chain. BB613AF1318E2B21=specify filter strings here to allow removing specific plug-ins from the fx browser, e.g.: 'not ( cockos vsti: )' to remove cockos softsynths. [prefs_plugin_knob] 1D75478FD209EC92=circular 8D3D701CD5FDAF4F=relative ;^AB2A3D4EF1C9D1A8=default ;^CA47517BDEFA4232=linear [prefs_plugin_vst] B150A2F1CC68BBAF=ignore when plug-in window is not open [default] ;^553098B8452B6F0C=ignore when not from ui thread ;^A20B1F2055BF5412=ignore all notifications ;^4523D3871D7D7B77=process all notifications [prefs_plugincompat_help] 811F90A56BF55F69=test all plug-in input and output for denormalized sample values (meaninglessly small values that can cause very high cpu use). 749C7A00C3C0114E=clear plug-in output buffers before passing them to the plug-in. some plug-ins can output occasional uninitialized buffers, which makes bad loud noises. 054AFFC8FC04D334=save the plug-in's entire internal state, not just the position of the knobs. recommended because many plug-ins store additional settings. 81B55EB5CAA6E047=plug-ins can be bridged/firewalled based on architecture or preference. 245A73602A17ABE3=bridging support will not be available if bridging was deselected when installing reaper. 91B420B42CE40B7E=if a buggy or malicious plugin corrupts memory, reaper can quit immediately, or try to continue with a high risk of crashing or other errors later. D05E96383C39FA84=additional settings, such as buggy plugin compatibility mode and save/undo options, can be set by right-clicking the plug-in name in the fx browser. [prefs_project_help] 0A5F0E84A3869846=using this feature you can create new projects that are automatically setup with your choice of basic tracks and project settings (bit depth, sample rate, etc). CD8E703057AE56BF=makes reaper open the save project window each time you create a new project, getting you to save before you start recording. E95AA15A86B228FF=select this option to make reaper open the project settings window each time a new project is created. 45C61D88D5DA8765=makes reaper look for project media items in the project media path(s) before checking fully qualified paths. B3DC8B336571C072=this option, selected by default, makes reaper prompt you for the location of missing files when a project is opened. 4E9136C238B4B562=displays the splash screen with a status indicator when projects are loading. C979FAB9308F4B25=saves the pathname of files in projects as relative. files that are in a different drive or higher directories are saved with the full pathnames. 8CBEB4B02703F2B9=this option, selected by default, saves a backup of your old project file with the extension \".rpp-bak\" each time a save is performed. FEC0C9F073CBB790=if saving .rpp-bak backup, append to this file (keeping all past saved versions in .rpp-bak file). note: .rpp-bak files could get very large! E90411CB1C9A1D74=when saving, this option saves backup copies with timestamped names (letting you keep a history of saved projects, one per file) 1B397C3CBAB440E3=if undo state saving is enabled, keep backup copies of the undo state file as well (can use lots of disk space). EE0626B6E20CF3AE=enter the interval in minutes for the automatic saves. DD6EAB00451E5360=this option enables automatic saving of your project to the main project file. 3D597C7EFBD36441=this option enables automatic saving of your project to an extra timestamped file. 3C3F2F410674AB6C=this option enables automatic saving of your project to an extra timestamped file in the specified directory. 06CFE9F535CF1461=this option enables automatic saving of your project undo file (this can make things less responsive). 58EE0FB007A1AE0E=reaper can automatically save timestamped project files to this folder. [prefs_reamote] 1545E4483A308853=edit reamote slave B934E16F0736D5A8=you must enter a hostname or ip! 849DFA3E8F0BA822=hostname 03AAF458EEA78F41=version 70FACF0CC2413497=64-bit (default) - maximum quality D36679C70FD56D5D=32-bit - reduced network bandwidth use 7A418F724973D6A4=%d blocks 9D6A380446618DA2=connected A08E8029AA7DC6AC=disconnected A7CE03C316EFE797=search failed! 98F9FC0460A44EEA=are you sure you want to delete the selected reamote slaves? ;^9EC3E20500624AAF=error ;^EE1268CA4B845A22=# fx ;^2A6ED1B48E88BCC9=status ;^2A487F4A2E60E324=synchronous ;^A4C0C852A5B25572=confirmation ;^E1CA4E1B0C5C2DB6=can't open reamote udp port! [prefs_reascript] C659634857E27C38=path 40090651C92A2A4F=force reascript to use specific python 1B5A9BC5A2786229=changing python libraries may require closing and restarting reaper. 3B51BD80C3F49F82=reascript warning 81B7922C9433C434=select python %s path 976ACFCD251E07B6=dynamic library path 688585133AACAD11=view local reascript help 3A8D027B7C693C0D=view online reascript overview ;^DF2472EC2AB0BAFB=download python [prefs_reascript_help] EEB15F6BCEE436B2=view reascript overview online, at http://www.reaper.fm/sdk/reascript/reascript.php. 54CB46A2699C9EA0=view reascript documentation, including a full function reference for the reaper api. DF5737A537307FE7=the reascript console can also be cleared with clearconsole(). 8B83BF71FF0FC189=lua reascripts can be automatically halted if they run for too long, to avoid scripts crashing reaper. (the timeout limit is not foolproof.) ECB26420DBFE9E79=reascript for eel and lua will always work. python must be enabled here. 0DFF4E313817B7E3=python is available as a free download. please see reascript documentation for more information. 35786BA800FBE7EC=after you install python, reaper should find the python dynamic library automatically. 52118B0F364271BE=if reaper finds a compatible version of python on this machine, view the path to the python dynamic library. 8D0DE2F7EBEE6514=if reaper cannot find python automatically, enter the path here. see the python installer readme for more information. AD1401A586D43E2D=if you have multiple versions of python installed, you can force reaper to use a specific dynamic library if needed. [prefs_record_help] F1E406C6866C1FE5=while recording, respect the options menu setting to automatically scroll the arrange view when the record cursor moves offscreen. 3ED0EE7DECD1ABC5=display a medium-resolution peak/waveform preview of audio items while recording. regardless, a high-resolution display will be shown afterwards. 364EC3F8B830CEF5=update speed of peak/waveform preview for recording items, in frames per second (lower values leave more resources free for the actual recording). DF053C93A346E434=peak/waveform display data files are created for every audio item. 7E1E093FC1CA1EF1=create audio peak/waveform display data files while recording audio (recommended) BC44FACEABC6616F=create audio peak/waveform display data files only after recording stops. EFA651F088ADA17C=create audio peak/waveform display data files only when manually selecting the menu item item/peaks/build peaks. C0E929B7ED6219F8=new recorded files can be automatically saved, or selectively deleted. 182508B411978611=prompt to selectively save or delete new recorded files after recording stops. AB6F99DD766BD82B=prompt to selectively save or delete new recorded files when punching out of recording (by pressing the play button). 53CD657F5A0080B3=record-armed tracks can automatically expand to show the recording source and input level meters. 677DA212DC60E11B=when recording a single, very long uninterrupted take, create new files (gaplessly) to avoid file-format size limitations. 736BBCAB623EB2FD=during lengthy recording, switching files creates a momentary cpu load, which can be lessened by offsetting file switches when recording multiple tracks. 346A6474363C5A9F=abort recording if no tracks are record-armed. tracks can always be record-armed and unarmed after recording has started. 6470DCD830DD71D7=customize the filename that is automatically created for new recordings. 50EEB2322C8B4CDE=check the available disk space for recording when recording starts, and warn if the available recording space falls below a threshold. CD73680957ADE0BD=always display the available disk space in the menu bar. 66ADD7B1AA2DB685=automatically adjust recorded media positioning to compensate for the audio driver's reported latency. (prefer asio drivers for accuracy.) 52979CD2C4ADCEA4=record audio during pre-roll (if enabled in metronome settings). allows access to parts played early, etc. 5D1DBABB03A644E0=set or adjust the recording latency compensation. if auto adjust is enabled, these values are added to the automatic offset. offsets can be negative. [prefs_record_loop_help] EA84923E715129D3=incomplete takes can be automatically discarded, as long as at least one complete pass through the loop selection was recorded. EBB29F1E5EC1F1A6=threshold of length that a take has to exceed to be considered complete. the default is 90%, but 50% or 100% are also sensible values. F8F41216D26DE4BD=by default, midi recording that starts within a time selection will create a media item that starts when midi input begins. B2AA56B82FB82DE0=loop recording can create one or more audio files, which can be added to the project after each loop, or only when recording stops. 33AC466648B3C9CA=add recorded media to project after each loop, which can be used to build up layered recordings. D2E172FC0C79F1D4=add recorded media to project only when recording stops (default). 4570CCEE54B6D772=create a separate file on disk for each loop (default is to record to a single, continuous file). [prefs_render_help] 91CB7FE93510C1F4=sets the audio block size used when rendering. it is recommended that you leave this blank, which will automatically use the last audio blocksize used. B8630E9E7BA232E0=when checked, configured multiprocessing settings will be used for rendering. if unchecked, rendering will be slower but can be more reliable with some plug-ins. EB16C6EA76EEC12B=when checked, limit apply fx/render stems actions to realtime. this is good for certain plug-ins that fail when running faster than realtime. 3694C4CB232416C4=rendering the project or stems, or freezing tracks, can run beyond the last media item in the project, to be sure to record any fx tails (like reverb). ABF1A1194368E588=when rendering stems for the entire project, apply the tail length setting. this also affects the default tail settings in the render window. 5182449DA30570C3=when rendering stems for a time selection, apply the tail length setting. this also affects the default tail settings in the render window. C3F651989CF94DE1=by default, only media items will be rendered when freezing. if there are fx on the track, the entire track can be rendered, which may be slower. 4880D33AC87DEEDF=when freezing an entire track, apply the tail length setting. [prefs_seek_help] 4F2087FAE26C18FC=define which areas of the reaper window will trigger playback seek when clicked with the mouse. 81AFE5EA775827BD=by default, playback will seek to the loop start or end point when you edit that point, and repeat is enabled. 02D537546704E4C2=how far before the loop start or end playback should begin, when seeking is triggered by a loop point edit. A679F6E2ECA9D19D=by default, playback will not seek to a media item when you edit that item's position, length, or fade-in/fade-out. 885F90320DF7472D=how far before the media item end playback should begin, when seeking is triggered by a media item edit. 67B3D55ACD31588D=by default, if the project timebase is in beats, adjusting tempo (including tapping tempo) will preserve the beat-based playback position. F2E47DB3ECD725D3=smooth seek enables a more natural-sounding transition. this setting can also be toggled via the actions list. 79A89EFDC71E002C=wait until the current measure ends before changing the playback position, for a smoother sounding transition. 44DB7EC0EF2A942C=this setting can be used to enable sequencing of audio blocks for live playback. also search the actions list for \"seek\". [prefs_track] BEA7703C415C702E=small B9135835A9A61DD0=medium BA7EEA47BC48E27A=large FC84F036666CED03=use current 70B30F9E44B34DC7=post-fx (v1 deprecated) ;^1A236FDD7E5FF32C=custom ;^1FF9566969CABE07=post-fader (post-pan) ;^ADA3EA2F08216BCF=pre-fader (post-fx) ;^F378819F0E95F1B9=pre-fx [prefs_trackdefs_help] 4EE204156D89D4D5=volume envelopes can be scaled by amplitude (half as high is half as loud), or by the track fader scale (envelope height corresponds to the track fader). 058F8E251BC33C9E=changing scaling for an existing envelope may change the sound, because changes on the track fader are not linearly equivalent to changes in amplitude. 0614CE6C05F547EB=the default fader gain for newly created tracks. the factory default is +0db 583D434BE1F4936A=when enabled, new tracks will be visible in the mixer. A7D59AB48C99ED23=when enabled, new tracks created within a folder will send audio and midi to the folder parent track. 8435D40B1A543A8E=certain track envelopes may be shown automatically for new tracks. A06640FC98DC6287=automatically show volume envelopes for new tracks. 871B42A204ABD900=automatically show pan envelopes for new tracks. 9DB02CA9A1AAEE43=automatically show pre-fx volume envelopes for new tracks. 16F5F8078D3F839C=automatically show pre-fx pan envelopes for new tracks. 46293FD16449C446=default point shape for new track envelopes. 798A8BC8BB77A088=the default automation mode for new tracks. the factory default is trim/read mode. 01966E3463989F62=default track height in new projects. this is also set via file/project settings/save as default project settings. 7D71B6C52AB0A7DE=when enabled, new track envelopes will be automatically armed for recording automation. 3314D8F8A63D0350=automatically enable free item positioning for new tracks. 98FA43DA61B338EE=automatically record-arm new tracks. 1E7C6F759324FBD1=default record settings for new tracks. CBB4206A82B6C0A2=default gain for new track-to-track sends. B3B008304E94DF56=default gain for new hardware outputs. AA0925ABD83BC541=default send type for new sends and hardware outputs. 5B0472B23A6FDB71=when enabled, new sends will send midi from the source track. 4EB8C05F0CB68BBA=when enabled, new sends will send audio from the source track. [prefs_video] 3DF78C7ADF54BF4C=items in lower numbered tracks replace higher CE84A8764F3997DE=items in higher numbered tracks replace lower ;^A5B5D9B93340662C=auto ;^B568BA4FF2C021AD=i420/yv12 ;^12D4B3F4318065D2=yuy2 ;^879D887E0C22ABF6=rgb [prefs_video_help] 05640D9A35610C0F=the yv12 colorspace allows for best video performance. disable this colorspace if you have problems playing back videos. F0DACFB3BCE8A9EE=the yuy2 colorspace allows for better video performance. disable this colorspace if you have problems playing back videos. 2638C2CDFE86E6B3=choose the priority of available video decoders. available options are vlc, ffmpeg, qt, and dshow. 420A84F538E3F44E=choose the priority of available video decoders. available options are vlc, ffmpeg, qt, and avfoundation. 78BDA0870F6E89A1=choose the priority of available video decoders. available options are vlc and ffmpeg. A0C1D94D92A5F2D6=the video window will sync to the specified seek point when moving/resizing audio items. C20E71F57D592AED=the enhanced video renderer improves the video display quality on modern windows oses. A5FC1E33CB77C43B=disable high resolution peaks (displayed when zoomed-in) for video items, good for performance. you can also override on each video file using the video file properties. 7344EE7BCC876172=delay video output during playback by a small (and possibly negative) amount to allow best possible sychronization. D3ECC20078A86E9E=if you expect to continue to modify the project tempo, import as beat slices. if you want to immediately loop the rex file, import as a single item. B3C4B50F69716479=each rex slice may contain tail audio that can play underneath later slices. these tails can be played, or chopped off on import. 6CB275BF34BC6754=media containing embedded tempo information can be automatically playrate-adjusted to match the project tempo. [prefs_vst_help] 7C38F4F814A24B35=directories to scan for vst plug-ins. subdirectories will be scanned as well. 077727379180CF7F=search the computer registry for a default vst directory. 7B7EDDFE6628A6D7=add the standard vst plug-in library directories. ABEA46EA3A13B8DB=browse for a vst plug-in directory. 8D2AA4413EF31D83=scan all vst directories for any added or updated plug-ins. 8C290D078C11CA7A=scan all vst directories, attempting to load every plug-in. make all successfully loaded plug-ins available, and ignore any plug-in that crashes. D5BE4B57CE0D501F=use each vst's exported name to identify it in the fx browser. otherwise, the vst path/filename will be used. D331EE0B5ABED394=save the state of every patch in the vst preset bank, not just the active patch. some plugins will not restore themselves properly otherwise. A33160A83CBD4DE3=use the generic slider view instead of the vst's custom gui. you can switch views at any time using the ui button on the plug-in window. 24C425763A91B75D=set the default vst knob behavior. almost no plug-ins support this setting. 062E0C5C05471D20=set how automation notifications are handled from vst plug-ins. you can also override this per-plugin, most people will want to leave this on the default. 2EAA3B50A18F889D=don't inform vstis that playback has stopped. most synths (especially arpeggiators) want to know playback has stopped to avoid hanging notes. 5709C6930F8F1BE9=preserve held notes and current pitch when resetting vstis. this is probably needed when disabling preferences/audio/playback/reset midi cc/pitch. 1DE74C0937316C7F=some vsts behave differently when rendering offline (not in realtime). when deselected, plugins always think they are online. FAC0CB28431DC2EC=some buggy plug-ins crash when the gui is opened while a different thread is processing audio. this avoids the crash by interrupting audio. A91F48CD20B8FDCE=allow unloading of vst dlls, which gets them completely out of memory, but also may cause compatibility issues. DB1AD925D830A08C=special mode, applied to uad plugins only, that reduces parallel processing benefits to avoid uad-1 crashes. [projbay] 00C3EF5C0B634B6E=source media 74B1E6549A40A805=media items ECDBB74C1B43A388=item groups 4F2D327AF8BC0B38=take comps DE8C2727D599C9C8=file name EFA75D43B72E443E=retain AD645A7EB24016DD=sample rate 9007BD4650E2DD83=active take name 2C5B5609D9FC338D=takes 3E45455ACFBA41E0=fade-in/out 6280F373A57F4916=active take details 8682AD9E3F8AFD88=preset 43F9CD2EC502348F=developer 675741A18076844C=fx/parameter name D2869C227E2EDDA3=envelope 57F6F53C4FAAD179=modulation 9C70A65A4A4187D2=parameter link BFA2F665F3A989FF=take name 34E1AFED2E371412=take details 8B94098F4C037237=save project bay: F9CC006D450B4779=(unnamed media item) CC08F95D7C89C235=(unnamed take) 5C2D19DFE51C3628=(empty take) A39B2DF830CEB3D1=error copying file %s to %s BA12173E440CD42E=error moving file %s to %s 8810747D6BB07A90=project bay rename error 89F718638D53E72C=rename comp 48DCE74B75658741=rename file 00A18DEAF6E00AB0=rename active take A534E7E073F2E8DC=rename take 828D8CBDDC939264=select group 14D4D24DDC9E17BD=activate comp EA2481910647E514=rename group... E7B851C5F3A48D62=rename comp... 20C9E44247CBCC07=rename folder... A7968517861E5FA2=delete group, keep items 9FF26658812E26C6=delete comp, keep takes A5F21AE1DC3190E9=delete folder, keep items 5217A7A9035D38ED=remove from bay if removed from project 243BBEF41871DEFD=remove from bay DC9C685173D59620=remove from project 9C6E8829741C49AC=take B9BE27CA74A111E1=input fx 93172ED741B93FF9=multiple fx parameters 2EBCBDFB951E132D= (track fx only) 96D56A605E644BF6=activate envelope 3322AA333AEE590E=show envelope 6402E1FD7D16047A=track envelope 457D67008DC9815D=media item take envelope 9A820D2F2E8FC54E=all instances F2F482604380A5EF=length C055CFA2E5BBE0BF=retained 082B023FB009185B=replace with: 27CB80A3AA1D96F9=replace: 14784073F1F9D5CE=offline 33B0245676178345=rename file... D982E0C2A7D8F056=rename active take... 78B61C10AFF466DA=move file... 2E95BDFEE3B348AB=move file to project media directory 0F2DE6606E58C942=copy file... C99F330DE98CD983=copy file to project media directory 75D4642A3263A200=move/copy file B1EBE6BC7FA4AB6F=retain/remove 7292F3B05A92FD62=change preset 14BDA968F9C3FC2F=fx parameters... 2CC1F064E846892D=replace in project 6BA42CC2C145BC8F=add comment... 086FCBB901DB2965=activate take C4EC12087FED4032=rename take... 5A7D39B0FBB8C47A=remove from group 19FE65BEBD274400=remove from comp 54ED071F0FDD712B=create new group from selected items... 347BCB8B01080110=create new comp from active takes... EA6DC9E913D6AF50=rename project bay 360AB05084683AD5=delete project bay D8252497037FC39B=unavailable 82B8939A482B5AC1=active 978919255BD32C46=inactive 11EC07F382BFE90E=available 3BEA02D98C46F12E=offline 9783C0C504F150F6=muted 8CFA21E35F72FC3A=activate E8589482D635CA30=unbypass 8485C46311AD5159=unmute 183F8B77513F14EA=media explorer... 00406157C195493F=add selected items 172E6AECBC20BFE5=fx browser... 9141FC43E57F329F=(take fx) C6FC4984F7D98C3A=(input fx) 22A5431A2741FBFD=instances 2253BF5869AF0F8F=hidden 9D3567DD46788EEE=armed 1940027E5E2A3018=acs 6A06D6C989A3EF64=offset B55B907081C17CFD=play rate 14DEAC26836C2850=choose target directory 9961CF7D0DA344E5=project bay comment B7133FA7ADF1C1DF=insert media from project bay A2CCBBCECF24218A=insert media item from project bay 0B315A6DE85D30B5=insert fx from project bay 2FED30C8431F294C=[... more ...] 884F9A8A81E0E666=project bay error 6C6596EC5DE493DD=new item group 934C32B3BACF78A2=new project bay folder DFF01C2D3B01ED3C=new project bay... E955EBA577CEC97A=load and merge from 8386F6978C1E6411=current project contents 4400F2F9BA854405=(no saved bays) 730A25B8E0BC96B6=save all items to 1B08ED3F9C7CBDBC=save selected items as new project bay... 4448ADC2E8760D4A=save all items as new project bay... F2CA13682C4FCF09=save and merge selected items to D1A5D8858FB0D210=rename project bay DFB9BDCB3F336D77=error: file already exists!\r\n E2BB0FDB5EB8DB36=error: cannot rename file!\r\n E8B3E508FC4AEFA5=are you sure you want to delete this project bay entirely?\r\n BDC2331AE3F4F7BF=confirm project bay delete 23185877917B984A=error: can't delete file:\r\n DF67DA95E6EB35A5=project bay delete error ;^D85ED6186B447CF9=fx ;^94FDEB80682CF963=fx parameters ;^2A6ED1B48E88BCC9=status ;^D0C04B9E79D271AE=track ;^0A8BAF4C6945400F=length ;^2D126F1D4BD6B8C7=type ;^09A01E8714A0B688=comment ;^9F31623C59553158=path ;^FA08A03DC81EC720=plug-in name ;^7666307E026A82D2=tcp ;^E763E06A994AAAFB=learn ;^AF63BD4C8601B7DF= ;^2ADD7A879D22FA5C=position ;^71E0871D72ABD5CC=take ;^3DC3C3589C65D706=midi ;^6208D6BE485CCB06=group ;^83BDD8AC8FA8B69C=comp ;^C92094118C504736=rename group ;^BA1A25DF2A11E99B=rename folder ;^F420AC1723391ECE=master track ;^12D1E2F79FD7BDB8=rename fx instance ;^EDD67828D248E210=show in track controls ;^E93215673B41CADD=arm envelope ;^0687FB850B209D99=parameter modulation/link/midi link ;^2FD8CEB7661F1822=alias parameter ;^4D5B21719C8D85CE=browse for file... ;^1C9976E435832BEB=bypass ;^61946358B1034B76=mute ;^3C63123253BCD74E=usage ;^ACE17ED77A0CFB39=insert into project ;^3E6F5B4FF4F5BC43=create new folder... ;^67D35DD28653A00A=bypassed ;^F685FB3A91025549=browse... ;^AFCA4361EC2D09C2=show/hide columns: ;^1EBBCAFED2D3BA25=master ;^BA0F8B7E28468276=lfo ;^46526B6C96E7851A=source ;^8FC86C263760ACB9=volume ;^96E5C67E1437194E=pan ;^57F28E456CC0FEEB=pitch ;^C685A28B8DBF7F8B=folder ;^AD6ADC4BDE973BA3=select replacement file: ;^397E19C8F7486840=project bay ;^C065E9FEE11B2862=(current project) [projload] 66188504FD7D25AD=project tokens not recognized: EA6CFA339403B74E=undo history warnings 98233926847DB687=there was an error parsing the specified project: 90BBF8F392594609=there were %d items in the project that were not understood. if this project was created in a newer version of reaper, this version may not preserve all of the settings of the project. C439F2EEF4D0388E=there were %d items in the project that were saved by extensions. if you save this project without those extensions installed, you may lose those extensions' data. 9D5A4C07952029A4=there were %d media items in the project that were of a type that require an extension plug-in (the instance that saved the project had the extension plug-in). FB7CC4A30F878FE2=there were %d files in %d places in the project that are in an off-line state, reload the project once the files are available. note that saving the project is ok, the filenames should be preserved. A6D7232ECABCE549=the following effects were in the project file but not loaded because of a user request (recovery mode). 1F39F87728AECDF8=the following effects were in the project file and are not available. reaper will keep their configurations, but things may not sound as desired. 034FAFC06B88FB35=there was an error opening the project: 0D21E1000C23822C=there were errors in the undo history file which may result in some undo states being incorrect.\r\nnote that the current project load is unaffected, only undo to the following points will be affected:\r\n\r\n ;^BBA33ABA3D67B8AA=reaper error [projsave] FB788791B6125DA4=error creating project file! project not saved! 46AE0C6B2EBA8FE0=error writing to project file. disk full? 7978763C70E0E2FA=error saving undo history. disk full? E8D1FE31118A288D=cannot overwrite file: FCBCBACD0FC29A84=your changes have been temporarily saved as: [projsettings] 9BC0C987FB152EF3=the project timebase controls how media items, track envelopes, and project markers behave when the project tempo changes. 22FA51842F34ED1C=timebase beats (position, length, rate): 258B8B4C29B47F3A=project elements will keep their position and length constant as measured in beats. F9875EFDC712951D= media item playback rate will speed up if the tempo is increased, or slow down if the tempo is decreased. A7FD975F9982EA5E= this is the default project timebase. 947209E3761D59D2=timebase beats (position only): 7B01F9885A6B05D3=project elements will keep their position constant as measured in beats, but media item length will remain constant as measured in seconds. F1E4CF9D444F2E8E=timebase time: 881F82A3EF7FB5F6=project elements will keep their position and length constant as measured in seconds. 43FF89D771CB0002= positions and media item length will change as measured in beats, if the tempo is changed. 602BE0E5EB4C411A= this was the default project timebase prior to reaper version 4.25. 9BF9B3C72DA9AA9D=tempo and time signature change markers have timebase beats by default, regardless of the project timebase. AE7BB4D8A52481FB= this behavior can also be changed in file/project settings. ABB2015608E8899E=the timebase for individual tracks and media items can be set independently of the project timebase. 6BF51A7CD81FAB00= midi media items always have timebase beats (position, length, rate). F95AEE56B041FBEA= the timebase for individual midi media items can be locked to a specific tempo regardless of the project tempo, in the media item source properties. 66C99ED0CD0E0C90=beats E67991FAF404D160=64 bit float (default) E3FB583A2F8F5147=32 bit float 8F8A57D1AEE90E6A=39 bit integer 308BFFE5671CC5CC=24 bit integer F65516946A2D0165=16 bit integer 404E9D08CFFE83D9=12 bit integer ED50BEB103C6D0A8=8 bit integer 83FB08AAD61EB5DF=choose format for apply fx/glue/freeze/etc 5E547BC2B3785944=override format (default is .wav): 9B23FEB3BC907A66=default format for project/region render 8B4555FB47A8A281=advanced ;^B98A031D9BEEF64E=time ;^A5D5B4E847F44008=beats (position, length, rate) ;^BA7A79B4D3479176=beats (position only) ;^7C21CDD2AEBBA4D6=enclosed items replace enclosing items ;^5BA4387FA574D390=items always mix ;^DD2984E0D3995E66=items always replace earlier items ;^F8E8A9C19CDE7A59=project settings ;^09D15F38080A7701=media ;^BDB27E5D914EF9E2=video ;^C54C5E311372A994=notes [ps_dle] 6801D8889A0E968E=good 55CD23264B488151=better 6563D4B235991F01=best DE1AA69A20AA1C35=least slow EB95F8D8892F8EC9=lambda1 (slow) 4DC571124B4F9AC7=lambda2 (slower) 4A5952CC77E47A6E=lambda3 (slowest/best) F030AE6D888A26EE=mono: ;^A43D5AFECAA46489=preview ;^2112CF591DBD3A60=mono [ps_e] D217B8F5E7B0FAA8=preserve formants (lowest pitches) 319CFF3B9E9FF243=preserve formants (lower pitches) 148D1D337626C32A=preserve formants (low pitches) 62026271DC3F139B=preserve formants (most pitches) A0C306CBBB654A5E=preserve formants (high pitches) 7A5DA90B116EC97F=preserve formants (higher pitches) DD113501280C8ED4=preserve formants (highest pitches) C2867E3D0158B7C9=synchronized E88B6199F99B6B71=monophonic 4AD97576ACC6C119= [mid/side] E71804A85237B88B=synchronized: 6E54C92E66ED4B8F=élastique 2.28 pro BBF911CDCAB1CE56=élastique 2.1 pro 2FA12B915BDCBBEF=élastique 2.28 efficient 8FFA9BEFF1E0D3AA=élastique 2.1 efficient 81BE2698E30703F1=élastique 2.28 soloist A1036C57BD095D8C=élastique 2.1 soloist 0F9E335F65E6FEFB=transient AF39B880B2F07DD1=tonal 32F95B9E16A31A9F=[mid/side] 3722C9BB9C70184D=élastique pro 9D04CA67B9A1081D=élastique efficient FF3FE2CF297A7ACF=élastique soloist 34BA387EE0C4753E=élastique %d.%d.%d pro F7CD332E5E6587D2=élastique %d.%d.%d efficient 56CD21AE34653AC4=élastique %d.%d.%d soloist DB730B52E4D89A70=élastique 3 pro A3304BCF79490DCC=élastique 3 efficient 35890F04C2CF9426=élastique 3 soloist ;^39033A2427CEE207=mid/side ;^F7555C0F482AB3C9=speech ;^63ACD193C4316F68=normal [ps_rbl] 23C159872ADAC905=preserve formants 8261673483658760=independent phase D8603F12B232DAC4=time domain smoothing 70CFD31A27828118=transients FCFD2C868A0710B2=crisp D66D4E9D600C44CE=mixed F2FBEE983F13B985=detector B2825B374E97BF5E=compound F087D1F867AAE1B2=percussive 040BB6237D859C93=soft C7C3F06B28F5B4AE=pitch mode B240F46233FBC6E6=highq 4C378FAD52242AEB=consistent 1ACC96FFA6A531DF=window 2C62DC4672B0368E=standard BA57705431F145F7=short 388DC75EE2B26089=long ;^AB2A3D4EF1C9D1A8=default ;^D990EA186C48B88B=, ;^D96196186C20B90D=: ;^39033A2427CEE207=mid/side ;^D811D5325411DBAD=smooth ;^DE99D08FB71B46E9=fast [ps_st] 0022815136C0D8A5=default settings 6E9E1D4329C51B1A=high quality ;^DE99D08FB71B46E9=fast [radar] 69293FE5AD2EF838=project start [reamote] 6452ED0C212E3ACB=can't connect to reamote slave \"%s\"! aborting operation. 08E21163DCB189AF=incompatible plugin type for dsp \"%s\"! aborting operation. 002222CEDA54E680=this reamote slave doesn't have the following dsp: \"%s\"! aborting operation. 786B77ED1C68BA55=can't initalize dsp \"%s\" on the reamote slave!\r\n\r\npossible causes might be out of date version or plugin not installed on the reamote slave computer.\r\n\r\naborting operation! AF11D92899770FB1=local processing 7340D55E29B2F169=this plugin type is not supported by reamote, aborting add operation. F2CCC5C0BB28194E=error adding plugin to reamote slave, aborting add operation. F5A64B5577C83B6A=this reamote slave is not connected! ;^E1CA4E1B0C5C2DB6=can't open reamote udp port! [reaper_ddp_DLG_155] ; IDD_RAWSINK_CFG E591BC144611AF3B=ddp is only compatible with 9AAF7F0BC3B0425F=44100hz, 16-bit, stereo audio. 4EE305C3752EB662=ddplogo ;^FA363E82A44BE9CC=help [reaper_ddp_DLG_156] ; IDD_HELPDIALOG ;^FA363E82A44BE9CC=help ;^BAC64C1B2E060EE5=close [reaper_opus_DLG_120] ; IDD_OPUSITEMINFO 102A174A7484D354=ogg opus, %d channels 628CBFDAB0B7BE21=samplerate: 48000hz 0EC261FBD1FEB3E7=input samplerate: 7EA217B21312CF9D=undefined 8B622EB98B669B48=%dhz 239F36B0001CE99B=links: %d 7D61A29F0DD2B11B=coupled streams: %d 2DB642FB9B30DE04=pre-skip: %d samples BBB8FFA2EB3EDB2A=output gain: %d 7FB159768DE2B517=channel mapping family: %d E4A819F476916F46=ogg opus file properties ;^71831478CADD789A=file offline ;^CD2E4AA3231DEC4D=file not opened ;^D730907ADC00D444=unknown error/status ;^309B13D6E0AC1A0F=length: ;^9517B47A9D453F1B=bitrate: %dkbps ;^AEC2E4C118882FAF=streams: %d ;^3BF92ABFA8425D90=filename: ;^C01085DD37178417=file info: ;^BAC64C1B2E060EE5=close [reaper_opus_DLG_155] ; IDD_OPUSSINK_CFG EB0AA55DCB1360D8=kbps, 6-256 per channel, only an average target in vbr mode E78E0DEFF53B4BF3=complexity: 1947FE678014C0F4=0-10, 10 gives the highest quality but slower encoding ;^46F1486DB9B6A7A6=mode: ;^6355A67DF71FA0FB=vbr ;^9567E9AB777E07DA=cvbr ;^D3F87301A0059CA6=hard-cbr ;^47721B0B3BD6F596=bitrate: [reaper_rex_DLG_120] ; IDD_REXITEMINFO AFB0FDB1E409DE6D=all slices C304F7BBF131DA57=slice %d/%d (%.2fs) 0999DE12FA8081A3=source tempo: %.1f 8F72F2EBC62CE922=sample rate: %.0f 114F2B8A37A98B7C=rex error, file not loaded 4BB9FCDC9A714E8E=rex file error 7334DC5462A5B4AD=rex file properties 2823FC3449FA6F7F=slice: 6D82866DAC3B9507=map to tempo: 4F511F58B61F3A67=skip tails when playing all slices ;^1091E0FE22106AFC=channels: %d ;^3BF92ABFA8425D90=filename: ;^10D0E37E59744608=bpm ;^D840E3186B2B9581=ok ;^F09E4B5C35AA14B9=cancel [reaper_rex_DLG_121] ; IDD_REXLOAD 629B8A65D90ED0CC=loading rex file AB11D293148721EA=filename ;^A27E076F9E7EA1E3=progress1 ;^F09E4B5C35AA14B9=cancel [reaper_shoutcast_DLG_101] ; IDD_CFG D753F204DFA3125D=view 1 D753EF04DFA30D44=view 2 D753F004DFA30EF7=view 3 D753ED04DFA309DE=view 4 D3047D3ACE816387=not connected D245BEB412C57C86=reaper shoutcast source status+config FD25DE7D08D2D16B=status: not connected 679701752197B202=shoutcast server ACF4EF1A5A2391E0=host:port: A4D2B301146DBE64=password: CD3B2845DD8743FA=list server in directory 597CC167A9BAAB30=genre: DA63C97693CFD448=irc channel: FF6BED12F2578DC6=url: 1B7C358C948CD974=current title: 12F79060AC30017F=mp3 encoder setting 4F70901A38B67B13=encode screen as video (nsv stream) -- requires nsv_coder_vp3.dll in plugins/ ;^99C2D7A58FC45822=full screen ;^BDB27E5D914EF9E2=video ;^0B76DAB9034D4C25=disconnect ;^CF4149897EC941E3=connect ;^5017DF9DE95C6EEB=description: ;^F97A12BF98D450CF=samplerate: ;^67EF32DE1BAE7097=channels: ;^47721B0B3BD6F596=bitrate: ;^0121AF72166A79F7=kbps ;^C32C641180B224AC=frame rate: ;^464C095FE2D88604=size: ;^08325007B4EB10C5=x [reaper_shoutcast_DLG_155] ; IDD_SCAST_CFG F603C57D0FCE85CD=(no config available -- a config window will appear once this sink is used) B842D2902632460F=note: only use this for save live output to disk -- using anywhere else is probably a very very bad idea. [rearoute_in] F15B367F9C392DDF=loopback input %d ;^988C99144976855B=rearoute %d [rearoute_out] D1A411F9C53584D4=loopback output %d ;^988C99144976855B=rearoute %d [reascript] 3F9840127B1E1C62=reascript ide 90E123505E72B2DF=no primary editor B92ED885B68DEAD3=no secondary editor 4762D714CF464557=%s is running in background. D4E988B4E46D5188=would you like to terminate all instances of this script, or launch a new instance? 6DE278F971361288=new script: FFFD25BD72A101A7=extension not supported: BB3625C1B82DB540=load script: 02A1C33ECCF8E46D=no supported script files could be loaded. 5FAD48364A2EBBBA=can't load file 5CC24D33E520BB9D='%s' unknown function 7F3AAACFF40D93F2=can't initialize lua interpreter EDEEEE5C3BB43B55=lua error executing file ADC1409CFB8007D1=lua error executing %s code in \"%s\" 08921F1E4DF2B11B='%s' is taking a long time to run (the timeout length may be changed in preferences/plug-ins/reascript). 368EE8FEE95E56E7=would you like to terminate the script now? 4526177264E73300=lua timeout ABE6D029203DB1D7=script timed out 23F548A2F79640E2='gfx.%s' is unknown D319BE49D3004C55=function '%s' requires %d parameters, %d passed FF21A80D800F172E='reaper.%s' is unknown 4377B8BB2F9FE289=no python dynamic library found for any compatible version C248C79483454EE7=using custom path 3FA6CC0D159D5CAF=custom library A83EBC461BB2AA5B=using custom library AB6B29E39FDA0E59=is installed. 32953E42E411F80C=no compatible version of python was found. 6FEA417D3179FC3C=can't initialize python 4F95C23132050112=can't initialize python interpreter 7F4D3B574403E10B=script execution error\r\n 6ED09B58A5A17B70=deferred script execution error\r\n [reccfg] 9D962F14CEA6DC67=apply settings to %d selected tracks 50D6AF3A9EB27887=apply settings to %d tracks selected in manager 12AA8E21552DA11F=primary only 26698832E7F445BB=secondary only CE412396B8E38B43=primary + secondary as invisible backup 6CE5618F558E4D8E=nearest value 9BF65F8A507FF267=previous value D450BF663AF0F1E3=next value 3B7998D665998A53=track recording settings: track [recmenu] 5672C710FBC6C520=all midi inputs 67C7AD9F5370E4BF=ch%d: %s 5BA4FD0495383A98=..%s [%d chan] 1D7096F08B3D7195= [multichannel] 017CD91CBF3AC663=monitor input 672414CC0AFAB026=monitor input (tape auto style) 41D1C9D23CE079D3=monitor track media when recording 11803F166A4FDD0B=preserve pdc delayed monitoring in recorded items C96C94D47B97B33B=record: midi overdub/replace AFCC6AF3303B5E61=record: output BD6BDF2B89B0D125=record: input (force format) 6DE193A93ED5CCF0=input: mono 03EFBF3526613E45=mono (%d inputs) 63DF2AAC40BB4DDB=input: stereo 90DFBD88F9AC0166=stereo (%d stereo pairs) CB583F872ABE35DD=input: %d channel 9FBD3B7C7D482A63=input: multichannel 8B6B47A8BE35ED96=input: midi 145E67C5F043EBA4=midi (sequential inputs or channels) 4DD9C390E127A0E6=channels %d to %d 301435B0001182A3=map input to channel B332C15E45DB07B9=source channel 56C59DA37A313EB1=input: none 1E071B9647C6E815=assign inputs sequentially ECAF11E2B0ADF073=track recording settings (input quantize, format, etc)... BCD3C22A1D934649=track input fx chain... ;^D89CC7186B79C49A=to ;^BA66149397E5F1AE=all channels ;^B3D2C76823B56BAB=channel %d ;^F1707CB9030B35E0=automatic record-arm when track selected ;^081CECC31B65E0C4=set track automatic record-arm when selected [recordmode] E526F2888223AB04=record: C37B831BB51C6960=record: output (stereo) 4576F3BD9F7FEEEF=record: disable (input monitoring only) B05CACE96B5554FF=record: output (stereo, latency compensated) 420C2D71E528282B=record: output (midi) F4DF69068476DF7D=record: output (mono) FF085E5B3E264174=record: output (mono, latency compensated) 3F822DF407A890B8=record: output (multichannel) 3A50A1A5F32BC0F7=record: output (multichannel, latency compensated) 5629DD672F0134A0=record: midi overdub 01A132358AFF10C9=record: midi replace 68B4D4BD11BD78CF=record: midi touch-replace 635FE4131187B26A=record: midi latch-replace D537ECC6ED6DEBAD=record: input (force mono) E60D9BDDA86C84F0=record: input (force stereo) B2601112446473A8=record: input (force multichannel) FCDE6AF06C8AE71B=record: input (force midi) 33A8C7181877D6CB=record: input (audio or midi) [reg] A9904773BA5154A4=no key filename 705550FFB5900D5F=error opening license key file 0003BB2D5EF7F78C=invalid license key file B8581C871BEB3EA6=license key is for old version of reaper -- please visit www.reaper.fm to upgrade [region] 0930453E30BF8D22=error, region id already in use, pick another 8856B8AFC9366673=save changes before opening render dialog? 3EAFE1BA2EBCF42C=save changes before opening region render matrix? F90D0972A781FA95=region edit confirm D69A3191067760AF=region id %d is already in use, please choose another. ;^9EC3E20500624AAF=error [regmgr] 20A393F3D3AFA090=render matrix 2C688F600ED80D01=export project regions/markers 817110A55C0013EA=can't write to file 787F35E27F2BED52=region/marker export error 2543593890FB6B56=import project regions/markers 8DFADA5C40B06435=region/marker import error 64F8E212C5AC06DE=number 4EAF8EA980E06471=error importing markers from file 75C7E1516D9F2C59=the file should have 1-6 fields per line, separated by whitespace or commas. F977CC75F7FF827D=the first line of the file may be a header row. allowable header fields are: 92D50CDF8BD3B427=master mix + all tracks 951BDB8626F36BB2=only selected tracks 870E8A913B2C7F4D=add selected tracks 6EE5D029D455D6D4=remove selected tracks ;^0832A507B4EBA134=# ;^DCEF2B4D03DE723C=name ;^5B664677E1A91155=start ;^F7B45F7E4B7A392C=end ;^0A8BAF4C6945400F=length ;^73235A4845CE69AF=master mix ;^8F22DBF788C71CFA=all tracks ;^90803304EBE7C40E=track ;^719B2E5CDAD2E067=tracks ;^D0C04B9E79D271AE=track ;^89325B4900977A87=tracks ;^2227C3C30D911E85=region/marker manager ;^C7B7708D1F9B3C8C=regions ;^B599690138EA264A=markers ;^F664CFB0307502A6=can't open file ;^7110EEEF2B77963B=duration ;^8BEB3C381FB2F1CE=color ;^AFCA4361EC2D09C2=show/hide columns: [regmgr_help] 7D38EA96DC2C7633=region/marker number 9A19F144C96646C5=region/marker name EA33E60991BEED3E=start time 9B2A58E6C26B25A5=end time 446CC0E7471E1065=region length 116867A68264AF76=render this region (see region render matrix) ;^8BEB3C381FB2F1CE=color [render] FF988786A3DBA5E1=render to file name: F7CD69D31E23F2C7=file already exists: B4F466C090612B1D=files already exist: 66FF38D6E1ADCC48=renders already in the queue will overwrite file: B23B89217AF6A17B=renders already in the queue will overwrite files: 57DC58B3B7C72DE1=increment filename 12984B6147726F16=increment filenames 3404046DA09FC69F=recent patterns E820D811FA928312=use \"master\" for master $track E0A526D768B2938E=allow / (subfolders) in track and region names 8F172C76448450DA=wildcard help... C129889B8F00B0F1=file 3A43A253FE2BECE6=files 153CF73D1FD5006C=render 1 file... 90542BD908D1D6DB=render %d files... EED1AC952953EE12=last render settings A82D8163A8484674=bounds and output 3912E287492971ED=options and format 7807BF68DE4D492B=all settings 004DC15672AB96AA=render preset 5E7C99D3AAB0A3D1=1 media item B27350F6CC3B912A=1 region 90A904D1BA53592F=%d regions EC5C7C8BD218C149=browse for directory... 4CF8A716A351AA58=render path: 0858F38B34626DAC=render to file: 6A2918EDF7DF2574=must have a filename (or filename pattern) to render to! AC1DC5F59AFC57CD=render error 441FF41BE2AAD151=no time selection, or no regions active! 74D8F9A7C79A5668=no tracks selected! 3197FF996D528B57=(rendered) 830C5FC0E18A9057=region E1B4C563C39DCAD4=custom time range 37BF8BB415CF9451=project regions 4F0363579DE4DA06=untitled D69D6E60CA40FDC5=stems (selected tracks) F57F76E76EEAB1E0=master mix + stems D3D35AE173ADE15A=region render matrix C9C02344D7F08EBA=selected media items 7C52FAD1998A97D7=full-speed offline ECEF5A49F432EB7D=1x offline 0694A6949DB4FAA8=online render 3EFDB5F495A9454B=offline render (idle) 17A9CDE22D90C248=1x offline render (idle) 4E37D333E5D230E6=rendering region %d/%d... EC7824CEBF1159C1=no output EC49E0E8CD09DA7D=error: 30A51D2AB058900D=error opening BBF55C06EC9B05FE=error: no render target file! 57723CB9490CDD81=the target drive/path does not exist, is unavailable, or is in use. 49EC68EBB394EAF7=elapsed: AB04BBC7DB9FF4B1=, estimated remaining: A429CCD0AE500AF2=realtime 37F6A411C66E7D98=finished in 88F05070C85C276B=reaper render complete ;^87D8D79D63721460=open render queue... ;^5493EE7052DCF71B=options ;^5C973D1CB80B0D9F=render... ;^37E1C985732EDDC1=save preset... ;^B814E3BFB72A607B=delete preset ;^D722FAC57CDCD58A=%d media items ;^3470CDBB0C544765=media items ;^4D5B21719C8D85CE=browse for file... ;^D0C04B9E79D271AE=track ;^79DCBE1CDE37B4F3=entire project ;^97D6D411868C112C=time selection ;^73235A4845CE69AF=master mix ;^E83CE539DBB569A7=stop recording before rendering... ;^05A130B04362C768=reaper note ;^898659B24A7C6FB8=back ;^81F584F9FDAE6C4F=show in finder [render_month] E299BC7ED0CFEACC=jan 039A847EE30A5128=feb C6184F7EBFF48F05=mar 2EA9497EFB5B5344=apr C618547EBFF49784=may E2C2BC7ED0F2EFE0=jun E2C2BE7ED0F2F346=jul 2EBA567EFB69DC8E=aug 92EB537EA331D139=sep B758077EB853AA47=oct BE63207EBBDBC9F6=nov 14EDBF7EECDAC3BD=dec [render_wildcard] EE38F39D428A5FF8=capitalizing the first character of the wildcard will capitalize the first letter of the substitution. 5D40C262AFC1C1F7=capitalizing the first two characters of the wildcard will capitalize all letters. 1C1690ED96F475D5=directories will be created if necessary. D732139667FE1006=for example if the render target is \"$project/track\", the directory \"$project\" will be created. 5DFBB2BCD0E02AD0=input file name 3D730FE366B93CAC=media item take name, if the input is a media item D438218A8258E7E8=1 for the first media item on a track, 2 for the second... 5ACB584BCFCEF5B1=track name 570771071E5A6FAD=1 for the first track, 2 for the second... 133D302694CE5BB7=parent track name A44413DB9D6CBA76=region name 6B447449FE1BF950=1 for the first region, 2 for the second... D025DDD4F673D9ED=1 for the first item or region of the same name, 2 for the second... 14F66B56015D3F2B=start time of the media item, render region, or time selection 5848435D97C2D2AC=end time of the media item, render region, or time selection 078894E9D9AAB529=start time in beats of the media item, render region, or time selection 8D26E332203BF7A0=end time in beats of the media item, render region, or time selection E8F607F516866C57=1 for the first item or region on the timeline, 2 for the second... A102825E3888AC4F=project name 78868A37DBB33C87=project tempo at the start of the render region 24EA83DE764AAB76=project time signature at the start of the render region, formatted as 4-4 5905B506F4A128EC=blank (optionally 1) for the first file rendered, 1 (optionally 2) for the second... C5E297D4F9C6A9A6=n for the first file rendered, n+1 for the second... EAC7D0A41D1A4661=c0 for the first file rendered,c#0 for the second... 2BC4663E8DB83036=x (example: b2) for the first file rendered, x+1 (example: c3) for the second... F4E00D6FE0F5368B=c0 for the first file rendered, d0 for the second... DFBE7A48A6A6D2FB=x (example: f2) for the first file rendered, x+1 (example: g2) for the second... B01E91D37141A0EF=render format (example: wav) AACB06F54CBC9ED5=sample rate (example: 44100) 5FF961BC7B599939=sample rate (example: 44.1) 190E8BB72613B601=year, currently %d 1A5133DA7ADD8C3B=last 2 digits of the year,currently %02d E9B9F9C32AAF1369=month number,currently %02d 505E4C1DBDEF67ED=month name,currently %.300s 5F023C57DF007724=day of the month, currently %02d BF378304FA0A5C7D=hour of the day in 24-hour format,currently %02d 53E818F3BC34803A=hour of the day in 12-hour format,currently %02d C75433CDAF3716CB=am if before noon,pm if after noon,currently %s D8DCC9186BAFABF5=am D8A9C5186B844B90=pm 84E9D707CA0A5F48=minute of the hour,currently %02d B7EE713C979473FA=second of the minute,currently %02d 699B2D4078D075E5=user name, currently %s 63DAD07505D14873=computer name, currently %s [renderq] D3BC181CB0EE6EFD=date/time 8406BA540B0EBD5A=bounds 5F78C7926247817C=render target F1B801E6F94AB9D5=(delay %ds) C2281FEBC45E6DE8=%d.%dkhz BD1CADE466F65EA3= +%d 912344BD3D45D780= [auto-increment] EBC2F228B0BCF23D=note: %d queued renders failed (and remain in queue) 2923EA7FA70533D4=errors ;^A2BF58A6DFD853DC=project ;^1EBC977984499408=format ;^2ED22F7EFB7E2C2A=all ;^C7B7708D1F9B3C8C=regions ;^65DF96C788943FB1=items ;^91C5B6489FFA9947=%dch [resample] C559C74F68B76E2F=low (linear interpolation) 96BC44DCD12684CD=lowest (point sampling) 55A9859884F76790=good (192pt sinc) 283C902EFDD0ACC8=better (384pt sinc) 185A46AB2FFF1A58=fast (iir + linear interpolation) 93E6D7254C5F5F6E=fast (iirx2 + linear interpolation) A5E15EF3AEF9CD88=fast (16pt sinc) A35F51E7C033B146=hq (512pt sinc) 32222C3733951F64=extreme hq (768pt hq sinc) 90601DA398AD6FA8=medium (64pt sinc) [rescript] D26FA60CADA1DE90=can't open [rewire] FEC84A2F0D8F7170=rewire output 4DBA0AFB98AC1633= 34513446786D9268=rewire midi B18D8939F7BCCD0B=track midi 6CC6BFB87892AB54=bus %d channel %d DB1978C86B8B7FF4=bus %d AFD0E825908A16B3=rewire destination B83D03094A48A05E=master keyboard 9114974073008A4F=%s (bus %d channel %d) F64E0E6A1FA55CE7=midi send to rewire BB6C7B8133B94EB7=audio from rewire B83F58F685DF9F42=midi from rewire 56B81093AE6AD515=rewire slave error: rewire may not have been installed at install time B555DA4B491A22FD=rewire slave error: error opening rewire subsystem FD4646D0A1E6546B=rewire slave error: no mixer application appears to be running C04167F7C6CFDFE1=rewire slave error: error loading reaper device 570C03F811A49766=rewire slave error: error creating communication channel 9F00616CF6B74ED6=rewire midi bus F5789DA0A25D6726=rewire slave audio ;^A74298433E1F4B3D=track channel ;^B3D2C76823B56BAB=channel %d ;^3390D94D34F06461=none [rex] 0E5806C9C8983EC1=file not loaded 1C74A91DB0FE0C48=error opening bridge 0D69CEDFF4715D8D=error opening bridge(2) 5EF0D6E505ECE664=rex error, out of memory B6A2608A77E338A8=not a valid rex file 7FD64034ABADEB1D=rex dll out of date 6F2EFED5C0E18CBA=rex error, user canceled 85D5559702FDD8B2=rex file has zero length 50012604D30851DF=rex dll not found 7AF78F9C6764865A=rex file load error 9D94DA833147EE28=rex error FCBF2A5B01E951F7=recycle files ;^FEAA833C7533B5D0=file not found [routdlg] DD096F9E880C0C96=send to 998074CE650BE8E4=receive from 8A1BF18F1F9B40A5=outputs for master track B821BAE9983182E7=routing for track 90A862E9C710864E=parent send (track %d) 4A523771DC809C34=parent send (track %d %s) 76E9739D9859A3D9=master send C4323AA50B927915=parent channels: 892EE6A6A9935F84=add new send... 32842BAD35BDAEFF=add sends to all tracks 4AD7BB994A552771=add new hardware output... 2500FCB3124BFE9F= 6A5150FAF8777EE3=send to original channels 2E834509D3A06745=send to channel 1D3E6E5BC5E522D9=add new receive... 47C76CA5AEADC0E1=add receives from all tracks ;^90803304EBE7C40E=track ;^480A73B43C308366= (folder) ;^D8D5C8186BA98B94=ch ;^5D4FC446DED74611=output channel [routdlg_heading] E585C664AC364DDB=audio hardware outputs BCFA8A3A8430A743=midi hardware output ;^4A47B5FB012F8EBE=sends ;^1978358DE99DE2C5=receives [routehelp] 165EBFAD547C2786=in a reaper project, audio signals can be routed between hardware, tracks, and other asio-enabled applications. 82F995F7720559E9=detailed routing for tracks and hardware can be visualized and edited using the project routing matrix (view/routing matrix). 25AC41C1FA136A40=each track can have up to 64 audio channels. tracks can send audio from any channel on the sending track, to any channel on the receiving track. 58AE5264D4779F4C=media items on a track can have up to 64 audio channels, which are output by default to the matching track channels. 591EDC24B6EB457A=detailed routing for individual tracks can be visualized and edited using the track routing dialog (click the track i/o routing button). 994346CC39A89189=tracks can host track fx, and media item takes can host per-take fx. 9D39235B1E64F00C=track fx can receive audio from any track channels, and output audio to any track channels. 03C2B754CF27D9D2=take fx can receive audio from any media item or track channels, and output audio to any track channels. A50C284AAE0C571D=detailed routing for any fx can also be visualized and edited using the plug-in pin connector dialog (click the fx in/out button). 0A205373C4A0113C=fx sidechaining is using one audio signal (the source signal) to trigger an effect that is applied to another audio signal (the target signal). B370D4C8DAB2AB19=this can be accomplished by creating a send from the source track, to higher-numbered channels on the target track. 2FF7B7BBD63B2DC7=for example, to use the stereo output of track a as a sidechain input for an fx on track b, create a send from track a channels 1+2 to track b channels 3+4. CC30DC3E75F9CB9B=sends can be created using the routing matrix, or the track routing dialog on either the source or target tracks, or by simply dragging the source track i/o routing button to the target track. 0601C02A4C024328=if the specific fx natively supports sidechaining, the sidechain input should be automatically enabled when channels 3+4 on the target track are created. 25F406A6FE306091=this can be verified and edited using the plug-in pin connector dialog. 43A0E154FDDCDAAC=the sidechain inputs may appear in the pin connector dialog as fx inputs marked \"auxiliary\", \"key\", or \"sidechain\". 428C02BA77ABCF7A=if the fx does not natively support sidechaining, it can still be sidechained, using parameter modulation. DB6FAC1D825BAD56=create a sidechain send as above, but do not assign the sidechain input to any fx inputs. 95A3E2AD984E47F2=use the param button on the fx dialog to open parameter modulation for the target fx parameter. 99127C329DB7C3BA=in the parameter modulation dialog, enable the audio control signal section, and select the higher-numbered track audio channel as input. C5B437799E11EEBA=to sidechain multiple fx on a single track or take, create even more channels. 5CB7501FF919CE10=for example, to use track a as source input to an fx on track c, and track b as source input for another fx on track c, create a send from track a to track c channels 3+4, and another send from track b to track c channels 5+6. 5435755F816072BE=using the pin connector dialog (or parameter modulation) for the first fx, enable track channels 3+4 as sidechain inputs (which should happen automatically, if the fx natively supports sidechaining). C7860347824575D2=using the pin connector dialog (or parameter modulation) for the second fx, enable track channels 5+6 as sidechain inputs (which will not happen automatically). [routing] 4BE3657E4E9A1F34=record arm C2DC02E9D9EEEC4B=polarity/phase 229E4ADF3BB30AEB=automation mode 25A7488E91388D93=flag: volume reverse 0BD195469BEE28A8=flag: pan reverse B899899C1AB19C42=flag: no slave->master 6144EC1482D7052B=flag: width reverse 6352B37DF71D813B=vca F85808B5B68827B8=flag: vca pre-fx slave 99836317190A08D7=routing 5AF639CFB5F4BA4A=grouping EE4584A3C0D39E7D=region render BB80D99527FF5C67=matrix mode: routing 57EFF8FE5A8F10BA=matrix mode: grouping EA6DDE6451E8631C=matrix mode: regions 8F3F0202E3C8B768=render master mix for all regions A5D0EDBF3815267D=render all tracks for all regions 510F827F8B829264=render master mix and all tracks for all regions F7041B0ACA616CED=only selected tracks for this region 023F1C2AA6461EB6=add selected tracks for this region 4D463647A6354B8F=remove selected tracks for this region 9BBBAC2B709017DC=show individual group details 7FD87D5A648ED19F=show master/parent as destination 38AD1E080E9B9ABB=show tracks as destinations E965CDD590EEA7E1=show audio hardware as destinations 8E5649EEC26D90CA=show rearoute as destinations 5C1A85CA2F096104=show midi hardware as destinations 9611AB41D9B11338=show midi channels as destinations F7450805748FB7A9=show master as source B451BAF6862448A8=show tracks as sources CF45B02A36FE9E0A=show audio hardware as sources 5DACC82C28E897F3=show rearoute as sources 1C889AF88C696823=show midi as sources 334E4C67453C2EDD=show midi channels as sources F31BED17B3A80B8A=dock matrix window in docker 3202B7C8F1C19432=master output 993E141C7938911D=(stereo/mc) 53C72DF28C399CCE=master/parent 81D93E7B863F63FA=source 21D286D93CBE0035=destination 784CBE1FD271BF66=group BC9208576C5B9337=region CA2FC719BBBEF7B9=is disabled 8755A825709522B2=is enabled 4FDCAB978445558B=group %d is disabled 938248518B3B7120=group %d is enabled 62497B0A19D09D97=parent send track %d %s 4B24D268014AEBB5=parent send track %d 7FBFA8136C10B1B9=master send D3E5730901E11F3E=%s %s (%s%s, %s %s%s) 24EA41048755292A=muted, 02765EDBE7B19924=, invert phase 02C9802709198FE1=vol %d BFC92B617929CC4D= - pre fx 0E9494A9719F1E08= - post fx (v1) 9F6AE3BC13CE2DD0= - post fx 7E2AFF6A9BE471D6= - not connected 44D502BC3E71FBB7=channels 8E3DB0B3628F60D8=midi bus %d chan %d 307F4DCB93935DBA=midi chan 11B14598DD86BC64=midi bus 2E52C798EE7E9F69=midi all 630CAF726138B93D=%s %s-> %s %s(%s%s %s%s%s%s) D8CA33C2B48414C2=muted A63C8EAB8ED6A533= - invert phase 4BE746518EF96E2A= - mix to mono 3BD3F0B3B936C74A=%s -> %s %s 13799C2C5DE40FEF=%s => %s %s %d FEC110FC1A48BC19=to channel D929FA0C685B0C3A=%s => %s %s ACEBA4F8DC7582FE=%s => %s B479290BDE167C2D=%s %s=> %s (%s%s %s%s%s) C679D6440B10E83C=%s %s %s (%s %s%s%s) 00721F9E62EF3C94=record input: D7BDD52F4DB24DAB=set, 989A709FCB56F552=armed, ECC9A80133B0E90A=, no monitoring 66378E8DA1FA9C8D=, monitoring 94FBF5228AB2DE4A=, auto monitoring 5D7E3D9013CB5A0D=%s %s %s %s ;^8FC86C263760ACB9=volume ;^96E5C67E1437194E=pan ;^61946358B1034B76=mute ;^0420AF237D97ECB8=solo ;^8A3F14717826D8D1=width ;^18C90F7E5DC51FCA=all ;^BB1D7DBC1BA8233C=routing matrix ;^AF8A1AC00E231ACB=grouping matrix ;^ECD8A7FC74B3A45A=region render matrix ;^82EE5475CB6FCE9F=close window ;^DDDBC4B59922776E=master track ;^73235A4845CE69AF=master mix ;^8F22DBF788C71CFA=all tracks ;^6208D6BE485CCB06=group ;^90803304EBE7C40E=track ;^80E92B8E090EA373=render ;^D9B22A6B63054364=enabled ;^686CBDF778971C6F=disabled ;^F3238895531F739E=channel ;^43632077D6FCDE72= - not fully connected ;^003BD938FD8D368D=(not set) ;^BA66149397E5F1AE=all channels [rppsrc] 5E8009A7E805E784=rpp audio source information 29B36D0D960EFF83=info: 8040F745E39504D6=project not loaded 2A0FC9187E64ADC5=subproject proxy not found 8322CEBFCEC46202=subproject proxy not loaded C467897F045A3CD4=length: %.2f seconds\r\nchannels: %d\r\nsamplerate: %.1fhz 664E561A08E86B6E=\r\n\r\nproject is open in tab %d: %d tracks D9F20616AE1BE66E=\r\n\r\nproject is not open in tabs 21961D1B032B9C0F=subproject tab C8F8B006DBE1D90C=reaper project (rpp) as media [ruler] ;^EF9B6744B3A3252C=show project markers ;^8AECF7AB9A62250A=show project regions ;^C4C608138A054AEE=show tempo/time signature markers ;^C5B3CE5C6E29439A=edit time signature marker... ;^D65885774203EA34=remove time signature marker [save] F684CC8DBBE0B1E6=error coming up with a project filename, you must have a lot of projects! [saveas] 3B508B94B6FF03B7=save as format configuration 10267E73AF167E04=set format to save as: 9148B0BCF0B138B3=save project template F358F85B084C7F3F=save project 1D660BB3BCFDAF0F=you have chosen to save to a subdirectory where a file with this name already exists:\r\n\r\n\t%s\r\n\r\noverwrite this file? 4E0241866EAFE7E7=overwrite file? C8A8D1DE39277BF0=cannot save with copy/move media, no path specified FD8C66831553CF14=reaper 5B0AAD670346064A=cannot save with copy/move media when recording, stop recording first 8B985B499A6FAF73=error copying media, user aborted! 8C9E08D02BE5C9E9=errors saving project with media - reaper DB773E3D6D958F52=there were errors copying media for this project: 515AF746DB344C2B=%d files could not have filenames found that did not exist 1572253A9006D7C2=%d files could not be copied/moved A72489997DD870D1=%d files were copied but could not be updated in the project (plug-in doesn't support setfilename()?) D0BD7075DBCF5BDC=%d files were allegedly copied but could not be imported back into the project [scale] B3CC0D4A0A547560=major triad 103B6FE8B81936AE=100030050000 13A78D2D50E2A534=minor triad 095F63EBB58D0554=100300050000 FB435FC5D007FDDF=major 7th chord 103B72E8B8193BC7=100030050007 BBA6B27A1B100593=minor 7th chord 095BDDEBB589EBCB=100300050070 3BB012BA0C495036=dom 7th chord 102A71E8B80AC6E1=100030050070 B78F3558E7172AA3=dim triad 90878F8E308352D6=100300500000 B734467BB2588250=dim 7th chord AA17208E3EDEB357=100300500700 8693E2C47EEADBA9=aug 5th triad 1AFDE392DEF62B88=100030005000 0FA8125BEFF12EFC=major 048F06634DF04D2F=102034050607 A816B935E0A53C4D=natural minor 6BA63E52451DCDBB=102304056070 E11D4E566DA47F3D=melodic minor CD5CD1404145D745=102304050607 4281FC90513D0AE9=harmonic minor 6BA9C3524520E591=102304056007 0D6C7AA6A1013E16=pentatonic E5F53E534C4F6B8D=102030050700 026405E9D2ECCE93=100304450070 0923DCF48E0D9F8D=hide default scales/chords CEA684B164D5B08B=select .reascale file: ;^E105F71E035CFC28=blues ;^62C49C467C0C15D3=load... ;^F4D94A4971240B8C=chords [screenset] E3D301F26B0C20B2=untitled view state 6985C21D42F78AC6=untitled windows state 570F3A78B8DA9436=save windows screenset # 53C3300DE56AE6BF=new screenset 38883D8F9173C9BB=main edit view 8BF63366F8A6D597=save track view screenset # A242F515754A5741=new track view screenset EFF37492B8BEB698=save selection set 2493C75D7ED72813=selected track panel 42366872538D67D6=selected track mixer panel 44A4608340D24BFF=window screen sets, available in any project: 3BA7DBDB320F8A1C=track view sets, saved with this project: 456443A4F8100D07=media item selection sets, saved with this project: D832698EE0DF7456=theme and layouts CBF474B1F07BBCBC=load key F77B0DA0925E74A5=save key D634D57FC0FBDB81=element 79E854AE917006E3=value (doubleclick to change) DD3B8E572FFF4D90=theme 408E5BF6AF321C82=global layout DFC0F5788236B18F=(click to set for selected tracks) 3D03AF2F927B9BF4=action # 5C68755263FDA490=track views D9628314D831526C=selection sets 143E56499C737597=selection set ;^24254706AC60DF9A=track control panels ;^0832A507B4EBA134=# ;^DCEF2B4D03DE723C=name ;^A97DAA4FBD1778A5=(default) ;^2ED640682AB36744=windows ;^A61CBD25C6796002=layouts [sendmenu] 4C5B729196E92FF9=master send 2FB9CF7149422649=parent folder send D00966C35B600008=adjust i/o parameters\t(right click on volume fader) F1506B6EDED9DF4A=audio hardware output FDFE3EC98C0C5FC2=output channel %d 62F8110EDC386D21=audio rearoute output EB1082ABBC920993=midi output 040D476163E042BE=send all 4185A93519E2299E=send all as channel %d ;^4A47B5FB012F8EBE=sends ;^1978358DE99DE2C5=receives ;^C685A28B8DBF7F8B=folder ;^D0C04B9E79D271AE=track ;^2C078B30A2995EDB=rearoute output ;^3390D94D34F06461=none [sendwnd] 1E2488203CEB6513=audio: 07AEF4ACCD2A1A27=post-fx (v1 deprecated) 6D1AB4402A8DAD03=mono source 2FB827B371C0B012=stereo source 921C6D775FF07B1A=multichannel source ABE1C16582D5A33C=%d channels 4212054D4293A66E=(new channels on sending track) 221B7D46A50A7A36=(new channels on receiving track) 8D08ECC391DB96EA=bus %d 11CFDE7E5A4CFD86=b%d D3E9B5C2991E4175=(track automation mode) 550F547AB6B8077C=trim/read (envelopes are active but faders are all for trim) EF365B9BFF4DA771=send to track 2BE64718FFEA8B8E=master hardware output controls 28F54690D2483CE9=controls for track 8C70A063D586EEF8=pan l: 8CADA063D5BA9D16=pan r: ;^1FF9566969CABE07=post-fader (post-pan) ;^ADA3EA2F08216BCF=pre-fader (post-fx) ;^F378819F0E95F1B9=pre-fx ;^3390D94D34F06461=none ;^18C90F7E5DC51FCA=all ;^DEF52717C4E7101F=read (play faders with armed envelopes) ;^E73F4D99E9F274CB=touch (record fader movements to armed envelopes) ;^A23B66B5439758A9=write (record fader positions to armed envelopes) ;^7C92092A41B00EDC=latch (record fader movements after first movement) ;^EC02F0F810FC7CDF=latch preview (allow adjusting parameters but do not apply to envelopes) ;^C644A2EBFF26E843=automation mode: ;^480A73B43C308366= (folder) ;^D8D5C8186BA98B94=ch ;^9F89BC3C59A0401C=pan: ;^1008A7CF2A029751=width: ;^DDDBC4B59922776E=master track [shoutcast] BD62CC21800FCB28=shoutcast source 97544C3EBC66509C=shoutcast pls playlist [silence] 11678656B010B057=split and remove silent areas 1AFBF3EBEDB42C48=split and keep silent areas 1046C24D832DEED1=split only before non-silence 2DA3F8F9CD41728F=split only before silence 68FEEE819AD9AD02=processing... 06D029F197AA32E6=processing. 3DEA0D84B63449D8=processing.. [specedit] A2BE5BDE24680DD8=delete spectral edit CB0ED826C7F2FA7B=bypass spectral edit BEBE5C0380183DA4=solo spectral edit 3D35A8D00250DA6C=copy to channel D3E9DFB04B0A4EBC=all other channels 9A9E6426063ED489=take processor fft size 7457BBBCBBDFFEED=%d points ;^F3238895531F739E=channel ;^18C90F7E5DC51FCA=all ;^B3D2C76823B56BAB=channel %d [splash] 377098E549677C30=removing track %d E4DE2C7D9E7BCC06=importing file... 8C00464CAF319497=closing project... 6CFE202434BE0AEF=loading %s... 461A19441D3CBA25=loading... FE9E5529CC151D5C=importing %s... 2549BF449F59124E=initializing ui classes... C3ED77175FF7A80D=initializing main window... AA015E3EE6811B88=initializing rewire slave mode 107EC5547FA000D8=checking for rewire slave mode... 69B380B30FA53BFC=scanning vst plug-ins... 6EE741A56EC25D89=scanning dx plug-ins... 556790F6C2D4D47E=loading js... 84B0AC419AB12F3D=initializing reamote... 1E644C966744BC0F=scanning midi hardware... 9FEED2881A8BB34D=loading native plug-ins... 95C14C31E2DBB229=initializing control surfaces... E6A87EA06A513679=loading soundtouch... 8EC8B78B087E740D=loading diracle... 40CAAF582132F5FF=loading élastique 2 pro... CD0C8A087BDCAD95=loading élastique pro... DA57C65EF182238A=loading élastique 3 pro... CCE0F0218F7E6DE2=project: loading file: C4F4B0B3B434649F=loading plug-in: 2B35EDB88B113816=loading project... CA015AD84E12FEF5=project: loading complete A69A91A422E61DAD=loading undo history... AEABA2BF41FB3594=rescanning project bay F755FBBD9C58083F=reamote: checking for host 8601F9CB8C293465=scanning vst DB4EC9AD23B997E9=scanning vst plugins... [status] 0657311C044DEFBD=audio device closed [subproject] 8E37237DA775FC83= - subproject 11ACF64D3C045BD0=subproject 25D740E7EFE65829=tracks contain non-trivial routing that will be affected by move to subproject:\r\n D7C85BCC6A47FEEE=\r\n\t%d sends to tracks in parent project 13DB22FBB5459E24=\r\n\t%d receives from tracks in parent project EF9F2FF5FDEE972E=\r\n\t%d hardware audio outputs 95BC62C61C25CA49=\r\n\t%d hardware midi outputs E45B3CD9A4E7BC0F=\r\n\r\ndo you wish to continue? 9C0440D03D5D0D27= routing will be removed! 3016F3D69B163286=move to subproject warning [tag_genre] 36F98B14573EB1FA=classic rock 9E07EB5FF60FBF3F=country 92FE8D8A50BFE5AA=dance A9D400CC7EB411FB=disco 7586DD8F7B4560A5=funk 700EE830AFBEA111=grunge 44D9CF2129EF17CE=hip-hop B426F870D2E17FDE=jazz 929AEA385501C69A=metal 7BA18AAA85127F54=new age A2C53C80B748D6EB=oldies 66741785E8EFEB5B=other 96C3B47E141A1452=pop 87342A7E0BC92333=r&b 881F5A7E0C918BB6=rap 501C82C0C4FBB556=reggae ED6CEB2F62D0C16E=rock 2B10AA4F8EE90E64=techno D18659C981162C98=industrial 5E22BC17C1D448FA=alternative 7D11567E05A07114=ska 2AD6BE8E1D9225C8=death metal EA6677C1CC760F44=pranks C97A360407398ED5=soundtrack B57819851F3C815E=euro-techno 4B59FCE9CB706019=ambient CCBCB57E56165162=trip-hop 6589866F9AD11DA8=vocal 620DA4EE36E37875=jazz+funk BBEE6781C7D468AF=fusion 5DC06C48E7F1B3B2=trance 4093357605AEC364=classical 19F6B4A659C6290F=instrumental FC7A8CB96470FA36=acid BFD37A5091170C49=house 7A0C1B88A47A2115=game D95ECCFE4FD5F224=sound clip BBB1ACFD3478ACDF=gospel ABD7CD31052E10CB=noise D59295A61D7AB578=alternrock 03CBAC237D4FA7A0=soul F231313BF769AFEB=punk 85801996C596A70B=space 227829CC3F7D0FBB=meditative D115677928CECCC8=instrumental pop 71657DED1CEB80AC=instrumental rock 9EBB6145E5FC3C0C=ethnic 592EBBD36072E631=gothic A1DF7FFC0C4BBD9E=darkwave A7AA7B372B539F8C=techno-industrial 0B100D1795CC1FAD=electronic 2F737ED38C01C48B=pop-folk BAEAD104668E9E05=eurodance BF73C5260D8412F6=dream 0780D7FB5D753F18=southern rock D9844C56ABA02164=comedy A0D7BCAC0EAA211B=cult 079BC9CE00EA13AA=gangsta 3AD6305B70054D8E=top 40 98F469EE255589E1=christian rap DEA8E25DF26A9A2D=pop/funk 954057EBEA5B8B4A=jungle 4B7804EBFA25DAEA=native american 862C437C05784561=cabaret A12857326A3A8F1C=new wave CE3DAE504AF2B2C2=psychadelic DED9A32F5B56CA9B=rave 8482423330F2C4FD=showtunes 91F936B8B1C9C45E=trailer BB51013A0A2B44C8=lo-fi ACA9C507855B3DDB=tribal 1E45FC4C2CCCBF3A=acid punk 88DABCF92E637C0B=acid jazz 6520AD38E27F42DA=polka 0E898F54E6AC4D89=retro 125D328B422FE52F=musical B13AD570DA3E01EF=rock & roll 06D10AA5FCFFE767=hard rock A891EB8F97EB56A1=folk F1B4D7C95D3E2595=folk-rock F04526099ADD0D51=national folk B364892A4CFF220B=fast fusion 4D5F44D0BED225C1=bebob CC023347C642909B=latin AF7E3AE8A3DA445A=revival 666347B5C87586FF=celtic 59AE143AA51DD097=bluegrass 15ABB05AB6C28F02=avantgarde DD018CA1E4466A2A=gothic rock B3074CF4D6E455E3=progressive rock 7DEA5860BF0CD81B=psychedelic rock 58386BEB34EF0C20=symphonic rock AA351850324E9A23=slow rock AE2C18D0595C9876=big band F50C4A49714F6525=chorus 037D2608115E4E54=easy listening B388F753EE786B8C=acoustic 37BA5DAB10BFE6CF=humour F6810394C39ED3A9=chanson 030D5D625C6E86E2=opera 62D5BE781B98A268=chamber music FFB19B49A1563BA3=sonata F2DFD9FB35BA1352=symphony B323B5709A93E6C1=booty bass D7B9367B18F91C63=primus F6126F5B5CD796F4=porn groove 13A16306C0F2F291=satire CF816E9B6A41D612=slow jam 675651AC7EE2435F=club 4657B509E8B410F8=tango AE41F51975359867=samba 8E69792F1EF39531=folklore 922C8DFF5A18FB87=ballad F2951FDD852DC9E8=power ballad E39777735E639D4A=rhytmic soul A45D6A7A8812B4FE=freestyle C9DBC0A0C3FFA8FD=duet B5B62ED7A41F4588=punk rock 9A84B962DF4DAA8E=drum solo 8835EA6317368064=acapella 57492CC435F7EBF3=euro-house 4D9F9B840E816ED9=dance hall E5B4127E4116F22C=goa 308D1824D2CF7D80=drum & bass BC71022AC68512E6=club-house BD2B7BFBFCCA364D=hardcore C94446C5EF6C0415=terror 1B00D80D8E79D54A=indie B78926F705243901=britpop 831C4D0660CB1FA6=anotherpunk 5E848D7CBDAAC1A4=polsk punk 6533C0B2356FD943=beat 157B0319E4926BAD=christian gangsta 28DB51DAABD43875=heavy metal FF77CAE88370A449=black metal 93933EA42F83F717=crossover 86C64242A518667B=contemporary christian 2DE057A9688830DB=christian rock F3AD6E6EB59D25F5=merengue B579021978E2DE9D=salsa 14DB89B4B4CB90B0=trash metal 65ACF5DC05E9E2D9=anime 5AAAD371C1A6B9C2=jpop 275D3833EA36F132=synthpop ;^E105F71E035CFC28=blues ;^894F61B24A4D3AE0=bass ;^B8A56B8F77C88B77=swing ;^F7555C0F482AB3C9=speech [tag_note] 08325B07B4EB2376=m ;^D8700B186B534A3B=a# ;^D86CA4186B50655F=bb ;^D86983186B4DF775=c# ;^D8659C186B4A3919=db ;^D865DB186B4AA426=d# ;^D862B2186B4828A4=eb ;^D85F0B186B44D708=f# ;^D85BAA186B41FC5E=gb ;^D85BEB186B426AD1=g# ;^D86FCA186B52DBC8=ab ;^08324707B4EB017A=a ;^08324607B4EAFFC7=b ;^08324507B4EAFE14=c ;^08324407B4EAFC61=d ;^08324307B4EAFAAE=e ;^08324207B4EAF8FB=f ;^08324107B4EAF748=g [theme] 3739053E6FEEBE2F=classic_1.x 823C90884A4B7B4A=theme overrides normal windows colors for main background/text/edit: B67D70D4A3780314=main window/transport background 212A27F36D591C07=main window/transport text 543E86147B64D972=main window text shadow (ignored if too close to text color) 756C7667B607EB0D=main window 3d highlight B75D7359D3BEA9B7=main window 3d shadow E4023172787E5755=main window pane resize area C721E3707E2A83F6=window text E2A9442343FE70F5=window background 244E8BDB61DCEE97=window edit background 5EE20866709489A4=transport edit background 35DE04AF4D82897D=toolbar button text 70C2A7D970F4BDF2=toolbar button enabled text 374CCE612D7C4054=toolbar frame when floating or docked E7915E3E6A099632=toolbar button armed color 4D0CBFBFF06F6BCD=toolbar button armed fill mode 637FC2FB9F7218EB=i/o window text DC14FE448251351B=i/o window 3d highlight 49B647AA0CAEF935=i/o window 3d shadow ED962C58BEAAA257=window list background CE29355922B1153C=window list text 9624B59A17FCCA14=window list grid lines 147F78D697004972=window list selected row 3D132691B6F4237D=window list selected text AEB0FBA64A3D9032=window list selected row (inactive) DD23A4D9A4DBEC8B=window list selected text (inactive) 85D05A02599C2A69=force button background/border: 3221AB37708C9F05=button background B6E3CE32B4EAB6D8=theme overrides normal windows colors for non-selected track control panels 7BAD93AB76E7418F=track panel text EEEECA86CF7F4837=track panel (selected) text 501E66674A16211E=selected track control panel background 93FD49ED6FDB72D0=unselected track control panel background (enabled with a checkbox above) 206A0AE4AD7D14DA=locked track control panel overlay color 9F30B89EC0C4AEF5=locked track control panel fill mode 19B1EFF9EEE1DE5A=empty track list area FD40EA40A020309C=empty mixer list area 81D1A7486543356A=empty arrange view area 97A71A48E769B8EE=empty arrange view area vertical grid shading 07304E7966E8042C=volume/pan label font F0B0B7E811BAE801=track title font 2B059F211A1FBC82=walter font 1 2B059E211A1FBACF=walter font 2 2B059D211A1FB91C=walter font 3 2B059C211A1FB769=walter font 4 2B059B211A1FB5B6=walter font 5 2B059A211A1FB403=walter font 6 2B0599211A1FB250=walter font 7 2B05A8211A1FCBCD=walter font 8 5DAE1AA0B4E46EEF=fader background when automation recording 7489AC77A88D66A2=fader background when automation playing A5CF8C38EFC62E4F=fader background when in inactive touch/latch EC4D31221167E72D=timeline foreground 75FF2EB13D73951E=timeline foreground (secondary markings) 7D56091807F9A798=timeline background 00234E8B36F6536B=time selection color 529B297581D198A0=time selection fill mode 6F524CFF4428CD01=timeline background (in loop points) 7511CE79116A6319=timeline font 80E0E7561B5C012A=transport status background DF04AEB695760DE1=transport status text B0CBF0208F901BFB=transport status font 43244BEE211F0D4F=project play rate control when not 1.0 7ACB506A80E43F0A=media item label 3F30F8ECCA298AC6=media item label (selected) 770256D0AF965422=floating media item label 4342C4E293DF4F7E=floating media item label (selected) 3B8B1A7D26ECAAFF=media item label font B9085B2EA3B657E2=media item background (odd tracks) 408F8FBF2EED8FF3=media item background (even tracks) BBD09452A966B459=media item background selected (odd tracks) 94BD6BAF6B690302=media item background selected (even tracks) 8FE06B24A4010F74=media item background fill mode 8419C9670249428E=media item peaks (odd tracks) 22EAEF70CEC4D9DF=media item peaks (even tracks) 7C212DF8A607B585=media item peaks when selected (odd tracks) 78F7E9F15BAA4E5E=media item peaks when selected (even tracks) B5EDAA7409F6C299=media item peaks edge highlight (odd tracks) 0C959B28A6E32A42=media item peaks edge highlight (even tracks) 55384C51434182CE=media item peaks edge highlight when selected (odd tracks) 593D7CE01F3B8E1F=media item peaks edge highlight when selected (even tracks) 3EE4862BB534ABB5=media item midi cc peaks fill mode B7EBC614CE67ECB2=media item peaks when active in crossfade editor (fade-out) C753CC4AD43390C5=media item peaks when active in crossfade editor (fade-in) 1892FEF1B7744A5D=media item fade/volume controls 51E359BFAEE7B3EA=media item fade quiet zone fill color 26BF7102F818B334=media item fade quiet zone fill mode DC3C68B2E219902E=media item fade full area fill color CE916EFA0F9623D8=media item fade full area fill mode E224F5491050B273=media item edges of controls E8B788244F81B9DF=media item edges of controls blend mode CC24459D5B1A55B9=media item edge when selected via grouping 85E1CE29BDF80CC8=media item \"offline\" text 1ED37E1EA1A0AA31=media item stretch marker line 863EA265141CCC17=media item stretch marker handle (1x) 37F50C755D52579B=media item stretch marker handle (>1x) 1F9B8465E88DDCB9=media item stretch marker handle (<1x) 6F6B6EE0557E1B52=media item stretch marker handle edge 103560006E8C1055=media item stretch marker blend mode 371E1CD80662086C=media item stretch marker text CE34D4E75754EAAC=media item transient guide handle 282DE48DCB29B50F=draw colored bar on selected media item 86120892792FBFAF=selected media item bar color 05152C91F7867EC5=draw colored bar on active media item take 2C49E16D76F3812D=active media item take bar color 980E8EB91BD9862C=track background (odd tracks) B0B4B0D3BCC9C9C5=track background (even tracks) 380BD669BEE7D8F7=track divider line (odd tracks) 33E7EE00B895E388=track divider line (even tracks) 843ABB88EC718106=envelope lane divider line (odd tracks) E691AE852D9F0F87=envelope lane divider line (even tracks) 42A8D04CF14EA41E=marquee fill 54E9503147602003=marquee outline 70A33A294F0DEB21=marquee fill mode C8677F24EB2491A9=marquee zoom fill 40F88F8D9780DF3E=marquee zoom outline 7453524477C11EB4=marquee zoom fill mode F9202D89774DD53A=edit cursor (alternate) 69BA732D19DAC2A5=play cursor A50C27BC8B1617B9=play cursor fill mode 0D902549A65D6E64=grid lines (start of measure) CD7581629C7B4723=grid lines (start of beats) 73B8450F6E7472A9=grid lines (in between beats) 08EC1AB0075E7F9E=editing guide line color 916AE65E81752D61=editing guide fill mode 3E08779201232AB5=region lane background 90348B53A1271FB6=region lane text EAE17BDD6A6A69DB=marker lane background 1A03824363F301D0=marker lane text B56E0937C64A1082=time signature change marker A6B1F6423A3C917E=time signature lane background EE261603A59EC7C5=time signature lane text 65416A0F317E74AD=time signature marker selected background 9ED060E119DB2A40=routing matrix row highlight 159BCC2558D0086E=routing matrix column highlight 020310CE11EBFF82=theme has interlaced vu meters 6BE9FF3805A93DF2=vu meter clip indicator 91B214D94029F68C=vu meter top FF015348C4CE8FE8=vu meter middle 6AA3AE3F7AEB87FA=vu meter bottom DB58195D4530C671=vu meter interlace/edge color 0345900F40125341=vu meter midi activity D361F42A9FC10FC4=vu (indicator) - no signal 1468DA4EC2D3CDAD=vu (indicator) - low signal 0F4D66A19DD388A5=vu (indicator) - med signal E445E72A37B758AE=vu (indicator) - hot signal BC58132AB8BA68E0=mixer fx text: normal 62A8C353CF2BCBD2=mixer fx text: bypassed 5F11F72A2B1EE6B6=mixer fx text: offline F0063A00C63B1413=mixer sends text: normal 8C431C203EC46267=mixer sends text: muted FC31CB9B79443983=mixer sends text: midi hardware 5F475256EB39D961=mixer sends level 72A64DD56575F908=mixer fx knob text: normal 5046B3FE9D6988CA=mixer fx knob text: bypassed E1815E329A836BEE=mixer fx knob text: offline 2367091EBCC6CA8D=midi editor ruler background E4936F98E269690E=midi editor ruler text 070900B1E934CEB3=midi editor grid line (start of measure) C5738B426727ABCC=midi editor grid line (start of beats) 6D03317E1EAC65B1=midi editor grid line (between beats) 636F261F8F1D7D1F=midi editor background color (naturals) F7E75A9EC7477A83=midi editor background color (sharps/flats) E4E3CDEF7AA6459D=midi editor background color, out of bounds (naturals) 559F88B5E31BC69D=midi editor background color, out of bounds (sharps/flats) B09B0490730DB44E=midi editor background color, selected pitch (naturals) B2F395A7E71E170E=midi editor background color, selected pitch (sharps/flats) 8E6F804DD8F4E46D=midi editor time selection color 0D419EF3C6436992=midi editor time selection fill mode 2EE9A7EA04A0B02A=midi editor octave line color CC1C67F2A73FEECB=midi inline background color (naturals) B3E317CA0AD0438F=midi inline background color (sharps/flats) 80794FA6DF523A96=midi inline octave line color 235008F88DF3C1B0=midi editor end marker 5BA00FC054E5E699=midi editor note, unselected (midi_note_colormap overrides) BB1871D50D37E428=midi editor note, selected (midi_note_colormap overrides) B482801CB8A88B0A=midi editor note, muted, unselected (midi_note_colormap overrides) D665B3A6E774EE33=midi editor note, muted, selected (midi_note_colormap overrides) E673881F880A2D15=midi editor note controls CAF9FD7CE71AB0C9=midi editor note (offscreen) D1998C25F1514422=midi editor note (offscreen, selected) 71CD9F4995CA63F3=midi editor cursor FB09009EF1D7956C=midi piano key color (naturals) 7102190FC6AA20F8=midi piano key color (sharps/flats) 9314A33FA166497D=midi piano key color (selected) A942808BA462E5E0=midi piano key note-on flash 97AB94C1C2CF161F=midi editor note/cc text color (light) EA0648A2D0CB48F7=midi editor note/cc text color (dark) 548B95DAAC226103=midi notation editor background 792ECD13D02A096C=midi notation editor staff/notation/text 3166FE3262DBB7D3=midi notation editor selected staff/notation/text 67E59C5CE185FAFC=midi notation editor time selection A11560DED0140FB7=midi notation editor loop points, selected pitch 27135FB900DA4981=midi list editor background FC41DF5BF2365D12=midi list editor text F5C428DB77ADDCF2=midi list editor grid lines 76AF225C13AD4EB4=midi list editor selected row 8C962A8736337827=midi list editor selected text 2E9DA3230176BEDC=midi list editor selected row (inactive) 9B246E4351604125=midi list editor selected text (inactive) 5F18242BE09A25A4=midi list editor background (secondary) 110D670D992BC037=midi list editor text (secondary) 7F671CB073F8865D=midi list editor selected row (secondary) 64DEBB1B46DC42AE=midi list editor selected text (secondary) 4613C0B0BAEC8191=tab control shadow 71E39193A98EC5CB=tab control selected tab D9C23DF586FBFF00=tab control unselected tab F26C25D910FB2D0E=tab control text 1795C5C493B98260=tab control text selected tab B42E531B5CD36E8D=tab control background 91740876A017AC41=tab control background in windows 53B12E6E9670F6B5=envelope: unselected automation item BBABC70778DF5A0C=envelope: volume (pre-fx) 553B6C2586DAA48B=envelope: volume 92468FE02EB4C791=envelope: pan (pre-fx) F007AD510DF30238=envelope: pan 29AA5D9149C42A70=envelope: mute 7632CA8B316AEB69=envelope: master playrate 17CD49C7AAD72038=envelope: master tempo CBCA027C47D01D83=envelope: send volume 9CC10E448B6324C0=envelope: send pan 0D3EED3545E1F9F1=envelope: send volume 2 566C595986537016=envelope: send pan 2 427082CB450B4FA8=envelope: send mute 79C9898A1C69B7C6=envelope: audio hardware output volume 42AB025A3D6AB55B=envelope: audio hardware output pan 35EE198EBDBFB613=envelope: fx parameter 1 35EE1A8EBDBFB7C6=envelope: fx parameter 2 35EE1B8EBDBFB979=envelope: fx parameter 3 35EE1C8EBDBFBB2C=envelope: fx parameter 4 00AFD23BCD283939=envelope: item take volume 7818079A9423BECE=envelope: item take pan F69E86C6102083F6=envelope: item take mute B565411E0B68006B=envelope: item take pitch E1E7C6CE4F2F3836=group #1 E1E7C5CE4F2F3683=group #2 E1E7C4CE4F2F34D0=group #3 E1E7CBCE4F2F40B5=group #4 E1E7CACE4F2F3F02=group #5 E1E7C9CE4F2F3D4F=group #6 E1E7C8CE4F2F3B9C=group #7 E1E7CFCE4F2F4781=group #8 E1E7CECE4F2F45CE=group #9 0C0ED6908D3C3232=group #10 0C0ED7908D3C33E5=group #11 0C0ED4908D3C2ECC=group #12 0C0ED5908D3C307F=group #13 0C0ED2908D3C2B66=group #14 0C0ED3908D3C2D19=group #15 0C0ED0908D3C2800=group #16 0C0ED1908D3C29B3=group #17 0C0EDE908D3C3FCA=group #18 0C0EDF908D3C417D=group #19 0C0BD0908D39F229=group #20 0C0BCF908D39F076=group #21 0C0BCE908D39EEC3=group #22 0C0BCD908D39ED10=group #23 0C0BD4908D39F8F5=group #24 0C0BD3908D39F742=group #25 0C0BD2908D39F58F=group #26 0C0BD1908D39F3DC=group #27 0C0BD8908D39FFC1=group #28 0C0BD7908D39FE0E=group #29 0C084A908D36D8A0=group #30 0C084B908D36DA53=group #31 0C084C908D36DC06=group #32 0C084D908D36DDB9=group #33 0C084E908D36DF6C=group #34 0C084F908D36E11F=group #35 0C0850908D36E2D2=group #36 0C0851908D36E485=group #37 0C0852908D36E638=group #38 0C0853908D36E7EB=group #39 0C1FD4908D4AA1FF=group #40 0C1FD3908D4AA04C=group #41 0C1FD6908D4AA565=group #42 0C1FD5908D4AA3B2=group #43 0C1FD0908D4A9B33=group #44 0C1FCF908D4A9980=group #45 0C1FD2908D4A9E99=group #46 0C1FD1908D4A9CE6=group #47 0C1FDC908D4AAF97=group #48 0C1FDB908D4AADE4=group #49 0C1CCE908D4861F6=group #50 0C1CCF908D4863A9=group #51 0C1CCC908D485E90=group #52 0C1CCD908D486043=group #53 0C1CD2908D4868C2=group #54 0C1CD3908D486A75=group #55 0C1CD0908D48655C=group #56 0C1CD1908D48670F=group #57 0C1CD6908D486F8E=group #58 0C1CD7908D487141=group #59 0C1968908D457ECD=group #60 0C1967908D457D1A=group #61 0C1966908D457B67=group #62 0C1965908D4579B4=group #63 0C1964908D457801=group #64 3BA92E5EBA228E4D=0:00 50E6D6545BC8B9BC=choose image resource path 0C4385A315E74535=save theme as: 805B2FD8CB3CF2C5=can't overwrite default theme B9E1C3CAD601A812=choose theme to open: 444E05E0FDA68F5E=load ide theme from file... 1CFE55FACF7F6C20=save ide theme to file... 1E78FBC2247B8F83=load default ide theme 229B19D1BCA1D5AD=load jf1 ide theme 2D170F313E52AF3B=load wt ide theme 5232CCEC5985291F=load wt pale ide theme 32B5A9A576BDD955=load ide colortheme 4B618DD9FA44789E=save ide colortheme ;^AF63BD4C8601B7DF= ;^BE8A32189AE58F83=edit cursor ;^3896D8BF3E72ED2C=regions ;^D35AD13842A55DEA=markers ;^C93417DD40352E1B=error saving ;^F685FB3A91025549=browse... [themeblend] D64ABE7656056465=overlay FCA60AD8EFD1FE3F=multiply A91837FC641E00F6=dodge 0E7BED71200DE9DB=hsv adjust 08328907B4EB71A0=? 442703CBF9806FF4=the blend color is drawn over the base color. alpha closer to zero allows more of the base color to show through. E12CE2B25CC52833=cpu cost:\r\nlowest DBD31747391089F2=the blend color is added to the underlying color. dark colors become lighter, light colors are less affected. a black blend color has no effect, a white blend color always results in white. 369F5B8F8989777D=the blend color is overlaid onto the base color. dark base colors become lighter, and light colors become darker. alpha closer to zero reduces the amount of overlay. 9E7000DF2A21A7A5=cpu cost:\r\nhigh 1833A600140DC7CB=the blend color is multiplied with the base color. a black blend color always results in black, a white blend color has no effect. 8705C5E4122C1ED8=cpu cost:\r\nmoderate 67943E106FB37E22=the blend color is color-dodged with the base color. dark areas in the base color will be tinted lighter, toward the blend color, light areas in the base color will be less affected. a black blend color has no effect. F1B2827498E4206A=each rgb element in the blend color is interpreted as an offset from 128. r rotates hue , g adjusts saturation, b adjusts color value. a blend color of gray (128,128,128) has no effect. (192,96,255) will rotate the base hue +1/4 way around the color wheel, subtract 1/2 from the base saturation, and increase the base color value to full. 24E2D1DBE7065C87=cpu cost:\r\nhighest ;^63ACD193C4316F68=normal ;^18E4377E5DDC2B7A=add [themelblend] 66F7A1C2A36F1349=cpu cost:\r\nlow [title] ;^D99EA6A0E05B0BEC=transport [toolbar] D5A501B764C3031A=locking: 1D220B8A48E6DBC2=time sel 30AE77BA6378D158=loop pts A01AFB9B7CBA717A=full BB372E7E2941A980=l/r 6C46F57DFC450A85=u/d 964374D6C808BAEB=edges 7A58C766271F4447=ctrls 8C828BA6425375A3=envs 08E35CB7B28B26ED=strmarkers ACF174C3CB1AF658=time sig markers 7960487FBDD6E6D7=locking: off 7229D46A920626D1=item edit and selection grouping enabled 0441CA4131462CAD=item edit grouping enabled, selection grouping disabled 23DCB0F0B4D74F47=item grouping disabled CCE190C7AE6BBD3B=metronome disabled 96F2AEB2390E2A8A=ripple editing all tracks CE9E42F28D3826E0=ripple editing per-track E218A610F0629FBF=ripple editing disabled 25FA9258930BC34D=envelope points move with media items 6DB6E989035A17B1=envelope points do not move with media items 14D9DC771BDA37A1=grid lines enabled BA95D44E6D1D9C88=grid lines disabled CC13C9461AA171A4=relative snap enabled 4B75ED7EA86FDEAF=relative snap disabled 58ACD381A68069BE=snap enabled CB3D0509C3C2F8C5=snap disabled 506DBBE39B2B4C3E=auto-crossfade enabled 72EA637C8221D845=auto-crossfade disabled 5887B9D4E3A9EEA1=ripple per-track enabled 02C3F037C46F5E34=ripple per-track -- currently in ripple all tracks 8ABBFAA8F3119188=ripple per-track disabled B09F22B03F15966C=ripple all-tracks enabled 59A02964B78D2B49=ripple all-tracks -- currently in ripple per-track 8EDD52D7D6476E67=ripple all-tracks disabled A9CE3D8FA60CFB5B=turn off ripple - currently in ripple all-tracks 947D36A65102068A=turn off ripple - currently in ripple per-track 9D1C43B8C46541BC=ripple off 1C41444A340A9829=undo: 98224C5534538E53=redo: 7BE4CB9163476DF4=armed: F770C210FB4C167F= (off) 2AA45B1375C830E9= (on) AEEA0266259DEFC0=switch toolbar ;^65DF96C788943FB1=items ;^C7B7708D1F9B3C8C=regions ;^B599690138EA264A=markers ;^DAB01B50C7660150=metronome enabled ;^99B80DC023AB26F6=can't undo ;^BA8A5EA843F33060=can't redo [tooltip] 8C7CE7F8145EB873=arm for recording D169E5F2B7AF020D=hide/clear E8DAF949EEB811B1=bypass (removes if empty) 7EBA99618E7E2CC4=midi learn CC5DC9FCE0B4A2D7=modulate this parameter 8929F487053CDAFA=start: %s\nend: %s\nlength: %s 39F400C2686B690E=position: %s 19D5E3F4F4F6F558=master output: E537B423EF029D39=\n none 7EDD20633162E6FE=channel 9DC458669ECBB6A0=master/parent send disabled E525FF23F748B74D=receives: 6768BD8303CF2A4C=sends: E585FD64AC36AB50=audio hardware output: FF17B2D16C266A2B=midi output: DA192334A9AAB304=pan(l): %s (double click to set to center) CD150E479821A143=pan: %s (double click to set to center) B202F17E64D390EA=pan(r): %s (double click to set to center) BB0C93A301E24788=width: %.0f%% (double click to set to 0%%) FDDD149766120897=midi volume: %d (double click to set to 127) 8750D8810D34BEC0=volume: %s (double click to set to +0.0) 4964241B94039C9F=output: mono (l+r) 6DFE5DA1D256E670=output: mono (l) 6E56C9A1D2A213CA=output: mono (r) 5C77721B9F504E59=output: mono (l-r) 7CE2FDD00EDB1ED4=output: stereo 9CC036C3AB1AE679=input fx:\n F74049BC4F320B2B=show track input fx window D7E111CA46B51531=fx:\n 76C0BBFC509E28BC=bypassed fx:\n F901921D72014622=show master fx window 958E15559FBE8843=show track fx window FBCE7FD896917E60= [offline] 48576B8E22F18006= [bypassed] ACC5AD24A62EF595= [track fx bypassed] AA29E27B9BEE39EF=track insert fx 80C5C2F8B9B1E0C3=midi hardware output 1642F2A3840F4EAB= (to channel %d): 6677CD830302C2DB=send: 9F4424F736F61BF6=hardware output: AC8AAF4FFD13F4C1=track sends C4207566F9134683=fx parameters 61E05A1205AD8B12=set master output 00D04D45D9A8962E=sends, receives, and hardware output options B788A5920484034B=pan(l): B74B168C4B4D25F4=pan: AC37D49971F328D9=pan(r): 414C960462675503=width: 18901E0F01015C8D= midi volume: %d 2190F5FAF07A005B=volume: 77D84864F0D52742=track is folder 3E587C6C967C4EEC=track is last track in folder B5B3B84563FF1D9E=cycles whether this track is a track, a folder, or the last track in a folder AB46079468197E84=compacts the view of all tracks in this folder F5D0422D71FF3CB6=master muted 71F617D36BAC0C47=master not muted 80B4E1C1D4167D59=master soloed 03A564E030AA0305=master not soloed - all track outputs are active F0514A8411B8C67D=solo-defeated 5B1B1EAAA1A2468B=soloed in place 51C6EA3CAE1782B9=soloed 6660420CFF2EE27E=not soloed 88A4D1B9FBAE0527=phase inverted 92C89B1F21C3071D=phase normal 479C0C6FEA0A90B8=envelopes/automation\nautomation mode: 3C32F136603DDDA3=read 43A9ECE70C7D55B6=touch E56DF14239FA57C2=write 8BACFCAE384553F7=latch 34D6770C6B6D5CC7=latch preview 77FB9CAA6C6C842C=trim/read 5BD448217F161425=record armed C3723DA8A78DA743=record arm/disarm EC08294ACB5BE864= (record armed) 928CD43854F563DC=meter FAB082B85CF8C185=meter; 2FDF35B2673D3891=record armed, D748741F38C29037=record monitoring: on 4CAAC64C0643D901=record monitoring: auto 9292920D728456BB=record monitoring: off 17FBFB3A6D101C00=fx enabled 99B8430257B315EB=fx disabled 2DE6EA156BDE1A34=position: %s\nstart offset: %s\nend: %s 4A775CF9191B3176=start offset: %s A780DAEB7F029FC3=position: %s\nend: %s 7B72EAA88AD44F5A=start: %s\nlength: %s\nstart offset: %s\nrate: %.5f 417DC2E1DAF6AD7C=start: %s\nlength: %s\nstart offset: %s\nrate: %.5f (%s%.2f) 2E1D128CEA4937B8=start: %s\nlength: %s\nstart offset: %s 29C2BC5996E7DF1E=length: %s\nstart: %s\nend: %s\nrate: %.5f 0E3CC1FFB25BFF68=length: %s\nstart: %s\nend: %s\nrate: %.5f (%s%.2f) 0DE99E87D9102454=length: %s\nstart: %s\nend: %s 05818A2E3E077F3F=snap offset: %s\nposition: %s 989A3C1D719BA505=velocity: x%.2f [%+.2fx] 37EF5C4ECA5ED501=velocity: x%.2f F2A8B63D67366A2B=item volume: %.2fdb [%+.2fdb] 5D8FCCEB5F0F8049=item volume: %.2fdb A0C32973C86F54DF=fade out: %s 1E41A6091A4CA4CA=fade in: %s A8A2830AD908952D=stretch marker: %.2fx / %.2fx\r\nposition: %s\r\nmedia position: %s A7824DB56C878E11=spectral region time adjustment 65DEA559D9C2A961=spectral region frequency range: %.0fhz-%.0fhz D96B052780553BCB=spectral region gain: %.2fdb 279682B4A20AAD29=spectral region fade in: %.0f%% 42164C732DF85E38=spectral region fade out: %.0f%% BFE5F5E7135C910C=spectral region high frequency fade: %.0f%% 1622A33D633296F8=spectral region low frequency fade: %.0f%% 54324C3CF7BC1F33=spectral region compression threshold: %.2fdb A3E3BE16E10C4F97=spectral region compression ratio: %.1f:1 C3FEF4ABA64F6B6E=spectral region expansion ratio: 1:%.1f C574059A4D595FAC=spectral region gate threshold: %.2fdb 556D18CD9E812DBD=spectral region gate floor: %.2fdb 3B884C955D1CD81A=envelope: %s\n%s at %s\ntension: %.3f 1B735764E2331F1A=envelope: %s\n%s at %s C4BA31BFA9460908=stretch marker slope: %.2fx / %.2fx B9DAECFFD3F117BB=take pitch: %s%.2f 20A27478BE15E145=take pan: %s 55D6D03BD8FBD81D=\nadjusted: -inf db 5AC126113FD0DE45=\nadjusted: %+.2fdb 5B976311408700D5=\nadjusted: %+.2f%% F1B13E128583A378=, moved: CF4356C508B56CBC=\nmoved: 04A1381AA6C99D6F=fade in shape: %s 409524D25B055E02=fade out shape: %s 1E99E8ABBD5B8E76=envelope: %s\n%s at %s tension: %s 0278FACDB78C59E8= [%s at %s] 25AD567ECA15774D= [%s] 79AF656A3F330C0E=insert stretch marker at transient 386272100A958FD5=adjust stretch marker C2EA7D8774FF761E=adjust stretch marker slope 93341D80CFA3130A=edit item snap offset ignoring snap 8FE430135B23ACD1=edit item snap offset 8FD0600A3801157E=fine edit item volume 021238D4AC142678=edit item volume DA2C52B3028A7093=resampled from %.1fkhz 0E7DBEE0187335F0=armed: %s A765A46EFA4B9E2E=edit region edge E2B15D16BF5D59D1=scroll timeline FC3A9D3127DB631B=tap tempo 6EA574A38C93BFFA=play (slave to timecode) 7CEB6A016182E22C=record/punch-out 84C6C5437860B90E= - mode: autopunch items 261533F60A9B0DB1= - mode: autopunch time selection 0EF6D94043029DB8= (slave to timecode) 3062D9C83C010A42=playback rate: D86BA99DBD8A5B05=time signature at play cursor 1FC900C6ADDBF863=time signature at edit cursor 361D4BA039ADD9D6=toggle repeat 457E30D2727505F6=start time of time selection EAA323FB45E9082D=end time of time selection 2D3E6047B19A07C7=length of time selection [indicates %.1f or %.1f bpm] 6A73D4699BC0BDDF=length of time selection 3ECE069CB4B62347=tempo at play cursor D121DAD8615D7265=tempo at edit cursor ;^DD8A091DA2BE9107=move envelope to media lane ;^D26FE1B4C8988F96=muted ;^272E5D69D552CDA7=not muted ;^E53622684802B745=master ;^D0C04B9E79D271AE=track ;^6B4795AB9EC37475=input: ;^480A73B43C308366= (folder) ;^AEF53FB432FD3810=tempo map ;^44BE2B196101CBBE=move region ;^37B990D4112E1A98=move marker ;^11769ACBDEF004CC=edit tempo/time signature marker ;^3D9CBC3C216900AD=play ;^DD8F228BCFA37CFF=pause ;^2F799723962762C7=stop ;^FC57ED035694C1B9=global automation override ;^5F00BE84E91B6C9B=go to previous marker ;^E4053920A9B5A25A=go to start of project ;^51B4B159DD69FD3B=go to next marker ;^5D5B152A913BF2D1=go to end of project ;^F0EBC9DF5B847ED6=record [track] DB621C961B01736A=surround track 141567A3F6188C4D=hardware: 1E7DE9407D998715=[master] ECD3692CB7D58B0E= [inactive] 8B6AF9AC93B99233=chan B367367394E04578= [muted] 4898F1BD608F2660= [automated mute] DA17B00AE0D8421B=settings will affect %d selected tracks B1CBBBC86D855EB0=settings will affect %d tracks selected in track manager ;^B3D2C76823B56BAB=channel %d ;^BA0039FB59D95325=master ;^F3238895531F739E=channel ;^43632077D6FCDE72= - not fully connected ;^D0C04B9E79D271AE=track ;^480A73B43C308366= (folder) ;^112BF17E59C1097F=bus ;^18C90F7E5DC51FCA=all [trackmgr] B301617E24BC100D=mcp BAD1B71AF376A4DD=in-fx 4574588CF90726E7=height lock ACCD9F902B6C40ED=fipm AE8ED5B80F4AF4E8=freeze tracks to mono 172D30873D9888A3=freeze tracks to stereo 4904BCA5127BBFAB=freeze tracks to multichannel 747032C6195683A4=freeze details: C4D51D388CE65598=(empty freeze) 8A2EBF5EA4D7BCA0=freeze 1BF411626E2F860D=1 track 7285529BF3B7927A=1 midi media item B43400087A22CAB2=midi media items B744EEF09C414731=open in midi editor (set default behavior in preferences) A03611A644EC52A2=close in midi editor DAD1F48150E4447D=hide in midi editor track list ;^AF63BD4C8601B7DF= ;^0832A507B4EBA134=# ;^DCEF2B4D03DE723C=name ;^7666307E026A82D2=tcp ;^D85ED6186B447CF9=fx ;^9747AB7E1489B5C8=pdc ;^08323607B4EAE497=r ;^08323B07B4EAED16=m ;^08323507B4EAE2E4=s ;^3868AB5EE29314B8=lock ;^3DC3C3589C65D706=midi ;^A1C5EC4ACA9C56C0=freeze ;^4A3C8E6E015918A1=unfreeze tracks ;^D0C04B9E79D271AE=track ;^D2714B0ED9D27FB1=track manager ;^AFCA4361EC2D09C2=show/hide columns: ;^719B2E5CDAD2E067=tracks [trackmgr_help] ADF3B620E4CA9EA9=show control panel in arrange view 9DFD3535AFC65881=show control panel in mixer 4A03CF60C1779F06=open fx chain window 906E1530FCCF88B4=open record-input fx chain window 19E913527C9D9685=plug-in delay compensation (bypass fx) 6202B8584C4B8F0A=lock controls 03741039AD7FE0D3=lock height 78A82E382FD65D70=open in midi editor 115054AE51369A75=set free item positioning 592671F4352CDA57=freeze media/fx ;^8BEB3C381FB2F1CE=color ;^978AC938BDD65877=track number ;^DD0CE22D75D36ED1=track name ;^61EB857EEC517894=record arm ;^61946358B1034B76=mute ;^0420AF237D97ECB8=solo [trackrecstatus] DFD6E20CFF9A0503=midi (all inputs): 5D6DCE66B061856D=midi (not connected): 43FFDD8C94E61FA0=no input 5732EE3D1571A20B=+(mc) CDC9DD7FE64DA979=1ch 0F934F7DE2062939=hw: ? 04240CF987D5AB18= [%d chan] 807455809981731E=monitoring, record disabled: 1D7B56419472A79A=record disabled 75EAA6536618318B= (record midi output) C03BCA508EB4EAE5= (midi replace) C11BB7A54A30D27F= (midi replace-touch) 28FCCE2D06293C60= (midi replace-latch) B9F607DD9CE7DFD6= (midi overdub) F7574326387DC978=full mix 52F2BCEBDC8C0ECD=stereo mix 3D74BFF6A5B46646=mono mix 29A3B1F2CC594993= (record full output) A6879DFCFA17E5B2= (record stereo output) BC9613192EB8BE61= (record mono output) 320B616E4F06337E= (record output) 3540343AAB06FD18= (force mono) 449FD766DB549FA5= (force stereo) 07D70E451605EA0D= (force multichannel) BE9F2E77E82B7D02= (force midi) ;^D3D2747652BD318E=all channels ;^B3D2C76823B56BAB=channel %d ;^BA2E51CA750060F6=input %d ;^F3238895531F739E=channel ;^18C90F7E5DC51FCA=all ;^24962B4247630C73=midi output [transient] 9B511A5968C6FD3D=calculating transient guides D5410F7694BE5A88=calculating item %d/%d: %s [transport] 629C54803B0AC212= / 00B9D2E30D69BE2F=[%s] 014216EEA08B6600=bouncing 455B12DE92C1A943=waiting for timecode 5086F582D5199414=home 4E45CA229B084583=selection: 6413E5E8A8CC3003=selection start B0113A49F4AF3516=selection end 707292B451272E69=selection length 37AC65CA184CE3EA= 75F2047E02074780=tap 178831D54E3E203C=stopped BAB71146CCAE9A32=loopskip DE52D01EAD59A275=record: synchronizing 5412663EBF5879E9=record: waiting for tc 658CCBBFDFEFEF4F=record: sync with other projects 735500BD68145C0A=record: buffering 05155D8D8337E652=record (count-in) B98C7456E97717F8=record (pre-roll) 30B0F13A975C373D=record: chasing 500A6541D54D2626=waiting for tc B6BBE51A70CB8100=record paused 7E0A33A911327680=synchronizing D52331AC44A557BC=sync with other projects B2BC91BFD2A4552B=play (count-in) F1D3B9779DCAFBC4=chasing F6401B10D2F0B0F1=playing/loopskip 8B23FA1341BAE553=playing 1DB44E91D2CCBB61=paused ;^3D9CBC3C216900AD=play ;^DD8F228BCFA37CFF=pause ;^2F799723962762C7=stop ;^F7B45F7E4B7A392C=end ;^F0EBC9DF5B847ED6=record ;^3E38EF62B047CD38=repeat ;^FC57ED035694C1B9=global automation override ;^10D0E37E59744608=bpm ;^140944783E61BE8D=rate: ;^D99EA6A0E05B0BEC=transport ;^6EE06EBD8BEB3E6D=seeking ;^D3E64988F293BA3A=recording ;^37CA03251A2D7A8B=buffering ;^B420EF3AC9B07180=pre-roll [undo] E146A19ABE0DAC18=set media items online 9FFAD6BC60BEBF0E=set media items offline 74555CCC7949F7D7=remove loop/time selection EB958BB299E316AE=edit time selection 7D5176E3FE2064F0=reorder project markers 49E7E15BC30CF965=load track icon EC2A2B016751C596=link/unlink track volume/pan controls to midi D2E8CA48BC697116=insert reacontrolmidi D0D703067C0549E4=insert reaeq 046A43084BC439AA=set tracks record path to secondary 2C20D4363F797996=set tracks record path to primary D14345295D3095E0=edit tempo envelope E63EFA7B15375E01=set project bpm 62634E0EA3DFC75E=edit tempo/time signature envelope A8C235ECE421D813=set project time signature 0F6DF615C46F3769=record envelope automation 3C9C3AAFEC47F64C=reverse item to new take 22C90C24969F23D2=open item copy as new take 438481C1BD47303E=import items in new subproject C13C461E3A37057A=move items to new subproject (non-destructive glue) 2646B9142548D176=import tracks in new subproject 62105987CDD999FA=move tracks to new subproject -- failed! 35715F460ABC81E7=write values to all writing envelopes 620D91AB37C001B2=write values to actively-writing envelopes 7EB64A8C1655BEA6=convert project automation to automation items 4741D2DFDB837713=move edit cursor to EAF773E88D69D4B6=change track envelope automation mode 15925B83F3562B39=remove tracks 63C38767818AA20F=add new track C981EBA10A4F497A=add multiple tracks 6245DCA4CA5DFCFC=duplicate tracks C51C10B29D4F002D=add measure from time selection C1D032482AA745F7=delete markers 52D10917A1307428=delete items 079420DFFF3B42BF=select entire group 4F9005411567431C=change media item selection 8D4686530C914A9B=reset item take gain to +0 C61BA44B533B893D=toggle item normalize 57AC74F098545863=item normalize 052C8BFB5DD84F03=toggle multiple item normalize 96AEDE790758E855=multiple item normalize 32CC6F50418C9EE9=toggle item take locks 7566893FFFD7816F=lock item takes FE1BD22CF825BF8E=unlock item takes 42C65F64DA03AE11=toggle item lock FA77CB73CF319C4C=lock items 4883964662FEDC5F=unlock items 4BD1969FD802DD91=toggle item loop source 56E7A533DB4CE4B0=toggle take reverse EC3DF6CED7BEE3C9=toggle item section loop 4C3C4593445BF353=toggle item play all takes FD5EC9EF64B470E8=toggle item preserve pitch 7699EA9CD0CB1636=set item preserve pitch 6A7E2BF7D8A53A9F=clear item preserve pitch 744F3AF8934E9567=toggle item phase invert E3FF228DB669A3DF=set item channel modes 692E072433FB8609=select item in next track F4F40AEE27A40BF5=select item in previous track 987FBF28B5F6898F=select next item 65E6692FDF7D3BAF=select previous item 197513DD46E9FDBE=implode items to takes 219A7705C805B8F0=explode takes 55AA9B0FBD9F67E2=explode rex item 1D3E4D23082CCC96=propagate items 628A4B22E87A8B36=propagate takes 0A0691C1E9EC364F=adjust item rate E99E4AFFE9C9D52A=set item rate 20B0DF58CBBCFDA9=adjust item pitch 1440AE849F30744E=set item pitch 3B5E5F6F633F5EEF=reset item pitch E26F665CE6F14AAC=toggle item mutes 4E11481E481D63A9=set/unset item solo 6D71A233860DB29E=toggle item envelope D5D8531CB9CC5C0E=toggle track mutes BF410278340A6E37=toggle track phase 5FBAF2DCD5023BB4=toggle track solos EDF02F8482409CC9=set loop points to items 85F3ECC35580E619=set time selection to items 520BCC245FBA6218=select all tracks 19A339BEDFCC6721=unselect all tracks 61B25056ED01435B=unselect all items 4861A6DABD82E1C6=change track selection 03216A668E80CD8F=move selected items to source preferred position 6E5C6D67A9C8E2DC=trim items right of cursor 2183D0217668C389=trim items left of cursor B9F10E688D09E842=trim selected portions of selected items B69AF130C379B9AA=cut selected portion of items E3A28F58EB812F1C=remove selected portion of items DE31112EB2272959=split items at time selection A41C76FC96873ED4=crossfade selected items 5CDC442379590C2E=crossfade selected items in time selection D96C4241A34C3A6C=reorder adjacent items A2C2DB833CE4839C=quantize items 310E77D90CE67746=nudge time selection edge D81CBBA246660019=nudge time selection D7CFD75DEDAC64FC=shift time selection 9F4E3F8E13C1A787=invert selected envelope points AF82075229F62228=reset selected envelope points 33757AA1781F18B7=select all envelope points D3ECB2C2AC66ECF0=unselect all envelope points B07091804BD60147=delete envelope points F750BEB2EFE62A44=select envelope points 06EF7B6E416A1A65=set envelope default point shape 99B461F5F84C5ED3=set envelope points shape 2E293E7B0F0420A6=set envelope point bezier tension 3376D12B4DF684ED=insert 4 envelope points 921660B161722BD2=cut envelope points FC7FDFEDE2BF1A6D=clear item envelope 409FC815DC6A118B=mute all tracks EC4AD6CACCE6201E=clear all track mutes DC694D93E12E5D41=solo all tracks 746C7034C1BB0CE4=clear all track solos F0332CFB561F9BCE=toggle all fx 4BDC12D2D35501C1=glue selected items (failed/aborted) D6291E68D116E5BF=glue selected items A3D947CAD4124C42=paste as takes in selected items 65696635BDC37FFD=paste envelope points 39735D6FC96B82C9=import envelope points 96F2CB00BA703562=paste tracks 2E3F4D9809176FBE=import tracks E5BFA20E2B847A52=paste items 60ECD5712C881616=import items C96D4D0675DBD48C=set all track record arm 4CBA9C69CD0AA61F=clear all track record arm D5A9F656720A0C93=snap media items E4FADC4DD0938A47=select pooled midi items 25F5B1E96B0BC5E7=change media item active take FF05BCA0EC0AE99B=change media item active comp 7D2E1DA0AC7316B3=insert timecode generator D0E7D0301B06444B=insert click source A4538C0F7E2A0CC0=insert new midi item 195833639ED56477=insert new subproject 6A3065C7C507CFC6=insert empty item 4E720E2373DC2222=insert media items D5587944ED247709=render items to new take C129AA9CA858CD15=apply track fx to items E0CD0408124C9A8E=item source properties change 2B66289D72B369F3=trim media items 414CD5F9F6F9F459=adjust tempo envelope 60ED387836A8A9B0=move selected envelope points 23E00EE5DB9FBC2D=stretch items to fit time selection D05EE61DF56691D0=stretch and loop items to fit time selection 7EFD0BCC1790CC38=toggle zoom to selected items DE2E22C2A151030B=add regions D3A0D9121A43DD3A=add region 006C33CC2D28CC71=edit region 97546FC6073B54D1=align items to measure start 086E81B3BA1DC379=insert new surround track EF08D45B2F350F4C=insert points in visible track envelopes 487F247159191791=cut items 11FEB82BA20C25D5=paste in midi item 2493A285E03218AC=paste as new midi item E678AC47825C2DB0=duplicate media items C6424FE29D18C1C0=split media items at fade E305A26A29D5975D=toggle track mixer auto-arrange 48966BDCA91FEBC4=toggle track folder 64129EC21BCF5ADA=show/hide mixer tracks B5F48B5A34BD4624=toggle folder compact C729CD428EFE2C04=toggle show/hide track in mixer A3449DAFCAA265B2=toggle show/hide track in tcp 7896DCE9C1589895=quantize tempo map 93167421D461485D=toggle preserve pitch in audio items when changing master playrate 055D75A3935DE989=select track envelopes EBF9C8193DC39857=toggle track volume/pan/mute envelopes 691C71DFD5B321D9=slip media items 97B89752F66D11C9=move contents of media items 4ED3F63209F1A802=move media items 8C6501E6F765233A=select all locked tracks 3F4AD8C0B56FBA1B=set all fx in selected tracks online 33E9B9B18AA5CACF=set all fx in selected tracks offline 7FF82C1F770B0BDA=fit items to time selection 6F156C8C782D4B9F=auto reposition items for free positioning mode FB335EC314388F3C=implode items across tracks to one track 495F726C388E4FB5=nudge track volume 09AEB0DA36657788=add/move marker 4512693A3D37459A=set track performance options EC80B7060A20666A=nudge track pan 7E41DFD42E1888C9=select items in time selection 6CE8FDF56AAF6A87=set/unset tracks solo defeat 9FA4AFF1D9E9A6F2=toggle master mono 8AF952B6CA6C789B=set item follows time vs beats D008FBB1F96B2A47=change track metering F25480EEBE8218F3=change track multichannel metering E325A45A6D3B5BA3=change track free item positioning mode 90DB134BAB72BD8A=set track items follow time vs beats 875A18C2D666BE39=set item name from active take filename B960CD7E13AAA32B=change envelope automation item behavior BFDB3AB4C9532A4E=toggle master track visible 1947417089DDA819=toggle show tempo envelope 4F85382BFA08F249=change media item fade shape 6BAD6601340D3D4D=remove material behind selected items 49C6F0282A4D177F=select adjacent items 4BFD7C1BD9E1B6D4=time selection change 557226F4BCBF7E1C=change item lane 84A9EF1AD08804FF=remove all empty takes from items 1949D88F19A94D95=remove empty take before active take 8C9CCEF8DAFC4526=remove empty take after active take 891FB48770B7C55C=add empty take before active take 7DD99D39E854E2E1=add empty take after active take F14D95BA3292A1E1=rotate take lanes forward FD5C8A26DD560095=rotate take lanes backward EAB94F05E4EB871C=invert item selection 5ADD048692B8293C=set selected items mix behavior to enclosed items replace enclosing items A92F4BBC7A73D542=set selected items mix behavior to always mix 160147C05D065C44=set selected items mix behavior to always replace F13342CF555C4E07=set selected items mix behavior to project default 73021D8D0602CFEF=set items snap offset to cursor DB3D5A9C33FC41AC=fade items to cursor E54A2A846527E243=fade items from cursor DA9AA25811CCED31=set items snap offset to grid 4E2C34CCF930E969=remove item fades ED62C5512482BDFE=extend items to cursor 84A0DBCC25D23B2B=set item length to media length FD2B5A219A3BE4C1=split item under mouse cursor CE047DBAE207E96C=split automation item under mouse cursor 727F44509D91AA7E=remove active take from midi source data pool 22B43FF75853021B=edit envelope point E80B0EA1A8158706=toggle arm selected envelope C7582D6F599E795E=toggle display selected envelope FD227F52F5F84FA5=toggle display selected envelope in lane 25B3DA11E061A92E=toggle bypass selected envelope B6FD32FCD0A92628=unarm all envelopes 5ED81B5D3A106616=show/hide all track envelopes EF7FD19F48533BF6=move all track envelopes to/from lanes 9EF9A98844D0F0B0=insert automation item 239F48D8110723BB=delete automation items DB643A6A59F52597=rename automation item A65E57F574DAB589=toggle automation item loop 7BA00C91BF7CE77F=set time selection to automation item 9331115DF574A62F=set loop points to automation item E2DC44ABEB575FEC=mute/unmute automation items 42A7CD8317316EF4=split automation items 13D4D9A65101EF85=glue automation items 255101E81E40EEA4=un-pool automation items 947E46735B2AD417=duplicate automation items 15183B1D523F39EA=add edge points to automation items 6F27F89059356330=edit stretch marker AD88AF295DEA88E6=snap stretch markers to grid FAA0512CA24B1478=snap stretch markers in time selection to grid 583C1737EC3D6CD7=reset stretch marker 5BAD8A8E06B29B8D=remove all stretch markers in items 5FFD4A84501ADA73=remove stretch marker at current position DE087423BD616197=remove stretch markers in time selection 97AE1D6B41E3FC5C=add stretch markers at time selection 7CA3F6B0131BE723=add stretch marker 3E741ED6A6CC6373=added marker A8DB5D299ABE5C3D=set track color 9A5B948053ACC49F=set item color 45E1EA4DE02F1C8B=set take color C96348B8910C32FF=set color for all takes with the same recording pass 4A9F107D40BE505D=move comp to top lane 48CD0CD58E3389B5=move take to top lane 95A6D7572BF23056=remove loop points C0BC84AE2DD4AAFE=remove time selection E4875AC9F59FEB5C=convert active take midi to in-project event C64B82D4573E67BC=convert active take midi to file (ghost copyable) 3CC21AA6C9FDF818=remove item fx 00B640693876ADA7=mute take envelope 8A2340AA0B32412E=set master playrate fader range 569DC48649EFECCB=insert tempo change 80474849AE771415=select track under mouse D2E0511F80E677E0=activate media item take 8CEF6459DE3D5FD6=select item under cursor 65B588E48363F240=select all items in selected tracks 8FB90AA180E9F9B5=add time signature marker 6FC5EC55AB10F7DC=change marker color 91ADEE4CF2002EFA=change region color B6B81D96FFFC1FA4=edit time signature marker EF3871CF2C2291D4=remove time signature marker 195077DD80A4EBAD=set item ends to next item in track 76D0386B7C0D521F=create chromatic midi from selected items 1DF10381C42D87E3=import media item cues as project markers AC3A0488D713B12E=split items at media cues C919B3E081531FAD=adjust item length to markers DA5D063B851B3B20=split items at project markers DAB43EFD0A73D822=split items at grid DD8435237171B708=split items at last zero crossing CF40ED3C4B2383F9=adjust track recording settings 5DE3503C018BDEAA=set first selected track as last touched track 4E8C5F626A7FAF21=set track preserve pdc delayed monitoring 60EC714F7A5A72F8=unset track preserve pdc delayed monitoring A286B784882CD91F=toggle track preserve pdc delayed monitoring BAF8D0DEE7838B94=set selected track recording monitor 13758645F8390F19=set selected track recording mode A926F659C55F0E0A=add spectral edit AF4472A9D694E9EB=toggle item spectrogram EA1059BE693F94AC=set take F77D68C807967219=clear all record armed tracks CB7765D724550F86=render track stems F8CA7DC5439752DC=freeze tracks 3BC428CE8AE3D429=heal item splits 091804FB7F5EE476=imported tempo map BDB3C8427D349070=change send midi channels A44FFF554632A49F=change send source channel A47D698BE27571F0=change send destination channel EAF0530DA2B3EAB9=change send automation mode F6133E3A8DE2F385=change send phase inversion A9F1AD6DAB531DA0=change send mono mixdown 6D6DCD9709D762E6=change send mode 26346B2F4FC9BAC5=change audio hardware output send mode 9B42B91A717135F0=set track number of channels A598D3A1CCA19ACC=consolidated tracks A28954CBCAAA948B=consolidate [failed] E23D0AA149632809=adjust track volume (via surface) 06A136F0049EC90A=adjust track pan (via surface) 3EBE8B395BB49162=adjust track mute (via surface) 4BF2DF14DD80CE3C=adjust track solo (via surface) 9E35A6297468DE5D=adjust track fx (via surface) 3559CBCFA51A94EB=adjust track selection (via surface) A43E9B208D0737D9=adjust track width (via surface) CF149D180F7FB664=dynamic split F56D14307577E950=change track channels 7001516271EA6EA8=change item fx channels 297CF82D27C28B61=fx program envelope change 051D53D8F52FA1A1=close fx program envelope window F8CAF950F0A24B6D=arm/disarm all take envelopes 376A75E5B09A9E4C=arm/disarm all active envelopes in track BFB3B1BF9753138A=show/hide all take envelopes F67A629BB16EDB85=show/hide all active envelopes in track BD908452B07B1842=toggle fx parameter in track panel AD0889A7FC25B33D=take envelope active/visible/armed change D3EB34FEF1FFA033=track envelope active/visible/armed change 9432683DC8D0230B=: master 8075834815E20DF1=: item on track %d 6472BD96EEE34C3D=: track %d 3E13D3628A84384E=: item 83A8C17C8F0E5893=toggle envelope arm A2DC8A66359AFFB7=toggle envelope to separate lane 979025414304834B=toggle bypass active envelope 9D67D2BF7CD92ED5=trim envelope 07DBE50B46100530=switch track envelope 27904EDDB3F0E850=reverse envelope points AAEA0D2E5945B289=apply all vcas from selected tracks to grouped tracks and reset volume/pan/mute 12CF95478A8264AA=apply all vcas to selected tracks and remove from vca groups 5DBBDF140CD00100=swap track volume envelope and trim envelope 687DF4725380C8CA=apply track trim envelope to volume envelope, clear trim envelope AC3D944DC2AEB620=apply track volume envelope to trim envelope, clear volume envelope BE9C27315224A173=edit automation item parameters 2209EB9CFF6C40B6=edit automation item lfo parameters BA219CBBD3DCF8B0=edit automation item name 3A1633A218E43C12=remove automation item lfo E4BF9667B24A9890=set automation item lfo type C008A1BB0F3AA4EB=error adding track BB220A843964C446=insert virtual instrument on new track 60CD99CBE9EF62EC=error inserting virtual instrument on new track 45D6875508A1D715=build routing for multichannel effect 0AFDD2F1775165AE=fx offline toggle DF4C0200563A72C9=close fx config A289A1490833BF08=set track envelopes from midi learn 0F003E0132542F1A=renamed fx instance 47EF575E87B61755=fx bypass toggle 4BE55B47AB5D042E=adjust fx 0D8AED09084A85B6=edit fx comment 28F4DBD00AFF2645=load default fx chain 6EAD54FF39D9B1FB=add chain 3EDB3CBE21174330=build midi routing for effect 3148D9D806BE6E0F=remove fx 329241136053D1A0=close fx chain 524E96E1AA7F8E60=add fx A2A66BC768BD4D3C=move fx 88C3EA6A227D6CF4=set track layout 9B9686CAB52CE49E=remove track selection 43FF7B8018FA441E=set track color via manager F9DDCCCED0880FFB=set track panel visibility via manager FF9997A3955FCC15=set mixer panel visibility via manager 08CA253FC1FCAD13=set track fx bypass via manager 42968CA008A09C1E=set track record arm via manager BFE12ED4CECC7204=set track mute via manager 40A7496294A5422E=set track solo via manager 6A5D1586839F04D6=set track lock via manager 71F4BBB7D0D99B7B=set track height lock via manager 80F55F9FBEBEA877=set track fipm via manager 484375411AA4E7CA=set track freeze via manager 7C96F1D13FAC7FB0= via manager 341A30CD5538675B=import regions/markers 5799967BB1359CB1=delete regions 8A5D1778084F9C30=edit region/marker 3160FEE0C054EB0B=edit marker 5123B658F91F5DC3=edit track name 2467FA56019549E2=edit region number C7703CF6EFAC951C=edit marker number 38EACDA2721F5B03=edit marker/region name 8B5B2DD318073939=edit marker/region time BFAAD195869FB6D5=changed item properties F25C887749C017BE=rename source media 981F0679AC947478=change source media B5DECF50E9C934C1=save or rename take comp F499F95C2D5447DC=activate take comp B7620926D238343A=delete take comp AB2E12DDB812DDD6=crop to active take comp 908016548D5AA40D=select item group 64924840E4B0F8E8=delete item group 16628FB9A69D57A8=removed item groups 38C78E7542259D84=edit time signature marker 9DB9FC2834AF7560=save as with move/copy/trim options 6CB48B4E64A65FB7=change master track multichannel metering 8B4BD7B5C4D2A919=adjust track recording settings 229E96F6317530BB=enable group E0C77D9B0D828B5A=disable group B6103B60E45DA555=change track group membership 7A6BFD010D5ADB83=edit item notes 3D16E4E73F731111=edit crossfade C4DC2FB3138A73D8=load crossfade preset 2FA0942C6505BC80=set crossfade equal gain/power CE3D7747A2AEC8CD=set track solo CC4A99D4D24FE494=duplicate items 369398C7EFDE6AA6=nudge items 1564E1A3A0CE2FC0=change pan law C8AB0312AE1913D3=change track pan law 272C78B705A5D85A=change track pan mode 3460BF2A88B34FD3=recorded media D04B14DFCF8737D0=insert media as new takes BC3E46C8C4F6A25D=replace media CFF19645E4B36C1E=project bay: move/copy source media 6EC4E6F8D87572D5=rename media items 35869DE72E9B2989=replace media items 20BFFA4A14CA93AD=replace fx CDA349495B33F08E=project bay: drag and drop 60827F39B7104D29=project bay: find media 4D94E17E8AE8C614=project bay: rename 656C37C5E9C880A7=project bay: retain 26C1DB702B6009C8=project bay: unretain 400D6845FD155949=project bay: select group A53B14D69C8D14F6=project bay: activate comp 32BDDC79023C9A33=project bay: activate takes 62D719B8F2B65CDB=project bay: remove from project 97E82DD8C13160C9=remove item from group 8DDB3DED8B256B9D=remove take from comp 918C544BE0CB30F3=project bay: set comment 351EBA315F88B6C0=project bay: copy files CC7AB01B977F4690=project bay: move files 1C60EA5FED972144=remove fx from project 6CA10B368E81BCF0=remove items from project 9126237528FC4FCA=project bay: add files 304A5D86F1E79088=project bay: new folder 0C6AF1AEC27FD7E4=project bay: retain all 3289CF8433A960CE=project bay: remove A1FDB4C013D856EA=select media item 693D7F7C9E9DEB98=project bay: drop files 77A5BD0F2417695B=project bay: drop fx 2C96BA492FE56A5C=insert fx C9BE869686E7E422=insert media items BE1C167E67EC7356=adjust swing 4A55CC6D7BF8427E=change fx preset 9BCD3C99DC2C9218=edit fx parameter 6E464AF178155FBF=edit fx 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F8046863E4954A74=record disarm tracks A2188ED08F8849CF=record disarm track FC32BDC521D63BB8=move marker 6D6B018889549C81=adjust region edge FC6752B0192E1EA1=moved time signature marker E43A7BB8756F9A8B=adjusted region FD23F1B11CFB4EB6=copy region 9BE10618B8F964D6=reorder region 71013BAA5BA3CCD4=time selection change 1D563981539CD225=load selection set AF474CD8D0CD73AB=change track name BD519A79C5248E6A=add send volume envelope 4E154F1E53DB15E8=send volume automation 10F2D4A293E1EB2F=audio hardware output volume automation CA43ACEA551048CC=adjust send volume 6DE64A3F3C0C71CF=adjust audio hardware output volume 7FEA842A010672F1=add send pan envelope 3350D2B1239B50E1=send pan automation 407334E653445E90=audio hardware output pan automation EFB8E7F8BF624599=adjust send pan EC0AE72E28F11FAC=adjust audio hardware output pan C8BFF814FFBE5349=send mute automation BA0CF678ECF67A62=audio hardware output mute automation 32623D1EEC4B1A60=toggle send mute 5242E9D96668FB85=toggle audio hardware output mute 60B0F43FD54F9150=adjust send volume/pan FA915D833D7ED61E=reset send volume/pan D5E4D3DE666D8C46=mute tracks 7E5E28D724AEF4F4=solo tracks 3AE30D665D9B37D0=record monitor tracks B4BFDA20E9981233=record-arm tracks D1E77B3F85FB6E7E=add track send (disabling master/parent send) 266BADFC462BB5B1=add track send 3A04B8F7C9B7E7AC=adjust track mixer send/fx size C687626F7117945D=change track mixer order 69E28C572DEA7F27=move track midi hardware output 1986E132BF2F74F9=duplicate track midi hardware output 172B51A61050C6E8=move track hardware output A849808911A6BB86=duplicate track hardware output 8E1D31D569CD5E95=move track send 9E156D61DBB2028F=duplicate track send 0C5F536DA72ABBC6=remove track midi output FB8FEFF6831F33F8=show/hide track envelope 950D0020BE292DF6=alias fx parameter 5ACDC8D13C50E284=toggle all fx parameters in track panel 07F5CC6F2E499C72=remove hardware output 71450AC5DAF0303E=remove track send B0A6F7F8D9C415D4=disable track midi output 6EF03E5A33B0F458=set track midi output 6FCB1EA01B3A3873=change midi output channel target 09A78B505D84C733=change track master/parent send channel offset 2E12B4D1B3744958=change track master send 9A8A00315FEBCD7F=add sends to all tracks 16E5667224C38C97=add hardware output A3A930540F3417E1=add receives from all tracks 2A27C4BA01E5D81C=add track receive 97A90981E12A1B43=toggle fx parameter in track panels 87E7ECDAAFBAF325=show/hide envelope 757C16483028BE09=activate/bypass envelope 2D21D8A058A08B3A=arm/disarm envelope 5853F54A112F0BD4=remove fx midi link 46922F5666E10EC4=edit fx midi link D1A9F791BF6F55EF=add fx midi link 07A660F46127BC60=change track channel count 9380DC2BEE458DF5=select automation item 32BFB0B5F3E64EAA=add stretch marker at transient BF8B82539620A55A=change active take F126FB9A79AAB37A=copy media items 0C5C66955F19E1C3=adjust media item volume E3CC18C574A4A7DD=adjust media item take pan 9968ED15A5BF6CCC=adjust media item take pitch 0137D88176F2F4C3=resize media items D7BD7B04B798A65A=add media item via pencil C6F0DDF0315203E6=adjust media item free positioning 6A266CD26FBAB9D1=toggle item lock C445D6E4121D7CE6=remove take from midi source data pool 60765EA0C2276EC3=copy/move take envelope F18514C2CE924755=adjust stretch marker 7C48915E458E76E0=remove stretch marker 8F1D5937F4D960AF=edit stretch marker slope 7360DADC491021F8=adjust media item snap offset 412848809478854E=adjust spectral edit timing B61ACE1B5E560092=adjust spectral edit frequency C264478217270F07=adjust spectral edit position BCC35D57792B77F7=adjust spectral edit gain DB1BD24CBA416ED2=adjust spectral edit fade BCB25257791CF213=adjust spectral edit gate F8182967B6190795=adjust spectral edit compressor 84F81DCD6F3A7AFE=adjust media item fade shape 5E63C03C27162DD4=adjust media item fades 563F8269B486829B=draw envelope 8FA245B81EA08FF8=copy points in envelope B44158AE2EC5FAD2=add points to envelope 225AEC544EB542D1=change envelope point selection 3FE8AC10B364B1E1=edit envelope B167B4082FCBFED6=edit automation item edge 1C15F214AD5E4D29=edit automation item 340BB3CC99790823=delete media item fade 65E9192CADCFA48B=select items for crossfade editor 7597EB0CF2EA2AF3=remove spectral edit 86EDEE2661F86AC1=toggle spectral edit bypass 0863A8483C4692F6=toggle spectral edit solo 933E3D4032FCEAD8=change spectral edit channel BA27064513BDC68C=copy spectral edit to channel 4E8E34BF72D14D61=set take spectral processor fft size E6B338A0F899CFC6=convert envelope volume scale FAB671E710EBC778=set envelope point shape 9F180DCCD8B3FD9B=edit envelope point 9F7FB4C6868D8B46=show/hide envelope in lane 5D2CF665721A098D=item fade shape change EB52035877A0B0DD=create volume envelope F7A6846DD5FCB809=added volume envelope 198B0D2A6F068550=record volume envelope 94911BC294509BC4=adjust master volume 489A1F7D533E427F=adjust track volume B486E24C393CE9F8=create pan envelope 054CF16FBC7ED4E7=create pan(r) envelope 2C114FD2E6F4BB6D=create width envelope F0335DAA2C15915B=add pan envelope B9CF93DA8F0C6E3F=record pan envelope 7C1D81450C8BFBC1=adjust master pan BDFC182E4E01399C=adjust track pan D307B982FE61C926=add pan(r) envelope C94735E60BB8B926=add width envelope 4A7425EC70F4BE42=record pan(r) envelope 4635CACFA8B0B4CA=record width envelope BDA87BD238213BB6=adjust master pan(r) DFE70155329D1739=adjust track pan(r) F3020660120E299E=adjust master width 7D24876BF86DC8CF=adjust track width 7B73CEC4B593E6E9=toggle track record arming B3C1F338FE219E5A=mute track exclusively 841C6FC92CE3AABD=mute all other tracks 8AB0E995ADF6D8EE=unmute all tracks C567E0A46A51AE3C=solo track exclusively 8793AA2E9B3690C6=solo all others C9E204197B34FB48=unsolo all tracks 870B63888AF3AC41=toggle solo defeat 57EFBF5F5899179D=invert track phase (uninvert all others) 8EDEB46AA94F60B6=clear all track phase inverts 97C73B35EB80EB35=toggle track recording monitor 0169362E71FABAC9=toggle track show in mixer 569E9815AC4FF829=toggle track show in track list 525AB6F8362EA63D=change track recording parameters 126AED510632166A=change hardware output E897103931D7BA4D=change midi output FC597406443DD3E1=set track sends 12B8CF0099F9B5DD=move all active envelopes in track to/from lanes 4AAB23665B13062B=toggle master fx 711A0DFF17875CDE=toggle track fx 5A7DF7F7ED5ED240=change track order B5B10C345DC19E29=record envelope automation A3821BE23B457DA2=delete hardware send C2F3BD0289D46803=delete track send 86329E9A7C4A515E=unlock track controls 1CADE32FBA3CD627=reset envelope point bezier DBD20BCA7B9024A0=reset envelope point 66814E4EE377310D=reset item volume DD359FA23FDCB7ED=reset spectral edit gain 175F1B636FBCF97B=reset spectral edit fade in 649B40F6D64A6F48=reset spectral edit fade out F77B987B6AED077E=reset spectral edit high frequency fade FBDB02DA1C79388C=reset spectral edit low frequency fade E959E048B5419A48=reset spectral edit compressor threshold F8C8D27FE894F2D4=reset spectral edit compressor ratio A83C19BF283ABD3A=reset spectral edit gate threshold 1EAF997E80D1DF73=reset spectral edit gate floor 9202E2BD7E7A1FE0=reset crossfade to default BFB7EACA4F188583=marquee envelope point selection F63BC3A1331502EE=marquee item selection 8F21539CA7C413D6=update media via drag and drop DE09F749801FCF44=drag and drop track control panel image 6004321F70CE0B61=set project bpm 113D563D530CA3A1=set project playspeed 3897CD29A0E66CCA=record playrate envelope 7F299A2855F83535=playrate change 7EC4A12E24EAF462=record play rate envelope 82C9F0C0B3D0AE9E=add playrate envelope D7ABFBB323BDC8FD=video processor code edit C0CB49BAD7ED8544=change track color (via vst3) 2FFD57DC18149C73=change track selection (via vst3) 3D11C98DEB8525C2=change track mute (via vst3) FE4AF742FB913EDC=change take mute (via vst3) 21AC6326E1F148EC=change track solo (via vst3) 7957770CE16819D0=change track name (via vst3) 2528F7674D3EE726=change take name (via vst3) ;^F9AA9CDDCDB641C6=edit loop points ;^D2F88B0EF54D2211=remove track icon ;^475E591F3E135594=move tracks to new subproject ;^BF730BE07310272D=load automation item ;^0A6A186FCB4E720A=remove items from group ;^7E2DF1630E77106E=group items ;^5710F0FC06226D7D=remove contents of selection (moving later items) ;^48E3EE852F14F202=insert empty space in selection ;^5F08AD67C9135573=crop project to selection ;^6A8323D4A2DF56E0=explode multichannel media ;^D86C7175F627BC38=select all items ;^362F40DC93DD9F89=split items ;^4C2711165B524E16=unselect all tracks/items/envelope points ;^40B42F5B4E7F894C=clear envelope ;^02ED4538D2503B73=insert or extend midi items to fill time selection ;^9824DEB0C15FC0F5=duplicate active take ;^CAAB5CC146E0FC0B=crop to active take ;^6D2EC5D738690CA9=delete active take ;^F65CD38614815711=next take ;^5CCBCB0963EC10AD=previous take ;^689B1F98F86E6198=insert envelope point ;^081CECC31B65E0C4=set track automatic record-arm when selected ;^23CA90FBC72F010D=toggle show master track and tempo envelope ;^B932D1923DE5FA34=add envelope point ;^6AE6A7774B25EDEB=edit marker ;^41BED5570D76889B=remove marker ;^EE28FE89D1A7A151=edit region ;^591C4FE46C7B0E21=remove region ;^4A3C8E6E015918A1=unfreeze tracks ;^5440034E9A5FAF6B=clear transient guides ;^FA775AC5C0D28AA4=calculate transient guides ;^CD674FEA536FDABD=hide envelope ;^DD8A091DA2BE9107=move envelope to media lane ;^FA779BCA02DBA08E=reduce envelope points ;^17E7264672EB4EC9=fx comment for: ;^C319D1F3FBF68B94=copy fx ;^5FF66B2D1C5E4DA8=paste replace fx ;^45D48DA7AFD8FF18=paste fx ;^D65885774203EA34=remove time signature marker ;^1D883542B837B976=multiple changes ;^C92094118C504736=rename group ;^619D4CDD3C442997=toggle item mute ;^476CA46F5CC9791B=remove send ;^11769ACBDEF004CC=edit tempo/time signature marker ;^05F21CB15F5F944B=auto trim/split items ;^2A4F1727CEE47B6E=delete envelope point ;^0A406B52D72D3189=toggle track mute ;^114DD782C0C098CF=toggle track solo ;^D15DD369C1DD169E=remove all fx ;^D471352EB3F51E49=add fx chain ;^F96490112D1B162F=lock track controls ;^B3E3EB828D92742C=set time selection [undohist] CBCF7F7CDF60CF24=--- initial state --- 186240F98D2C1724=--- session loaded --- 310B8AA25BD2479D=undo history memory usage: 0D7F13166E00574B=undo: 39034C3D41E988FE=debuginfo B51AD66B3FC458F3=dock undo history in docker 6B562789A5A9817F=close window 7E1F5411EF26D208=load this undo state 1DF6962F67C68175=load this undo state with next alternate redo history 4236F16D2B61B116=load this undo state with alternate redo history F81179A820E1E6C9=load this undo state with previous alternate redo history C75973DC6D156F72=undo state information 9090BDDE2D146577=remove selected states from undo history (warning: cannot undo!) DC7A8341A09929BC=remove selected states alternate redo histories ;^0C364228BCD76FE0=(unknown action) ;^F1645A05AF505BE7=unknown ;^1D883542B837B976=multiple changes ;^7DA8EA3426CA11D3=description ;^B98A031D9BEEF64E=time ;^D9A8B3186C5CECF7=%c ;^E5566C4604653F75=undo history [undoinfo] D98DAA186C4615F4=-\n CC69B32A1B8AFBB1=: new %d byte chunk 56DD9F973601ED8A=: delete %d byte chunk 4CF21634ED8B9087=: %d -> %d bytes A2BE2B5333D165FC=: changed (%d bytes) 80DB692E5E4BDFD2=: unchanged but duplicate %d bytes 31C0B456FF7A955A=total size: %d bytes\n B1FB520935F127D7=project bay: %d -> %d entries\n 3FCF819BAEF0964C=project bay: changed\n D825AA2BC5185FBB=automation items: %d -> %d entries\n AA14D51EC7907848=automation items: changed\n C29CE5FE337FAD12=project config 5B7D8763B0FDBA2D=master config A659003C252EBE2B=master track envelopes 0715436BDC9171B9=master fx AE8883645F4614AC=master fx envelopes B936731FB4E3D7BF=new track %d %s\n 83AF710B20930032=track %d %s was track %d\n 06B69AC2DE1B8763=track %d config D9EFED519114E42B=track %d items 126512728424E95E=track %d freeze E10591E2B67BCCAE=track %d envelopes DB0E40D5C3361063=track %d input fx 14B6549EF47F5B27=track %d fx 708B5275FEC4CBB2=track %d fx envelopes 03F1742642965941=remove track %d\n [verchk] 3FC664440DDF032C=checking for new version... CCCA12A8F1D83FC2=new version found! 07455C085C551AA3=error checking for new version! 5271C3E418B67BAA=there was an error checking for the latest version\r\nis an internet connection present?! 84A33EAC14DA5CCD=reaper is up to date! BBBCEA2135CF6381=reaper is up to date - the current version is the latest. 47F87BFDD2525598=timed out looking for new version. ;^F09E4B5C35AA14B9=cancel ;^BAC64C1B2E060EE5=close [video] 194E5068694CECF5=using quicktime decoder (bridged) 94F74EC0A5D5F4B7=using directshow decoder CC832E7DAD6F870D=========== ffmpeg/libav ========== 7F682DCB619B14E3=ffmpeg/libav not found\r\n 0C18C48D200EE48C=using ffmpeg/libav dll decoder v%d.%d.%d 9949B7F19029C538=loaded from: %s DCD62C87319DB37F=ffmpeg/libav configuration: 376F7107B8688798=converted from pixfmt %d CF8223208FA8C4F2=converted from full-range yv12 344BD64B913E2F1F=invalid format specified CF3682A3976F7E6B=error loading ffmpeg/libav 760DF5DE59495466=error creating format container 668C5A4A5CB0CA19=error finding video encoder 95C04EA5CE409D44=error creating new stream 6CA91BEB1223D17F=error initializing video encoder, check parameters 953774A2816F6AF4=error finding audio encoder 6E41AB6692BECF14=error creating audio stream 3AC3F4277606702E=error initializing audio encoder 2D3F16FE9E406AF0=ffmpeg/libav dll decoder v%d.%d.%d 7A0FC040EB2027C1=error writing .gif file 1D00880522771C85=gif %dx%d 438001B73C39CB47=video (gif) E533517E40A9E24F=gif B9FE927E28381B28=lcf D125388D0EE850C4=image 4CBBD26011BA9F3C=error writing .lcf file C5E89D555E6388C2=lcf %dx%d %.2f fps 9E59637CB9818F62=video (lcf) DFA7D7C102936D13=%s - video processor E272BC36856482E4=invalid file A54690FDE9328A08=video: FBE6CA251A12814C=%dx%d@%.2ffps, aspect=%.2f, decoding format=%s 6072C327FB3BE9E0=audio: %dhz %dch %dbps 52C5300CA8459D60=vertical flip C40AE4B976A6517E=horizontal flip 239485152B66F91F=rotate 180 24E14F5971F937C9=rotate 90 cw A3E8A2FCAA56CDF6=rotate 90 ccw EB4077E33690D24D=preserve .gif transparency A44BDD7A5EEA710E=change all audio settings for all video sources 10C37E06D4D247A3=avi video files A7F12DBA570C593B=mpg video files CF5D1BBBDD67FBBB=wmv/wma video files 7D434F7214C06E67=mkv video files 4A85585A82C0D55E=lcf capture video files 1DEB42FBE8D82BE4=quicktime files EC7F5DB3B2441E95=webm files 867C82C516B75EF0=current video frame: %dx%d '%s' #%.0f 140954BEB703134E=available decoder information: A2A7AB384D9887E5=========== avfoundation ========== 2203316171ED7CA1=avfoundation decoder/encoder available F19BF99C7542291A=avfoundation decoder/encoder not available, requires macos 10.7+ 6237387F75967F9F=========== directshow ========== F2E491E4103AA80C=directshow available F26768BE33C92A74=no encoder A611431BEF0D5E67=video (ffmpeg/libav encoder) DD865616E4990B09=avfoundation api not available, requires macos 10.7+ 96BD360086879B0A=ffmpeg: can't find ffmpeg libraries 2FD4372E9330F928=ffmpeg: format not specified E104AD220F1408C9=mpeg-4/mov (macos 10.7+ avfoundation) 833F75A6D34BB398=========== vlc ========== 8AE097C18F409E80=vlc 2.0.x-2.2.x not found for correct architecture A6FADFE050AD9CCC=search path: D7EDBF968B8C0D20=vlc install path not found, install vlc 2.0.x-2.2.x ;^0C24CB76A6860C27=error creating output file ;^0121AF72166A79F7=kbps ;^4D0B7C1B0447364A=video processor ;^309B13D6E0AC1A0F=length: ;^879D887E0C22ABF6=rgb ;^12D4B3F4318065D2=yuy2 ;^B568BA4FF2C021AD=i420/yv12 ;^63ACD193C4316F68=normal [video2_DLG_102] ; IDD_MAIN ;^0BCDBB9F888031BA=video window [video2_DLG_104] ; IDD_ITEMINFO 0DF0C2C5F7C7F1D4=video file item properties 0045A1E2F96E5361=transform: 9CF3CFFC23D57FDB=ignore audio 0CAADE035D88AB4F=hi-res peaks 80A1C5D2531446DC=copy audio settings to all video sources ;^F09E4B5C35AA14B9=cancel ;^D840E3186B2B9581=ok [video2_DLG_155] ; IDD_FFMPEG_SINK_CFG 8409957BC906D0F6=format: 08328A07B4EB7353=> BB0D00EC94BF0CB6=video codec: AB8D126C50DAF4D1=audio codec: 06664C290CBC0FC4=framerate: ;^0121AF72166A79F7=kbps ;^464C095FE2D88604=size: ;^08325007B4EB10C5=x ;^035A657EE2D43886=fps [video2_DLG_156] ; IDD_GIF_SINK_CFG D2204C20B4E2FC1C=encode transparency (bad for normal video, good for some things possibly) C134703B1C276C93=ignore changes in low bits of color (0-7, 0 = full quality): ;^464C095FE2D88604=size: ;^08325007B4EB10C5=x ;^445049385C5D024A=max framerate: ;^035A657EE2D43886=fps ;^E8979E97B904E3D2=preserve aspect ratio (black bars if necessary) [video2_DLG_157] ; IDD_ITEMINFO2 FFB1583DDDC254A3=video processor code A4E2306C16A555CC=load preset... ;^BAC64C1B2E060EE5=close ;^CE00C3235E535EAA=save [video2_DLG_158] ; IDD_GENERIC_HELP ;^FA363E82A44BE9CC=help ;^D840E3186B2B9581=ok [video2_DLG_159] ; IDD_ITEMINFO2_CHILD ;^0922F78BE865FE0C=param ;^08329D07B4EB939C=+ [video2_DLG_160] ; IDD_LCF_SINK_CFG 331CBF14298D2428=lcf options tweak: ;^464C095FE2D88604=size: ;^08325007B4EB10C5=x ;^445049385C5D024A=max framerate: ;^035A657EE2D43886=fps ;^E8979E97B904E3D2=preserve aspect ratio (black bars if necessary) [video2_MENU_103] ; IDR_MENU1 96C3ABA0A74F1CC0=dock A9A749DD692B866B=preserve video aspect ratio B5E526F25B189750=resize video window to original video size 4A6FDF38F55E8554=video item properties... ;^5493EE7052DCF71B=options ;^99C2D7A58FC45822=full screen ;^82EE5475CB6FCE9F=close window [video2_MENU_104] ; IDR_MENU3 ;^33C1474459264CBC=presetbutton ;^37E1C985732EDDC1=save preset... ;^77D4606E1E255B38=save preset as default... ;^B814E3BFB72A607B=delete preset ;^888CF2A8F9990B9E=rename preset... ;^A35385C769502F3F=move up ;^E485FC63E796EFFA=move down ;^1E031E71B52167CD=import preset library (.rpl)... ;^B9ABDBF036490D44=export preset library (.rpl)... [video2_MENU_105] ; IDR_MENU2 2A7F8816DC5D8D92=320x240 (qvga) 3B53CF21DEFBE89E=640x480 (vga) A1D42CC9345564A9=800x600 (svga) FE67C8BA281439A8=1024x768 (xga) D75039D03D5DC6E6=1280x720 (hd) 234DB244C89F7BAE=1920x1080 (full hd) 2370306F283B7A66=keep source aspect ratio 7DDB469D754C873C=24fps F8853C9137A8D5F9=25fps 54073C2EBFD9DF87=29.97fps 56C160B20B2D48EB=30fps FDD673B12EE98AB4=get width/height/framerate from current video item B8F37664711499FA=get width/height/framerate from project ;^08329707B4EB896A=1 [video_menu] ;^0BCDBB9F888031BA=video window [video_processing] 798FEF0F530409BA=no params 87660D0A7857FB75=param %d DB9EF2872E47B399=loaded preset B84E8D60868D062E=delete preset \"%s\"? 366F89065DCFE700=error compiling code: 08EABAE745FE2924=unknown error, no code? 096A77B94AB3BCBF=save bad code? 604E97A0E0332146=code updated successfully 830D76EB44451B94=unsaved code, save before closing? ;^11B3B66593F236CF=confirm preset delete ;^7C0BD7F6D6C1126C=code error ;^4D0B7C1B0447364A=video processor ;^28450354F52CB7AE=reset ;^0EC28D42C155A657=---- user presets (.rpl) ---- ;^93244D3BB94E6F33=no preset [video_processing_help] E51CE4222AFE4D67=special variables: 0337D9A1916E200E=&project_time: project time in seconds 1D5AF502CBE1BA4A=&project_tempo: current tempo in bpm 3270368B846B5DC6=&project_ts_num: current time signature numerator 6848839643FE4482=&project_ts_denom: current time signature denominator 6E06AA24DC66A35D=&project_time_qn: current project position in qn E1A37D56A3D9918A=&time: item time in seconds (if in item) 4D5DAE58EA870FC1=&framerate: project fps (30.0, 29.97, etc) 06F76119FE70ADCB=&project_w: project preferred video width 898D9A2D326E8033=&project_h: project preferred video height E852BFFCE7BCDE7C=&project_wh_valid: set nonzero if project_w/project_h reflect actual project setting (otherwise could be media-defined) D1978859907FA6EA=&colorspace: current rendering colorspace, e.g. 'rgba', 'yv12', or 'yuy2'. you can override this with extreme caution. CB0DE9C8808F576B=¶m_wet: if in fx form, wet/dry mix of effect. 44E331BA868AF799=¶m1..param16: parameters, you can name these by adding lines: //@param [:varname] 'name' [defval minval maxval centval step]. 91F35DA3DAE4A7E8=&gfx_r: current drawing color (red 0..1) F6C3A165119329D7=&gfx_g: current drawing color (green 0..1) 1EF9118B2B4C94ED=&gfx_b: current drawing color (blue 0..1) 7AFC73457B72DDAF=&gfx_a: current drawing alpha (0..1) 9A31578BBBEA2B00=&gfx_mode: 0 = normal FF7D3125CB896F99= 1 = additive BBFADEEA70FEC1A5= 3 = multiply (very different in yuv vs rgba) 76353290FA68BB13= 17 = (dest + src*gfx_a)*.5 + .5 (only valid when using yuv colorspaces) 4454A6BBE8B07479= 18 = dest + (src-0.5)*gfx_a*2.0 (only valid when using yuv colorspaces) B09B1DC53CD349D2= 19 = absolute difference: abs(dest-src)*gfx_a (only valid when using yuv colorspaces) E96FF46AF8FEF5D7= add 0x100 for blit() to enable filtering (if possible) 9769DC6BEADD874C= add 0x10000 to use source alpha (only valid when using rgba colorspace) B20CC2B0D49E1B6D= add 0x40000 to use extra clamping in normal mode (for out of range alpha/gradient values) A0EE995781BE7694= add 0x80000 to treat gfx_r/gfx_g/gfx_b as yuv values (in yuv colorspaces) 50A40F04D456AE80=&gfx_dest: destination image handle, or -1 for main framebuffer 8BB49BF5595AD01A=functions: A82E99FEF1CB1D07=input_count() returns number of inputs available (total), range [0..n) 6AB57721B74A32A4=input_track_count() returns the number of available inputs on discrete tracks 4265602BCBA429A2=input_track(x) returns input for bottommost item or fx on discrete-track x (0 is first track with video item above current, etc) 6FAEE048379CF602=input_track_exact_count() returns the number of tracks above the current track that could possibly contain video items. 4A98602AB0C227A7=input_track_exact(x) returns input for bottommost item or fx on track relative to current track. returns -1000 if track does not contain any video items at the current time, or -10000 if no further tracks contain video. 3CEC2A3845D4B268=input_next_item(x) returns the next input after x which is on a different item or track 2D94A07B686D2CB0=input_next_track(x) returns the next input after x which is on a different track D42638ECF02960E8=input_ismaster() returns 1.0 if current fx is on master chain, 2.0 if on monitoring fx chain 7191876125BC532B=input_info(input, w, h[,srctime, wet, parm1, ...]) returns 1 if input is available, sets w/h to dimensions. if srctime specified, it will be set with the source-local time of the underlying media. if input is a video processor in effect form, automated parameters can be queried via wet/parm1/etc. 2988A0A1B40BD736=gfx_img_alloc([w,h,clear]) returns an image index for drawing (can create up to 32 images). contents of image undefined unless clear set. DC55E2859702DAED=gfx_img_resize(handle,w,h[,clear]) sets an image size (handle can be -1 for main framebuffer). contents of image undefined after resize, unless clear set. clear=-1 will only clear if resize occurred. D6A0BCBF61BA9FF3=gfx_img_hold(handle) (cheaply) retains a read-only copy of an image in handle. this copy should be released using gfx_img_free() when finished. up to 32 images can be held. 7A3CA3ABF1BBD066=gfx_img_getptr(handle) gets a unique identifier for an image, valid for while the image is retained. can be used (along with gfx_img_hold) to detect when frames change in a low frame rate video 84E1AAB9B8281528=gfx_img_free(handle) frees an earlier allocated image index. 916EC6E2BF5EB597=gfx_img_info(handle,w,h) gets dimensions of image, returns 1 if valid (resize if inexplicably invalidated) A3B2EEEE3BA2D5B4=gfx_set(r,g,b[,a=1,mode=0,dest]) - updates r/g/b/a/mode always, dest only if specified 17EC3BA02D7C4345=gfx_blit(input[,preserve_aspect=0,x,y,w,h,srcx,srcy,srcw,srch]) copies input to framebuffer. preserve_aspect=-1 for no fill in pad areas F71F63DFD9F25AD9=gfx_fillrect(x,y,w,h) fills a rectangle 4BBC7EEFA574842C=gfx_procrect(x,y,w,h,channel_tab) processes a rectangle with 768-entry channel table [256 items of 0..1 per channel] B502BE3BE964C1DF=gfx_gradrect(x,y,w,h, r,g,b,a CF73192DE5929328= [,drdx,dgdx,dbdx,dadx, E2180F2972FDB3D4= drdy,dgdy,dbdy,dady]); 77E7405493B30CDA=gfx_rotoblit(srcidx, angle [,x, y, w, h, srcx, srcy, w, h, cliptosrcrect = 0, centxoffs=0, centyoffs=0]) 8B5468B793761495=gfx_deltablit(srcidx, x,y,w,h srcx,srcy, dsdx, dtdx, dsdy, dtdy, dsdxdy, dtdxdy[, dadx, dady, dadxdy]) 5129C7F580F6C737=gfx_xformblit(srcidx, x,y,w,h, wdiv, hdiv, tab[, wantalpha=0]) - tab is wdiv*hdiv*2 table of src points. if wantalpha=1, tab is wdiv*hdiv*3 table of src points including alpha. 1B39344B6381477A=gfx_keyedblit(input[,x,y,w,h,srcx,srcy,kv1,kv2,kv3,kv4]) chroma-key blits, using the source color as key. kv1-kv4 meaning depends on colorspace: CDA668E164203267= yv12/yuy2: kv1 is u target (-0.5 default), kv2 is v target (-0.5 default), kv3 is closeness-factor (0.4 default), kv4 is the gain (2.0 default) 98CB89AA65E731F3= rgba: kv1 is green-factor (1.0 default), kv2 is blue-factor (-1.0 default), kv3 is offset (-1.0 default), kv4 enables spill removal (1.0 default) D0D5F2C8C849EB54=gfx_destkeyedblit(input[,x,y,w,h,srcx,srcy,kv1,kv2,kv3,kv4]) chroma-key blits, using destination color as key. ignores gfx_a and gfx_mode. 7211013882D75680=gfx_setfont(pxsize[,#fontname, flags) - sets a font, flags can be 'b' for bold, 'i' for italics, 'bi' for bold italics, etc E08E3CDAFC30A9D9=gfx_str_measure(#string[,w,h]) - measures the size of #string, returns width 1ADFC5D3F7EAA052=gfx_str_draw(#string[,x,y,fxc_r,fxc_g,fxc_b]) - draw string 1F988EE5EE1060F2= rgb2yuv(r,g,b) -- utility, converts r,g,b to yuv, does not clamp [0..1] DA79705D39F43607= yuv2rgb(r,g,b) -- utility, converts yuv to r,g,b, not clamping [0..1] 0A0692473F08A26B=video processor reference ;^AF63BD4C8601B7DF= ;^0832A807B4EBA64D= [video_processing_preset] 8C512611A16A0FD7=track opacity/zoom/pan BD0A4374C37264AB=item fades affect video A6E48D2034EC9148=de-interlace 56520226DC3142E2=2x2 input matrix 585C371F610EF74E=horizontal wipe 3681BD9DF21687A4=faded top 748BC30B7212A1A0=matrix crossfade C02E539825E05B27=crossfade through inputs B717439256E5EFD8=matrix of recent frames E09E6FA3CAF5821D=stage lighting D6DC6A7D9E0CFC6A=title text overlay 7A4144D06D0B632C=show motion (subtract last frame) B3C8FFE685E6BE97=pixelate 33D940B11E102D3E=simple source chroma-key 4DBDD9F93DB9FD39=vignette 59C8B8B393294374=image overlay C3DFE3359B949172=yuv multiplier/desaturation 89E184CF840F7BB4=cheap brightness/contrast DBF4180B3F8A6086=equirectangular 360 panner 224358625572EFB9=invert colors DF876C8083AF0312=blitter feedback [vkb] ;^3D9702905AC5B44C=virtual midi keyboard ;^D3B242D430A5DB6C=virtual midi keyboard [vkb_notes] ;^D86980186B4DF25C=c ;^D8659C186B4A3919=db ;^D865DA186B4AA273=d ;^D862B2186B4828A4=eb ;^D86274186B47BF4A=e ;^D85F0E186B44DC21=f ;^D85F0B186B44D708=f# ;^D85BE8186B4265B8=g ;^D85BEB186B426AD1=g# ;^D8700C186B534BEE=a ;^D86CA4186B50655F=bb ;^D86CE6186B50D585=b [vol] 2613F178531F4FCD=-inf [vorbis] 8E6A9BBFC8BD1500=ogg vorbis %dhz %dch, cbr %dkbps 7E3065EEF449F380=ogg vorbis %dhz %dch, abr %dkbps, %dkbps min, %dkbps max 6B731A1CBFBF8598=ogg vorbis %dhz %dch, qval=%.2f 8164CF44BF123039=ogg vorbis F27A98061FFD0EEC=%dkbps ogg vorbis 5A219B63BFC87923=%.2fq ogg vorbis B6C90D0086A9F4C7=error parsing ogg vorbis 5E7DD8ED17A2BB4D=error parsing ogg vorbis: streams with heterogeneous samplesrates 4CFC7E3522BA35D2=ogg vorbis files ;^D9220AE04A08F86B=error opening file [vst] 3B0F03168DFDAFF8=rename preset BE281CD925A3942A=save preset as default 2B74B8A9175B98AD=save preset 3B81164C60603F70=receive from track channel 392427982DB47FCA=send to track channel EC2EF43B4E7DA6C1=plug-in '%.50s' executed invalid operation during scanning\r\n\r\nnote: if reaper crashes as a result of this, simply run it again and it will continue on the next plug-in. 6C0F2D08F367FA34=vst scanning error + note 74AEA8F16BAF8A04=---- vst3 presets (.vstpreset) ---- B722995F85F3376D=---- vst built-in programs ---- 6B56C6139B732C73=vst in C5E242511A8A4300=vst out 5B27A038FE4325C0=import vst3 preset (.vstpreset)... 7B74D8A41AC7D86B=export vst3 preset (.vstpreset)... 3BE46CF36C61BD62=remove and re-add (or offline and online) plug-in for change to take effect DA3DBCCC70652D38=vst: effsetspeakerarrangement setting tweak 01B1076197E2BA0C=choose file to save: C66A8F1963877E42=error saving preset 26A7AE06B9E2EE2F=choose file to open: FE8AA3D7A3140566=error loading preset 0F32DCD866AA7E59=error loading \"%s\" 794C87EE166C04E6=no effect loaded DBE45BBBD55C11FF=error reading file FFDA8D2EB6587312=invalid header on file EC0135D9856B7452=this file is not for this effect 71E228C2CE8CCCE4=this file is for a newer version of this effect EAEFB8DBF28EBE6C=error reading opaque data from file ACB0CC2E4EACFC5D=version is not 1 49980697993CD15C=bad opaque data size 509155859F980F2E=error reading file in non-opaque bank chunk D0BC462C6210A2AB=error reading non-opaque bank chunk 84233A7974E4DB54=error reading parameters in non-opaque bank chunk 6B1CFE2F7EA8176C=unsupported vst version number BCD8B20CBE7A7F2E=invalid magic in file E5E6F8835DA00CBF=vst i/o routing 10A39DA0E45862D7=audio input 52D7C3F1DF3EBDD0=vst input 60088D80879236E8=audio output 3A4C5A5282D7AB91=vst output CBA27F2F49239756=midi input 2C2E5F2E2190D83A=midi input disabled 2C424C729BDD4AEF=map reaper midi buses to vst3 midi buses E452366563534CF5=replaces midi bus (default) E368C45C23EA5359=merges with midi bus B3C0B2CC67FFB489=midi output disabled CE4EC01DE3B9A009=map vst3 midi buses to reaper midi buses C2B83537EC84E510=request vst3 bus channel count A78D101AB08AD847=%d channels per bus 9EBFD060344BDA40=mono 0A4282E7305A4B8B=stereo 4F56C7D4D86705D7=(auto: stereo compatibility setting) D05CFF2934512FB2=(auto: track channel count) 5BF98288EE0B3894=pdc (%d spls) 5D54D67517D14431=disable 5FAE6E9B94004D9F=adjust automation 63B5CBE603C1D01E=could not write .vstpreset file. 819D6A496413B00E=failed to save vst state. 86E0615844D41269=could not open .vstpreset file 4856A6AE5163964C=could not read .vstpreset file header. CD95088512186C31=unsupported .vstpreset file version %d. 84D712046554BF1E=.vstpreset file does not appear to be for this plugin. 322C9A2E9054F3A5=error reading .vstpreset file. 587344A006A48292=unable to parse .vstpreset file data. 0AEA2AC51F5B1663=failed to set vst state from .vstpreset. ;^C3EB4B7A6BCD5F3C=new name: ;^895BB684C276CD93=preset name: ;^D8C1A6186B98A8C4=in ;^B7290B7EB82C4051=out ;^274E7C84B3E58DB8=reset to factory default ;^0EC28D42C155A657=---- user presets (.rpl) ---- ;^93244D3BB94E6F33=no preset ;^A323B989757B042A=import vst patch/bank file (.fxp/.fxb)... ;^4D7E1F0F4DFA5B57=export vst patch/bank file (.fxp/.fxb)... ;^17B3AE10A9CC3695=plug-in state data size: ;^B814E3BFB72A607B=delete preset ;^11B3B66593F236CF=confirm preset delete ;^0C24CB76A6860C27=error creating output file ;^FEAA833C7533B5D0=file not found ;^C5531D0DEE1F0D0D=input ;^2555373B75AA89B2=output ;^0A98866C997B323D=midi bus %d ;^24962B4247630C73=midi output [warn] 3622F945A786CCFF=note: to disable this warning or change the warning threshold, go to preferences/general. 5AB5CB0EC24B9CDE=warning: reaper is configured to warn you when memory use is %umb or greater, and memory use is currently %umb. CDBFADD3715582AE=hit ok to continue loading project, or cancel to abort load! D35A57519CE006D7=memory usage warning C1BEEA2CC2E586DB=you may wish to save your project and reduce your memory use (by offlining fx, freezing tracks, etc) before continuing. [wavcfg] 30848BD5658743CB=aiff bit depth: BED4A48A9D54BDA2=8 bit pcm 3313A62B19C139CB=16 bit pcm 11DA9D584E9FE7F6=24 bit pcm 094EAE71E8E14A09=32 bit pcm 384FED53B53C11EC=do not include markers or regions 717842CC9C6CA8A2=markers + regions 767BABB50008EDD7=markers + regions starting with # 7348C6F105DAC828=markers only 6F840F603CD9E37F=markers starting with # only 60AB4719A71629BE=regions only 6E66E1A2D4E711DD=regions starting with # only A68B96FBF82D2C40=64 bit fp 88125A8741124584=4 bit ima adpcm BD43508354061980=2 bit cadpcm 2D3E5F019F4CF99C=auto wav/wave64 45D9B980BDB07BC1=auto wav/rf64 4521186A89F0FAF8=force wav 6D6E85BE4568A875=force wave64 4131122163A560EC=force rf64 ;^EEC6BB6E4FD26C7D=32 bit fp [wave] 3CE9A734B44D17C3=error parsing file 968EEBDF7F90BA4E=error reading w64 chunk header 0E784C0861931BD1=invalid w64 chunk length (<24) E313EB7E56CBEDA4=error reading w64 bext chunk 49A9A1EAF6EF78DF=error reading w64 fact chunk DC7E1107022BABD6=error reading w64 fmt chunk F79D725DCD1D79E4=w64 ex-type is not pcm or floating point pcm 1C3F96F53446B010=w64 type is not pcm or floating point pcm DA7E17CC51C0968F=w64 fmt nch is not >= 1 channels F1F1C27F2500E4BA=w64 fmt type is floating point pcm but not 32/64 bit D2BFA342F28B7D30=w64 fmt type is pcm but not 8/16/20/24/32 bit 2987384AC4E8C881=w64 is msadpcm, but invalid parameters D94FDF29BF833CA0=w64 is ima adpcm, but invalid parameters 2CAEAE38E4D803B6=w64 is cadpcm, but invalid parameters 6225F7AC29A4B6CB=error reading aiff chunk header E1713959A5C6C38C=error reading aiff comm chunk 811CA9545833F0C2=aiff is not 8/16/20/24/32/64 bit BD808EC26C501FBF=aiff is not >= 1ch C006FF1E57D191A6=aifc has invalid compressed data type 808043BC24769C06=error reading aiff ssnd header 0378C899A572C859=error reading wav chunk header D08255B00457859E=rf64 ds64 chunk is too small 94C2B7954A48AF43=error reading rf64 ds64 chunk DD8F88E9BF007BE3=rf64 requires ds64 chunk 1E99B24D91ACF613=error reading wav fmt chunk A890C1B945532BCF=wav ex-type is not pcm or floating point pcm 4D40F778CF943B45=wav type is not pcm or floating point pcm 08FF0718C8D2C849=wav is not >= 1ch 8AD70C5E629183A8=wav is floating point pcm, but not 32/64 bit 8D0E752EFAFD79FE=wav is pcm, but not 8/16/20/24/32 bit 72D14F95752DDCF6=wav is msadpcm, but invalid parameters 2508C719EC2FE30F=wav is ima adpcm, but invalid parameters CD0B60BDF34C1E87=wav is cadpcm, but invalid parameters 2616F823FDFFF608=error reading wav fact chunk DDD5B1BBE71ADDA7=error reading wav acid chunk B63351815735F84B=error reading wav bext chunk D31AE23EAA68C24C=unknown file header 0D2EC08C6EDCDEBD=couldn't find format chunk in file 72C8427D7190CFC6=couldn't find data chunk in file F3C9CEA6622D4D95=invalid data in file E9B5EB7ED466A310=int D8CEC2215E3FE160=wav files E2E2BED8A694857A=aiff files ;^439CE51FC4707DDD=length: [wave_DLG_120] ; IDD_WAVEITEMINFO BE2D2EBADEFC5E97=.aiff file info 84FE7E4DC0E70EAD=.wav (wave64) file info 642DBB39297753A6=.wav (rf64) file info 2104C596C095D8FD=.wav file info C1EDA4D8FC3F2A5E=sample rate: %d 8A7E31A3605790F8=bits/sample: %d (%s) 62E08C7DB22CF80B=float 0CD23B9DE3CE903E=msadpcm B05CB2E3B9E9672F=ima adpcm FA8A7C9C04B68927=cadpcm CE74F19535C05BF6=total samples: E45F0509A90F69DE=blockalign: %d 1179D9658D57EB9C=datablock start: %u E774FEBEE084C388=riff list info: B5DEE72C21D817E7=acid chunk: 17870356F693428D=bpm: %.2f 7D3613103EDAA230=beats: %d (%.2f bpm) 24A0017665F70764=transpose, root: %s 5F975FD488DABCA3=first downbeat at sample: %d EF02FA085AD3EE79=.wav/.aif file properties ;^71831478CADD789A=file offline ;^CD2E4AA3231DEC4D=file not opened ;^D730907ADC00D444=unknown error/status ;^1091E0FE22106AFC=channels: %d ;^1423A19AE6EB974B=bwf chunk: ;^5017DF9DE95C6EEB=description: ;^DB02529B96E86431=originator: ;^4D523EF65716D7F6=originator reference: ;^C97D468A7054B193=date: ;^3479BF4FF70CC71C=time: ;^A24AA748B77E55CA=start offset: ;^3BF92ABFA8425D90=filename: ;^C01085DD37178417=file info: ;^BAC64C1B2E060EE5=close [wave_notes] ;^D86980186B4DF25C=c ;^D8659C186B4A3919=db ;^D865DA186B4AA273=d ;^D862B2186B4828A4=eb ;^D86274186B47BF4A=e ;^D85F0E186B44DC21=f ;^D85F0B186B44D708=f# ;^D85BE8186B4265B8=g ;^D85BEB186B426AD1=g# ;^D8700C186B534BEE=a ;^D86CA4186B50655F=bb ;^D86CE6186B50D585=b [wavpack] 3B00640A5CD4EBA3=bad filename 2720D47F4C902D25=error parsing wv structure 78BAED85F788CCC9=wavpack files 31A9C850EDD24AFD=wavpack %dhz %dch D755D0C7D79C93E5=wavpack lossless compressor 5348443D4679AAC6=%dbit wavpack ;^D9220AE04A08F86B=error opening file [wavpack_DLG_101] ; IDD_WPSINK_CFG 7CE2151BFD0B9EAF=very high (slowest) D65B9CE947B6CC73=32 bit integer 967868F96BA72901=32 bit fp -144db floor 27F92EEB2C04B96F=32 bit fp -120db floor F4B9FF64430F4F15=32 bit fp -96db floor 46AB10A674B92484=write bwf chunk 91CF5EEFD47F812D=write markers as cues 688A912F914695A0=only write markers starting with # ;^63ACD193C4316F68=normal ;^DE99D08FB71B46E9=fast ;^62D61C82DFC06ED3=high ;^042F4DCA75E1BE47=16 bit ;^CC85D146650F3E66=24 bit ;^EEC6BB6E4FD26C7D=32 bit fp ;^080C24098D9DA498=23/24 bit ;^697FD952AC16BE0D=22/24 bit ;^5BE38557536BCB1E=21/24 bit ;^9BB61F50BD162F5B=20/24 bit ;^69D538E55E513B5F=19/24 bit ;^C633BF1A291433D2=18/24 bit ;^B91CE6D46C187F45=17/24 bit ;^46B10D8B633443CD=include project filename in bwf data ;^FA904550054D55C7=bit depth: ;^46F1486DB9B6A7A6=mode: [wavpack_DLG_120] ; IDD_WPITEMINFO 873BCEA2BFE053BD=hybrid 8606395D76B25409=lossless F6984A9C39CB985B=lossy 0926D19BB88A07C9=fast E3E81D89F93084B3=high F1F114CDF572AC29=very high EEB57C3B4D547843=extra 92EE617EA3341EDA=sfx 0E8644ABCA770365=bitrate: %d kbps 5EDF895B47B7FEB2=encoder version: %d 3FD8FEFA455017CD=format: %dbit %s %dhz 229E97096D9B7754=(float) 87B3213A8CE74705=(int) 64899EFD88D56ED2=mode: %s 9B0D4BCFFBD63923=error querying info F4E03D9D6742AB37=.wv (wavpack) file properties ;^71831478CADD789A=file offline ;^CD2E4AA3231DEC4D=file not opened ;^D730907ADC00D444=unknown error/status ;^09A3E92731A691E1=length: %s ;^1091E0FE22106AFC=channels: %d ;^1423A19AE6EB974B=bwf chunk: ;^5017DF9DE95C6EEB=description: ;^DB02529B96E86431=originator: ;^4D523EF65716D7F6=originator reference: ;^C97D468A7054B193=date: ;^3479BF4FF70CC71C=time: ;^A24AA748B77E55CA=start offset: ;^BAC64C1B2E060EE5=close ;^3BF92ABFA8425D90=filename: ;^C01085DD37178417=file info: